Re: [CentOS-docs] feedback for Amavisd page

2009-12-22 Thread Ralph Angenendt
Am 21.12.09 14:36, schrieb Karanbir Singh:
 This from irc:
 13:07  orogor hi here
 13:07  orogor how do i edit a centos wiki page ?
 13:08  orogor chkconfig --level 123456  sendmail off
 13:08  orogor
 13:08  orogor need to add this line arround the service check 
 configuration lines
 13:08 @z00dax orogor: could you post that to the docs list ?
 13:09  orogor i dont wanna subscribe to the ML :\
 13:09  orogor i ll never read it
 Just posting this here on behalf of orogor

Hrmmm. I don't really see why that would fit (and where). But yes, what
the guide seems to be missing is a small section on how to remove
sendmail and install postfix, as sendmail still is the default MTA on


CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] feedback for Amavisd page

2009-12-22 Thread Akemi Yagi
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 4:40 AM, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
 Am 21.12.09 14:36, schrieb Karanbir Singh:

 Hrmmm. I don't really see why that would fit (and where). But yes, what
 the guide seems to be missing is a small section on how to remove
 sendmail and install postfix, as sendmail still is the default MTA on

You can just refer to the Postfix article ( ) which says:

First we need to tell our system to use postfix as the MTA rather
than the default sendmail. To do this, run the system-switch-mail
command and select postfix as the MTA. This will install the postfix
service and set it to start automatically at runlevels 3, 4, and 5.

CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] feedback for Amavisd page

2009-12-22 Thread Scott Robbins
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 05:34:34AM -0800, Akemi Yagi wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 4:40 AM, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
  Am 21.12.09 14:36, schrieb Karanbir Singh:
  Hrmmm. I don't really see why that would fit (and where). But yes, what
  the guide seems to be missing is a small section on how to remove
  sendmail and install postfix, as sendmail still is the default MTA on
 You can just refer to the Postfix article ( ) which says:
 First we need to tell our system to use postfix as the MTA rather
 than the default sendmail. To do this, run the system-switch-mail
 command and select postfix as the MTA. This will install the postfix
 service and set it to start automatically at runlevels 3, 4, and 5.

As it's only a few sentences, it should be included in the article,
rather than sending the user to another page.  Always assume the reader
is a busy person.  :)

Scott Robbins
PGP keyID EB3467D6
( 1B48 077D 66F6 9DB0 FDC2 A409 FA54 EB34 67D6 )
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys EB3467D6

 Cordelia: What's going on? Oh god, is the world ending? I have to
research a paper on Bosnia for tomorrow, but if the world's ending,
I'm not gonna bother.
CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] feedback for Amavisd page

2009-12-22 Thread Akemi Yagi
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 5:47 AM, Scott Robbins wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 05:34:34AM -0800, Akemi Yagi wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 4:40 AM, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
  Am 21.12.09 14:36, schrieb Karanbir Singh:

 You can just refer to the Postfix article ( ) which says:

 First we need to tell our system to use postfix as the MTA rather
 than the default sendmail. To do this, run the system-switch-mail
 command and select postfix as the MTA. This will install the postfix
 service and set it to start automatically at runlevels 3, 4, and 5.

 As it's only a few sentences, it should be included in the article,
 rather than sending the user to another page.  Always assume the reader
 is a busy person.  :)

... and another line (quoted from the Postfix page):

yum install system-switch-mail  system-switch-mail-gnome

CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] feedback for Amavisd page

2009-12-22 Thread Scott Robbins
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 06:27:07AM -0800, Akemi Yagi wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 5:47 AM, Scott Robbins wrote:
  First we need to tell our system to use postfix as the MTA rather
  than the default sendmail. To do this, run the system-switch-mail
  command and select postfix as the MTA. This will install the postfix
  service and set it to start automatically at runlevels 3, 4, and 5.
  As it's only a few sentences, it should be included in the article,
  rather than sending the user to another page.  Always assume the reader
  is a busy person.  :)
 ... and another line (quoted from the Postfix page):
 yum install system-switch-mail  system-switch-mail-gnome

Actually, I've always used the alternatives command.  :)

yum -y install postfix
alternatives --config mta

Which brings up a dialog enabling the user to switch.  

Scott Robbins
PGP keyID EB3467D6
( 1B48 077D 66F6 9DB0 FDC2 A409 FA54 EB34 67D6 )
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys EB3467D6

Willow: On the other hand, maybe Rodney just stepped out
for a smoke.
Xander: For twenty-one hours?
Willow: It's addictive, you know.
CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Tarjeta de red Realtek RTL8102E

2009-12-22 Thread Moan
Carlos, seguramente si la reconozca pero no este configurada.

En la consola teclea lspci (sin las comillas) y busca ahí tu tarjeta, si
está es que CentOs la reconoció (lo mas seguro que sea así).
Luego de cerciorarte que fue reconocida, teclea nuevamente en la consola
service ifconfig (o algo similar, hace mucho que no uso CentOs) y fijate
si la tenes configurada, debería aparecer algo como lo siguiente:

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 03:69:69:31:08:10
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: fe80::219:66ff:fe61:415/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:283832 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:226208 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:344839525 (328.8 MiB)  TX bytes:24311786 (23.1 MiB)
  Interrupt:26 Base address:0xa000

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
  RX packets:1047 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:1047 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:142720 (139.3 KiB)  TX bytes:142720 (139.3 KiB)

Pudiendo ser eth1 en vez de eth0

Cualquier problema, pega la salida de estos dos comandos en un nuevo mail y
envialo a la lista...


