
Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of June 08 to 15,

Table of Contents

Dependency visualization tool
Multicore OCaml: May 2021
First release of Popper
Orsetto: structured data interchange languages (release 1.1)

Dependency visualization tool


Chet Murthy announced

  In the past, I've found doing this sort of dependency-graphing to be
  very useful for figuring out where modularization in a large system
  needs to be applied.  And it's not very hard to do, based on ocamldep
  output or other dependency information that already exists.

  On a lark, I wrote something that did this for installed findlib
  packages: <https://github.com/chetmurthy/not-ocamlfind#package-graph>

  I mention this not to plug the tool, but rather, just to note that
  it's really easy, and yeah, people should avail themselves of this

Multicore OCaml: May 2021

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/multicore-ocaml-may-2021/7990/1>

Anil Madhavapeddy announced

  Welcome to the May 2021 [Multicore OCaml] monthly report! This month's
  update along with the [previous updates] have been compiled by @avsm,
  @ctk21, @kayceesrk and @shakthimaan.

  Firstly, all of our upstream activity on the OCaml compiler is now
  reported as part of the shiny new [compiler development newsletter #2]
  that @gasche has started. This represents a small but important shift
  – domains-only multicore is firmly locked in on the upstream roadmap
  for OCaml 5.0 and the whole OCaml compiler team has been helping and
  contributing to it, with the [GC safe points] feature being one of the
  last major multicore-prerequisites (and due to be in OCaml 4.13 soon).

  This multicore newsletter will now focus on getting our ecosystem
  ready for domains-only multicore in OCaml 5.0, and on how the
  (not-yet-official) effect system and multicore IO stack is
  progressing.  It's a long one this month, so settle in with your
  favourite beverage and let's begin :-)

[Multicore OCaml] <https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore>

[previous updates] <https://discuss.ocaml.org/tag/multicore-monthly>

[compiler development newsletter #2]

[GC safe points] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/10039>

OCaml Multicore: 4.12.0+domains

  The multicore compiler now supports CTF runtime traces of its garbage
  collector and there are [tools to display chrome tracing
  visualisations] of the garbage collector events. A number of
  performance improvements (see speedup graphs later on) that highlight
  some ways to make best use of multicore were made to the existing
  benchmarks in Sandmark.  There has also been work on scaling up to 128
  cores/domains for task-based parallelism in domainslib using [work
  stealing deques], bringing us closer to Cilk-style task-parallel

  As important as new features are what we have decided _not_ to
  do. We've been working on and evaluating Domain Local Allocation
  Buffers (DLABs) for some time, with the intention of reducing the cost
  of minor GCs. We've found that the resulting performance didn't match
  our expectations (_vs_ the complexity of the change), and so we've
  decided not to proceed with this for OCaml 5.0.  You can find the
  [DLAB summary] page summarises our experiences. We'll come back to
  this post-OCaml 5.0 when there are fewer moving parts.

[tools to display chrome tracing visualisations]

[work stealing deques]

[DLAB summary]

Ecosystem changes to prepare for 5.0.0 domains-only

  As we are preparing 5.0 branches with the multicore branches over the
  coming months, we are stepping up preparations to ensure the OCaml
  ecosystem is ready.

Making the multicore compilers available by default in opam-repo

  Over the next few week, we will be merging the multicore
  4.12.0+domains and associated packages from their opam remote over in
  [ocaml-multicore/multicore-opam] into the mainline
  opam-repository. This is to make it more convenient to use the variant
  compilers to start testing your own packages with ~Domain~s.

  As part of this change, there are two new base packages that will be
  available in opam-repository:

  • `base-domains': This package indicates that the current compiler has
    the `Domain' module.
  • `base-effects': This package indicates the current compiler has the
    experimental effect system.

  By adding a dependency on these packages, the only valid solutions
  will be `4.12.0+domains' (until OCaml 5.0 which will have this module)
  or `4.12.0+effects'.

  The goal of this is to let community packages more easily release
  versions of their code using Domains-only parallelism ahead of OCaml
  5.0, so that we can start migration and thread-safety early.  We do
  not encourage anyone to take a dependency on base-effects currently,
  as it is very much a moving target.

