Re: [CentOS] Upcoming OwnCloud changes

2016-05-22 Thread Chuck Munro

Just a FYI folks ...

I am running OwnCloud 9.0.2 on CentOS 6.7 and php-7.0 with no issues.

I installed the Webtatic repo which has several versions of PHP 
available for CentOS 6 and 7.  I then used the official OwnCloud 
ce:stable repo to add the cloud software.

In a leap of faith, and because this CentOS VM doesn't run anything 
other than OwnCloud, I used the 'php70w' PHP repo and have had no 
problems at all.  The OwnCloud server is very lightly loaded so I have 
not had an opportunity to stress test it and have not tried to use MySQL 
(I configured it with the standard CentOS SQLite).

YMMV of course, especially if you're running other PHP applications!

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Native ZFS on Linux

2015-05-29 Thread Chuck Munro
I have a question that has been puzzling me for some time ... what is 
the reason RedHat chose to go with btrfs rather than working with the 
ZFS-on-Linux folks (now OpenZFS)?  Is it a licensing issue, political, etc?

Although btrfs is making progress, ZFS is far more mature, has a few 
more stable features (especially Raid-z3) and has worked flawlessly for 
me on CentOS-6 and Scientific Linux-6.  I used ZFS for a couple of large 
file servers with no problems.  The only annoying part was having to 
manually install the kernel module each time a kernel update was issued.

Because FreeBSD has built-in drivers for LSI cards (I use JBOD mode) and 
strong ZFS support, I've switched to FreeNAS with it's default native 
ZFS and driver support for LSI.  I would have preferred to stick with 
CentOS, but FreeNAS just made things easier to manage.  It also seems 
about twice as fast as ZFS on Linux (same hardware), but that may simply 
be a tuning issue.

Is there any chance that a native ZFS (rather than btrfs) will ever 
emerge in RHEL/CentOS?  Just curious, because I'd love to return to 
CentOS/SL next time I build large file servers.

As an aside, I have used only WD Black and WD RedPro drives for RAID, 
and not had any issues.  Green drives are scary :-)


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ZFS

2014-09-16 Thread Chuck Munro

On 2014-09-15 , wrote:

So the ZoL folks want one more feature before calling it 1.0; otherwise
they believe it's production ready.  Only your own testing can convince
you that it's truly production ready.


That's encouraging news, something I've been looking forward to.

FWIW, I've been running ZoL Raid-z3 on two large file servers for quite 
some time (0.6.2-1 currently, on CentOS-6 x64) with zero problems other 
than a couple of disk drive failures which ZFS handled nicely.  I've had 
no real reason to upgrade and will wait for a 1.x release before doing 
anything major.

Performance has been very good (although the application is not all that 
demanding) and stability has been excellent.  Over the past year or so 
the routine twice-weekly scrubs have found no issues, and we've detected 
no file corruption.  The scrubbing operation doesn't seem to affect 
concurrent use all that much.  The servers run for months without 
reboots (only done for security updates).

I don't miss those hours-long ext4 fsck's at all :-)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ZFS on Linux testing

2013-12-19 Thread Chuck Munro

On 12/19/2013, 04:00 , wrote:
 BackupPC is a great product, and if I knew of it and/or it was available
 when I started, I would likely have used it instead of cutting code. Now
 that we've got BackupBuddy working and integrated, we aren't going to be
 switching as it has worked wonderfully for a decade with very few issues
 and little oversight.

 I would differentiate BackupBuddy in that there is no incremental and
 full distinction. All backups are full in the truest sense of the
 word, and all backups are stored as native files on the backup server.
 This works using rsync's hard-link option to minimize wasted disk space.
 This means that the recovery process is just copying the files you need.
 Also, graceful recovery for downtime and optimistic disk space usage are
 both very nice. (it will try to keep as many backup savepoints as it can
 disk space depending)

 I'm evaluating ZFS and will likely include some features of ZFS into
 BBuddy as we integrate these capabilities into our backup processes.
 We're free to do this in part because we have redundant backup sets, so
 a single failure wouldn't be catastrophic in the short/medium term.


I would agree that BackupPC is a great tool, stable and well respected, 
and I have to admit I didn't give it a fair chance before moving on to a 
simple, crude homebrew solution many years ago.

One thing I neglected to mention about using inotify+lsync for a 
near-real-time secondary file server is that if the primary server 
croaks, I can quickly switch users to the secondary.  When the primary 
server is repaired, a one-shot rsync to it brings it back to the current 
state of users' files.  This conflicts a bit with non-deletion of old 
files on the secondary, but it keeps users going while repairs are made. 
  I haven't had to use this trick ... yet.  ZFS Raid-z3 and disk hot 
swap have done their jobs well so far.

I'm toying with the idea of keeping a marker file on the secondary whose 
timestamp can be used to limit rsync back to the primary to only those 
files which got added while the secondary was being used.  That would 
take care of the non-deleted files issue on the secondary.  Fortunately 
there are no database files involved in any of this.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ZFS on Linux testing

2013-12-18 Thread Chuck Munro

On 12/18/2013, 04:00 , wrote:
 I may be being presumptuous, and if so, I apologize in advance...

 It sounds to me like you might consider a disk-to-disk backup solution.
 I could suggest dirvish, BackupPC, or our own home-rolled rsync-based
 solution that works rather well:

 Note that with these solutions you get multiple save points that are
 deduplicated with hardlinks so you can (usually) keep dozens of save
 points in perhaps 2x the disk space of a single copy. Also, because of
 this, you can go back a few days / weeks / whatever when somebody
 deletes a file. In our case, we make the backed up directories available
 via read-only ftp so that end users can recover their files.

 I don't know if dirvish offers this, but backupbuddy also allows you to
 run pre and post backup shell scripts, which we use (for example) for
 off-site archiving to permanent storage since backup save points expire.


Not presumptuous at all!  I have not heard of backupbuddy (or dirvish), 
so I should investigate.  Your description makes it sound somewhat like 
OS-X Time Machine, which I like a lot.  I did try backuppc but it got a 
bit complex to manage IMHO.

Thanks for the tip!

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ZFS on Linux testing

2013-12-14 Thread Chuck Munro

On 12/14/2013, 04:00 , wrote:

 We checked lsyncd out and it's most certainly an very interesting tool.
 I*will*  be using it in the future!

 However, we found that it has some issues scaling up to really big file
 stores that we haven't seen (yet) with ZFS.

 For example, the first thing it has to do when it comes online is a
 fully rsync of the watched file area. This makes sense; you need to do
 this to ensure integrity. But if you have a large file store, EG: many
 millions of files and dozens of TB then this first step can take days,
 even if the window of downtime is mere minutes due to a restart. Since
 we're already at this stage now (and growing rapidly!) we've decided to
 keep looking for something more elegant and ZFS appears to be almost an
 exact match. We have not tested the stability of lsyncd managing the
 many millions of inode write notifications in the meantime, but just
 trying to satisfy the write needs for two smaller customers (out of
 hundreds) with lsyncd led to crashes and the need to modify kernel

 As another example, lsyncd solves a (highly useful!) problem of
 replication, which is a distinctly different problem than backups.
 Replication is useful, for example as a read-only cache for remote
 application access, or for disaster recovery with near-real-time
 replication, but it's not a backup. If somebody deletes a file
 accidentally, you can't go to the replicated host and expect it to be
 there. And unless you are lsyncd'ing to a remote file system with it's
 own snapshot capability, there isn't an easy way to version a backup
 short of running rsync (again) on the target to create hard links or
 something - itself a very slow, intensive process with very large
 filesystems. (days)

 I'll still be experimenting with lsyncd further to evaluate its real
 usefulness and performance compared to ZFS and report results. As said
 before, we'll know much more in another month or two once our next stage
 of roll out is complete.


Hi Ben,

Yes, the initial replication of a large filesystem is *very* time 
consuming!  But it makes sleeping at night much easier.  I did have to 
crank up the inotify kernel parameters by a significant amount.

I did the initial replication using rsync directly, rather than asking 
lsyncd to do it.  I notice that if I reboot the primary server, it takes 
a while for the inotify tables to be rebuilt ... after that it's smooth 

If you want to prevent deletion of files from your replicated filesystem 
(which I do), you can modify the rsync{} array in the lsyncd.lua file by 
adding the line 'delete = false' to it.  This has saved my butt a few 
times when a user has accidentally deleted a file on the primary server.

I agree that filesystem replication isn't really a backup, but for now 
it's all I have available, but at least the replicated fs is on a 
separate machine.

As a side note for anyone using a file server for hosting OS-X Time 
Machine backups, the 'delete' parameter in rsync{} must be set to 'true' 
in order to prevent chaos should a user need to point their Mac at the 
replicate filesystem (which should be a very rare event).  I put all TM 
backups in a separate ZFS sub-pool for this reason.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ZFS on Linux testing effort

2013-12-06 Thread Chuck Munro

On 04.12.2013 14:05, wrote:
 On 04.12.2013 14:05, John Doe wrote:
 Our next big test is to try out ZFS filesystem send/receive in
 our current backup processes based on rsync. Rsync is a fabulous
 but is beginning to show performance/scalability issues dealing
 many millions of files being backed up, and we're hoping that ZFS
 filesystem replication solves this.
 Not sure if I already mentioned it but maybe have a look at:
 I'm not so sure inotify works well with millions of files, not to
 mention it uses rsync. :D
 -- Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology! Nux!
 I can attest to the usefulness of 'lsyncd' for large numbers of files
 (our file server has almost 2 million in active use, with a second
 backup server that's lsync'd to the first.
 Things to note:
 - Yes, lsyncd does use rsync, but it issues an 'exclude *' followed by
 the list of only the file(s) that need updating at that moment.
 - The inotify service can be jacked wy up (three kernel
 to handle millions of files if you wish.  Just make sure you have lots
 of RAM.
 Be careful with it. Sadly I found out that inotify would consistently
 fail on InnoDB files (ibd); I had to use stupid while loops and check
 mtimes to perform some stuff that inotify-cron would've done much more
 elegantly ...

 -- Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology! Nux!

Interesting point, something I didn't know.  Fortunately in my case 
there are no db files involved directly, just db dumps wrapped in a 
tarball along with other associated stuff, sent from other servers.

I would expect that lsync'ing db files could be a nasty non-stop process 
if the database is constantly being updated, so using db tools for 
replication would be best, configuring inotify/lsyncd to ignore the db 
directories.  I believe by default that lsyncd instructs rsync to do 
whole-file transfers, so a large db could be a real problem.

