[CentOS] Strange symbolic link behaviour?

2011-07-04 Thread Eric B.

I'm running CentOS 5 and running into a strange situation with symbolic 
links that I have never seen or noticed before.

If I create the following symbolic link:
[eric@eric-laptop ~]$ pwd
[eric@eric-laptop ~]$ ls Mail
draft  inbox  queue  sent  trash
[eric@eric-laptop ~]$ ln -s Mail/inbox test
[eric@eric-laptop ~]$ ls test
1  2  3  4  5
[eric@eric-laptop ~]$ cd test
[eric@eric-laptop test]$ pwd
[eric@eric-laptop test]$ ls
1  2  3  4  5
[eric@eric-laptop test]$ ls ..
draft  inbox  queue  sent  trash

The strange behaviour here is when listing the parent directory (..). 
In this case, ls .. is listing the contents of Mail/ directory - not 

In the past, I always recall being able to use the parent identified 
(..) to move up one level in the directory structure whether in a 
symlink or not.  In this case, I would have expected ls .. to list the 
contents of /home/eric - not /home/eric/Mail.

Am I wrong?  Am I seeing strange behaviour here?  If so, is there a way 
to enable the behaviour I expect?



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] CentOS 5.3 Xen installation trouble installing FUSE

2010-06-28 Thread Eric B.

I've got CentOS 5.3 installed as a Xen client installed. I've recently been 
trying to install TrueCrypt on the VM, but am having miserable troubles with 
the Fuse kernel module.

To date, I've installed the following packages:
yum install truecrypt
yum install fuse

However, to launch the fuse module, I need the dkms_autoinstaller running. 
However, when I try to start the dkms_autoinstaller service I get the 
following error messages:

Jun 28 23:31:57 charliebrown dkms_autoinstaller: fuse (2.7.4-1.nodist.rf): 
Installing module on kernel 2.6.18-128.2.1.el5xen.
Jun 28 23:31:57 charliebrown dkms_autoinstaller: Kernel headers for 
2.6.18-128.2.1.el5xen are not installed. Cannot install this module.
Jun 28 23:31:57 charliebrown dkms_autoinstaller: Try installing 
linux-headers-2.6.18-128.2.1.el5xen or equivalent.

Indeed, the kernel modules available in yum are for 2.6.18-194.3.1.el5. I 
fished around, and found a kernel-headers package for 2.6.18-128.2.1.el5 

I downloaded the RPM, and downgraded my kernel-headers package. So I now 
have the kernel-headers package for 2.6.18-128.2.1.el5 installed. However, 
when I try to start the dkms_autoinstaller, I still get the same error 
message indicating that the Kernel headers for 2.6.18-128.2.1.el5xen are not 

Where can I find this package? They aren't on the Citrix repos. From the few 
threads I've read, ppl are suggested to download a DDK VM to build new 
modules, etc, but that still won't help me, as I need the headers on the 
actual machine to run the dkms_autoinstaller service.

I'm currently stuck / lost. Any help / suggestions would be greatly 



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Resizing a PV that belongs within a Volume Group?

2010-02-18 Thread Eric B.

I was wondering if there was a way to extend (ie: grow) a PV that is part of
a Volume Group?  I currently have a partition on my HD that is being used as
a PV for my Volume Group, but would like to make it larger.  I have the
space on my drive to extend my partition, but using standard tools (ex:
gparted, Partition Magic, etc) would likely end up corrupting the data on in
the Logical Volumes that are housed within the VG.

I realize that I could just create a new partition on my HD and just add it
to my Volume Group and extend my Volume Group, however, given that it would
be two contiguous partitions on the HD, I was just wondering if there was a
way of resizing the original partition within the VG without causing any

I tried looking at tools like pvresize but I can't seem to understand the 
right arguments to use it as whatever I try never seems to resize the 
original partition itself.  I also looked at system-config-lvm GUI tool, but 
that doesn't seem to allow me to make the PV any larger.

Does anyone have any suggestions?




CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Autofs cannot bind LDAP server

2009-12-02 Thread Eric B.

 Kwan Lowe kwan.l...@gmail.com wrote in 
 On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Eric B. 
 ebe...@hotmail.com wrote:

  My problem, however, is that once my ldap server is back up, autofs 
  seems to retry to connect to it, so all my /home mounts fail. Basically, 
  means I have to make sure that my LDAP server is never down while 
  server is rebooting.
  I figure there must be something in the configuration file that would 
  me to tweak this to indicate to autofs to recheck the ldap server
  periodically to see if it has come back up, but can't seem to find 

 Once the server is back up, does restarting the autofs daemon fix the

Yes.  Restarting autofs daemon causes it to reconnect to the ldap server, 
and all automounts work properly at that point.

 Also, try setting the logging to debug.. Might give you a better idea
 of why it's not reconnecting.

I tried, but I got not additional useful information out of the automounter. 
Basically, it says that it failed to connect to ldap server, and never 
retries.  But nothing particularly more useful (to me at least) there.