  This opam-repository change isn't in yet, but I'll comment on this
  post when it is merged.


Adapting the Stdlib for thread-safety

  One of the first things we have to do before porting third-party
  libraries is to get the Stdlib ready for thread-safety. This isn't
  quite as simple as it might appear at first glance: if we adopt the
  naïve approach of simply putting a mutex around every bit of global
  state, our sequential performance will slow down. Therefore we are
  performing a more fine-grained analysis and fixes, which can be seen
  [on the multicore stdlib page].

  For anyone wishing to contribute: hunt through the Stdlib for global
  state, and categorise it appropriately, and then create a test case
  exercising that module with multiple Domains running, and submit a PR
  to [ocaml-multicore].  In general, if you see any build failures or
  runtime failures now, we'd really appreciate an issue being filed
  there too. You can see some good examples of such issues [here] (for
  mirage-crypto) and [here] (for Coqt).

[on the multicore stdlib page]

[ocaml-multicore] <https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore>

[here] <https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore/issues/574>

[here] <https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore/issues/568>

Porting third-party libraries to Domains

  As I mentioned last month, we put a call out for libraries and
  maintainers who wanted to port their code over. We're starting with
  the following libraries and applications this month:

  • *Lwt*: the famous lightweight-threads library now has a PR to add
     [Lwt_domains]. This is the first simple(ish) step to using
     multicore cores with Lwt: it lets you run a pure (non-Lwt) function
     in another Domain via `detach : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b Lwt.t'.

  • *Mirage-Crypto*: the next library we are adapting is the
     cryptography library, since it is also low-hanging fruit that
     should be easy to parallelise (since crypto functions do not have
     much global state). The port is still ongoing, as there are some
     minor build failures and also Stdlib functions in Format that
     aren't yet thread-safe that are [causing failures].

  • *Tezos-Node*: the bigger application we are applying some of the
     previous dependencies too is Tezos-Node, which makes use of the
     dependency chain here via Lwt, mirage-crypto, Irmin, Cohttp and
     many other libraries. We've got this [compiling under
     4.12.0+domains] now and mostly passing the test suite, but will
     only report significant results once the dependencies and Stdlib
     are passing.

  • *Owl*: OCaml's favourite machine learning library works surprisingly
     well out-of-the-box with 4.12.0+domains. An experiment for a
     significant machine-learning codebase written using it saw about a
     2-4x speedup before some false-sharing bottlenecks kicked in. This
     is pretty good going given that we made no changes to the codebase
     itself, but stay tuned for more improvements over the coming months
     as we analyse the bottleneck.

  This is hopefully a signal to all of you to start "having a go" with
  4.12.0+domains on your own applications, and particularly with respect
  to seeing how wrapping it in Domains works out and identifying global
  state. You can read our handy [tutorial on parallel programming with
  Multicore OCaml].

  We are developing some tools to help find global state, but we're
  going to all need to work together to identify some of these cases and
  begin migration.  Crucially, we need some diversity in our dependency
  chains – if you have interesting applications using (e.g.) Async or
  the vanilla `Thread' module and have some cycles to work with us,
  please get in touch with me or @kayceesrk .

[Lwt_domains] <https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt/pull/860>

[causing failures]

[compiling under 4.12.0+domains]

[tutorial on parallel programming with Multicore OCaml]


  The effects-based [eio library] is coming together nicely, and the
  interface and design rationales are all up-to-date in the README of
  the repository.  The primary IO backend is [ocaml-uring], which we are
  preparing for a separate release to opam-repository now as it also
  works fine on the sequential runtime for Linux (as long as you have a
  fairly recent kernel. Otherwise the kernel crashes).  We also have a
  [Grand Central Dispatch effect backend] to give us a totally different
  execution model to exercise our effect handler abstractions.

  While we won't publish the performance numbers for the effect-based IO
  this month, you can get a sense of the sorts of tests we are running
  by looking at the [retro-httpaf-bench] repository, which now has
  various permutations of effects-based, uring-based and select-based
  webservers. We've submitted a talk to the upcoming OCaml Workshop
  later this summer, which, if accepted, will give you a deepdive into
  our effect-based IO.