Thanks for the important heads-up!
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ZFS on Linux testing effort

2013-12-05 Thread Chuck Munro

 On 04.12.2013 14:05, John Doe wrote:
 Our next big test is to try out ZFS filesystem send/receive in lieu
 our current backup processes based on rsync. Rsync is a fabulous
 but is beginning to show performance/scalability issues dealing with
 many millions of files being backed up, and we're hoping that ZFS
 filesystem replication solves this.
 Not sure if I already mentioned it but maybe have a look at:
 I'm not so sure inotify works well with millions of files, not to
 mention it uses rsync. :D

 -- Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology! Nux!

I can attest to the usefulness of 'lsyncd' for large numbers of files 
(our file server has almost 2 million in active use, with a second 
backup server that's lsync'd to the first.

Things to note:
- Yes, lsyncd does use rsync, but it issues an 'exclude *' followed by 
the list of only the file(s) that need updating at that moment.

- The inotify service can be jacked wy up (three kernel parameters) 
to handle millions of files if you wish.  Just make sure you have lots 
of RAM.  It's wise to tune ZFS to *not* use all available RAM.

- Updating is very quick and has never failed.

Regarding ZFS, our two ZFS-on-Linux servers have been in full production 
for several months, with zero problems so far.  Updates to the latest 
version is quite painless.

Today I had to replace a failed 4TB drive ... it took just a few minutes 
and required only two commands to do the replacement and start the 
resilvering process.  This was done while the server was in active use, 
with only a small performance hit.  Sweet!

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ZFS on Linux in production?

2013-10-25 Thread Chuck Munro

On 10/25/2013, 05:00 , wrote:
 We are a CentOS shop, and have the lucky, fortunate problem of having
 ever-increasing amounts of data to manage. EXT3/4 becomes tough to
 manage when you start climbing, especially when you have to upgrade, so
 we're contemplating switching to ZFS.

 As of last spring, it appears that ZFS On Linux
 calls itself production ready despite a version number of 0.6.2, and
 being acknowledged as unstable on 32 bit systems.

 However, given the need to do backups, zfs send sounds like a godsend
 over rsync which is running into scaling problems of its own. (EG:
 Nightly backups are being threatened by the possibility of taking over
 24 hours per backup)

 Was wondering if anybody here could weigh in with real-life experience?


FWIW, I manage a small IT shop with a redundant pair of ZFS file servers 
running the  package on 64-bit ScientificLinux-6 
platforms.  CentOS-6 would work just as well.  Installing it with yum 
couldn't be simpler, but configuring it takes a bit of reading and 
experimentation.  I reserved a bit more than 1GByte of RAM for each 
TByte of disk.

One machine (20 useable TBytes in raid-z3) is the SMB server for all of 
the clients, and the other machine (identically configured) sits in the 
background acting as a hot spare.  Users tell me that performance is 
quite good.

After about 2 months of testing, there have been no problems whatsoever, 
although I'll admit the servers do not operate under much stress.  There 
is a cron job on each machine that does a scrub every Sunday.

The old ext4 primary file servers have been shut down and the ZFS boxes 
put into production, although one of the old ext4 servers will remain 
rsync'd to the new machines for a few more months (just in case).

The new servers have the zfsonlinux repositories configured for manual 
updates, but the two machines tend to be left alone unless there are 
important security updates or new features I need.

To keep the two servers in sync I use 'lsyncd' which is essentially a 
front-end for rsync that cuts down thrashing and overhead dramatically 
by excluding the full filesystem scan and using inotify to figure out 
what to sync.  This allows almost-real-time syncing of the backup 
machine.  (BTW, you need to crank the resources for inotify way up 
for large filesystems with a couple million files.)

So far, so good.  I still have a *lot* to learn about ZFS and its 
feature set, but for now it's doing the job very nicely.  I don't miss 
the long ext4 periodic fsck's one bit  :-)

YMMV, of course,
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Failing Network card

2012-06-21 Thread Chuck Munro

 Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2012 10:54:33 -0700
 From: John R
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] Failing Network card
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

 On 06/20/12 8:44 AM, Gregory P. Ennis wrote:
   01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
   RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev ff)
 pure unmitigated junk.

 -- john r pierce N 37, W 122 santa cruz ca mid-left coast

I agree with John's comment.  Realtek chips are junk with unpredictable 
reliability, especially under heavy load.  I have had several problems 
with various versions of the 81xx chips.  When I tossed the cards in the 
garbage and switched to Intel-based NICs, all the problems went away.

Every time I build systems with Realtek network chips on the 
motherboard, I disable them in the BIOS and add Intel NICs instead.

YMMV, but please consider ditching Realtek altogether.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Software RAID1 with CentOS-6.2

2012-03-01 Thread Chuck Munro

On 03/01/2012 09:00 AM, Mark Roth wrote:

 Miguel Medalha wrote:
   A few months ago I had an enormous amount of grief trying to understand
   why a RAID array in a new server kept getting corrupted and suddenly
   changing configuration. After a lot of despair and head scratching it
   turned out to be the SATA cables. This was a rack server from Asus with
   a SATA backplane. The cables, made by Foxconn, came pre-installed.
   After I replaced the SATA cables with new ones, all problems were gone
   and the array is now rock solid.
 Thanks for this info, Miguel.
   As an additional information, I quote from the Caviar Black range
   Desktop / Consumer RAID Environments - WD Caviar Black Hard Drives are
   tested and recommended for use in consumer-type RAID applications
   (RAID-0 /RAID-1).
   - Business Critical RAID Environments ? WD Caviar Black Hard Drives are
   not recommended for and are not warranted for use in RAID environments
   utilizing Enterprise HBAs and/or expanders and in multi-bay chassis, as
   they are not designed for, nor tested in, these specific types of RAID
   applications. For all Business Critical RAID applications, please
   consider WD?s Enterprise Hard Drives that are specifically designed with
   RAID-specific, time-limited error recovery (TLER), are tested
   extensively in 24x7 RAID applications, and include features like
   enhanced RAFF technology and thermal extended burn-in testing.
 Wonderful... NOT. We've got a number of Caviar Green, so I looked up its
 datasheet... and it says the same.

 That rebuild of my system at home? I think I'll look at commercial grade


Interesting thread ... I have had problems with SATA cables in the past, 
and prefer those with the little metal latches.  The problem is that you 
can't easily tell by looking at the connectors whether or not they're 

I've had positive experience with Caviar Black and Scorpio Black drives.

The WD Green and Blue drives are built more cheaply than the Blacks 
(which have close to enterprise-grade construction).  The dealer I buy 
drives from has told me that the Blacks have far lower return/defect 
rates.  Of the approximately 30 2TB Blacks I have in RAID-6 service, 
I've only experienced two failures, which were handled quickly by the WD 
warranty program.  It's interesting to note that while all the drive 
manufacturers are going back to 1 or 2-year warranties, the WD Black 
series remains at 5 years.

A friend of mine has had a couple of strange problems with the RE (RAID) 
series of Caviars, which utilize the same mechanics as the non-RE 
Blacks.  For software RAID, I would recommend that you stick with the 
non-RE versions because of differences in the firmware.

It has come down to me buying *only* WD Black-series drives and nothing 
else.  If I could afford them, I'd consider enterprise-grade drives.

Having said that, I have a pair of 1TB Green drives in RAID-1 for the 
TimeMachine backups on my Mac, and they've been spinning 24x7 non-stop 
for 3 years without failure.  I'm almost afraid to switch them off.

Now, if WD can just get their post-flood production back in gear so 
prices can drop.  My 2c, FWIW  :-)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Connecting ethX devices directly to a KVM/QEMU guest OS (SOLVED)

2012-01-20 Thread Chuck Munro

On 01/20/2012 09:00 AM, Tait Clarridge wrote:
   But a new problem arises ... one of the m0n0wall instances needs to use
   DHCP to get a dynamic IP from my ISP (the others are static, so they're
   ok).  How do I get the bridge to proxy the DHCP request and forward the
   response to the VM guest?  I brought up a test instance of m0n0wall but
   when it asks for an IP on its WAN side, the result is  so it
   would appear the request never makes it to the ISP.
   As a sanity check, I configured the WAN-side bridge to use DHCP and that
   worked, but it's the m0n0wall VM guest that needs to make the request,
   not the CentOS host.
   Suggestions anyone?  In the mean time, I'll keep looking for a solution.
 Hmmm. Is the bridge up and you can see the interface attached to it from
 running brctl show and ifconfig? Could you attach that output?

 If yes, then I would do a packet capture on the CentOS host on the eth
 interface attached to the bridge to see if the request makes it out.

 I'm running XEN at home and I have a very similar setup where I pass a
 VLAN from my switch that a provider modem is connected to into a bridge
 and it gets DHCP no problem (as long as the bridge and dot1q
 subinterfaces show up in ifconfig).

 The bridge should automatically send all the traffic out regardless of
 protocol, I doubt ebtables would be actively blocking anything as well
 and same goes for the ISP locking down with MAC addresses.

I'm embarrassed to say the problem was solved in the most simplistic 
possible way ... reboot the cable modem.  I notice that when the host 
boots up, all NIC ports are placed in promiscuous mode, which means that 
DHCP broadcasts should be free to travel across the bridge, so it had to 
be something about a mismatch in the cable modem's arp cache.

Thanks for your suggestions.  It's full steam ahead now, and I'm pleased 
to say the performance of the four m0n0wall VM instances has been very good.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Connecting ethX devices directly to a KVM/QEMU guest OS (no bridging)

2012-01-19 Thread Chuck Munro

On 01/19/2012 09:00 AM, Tait Clarridge wrote:
   I've Googled until I'm blue in the face, but haven't found a clear
   explanation of how I can assign each ethX device directly to the guest
   OS rather than going thru the usual bridge configuration. I need to
   allow the m0n0wall OS to assign the LAN and WAN IP addresses, if that's
   possible without using a bridge.
 I would think that it is a little easier to setup a bridge but not
 assign an IP address for it on the CentOS host.




 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX (where X is the interface
 number of one of your intel ports and the HWADDR is the MAC address)


 Restart the network service, then run brctl show - the new bridges
 should show up.

 Create the 8 bridges that you need and go from there, you should be able
 to assign them in Virtual Machine Manager to the VMs.

 Then in your VM guests you should be able to assign the IPs that you

Thanks for your reply, Tait.  I came to much the same conclusion after I 
eventually found an article about tinkering with the host kernel device 
tables to remap each NIC instance.  I was going to try it until I 
discovered that the new motherboard I'm using doesn't properly support 
IOMMU in the BIOS, which the mapping trick requires.  So much for that idea.

Your method of not configuring a bridge IP address gets around having 
the NIC appear to my ISP as having some sort of rogue IP (even if I 
assign something in the 172.16... range).  I wasn't aware that I could 
bring up the bridge without an IP.