El 21 de diciembre de 2009 22:22, Carlos Moreira

 Hola, les cuento que instale un CentOS 5 sobre mi computador, el cual
 tiene una tarjeta de red on-board Realtek RTL8102E family pci-e fast
 ethernet nic, pero este no me la reconoce, antes tenia windows instalado
 en dicha maquina y lo reconoce por defecto, pero no me sucedió esto con
 CentOS. Alguno tiene idea que tengo que hacer? ya que no he podido
 conseguir algun driver que funcione. Saludos Carlitos
 CentOS-es mailing list

Moan .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
Montevideo - Uruguay

Amo el Rock 'N' Roll, como amo todo lo que es dionisiaco, violento y
afrodisiaco (Salvador Dali, 1956)
CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Tarjeta de red Realtek RTL8102E

2009-12-22 Thread Raul Arboleda
Hola Carlos yo también tuve ese mismo problema y busque mucho y ensaye mucho
y a la final me decidí por poner una segunda tarjeta de red compatible esa
realtek no es compatible sino con Windows.

Raúl Eduardo Arboleda Zapata
Ingeniero de Sistemas Unninca
Cel +573 300 620 66 13 
   +573 312 288 90 86
Medellín, Antioquia
Colombia, S.A.

-Mensaje original-
De: [] En
nombre de Carlos Moreira
Enviado el: lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2009 07:22 p.m.
Asunto: [CentOS-es] Tarjeta de red Realtek RTL8102E

Hola, les cuento que instale un CentOS 5 sobre mi computador, el cual 
tiene una tarjeta de red on-board Realtek RTL8102E family pci-e fast 
ethernet nic, pero este no me la reconoce, antes tenia windows instalado 
en dicha maquina y lo reconoce por defecto, pero no me sucedió esto con 
CentOS. Alguno tiene idea que tengo que hacer? ya que no he podido 
conseguir algun driver que funcione. Saludos Carlitos
CentOS-es mailing list

CentOS-es mailing list

[CentOS-es] Ayuda con chpasswd

2009-12-22 Thread Rolando Arteaga Lamar

Hola listeros, necesito implementar este script en mi trabajo. Este script
es para cambiar la contraseña via web al servidor squid. Yo compilo el
programa, pero cuando trato de instalarlo me da un error es el siquiente.

[r...@servidor chpasswd-2.2.3]# make
gcc -c  -O2 -w  -I. -DPACKAGE_NAME=3D\\ -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=3D\\
 -DHAVE_STRSTR=3D1  -DPREFIX=3D\/etc/chpasswd\  -DSpanish chpasswd.c
 chpasswd.c:286: error: la declaraci=C3=B3n static de
  a continuaci=C3=B3n de
 una no static
 chpasswd.c:269: error: la declaraci=C3=B3n impl=C3=ADcita previa de
 =98htoi=E2=80=99 estaba aqu=C3=AD
 make: *** [chpasswd.o] Error 1

Este es el error en el archivo, chpasswd.c, es en la linea 286, 269. y en
la linea de htoi.

Espero me puedan ayudar, y por lo que he averiguado, es un parche

Pero no tengo ni idea de lo que pueda ser y necesito esto con mucha
urgencia en mi trabajo..

Gracias por leer y si saben y pueden RESPONDAN POR FAVOR...



*** Rolando Arteaga *

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Ayuda con chpasswd

2009-12-22 Thread Eduardo Grosclaude
2009/12/22 Rolando Arteaga Lamar

 Hola listeros, necesito implementar este script en mi trabajo. Este script
 es para cambiar la contraseña via web al servidor squid. Yo compilo el
 programa, pero cuando trato de instalarlo me da un error es el siquiente.

 [r...@servidor chpasswd-2.2.3]# make
 gcc -c  -O2 -w  -I. -DPACKAGE_NAME=3D\\ -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=3D\\
  -DHAVE_STRSTR=3D1  -DPREFIX=3D\/etc/chpasswd\  -DSpanish chpasswd.c
  chpasswd.c:286: error: la declaraci=C3=B3n static de
  a continuaci=C3=B3n de
  una no static
  chpasswd.c:269: error: la declaraci=C3=B3n impl=C3=ADcita previa de
  =98htoi=E2=80=99 estaba aqu=C3=AD
  make: *** [chpasswd.o] Error 1

 Este es el error en el archivo, chpasswd.c, es en la linea 286, 269. y en
 la linea de htoi.

Acabo de bajar este paquete y efectivamente en la línea 286 aparece
una declaración static int antes de una función, comentada (con
doble barra // al principio). Si sacas esa doble barra se produce el

El error se produce porque esa declaración ya no concuerda con un uso
anterior de la función, que *no* lleva el static, que está en la línea

Al configurar con --enable-language=Spanish y compilar con make, a mí
no se me produce el error y compila perfecto. Tengo CentOS 5.4 al día.
Calculo que has aplicado algún patch que no ha considerado el asunto
del modificador static.