Any ideas of lists or groups that I can try otherwise?  I've tried posting 
to the kernel.autofs mailing list, but for some reason my posts never make 
it on.  I even tried mailing the list admins but got no response back from 
them either.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Autofs cannot bind LDAP server

2009-12-02 Thread Eric B.
 Alan McKay alan.mc...@gmail.com wrote in
 message news:844129e80912011526o16aa6aen206a1cf7676a5...@mail.gmail.com...
  I'm using Autofs and LDAP for mounting my home directories via nfs. In
  general, everything seems to work fine. However, I have one small
  If I reboot my server using autofs while my LDAP server is down, I get
  following error message in my logs:

 I can't help you - but can you help me by pointing me to the docs you
 used to get this far?

Holy cow.  It wasn't easy... I had to do a lot of digging around to find the
necessary stuff, and unfortunately, don't have all the links any more.  I
did a lot of searching online using LDAP and autofs as query strings.  Some
of the links I found were the following that helped me understand.  Mind
you, none were howto recepies as such.


In a nutshell (if memory serves properly), you needed to do the following 
(this is all assuming you already have a functional LDAP server up and 
running and properly configured in your nsswitch.conf files and your 
ldap.conf files, etc).

1) Add the autofs schema to your ldap server (add the following line to the
slapd.conf file:  include
/etc/openldap/schema/redhat/autofs.schema).  I don't remember if I already
had the autofs.schema file or not, or if I had to search for it.

2) Modify your /etc/sysconfig/autofs to uncomment:

3)  Create an ldif file and import into your LDAP server to show the
following.  Note, that my NFS server has the home directories located at
/var/nfs/home/user name.  Your mapping may be different.

dn: ou=auto.home,dc=domain,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: automountMap
ou: auto.home

dn: cn=/,ou=auto.home,dc=domain,dc=com
objectClass: automount
cn: /
automountInformation: -rsize=8192,wsize=8192,intr

dn: ou=auto.master,dc=domain,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: automountMap
ou: auto.master

dn: cn=/home,ou=auto.master,dc=domain,dc=com
objectClass: automount
cn: /home

4) Cross your fingers and restart your ldap server and your autofs daemon
and hope it works.  I got this working on CentOS 5.3.

Hope this helps.  I remember having to do a lot of digging around, a lot of
searching and a lot of trial and error to get it working.  But hopefully the
above points should at least set you off in the correct path.  Keep in mind 
I am by far no expert - I just poked around until I got it working, and once 
I did, stepped away from it.

Good luck.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Autofs cannot bind LDAP server

2009-12-02 Thread Eric B.
Todd Denniston 
todd.dennis...@tsb.cranrdte.navy.mil wrote in 
message news:4b168426.9030...@tsb.cranrdte.navy.mil...
 Kwan Lowe wrote, On 12/02/2009 07:07 AM:
 On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Eric B. 
 ebe...@hotmail.com wrote:

 My problem, however, is that once my ldap server is back up, autofs 
 seems to retry to connect to it, so all my /home mounts fail. 
 Basically, it
 means I have to make sure that my LDAP server is never down while 
 server is rebooting.

 I figure there must be something in the configuration file that would 
 me to tweak this to indicate to autofs to recheck the ldap server
 periodically to see if it has come back up, but can't seem to find 

 Once the server is back up, does restarting the autofs daemon fix the

 Also, try setting the logging to debug.. Might give you a better idea
 of why it's not reconnecting.

 Perhaps the following links from an autofs list thread will point to 
 something for Eric:
 subject: [autofs] ldap and reloading

 BTW the 'how to' debug Autofs is at:

Thanks for the links.  Not exactly what I need, but maybe an alley to help 
me down the path.  In the meantime, if anyone else has any suggestions what 
I can do, would love to hear about it.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Autofs cannot bind LDAP server

2009-12-02 Thread Eric B.
Benjamin Donnachie benja...@py-soft.co.uk 
wrote in message 
2009/12/2 Eric B. ebe...@hotmail.com:
  In the meantime, if anyone else has any suggestions what
  can do, would love to hear about it.

 Do you just have the one LDAP server?  I would probably set up a slave
 and add it to your client's ldap configuration.

Yes - thanks.  Actually, my problem has to do with sequencing.  I'm running 
most of my servers as Virtual Machines, so if/when a Virtual Host reboots, 
all the vms on it reboot as well.  If any of the other vms happen to boot 
prior to the ldap servers, I run into this problem.  So I'm trying to figure 
out if there is a way around this, apart from making sure never to boot both 
the ldaps at the same time.



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Autofs cannot bind LDAP server

2009-11-27 Thread Eric B.

I'm using Autofs and LDAP for mounting my home directories via nfs.  In 
general, everything seems to work fine.  However, I have one small problem. 
If I reboot my server using autofs while my LDAP server is down, I get the 
following error message in my logs:

 automount[3358]: bind_ldap_anonymous: lookup(ldap): Unable to bind to the 
LDAP server: (default), error Can't contact LDAP server

which is understandable, since my ldap server is temporarily down.