  As always, we begin with the Multicore OCaml ongoing and completed
  tasks.  The ecosystem improvements are then listed followed by the
  updates to the Sandmark benchmarking project. Finally, the upstream
  OCaml work is mentioned for your reference.  For those of you that
  have read this far and can think of nothing more fun than hacking on
  multicore programming runtimes, we are hiring in the UK, France and
  India – please find the job postings at the end!

[eio library] <https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/eio>

[ocaml-uring] <https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/ocaml-uring>

[Grand Central Dispatch effect backend]


Multicore OCaml


  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#552] Add a
    force_instrumented_runtime option to configure

    A new `--enable-force-instrumented-runtime' option is introduced to
    facilitate use of the instrumented runtime on linker invocations to
    obtain event logs.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#553] Testsuite failures with
    flambda enabled

    A list of tests are failing on `b23a416' with flambda enabled, and
    they need to be investigated further.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#555] runtime: CAML_TRACE_VERSION is
    now set to a Multicore specific value

    Define a `CAML_TRACE_VERSION' to distinguish between Multicore OCaml
    and trunk for the runtime.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#558] Refactor Domain.{spawn/join}
    to use no critical sections

    The PR removes the use of `Domain.wait' and critical sections in

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#559] Improve the Multicore GC Stats

    A draft PR to include more Multicore GC statistics when using







  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#508] Domain Local Allocation

    The Domain Local Allocation Buffer implementation for OCaml
    Multicore has been dropped for now. A discussion is on the PR itself
    and there is a wiki page [here].

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#527] Port eventlog to CTF

    The porting of the `eventlog' implementation to the Common Trace
    Format is now complete.

    For an introduction to producing Chrome trace visualizations of the
    runtime events see [eventlog-tools]. This postprocessing tool turns
    the CTF trace into the Chrome tracing format that allows interactive
    visualizations like this:

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#543] Parallel version of
    weaklifetime test

    A parallel version of the `weaklifetime.ml' test is now added to the
    test suite.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#546] Coverage of domain life-cycle
    in domain_dls and ephetest_par tests

    Additional tests to increase test coverage for domain life-cycle for
    `domain_dls.ml' and `ephetest_par.ml'.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore$#550] Lazy effects test

    Inclusion of a test to address effects with Lazy computations for a
    number of different use cases.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#557] Remove unused domain functions

    A clean-up to remove unused functions in `domain.c' and `domain.h'.











  • [ocaml-multicore/eventlog-tools#2] Add a pausetimes tool

    The `eventlog_pausetimes' tool takes a directory of eventlog files
    and computes the mean, max pause times, as well as the distribution
    up to the 99.9th percentiles. For example:

    │ ocaml-eventlog-pausetimes 
/home/engil/dev/ocaml-multicore/trace3/caml-426094-* name
    │ {
    │   "name": "name",
    │   "mean_latency": 718617,
    │   "max_latency": 33839379,
    │   "distr_latency": 
    │ }

  • [domainslib#29] Task stealing with CL deques

    This ongoing work to use task-stealing Chase Lev deques for
    scheduling tasks across domains is looking very
    promising. Particularly for machines with 128 cores.

  * [ocaml-multicore/retro-httpaf-bench#10] Add Eio benchmark

  The addition of an Eio benchmark for retro-httpaf-bench. This is a

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#26] Grand Central Dispatch Backend

    An early draft PR that implements the Grand Central Dispatch (GCD)
    backend for Eio.

  • [ocsigen/lwt#860] Lwt_domain: An interfacet to Multicore parallelism

    An on-going effort to introduce `Lwt_domain' for performing
    computations to CPU cores using Multicore OCaml's Domains.


[domainslib#29] <https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/domainslib/pull/29>



[ocsigen/lwt#860] <https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt/pull/860>



  The `retro-httpaf-bench' repository contains scripts for running HTTP
  server benchmarks.