Sugerencia: agrega al archivo conf.h, al final, una línea que diga exactamente:

static int htoi(s);

Y vuelve a compilar.

Eduardo Grosclaude
Universidad Nacional del Comahue
Neuquen, Argentina
CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Monitoring Dynamic IPs using Some network monitoring tool

2009-12-22 Thread Rajagopal Swaminathan
Thanks for the reply

2009/12/21 Juan Carlos Díaz Fernández
 Or maybe implementing dyndns if you can

This sounds very interesting and it seems GNUDIP is one such. but it
seems too dated.

it is possible for me to run a dyndns service on a static IP. but can
you provide a bit more of gory details about where is it available for
centos, and the such.

Yes I am using our friend goole while I am typing this for finding some answer

Alternatively, it there a possibility of installing some agent and
getting the MAC address of one of the server behind the router. First
a diagram

central location (main monitoring -- Centos box0+monitoring server)
+--link1adsl-- Remote1 (dynamic IP)
+--link2adsl-- Remote2 (dynamic IP)
(and so on...)

In each remote I have a centos box behind the router serving a bunch
of desktops.

Is there a possibility that I can install an agent which will contact
the central montoring server? (No $$$ here please, as free as in free
beer/bread applies in addition to freedom)

BTW it seems there are two type of monitoring tools:
Type-1. uses snmp only
Type-2. user agents

Is it possible to monitor a link based on the MAC of the centos server
sitting behind?

Zabbix seems to be priced

Honestly I am absolutely confused as to which I should choose as it
will be maintained by people who may not know what command line is

Apologies for too many questions.

I think somebody mentioned NMS to be complex beasts .. I being a
vegetarian am finding it all the more daunting

Thanks in advance

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Monitoring Dynamic IPs using Some network monitoring tool

2009-12-22 Thread Rajagopal Swaminathan

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 8:27 PM, Jake wrote:

 I think it really depends on the type of monitoring you'd like to do and the
 type of tool you're trying to use now. For example, we use Nagios to monitor
 our systems. With Nagios, you could use passive checks. This is where the
 programs that monitor your server run locally on the server and submit
 results to the central monitoring server. The central Nagios server can
 alert based on the results it receives or based on the fact that it hasn't
 received results for a period of time.

Thanks, This is one path I intend to investigate further..


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Monitoring Dynamic IPs using Some network monitoring tool

2009-12-22 Thread Rajagopal Swaminathan

 Perhaps ntop?

Gosh! answer for a person handling hundreds of servers and PB of
data!!! I am blessed indeed. :)

Yes I am right now trying to get my claws into it just few minutes
back I yum-med it in to my system. saw some graphs...

The key issue here is dynamic IP addresses

Initial requirements are just to show whether the ADSL is up and the
avereage transfer /hour /day etc. and some minor details inside.

Thanks and regards

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] SFTP - stalled - on large files

2009-12-22 Thread Sean Carolan
 I'm not sure what would cause that, but I'd use rsync over ssh instead of sftp
 anyway - and use the -P option to permit restarting.

If it were up to me, we'd take that route.  The software the client is
using is WinSCP which does have a restart feature, however it's not
working for us.  I'm wondering if this is somehow caused by the vmware
network driver?
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Monitoring Dynamic IPs using Some network monitoring tool

2009-12-22 Thread Juan Carlos Díaz Fernández

2009/12/22 Rajagopal Swaminathan

 Thanks for the reply

 2009/12/21 Juan Carlos Díaz Fernández
  Or maybe implementing dyndns if you can

 This sounds very interesting and it seems GNUDIP is one such. but it
 seems too dated.

In the past I had a dyndns mounted using bind + dhcpd. You can see an
example here:

Also, you can use an external dyndns service like and ddclient to
update info.


Juan Carlos
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] SFTP - stalled - on large files

2009-12-22 Thread Kai Schaetzl
Sean Carolan wrote on Tue, 22 Dec 2009 03:08:53 -0600:

 The software the client is
 using is WinSCP which does have a restart feature, however it's not
 working for us.

Tell him to switch WinSCP to SCP mode.


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
Get your web at Conactive Internet Services:

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Monitoring Dynamic IPs using Some network monitoring tool

2009-12-22 Thread Rajagopal Swaminathan

 2009/12/22 Rajagopal Swaminathan


 Thanks for the reply

 In the past I had a dyndns mounted using bind + dhcpd. You can see an
 example here:

The dhcp server is not under my control, far from it is from different ISPs

 Also, you can use an external dyndns service like and ddclient to
 update info.

Is is possibile to run on'e own dyndns service?

BTW does GNUDIP does the same? assuming it is hosted on a public IP
and all the remote location point to this IP as DNS server?

Please pardon my ignorance... I know about OS, HA and the bits, but
well this networking beast... I need some more handholding perhaps

Thanks again for prompt reply


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] SFTP - stalled - on large files

2009-12-22 Thread Sean Carolan
 Tell him to switch WinSCP to SCP mode.