My problem, however, is that once my ldap server is back up, autofs never 
seems to retry to connect to it, so all my /home mounts fail.  Basically, it 
means I have to make sure that my LDAP server is never down while another 
server is rebooting.

I figure there must be something in the configuration file that would allow 
me to tweak this to indicate to autofs to recheck the ldap server 
periodically to see if it has come back up, but can't seem to find anything.

My /etc/sysconfic/autofs file is pretty plain:
# TIMEOUT - set the default mount timeout (default 600).

# LOGGING - set default log level none, verbose or debug

# Other common LDAP nameing

Is there anything I can do to force autofs to check to see if my LDAP server 
is back online?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] LDAP useradd command?

2009-08-18 Thread Eric B.
Steve Huff sh...@vecna.org wrote in 
message news:3fa0bdab-b7d0-42b7-8615-5a7fd2f84...@vecna.org...
 On Aug 17, 2009, at 4:51 PM, Eric B. 
 ebe...@hotmail.com wrote:

 Any ideas where I might be able to find some
 help for it?  I enabled full logging on my OpenLDAP server, and I
 see it
 failing with TLS negotiaiton for some reason, even when I don't want
 it to
 use TLS.

 'man libuser.conf' worked well for me. from this doc you will learn
 that libuser requires either TLS or a ldaps:// URI.

I've read through libuser.conf and the specific for ldap server says:
A domain name or an URI of the LDAP server. The URI can use the ldap or the 
ldaps protocol. When a simple domain name is used, the connection fails if 
TLS can not be used; an URI using the ldap protocol allows connection 
without TLS. Default value is ldap.

My libuser.conf reads:

According to the man pages, this should allow for the connection without 




CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] LDAP useradd command?

2009-08-18 Thread Eric B.
Craig White craigwh...@azapple.com wrote in 
message news:1250547989.4486.6.ca...@lin-workstation.azapple.com...
 On Mon, 2009-08-17 at 15:00 -0400, Eric B. wrote:

 Is there an equivalent of a useradd for systems that are using LDAP user
 management?  I know I can build an LDIF file and import it, but it is a 
 of a pain to do it manually all the time.

 Is there not an easier / faster way?
 Webmin http://www.webmin.com

 Use the LDAP Users and Groups module

 I use this everywhere I go

I'll take a look at it.  But to be honest, I tried webmin years and years 
ago (maybe 8 or 10 or so?) and was somewhat disappointed with it.  Plus, I 
found it to be a serious sercurity hole at the time.  Since then, I haven't 
really taken a look at it since.  Maybe I'll give it a quick look at again. 
But I still would want a console-based option available.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] LDAP useradd command?

2009-08-18 Thread Eric B.

Bill Campbell cen...@celestial.com wrote in 
message news:20090818153023.ga23...@ayn.mi.celestial.com...
 Any ideas where I might be able to find some
 help for it?  I enabled full logging on my OpenLDAP server, and I
 see it
 failing with TLS negotiaiton for some reason, even when I don't want
 it to
 use TLS.

 'man libuser.conf' worked well for me. from this doc you will learn
 that libuser requires either TLS or a ldaps:// URI.

I've read through libuser.conf and the specific for ldap server says:
A domain name or an URI of the LDAP server. The URI can use the ldap or 
ldaps protocol. When a simple domain name is used, the connection fails if
TLS can not be used; an URI using the ldap protocol allows connection
without TLS. Default value is ldap.

My libuser.conf reads:

According to the man pages, this should allow for the connection without

 Which man pages?

 As I read it, the libuser.conf file specifically says that it
 requires TLS which can connect to the ldap: URL, then requests a
 secure connection.  It sounds pretty sane to me that it requires
 a secure LDAP connection to handle user maintenance.

libuser.conf man page says that a URI using the ldap protocol allows 
connection without TLS.  I specified my server to be:
server = ldap://snoopy.domain.com./

but still seems to fail on TLS.

So, just to be on the safe side, I generated a self-signed certificate for 
the OpenLDAP server (am using the default one that is installed in 
/etc/pki/tls/certs/.  I restarted the openldap server, and tested it using 
Apache Directory Studio with TLS enabled.  Works fine.

I then tried my luseradd command, but it still fails with the same errors 
negotiating the TLS certificate.  I even tried modifying the /etc/ldap.conf 
tls_checkpeer   no
tls_reqcert never

but it still seems to fail with the same TLS error.

Any suggetsions / ideas?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] LDAP useradd command?

2009-08-18 Thread Eric B.
Filipe Brandenburger filbran...@gmail.com 
wrote in message 

 On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 12:50, Eric 
 B.ebe...@hotmail.com wrote:
 Any suggetsions / ideas?

