Re: Two possible bugs bugging me

2022-08-01 Thread David Kastrup
John Ramsey  writes:

> Thank you for this. It didn't occur to me there would be a new reference
> manual for each new edition. Nor did it occur to me that there would be
> such a thing as odd-numbered editions for developers. I am a musician, a
> composer, one who has gotten quite a bit of really good use from
> Lilipond. It fits my particular needs for vocal music much better than the
> drag and drop programs. But I'm not a developer, and it's difficult for me
> to parse a lot of the tech jargon. In fact, I'm leaving this group. It's
> obviously not for me.

Well, this is the bug reporting list.  It's sort of like entering a car
servicing station when you are having a problem.  Definitely the right
place for actual problems, but not all the conversations triggered by
your problem will be meaningful to you.

Apart from this crossover list bug-lilypon, there is lilypond-user where
people can talk about their cars (and probably get told when some
problem they are experiencing is actually worth consulting mechanics
for) and lilypond-devel where the mechanics hang out among themselves
and are planning the next car generation.

> I appreciate the help. I've compiled my own little personal manual
> that works for a non-techy like myself, and this new piece of code
> will be a useful addition to it.

lilypond-user may be a better place to frequent.  Make no mistake:
there'll be mechanics there too (and might get carried away sometimes),
but the general level of discourse should be at a user-accessible level.
And if it isn't, asking questions is not supposed to be frowned upon.

You can check out the archives to see whether you think frequenting it
might be something that might benefit you and/or others.

David Kastrup

bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Two possible bugs bugging me

2022-08-01 Thread John Ramsey
Thank you for this. It didn't occur to me there would be a new reference
manual for each new edition. Nor did it occur to me that there would be
such a thing as odd-numbered editions for developers. I am a musician, a
composer, one who has gotten quite a bit of really good use from
Lilipond. It fits my particular needs for vocal music much better than the
drag and drop programs. But I'm not a developer, and it's difficult for me
to parse a lot of the tech jargon. In fact, I'm leaving this group. It's
obviously not for me. I appreciate the help. I've compiled my own little
personal manual that works for a non-techy like myself, and this new piece
of code will be a useful addition to it.

Thanks again,

John Bari

On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 2:50 PM William Rehwinkel <> wrote:

> Hey Bari,
> For the first point...From looking at this page:
> ,
> the syntax for entering notes in markups is `\note {4} #1`. Does your
> syntax work in a previous version? If you are dealing with an older
> file, maybe running convert-ly will help alleviate this.
> best,
> -William
> On 7/26/22 14:32, John Ramsey wrote:
> > 1. I notice that the commands for showing musical notes within markups, {
> > \note #"8" #UP } and { \note #"2. " #DOWN } for instance, are not working
> > in version 22. Has this been changed to something else, or is it a bug?
> > It's still shown this way in the manual.
> >
> > 2. I do some of my rough drafts in MSWord and transfer the notations to
> > LilyPad. BUT as of version 22, I have a problem with quotation marks and
> > apostrophes. MSWord uses curly quote marks and curly apostrophes as a
> > default, which I would hate to change. And LilyPad is now only
> recognizing
> > straight ones. Curly commas are OK, but I have to manually change the
> > quotes and apostrophes after transferring the text to the .ly document,
> in
> > order to prevent strings of weird code. I always miss a couple, which
> > drives me nuts. (I'm halfway there as it is.) Can this be put back the
> way
> > it was?
> >
> > Respectfully submitted,
> > Bari Ramsey
> > ___
> > bug-lilypond mailing list
> >
> >
> --
> William Rehwinkel
bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Two possible bugs bugging me

2022-07-30 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2022-07-30 12:52 am, samarutuk via bug-lilypond wrote:

I have to correct myself. "Find and Replace" works for some LilyPond
files, which is absolutely strange, and it shows the same behavior
under Frescobaldi (3.1.3) for macOS as it does under Windows 10
I will attach an example file. If you want to replace there e.g.
"\breathe", it is marked wrong and the expression is not replaced via
the "Replace" button. The "\mm" above can be replaced, which makes the
whole thing even stranger.
I think it has something to do with the \paper block, if I remove it,
"Find and Replace" works. As I said, this was not a problem before. 
Actually, search+replace should work with any "text" I place in the
code window, and the text should not interfere with the "search and
replace" feature per se, right?