Tried that, it still fails the same way.  Here's the short list of
what I've tried to troubleshoot this:

Used SCP via the gui and command line
Used SFTP via the gui and command line
Ran yum update to bring all packages up to date
Tried stock CentOS sshd daemon (version 4.3), as well as sshd built
from source (version 5.3)
Adjusted MTU settings
Reinstalled virtual network card
Updated vmware tools and network card driver
Tried vmxnet as well as e1000 drivers

At this point I don't know what else to try.  I'm thinking that it's
either a problem with VMWare, or perhaps our load balancer that is
routing the packets back and forth.  Hopefully one of the vendors will
be able to help solve the problem.  In the meantime we are building
out a physical server to test whether vmware is the issue or not.

If anyone else has seen this problem before or has suggestions please
post them here.  Thanks.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Monitoring Dynamic IPs using Some network monitoring tool

2009-12-22 Thread Juan Carlos Díaz Fernández

The dhcp server is not under my control, far from it is from different ISPs

Uh! Sorry, I was not thinking about it.

 Also, you can use an external dyndns service like and ddclient
 update info.

Is is possibile to run on'e own dyndns service?

Yes, I see the tool you mention, GNUDIP can do the job. The development is
stopped, but if it works, you can try it!

Yes, you must install GNUDIP server on your fixed public IP machine and
clients on the other machines.


Juan Carlos
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] SFTP - stalled - on large files

2009-12-22 Thread JS

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On
 Behalf Of Sean Carolan
 Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 6:13 AM
 To: CentOS mailing list
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] SFTP - stalled - on large files
  Tell him to switch WinSCP to SCP mode.
 Tried that, it still fails the same way.  Here's the short list of
 what I've tried to troubleshoot this:
 Used SCP via the gui and command line
 Used SFTP via the gui and command line
 Ran yum update to bring all packages up to date
 Tried stock CentOS sshd daemon (version 4.3), as well as sshd built
 from source (version 5.3)
 Adjusted MTU settings
 Reinstalled virtual network card
 Updated vmware tools and network card driver
 Tried vmxnet as well as e1000 drivers
 At this point I don't know what else to try.  I'm thinking that it's
 either a problem with VMWare, or perhaps our load balancer that is
 routing the packets back and forth.  Hopefully one of the vendors will
 be able to help solve the problem.  In the meantime we are building
 out a physical server to test whether vmware is the issue or not.
 If anyone else has seen this problem before or has suggestions please
 post them here.  Thanks.

Just an idea or thought on it.  You never said what the file size was or did
you?  My idea is that is, there not a file size limitation on transfer to
and from the server?  I thought there was?  Check you vsftpd.conf out or
what ever ftp server your running for the size limitation.  Maybe some help
or maybe not?


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Monitoring Dynamic IPs using Some network monitoring tool

2009-12-22 Thread Rajagopal Swaminathan

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 8:48 PM, Gabriel Rosca wrote:
 I personal use zabbix ... On all the servers ( Windows, Linux ) with dynamic
 IP I use dyndns ...

I just tried to configure, make install zabbix server and agent on a centos box

But I seem to miss the front end URL mentioned anywhere

There are no directory entries under /var/www/html for zabbix...

The index.php seems to by under frontend/ph in the unzipped directory...

no go yet...

any help appreciated


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] conga and virsh nodeinfo

2009-12-22 Thread Dirk H. Schulz
Hi folks,

I have run into a confusing problem.

My initial problem is: Conga does not offer Add a virtual machine 
service. So I googled and found a RedHat advisory on that:
which points updates that should fix this.

I checked on my cluster, but the relevant packages are current (and even 
if ALL packages are current it does not work).

So I tried manually what is described in the above advisory:
virsh nodeinfo --readonly throws an error saying that --readonly is 
not implemented. That seems to be the problem.
Running virh nodeinfo as a non-root user (like Conga does) leads to an 
error as described in the above advisory.
Reading the man page on virsh suggests that there is a --readonly flag 
to URIs, not to simple virsh commands.

Now I am stuck. Googleing does not lead to anything helpful.

Has anyone else run into this and resolved it?

Or can someone send me a valid vm ressource entry for the 
/etc/cluster/cluster.conf file so I can adapt that? I have not found 
really enlightening examples on the web, and docs on this seem quite 

Thanks for any hint or help.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] SFTP - stalled - on large files

2009-12-22 Thread Sean Carolan
 Just an idea or thought on it.  You never said what the file size was or did
 you?  My idea is that is, there not a file size limitation on transfer to
 and from the server?  I thought there was?  Check you vsftpd.conf out or
 what ever ftp server your running for the size limitation.  Maybe some help
 or maybe not?

The problem is with SFTP, so I'm afraid that vsftpd.conf isn't the culprit here.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] SFTP - stalled - on large files

2009-12-22 Thread Sean Carolan
 Load balancer... is that set up to maintain connections, or will it, like 
 WebSeal, go to whichever server is next/least used in the middle of a 

It's set to use least connection but there is only one server behind
the virtual IP at the moment.

I'm reasonably sure at this point that the Netscaler is causing the
problem, because file transfers inside the LAN work fine, and we see
this same issue on both physical and virtual servers.  I just tested
with a physical box to verify, and the same thing happens, transfer
speed quickly drops to zero and stalls.