 I believe you have to copy the certificate to /etc/openldap/cacerts/
 in the LDAP client. The certificate file name there is special, it
 should be hashed from the certificate data... I believe the easiest
 way to install it there is using the authconfig command and
 specifying the certificate URL.

 You should also have TLS_CACERTDIR /etc/openldap/cacerts on
 /etc/openldap/ldap.conf (not only /etc/ldap.conf, they are different!)

 I also did not have much luck with self-signed certificates with LDAP,
 I had to create a self-signed certificate for a dummy CA, and then
 use that certificate to sign a certificate for the LDAP server with
 the server's name as a cn.

 I believe you should be able to test it using ldapsearch with the
 -Z and -ZZ options in order to require TLS and see if that works.
 I suggest you first get that part working fine before going on with
 your libuser configuration...

 LDAP with TLS is kind of a pain to set up... but once it is running it
 really works OK.

Thanks.  You're a genius.  I struggled a lot, but think I finally managed to 
get something working.  I tried to follow the openldap faq at 
http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/185.html for creating CA 
certificates, but my shell script is called CA not CA.sh.

I've done the following:
# cd /etc/pki/tls/misc/
# ./CA -newca
(filled in all prompted information, and gave it a pwd)
# openssl req -new -nodes -keyout newreq.pem -out newreq.pem
(filled in all prompted information)
# CA.sh -sign
# cp /etc/pki/CA/cacert.pem /etc/openssl/cacerts/
# cp newcert.pem /etc/openssl/ssl/servercrt.pem
# cp newreq.pem /etc/openssl/ssl/serverkey.pem

Then updated my slapd.conf to show:
TLSCACertificateFile /etc/openldap/cacerts/cacert.pem
TLSCertificateFile /etc/openldap/ssl/servercrt.pem
TLSCertificateKeyFile /etc/openldap/ssl/serverkey.pem

Then updated /etc/ldap.conf to show:
tls_cacert /etc/openldap/cacerts/cacert.pem

Finally /etc/openssl/ldap.conf:
TLS_CACERT /etc/openldap/cacerts/cacert.pem

Restart the slapd daemon
# service ldap restart

And I can finally get ldapsearch to work.  Although I tried tls_cacertdir 
for both /etc/ldap.conf and /etc/openldap/ldap.conf and it doesn't work for 
some odd reason.  Not sure why.

# ldapsearch -Z -x (uid=eric)
returns the ldif entry for uid=eric

So next test was to create a new user.  luseradd foo works perfect.  I find 
it in my ldap tree as expected.  All I had to do is modify the 
create_modules and modules to specify ldap only (to avoid it modifying the 
passwd and shadow files), and everything seems to be working.

Thanks for your help!


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] LDAP useradd command?

2009-08-17 Thread Eric B.
 Filipe Brandenburger 
 filbran...@gmail.com wrote in message 

  Is there an equivalent of a useradd for systems that are using LDAP user
  management? I know I can build an LDIF file and import it, but it is a 
  of a pain to do it manually all the time.

 You can try libuser, it's available in CentOS 5 (yum install
 libuser) and apparently has support for LDAP.

 libuser is an attempt to generalize the useradd/mod/del,
 groupadd/mod/del commands to work with generic backends. The
 implementation includes a module to work with an LDAP backend, I just
 don't know how functional/stable it is...

 You can start by installing the package and having a look at
 /etc/libuser.conf, and at the commands luseradd, lgroupadd, ... (the
 same ones you already use, only with the l prefix.)

 For more information: https://fedorahosted.org/libuser/

Thanks.  I tried it out but can't seem to get it to work for me.  Doesn't 
display any error msgs, but doesn't actually do anything to the LDAP server. 
I've looked at the site, but it is incredibly bare; not even any links for 
mailing lists, support, etc.  Any ideas where I might be able to find some 
help for it?  I enabled full logging on my OpenLDAP server, and I see it 
failing with TLS negotiaiton for some reason, even when I don't want it to 
use TLS.

Any thoughts where I can find more info?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] recent rsyslog package available for CentOS?

2009-07-12 Thread Eric B.
Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu 
m3fr...@thesandhufamily.ca wrote in message 
 On Sat, 2009-07-11 at 13:34 +0100, Karanbir Singh wrote:
 I have been building and using myself much newer versions of rsyslog.
 Let me look at getting these into a slightly more public area.

 I've been doing the same.  Works great, minus maintaining the package
 myself, but that's not a disaster.

Do you start from srpms or the tar ball?  If sprm, where do you get it from? 
If tar balls, how do you go from a tgz to an srpm/rpm?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] recent rsyslog package available for CentOS?

2009-07-12 Thread Eric B.
Karanbir Singh mail-li...@karan.org wrote 
in message news:4a5886dc.9010...@karan.org...
 On 07/10/2009 09:00 PM, Eric B. wrote:
 I'm looking for a recent version of rsyslog.  The yum repositories only 
 me a version that is 2.0.6.  According to the www.rsyslog.com site, they 
 up to version 5 (dev), which means that I would think/assume that there
 would at least be v3 or v4 available somewhere.

