
Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of January 31 to
February 07, 2023.

Table of Contents

Tezt 3.0.0, now JS-compatible and in its own repository
Shuttle 0.9.1 released
Outreachy Summer 2023
Usability improvements in the OCaml compiler codebase
Learning to write PPX extenders: some links
Stramon 0.3.0 - Process behavior monitoring utility based on strace

Tezt 3.0.0, now JS-compatible and in its own repository


rbardou announced

  It is my pleasure to announce the release of version 3.0.0 of Tezt, a
  test framework for OCaml which is well suited for unit, integration
  and regression tests in particular.

  Tezt now lives in [its own repository] (it used to be part of
  [Octez]). This should make documentation easier to find, bugs easier
  to report and features easier to suggest. It also makes it faster to
  download and install.

  The main highlights of this major release are:
  • JavaScript compatibility: the library has been split into a
    Unix-only part (`tezt'), a new JavaScript-only part (`tezt.js'), and
    a common part (`tezt.core');
  • output files for regression tests are now located next to their test
    by default, in an `expected' subdirectory, which in particular makes
    it easier to split tests across a codebase;
  • one can now resume from a previous run to avoid running tests that
    had succeeded.

  See the [changelog] for the full list of changes, and the [API
  Documentation] for more details.

  You can install Tezt with opam:
  │ opam install tezt

[its own repository] <https://gitlab.com/nomadic-labs/tezt>

[Octez] <https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/>


[API Documentation]

Shuttle 0.9.1 released


Anurag Soni announced

  I’d like to announce a new point release (0.9.1) for `shuttle' and its
  companion libraries. They are available to install via opam:

  │ opam install shuttle shuttle_ssl shuttle_http

  The code is hosted on [github], and the documentation can be seen
  online on [ocaml’s package registry].

  *Shuttle* is a small library that is a wrapper around file descriptors
  that provides an API for buffered channels using [async].

  *Shuttle_ssl* provides ssl support for `shuttle' and is built on top
   of `async_ssl' (async bindings for OpenSSL).

  *Shuttle_http* is a library that implements to help write HTTP/1.1
   servers and clients.

  Shuttle_http is the library that has seen the most changes in this

  • Improved streaming response body handling. The library will reliably
    schedule a cleanup action that will run if the underlying socket is
    closed before the entire response body was consumed.
  • Support for one-shot HTTP/1.1 clients. These don’t support
    keep-alives and the underlying socket will be closed after one
    request -> response cycle.
  • Support for HTTP/1.1 clients that support keep-alives. Client
    connection will be kept open if both client and server indicate that
    the connection supports keep-alive. This allows the same connection
    to be re-used for multiple request -> response cycles. The
    connection object ensures that outgoing requests are serialized to
    respect that HTTP/1.1 doesn’t support multiplexing.
  • Support for persistent HTTP clients. Not to be confused with `HTTP
    persistent connection'. Persistent in this case refers to durable
    clients that will always hand the user an open connection, and
    attempts to reconnect if the underlying connection is lost. This
    leverages Async’s persistent module to provide an HTTP flavored
    persistent connection.

[github] <https://github.com/anuragsoni/shuttle>

[ocaml’s package registry]

[async] <https://opensource.janestreet.com/async/>

Uses and examples

  *A hello world http server*

  │ open! Core
  │ open Async
  │ open Shuttle_http
  │ let hello_world (address : Socket.Address.Inet.t) (request : Request.t) =
  │   Log.Global.info !"%{sexp: Socket.Address.Inet.t} - %s" address 
(Request.path request);
  │   return (Response.create ~body:(Body.string "Hello World") `Ok)
  │ ;;

  *An example of a http handler that responds with a streaming body*

  │ open! Core
  │ open Async
  │ open Shuttle_http
  │ let my_service (address : Socket.Address.Inet.t) (request : Request.t) =
  │   let%map reader =
  │     (* This an example to show a stream that works with an external 
resource. *)
  │     Reader.open_file "<some file path>"
  │   in
  │   (* Create a pipe from the reader that we will use as a streaming response 
body. *)
  │   let reader_pipe = Reader.pipe reader in
  │   (* Create a response from the reader's pipe. If the server is closed 
before the full
  │      response was served, the pipe will be closed which in-turn will close 
the reader and
  │      the underlying file descriptor. *)
  │   Response.create ~body:(Body.of_pipe `Chunked reader_pipe) `Ok
  │ ;;

  *A one-shot http client*

  │ let run () =
  │   let address =
  │     Client.Address.of_host_and_port (Host_and_port.create 
~host:"httpbin.org" ~port:443)
  │   in
  │   Client.Oneshot.call ~ssl:(Client.Ssl.create ()) address (Request.create 
`GET "/get")
  │ ;;

