Re: tsort buggy

2003-11-27 Thread Jim Meyering
John Sellers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Attached are 3 files

 tosort - to be sorted
 badsort- what tsort in cygwin does
 goodlist - what tsort that works does (stnderr redirected)

What version of tsort are you using?
It's not very recent, based on the output you include.
I suggest you try a newer version or report the problem
to the cygwin people:

  (coreutils is the union of fileutils, textutils, and sh-utils)


Bug-textutils mailing list

Re: tsort buggy

2003-11-27 Thread Matthew Smith

Please redirect cygwin specific questions to the cygwin mailing list.

-Matt Smith
cygwin textutils maintainer

 Attached are 3 files

 tosort - to be sorted

 badsort- what tsort in cygwin does

 goodlist - what tsort that works does (stnderr redirected)

Bug-textutils mailing list

tsort buggy

2003-11-26 Thread John Sellers
Attached are 3 files

tosort - to be sorted

badsort- what tsort in cygwin does

goodlist - what tsort that works does (stnderr redirected)
identifier letter
identifier digit
letter lowercase
letter uppercase
lowercase a...z
uppercase A...Z
digit 0...9
stringliteral stringprefix
stringliteral shortstring
stringliteral longstring
stringprefix r|u|ur|R|U|UR|Ur|uR
shortstring shortstringitem
longstring longstringitem
shortstringitem shortstringchar
shortstringitem escapeseq
longstringitem longstringchar
longstringitem escapeseq
shortstringchar anyASCIIcharacterexcept\ornewlineorthequote
longstringchar anyASCIIcharacterexcept\
escapeseq \anyASCIIcharacter
longinteger integer
longinteger (l|L)
integer decimalinteger
integer octinteger
integer hexinteger
decimalinteger nonzerodigit
decimalinteger digit
octinteger octdigit
hexinteger hexdigit
nonzerodigit 1...9
octdigit 0...7
hexdigit digit|a...f|A...F
floatnumber pointfloat
floatnumber exponentfloat
pointfloat intpart
pointfloat fraction
exponentfloat intpart
exponentfloat pointfloat
exponentfloat exponent
intpart digit
fraction digit
exponent digit
imagnumber floatnumber
imagnumber intpart
atom identifier
atom literal
atom enclosure
enclosure parenth_form
enclosure list_display
enclosure dict_display
enclosure string_conversion
literal stringliteral
literal integer
literal longinteger
literal floatnumber
literal imagnumber
parenth_form expression_list
test and_test
test lambda_form
testlist test
list_display listmaker
listmaker expression
listmaker list_for
list_iter list_for
list_iter list_if
list_for expression_list
list_for testlist
list_for list_iter
list_if test
list_if list_iter
dict_display key_datum_list
key_datum_list key_datum
key_datum expression
string_conversion expression_list
primary atom
primary attributeref
primary subscription
primary slicing
primary call
attributeref primary
attributeref identifier
subscription primary
subscription expression_list
slicing simple_slicing
slicing extended_slicing
simple_slicing primary
simple_slicing short_slice
extended_slicing primary
extended_slicing slice_list
slice_list slice_item
slice_item expression
slice_item proper_slice
slice_item ellipsis
proper_slice short_slice
proper_slice long_slice
short_slice lower_bound
short_slice upper_bound
long_slice short_slice
long_slice stride
lower_bound expression
upper_bound expression
stride expression
ellipsis  ...
call primary
call argument_list
argument_list positional_arguments
argument_list keyword_arguments
argument_list expression
positional_arguments expression
keyword_arguments keyword_item
keyword_item identifier
keyword_item expression
power primary
power u_expr
u_expr power
m_expr u_expr
a_expr m_expr
shift_expr a_expr
and_expr shift_expr
xor_expr and_expr
or_expr xor_expr
comparison or_expr
comp_operator ||==|=|=||!=|is[not]|[not]in
expression or_test
expression lambda_form
or_test and_test
and_test not_test
not_test comparison
lambda_form parameter_list
lambda_form expression
expression_list expression
simple_stmt expression_stmt
simple_stmt assert_stmt
simple_stmt assignment_stmt
simple_stmt augmented_assignment_stmt
simple_stmt pass_stmt
simple_stmt del_stmt
simple_stmt print_stmt
simple_stmt return_stmt
simple_stmt yield_stmt
simple_stmt raise_stmt
simple_stmt break_stmt
simple_stmt continue_stmt
simple_stmt import_stmt
simple_stmt global_stmt
simple_stmt exec_stmt
expression_stmt expression_list
assert_stmt expression
assignment_stmt target_list
assignment_stmt expression_list
target_list target
target identifier
target target_list
target attributeref
target subscription
target slicing
augmented_assignment_stmt target
augmented_assignment_stmt augop
augmented_assignment_stmt expression_list
augop +=|-=|*=|/=|\%=|**=|=|=|\=|\textasciicircum=||=
pass_stmt pass
del_stmt target_list
print_stmt optionalexpression
print_stmt expression
print_stmt optional
return_stmt expression_list
yield_stmt expression_list
raise_stmt expression
break_stmt break
continue_stmt continue
import_stmt module
import_stmt name
import_stmt identifier
module identifier
global_stmt identifier
exec_stmt expression
compound_stmt if_stmt
compound_stmt while_stmt
compound_stmt for_stmt
compound_stmt try_stmt
compound_stmt funcdef
compound_stmt classdef
suite stmt_list
suite statement
suite DEDENT
statement stmt_list
statement NEWLINE
statement compound_stmt
stmt_list simple_stmt
if_stmt expression
if_stmt suite
while_stmt expression
while_stmt suite
for_stmt target_list
for_stmt expression_list
for_stmt suite
try_stmt try_exc_stmt
try_stmt try_fin_stmt
try_exc_stmt suite
try_exc_stmt expression
try_exc_stmt target
try_fin_stmt suite
funcdef funcname
funcdef parameter_list
funcdef suite
parameter_list defparameter
parameter_list identifier
defparameter parameter
defparameter expression
sublist parameter
parameter identifier
parameter sublist
funcname identifier
classdef classname
classdef inheritance
classdef suite
inheritance expression_list
classname identifier