 Does anyone know if/where I can find something more recent than 2.0.6?

 I have been building and using myself much newer versions of rsyslog.
 Let me look at getting these into a slightly more public area.

That would be great.  Thanks!


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] LDAP/Autofs instructions are conflicting in Centos5.3

2009-07-10 Thread Eric B.
Kwan Lowe kwan.l...@gmail.com wrote in 
message news:b7e478370907092006x5340883n1ec1652fa27b5...@mail.gmail.com...

  On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Eric B. ebe...@hotmail.com wrote:


I'm not sure if I am posting this in the right place, so if this belongs
more on another list, please let me know.

  The 389 list is a better place:

  389 users mailing list

Thanks.  Will try to post there for more information.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] recent rsyslog package available for CentOS?

2009-07-10 Thread Eric B.

I'm looking for a recent version of rsyslog.  The yum repositories only show 
me a version that is 2.0.6.  According to the www.rsyslog.com site, they are 
up to version 5 (dev), which means that I would think/assume that there 
would at least be v3 or v4 available somewhere.

Does anyone know if/where I can find something more recent than 2.0.6?



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] LDAP/Autofs instructions are conflicting in Centos5.3

2009-07-09 Thread Eric B.

I'm not sure if I am posting this in the right place, so if this belongs
more on another list, please let me know.

I am trying to get Autofs configured to use LDAP on CentOS5.3, but am 
into an inconsitency.  On CentOS5.3, the openldap server is installed with 
extra schema/redhat/autofs.schema file.  From what I can tell, that schema
file seems to follow RFC2307bis.  In the schema, it uses cn and ou.
However, in all docs I can find for RHEL5, everything indicates that I 
be using automountMapName and automountKey as the Map attribute and the
Entry Attribute.

I am very confused.  Which is the right one to use?  If I follow the RHEL
docs and tell autofs to use MAP_ATTRIBUTE as automountMapName, then I can't
use the schema that is distributed with CentOS5.3.

Should I be using the schema that is distributed with the CentOS openLdap 
package, or is there another one that I should be using instead?



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] How to create static routes on startup with CentOS4?

2008-04-15 Thread Eric B.

I'm working with the iproute2/iptables toolset on my CentOS4 server to 
create custom routing rules.  However, I'm a bit at a loss how to create 
these permanently so that they are automatically reloaded upon reboot of the 

I know that iptables has a config file in /etc/sysconfig/iptables that is 
loaded by /etc/init.d/iptables startup script.

Is there anything that works similarly for the iproute2 ruleset?  I can't 
seem to find anything in /etc/init.d/network except for references to static 
routes using /sbin/route, which isn't good enough if one wants to use 
multiple routing tables.  Nor can I find anything in /etc/init.d/ that would 
seem applicable to the iproute2 system.

Any ideas/suggestions?  Do I have to create my own custom startup script for 
this?  Or is there somewhere already existant I can put iproute2 commands?



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: How to create static routes on startup with CentOS4?

2008-04-15 Thread Eric B.
Filipe Brandenburger [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
wrote in message 
 On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 12:36 PM, Eric B. 
  Is there anything that works similarly for the iproute2 ruleset?  I 
  seem to find anything in /etc/init.d/network except for references to 
  routes using /sbin/route, which isn't good enough if one wants to use
  multiple routing tables.  Nor can I find anything in /etc/init.d/ that 
  seem applicable to the iproute2 system.

 You should put it in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0 (change
 eth0 to the name of the interface the routes apply to). For every
 line in this file, when the interface goes up, it will run /sbin/ip
 route add $line (see /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-routes
 script if you want to understand exactly what it's doing).

 Apparently there's also a new syntax for
 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0, in which you specify
 several variables, the same you do in ifcfg-eth0, then you set
 something like:


 And then you go ADDRESS1, ADDRESS2, ..., as you need more routes.

 There used to be a /etc/sysconfig/static-routes for this purpose but,
 as I understand, now the way to do it is per interface with the
 route-${ifname} files.

 To test if your file is working, do a service network restart and
 check if the routes are up as expected. You can also do ifdown eth0
 and ifup eth0 if you want to restart only one interface (for
 instance if you're remotely connected through another interface).

Awesome!  Thanks so much.  That's exactly what I was looking for.  I must 
have missed it when I tried to grep the directory looking for the file that 
handled that stuff.

The last question then is if there is a way to add ip rule rules to 
specify which routing table to use based on packet information.
ex:  ip rule add fwmark 3 table 3

Are any of the network scripts able to handle this as well?

Thanks again!


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Re: How to create static routes on startup with CentOS4?

2008-04-15 Thread Eric B.
Filipe Brandenburger [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
wrote in message 
 On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 3:48 PM, Eric B. 
  The last question then is if there is a way to add ip rule rules to
  specify which routing table to use based on packet information.
  ex:  ip rule add fwmark 3 table 3

  Are any of the network scripts able to handle this as well?

