Tonight after dinner in the main building here at Kendal (7:05), I walked to 
the small hill to the south of "campus" that we call Mt. Kendal to see if I 
could find the Woodcock  that was reported by Nelly Farnum last night.

Finally, after it was almost dark (~7:40), I heard a relatively faint peenting 
from the southeast side of the hill near the bushes by the houses on Spruce 
Lane, Cayuga Hts. this is more towards Triphammer Road.
I walked that direction to get closer and was across an overgrown grassy area 
from where the bird was peenting.

Then peenting stopped &I  saw nothing due to bad eyes and darkness, but soon I 
heard the twittery sounds the Woodcock makes as it descends from high in the 
I heard this several times before it seemed to be done about 7:55.
I was very cold by then, so I left to go home to 377.

Nelly Farnum and I will go there tomorrow at 7:30 to see it we can find the 
bird again!

Nelly 3 years ago convinced the grounds crew here to stop mowing "Mt. Kendal" 
except for a few grassy trails; it has grown into a nice grassy place with 
goldenrod, asters, tall grass, teasels, etc.
And now it has a Woodcock! Just down the road from all the malls.
Build it and they will come!

Donna L Scott

377 Savage Farm Dr
Ithaca, NY 14850


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