But a new problem arises ... one of the m0n0wall instances needs to use 
DHCP to get a dynamic IP from my ISP (the others are static, so they're 
ok).  How do I get the bridge to proxy the DHCP request and forward the 
response to the VM guest?  I brought up a test instance of m0n0wall but 
when it asks for an IP on its WAN side, the result is  so it 
would appear the request never makes it to the ISP.

As a sanity check, I configured the WAN-side bridge to use DHCP and that 
worked, but it's the m0n0wall VM guest that needs to make the request, 
not the CentOS host.

Suggestions anyone?  In the mean time, I'll keep looking for a solution.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Connecting ethX devices directly to a KVM/QEMU guest OS (no bridging)

2012-01-18 Thread Chuck Munro
Hello CentOS gurus, and a belated Happy New Year (or an early Happy 
Chinese New Year).

I'm in the process of building a CentOS-6 KVM host machine whose only 
function will be to run four independent 'm0n0wall' firewall guest 
instances. I have a couple of quad-port Intel NICs to provide four 
WAN-side and four LAN-side ports, which will not be shared with any 
other guests. Remote access to the host CentOS is via a separate 
on-board NIC, so the Intel ports are free to assign.

I've Googled until I'm blue in the face, but haven't found a clear 
explanation of how I can assign each ethX device directly to the guest 
OS rather than going thru the usual bridge configuration. I need to 
allow the m0n0wall OS to assign the LAN and WAN IP addresses, if that's 
possible without using a bridge.

Using the Virtual Machine Manager GUI to create the VM guests (which 
boot up and run nicely), the drop-down list shows all of the ethX 
devices greyed out. Do I need to somehow start the NICs without 
assigning IP addresses, so that they show up in 'ifconfig'?

Can anyone provide a clear, easy-to-understand procedure for doing this? 
If necessary, I don't mind using the command-line to create the VMs but 
the docs aren’t totally clear (to me, at least) regarding NIC assignment.

Thanking you in advance for your suggestions,

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] EL 6 rollout strategies? (Scientific Linux)

2011-05-07 Thread Chuck Munro

On 05/07/2011 09:00 AM, Benjamin Smith wrote:

 I was wondering what feedback might be offered by the CentOS community on 
 experiences using Scientific Linux?

 I'm a long-time Centos user, and am basically happy with CentOS. I understand
 there are delays getting EL 6 out.  We have been long anxious to roll out EL 6
 as soon as it's ready, but our time window for rollout is looming and we will
 need to act. (for business reasons, we need to rollout over summer, before Aug
 1, we need to start regression testing now!)

 I was once a WhiteBox Enterprise Linux user and switched to CentOS 4 without
 issue, and am assuming that I might need to do something similar if we decide
 to go this route.

 Any feedback is appreciated!

I had to complete a new VM Host machine before CentOS-6 was ready, so I 
used SL-6 as the underpinnings.  It simply worked, once I ironed out a 
couple of unrelated hardware issues.  It auto-updates and lets me know 
when that's been done, but it doesn't reboot unless I want to, so 
there's little risk in allowing the updates.  Auto-update can be 
disabled if you prefer.

So far it has been flawless.  It's managing two very large software 
RAID-6 arrays and 7 Guest VMs on a dual-Xeon Supermicro motherboard.

All of the VM Guest OS's are CentOS-5.6 which works well for my 
applications.  I may or may not upgrade the Guests to C6, depending on 
need.  CentOS has been so reliable that I'm reluctant to move to a 
different platform.  I've used Ubuntu Server and it works well, but I'm 
more familiar with the RHEL way of doing things so I'll stick with CentOS.

One thing I don't know much about is an in-place upgrade of C5 to C6. 
There are some under-the-hood differences that must be taken into 
account, which I haven't looked into.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] A round of applause!

2011-04-10 Thread Chuck Munro
Hello All,

Just a short note to add my vote for a HUGE round of applause to the 
CentOS team for their untiring efforts in getting releases out the door. 
  I've just upgraded several servers to 5.6 and it all just works.

None of the team's work is easy to accomplish, especially when 
less-than-useful complaints keep popping up from thoughtless users who 
don't appreciate the effort, and who waste the team's time trying to 
respond.  RedHat's move to defend their support business against the 
freeloading distro vendors (we all know who those sharks are!) wasn't 
aimed at CentOS, but it has significantly increased the workload the 
team faces.

Let's be patient and let them get the job done.

Kudos to the CentOS team!

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS Digest, Vol 75, Issue 5

2011-04-05 Thread Chuck Munro

On 04/05/2011 09:00 AM, John R Pierce wrote:

 AFAIK, no standard raid modes verify parity on reads, as this would
 require reading the whole slice for every random read.  Only raid
 systems like ZFS that use block checksuming can verify data on reads.
 parity (or mirrors) are verified by doing 'scrubs'

 Further, even if a raid DID verify parity/mirroring on reads, this would
 at best create a nonrecoverable error (bad data on one of the N drives
 in the slice, no way of knowing which one is the bad one).

Thanks John, that's good information, something I didn't know.  So I 
should think of RAID-5/6 parity as a mechanism for recovering from a 
drive fault that is more space-efficient than simple mirroring.  Maybe 
RAID-10 with hot spares is more than good enough in most applications, 
but I do like dual parity for its ability to recover even in the face of 
a disk error popping up during the rebuild.

Am I being too paranoid?

Too bad ZFS on Linux is still up at the fuse layer.  I understand Btrfs 
is rolled into newer kernels and should be in CentOS-6, but I read 
somewhere it's not yet in stable release and has some potential issues, 
so I'm reluctant to try it.  It won't have RAID-6-like parity for a 
while.  The fact that Oracle has both ZFS and Btrfs under its wing is, 
um, interesting.

I'm only asking for the world  :-)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ZFS @ centOS

2011-04-05 Thread Chuck Munro

On 04/05/2011 09:00 AM, wrote:

 That is really a no-brainer.
 In the time it takes to re-build such a RAID, another disk might just
 fail and the R in RAID goes down the toilet. Your 19-disk RAID5 just
 got turned into 25kg of scrap-metal.

 As for ZFS - we're using it with FreeBSD with mixed results.
 The truth is, you've got to follow the development very closely and work
 with the developers (via mailinglists), potentially testing
 patches/backports from current - or tracking current from the start.
 It works much better with Solaris.
 Frankly, I don't know why people want to do this ZFS on Linux thing.
 It works perfectly well with Solaris, which runs most stuff that runs on
 Linux just as well.
 I wouldn't try to run Linux-binaries on Solaris with lxrun, either.

During my current work building a RAID-6 VM Host system (currently 
testing with SL-6 but later CentOS-6) I had a question rolling around in 
the back of my mind whether or not I should consider building the Host 
with OpenSolaris (or the OpenIndiana fork) and ZFS RAID-Z2, which I had 
heard performs somewhat better on Solaris.  I'd then run CentOS Guest OS 
instances with VirtualBox.

But ...
I've been reading about some of the issues with ZFS performance and have 
discovered that it needs a *lot* of RAM to support decent caching ... 
the recommendation is for a GByte of RAM per TByte of storage just for 
the metadata, which can add up.  Maybe cache memory starvation is one 
reason why so many disappointing test results are showing up.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] KVM Host Disk Performance

2011-04-04 Thread Chuck Munro

On 04/04/2011 09:00 AM, compdoc wrote:

 It's possible to set up guests to use a block device that will get you the
 same disk I/O as the underlying storage.

 Is that what you're seeing? What speed does the host see when benchmarking
 the RAID volumes, and what speeds do the guests see?

Yes, I have been going on the assumption that I get close to native 
block device performance, but the test results tell me otherwise.  I see 
array rebuild data rates which seem reasonable ... in the order of 60 to 
80 MBytes/sec.  I'm using 256k chunks, with the stride size set to match 
the number of data drives.

Using bonnie++, I mounted one of the Guest RAID-6 filesystems on the 
Host, ran the default tests, unmounted, then booted the Guest and ran 
the same default tests.  The amount of RAM assigned was the same for 
both, to level the playing field a bit.

Direct comparisons between the two were difficult to judge, but the 
general result was that the Host was between 2:1 and 3:1 better than the 
Guest, which seems to be a rather large performance gap.  Latency 
differences were all over the map, which I find puzzling.  The Host is 
64-bit and the Guest 32-bit, if that makes any difference.  Perhaps 
caching between Host and Guest accounts for some of the differences.

At the moment my questions tend to be a bit academic.  I'm primarily 
wondering if RAID-10 is paranoid enough given the current quality of WD 
CaviarBlack drives (better than dirt-cheap consumer drives, but not 
enterprise grade).  My second question relates to whether or not the 
added overhead of using something like qcow2 would be offset by the 
advantages of more space efficiency and the copy-on-write feature.

I'd love to hear what other software RAID users think, especially 
regarding large-capacity drives.  It's rare for a modern drive to hand 
out bad data without an accompanying error condition (which the md 
driver should handle), but I have read that uncaught bad data is 
possible and would not be flagged in RAID arrays which don't use parity 

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] KVM Host Disk Performance

2011-04-03 Thread Chuck Munro
Hello all,

I'm having quite an interesting time getting up to speed with KVM/QEMU 
and the various ways of creating virtual Guest VMs.  But disk I/O 
performance remains a bit of a question mark for me.  I'm looking for 
suggestions and opinions 

This new machine has tons of disk space, lots of CPU cores and loads of 
RAM, so those are not issues.

I currently have several software RAID-6 md's, each of which is about 
700 GBytes.  The md's are created as partitionable arrays, and I assign 
the resulting raw disk devices to each CentOS Guest OS, which then 
partitions the space according to its needs.

Unlike using the more common filesystem-in-a-file method, the use of 
partitionable MD devices usually results in wasted disk space, but my 
aim is to provide the best performance possible with robust RAID.

Is there a better-performing way of assigning disk space to Guest VMs? 
What about 'qcow2'?  I understand its copy-on-write offers several 
advantages, but does it perform better than using partitionable md 
arrays or does the underlying filesystem overhead get in the way?

Perhaps the native overhead of RAID-6 dual parity makes the whole 
question moot.  Would the use of RAID-10 with hot spares be paranoid 
enough?  I'm using 2 TByte drives which inherently have much greater 
chances of data errors, so I must keep data reliability in mind.

I don't want to start a religious war over RAID and Guest VM disk 
methodology, but I have the luxury of trying various disk configurations 
until I get a reasonable balance between performance and reliability 
with these large drives.