I've got a ticket open with Citrix to hopefully get to the bottom of
this.  It wouldn't be the first time we've seen the Netscaler muck up
a TCP connection from a client.  The last time I dealt with this it
was sending unwanted FIN packets to mail servers.  Fun stuff.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Monitoring Dynamic IPs using Some network monitoring tool

2009-12-22 Thread Les Mikesell
Rajagopal Swaminathan wrote:
 Alternatively, it there a possibility of installing some agent and
 getting the MAC address of one of the server behind the router. First
 a diagram
 central location (main monitoring -- Centos box0+monitoring server)
 +--link1adsl-- Remote1 (dynamic IP)
 +--link2adsl-- Remote2 (dynamic IP)
 (and so on...)
 In each remote I have a centos box behind the router serving a bunch
 of desktops.
 Is there a possibility that I can install an agent which will contact
 the central montoring server? (No $$$ here please, as free as in free
 beer/bread applies in addition to freedom)

Why not run Openvpn on the remote and central centos boxes to create a big 
private network, using unique IP ranges for each remote?  This can be used for 
other management purposes or could be firewalled to just permit snmp.  For what 
you describe, all you need is a route to the routers, and this would give you a 
route to the 'inside' interface.  If you want to allow it, it will also allow 
remote access to everything behind the router.

 BTW it seems there are two type of monitoring tools:
 Type-1. uses snmp only
 Type-2. user agents

Your router is probably only going to have snmp, and accessing it from the 
inside interface will work to report the interface usage of all interfaces.

 Is it possible to monitor a link based on the MAC of the centos server
 sitting behind?

Probably not, but you can vpn-tunnel through it, and openvpn will work fine 
through NAT and with one end having a dynamic address.

 Zabbix seems to be priced
 Honestly I am absolutely confused as to which I should choose as it
 will be maintained by people who may not know what command line is
 Apologies for too many questions.
 I think somebody mentioned NMS to be complex beasts .. I being a
 vegetarian am finding it all the more daunting

I'm partial to opennms - and have used it in somewhat similar circumstances 
(generally static IP's, but using a central monitor from the private side 
through tunnels). The one thing you need for this to work is unique IP 
throughout, though.  Most monitor tools will be tied to IP addressing and will 
be confused if each location NATs to the same range.

   Les Mikesell

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Frustrations with MySQL loss, tcpdump, netstat, etc

2009-12-22 Thread ML
Hi All,

Hi All,

MySQL 5.0.77 on CentOS 5.4

MySQL is running, my Wordpress stuff is working, but I cannot connect to the 
server from my house. This server is in my house, however, but on a public IP, 
behind a firewall, etc.

I checked my hardware firewall (a dedicated UnTangle system) and that is 
successfully allowing the passage. I know this because the firewall shows:

2009-12-22 6:29:41 am passed my IP:35606 server IP:3306

I checked the firewall (system-config-securitylevel-tui) on the server and that 
has 3306:tcp allowed. 

When I try to connect I get an error (4) which when I google says: Interrupted 
System call
I have tried using the MySQL Workbench and other client software.

If I look in /var/log/mysqld.log I dont see anything but the fact the server 

I tried stopping mysql with /etc/init.d/mysqld stop

Then starting with mysqld_safe --init-file=/tmp/code.txt 

Where code.txt contains:

UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('mypassword') WHERE User='root';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* to 'root'@'';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'my home IP';

and I still cannot connect. But the database starts and this code executes 
because If I go to the console and run /usr/bin/mysql -u root -p and use this 
password from the update statement that password gets me in.

So, on my server I run tcpdump host my ip and I dont think I see anything 
where 3306 is coming through. 

if I run a test MySQL connection from the MySQL Workbench and they run netstat 
on my server
and I dont see a entry where 3306 is used in what netstat is dumping.

What am I doing wrong? What can I check for? I am stumped!


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Frustrations with MySQL loss, tcpdump, netstat, etc

2009-12-22 Thread John Kienitz

UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('mypassword') WHERE User='root';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* to 'root'@'';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'my home IP';

and I still cannot connect. But the database starts and this code executes 
because If I go to the console and run /usr/bin/mysql -u root -p and use this 
password from the update statement that password gets me in.

So, on my server I run tcpdump host my ip and I dont think I see anything 
where 3306 is coming through. 

if I run a test MySQL connection from the MySQL Workbench and they run netstat 
on my server
and I dont see a entry where 3306 is used in what netstat is dumping.

What am I doing wrong? What can I check for? I am stumped!


Try to telnet to port 3306 and see if you get thru.

Try changing the password after you have added the users with the GRANTS.  If 
you have run your script more than once that has probably been done.  Commit 
should probably be before the flush also.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Frustrations with MySQL loss, tcpdump, netstat, etc

2009-12-22 Thread Les Mikesell
ML wrote:

 MySQL 5.0.77 on CentOS 5.4
 MySQL is running, my Wordpress stuff is working, but I cannot connect to the 
 server from my house. This server is in my house, however, but on a public 
 IP, behind a firewall, etc.
 I checked my hardware firewall (a dedicated UnTangle system) and that is 
 successfully allowing the passage. I know this because the firewall shows:
 2009-12-22 6:29:41 am passed my IP:35606 server IP:3306
 So, on my server I run tcpdump host my ip and I dont think I see anything 
 where 3306 is coming through. 
 if I run a test MySQL connection from the MySQL Workbench and they run 
 netstat on my server
 and I dont see a entry where 3306 is used in what netstat is dumping.
 What am I doing wrong? What can I check for? I am stumped!