The presence of the  (U+1F670) character in a comment in the \paper 
block is the problem.  Frescobaldi is not handling Unicode surrogate 
pairs properly, so there is an off-by-one error when counting 

-- Aaron Hill

bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Two possible bugs bugging me

2022-07-30 Thread samarutuk via bug-lilypond
I have to correct myself. "Find and Replace" works for some LilyPond 
files, which is absolutely strange, and it shows the same behavior under 
Frescobaldi (3.1.3) for macOS as it does under Windows 10 (3.1.3+3.2).
I will attach an example file. If you want to replace there e.g. 
"\breathe", it is marked wrong and the expression is not replaced via 
the "Replace" button. The "\mm" above can be replaced, which makes the 
whole thing even stranger.
I think it has something to do with the \paper block, if I remove it, 
"Find and Replace" works. As I said, this was not a problem before.  
Actually, search+replace should work with any "text" I place in the code 
window, and the text should not interfere with the "search and replace" 
feature per se, right?

Am 27.07.2022 um 14:25 schrieb Paul Hodges:

*From: *Sam Arutuk via bug-lilypond 

Sorry to just jump in here, but in Frescobaldi 3.1.3 and still in 3.2
the search and replace does not work properly, at least under Windows.

I have used Search and Replace regularly in both those versions of 
Frescobaldi, running in Windows 10 (and in the past earlier versions), 
and have never encountered the problem you describe.

\version "2.22.2"

myStaffSize = #20

#(set-global-staff-size myStaffSize)

\paper {
  % system-separator-markup = \slashSeparator
  % following commands are needed only to format this documentation
  %two-sided = ##t
  %inner-margin   = 17.5\mm
  %outer-margin   = 17.5\mm
  %line-width= 175\mm
  left-margin   = 22.5\mm
  right-margin   = 22.5\mm
  top-margin= 5\mm
  bottom-margin = 5\mm
  indent = 0\mm 
  %%set to ##t if your score is less than one page: 
  ragged-last-bottom = ##t
  ragged-bottom = ##t
  print-page-number = ##f
  %%systems-per-page = #4
  %%bottom-margin = 1\mm
  %% in orchestral scores you probably want the two bold slashes 
  %% separating the systems: so uncomment the following line: 
  %% system-separator-markup = \slashSeparator 
  %% page-count = 4
  %%staff-staff-spacing #'padding = #40
  %%system-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #19% Abstand zwischen Notenzeilen
  #(define fonts
 (make-pango-font-tree "Old Standard TT"
   "Alegreya Sans"
   "Droid Mono"
   (/ myStaffSize 20)))
  %%oddFooterMarkup = \markup \small\fill-line {\with-color #(x11-color 'grey40) \large \override #'(font-name . "Open Sans")\encodingdate \line{"♫ Lilypond  Frescobaldi • Komponist’s"\italic"Stück""•"\smaller{"Seite" \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string }}{\with-color #(x11-color 'grey40) \large \override #'(font-name . "Open Sans")\encodingdate}}

\header {
  title = "Gloria in Excelsis"
  subtitle = "Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe"
  composer = "Straßburger Kirchenordnung, 1525"
  poet = "nur bis „…Wohlgefallen”"

global = {
  \key c \major
  \time 30/4

\layout {
  \context {
\omit TimeSignature
  \override BarLine.X-extent = #'(-1 . 1)
  %\hide BarLine
  \hide TupletNumber

scoreATrumpetCI = \relative c'' {
  \override Staff.BarLine.stencil = ##f
  g4 g g( a b2) a4 b
  c2 a\breathe
  a4 d, e fis
  g2\breathe g4
  a4 a4
  b4 c b4
  a4 a2. \override Staff.BarLine.stencil = ##t \bar "|."

scoreATrumpetCII = \relative c'' {
  d4 d e( fis
  g2) e4 e
  e2 f\breathe
  c4 b c c
  d2\breathe e4
  fis4 fis
  g4 e4 gis4
  e4 e2.

scoreATrombone = \relative c {
  b4 b b d ~
  d2 c4 b
  a2 d\breathe
  a4 g g a
  b2\breathe b4
  d4 d4
  d4 c4 e4
  c4 c2.

scoreATuba = \relative c {
  g4 g e( d
  g2) a4 gis
  a2 d,\breathe
  f4 g! c, a
  g2\breathe e'4
  d4 d
  g4 a4 e4
  a4 a2.