So many questions ... so much to learn.  Lots of Googling around is 
quite useful but can lead to information overload :-)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Virtualization platform choice

2011-03-27 Thread Chuck Munro

On 03/27/2011 09:00 AM, Jerry Franz wrote:

 On 03/27/2011 02:57 AM, Jussi Hirvi wrote:
   Some may be bored with the subject - sorry...
   Still not decided about virtualization platform for my webhotel v2
   (ns, mail, web servers, etc.).
   KVM would be a natural way to go, I suppose, only it is too bad CentOS 6
   will not be out in time for me - I guess KVM would be more mature in
   CentOS 6.
   Any experience with the free VMware vSphere Hypervisor?. (It was
   formerly known as VMware ESXi Single Server or free ESXi.)
   I would need a tutorial about that... For example, does that run without
   a host OS? Can it be managed only via Win clients? Issues with CentOS
   4/5 guests (all my systems are currently CentOS 4/5).
 I'm currently using Ubuntu Server 10.04-LTS as a host for KVM running
 CentOS5.5 guests I migrated from VMware Server 2. Works fine. A nice
 feature of current generation KVM is that you are supposed to be able to
 do live migration even without shared storage (although I haven't tested
 that yet). I wrote some custom scripts to allow me to take LVM snapshots
 for whole-image backups and I'm pretty happy with the who setup.

 The only corners I encountered were

 1) A lack of documentation on how to configure bridging over bonded
 interfaces for the host server. It turned out to be fairly easy - just
 not clearly documented anyplace I could find.

 2) The default configuration for rebooting/shutting dow the host server
 just 'shoots the guests in the head' rather than having them shutdown
 cleanly.:(  You will want to write something to make sure they get
 shutdown properly instead.

Once in a while I find it's useful to compromise just a little, so I use 
Scientific Linux 6 as the Host OS, and run a bunch of CentOS-5.5 Guest 
VMs.  It all simply works.

KVM has improved quite a bit, and the management tools work well.  One 
thing that requires a bit of skill is getting bridging configured (which 
I simply did by hand from the RHEL-6 documentation).

I'm happy with the result, and see no reason to replace the underlying 
SL-6 Host distro.

SL-6 as the Host is rather slow to shut down gracefully and reboot, 
because it hibernates the Guest OSs, one at a time, rather than just 
killing them.  Hibernation takes a while to write out to disk if you've 
assigned a lot of RAM to the Guests.  Bootup has to restore the saved 
state, so that's a bit slow too.  But it works very well.

I use partitionable RAID arrays for the Guests, and assign a raw md 
device to each one rather than using the 'filesystem-in-a-file' method. 
  It seems to be a bit faster, but there's a learning curve to 
understanding how it works.

One thing I found a bit annoying is the very long time it takes for a 
Guest to format its filesystems on the RAID-6 md device assigned to it. 
  That's mostly due to array checksum overhead.  RAID-10 would be a 
*lot* faster but somewhat less robust ... you pick what's best for your 
own situation.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Race condition with mdadm at boot

2011-03-12 Thread Chuck Munro

On 03/12/2011 09:00 AM, compdoc wrote:

 On the particular Supermicro motherboard I'm using, there is a very
 long delay (10 or 15 sec) between power-on and initiation of visible
 BIOS activity, so all disk drives have ample time to spin up and stabilize.

 Yeah, I have used Supermicro in the past and they had the same long pause
 when you turn them on. Good boards, except I had one die recently.

 I was wondering how many drives total, and how many watts the PSU is?

 Also, is the controller's firmware up to date?

I agree, Supermicro does design good boards, with a lot of server-grade 
features that consumer boards lack.  Not cheap, but worth the money.  I 
assume the long power-on pause is due to the BIOS silently checking RAM, 
with the side effect of giving the disks ample time to spin up.

I have a total of 15 drives.  Three of them are fast 2-1/2 drives used 
for the host OS filesystems, running on the ICH-10 SATA controller. No 
problem at all with those.

The other 12 drives are 2TB WD Caviar Black series.  6 are connected to 
the on-board 8-port LSI 1068E chip, and 6 divided equally between 2 
Tempo 'Sonnet' 4-port PCIe cards (Marvell chips).  All drives have the 
same 8 partitions each.

All drives have the same 8-partition configuration.  The LSI controller 
supports 8 RAID-6 arrays using 5 active drives plus a hot spare.  The 
Tempo controllers support the same arrangement using the other 6 drives.

The firmware on everything is up to date.

Other than the annoying failure to bind 1 or 2 random partitions on the 
last drive in each group of 6, the performance of this configuration is 
quite good.  I still have the 'scsi_mod.scan=sync' kernel parameter in 
place, so there may be some other cause of the failure to bind some of 
the partitions.  FWIW, in more than 10 system boots, there has never 
been any consistent pattern to these failures.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Race condition with mdadm at boot [still mystifying]

2011-03-11 Thread Chuck Munro

On 03/11/2011 09:00 AM, Les Mikesell wrote:

 On 3/10/11 9:25 PM, Chuck Munro wrote:

   However, on close examination of dmesg, I found something very
   interesting.  There were missing 'bindsd??' statements for one or the
   other hot spare drive (or sometimes both).  These drives are connected
   to the last PHYs in each SATA controller ... in other words they are the
   last devices probed by the driver for a particular controller.  It would
   appear that the drivers are bailing out before managing to enumerate all
   of the partitions on the last drive in a group, and missing partitions
   occur quite randomly.
   So it may or may not be a timing issue between the WD Caviar Black
   drives and both the LSI and Marvell SAS/SATA controller chips.
 I've seen some weirdness in powering up 6 or more SATA drives but never
 completely pinned down whether it was the controller, drive cage, or 
 drives causing the problem.  But I think my symptom was completely failing to
 detect some drives when certain combinations of disks were installed although
 each would work individually.  Do you have any options about whether they 
 up immediately or wait until accessed?

That's a good question, one I have experimented with.  I don't have any 
choice as to when the drives are spun up (only on bootup), but I did try 
a controller card which pre-spun and checked the identification of the 
drives before handing off to the BIOS for bootup.  That didn't help.

On the particular Supermicro motherboard I'm using, there is a very long 
delay (10 or 15 sec) between power-on and initiation of visible BIOS 
activity, so all disk drives have ample time to spin up and stabilize. 
The drives' SMART data shows that the average spin-up time is well 
within the BIOS startup delay.  Each drive activity indicator shows that 
they are always probed by the kernel's scsi scan process.

I have since tried a couple of other tricks I found by Googling around 
... setting the kernel parameters 'rootdelay=xx' and 
'scsi_mod.scan=sync'.  These had no effect on the problem.  For some 
unfathomable reason, the last drives in each group of drives have one or 
more random partitions missing, with no 'bind' statement in dmesg. 
Other partitions on those drives are bound normally.  This has been 
tested with at least two known-good replacement drives, with the same 
random results.  On two occasions today, everything worked perfectly, 
but that was unusual.

A friend of mine suggested an ugly hack - connect two 'dummy' unused old 
SATA drives to the last port of each controller (I'm using only 6 of 8 
on each).  I wonder if one of those $15 IDE-to-SATA converters would do 
the job (without a drive attached)?  Foolish thought  :-/

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Race condition with mdadm at boot [still mystifying]

2011-03-10 Thread Chuck Munro

This is a bit long-winded, but I wanted to share some info 

Regarding my earlier message about a possible race condition with mdadm, 
I have been doing all sorts of poking around with the boot process. 
Thanks to a tip from Steven Yellin at Stanford, I found where to add a 
delay in the rc.sysinit script, which invokes mdadm to assemble the arrays.

Unfortunately it didn't help, so it likely wasn't a race condition after 

However, on close examination of dmesg, I found something very 
interesting.  There were missing 'bindsd??' statements for one or the 
other hot spare drive (or sometimes both).  These drives are connected 
to the last PHYs in each SATA controller ... in other words they are the 
last devices probed by the driver for a particular controller.  It would 
appear that the drivers are bailing out before managing to enumerate all 
of the partitions on the last drive in a group, and missing partitions 
occur quite randomly.

So it may or may not be a timing issue between the WD Caviar Black 
drives and both the LSI and Marvell SAS/SATA controller chips.

So, I replaced the two drives (SATA-300) with two faster drives 
(SATA-600) on the off chance they might respond fast enough before the 
drivers move on to other duties.  That didn't help either.

Each group of arrays uses completely drivers (mptsas and sata_mv) but 
both exhibit the same problem, so I'm mystified as to where the real 
issue lies.  Anyone care to offer suggestions?

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Race condition with mdadm at bootup?

2011-03-08 Thread Chuck Munro
Hello folks,

I am experiencing a weird problem at bootup with large RAID-6 arrays. 
After Googling around (a lot) I find that others are having the same 
issues with CentOS/RHEL/Ubuntu/whatever.  In my case it's Scientific 
Linux-6 which should behave the same way as CentOS-6.  I had the same 
problem with the RHEL-6 evaluation version.  I'm posting this question 
to the SL mailing list as well.

For some reason, each time I boot the server a random number of RAID 
arrays will come up with the hot-spare missing.  This occurs with 
hot-spare components only, never with the active components.  Once in a 
while I'm lucky enough to have all components come up correctly when the 
system boots.  Which hot spares fail to be configured is completely random.

I have 12 2TB drives, each divided into 4 primary partitions, and 
configured as 8 partitionable MD arrays.  All drives are partitioned 
exactly the same way.  Each R6 array consists of 5 components 
(partitions) plus a hot-spare.  The small RAID-1 host OS array never has 
a problem with its hot spare.

The predominant theory via Google is that there's a race condition at 
boot time between full enumeration of all disk partitions and mdadm 
assembling the arrays.

Does anyone know of a way to have mdadm delay its assembly until all 
partitions are enumerated?  Even if it's simply to insert a 
several-second wait time, that would probably work.  My knowledge of the 
internal workings of the boot process isn't good enough to know where to 

I tried to issue 'mdadm -A -s /dev/md/md_dXX' after booting, but all it 
does is complain about No suitable drives found for /dev.

Here is the mdadm.conf file:

PROGRAM /root/bin/

DEVICE partitions
##DEVICE /dev/sd* this didn't help.
AUTO +imsm +1.x -all

## Host OS root arrays:
ARRAY /dev/md0
metadata=1.0 num-devices=2 spares=1
ARRAY /dev/md1
metadata=1.1 num-devices=2 spares=1
ARRAY /dev/md2
metadata=1.1 num-devices=2 spares=1

## Partitionable arrays on LSI controller:
ARRAY /dev/md/md_d10
metadata=1.2 num-devices=5 spares=1
ARRAY /dev/md/md_d11
metadata=1.2 num-devices=5 spares=1
ARRAY /dev/md/md_d12
metadata=1.2 num-devices=5 spares=1
ARRAY /dev/md/md_d13
metadata=1.2 num-devices=5 spares=1

## Partitionable arrays on Tempo controllers:
ARRAY /dev/md/md_d20
metadata=1.2 num-devices=5 spares=1
ARRAY /dev/md/md_d21
metadata=1.2 num-devices=5 spares=1
ARRAY /dev/md/md_d22
metadata=1.2 num-devices=5 spares=1
ARRAY /dev/md/md_d23
metadata=1.2 num-devices=5 spares=1


Your suggestions are most welcome ... thanks.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS and Marvell SAS/SATA drivers

2011-03-07 Thread Chuck Munro

On 03/07/2011 09:00 AM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 10:07 PM, Charles  
   covers fake RAID.
 Ouch. That was*precisely*  why I used the 2410, not the 1420, SATA
 card, some years back. It was nominally more expensive but well worth
 the reliability and support, which was very good for RHEL and CentOS.