 If you look at the end of the same script (ifup-routes), you'll see
 that it reads rules from file
 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/rule-eth0. For each line in that file,
 it will run /sbin/ip rule add $line. It's unfortunate that this
 isn't all better documented somewhere. But on Linux you can always...
 Use the source, Luke!

Really?  I looked through ifup-routes but I don't see anything that searches 
for rule-ifname anywhere.  All my ifup-routes looks for is files called 
route-$2.  Further more a quick grep rule /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/* 
finds nothing.

My last two lines in ifup-routes (unless I don't know how to read them 
properly) are:
# Red Hat network configuration format
[ -f $CONFIG ]  handle_file $CONFIG $1

And if I look at handle_file method, I see all it does is call /sbin/ip 
route add $line.

Am I missing something obvious somewhere?  Or do you have a different 
version of ifup-routes?  I'm running CentOS4 with the latest patches

Thanks again!


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Re: Re: How to create static routes on startup withCentOS4?

2008-04-15 Thread Eric B.
Filipe Brandenburger [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
wrote in message 
 On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 4:36 PM, Eric B. 
  Am I missing something obvious somewhere?  Or do you have a different
  version of ifup-routes?  I'm running CentOS4 with the latest patches

 I'm running CentOS5 here, that's probably new in CentOS5.

 You may consider appending the last 15 lines of ifup-routes from
 CentOS5 to your CentOS4 installation. It's not that beautiful but it's
 not that ugly either. At least it's forward compatible in a way that
 if you upgrade to CentOS5 later it will continue working. I'm sending
 the file attached to you in case you want to do it.

Awesome!  That's perfect!  I had kinda figured that might be what the 
difference was.

Thanks so much.  Will definitely update my ifup-routes script with this.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Is iptables -j CONNMARK not available in CentOS4??

2008-04-11 Thread Eric B.

I'm running CentOS 4 with most of the latest updates, but am having trouble 
with iptables and the CONNMARK target.  Is it available in the CentOS 4 

Running on i386:
kernel: 2.6.9-67.0.4.ELsmp
iptables: v1.2.11

# iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING  -j CONNMARK --set-mark 1
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name

I see I do have the CONNMARK lib in /lib/iptables/libipt_CONNMARK.so.  Am I 
doing something wrong to have access to it?



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Python 2.4 on CentOS4?

2008-03-11 Thread Eric B.

Has anyone managed to find a Python 2.4 rpm binary that can be installed on 
CentOS4?  I'm running CentOS4.6 and an application that I want to use 
required python 2.4 or greater.  All the CentOS/RHEL4 python rpms that I 
find are all for python 2.3.  I can't seem to find anything that works with 
CentOS4 libs.



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Python 2.4 on CentOS4?

2008-03-11 Thread Eric B.
Eric B. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 Has anyone managed to find a Python 2.4 rpm binary that can be installed 
 on CentOS4?  I'm running CentOS4.6 and an application that I want to use 
 required python 2.4 or greater.  All the CentOS/RHEL4 python rpms that I 
 find are all for python 2.3.  I can't seem to find anything that works 
 with CentOS4 libs.

Ok - I may have been a little quick to post this.  I finally found Python 
2.4 on python.org (don't know why i couldn't find it the first time I 
checked there).

However, it doesn't upgrade python 2.3, but installs alongside.

If I try to upgrade python 2.3 to 2.4, am I just asking for trouble?



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] alternatives package?

2008-03-11 Thread Eric B.

In my struggle today to get python2.4 installed on my CentOS4 system, I saw 
that it installed a packaged called alternatives which is supposed to handle 
symbolic links to default commands in a nice clean, structured way. 
However, I am having trouble understanding how this thing works.

I have read the man page half a dozen times already, and yet the alternative 
link for python which was installed doesn't seem to follow what is written 
in the man page.  I am trying to modify the default behaviour for it, but 
having a lot of difficulty.

Of course, with a name like alternatives, it makes searching Google, 
tldp.com, etc very difficult.

Does anyone have experience with this package and/or can anyone point me in 
the direction of some good examples, documentation for it?  Something a bit 
more explanative than the man page.



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Re: Python 2.4 on CentOS4?

2008-03-11 Thread Eric B.
Ray Van Dolson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 04:01:52PM -0400, Eric B. wrote:
 Eric B. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in 
  Has anyone managed to find a Python 2.4 rpm binary that can be 
  on CentOS4?  I'm running CentOS4.6 and an application that I want to 
  required python 2.4 or greater.  All the CentOS/RHEL4 python rpms that 
  find are all for python 2.3.  I can't seem to find anything that works
  with CentOS4 libs.

 Ok - I may have been a little quick to post this.  I finally found Python
 2.4 on python.org (don't know why i couldn't find it the first time I
 checked there).

 However, it doesn't upgrade python 2.3, but installs alongside.