Liedtext =  \lyricmode { 
  Eh -- re sei Gott __ in der Hö -- he und auf Er -- den Fried,
  den Men -- schen ein Wohl -- ge -- fal -- len.

scoreATrumpetCIPart = \new Staff \with {
  %instrumentName = "Trompete in C I"
  midiInstrument = "trumpet"
} \scoreATrumpetCI
\addlyrics { \Liedtext }

scoreATrumpetCIIPart = \new Staff \with {
  %instrumentName = "Trompete in C II"
  midiInstrument = "trombone"
} \scoreATrumpetCII

scoreATrombonePart = \new Staff \with {
  %instrumentName = "Posaune"
  midiInstrument = "french horn"
} { \clef bass \scoreATrombone }

scoreATubaPart = \new Staff \with {
  %instrumentName = "Tuba"
  midiInstrument = "tuba"
} {\clef bass \scoreATuba}

\score {\transpose c bes, {
  \layout { }
  \midi {
\tempo 4=100
bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Two possible bugs bugging me

2022-07-27 Thread Paul Hodges

From: Sam Arutuk via bug-lilypond  

Sorry to just jump in here, but in Frescobaldi 3.1.3 and still in 3.2 
the search and replace does not work properly, at least under Windows.

I have used Search and Replace regularly in both those versions of Frescobaldi, 
running in Windows 10 (and in the past earlier versions), and have never 
encountered the problem you describe.

bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Two possible bugs bugging me

2022-07-27 Thread Sam Arutuk via bug-lilypond

You could use search/replace, which works in many editors, including 
Sorry to just jump in here, but in Frescobaldi 3.1.3 and still in 3.2 
the search and replace does not work properly, at least under Windows. 
The entered search term is not colored correctly in the code window, and 
replacing it does not work either. It is always marked one character 
further to the left, so it is marked offset, which is why I had to use 
the editor (=Windows on-board tools). I had also reported this some time 
ago on GitHub (, 
because the feature search and replace is very important in my opinion. 
Unfortunately, I don't know from which version the error occurred, but 
it once worked correctly.

On macOS it seems to work, on Linux I don't know.
PS apart from that, Frescobaldi is the very best LilyPond tool in my 
humble opinion.

Am 26.07.2022 um 22:47 schrieb Jean Abou Samra:

Le 26 juil. 2022 à 22:46, John Ramsey  a écrit :

So, is this Frescobaldi thing something that can convert the apostrophes that 
are scattered throughout the old lyric files I'm working from?

You could use search/replace, which works in many editors, including 

On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 4:24 PM Jean Abou Samra  wrote:

Le 26 juil. 2022 à 22:16, John Ramsey  a écrit :

Thanks. I was just trying to do what I used to do before version 22. I could 
transfer my musical thoughts to a word document anywhere I happened to be, not 
just my own computer.

You can edit raw text on any computer. On Windows, the Windows Notepad fits the 
bill. On Linux, the default graphical raw text editor varies but is often 
Gedit. On macOS, the Textedit app works if I recall correctly.

And what's this? No more LilyPad in 7 months??

Yes. You’ll need either an editor with support for LilyPond (there are many, 
see or to run LilyPond on the command 

Everything’s a tradeoff, and this one gave us an enormously more reliable setup 
that allows releases not to be blocked because cross-compilation would not 
work, as happened in the past. Also, it produces 64-bit binaries, so they’ll be 

On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 4:00 PM Jean Abou Samra  wrote:

2. I do some of my rough drafts in MSWord and transfer the notations to
LilyPad. BUT as of version 22, I have a problem with quotation marks and
apostrophes. MSWord uses curly quote marks and curly apostrophes as a
default, which I would hate to change. And LilyPad is now only recognizing
straight ones. Curly commas are OK, but I have to manually change the
quotes and apostrophes after transferring the text to the .ly document, in
order to prevent strings of weird code. I always miss a couple, which
drives me nuts. (I'm halfway there as it is.) Can this be put back the way
it was?

Simple: don’t use MS Word to edit LilyPond code. A rich text editor is not a 
good tool to edit raw text. Taking an analogy, this request sounds a bit as if 
you were trying to cut bread with your fingernails and complained that your 
nail varnish prevented you from doing that. Just don’t do it that way :-)

Do you have any particular reason not to use LilyPad all way through?