 I hadn't been thinking about that HostRaid messiness because I read
 the reviews and avoided it early.

Here's the latest info which I'll share ... it's good news, thankfully.

The problem with terrible performance on the LSI controller was traced 
to a flaky disk.  It turns out that if you examine 'dmesg' carefully 
you'll find a mapping of the controller's PHY to the id X string 
(thanks to an IT friend for that tip).  The LSI error messages have 
dropped from several thousand/day to maybe 4 or 5/day when stressed.

Now the LSI controller is busy re-syncing the arrays with speed 
consistently over 100,000K/sec, which is excellent.

My scepticism regarding SMART data continues ... the flaky drive showed 
no errors, and a full test and full zero-write using the WD diagnostics 
revealed no errors either.  If the drive is bad, there's no evidence 
that would cause WD to issue an RMA.

Regarding fake raid controllers, I use them in several small machines, 
but only as JBOD with software RAID.  I haven't used Adaptec cards for 
many years, mostly because their SCSI controllers back in the early days 
were junk.

Using RAID for protecting the root/boot drives requires one bit of extra 
work ... make sure you install grub in the boot sector of at least two 
drives so you can boot from an alternate if necessary.  CentOS/SL/RHEL 
doesn't do that for you, it only puts grub in the boot sector of the 
first drive in an array.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS and Marvell SAS/SATA drivers

2011-03-06 Thread Chuck Munro

On 03/06/2011 09:00 AM, compdoc wrote:

 Regarding the Marvell drivers, I had good luck with the 'sata_mv' driver
 in Scientific Linux 6 just yesterday, running a pair of 4-port PCIe-x4
 Tempo 'Sonnet' controller cards.
 Are those the Mac/Windows Sonnet cards that go for less than $200?

 What kind of performance you seeing? Are you doing software raid on them?

Yes, those are the cards which target Windows and OS-X, but they work 
fine on Linux as well.  They use the Marvell 88SX series chips.

They control 6 2TB WD Caviar Black drives, arranged as 5 drives in a 
RAID-6 array with one hot spare.  3 drives are connected to each of two 
cards.  mdstat shows array re-sync speed is usually over 100 MBytes/sec 
although that tends to vary quite a bit over time.

 On 03/06/2011 09:00 AM, John R Pierce wrote:

 On 03/05/11 7:01 AM, Eero Volotinen wrote:
   areca works..
 for SAS, I prefer LSI Logic.

The Supermicro mobo I'm using (X8DAL-3) has an on-board LSI 1068E 
SAS/SATA controller chip, although I have the RAID functionality 
disabled so I can use it as a bunch of drives for software RAID-6.  Like 
the Tempo cards, it has 6 2TB WD SATA drives attached which provides a 
second set of arrays.

Performance really sucks, for some unknown reason, and I get lots of I/O 
error messages logged when the drives get busy.  There appears to be no 
data corruption, just a lot of retries that slow things down significantly.

The LSI web site has no info about the errors.  The firmware is passing 
back I/O abort code 0403 and LSI Debug info related to channel 0 id 9. 
  There are only 8 ports so I don't know which disk drive may or may not 
be causing problems.  The SMART data on all disks shows no issues, 
although I tend to treat some SMART data with scepticism.

I need to track this error down because my understanding is that the LSI 
controller chip has very good performance.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS and Marvell SAS/SATA drivers

2011-03-05 Thread Chuck Munro

On 03/05/2011 09:00 AM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

 On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 4:16 PM,  wrote:
 If the Marvell drivers don't pan out, it looks like I'll have
 to either spend money on a 3Ware|LSI|Promise controller
   The 3ware are excellent...
 And Promise, historically, is*not*.

Yes, I've had problems with Promise cards in the past, but haven't 
bought any for a long time.  They seem to be moving upscale these days.

Regarding the Marvell drivers, I had good luck with the 'sata_mv' driver 
in Scientific Linux 6 just yesterday, running a pair of 4-port PCIe-x4 
Tempo 'Sonnet' controller cards.  So it appears someone has fixed that 
particular driver.  I've decided to stick with those cards rather than 
re-install the Supermicro/Marvell SAS/SATA 8-port controllers, which use 
the 'mvsas' driver that I had problems with on the RHEL-6 evaluation distro.

So far, SL-6 has performed very well, all RAID-6 arrays re-synced 
properly, and running concurrent forced fscks on eight arrays was very 
fast (because the ext4 filesystems were still empty :-) ).

I think I'll stick with SL-6 as the VM host OS, but will use CentOS for 
the guest VMs.  CentOS-5.x will do fine for now, and I'll have the 
luxury of upgrading guest OSs to CentOS-6 as the opportunity arises.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS and Marvell SAS/SATA drivers

2011-03-04 Thread Chuck Munro

On 03/04/2011 09:00 AM, Les Mikesell wrote:

  On 3/3/11 6:52 PM, Chuck Munro wrote:
   I've been on a real roller coaster ride getting a large virtual host up
   and running.  One troublesome thing I've discovered (the hard way) is
   that the drivers for Marvell SAS/SATA chips still have a few problems.
   After Googling around quite a bit, I see a significant number of others
   have had similar issues, especially evident in the Ubuntu forums but
   also for a few RHEL/CentOS users.
   I have found that under heavy load (in my case, simply doing the initial
   sync of large RAID-6 arrays) the current 0.8 driver can wander off into
   the weeds after a while, less so for the older 0.5 driver in CentOS-5.
   It would appear that some sort of bug has been introduced into the newer
   I've had to replace the Marvell-based controllers with LSI, which seem
   rock solid.  I'm rather disappointed that I've wasted good money on
   several Marvell-based controller cards (2 SAS/SATA and 2 SATA).
 I replaced separate SII and promise controllers with a single 8-port Marvell
 based card and thought it was a big improvement.  No problems with centos5.x,
 mostly running RAID1 pairs, one of which is frequently hot-swapped and
 re-synced.  I hope its not going to have problems when I upgrade.

Since I have the luxury of time to evaluate options, I've just 
downloaded Scientific Linux 6 to see what happens with either the mvsas 
or sata-mv driver.  This is my first experience with SL but I wanted 
native ext4 rather than the preview version in CentOS-Plus.  Even if I 
stick with SL-6 as the KVM host, I'll continue using CentOS as guest 
machines.  If the Marvell drivers don't pan out, it looks like I'll have 
to either spend money on a 3Ware|LSI|Promise controller or revert to 
CentOS-Plus 5.5 for ext4.

SL-6 is installing as I write this.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] CentOS and Marvell SAS/SATA drivers

2011-03-03 Thread Chuck Munro

Hello all,

I've been on a real roller coaster ride getting a large virtual host up 
and running.  One troublesome thing I've discovered (the hard way) is 
that the drivers for Marvell SAS/SATA chips still have a few problems.

After Googling around quite a bit, I see a significant number of others 
have had similar issues, especially evident in the Ubuntu forums but 
also for a few RHEL/CentOS users.

I have found that under heavy load (in my case, simply doing the initial 
sync of large RAID-6 arrays) the current 0.8 driver can wander off into 
the weeds after a while, less so for the older 0.5 driver in CentOS-5. 
It would appear that some sort of bug has been introduced into the newer 

I've had to replace the Marvell-based controllers with LSI, which seem 
rock solid.  I'm rather disappointed that I've wasted good money on 
several Marvell-based controller cards (2 SAS/SATA and 2 SATA).

My question ... is anyone aware of the *real* status of these drivers? 
The Internet is full of somewhat conflicting reports.  I'm referring to 
'mvsas' and 'sata-mv', both of which seem to have issues under heavy 
load.  It sure would be nice to return to using what appear to be 
well-made controller cards.  I understand that even Alan Cox has 
expressed some frustration with the current driver status.

FWIW, I had similar problems under the RHEL-6 evaluation OS too.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] security cameras

2011-02-24 Thread Chuck Munro

On 02/24/2011 09:00 AM, wrote:
  On 02/23/2011 01:36 PM John R Pierce wrote:
   On 02/23/11 10:16 AM, Keith Roberts wrote:
   I think you will get far better video quality using CCTV
   cameras than a webcam on a USB port.
   you may think that, but those solutions you mentioned are all NTSC
   composite video, while even a $30 USB webcam now days is 2 megapixels or
   anyways, the OP wants cameras that connect to the network and get their
   power off the ethernet cable, not a USB or a CCTV camera.
 Yes.  True.  I'm not interested in either USB or CCTV.  Ethernet cams
 are much better and smarter technology and, from what I hear, easier to
 install and set up.

 From experience I can attest to the fact that PAL/NTSC CCTV cameras are 
significantly inferior to modern digital security cameras.  I have used 
devices from Axis, who appear to be the largest and most diverse 
manufacturer ( but they're not the cheapest.  As an aside, 
Axis cameras run embedded Linux.

The newer Ethernet-enabled cameras can use POE (power over Ethernet) but 
you'll need either a power supply that you insert somewhere along the 
cable run, or a POE-enabled switch which supplies power to its Ethernet 
ports.  Several brands are available.

Using POE makes a lot of sense and saves a lot of trouble, but make sure 
your Ethernet cable installation is of high quality.

Open-source software such as ZoneMinder works with cameras from several 
manufacturers, and runs on CentOS.  I personally haven't tried it, but I 
understand it works well.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS Digest, Vol 73, Issue 12

2011-02-12 Thread Chuck Munro

On 02/12/2011 09:00 AM, Gerhard Schneider wrote:

 Sorry, I don't use CentOS 6 now so I cannot check, but:

 Could it be that RHEL6 changed the default superblock mdadm is creating?
 CentOS 5 is creating a 0.9 superblock. Some other OS are creating 1.2
 per default. But you can change that on the command line.

 If that's the case it's not a bug but a feature..