  *Client supporting keep-alive*

  │ let run () =
  │   let stdout = Lazy.force Writer.stdout in
  │   let%bind httpbin =
  │     Deferred.Or_error.ok_exn
  │       (Client.create
  │          ~ssl:(Client.Ssl.create ())
  │          (Client.Address.of_host_and_port
  │             (Host_and_port.create ~host:"httpbin.org" ~port:443)))
  │   in
  │   Monitor.protect
  │     ~finally:(fun () -> Client.close httpbin)
  │     (fun () ->
  │       let%bind response = Client.call httpbin (Request.create `GET 
"/stream/20") in
  │       Log.Global.info !"Headers: %{sexp: Headers.t}" (Response.headers 
  │       let log_body response =
  │         Body.Stream.iter
  │           (Body.to_stream (Response.body response))
  │           ~f:(fun chunk ->
  │             Writer.write stdout chunk;
  │             Writer.flushed stdout)
  │       in
  │       let%bind () = log_body response in
  │       let%bind response = Client.call httpbin (Request.create `GET "/get") 
  │       Log.Global.info !"Headers: %{sexp: Headers.t}" (Response.headers 
  │       log_body response)
  │ ;;

Outreachy Summer 2023

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/outreachy-summer-2023/11159/4>

Reynir Björnsson announced

  Hello! Me, @rand and @pitag intend to co-mentor on two projects
  related to [Mirage]. We have not set in stone what the projects will
  be, but we have some ideas. Suggestions and feedback is very welcome.

  One idea is to work on the story of persistent storage in OCaml.
  • write tests and example unikernels for existing libraries (MBR, tar,
  • work on a gpt implementation (an old non-functional implementation
  • a scratch space / swap-like library for keeping track in memory of
    temporary allocations on a block device. This can be used in
    conjunction with MBR or GPT and the tar filesystem. The tar
    filesystem is append-only, and for that reason the scratch space can
    be useful for temporarily storing files downloaded over http before
    committing them to the filesystem once the final size is known or
    the checksum matches an expected hash.

  We have as well a few ideas about (better) support for MirageOS on
  micro controllers and Raspberry Pi. We are investigating the
  possibility of shipping hardware to interns and what micro controllers
  could be relevant.

  Other ideas is picking up an old ntp-client project or working on
  conntest: <https://github.com/rand00/conntest/>

[Mirage] <https://mirage.io/>

Usability improvements in the OCaml compiler codebase


gasche said

  In the monster thread [What are the biggest reasons newcomers give up
  on OCaml?], @patricoferris [posted a structured summary] and then said
  the following:

        Firstly, there’s actually a tremendous amount of excellent
        work happening (and that has happened) to improve the
        situation for newcomers coming to OCaml, which is great
        and should be celebrated! However, it probably hasn’t been
        communicated effectively with the broader community. […]
        Working out better ways to communicate that sustainably
        might be good.

  I can’t speak for the whole tooling ecosystem for OCaml, but with my
  compiler contributor hat, I decided to play along and communicate on
  the fact that, yes, people are constantly working to improve the
  usability of the language implementation.

  Many changes to the language and standard library participate to
  usability, but if we restrict to the usability of the compiler itself
  and its documentation, one way to see the action is to look at the
  [compiler changelog], in particular sections “Manual and
  documentation” and “Compiler user-interface and warnings”.

  Below are those two sections in the last two years of OCaml releases.
  (I trimmed some entries which I believe are less immediately related
  to usability.)

  /Editor’s note: please follow the archive link above to read the huge
  list that Gabriel collected./

[What are the biggest reasons newcomers give up on OCaml?]

[posted a structured summary]

[compiler changelog] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/blob/trunk/Changes>

Learning to write PPX extenders: some links


Lukasz Stafiniak said

  Hi! This is just to signal boost a couple of PPX extension examples,
  for extenders specifically, that I found useful in my learning. Sorry
  for not selecting others, I stumbled upon these.

  • [Blog post by Nathan from Tarides] is to go-to tutorial that I only
    discovered today.
  • [ppx-monoid] is recursively translating the expression parts of
    interest while keeping others unchanged.
  • [tensority] is reinterpreting operators globally.
  • [pacomb] is an example of “mappers”, applying matching changes
    anywhere in the expression.

[Blog post by Nathan from Tarides]



[pacomb] <https://github.com/craff/pacomb/blob/master/ppx/ppx_pacomb.ml>

Stramon 0.3.0 - Process behavior monitoring utility based on strace


Darren announced

  I am happy to announce [Stramon] 0.3.0, which now has pid and command

  Stramon invokes strace underneath, analyzes the output and summarize
  the findings into a JSON file when the command finishes.

  An example JSON created by running Firefox via Stramon can be seen

[Stramon] <https://github.com/darrenldl/stramon>



  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and I’ll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed of the

  If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe

  [Alan Schmitt]

[send me a message] <mailto:alan.schm...@polytechnique.org>

[the archive] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>

[RSS feed of the archives] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>

[online] <http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/>

[Alan Schmitt] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/>

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