 If I try to upgrade python 2.3 to 2.4, am I just asking for trouble?

 Yeah.  Just do the side-by-side thing I'd say and make your scripts
 reference /usr/bin/python2.4 ...

Thanks - that's what I will end up doing


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Python 2.4 on CentOS4?

2008-03-11 Thread Eric B.

Ray Van Dolson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 09:06:00PM +0100, Tim Verhoeven wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 8:58 PM, Ray Van Dolson 
  On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 03:55:06PM -0400, Eric B. wrote:
Has anyone managed to find a Python 2.4 rpm binary that can be 
  installed on
CentOS4?  I'm running CentOS4.6 and an application that I want to 
required python 2.4 or greater.  All the CentOS/RHEL4 python rpms 
  that I
find are all for python 2.3.  I can't seem to find anything that 
  works with
CentOS4 libs.
   I think pyvault (google for it) may be your best bet as far as a
   somewhat clean RPM-based implementation.  However, I don't know how
   maintained it is and the docs for getting it set up correctly were
   pretty non-existent last time I checked.
   Maybe someone knows of a better way.

 I don't but I strongly suggest that you do NOT replace the base python
 packages with a newer version. A lot of core tools (like yum) depend
 on python. So replace the base python package with a newer one could
 very well break your complete system. As Eric suggests find a way to
 install python 2.4 besides the core python in a seperate place so you
 don't start mixing them.

 Yeah, definitely a can of worms.  I will note that the pyvault RPM's do
 seem to have a lot of packages geared towards keeping functionality
 working -- including making use of 'alternatives'.  I've tried it and
 everything appeared to work, but.. who knows? :)

Yeah - that is actually a problem I am having.  I'm having trouble with the 
alternatives link that it has placed as /usr/bin/python.  I've been 
struggling to use alternatives to point /usr/bin/python to 
/usr/bin/python2.3, but just can't seem to understand how this 
alternatives pkg works.

Does anyone have experience with it?



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: alternatives package?

2008-03-11 Thread Eric B.
 On Tue, 2008-03-11 at 18:20 -0400, Eric B. wrote:
  In my struggle today to get python2.4 installed on my CentOS4 system, I 
  that it installed a packaged called alternatives which is supposed to 
  symbolic links to default commands in a nice clean, structured way.
  However, I am having trouble understanding how this thing works.
  I have read the man page half a dozen times already, and yet the 
  link for python which was installed doesn't seem to follow what is 
  in the man page.  I am trying to modify the default behaviour for it, 
  having a lot of difficulty.

 As an end-user, the only important commands you need are:

 alternatives --display name: Show information about an alternative
 alternatives --config name: Allow selection of an alternative
 ls /var/lib/alternatives: Show valid alternatives

That's what I thought too, however, if I look in my /usr/bin directory I see 
the following:
# ls -l /usr/bin/pyt*
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   18 Mar 11 17:43 /usr/bin/python - 
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   40 Mar 11 17:31 /usr/bin/python2 - 
-rwxr-xr-x  2 root root 5396 Dec 11 05:30 /usr/bin/python2.3
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 3268 Sep 28  2005 /usr/bin/python2.4

# alternatives --display python

returns nothing.  If I look in /var/lib/alternatives, I only find print, 
mta and etags.

So I'm not quite sure how to update / modify the python alternative to point 
to another location instead.  If I look in /etc/alternatives/links I see the 
# ls -l /etc/alternatives/links/
total 12
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 18 Mar 11 17:31 |usr|bin|python - 
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 15 Mar 11 17:31 |usr|bin|python2 - /usr/bin/python
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 34 Mar 11 17:31 |usr|share|man|man1|python.1.gz - 

The rpm installer automatically created these links when I yum installed 
python24 from pyvault.  (It automatically installed the alternatives pkg).

Thanks for the help!


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] How to delete files with specical characters in the name?

2008-01-22 Thread Eric B.

I've got an odd situation here.  Somehow, I find myself with two files that 
start with the - character.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]$ ls -l
total 93348
-rw-r--r--  1 mysql mysql  9273344 Nov 13 19:03 -N=2007-11-08
-rw-r--r--  1 mysql mysql 38879232 Nov 13 19:02 --newer=2007-11-08

Don't ask how they were created; something went wrong with a script at some 

My problem is that I am trying to delete them, but can't figure out how to 
delete these files.  Everything I try, I get the same msg:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]$ rm '-N=2007-11-08'
rm: invalid option -- N
Try `rm --help' for more information.

I have tried single quotes, double quotes, escaping it with a \ and still 
get the same error.

Any ideas / suggestions?



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: How to delete files with specical characters in the name?

2008-01-22 Thread Eric B.
 My problem is that I am trying to delete them, but can't figure out how 
 delete these files.  Everything I try, I get the same msg:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]$ rm '-N=2007-11-08'
 rm: invalid option -- N
 Try `rm --help' for more information.

 I have tried single quotes, double quotes, escaping it with a \ and still
 get the same error.