 -- Gerhard Schneider Institute of Lightweight Design and e-Mail: Structural Biomechanics (E317) Tel.: +43 664 60 588
 3171 Vienna University of Technology / Austria Fax: +43 1 58801 31799
 A-1040 Wien, Gusshausstrasse 27-29

Bingo!  That hadn't occurred to me.  And 1.2 is specified in the 
mdadm.conf file, which went right over my head.  :-(

Thanks Gerhard; mystery solved.  Now all I need to do is wait for 
CentOS-6 to see if it correctly assembles all members of the arrays at 
boot time.  I suspect the evaluation copy of RHEL-6 is not really up to 
date, so there may be issues with mdadm.  I did take a look around the 
RedHat bugzilla site and saw a couple of things that might be related to 
the problem.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Some RAID-6 observations ... RHEL-6 vs CentOS-5.5

2011-02-10 Thread Chuck Munro
Hello all,

In the process of building a new VM box to replace several individual 
CentOS servers, I've had the interesting experience of running both 
CentOS-5.5 and RHEL-6 (eval copy) as I build out the hardware based on a 
Supermicro motherboard.

A couple of observations regarding RAID-6:

- RAID-6 arrays created on RHEL-6 don't seem backward compatible with 
CentOS-5.5.  This may or may not be expected behaviour, but it makes me 
wonder if forward compatibility might be a problem for those of us 
migrating large RAID-6 arrays from CentOS-5 to -6 systems.  The main 
observations are that the md superblock is declared bad, and I get those 
boot-time messages claiming the available blocks are less than the 
configured size.  As a result, the RAID arrays are not made available on 

- A total of 8 RAID-6 arrays in RHEL-6 are built with 2TB data disks 
plus a hot spare.  However, every time I boot the system some, but not 
all, of the hot spare partitions are randomly missing.  Using mdadm to 
manually add the spare partition back into an array always works.  There 
are 4 array partitions per disk, and the largest single array is just 
over 2 TBytes of useable space.  There are two groups of 5+1 drives 
spread across two SAS/SATA controller cards, and this random behaviour 
can occur on either one.  Rebooting gets me a different set of missing 
hot spare partitions.  The only error messages I get are the mdmonitor 
missing spares event emails ... nothing in dmesg.

The host OS has its own RAID-1 (+ hot spare) arrays on a separate set of 
disks and controller, and those arrays always come up correctly.

I've checked and double ckecked the mdadm.conf file to make sure the 
ARRAY, DEVICE and 'devices=' statements are correct.  Using mdadm to 
shut down an array and then reassemble it always seems to work properly, 
but something random is happening at boot-time assembly.  It's only the 
hot spare partitions that don't appear, never the data partitions.  Weird.

I'm hoping CentOS-6 doesn't present me with the same problem.  Because 
I'm not a registered RHEL user, I don't have the ability to submit a bug 
report at RedHat.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Fan speed control on Supermicro X8DAL board with CentOS

2011-02-08 Thread Chuck Munro

On 02/07/11 20:42, RedShift wrote:

 Actually it's possible a hardware monitoring module is interfering with the 
 FAN speed control duties. Try preventing any hardware monitoring related 
 modules get modprobed. See modprobe.conf how to blacklist modules.


Interesting thought Glenn, thanks.

I've since gone back to CentOS-5.5 on the box (since it's not fully 
built anyway) and added the SuperoDoctor monitoring utility after 
resolving a couple of dependencies like SNMP and the correct kernel driver.

I sent an enquiry to the Supermicro support folks, and they jumped on it 
right away, which impressed me.  They wanted a screenshot of 
SuperoDoctor to try to analyze the problem.

I don't think it's a case of a kernel module getting in the way because 
this issue crops up even during the BIOS boot process, and happens 
randomly if I run memtest86 as well.  Sometimes the fans jump to light 
speed, other times not. I'm beginning to think it's either a bug in the 
latest BIOS or a sensor chip problem.  Even when the CPU temperatures 
are reported as Low, the fans run full speed most of the time.  The 
exhaust air leaving the box is almost cool, so ambient temperature is ok.

I'll give the Supermicro support folks some time to sort this out, since 
I'm still waiting for CentOS-6 anyway.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Fan speed control on Supermicro X8DAL board with CentOS

2011-02-06 Thread Chuck Munro
On Sun, 06 Feb 2011 12:09:12 +  Ned Slider wrote:

 On 06/02/11 07:00, Chuck Munro wrote:
  Hello folks,
  I'm having a difficult time trying to figure out why the CPU cooling
  fans run at full speed on my Supermicro X8DAL-3 motherboard.  There
  doesn't seem to be any variable speed (the fans are PWM compatible) ...
  they either idle at almost nothing, or suddenly burst into a
  high-pitched scream that gets my ears bleeding after a few seconds.
  Once they jump to warp-10, they remain there.
  The Super-I/O chip on this board is a Winbond W83627DHG which does the
  temperature and voltage monitoring.
  Is anyone aware of which driver or kernel module I need for that chip in
  order to get control of the fans?  The Supermicro web site and the
  board's manual aren't any help.  Fresh installs of CentOS-5.5 and RHEL-6
  don't exert any control by default.  Installing the lm_sensors package
  and probing with the 'sensors' command didn't help either.
  Slowly going deaf ...

 Hi Chuck,

 The correct kernel module for your chipset is w83627ehf.ko. I'm not sure
 the driver actually controls fan speed, I thought it was more for
 monitoring (fan speeds, temps, voltages) but I could be wrong. My
 current system (not a Supermicro) controls variable fan speed from
 options within the BIOS. I can enable/disable fan speed control and
 select either voltage or PWM based control.

 The stock w83627ehf driver in RHEL5.5 is oldish (they were updated in
 5.5 I think but are still over a year old now). have an
 updated driver available (kmod-w83627ehf) based on a backport from
 kernel-2.6.34. I've just checked upstream and a few more patches have
 been committed since kernel-2.6.34 and the current kernel-2.6.37 so I'll
 look at updating the elrepo driver with those latest patches.

 Hope that helps.

Thanks Ned!  I did go through the board's BIOS menus several times and 
could find only one fan control option, which ranges from always-fast 
for maximum performance to almost-silent for workstation use.  No matter 
what the setting, the fans may start out slow but eventually jump to 
high speed.  Updating the BIOS to the latest version made no difference. 
  I also noticed that at all times the BIOS reports the CPU temperatures 
as Low no matter what the fan speed.  The coolers are always cold to 
the touch.

I sure hope I don't have a defective board ... it's a royal pain to have 
to remove one from a large server.  I booted Ubuntu but the live-CD 
version doesn't have a working 'fancontrol' utility.  I'd be tempted to 
install Ubuntu Server but I much prefer staying with CentOS and KVM to 
match all of the guest virtual machines it'll be running.

Time to go through the mobo manual with a fine-tooth comb.  :-)


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Fan speed control on Supermicro X8DAL board with CentOS

2011-02-05 Thread Chuck Munro
Hello folks,

I'm having a difficult time trying to figure out why the CPU cooling 
fans run at full speed on my Supermicro X8DAL-3 motherboard.  There 
doesn't seem to be any variable speed (the fans are PWM compatible) ... 
they either idle at almost nothing, or suddenly burst into a 
high-pitched scream that gets my ears bleeding after a few seconds. 
Once they jump to warp-10, they remain there.

The Super-I/O chip on this board is a Winbond W83627DHG which does the 
temperature and voltage monitoring.

Is anyone aware of which driver or kernel module I need for that chip in 
order to get control of the fans?  The Supermicro web site and the 
board's manual aren't any help.  Fresh installs of CentOS-5.5 and RHEL-6 
don't exert any control by default.  Installing the lm_sensors package 
and probing with the 'sensors' command didn't help either.

Slowly going deaf ...

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS Digest, Vol 73, Issue 3

2011-02-03 Thread Chuck Munro

On 02/03/2011 09:00 AM, Lamar Owen wrote:

 On Wednesday, February 02, 2011 08:04:43 pm Les Mikesell wrote:
   I think there are ways that drives can fail that would make them not be 
   at all - and for an autodetected raid member in a system that has been 
   not leave much evidence of where it was when it worked.  If your slots 
  are all
   full you may still be able to figure it out but it might be a good idea 
  to save
   a copy of the listing when you know everything is working.
 I'll echo this advice.

 I guess I'm spoiled to my EMC arrays, which light a yellow LED on the DAE and 
 on the individual drive, as well as telling you which backend bus, which 
 enclosure, and which drive in that enclosure.  And the EMC-custom firmware is 
 paranoid about errors.

 But my personal box is a used SuperMicro dual Xeon I got at the depth of the 
 recession in December 2009, and paid a song and half a dance for it.  It had 
 the six bay hotswap SCSI, and I replaced it with the six bay hotswap SATA, 
 put in a used (and cheap) 3Ware 9500S controller, and have a RAID5 of four 
 250GB drives for the boot and root volumes, and an MD RAID1 pair of 750GB 
 drives for /home.  The Supermicro motherboard didn't have SATA ports, but I 
 got a 64-bit PCI-X dual internal SATA/dual eSATA low-profile board with the 
 low-profile bracket to fit the 2U case.  Total cost$500.

Less than $500 for a Supermicro box?  Holy crap, Batman!

I'm using one of their motherboards (X8DAL-3) in a home-brew 
configuration, which has turned out to be somewhat less expensive than a 
factory-built Supermicro, but still not cheap.  I'll say one thing for 
them ... they do make really nice stuff, with little extras the 
commodity makers like Asus or Gigabit don't include.  Well worth the 
extra dollars.  This box just screams, so it should handle KVM very 
nicely if I organize the arrays properly ... anyone with RAID-60 advice 
please chime in.

I took Les' advice and built a connection map of the 15 drives.  The 
Disk Utility GUI turned out to be useful once I determined the SATA 
breakout cable order and labelled each with its PHY number.  Knowing 
that lets me use the GUI to clearly identify a failed drive, which shows 
up as a PHY#.  I'm normally a command-line kinda guy but this utility is 
something I really like on RHEL-6.  I hope it's the same on CentOS-6.

I'll organize the disk arrays with this trial version of RHEL, on the 
assumption that CentOS-6 simply picks them up as-built.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RHEL-6 vs. CentOS-5.5 (was: Static assignment of SCSI device names?)

2011-02-02 Thread Chuck Munro

On 02/02/2011 09:00 AM, Lamar Owen wrote:

 On Wednesday, February 02, 2011 02:06:15 am Chuck Munro wrote:
   The real key is to carefully label each SATA cable and its associated
   drive.  Then the little mapping script can be used to identify the
   faulty drive which mdadm reports by its device name.  It just occurred
   to me that whenever mdadm sends an email report, it can also run a
   script which groks out the path info and puts it in the email message.
   Problem solved:-)

 Ok, perhaps I'm dense, but, if this is not a hot-swap bay you're talking 
 about, wouldn't it be easier to have the drive's serial number (or other 
 identifier found on the label) pulled into the e-mail, and compare with the 
 label physically found on the drive, since you're going to have to open the 
 case anyway?  Using something like:

 hdparm -I $DEVICE | grep Serial.Number

 works here (the regexp Serial.Number matches the string Serial Number 
 without requiring the double quotes).  Use whatever $DEVICE you need to 
 use, as long as it's on a controller compatible with hdparm usage.