  • [ocaml-multicore/retro-httpaf-bench#6] Move OCaml to 4.12

    The build scripts have been updated to use 4.12.0.

  • [ocaml-multicore/retro-httpaf-bench#8] Adds a Rust benchmark using

    The inclusion of the Hyper benchmark limited to a single core to
    match the other existing benchmarks.

  • [ocaml-multicore/retro-httpaf-bench#9] Release builds for dune,
    stretch request volumes, rust fixes and remove mimalloc

    The Dockerfile, README, build_benchmarks.sh and run_benchmarks.sh
    files have been updated.

  • [ocaml-multicore/retro-httpaf-bench#15] Make benchmark more

    The PR enhances the implementation to correctly simulate a
    hypothetical database request, and the effects code has been updated






  The `eio' library provides an effects-based parallel IO stack for
  Multicore OCaml.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#18] Add fibreslib library

    The `promise' library has been renamed to `fibreslib' to avoid
    naming conflict with the existing package in opam, and the API
    (waiters and effects) has been split into its own respective

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#19] Update to latest ocaml-uring

    The code and configuration files have been updated to use the latest

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#20] Add Fibreslib.Semaphore

    Implemented the `Fibreslib.Semaphone' module that is useful for
    rate-limiting, and based on OCaml's `Semaphore.Counting'.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#21] Add high-level Eio API

    A new Eio library with interfaces for sources and sinks. The README
    documentation has been updated with motivation and usage.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#22] Add switches for structured concurrency

    Implementation of structured concurrency with documentation examples
    for tracing and testing with mocks.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#23] Rename repository to eio

    The Effects based parallel IO for OCaml repository has now been
    renamed from `eioio' to `eio'.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#24] Rename lib_eioio to lib_eunix

    The names have been updated to match the dune file.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#25] Detect deadlocks

    An exception is now raised to detect deadlocks if the scheduler
    finishes while the main thread continues to run.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#27] Convert expect tests to MDX

    The expected tests have been updated to use the MDX format, and this
    avoids the need for ppx libraries.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#28] Use splice to copy if possible

    The effect Splice has been implemented along with the update to
    ocaml-uring, and necessary documentation.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#29] Improve exception handling in switches

    Additional exception checks to handle when multiple threads fail,
    and for `Switch.check' and `Fibre.fork_ignore'.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#30] Add eio_main library to select backend

    Use `eio_main' to select the appropriate backend (`eunix', for
    example) based on the platform.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#31] Add Eio.Flow API

    Implemented a Flow module that allows combinations such as
    bidirectional flows and closable flows.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#32] Initial support for networks

    Eio provides a high-level API for networking, and the `Network'
    module has been added.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#33] Add some design rationale notes to the

    The README has been updated with design notes, and reference to
    further reading on the principles of Object-capability model.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#34] Add shutdown, allow closing listening
    sockets, add cstruct_source

    Added cstruct_source, `shutdown' method along with source, sink and
    file descriptor types.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#35] Add Switch.on_release to auto-close FDs

    We can now attach resources such as file descriptors to switches,
    and these are freed when the the switch is finished.



















  • [ocaml-multicore/domainslib#23] Running tests: moving to `dune
    runtest' from manual commands in `run_test' target

    The `dune runtest' command is now used to execute the tests.

  • [ocaml-multicore/domainslib#24] Move to Mutex & Condition from

    The channel implementation using `Mutex' and `Condition' is now
    complete. The performance results are shown in the following graph:


  • [ocaml-multicore/multicore-opam#53] Add base-domains and
    base-effects packages

    The `base-domains' and `base-effects' opam files have now been added
    to multicore-opam.

  • [ocaml-multicore/multicore-opam#54] Shift all multicore packages to
    unique versions and base-domains dependencies

    The naming convention is to now use `base-effects' and
    `base-domains' everywhere.







