RE: Ad Astra article

2014-04-01 Thread Ellen S .

 Working on a similar article for much higher circulation outlet.


Alright, now I'm feeling pretty hopeful about what power satellites
can do for us. Thanks for sharing!

I'm less optimistic about the chance of convincing politicians 
in the West to support something like this. Fossil fuel companies 
would porbably oppose such a plan vociferously. The best chance 
might be to persuade government people in a developing country 
that has more to lose from climate change.

That's not to say it couldn't be done... look at the Chinese
government, investing far more in wind power than the United 
States in spite of their dependence on coal.

I wonder how much support could be gained from companies that
foresee a future in space tourism or asteroid mining?

Does the National Space Society have any plans to try to pitch
this to anybody?


Gravitational Waves

2014-03-31 Thread Ellen S .
A team with a telescope (BICEP2) at the South Pole 
announced March 17 that they have detected the 
imprint of primordial gravitational waves on the 
cosmic microwave background radiation.

If this finding is confirmed it will have huge 
implications. According to (my reading of) the 
summaries put up by Nature, this would:

1. Come close to confirming inflation theory, and 
give evidence for a multiverse.

2. Come close to disproving the cyclical (oscillating 
universe) and ekpyrotic (colliding branes) theories.

3. Demonstrate that gravity is a quantized phenomenon 
and potentially provide insight into quantum gravity.

4. Tell cosmologists when inflation started, when it 
ended, how long it took, how fast the universe 
inflated, how the rate of inflation varied over time, 
and at what energy level it happened.

5. Start pruning models from the inflation theory hedge,
and possibly from string theory and axion theory.

First Higgs bosons, and now gravitational waves. I'm 

Now we just need to turn this new data into a way to 
travel faster than light ;)

~ E.S.

RE: Introducing Myself

2014-03-06 Thread Ellen S .

 William Taylor wrote:

 The 4th dimension is going to close down as the galaxy that Jijo is in
 breaks away from the other four galaxies.

 It also mean that all the magic will go out from Jijo. Everything
 that can't be explained by XX-cent technology will cease to work.

 No more psychic powers either.

 Some of the lifeforms will go extinct. Some sentient beings that rely
 on magic will go crazy.

I didn't remember that! Is it explained why in Heaven's Reach?
It sounds like a really strange result of the hyperspace levels
temporarily breaking down. Other than FTL travel, what relies on


RE: Introducing Myself

2014-03-06 Thread Ellen S .
And then Temptation introduced a bunch more cliffhangers
to the situation on Jijo, via the Buyur.

I think the Buyur will prevent the Jophur from winning, but
I doubt they have any incentive to prevent the destruction
of any part of the Commons civilization.


RE: Introducing Myself

2014-03-05 Thread Ellen S .
AT LAST my messages from like 6 months ago when I joined the 
mailing list have materialized. Though I do wonder what took 
so long. I see references to messages that I know I have not 
gotten, so I think there's also something preventing my 
address from receiving some messages from this list. Who is
the list manager?

 Hello. There are plenty of real names and plenty of ‘nyms
 here, so don’t be shy either way. “ES” or “zoon33” both
 seem reasonable enough - as long as you’re consistent or
 let the rest of us know your wishes who are we to argue?

I hope my real name isn't showing! I cannot find any controls 
to make the email service stop doing that.

I will go with E.S. for now.

 It’s been quiet recently but every now and again this place
 sputters into life… I doubt it’ll ever reach the volumes of
 The Old Days again (unless DB WRITES MORE UPLIFT BOOKS…) but
 there’s always room for discussion. 

Wouldn't that be nice! Heaven's Reach ended on gigantic 
cliffhangers, such as WILL HUMANITY GO EXTICT!? :p

 At one point, there was Between a Grok and a Hard Pace on the net.
 My fanfic set 100 years before Brightness Reef. A Qheuen challenges
 a G'Kek to a downhill race--and wins. Then for the sake of continued
 peace, it's all hushed up.

 Only worth being a fanfic when written.


I think I read that once... the qheuen attached itself to a section
of boo and used it as a giant wheel, right?


What are peeps reading lately?

2014-03-05 Thread Ellen S .
Late last year when I wasn't feeling well and needed some lighter
reading than The Lord of the Rings, I started the Dragonriders of
Pern series.