At any rate, LilyPad is gone in 2.23, we now only distribute binaries of 
LilyPond, without a minimalistic GUI. Instead, we recommend editors like 
Frescobaldi. I strongly recommend you try it, for me it was a relief.

All the best,

Respectfully submitted,
Bari Ramsey
bug-lilypond mailing list

bug-lilypond mailing list

bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Two possible bugs bugging me

2022-07-26 Thread John Ramsey
So, is this Frescobaldi thing something that can convert the apostrophes
that are scattered throughout the old lyric files I'm working from?


On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 4:24 PM Jean Abou Samra  wrote:

> Le 26 juil. 2022 à 22:16, John Ramsey  a écrit :
> Thanks. I was just trying to do what I used to do before version 22. I
> could transfer my musical thoughts to a word document anywhere I happened
> to be, not just my own computer.
> You can edit raw text on any computer. On Windows, the Windows Notepad
> fits the bill. On Linux, the default graphical raw text editor varies but
> is often Gedit. On macOS, the Textedit app works if I recall correctly.
> And what's this? No more LilyPad in 7 months??
> Bari
> Yes. You’ll need either an editor with support for LilyPond (there are
> many, see
> ) or to run LilyPond on the
> command line.
> Everything’s a tradeoff, and this one gave us an enormously more reliable
> setup that allows releases not to be blocked because cross-compilation
> would not work, as happened in the past. Also, it produces 64-bit binaries,
> so they’ll be faster.
> On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 4:00 PM Jean Abou Samra 
> wrote:
>> > 2. I do some of my rough drafts in MSWord and transfer the notations to
>> > LilyPad. BUT as of version 22, I have a problem with quotation marks and
>> > apostrophes. MSWord uses curly quote marks and curly apostrophes as a
>> > default, which I would hate to change. And LilyPad is now only
>> recognizing
>> > straight ones. Curly commas are OK, but I have to manually change the
>> > quotes and apostrophes after transferring the text to the .ly document,
>> in
>> > order to prevent strings of weird code. I always miss a couple, which
>> > drives me nuts. (I'm halfway there as it is.) Can this be put back the
>> way
>> > it was?
>> Simple: don’t use MS Word to edit LilyPond code. A rich text editor is
>> not a good tool to edit raw text. Taking an analogy, this request sounds a
>> bit as if you were trying to cut bread with your fingernails and complained
>> that your nail varnish prevented you from doing that. Just don’t do it that
>> way :-)
>> Do you have any particular reason not to use LilyPad all way through?
>> At any rate, LilyPad is gone in 2.23, we now only distribute binaries of
>> LilyPond, without a minimalistic GUI. Instead, we recommend editors like
>> Frescobaldi. I strongly recommend you try it, for me it was a relief.
>> All the best,
>> Jean
>> >
>> > Respectfully submitted,
>> > Bari Ramsey
>> > ___
>> > bug-lilypond mailing list
>> >
>> >
bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Two possible bugs bugging me

2022-07-26 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> Le 26 juil. 2022 à 22:46, John Ramsey  a écrit :
> So, is this Frescobaldi thing something that can convert the apostrophes that 
> are scattered throughout the old lyric files I'm working from?