 I have seen cases with a different Linux distribution where the actual module 
 load order was nondeterministic (modules loaded in parallel); while upstream 
 and the CentOS rebuild try to make things more deterministic, wouldn't it be 
 safer to get a really unique, externally visible identifier from the drive?  
 If the drive has failed to the degree that it won't respond to the query, 
 then query all the good drives in the array for their serial numbers, and use 
 a process of elimination.  This, IMO, is more robust than relying on the 
 drive detect order to remain deterministic.

 If in a hotswap or coldswap bay, do some data access to the array, and see 
 which LED's don't blink; that should correspond to the failed drive.  If the 
 bay has secondary LED's, you might be able to blink those, too.

Well no, you're not being dense.  It's a case of making the best of what 
the physical hardware can do for me.  In my case, the drives are 
segregated into several 3-drive bays which are bolted into the case 
individually, so removing each one to compare serial numbers would be a 
major pain, since I'd have to unbolt a bay and remove each drive one at 
a time to read the label.

The use of the new RHEL-6/CentOS-6 'udevadm' command nicely maps out the 
hardware path no matter the order the drives are detected/named, and 
since hardware paths are fixed, I just have to attach a little tag to 
each SATA cable with that path number on it.  One thing I did was reboot 
the machine *many* times to make sure the controller cards were always 
enumerated by Linux in the same slot order.

I also notice that the RHEL-6 DriveInfo GUI application shows which 
drive is giving trouble, but it only maps the controllers in a vague way 
with respect to the hardware path.  (At least that's what I remember 
seeing a couple of days ago, I could be mistaken.)

On this particular machine I don't have the luxury of per-drive LED 
activity indicators, so whacking each drive with a big read won't point 
the way (but I have used that technique on other machines).  I didn't 
have the funds to buy the hot-swap bays I would have preferred.  I may 
retrofit later.

Your suggestions are well taken, but the hardware I have doesn't readily 
allow my use of them.  Thanks for the ideas.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RHEL-6 vs. CentOS-5.5 (was: Static assignment of, SCSI device names?)

2011-02-01 Thread Chuck Munro
Les Mikesell wrote:

 On 1/30/11 1:37 PM, Chuck Munro wrote:
  Hello list members,
  My adventure into udev rules has taken an interesting turn.  I did
  discover a stupid error in the way I was attempting to assign static
  disk device names on CentOS-5.5, so that's out of the way.
  But in the process of exploring, I installed a trial copy of RHEL-6 on
  the new machine to see if anything had changed (since I intend this box
  to run CentOS-6 anyway).
  Lots of differences, and it's obvious that RedHat does things a bit
  differently here and there.  My focus has been on figuring out how best
  to solve my udev challenge, and I found that tools like 'scsi_id' and
  udev admin/test commands have changed.  The udev rules themselves seem
  to be the same.
 Do any of the names under /dev/disk/* work for your static identifiers?  You
 should be able to use them directly instead of using udev to map them to
 something else, making it more obvious what you are doing.  And are these 
 the same under RHEL6?

I was happy to see that device names (at least for SCSI disks) have not 
changed.  The more I look into the whole problem the more I realize that 
I've overstated the difficulty, now that I know how to map out the 
hardware path for any given /dev/sdX I might need to replace.  I've 
never dug as deeply into this before, mostly because I never could find 
the spare time.

I'm happy with simply writing a little script which accepts a /dev/sdX 
device name argument and reformats the output of:
  'udevadm info --query=path --name=/dev/sdX'
to extract the hardware path.  It's a bit cleaner than the current 
RHEL-5/CentOS-5 'udevinfo' command.

Using the numeric path assumes knowledge of how the motherboard sockets 
are laid out and the order in which I/O controller channels are 
discovered, of course.  It's then not difficult to trace a failed drive 
by attaching little tags to the SATA cables from the controller cards.

The real key is to carefully label each SATA cable and its associated 
drive.  Then the little mapping script can be used to identify the 
faulty drive which mdadm reports by its device name.  It just occurred 
to me that whenever mdadm sends an email report, it can also run a 
script which groks out the path info and puts it in the email message. 
Problem solved :-)

So even though I figured out how to add 'alias' symlink names to each 
disk drive, I'm not going to bother with it.  It was a very useful 
learning experience, though.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] RHEL-6 vs. CentOS-5.5 (was: Static assignment of SCSI device names?)

2011-01-30 Thread Chuck Munro
Hello list members,

My adventure into udev rules has taken an interesting turn.  I did 
discover a stupid error in the way I was attempting to assign static 
disk device names on CentOS-5.5, so that's out of the way.

But in the process of exploring, I installed a trial copy of RHEL-6 on 
the new machine to see if anything had changed (since I intend this box 
to run CentOS-6 anyway).

Lots of differences, and it's obvious that RedHat does things a bit 
differently here and there.  My focus has been on figuring out how best 
to solve my udev challenge, and I found that tools like 'scsi_id' and 
udev admin/test commands have changed.  The udev rules themselves seem 
to be the same.

Regarding networking, all of my 'ifcfg-*' files from CentOS-5.5 worked 
well, including bridging for KVM.  Of course, one of the first things I 
did was remove that atrocious NetworkManager package ... it needs to be 
rewritten to make it a *lot* more intuitive.  RedHat uses it during 
installation to manually configure the NICs, which I think is a 
mistake.  I much prefer the way CentOS anaconda has done it so far, as a 
separate install menu form.

The performance of the machine seemed to be better with the newer 
kernel, which is encouraging.  I suspect we can look forward to a number 
of improvements.  I've just managed to scratch the surface.  I do expect 
there may be a few challenges for those of us upgrading a system from 
5.x to 6, where some user-written admin scripts could break depending on 
the system commands they use.

I look forward to CentOS-6 and all the goodies we can expect, and I'm 
quite happy to wait until the CentOS crew does their thing before 
releasing it ... they deserve a lot of credit for doing a thorough job 
all these years.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Static assignment of SCSI device names?

2011-01-28 Thread Chuck Munro
 Les Mikesell kindly wrote:
   Identifying drives by their ID string (which includes the drive's serial
   number) and assigning names in the rules works ok.   BUT, what happens
   when I have to swap out a failed drive?  The serial number (and possibly
   model number) changes, and the udev assignment should fail, probably
   assigning an unexpected /dev/sd? name.  RAID rebuild would choke until I
   change the MD device assignment.
 If you can figure things out for the initial md device creation,
 subsequent assembly uses the uuid to match up the members and doesn't
 care if the disks have been moved around either physically or by
 detection order.  And if you are hot-swapping drives and rebuilding
 manually, you should be able to find the just-assigned name with 'dmesg'.

That's how I've been doing it with the two RAID-6 servers I have now, 
but in my advanced age I'm getting lazy.  I did figure out how to tag 
the drive by path using the '-i' option to scsi_id and filtering by a 
RESULT==path * expression.  However, something has gone very much 
astray, because now the rules don't do anything ... the system assigns 
names in the order scanned despite having added the udev rules before 
the default '50-udev.rules' is executed.  I'm a bit mystified by this.  
Before I started messing around, filtering by drive id string did work, 
now it doesn't.  Is there a small database somewhere I need to trash?

Mike's suggestion is intriguing and makes me wonder if I can manually 
label a replacement drive with the same UUID as the failed one (assuming 
I keep records, of course).  Since all drives in the array are 
partitioned exactly the same way, I can have one or two spares on the 
shelf pre-partitioned, ready to be given a UUID.  I don't plan to hot swap.

Still, I'd love to be able to use udev rules to assign names, if only to 
make life easier ... inquiring minds need to know why I suddenly can't 
get any rules to work.  Maybe I need to re-install.  I have just 
downloaded a trial version of RHEL-6 which I should try, to see if it 
handles this stuff more gracefully.  It'll do for experimentation until 
CentOS-6 arrives.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Static assignment of SCSI device names?

2011-01-27 Thread Chuck Munro

Hello list members,

In CentOS-5.5  I'm trying to achieve static assignment of SCSI device 
names for a bunch of RAID-60 drives on a Supermicro motherboard.  The 
scsi_id command identifies all drives ok.

The board has one SATA controller and three SAS/SATA controllers ... 
standard on-board ICH-10 ATA channels, an on-board LSI SAS/SATA 
controller, and two add-on SAS/SATA contoller cards.  There are 13 
drives in all, spread across the four controllers, all configured for 
Linux software RAID.

The problem is in management of the drive names and figuring out which 
drive to pull in case of failure.  Unfortunately the BIOS scan detects 
only the three drives connected to the ICH-10 SATA controller.  That's 
ok because that's where the RAID-1 boot drives are.  However, when the 
kernel starts it assigns those drives last, not first.

For this reason I want to use a set of udev rules to assign specific 
names to the drives plugged into specific ports (to maintain my sanity 
:-) ).

Identifying drives by their ID string (which includes the drive's serial 
number) and assigning names in the rules works ok.   BUT, what happens 
when I have to swap out a failed drive?  The serial number (and possibly 
model number) changes, and the udev assignment should fail, probably 
assigning an unexpected /dev/sd? name.  RAID rebuild would choke until I 
change the MD device assignment.

Is it possible to assign SCSI drive names by hardware path instead?  I 
especially want the three RAID1+spare boot drives to always be assigned 
sda/sdb/sdc, because that sorts out other issues I'm having in CentOS-5.

In the udev rules file I tried piping the output of scsi_id -g -i -u -s 
/block/... through cut to extract the path, but I get no match string 
when I run udevtest against that block device.  Does the 
PROGRAM==. clause not recognize the pipe symbol?  I tried a little 
shellscript to provide the RESULT match string, but udevtest didn't like 

Is there a supported way to predictably assign a drive name according to 
the hardware port it's plugged into ... it would make swapping drives a 
lot easier, since it becomes 'drive-id-string' agnostic.  Better yet, is 
there any way to tell the kernel the order in which to scan the controllers?

I'm also hoping the problem doesn't radically change when I install 
CentOS-6 on this box.  I'm using CentOS-5 just to get practice in using 
KVM and RAID-60.

Thanks for any advice you can offer.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Disk array format for CentOS virtual host

2010-12-18 Thread Chuck Munro
Hello List Members (and Holiday greetings!)

This rambles a bit ... my apologies in advance.

