In spite of rain and thunder in the forecast, six people joined Dave Gislason 
and I on the CBC field trip to Connecticut Hill. While looking for a singing 
chestnut-sided warbler with my thermal infrared camera, I found instead a 
ruby-throated hummingbird sitting in its tiny lichen-lined nest high in a tree:

We also got good close looks at some of the many alder flycatchers singing in 
the area, apparently involved in turf battles and thus less concerned about our 
presence. In the woods a "yurr"-ing veery gave fleeting looks in the bush, 
alongside what I thought was a cowbird fledgling, except it wasn't trilling 
incessantly like they seem to usually do. At least two ovenbirds then seemed to 
surround our vantage, singing here then disappearing, popping up there then 
flying off before I can scope it, but returning fairly close to give good but 
fleeting looks. I wondered if we weren't too close to their nest for their 
comfort. Not far up the trail my thermal camera found the day's second nest, a 
red-eyed vireo about 10-feet from the ground, a boldly-eyestriped face looking 
down with its red eye discernible in the scope.

Continuing across the pond as the drizzle increased, we settled under some pine 
trees from where a trilling voice gave Diane a fleeting look at a pine warbler, 
but the bird just flew higher and was not to be seen or heard again. Meanwhile, 
sitting quietly out in the rain was a chestnut-sided warbler giving great scope 
views, though we wondered why it wasn't taking cover from the cold rain.

Meanwhile up in a low tree were at least nine cedar waxwings resting, then 
foraging in some berry bushes. A brilliant rose-breasted grosbeak flew in close 
at eye level for great looks before leaving with a female.

In our last leg through the woods we found a small cup nest on the ground, and 
not long after my thermal camera found a second red-eyed vireo nest:

We ended up with a pretty awesome outing, in spite of the weather; rather, this 
reaffirms my experience that birding trips in the rain - as long as it isn't 
windy - always seem to turn out great, with the birds seeming to get closer 
than usual. Our big visual miss for the day was the hooded warbler singing two 
different songs from up high as we traversed its territory next to the parking 

Thanks again to all who participated.


PS. Those wanting more info about trails in the area can contact Dave Gislason 


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