You could use search/replace, which works in many editors, including 

>> On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 4:24 PM Jean Abou Samra  wrote:
 Le 26 juil. 2022 à 22:16, John Ramsey  a écrit :
>>> Thanks. I was just trying to do what I used to do before version 22. I 
>>> could transfer my musical thoughts to a word document anywhere I happened 
>>> to be, not just my own computer.
>> You can edit raw text on any computer. On Windows, the Windows Notepad fits 
>> the bill. On Linux, the default graphical raw text editor varies but is 
>> often Gedit. On macOS, the Textedit app works if I recall correctly.
>>> And what's this? No more LilyPad in 7 months??
>>> Bari
>> Yes. You’ll need either an editor with support for LilyPond (there are many, 
>> see or to run LilyPond on the 
>> command line.
>> Everything’s a tradeoff, and this one gave us an enormously more reliable 
>> setup that allows releases not to be blocked because cross-compilation would 
>> not work, as happened in the past. Also, it produces 64-bit binaries, so 
>> they’ll be faster.
 On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 4:00 PM Jean Abou Samra  wrote:
 > 2. I do some of my rough drafts in MSWord and transfer the notations to
 > LilyPad. BUT as of version 22, I have a problem with quotation marks and
 > apostrophes. MSWord uses curly quote marks and curly apostrophes as a
 > default, which I would hate to change. And LilyPad is now only 
 > recognizing
 > straight ones. Curly commas are OK, but I have to manually change the
 > quotes and apostrophes after transferring the text to the .ly document, 
 > in
 > order to prevent strings of weird code. I always miss a couple, which
 > drives me nuts. (I'm halfway there as it is.) Can this be put back the 
 > way
 > it was?
 Simple: don’t use MS Word to edit LilyPond code. A rich text editor is not 
 a good tool to edit raw text. Taking an analogy, this request sounds a bit 
 as if you were trying to cut bread with your fingernails and complained 
 that your nail varnish prevented you from doing that. Just don’t do it 
 that way :-)
 Do you have any particular reason not to use LilyPad all way through?
 At any rate, LilyPad is gone in 2.23, we now only distribute binaries of 
 LilyPond, without a minimalistic GUI. Instead, we recommend editors like 
 Frescobaldi. I strongly recommend you try it, for me it was a relief.
 All the best,
 > Respectfully submitted,
 > Bari Ramsey
 > ___
 > bug-lilypond mailing list
bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Two possible bugs bugging me

2022-07-26 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> 2. I do some of my rough drafts in MSWord and transfer the notations to
> LilyPad. BUT as of version 22, I have a problem with quotation marks and
> apostrophes. MSWord uses curly quote marks and curly apostrophes as a
> default, which I would hate to change. And LilyPad is now only recognizing
> straight ones. Curly commas are OK, but I have to manually change the
> quotes and apostrophes after transferring the text to the .ly document, in
> order to prevent strings of weird code. I always miss a couple, which
> drives me nuts. (I'm halfway there as it is.) Can this be put back the way
> it was?

Simple: don’t use MS Word to edit LilyPond code. A rich text editor is not a 
good tool to edit raw text. Taking an analogy, this request sounds a bit as if 
you were trying to cut bread with your fingernails and complained that your 
nail varnish prevented you from doing that. Just don’t do it that way :-)

Do you have any particular reason not to use LilyPad all way through?

At any rate, LilyPad is gone in 2.23, we now only distribute binaries of 
LilyPond, without a minimalistic GUI. Instead, we recommend editors like 
Frescobaldi. I strongly recommend you try it, for me it was a relief.

All the best,

> Respectfully submitted,
> Bari Ramsey
> ___
> bug-lilypond mailing list

bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Two possible bugs bugging me

2022-07-26 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> Le 26 juil. 2022 à 22:16, John Ramsey  a écrit :
> Thanks. I was just trying to do what I used to do before version 22. I could 
> transfer my musical thoughts to a word document anywhere I happened to be, 
> not just my own computer.

You can edit raw text on any computer. On Windows, the Windows Notepad fits the 
bill. On Linux, the default graphical raw text editor varies but is often 
Gedit. On macOS, the Textedit app works if I recall correctly.

> And what's this? No more LilyPad in 7 months??
> Bari

Yes. You’ll need either an editor with support for LilyPond (there are many, 
see or to run LilyPond on the command 

Everything’s a tradeoff, and this one gave us an enormously more reliable setup 
that allows releases not to be blocked because cross-compilation would not 
work, as happened in the past. Also, it produces 64-bit binaries, so they’ll be 

>> On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 4:00 PM Jean Abou Samra  wrote:
>> > 2. I do some of my rough drafts in MSWord and transfer the notations to
>> > LilyPad. BUT as of version 22, I have a problem with quotation marks and
>> > apostrophes. MSWord uses curly quote marks and curly apostrophes as a
>> > default, which I would hate to change. And LilyPad is now only recognizing
>> > straight ones. Curly commas are OK, but I have to manually change the
>> > quotes and apostrophes after transferring the text to the .ly document, in
>> > order to prevent strings of weird code. I always miss a couple, which
>> > drives me nuts. (I'm halfway there as it is.) Can this be put back the way
>> > it was?
>> Simple: don’t use MS Word to edit LilyPond code. A rich text editor is not a 
>> good tool to edit raw text. Taking an analogy, this request sounds a bit as 
>> if you were trying to cut bread with your fingernails and complained that 
>> your nail varnish prevented you from doing that. Just don’t do it that way 
>> :-)
>> Do you have any particular reason not to use LilyPad all way through?
>> At any rate, LilyPad is gone in 2.23, we now only distribute binaries of 
>> LilyPond, without a minimalistic GUI. Instead, we recommend editors like 
>> Frescobaldi. I strongly recommend you try it, for me it was a relief.
>> All the best,
>> Jean
>> > 
>> > Respectfully submitted,
>> > Bari Ramsey
>> > ___
>> > bug-lilypond mailing list
>> >
>> >
bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Two possible bugs bugging me