Where does the client connection originate?  Is it behind the same 
firewall but on a NATed address?  Or is NAT involved in some other way 
that might keep you from seeing the source you expect in your tcpdump?

   Les Mikesell
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] IPTABLES --hitcount maximum value

2009-12-22 Thread James B. Byrne
Is the maximum permitted value for --hitcount documented anywhere? 
I reliably get a iptables-restore error when I specify a hitcount
value greater than 20 but I cannot find any mention of there being a
maximum value.

***  E-Mail is NOT a SECURE channel  ***
James B.
Harte  Lyne Limited
9 Brockley Drive  vox: +1 905 561 1241
Hamilton, Ontario fax: +1 905 561 0757
Canada  L8E 3C3

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Frustrations with MySQL loss, tcpdump, netstat, etc

2009-12-22 Thread ML
Hi Les,

 MySQL is running, my Wordpress stuff is working, but I cannot connect to the 
 server from my house. This server is in my house, however, but on a public 
 IP, behind a firewall, etc.
 I checked my hardware firewall (a dedicated UnTangle system) and that is 
 successfully allowing the passage. I know this because the firewall shows:
 2009-12-22 6:29:41 am passed my IP:35606 server IP:3306

 What am I doing wrong? What can I check for? I am stumped!
 Where does the client connection originate?  Is it behind the same 
 firewall but on a NATed address?  Or is NAT involved in some other way 
 that might keep you from seeing the source you expect in your tcpdump?

OK, I have a comcast modem as pass through.

I have a firewall and behind it is the mysql server (public IP)

I have an Apple Time Capsule that is NOT behind the firewall, but does have a 
public IP on the same network as the firewall and MySQL Server. The Time 
Capsule nats and give clients behind it a private IP.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Frustrations with MySQL loss, tcpdump, netstat, etc

2009-12-22 Thread Les Mikesell
ML wrote:
 Hi Les,
 MySQL is running, my Wordpress stuff is working, but I cannot connect to 
 the server from my house. This server is in my house, however, but on a 
 public IP, behind a firewall, etc.

 I checked my hardware firewall (a dedicated UnTangle system) and that is 
 successfully allowing the passage. I know this because the firewall shows:

 2009-12-22 6:29:41 am passed my IP:35606 server IP:3306

 What am I doing wrong? What can I check for? I am stumped!
 Where does the client connection originate?  Is it behind the same 
 firewall but on a NATed address?  Or is NAT involved in some other way 
 that might keep you from seeing the source you expect in your tcpdump?
 OK, I have a comcast modem as pass through.
 I have a firewall and behind it is the mysql server (public IP)
 I have an Apple Time Capsule that is NOT behind the firewall, but does have a 
 public IP on the same network as the firewall and MySQL Server. The Time 
 Capsule nats and give clients behind it a private IP.

I still don't understand the exact relationship - or which address you 
are expecting in the tcpdump.  From this description I'd guess you would 
see the time capsule's public IP as the source for your connections.  Is 
that what you were expecting, but not seeing, in your tcpdump?  Are 
there other connections to mysql through this interface or can you just 
look for anything on port 3306?  And is the firewall running as an 
unnumbered bridge? I'd make sure packets are going back and forth before 
looking further.  Also, comcast modems can overlay a private range on 
the same subnet as the assigned public set.  It would be possible for 
your time capsule to use a dhcp-assigned private address on it's public 
facing side which would be NATted by the comcast modem.

   Les Mikesell
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Frustrations with MySQL loss, tcpdump, netstat, etc

2009-12-22 Thread Les Mikesell
ML wrote:
 have you tried to telnet to port 3306 of the machine where the mysql
 server is located, from your home machine? if so, what do you get?
 If you're successful you'll get a connect bit that includes a string
 that will show your mysql server version number. if you don't have
 mysql access you'll likely see a mysqld reject of some nature. if
 there's a network issue you'll just get a hang or you could get an
 unreachable error.
 Yup, it works:
 $ telnet 3306
 Connected to
 Escape character is '^]'.
 5.0.77aWqQ!OMq,slG]|xft5L[fConnection closed by foreign host.

Does the source address that the server sees (check with netstat or 
tcpdump) match what you've permitted in mysql?

   Les Mikesell
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] NMS Opinions

2009-12-22 Thread Brendan Minish
On Tue, 2009-12-22 at 02:36 +, Joseph L. Casale wrote:

 Any opinions appreciated!

Take a look at zenoss too, I am in the process of deploying it as a
replacement for a rather elderly and under-resourced Nagios server 
Liking it a lot so far
there's good help on IRC too 
freenode #zenoss 

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Frustrations with MySQL loss, tcpdump, netstat, etc

2009-12-22 Thread Kai Schaetzl
MySQL is *not* listening on TCP 3306 since *long* unless you tell it to in 
the It uses a local Unix socket by default.


