
Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of May 10 to 17,

Table of Contents

Browsing OCaml source tree with VSCode/merlin?
release of prbnmcn-gnuplot 0.0.3
Call for Presentations for "Teaching Functional Programming in OCaml" as part 
of the OCaml Workshop 2022

Browsing OCaml source tree with VSCode/merlin?


Keigo Imai explained

  I managed to browse the OCaml source tree with VSCode with the
  following steps:

  1. Prepare `.merlin' file (attached below) referring to the all source
     directories in the tree
  2. Pin your ocaml-lsp-server at 1.8.3 by `opam pin ocaml-lsp-server
     1.8.3' (as it is the last version that support `.merlin')
  3. Clone OCaml repository and check out the same OCaml version as
     yours (e.g. `opam switch create 4.12.1; git checkout 4.12.1')
  4. Build OCaml (./configure && make world)
  5. Open the top folder of the source tree using VSCode (or restart the
     language server)
  6. Browse the code


  content of `.merlin':
  │ S ./asmcomp/
  │ S ./boot/menhir/
  │ S ./bytecomp/
  │ S ./debugger/
  │ S ./driver/
  │ S ./file_formats/
  │ S ./lambda/
  │ S ./lex/
  │ S ./middle_end/
  │ S ./middle_end/closure/
  │ S ./middle_end/flambda/
  │ S ./middle_end/flambda/base_types/
  │ S ./ocamldoc/
  │ S ./ocamltest/
  │ S ./otherlibs/dynlink/
  │ S ./otherlibs/dynlink/byte/
  │ S ./otherlibs/dynlink/dynlink_compilerlibs/
  │ S ./otherlibs/dynlink/native/
  │ S ./otherlibs/str/
  │ S ./otherlibs/systhreads/
  │ S ./otherlibs/unix/
  │ S ./parsing/
  │ S ./stdlib/
  │ S ./tools/
  │ S ./tools/unlabel-patches/
  │ S ./toplevel/
  │ S ./toplevel/byte/
  │ S ./toplevel/native/
  │ S ./typing/
  │ S ./utils/
  │ B ./asmcomp/
  │ B ./asmcomp/debug/
  │ B ./boot/
  │ B ./bytecomp/
  │ B ./debugger/
  │ B ./driver/
  │ B ./file_formats/
  │ B ./lambda/
  │ B ./lex/
  │ B ./middle_end/
  │ B ./middle_end/closure/
  │ B ./middle_end/flambda/
  │ B ./middle_end/flambda/base_types/
  │ B ./ocamldoc/
  │ B ./ocamldoc/generators/
  │ B ./ocamltest/
  │ B ./otherlibs/bigarray/
  │ B ./otherlibs/dynlink/
  │ B ./otherlibs/dynlink/byte/
  │ B ./otherlibs/dynlink/dynlink_compilerlibs/
  │ B ./otherlibs/dynlink/native/
  │ B ./otherlibs/str/
  │ B ./otherlibs/systhreads/
  │ B ./otherlibs/unix/
  │ B ./parsing/
  │ B ./stdlib/
  │ B ./testsuite/tests/no-alias-deps/
  │ B ./tools/
  │ B ./toplevel/
  │ B ./toplevel/byte/
  │ B ./toplevel/native/
  │ B ./typing/
  │ B ./utils/

release of prbnmcn-gnuplot 0.0.3


Igarnier announced

  [prbnmcn-gnuplot] is a declarative wrapper on top of
  [gnuplot]. Version 0.0.3 was just released.

  The API is not entirely set in stone but it's reasonably usable, at
  least for up to moderately sized plots. It proceeds by constructing
  self-contained gnuplot scripts from declarative specifications and
  deferring to gnuplot for execution.

  Here's the [documentation].

  Happy hacking!

[prbnmcn-gnuplot] <https://github.com/igarnier/prbnmcn-gnuplot>

[gnuplot] <http://www.gnuplot.info/>

[documentation] <https://igarnier.github.io/prbnmcn-gnuplot/>

Call for Presentations for "Teaching Functional Programming in OCaml" as part 
of the OCaml Workshop 2022


Yurug announced

Special Session / Call for Presentations for "Teaching Functional Programming 
in OCaml" as part of the OCaml

  Workshop 2022

  • Abstract Submission: 6 June 2022
  • Author Notification: 7 July 2022
  • OCaml Workshop: 9 Sept 2022

  The OCaml Workshop 2022, co-located with ICFP 2022, will take place
  the 2022-09-16 and will be held at Ljubljana, Slovenia. This year, we
  would like to organize a special session on "Teaching Functional
  Programming in OCaml".

  Hence, we would like to encourage and invite submissions for
  presentations that highlight teaching practices and innovation that
  highlight how OCaml is taught around the globe and the wide range of
  tools and strategies that have been developed to teach effectively
  functional programming using OCaml. In particular, we are interested
  in automated program evaluation / grading tools / error analysis (both
  type and syntax errors) for OCaml programs, tools that provide
  assistance in practical lessons (such as pair programming for
  example), Jupiter notebooks like solutions to interactively introduce
  programming concepts, or full-featured web platforms. We are
  particularly seeking contributions and experience reports of the
  Learn-OCaml online programming environment which has been used by the
  OCaml teaching community for online but also for regular in-person
  classes. The goal is to share experiences, exchange ideas and tools,
  and promote best practices.

  Interested researchers are invited to submit and register a
  description of the talk (about 2 pages long) at
  <https://ocaml2022.hotcrp.com/providing> a clear statement of what
  will be provided by the presentation: the problems that are addressed,
  the solutions or methods that are proposed.

  LaTeX-produced PDFs are a common and welcome submission format. For
  accessibility purposes, we ask PDF submitters to also provide the
  sources of their submission in a textual format, such as ..tex
  sources. Reviewers may read either the submitted PDF or the text

  The OCaml workshop and this special session are informal meetings with
  no formal proceedings. The presentation material will be available
  online from the workshop homepage. The presentations may be recorded
  and made available at a later date.

  The main presentation format is a workshop talk, traditionally around
  20 minutes in length, plus question time, but we also have a poster
  session during the workshop - this allows us to present more diverse
  work and gives time for discussion. The program committee for the
  OCaml Workshop will decide which presentations should be delivered as
  posters or talks.

  • Simão Melo de Sousa (University of Beira Interior)
  • Brigitte Pientka (McGill University)
  • Yann Regis-Gianas (Nomadic Labs)
  • Xujie Si (McGill University)


  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and I'll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed of the

  If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe

  [Alan Schmitt]

[send me a message] <mailto:alan.schm...@polytechnique.org>

[the archive] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>

[RSS feed of the archives] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>

[online] <http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/>

[Alan Schmitt] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/>

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