2022-07-26 Thread John Ramsey
Thanks. I was just trying to do what I used to do before version 22. I
could transfer my musical thoughts to a word document anywhere I happened
to be, not just my own computer.

And what's this? No more LilyPad in 7 months??

On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 4:00 PM Jean Abou Samra  wrote:

> > 2. I do some of my rough drafts in MSWord and transfer the notations to
> > LilyPad. BUT as of version 22, I have a problem with quotation marks and
> > apostrophes. MSWord uses curly quote marks and curly apostrophes as a
> > default, which I would hate to change. And LilyPad is now only
> recognizing
> > straight ones. Curly commas are OK, but I have to manually change the
> > quotes and apostrophes after transferring the text to the .ly document,
> in
> > order to prevent strings of weird code. I always miss a couple, which
> > drives me nuts. (I'm halfway there as it is.) Can this be put back the
> way
> > it was?
> Simple: don’t use MS Word to edit LilyPond code. A rich text editor is not
> a good tool to edit raw text. Taking an analogy, this request sounds a bit
> as if you were trying to cut bread with your fingernails and complained
> that your nail varnish prevented you from doing that. Just don’t do it that
> way :-)
> Do you have any particular reason not to use LilyPad all way through?
> At any rate, LilyPad is gone in 2.23, we now only distribute binaries of
> LilyPond, without a minimalistic GUI. Instead, we recommend editors like
> Frescobaldi. I strongly recommend you try it, for me it was a relief.
> All the best,
> Jean
> >
> > Respectfully submitted,
> > Bari Ramsey
> > ___
> > bug-lilypond mailing list
> >
> >
bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Two possible bugs bugging me

2022-07-26 Thread William Rehwinkel via bug-lilypond

Hey Bari,

For the first point...From looking at this page: , 
the syntax for entering notes in markups is `\note {4} #1`. Does your 
syntax work in a previous version? If you are dealing with an older 
file, maybe running convert-ly will help alleviate this.



On 7/26/22 14:32, John Ramsey wrote:

1. I notice that the commands for showing musical notes within markups, {
\note #"8" #UP } and { \note #"2. " #DOWN } for instance, are not working
in version 22. Has this been changed to something else, or is it a bug?
It's still shown this way in the manual.

2. I do some of my rough drafts in MSWord and transfer the notations to
LilyPad. BUT as of version 22, I have a problem with quotation marks and
apostrophes. MSWord uses curly quote marks and curly apostrophes as a
default, which I would hate to change. And LilyPad is now only recognizing
straight ones. Curly commas are OK, but I have to manually change the
quotes and apostrophes after transferring the text to the .ly document, in
order to prevent strings of weird code. I always miss a couple, which
drives me nuts. (I'm halfway there as it is.) Can this be put back the way
it was?

Respectfully submitted,
Bari Ramsey
bug-lilypond mailing list

William Rehwinkel

bug-lilypond mailing list

Two possible bugs bugging me

2022-07-26 Thread John Ramsey
1. I notice that the commands for showing musical notes within markups, {
\note #"8" #UP } and { \note #"2. " #DOWN } for instance, are not working
in version 22. Has this been changed to something else, or is it a bug?
It's still shown this way in the manual.

2. I do some of my rough drafts in MSWord and transfer the notations to
LilyPad. BUT as of version 22, I have a problem with quotation marks and
apostrophes. MSWord uses curly quote marks and curly apostrophes as a
default, which I would hate to change. And LilyPad is now only recognizing
straight ones. Curly commas are OK, but I have to manually change the
quotes and apostrophes after transferring the text to the .ly document, in
order to prevent strings of weird code. I always miss a couple, which
drives me nuts. (I'm halfway there as it is.) Can this be put back the way
it was?

Respectfully submitted,
Bari Ramsey
bug-lilypond mailing list