  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#230] Build for 4.13.0+trunk with dune.2.8.1

    A work-in-progress to upgrade Sandmark to use dune.2.8.1 to build
    4.13.0+trunk and generate the benchmarks. You can test the same

    │ TAG='"macro_bench"' make run_config_filtered.json
    │ RUN_CONFIG_JSON=run_config_filtered.json make 




◊ Performance

  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#221] Fix up decompress iterations of work

    The use of `parallel_for', simplification of `data_to_compress' to
    use `String.init', and fix to correctly count the amount of work
    configured and done produces the following speed improvements:



  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#223] A better floyd warshall

    An improvement to the Floyd Warshall implementation that fixes the
    random seed so that it is repeatable, and improves the pattern


  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#224] Some improvements for matrix

    The `matrix_multiplication' and `matrix_multiplication_multicore'
    code have been updated for easier maintenance, and results are
    written only after summing the values.



  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#225] Better Multicore EA Benchmark

    The Evolutionary Algorithm now inserts a poll point into `fittest'
    to improve the benchmark results.



  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#226] Better scaling for mandelbrot6_multicore

    The `mandelbrot6_multicore' scales well now with the use of
    `parallel_for' as observed in the following graphs:




  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#227] Improve nbody_multicore benchmark with
    high core counts

    The `energy' function is now parallelised with `parallel_for_reduce'
    for larger core counts.



  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#229] Improve game_of_life benchmarks

    The hot functions are now inlined to improve the `game_of_life'
    benchmarks, and we avoid initialising the temporary matrix with
    random numbers.










◊ Sundries

  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#215] Remove Gc.promote_to from

    The 4.12+domains and 4.12+domains+effects branches have
    `Gc.promote_to' removed from the runtime.

  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#216] Add configs for 4.12.0+stock,
    4.12.0+domains, 4.12.0+domains+effects

    The ocaml-version configuration files for 4.12.0+stock,
    4.12.0+domains, and 4.12.0+domains+effects have now been included to

  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#220] Attempt to improve the OCAMLRUNPARAM

    The README has been updated with more documentation on the use of
    OCAMLRUNPARAM configuration when running the benchmarks.

  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#222] Deprecate 4.06.1 and 4.10.0 and upgrade
    to 4.12.0

    The 4.06.1, 4.10.0 ocaml-versions have been removed and the CI has
    been updated to use 4.12.0 as the default version.






  • [ocurrent/current-bench#103] Ability to set scale on UI to start at

    The graph origins now start from `[0, y_max+delta]' for the y-axis
    for better comparison.

    ![current-bench frontend fix 0

  • [ocurrent/current-bench#121] Use string representation for docker
    cpu setting.

    The `OCAML_BENCH_DOCKER_CPU' setting now switches from Integer to
    String to support a range of CPUs for parallel execution.





  • [ocaml/ocaml#10039] Safepoints

    The Sandmark benchmark runs to obtain the performance numbers for
    the Safepoints PR for 4.13.0+trunk have been published. The PR is
    ready to be merged.

[ocaml/ocaml#10039] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/10039>

Job Advertisements

  • [Multicore OCaml Runtime Systems Engineer] OCaml Labs (UK), Tarides
    (France) and Segfault Systems (India)

  • [Benchmark Tooling Engineer] Tarides

  Our thanks to all the OCaml users, developers and contributors in the
  community for their continued support to the project. Stay safe!

[Multicore OCaml Runtime Systems Engineer]

[Benchmark Tooling Engineer]


  • AMD: Advanced Micro Devices
  • API: Application Programming Interface
  • CI: Continuous Integration
  • CPU: Central Processing Unit
  • CTF: Common Trace Format
  • DLAB: Domain Local Allocation Buffer
  • EA: Evolutionary Algorithm
  • GC: Garbage Collector
  • GCD: Grand Central Dispatch
  • HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  • OPAM: OCaml Package Manager
  • MVP: Minimal Viable Product
  • PR: Pull Request
  • TPS: Transactions Per Second
  • UI: User Interface

First release of Popper


Joel Bjornson announced

  I am happy to announce a first release of [Popper] — an OCaml testing
  library for writing simple unit tests as well as property-based tests,
  using a uniform API.