I am in the process of building a large CentOS-based VM host machine 
which will replace several individual boxes.  I've done the usual 
hardware research and ended up with a SuperMicro motherboard, dual 
Xeons, lots of ECC RAM, solid power supply, and tons of cooling.

When it comes to the best disk array layout for 7 guest instances of 
CentOS (mostly 64-bit) I run into the classical argument of disk I/O 
performance versus array robustness.  I'm using Linux software RAID so I 
don't get locked into a vendor's controller, and because I've got CPU 
cycles to burn.

The intent is to use CentOS-6 with KVM after climbing the usual 
experimental learning curve.  I've got years of CentOS experience, but 
none with KVM.

So, underneath all of this I could use RAID-10/RAID-6/RAID-60.  Which 
one is better for the following work mix:

  - 4 web servers, not heavily loaded (yet), mostly CGI.
  - 2 independent Zimbra email servers, which seem to spend most of 
their time rejecting spam and malware.
  - A primarily-inbound FTP server with bandwidth throttling.
  - A batch ImageMagick video process which kicks in a couple of 
times/day for a few minutes.
  - A secondary/backup SMB server, not heavily used.
  - A very lightly loaded DDNS server.

Two spindles will be used in RAID-1 for the host OS filesystems.

I have 10 large drives for the guest machines, but because they're 2 
TByte I want to ensure reasonable fault tolerance, meaning the ability 
to handle at least two drive failures.  This really means that an array 
rebuild to replace *one* drive stands a good chance of succeeding.

At first glance this would seem to be a system which will be doing more 
reads than writes, so RAID-6 or 60 might be a reasonable fit.  RAID-10 
offers much better write performance according to what I've been 
reading, but is less fault tolerant.  RAID-60 is a bit of an unknown to 
me with regard to performance.

In case you're wondering, I don't consider RAID to be a backup, so all 
of this will be automatically backed up to duplicate separate machines, 
each having tons of RAID-6 storage.  Each individual guest OS will do 
its own rsync thing.

Please forgive my lack of VM experience, but an additional question ...

I'm thinking of creating a separate RAID-xx MD partition for each guest. 
  Should I hand each over as a 'device' to KVM or is it better to place 
the guest filesystems in a big file on each separate MD partition?  Or, 
is it better to create one huge RAID-xx partition and just use big 
filesystems-in-a-file.  Either way would probably take the same amount 
of time (long!) to rebuild an array, if I understand this correctly.

The collective wisdom of this list is most welcome.

Thanks muchly,
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Small proxy appliance hardware

2009-12-03 Thread Chuck Munro

Regarding a small proxy appliance, my thanks to those who responded
either on this list or by direct email.

We are going to get one of the little Acer AspireRevo 3610 boxes and
give it a try.  It's small, quiet, runs cool, and has more than enough
resources to handle our CentOS proxy application.  It's a shame that we
have to trash the Windows-7 install (a waste of money) but that's life.

The only unanswered question is with regard to an external USB wired
network adapter, so we'll have to go by the data on the various
manufacturers' web sites about Linux support.  Has anyone tried the
Belkin USB2/Gbit, the D-Link DUB-E100 or the Linksys USB300M  devices?
Which adapter chips to they use (in other words, which driver)?

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Small proxy appliance hardware

2009-12-02 Thread Chuck Munro
I need to configure a small proxy appliance which doesn't require a lot
of CPU power.  I'm looking for any warnings this group may have
regarding CentOS-5 on the following:

 - Acer AspireRevo 3610  (Atom CPU)
 - Dell Inspiron 537s  (Celeron)
 - Any other small machines you might recommend (UL approved)

I need to implement dual NICs, and for the Dell it should be no problem
finding a low-profile 3Com or Intel adapter, but for the Acer I'll need
to use one of those USB wired network dongle things.

Does anyone have recommendations for a USB dongle that is fully
automatic (regarding speed and duplex negotiation) supported by CentOS?
Gigabit speed is not required.

Any other compatibility issues with the above machines?

Normally I'd simply build something from components and squeeze it into
a small box, but in this case I need something with UL/CSA/CE approvals,
which lets out homebrew hardware.

Many thanks in advance!

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables - Forwarding with port translation thru an OpenVPN tunnel

2009-10-19 Thread Chuck Munro

Thanks to those who responded.  The use of Apache's reverse proxy was
something I would never have though of (it's the mind-numbing cold
medication I'm on, LOL)

However, I did manage to get things rolling thru the tunnel by configuring
strong-end routing at the remote server.  Requests were indeed arriving at
the remote, but because the request's origin IP address was that of the
outside user's browser, the remote server was simply trying to return
responses via its default route, which is not the tunnel.

I *have* to ask ... why is strong-end routing not the default behavior in
Linux?  Anyway ...

Adding 'ip route ' and 'ip rule ' commands when establishing the
tunnel did the trick.

On the remote server, here are the commands run in a script launched by


# NOTE: To allow VPNs under OpenVPN, IPv4 Forwarding
# must be enabled in the /etc/sysctl.conf file!

# Enable NAT for the OpenVPN tunnel from the main server:
WAN=eth0# The primary public IP interface
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s  -o ${WAN} -j MASQUERADE

# Enable strong-end routing for traffic coming in thru the VPN tunnel:
## Table 200 - In/Out traffic via tun0:
ip route add table 200 via dev tun0
ip route add table 200 default via dev tun0

## Engage! ...
ip rule add from lookup 200

service openvpn start


In the example above, xxx.yy is tun0's 'P-t-P' IP address (usually it's inet
IP address minus 1).

  -- and --

On the main server, here are the commands run in a script launched by


# NOTE: To allow VPNs under OpenVPN, IPv4 Forwarding
# must be enabled in the /etc/sysctl.conf file!

# Enable NAT for the OpenVPN tunnels:
WAN=eth0# the public IP interface
/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s  -o ${WAN} -j
MASQUERADE   # The inet IP address of the remote server
thru the VPN.

# Force any HTTP/HTTPS requests on eth0:1's secondary IP address
# to be forwarded to the remote server, with port translation.
/sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -d -p tcp --dport
80 -j DNAT --to ${TunnelRemoteIP}:29080
/sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -m tcp -i eth0 -o tun0 -d ${TunnelRemoteIP}
--dport 29080 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -d -p tcp --dport
443 -j DNAT --to ${TunnelRemoteIP}:29443
/sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -m tcp -i eth0 -o tun0 -d ${TunnelRemoteIP}
--dport 29443 -j ACCEPT

service openvpn start
sleep 2# Be polite.

/sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT


Obviously the above iptables entries could simply be added to the recipe in
/etc/sysconfig/iptables, but I chose to put them in this script so that if I
don't want tunnels to be started I don't run the scripts.  There may be
redundant commands in all of this, but at least it works flawlessly for me.
I didn't use any SNAT statements on the rash assumption POSTROUTING does the
same thing.

I hope this may be useful to anyone else out there who encounters this


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] iptables - Forwarding with port translation thru an OpenVPN tunnel

2009-10-18 Thread Chuck Munro

Perhaps someone with a sharper brain than I can solve this little mystery.

I've Googled until I'm blue in the face, read all TFM's I can find, and
tried several iptables rule combinations but just can't get the following to
work.  Here's my challenge:

I have a CentOS-5.3 main server with a static public IP address
running Apache, OpenVPN, and a bunch of other services.

The primary IP address for the only NIC in this box is used by
Apache on standard ports 80 and 443.   I have a secondary
static public IP address assigned to this same NIC as eth0:1

I have a working OpenVPN tunnel going to another CentOS-5.3 server
which has Apache listening on its eth0 NIC for requests on non-standard
ports 29080 and 29443(don't ask!).  This server is accessible on its
static public IP address and thru OpenVPN tunnel from the main server.

The main server is the OpenVPN server as well, with private IP address auto-assigned to it.  The second server is a VPN client
with IP address assigned.  The narrow netmasks are the
OpenVPN default, presumably used for isolation among multiple clients.

OpenVPN is configured to run over the main server's NIC via its eth0:1
secondary IP address main server has a static
route set up between its eth0:1 IP and the remote server's public
IP address (not the tunnel IP).  This route is only there so that during
initial VPN negotiations the data will move via eth0:1's IP address.

Things like ping, SSH, scp and HTTP/HTTPS all work correctly thru the
VPN in both directions, so the VPN itself is solid.

Ok, so now I want external HTTP/HTTPS requests made to the main
server's eth0:1 public IP address to be forwarded thru the VPN to the
second remote server, with port translation along the way.

Here is what I want to happen:

Outside world HTTP/HTTPS requests to eth0:1 ports 80/443
CentOS eth0:1 (
Translate to ports 29080/29443
Forward requests thru the tunnel to
Remote Apache responds, packets return thru VPN to main
Response goes back to the outside world via

HTTP/HTTPS requests to the public IP just hang and time out.
Direct requests to the remote server on the non-standard ports work fine.
I've tried lots of iptables example entries found on several forums but so
far none of them seem to work.

Does anyone have a cookbook-like complete set of iptables rules that will
accomplish what I need?  Is it possible I need to set up strong-end routing
on the remote server to send the response packets back thru the VPN? (such a
pain to configure)   Any assistance will be most gratefully received!

Best Regards, and my sincere kudos to the CentOS team and helpful list
members over the past few years.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] [OT] Godaddy hell...

2009-04-04 Thread Chuck Munro

 Jason Pyeron wrote:
 Can I get some recommendations:
 We are looking for a hosting provider (other than godaddy) with  
 1: SLA
 2: SSH access
 3: subversion/rsync or the ability to install binaries / compile source.
 Would like them to include http/https and email.
 Any suggestions? 


If you want serious control over the machine and are willing to pay a bit
more for a dedicated server, take a look at ServerBeach.  They offer several
operating systems, including CentOS, and give you control over the box to
the point that you can even re-image the disk remotely if you truly screw
something up.  If you do something nasty to it and cause it to lock up, you
can still remotely reboot.  Hardware RAID-1 is available.

You get out-of-the-box CentOS and are allowed to install pretty well
anything you like, including virtual machines on top.  If you need reverse
DNS lookups you can request whatever response you'd like for the IP
address(es) you have.  Just be aware that what you get is simply a complete
machine fully exposed to the Internet, and you're responsible for your own
iptables firewalling, etc.  Their support staff is friendly and responsive,
but they expect you to be your own geek.

For DNS service I use Nettica because they are relatively inexpensive and
give you control over all of the records.  I use GoDaddy strictly as a
registrar, and have been very happy with the service, but I don't consider
them a serious hosting provider because there's not enough control.

I have used several of the free hosting and DNS services out there, but when
it comes down to the crunch, you get what you pay for (CentOS is a great

BTW, I have no connection with these companies, I just happen to like their
services.  A lot.


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