Now that I'm feeling better somehow I got sidetracked into very
complicated math and trying to make the GURPS solar system
simulator and GURPS Uplift alien generator even more complicated...

by the way anyone know of a good source of free/public phase diagrams
for compounds such as methane, ethane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, etc.?
As in, a book that might be found at a library?


 Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2014 15:37:57 -0500 
 Subject: Re: 
 I just picked up KSR's 2312 and Jack Campbell's The Lost Stars:  
 Tarnished Knights (sequel series to the Lost Fleet series). Haven't  
 started reading them. I was re-reading Sword of Shanarra as MTV is  
 threatening a new series al a Game of Thrones. It's turning into a slog  
 (seemed much better when I was a kid!) 

RE: Uplift questions

2014-03-05 Thread Ellen S .
 Spoiler warning to anyone who hasn't read Heaven's 

 And that's Alvin, Mudfoot, and Huck on Harathrurptra. 
   (Correct spelling anyone?) 
 Mudfoot can become VERY important if Harathrumta (Sp?) 
 has Rousit.

In what way? By influencing Rousit in some way to be 
friendly to Clan Tymbrimi than their patrons are?
I wouldn't hire Tytlal for my PR campaign, that's for 

 Does anybody remember the Rousit?

 Contacting Aliens didn't.

 (The above is subject, of course, to Dr. Brin actually 
 making the Rousit clients of the Hoon. It wasn't that 
 clear in Heaven's Reach.)

Buh wait, that isn't canon? I assumed they were confirmed
Hoon clients.

 2. Did we ever find out why Gillian wanted a herd of 
 They speak to hydrogen breathers, IIRC. 

Reading Contacting Aliens cleared that one up for me.
Though I don't recall any glavers sitting in on her
interview with the Transcendent being... then again
maybe a few were sitting in a corner wordlessly chewing 
their cud or whatever glavers do.

 would also have made it possible for Dwer to take a 
 few back to Jijo, but I doubt David Brin would make 
 things so narratively easy for Jijo.)

Oops, that comment of mine was about red rings, not
glavers. But seriously, you'd think Lark would remember
Asx's request to take the original red ring to the
Sages, and try to get somebody to take some.

 And Alvin could use the bio-life preservers in 
 his sailing business. 

Ahah yeah! Hoon can't swim so they might find those
traeki scuba-gear rings handy. But then traeki were
basically written as biological Swiss-army-knives for
nearly every need... to the extent of producing
the enzymes that make it possible for humans and
maybe others to exist on Jijo without dying of
malnutrition. It makes me wonder how the Path of
Redemption folks plan on replacing that function once
traeki are mindless dirt-eaters.


RE: Stephen Hawking: There are no black holes

2014-03-02 Thread Ellen S .
So if this is correct, what is the difference between a black hole and a naked 

The article describes an event horizon shrinking or growing in relation to a 
black hole's apparent horizon, but isn't Hawking saying that the apparent 
horizon is real and the event horizon just doesn't exist? In which case how can 
a black hole have both?


 Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 21:28:28 -0600
 Subject: Stephen Hawking: There are no black holes
 Notion of an 'event horizon', from which nothing can escape, is 
 incompatible with quantum theory, physicist claims.

RE: For David Brin and the rest of you

2014-03-02 Thread Ellen S .
Solar and wind energy on Earth certainly are economically viable, far more than 
the costs and damages we'll have to pay for massive climate change. Fossil 
fuels are cheap right now only because the costs (military action, increased 
pollution and disease and medical costs, climate change, wildfires, crop 
losses) are paid for through circuitous routes, or are not being paid yet 
(read: borrowed/stolen from future generations), or the costs and damages are 
forced onto disenfranchised people in poor countries who have no recourse to 
the people making these decisions. We literally can't afford to keep paying for 
that crap.

Solar energy beamed down from outer space? I don't know anything about that.


 Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2013 17:40:15 -0300
 Subject: Re: For David Brin and the rest of you

 Even if these things were economically viable (which they probably
 ain't), ambientally it would be a disaster. I can't image the Earth
 getting such extra amount of radiant energy and not turning it (she?
 Gaia?) into a hell much worse than the most pessimistic images of the
 most radical ecogroups.

 Alberto Monteiro (oil company guy)