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
Get your web at Conactive Internet Services:

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] NMS Opinions

2009-12-22 Thread Les Mikesell
Brendan Minish wrote:
 On Tue, 2009-12-22 at 02:36 +, Joseph L. Casale wrote:
 Any opinions appreciated!
 Take a look at zenoss too, I am in the process of deploying it as a
 replacement for a rather elderly and under-resourced Nagios server 
 Liking it a lot so far
 there's good help on IRC too 
 freenode #zenoss 

Does zenoss give you a reasonable way to export data to other tools for 
reporting or longer term trend analysis?  Cacti has a way to get the 
individual data samples via http.  Opennms has a way to get 
min/max/average over a specified time range.  Neither is exactly what 
I'm looking for, but better than nothing.

An example of what I'd like to do is to find the peak total bandwidth 
used (at the same time) across a group of interfaces, and be able to do 
reports of that grouping over long time spans where individual 
interfaces in the group will change.  Or the same for other metrics like 
CPU use.  So far I haven't found any tools that deal with fail-over and 
load-balance groupings in a reasonable way.

   Les Mikesell

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] iptables ... *BSD pf ... pfSense

2009-12-22 Thread Götz Reinicke - IT Koordinator

I followed the Optimizing CentOS for gigabit firewall posting and as 
some posters wrote pf is soo sooo sso mutch faster, I was thinking 
to give it a try. But I'm not familier to BSD so I was looking for some 
tools and found pfsense

pfSense is a free, open source customized distribution of FreeBSD 
tailored for use as a firewall and router

Has any of the firewall guys on the list ever tested this distri?

What do you think?

Right now we run a iptables Shorewall system and had no problems so far, 
but having a managed firewall distri which rocks whould be an alternative.



Götz Reinicke

Tel. +49 7141 969 420
Fax  +49 7141 969 55 420

Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
Akademiehof 10
71638 Ludwigsburg

Eintragung Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 205016
Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats:
Prof. Dr. Claudia Hübner
Staatsrätin für Demographischen Wandel und für Senioren im Staatsministerium

Prof. Thomas Schadt
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] IPTABLES --hitcount maximum value

2009-12-22 Thread James B. Byrne

On: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 17:38:48 +0100, Dirk H. Schulz wrote:

 That is a new phenomenon I also ran into. You now have to
 adjust memory values.

 I have added to my /etc/modprobe.conf
 options ipt_recent ipt_pkt_list_tot=75
 Now I can use hitcount values of 50 (did not test if the above
  is sufficient for higher values).

I found this on the net so I deduce that you would be safe up to a
hitcount value of 75.

 [PATCH] netfilter: ipt_recent: sanity check hit count
 From: Daniel Hokka Zakrisson
 Date: Sat Mar 15 2008 - 10:11:05 EST

 If a rule using ipt_recent is created with a hit count greater
 than ip_pkt_list_tot, the rule will never match as it cannot
 keep track of enough timestamps. This patch makes ipt_recent
 refuse to create such rules.

 With ip_pkt_list_tot's default value of 20, . . .

Thanks for the lead.


***  E-Mail is NOT a SECURE channel  ***
James B.
Harte  Lyne Limited
9 Brockley Drive  vox: +1 905 561 1241
Hamilton, Ontario fax: +1 905 561 0757
Canada  L8E 3C3

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] About liveCd installation...

2009-12-22 Thread Tolun ARDAHANLI
Hi List;

I didn't found the installation from Centos5.4 LiveCD. Does not have any
installation script inside this distribution? or How can I start to install
LiveCd to HDD?

Thanks a lot...


Computer Engineer
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables ... *BSD pf ... pfSense

2009-12-22 Thread Tim Nelson
- Götz Reinicke - IT Koordinator wrote:
 I followed the Optimizing CentOS for gigabit firewall posting and as
 some posters wrote pf is soo sooo sso mutch faster, I was thinking
 to give it a try. But I'm not familier to BSD so I was looking for
 tools and found pfsense
 pfSense is a free, open source customized distribution of FreeBSD 
 tailored for use as a firewall and router
 Has any of the firewall guys on the list ever tested this distri?
 What do you think?
 Right now we run a iptables Shorewall system and had no problems so
 but having a managed firewall distri which rocks whould be an

pfSense is fantastic, amazing, etc. You get the rock solid foundation of 
FreeBSD along with pf and a nice GUI around it. Features, package addons, 
performance, and of course price are all very nice. Plus, their support is top 
notch, both community and paid versions. I doubt you'll find a better open 
source firewall distro anywhere.

Tim Nelson
Systems/Network Support
Rockbochs Inc.
(218)727-4332 x105
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables ... *BSD pf ... pfSense

2009-12-22 Thread Timo Schoeler
On 12/22/2009 07:22 PM, Götz Reinicke - IT Koordinator wrote:
 I followed the Optimizing CentOS for gigabit firewall posting and as 
 some posters wrote pf is soo sooo sso mutch faster, I was thinking 
 to give it a try. But I'm not familier to BSD so I was looking for some 
 tools and found pfsense
 pfSense is a free, open source customized distribution of FreeBSD 
 tailored for use as a firewall and router
 Has any of the firewall guys on the list ever tested this distri?
 What do you think?

pf is not a native FreeBSD thingie... you won't get the latest features,
tweaks, and optimizations there.