  A few things that distinguishes [Popper] from other property-based
  testing libraries:

  1) Generic shrinking — when a property-based test fails, the test
     function attempts to shrink the sample data. This works for any
     data type.
  2) Any invariants used when constructing samples for property-based
     tests are also respected when shrinking.
  3) There is a [ppx] for automatically deriving sample functions
     (generators in QuickCheck style libs) for custom data types.

  The library also supports bundling and nesting tests arbitrarily,
  colorful output inspired by [Alcotest], logging facilities and timing

  Here are some starting points:

  • The [source repo].
  • A [getting started guide].
  • The [API docs].

  Below is an example of what [Popper] output looks like. It was
  generated by [this code].


  This is a first release and there are few work-in-progress items. For

  • A CLI for filtering and sorting tests.
  • An API for better blending with [Lwt] code bases.
  • A better way for limiting shrinking times for failing test samples.

  Any suggestions or other feedback is much appreciated!

[Popper] <https://github.com/jobjo/popper>

[ppx] <https://opam.ocaml.org/packages/ppx_deriving_popper/>

[Alcotest] <https://github.com/mirage/alcotest>

[source repo] <https://github.com/jobjo/popper>

[getting started guide]

[API docs] <https://jobjo.github.io/popper/api/>

[this code]

[Lwt] <https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt>

Orsetto: structured data interchange languages (release 1.1)


james woodyatt announced

  Announcing the release to OPAM of [Orsetto 1.1], an update to a
  personal project of mine not sponsored by my employer. Licensed with
  BSD 2-Clause.

[Orsetto 1.1] <http://opam.ocaml.org/packages/orsetto/>

Q. What is Orsetto?

  Aspires to do eventually for OCaml more or less what [Serde] has done
  for Rust, i.e.  to be a curated and self-contained collection of
  structured data interchange languages with a cohesive and unified
  model of serialization and deserialization.

  Two interchange languages are currently supported: [JSON] and [CBOR].

[Serde] <https://serde.rs>

[JSON] <https://json.org>

[CBOR] <https://cbor.io>

Q. What is new in this release?

  The change log for the release is here: [CHANGES.md]

  • Drops support for OCaml < 4.08.
  • Major improvements in test coverage.
  • Many corrections for logic errors.
  • Issues [database] migrated to Atlassian Jira Cloud.
  • A few important usability improvements (see below).

  Some usability improvements are meant to replace obsolescent
  interfaces (now marked obsolescent with `@ocaml.deprecated'). A few
  improvements to some interfaces with especially suboptimal design were
  updated with breaking changes, but these are not expected to cause
  major upgrade problems for anyone.

  Some things have not changed:

  • Still requires *ocamlfind* and does not build with *dune*.
  • Still only supports JSON and CBOR.

[CHANGES.md] <https://bitbucket.org/jhw/orsetto/src/r1.1/CHANGES.md>

[database] <https://conjury.atlassian.net/browse/ORS>

Q. It looks incomplete. What are your plans for future development?

  Yes, it's a personal project. I'd welcome opportunities to collaborate
  with others who share my vision for the project. As long as it's just
  me working on this, development will be somewhat slow. I have a lot of
  projects. This is the only open source one.

  • *Orsetto 1.0.3* is the previous release. It offered parsers and
     emitter combinators for JSON and CBOR for OCaml >= 4.06.1
     (including 4.13~alpha1). The quality of its JSON support is
     adequate, and it scores well on the [nst/JSONTestSuite] tests. The
     quality of its CBOR support is provisional, and not recommended.

  • *Orsetto 1.1* is the current release. It adds generalized and
     extensible structured data interchange models with specializations
     for producing emitters and parsers for JSON and CBOR. The quality
     of the CBOR support is much improved.

  • *Orsetto 1.2* is the next planned release. It will drop interfaces
     marked `@caml.deprecated' in the 1.1 release. It will also drop
     support for OCaml < 4.10, and I'd like to stop depending on
     *ocamlfind*. I hope to add a PPX for deriving parsers and emitters
     from OCaml data type definitions. I might also consider one or more
     new interchange languages— suggestions are heartily encouraged.

[nst/JSONTestSuite] <https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite>


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  [Alan Schmitt]

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