At 09:21 PM 6/6/03 -0600, Michael Harney wrote:

Hell, one of my dogs is allergic to poultry.  If I feed her even just a bit
of turkey, eggs, or chicken her ears turn red and she starts scratching
herself and biting herself all over.

One of my cats (the 18-lb one) is apparently allergic to milk. If he gets hold of a little bit of milk -- and of course he craves the taste so much he'll do anything to get a taste of it -- about ten minutes later he gets this funny look on his face, then starts running through the house, stopping every few feet to barf a load before running to the next room and depositing another load of barf . . .

He has no trouble after drinking that boxed milk stuff (I forget the brand name) they sell in the pet food department. On the label, it says that stuff is lactose-free, so I'm assuming D.J. is lactose-intolerant, which apparently is not all that uncommon in cats.

--Ronn! :) , D.J.  =^.^= , and Midnight =^.^= ,
             Spot (1992-96), and Andy (1989-99)


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