 Right now we run a iptables Shorewall system and had no problems so far, 
 but having a managed firewall distri which rocks whould be an alternative.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] NMS Opinions

2009-12-22 Thread Guy Boisvert
Brendan Minish wrote:
 On Tue, 2009-12-22 at 02:36 +, Joseph L. Casale wrote:
 Take a look at zenoss too, I am in the process of deploying it as a
 replacement for a rather elderly and under-resourced Nagios server 
 Liking it a lot so far
 there's good help on IRC too 
 freenode #zenoss 

I don't know now but i couldn't define relations manually about 2 years 
ago.  It was a major PITA as if a router fails, you don't want to get 
500 alarms for all the devices behind it.

It was supposed to auto discover and do relationship by itself but 
wasn't able to do it properly with our network: Many VLANs and router / 
firewall using trunking, etc.

Guy Boisvert, ing.
IngTegration inc.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] partitioning order and IO performance

2009-12-22 Thread Carlos Santana

Does mount point specification while partitioning (order in which I
specify /, /boot, swap etc..) affect performance? I am not sure about
the syntax, but I guess one can also specify address/block range while
partitioning. Does it affect IO performance? Probably a stupid
question, but just curious.. Any insights?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] partitioning order and IO performance

2009-12-22 Thread Robert Nichols
Carlos Santana wrote:
 Does mount point specification while partitioning (order in which I
 specify /, /boot, swap etc..) affect performance? I am not sure about
 the syntax, but I guess one can also specify address/block range while
 partitioning. Does it affect IO performance? Probably a stupid
 question, but just curious.. Any insights?

Not a stupid question at all.  For ordinary disk drives the answer is
yes, absolutely.  The outer tracks of a disk are physically longer,
and any but the most ancient of disk drives will pack more sectors
into those tracks.  Since the disk rotates at a constant RPM, more
sectors per second pass under the head on the outer tracks.  The
ratio of data rates for the outermost vs. innermost tracks is
typically 2:1 or a bit higher.  Add to this the need for more and
longer seeks for filesystems on the inner tracks (again, less data
on each physical track), and the performance degrades even more.

On most disks cylinder numbering starts at the outer tracks, but I
have heard of disks that number their cylinders in the opposite
direction -- never actually seen one, though.

Bob Nichols NOSPAM is really part of my email address.
 Do NOT delete it.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] SFTP - stalled - on large files

2009-12-22 Thread Jay Leafey
We had a similar problem copying files between servers on two of our 
campuses via SCP.  After a while the connection just stalled out and 
hung.  The problem turned out to be SCP and SFTP interacting a bug in 
the SACK (Selective Acknowledgment) algorithm used in Linux.  We turned 
it off on the two endpoints using the following addition to 

# Turn off SACK
net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 0

and execute sysctl -p to apply it.  You can also use sysctl -w 
net.ipv4.tcp_sack=0 to turn it off temporarily.  Our file transfers 
worked just fine after the change.

I realize there are differences our situation and yours and this might 
not work in your case.  Given the length of this thread, though, it 
might be worth a try!

Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] iptables -m connlimit

2009-12-22 Thread Helmut Drodofsky


to the use of connlimit, I have found


Is there something new with centos 5.3 or 5.4?






CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] partitioning order and IO performance

2009-12-22 Thread Ross Walker
On Dec 22, 2009, at 6:13 PM, Robert Nichols wrote:

 Carlos Santana wrote:

 Does mount point specification while partitioning (order in which I
 specify /, /boot, swap etc..) affect performance? I am not sure about
 the syntax, but I guess one can also specify address/block range  
 partitioning. Does it affect IO performance? Probably a stupid
 question, but just curious.. Any insights?

 Not a stupid question at all.  For ordinary disk drives the answer is
 yes, absolutely.  The outer tracks of a disk are physically longer,
 and any but the most ancient of disk drives will pack more sectors
 into those tracks.  Since the disk rotates at a constant RPM, more
 sectors per second pass under the head on the outer tracks.  The
 ratio of data rates for the outermost vs. innermost tracks is
 typically 2:1 or a bit higher.  Add to this the need for more and
 longer seeks for filesystems on the inner tracks (again, less data
 on each physical track), and the performance degrades even more.

 On most disks cylinder numbering starts at the outer tracks, but I
 have heard of disks that number their cylinders in the opposite
 direction -- never actually seen one, though.

Also, for random IO the opposite is true, the rotational latency is  
significantly smaller on the inner tracks than the outer tracks, so  
random OPs perform better there.

Though having different workloads on opposite sides of the disk is  
counter productive, but say you had one large volume for random IO  
workloads and another large volume for sequential workloads, you could  
allocate the beginning chunk to your most performance oriented servers  
on the sequential volume and the end chunk to your most performance  
oriented servers on the random volume.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] partitioning order and IO performance

2009-12-22 Thread John R Pierce
Ross Walker wrote:
 Also, for random IO the opposite is true, the rotational latency is  
 significantly smaller on the inner tracks than the outer tracks, so  
 random OPs perform better there.

um, most all hard disks are CAV, so the rotational latency measured in 
milliseconds is constant throughout the disk.  usually 50% of a turn is 
the assumed mean rotational latency

CentOS mailing list