 Any ideas / suggestions?

 rm -- -N=2007-11-08

 The -- tells (most?) programs to stop processing options. This is listed 
 an example in the rm man page, so you should know that, right? I mean, you
 *did* read the man page

Actually, yes - I have read the man page for rm many times before, but I 
guess I just missed / forgot that section.  To be honest, I had no idea 
that -- will tell most programs to stop processing options.

Of course, now that everyone has spelled it out for me, I went back to the 
man page and it was plainly obvious.

Thanks again!


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What libs req'd to resolveDNSwithinachrootjail?

2008-01-15 Thread Eric B.

   Can you post your complete hosts.allow and hosts.deny files?
  Not much to them actually:
  # hosts.allow   This file describes the names of the hosts which are
  #   allowed to use the local INET services, as decided
  #   by the '/usr/sbin/tcpd' server.
  in.tftpd : eric.test.com : allow
  # hosts.denyThis file describes the names of the hosts which are
  #   *not* allowed to use the local INET services,
  as decided
  #   by the '/usr/sbin/tcpd' server.
  in.tftpd : ALL : deny
  Again, I have concerns that I might be missing something in
  my chroot jail, but when I change my hosts.allow file to read
  the following, it works fine.
  in.tftpd: : allow
  So I am utterly and totally confused.  I keep thinking that
  there must be something DNS related that I need in the chroot
  jail that I am missing.
  I do have a /chroot/tftpd/etc/resolv.conf with the nameserver
  entry that points to the DNS server, and all files in my
  /chroot/tftpd/etc dir are world readable.  I also have a
  /chroot/tftpd/etc/hosts file (that is pretty much empty -
  just a line for
  # ls -l /chroot/tftpd/etc
  -rw-r--r--  1 root root   148 Jan 14 17:53 hosts
  -rw-r--r--  1 root root   417 Jan 14 17:37 hosts.allow
  -rw-r--r--  1 root root   370 Jan 13 12:13 hosts.deny
  -rw-r--r--  1 root root  1267 Jan 12 21:43 localtime
  -rw-r--r--  1 root root  1686 Jan 12 15:50 nsswitch.conf
  -rw-r--r--  1 root root86 Jan 14 17:52 resolv.conf
  -rw-r--r--  1 root root 20373 Jan 12 15:47 services
  Is there anything else I need that I am missing?  Either
  config file or lib?
  Any suggestions of things I can try?

 Something I found: Access Control

 Option fields also allow administrators to explicitly allow or deny
 hosts in a single rule by adding the allow or deny directive as the
 final option.

 For instance, the following two rules allow SSH connections from
 client-1.example.com, but deny connections from client-2.example.com:

 sshd : client-1.example.com : allow
 sshd : client-2.example.com : deny

 By allowing access control on a per-rule basis, the option field allows
 administrators to consolidate all access rules into a single file:
 either hosts.allow or hosts.deny. Some consider this an easier way of
 organizing access rules.

 Conceivably, you could put all rules into one file (hosts.allow maybe).
 See if that helps..

Just tried putting everything in the hosts.allow but didn't make any 
difference.  Tried also in the hosts.deny bu no success either.

Where did you find that reference?  What does point to?

Any other ideas / theories?



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What libs req'dto resolveDNSwithinachrootjail?

2008-01-15 Thread Eric B.
 Again, I have concerns that I might be missing something in
 my chroot jail, but when I change my hosts.allow file to read
 the following, it works fine.
 in.tftpd: : allow

 So I am utterly and totally confused.  I keep thinking that
 there must be something DNS related that I need in the chroot
 jail that I am missing.
 I do have a /chroot/tftpd/etc/resolv.conf with the nameserver
 entry that points to the DNS server, and all files in my
 /chroot/tftpd/etc dir are world readable.  I also have a
 /chroot/tftpd/etc/hosts file (that is pretty much empty -
 just a line for

 # ls -l /chroot/tftpd/etc
 -rw-r--r--  1 root root   148 Jan 14 17:53 hosts
 -rw-r--r--  1 root root   417 Jan 14 17:37 hosts.allow
 -rw-r--r--  1 root root   370 Jan 13 12:13 hosts.deny
 -rw-r--r--  1 root root  1267 Jan 12 21:43 localtime
 -rw-r--r--  1 root root  1686 Jan 12 15:50 nsswitch.conf
 -rw-r--r--  1 root root86 Jan 14 17:52 resolv.conf
 -rw-r--r--  1 root root 20373 Jan 12 15:47 services

 Is there anything else I need that I am missing?  Either
 config file or lib?

 Any suggestions of things I can try?



 Something I found: Access Control

 Option fields also allow administrators to explicitly allow or deny
 hosts in a single rule by adding the allow or deny directive as the
 final option.

 For instance, the following two rules allow SSH connections from
 client-1.example.com, but deny connections from client-2.example.com:

 sshd : client-1.example.com : allow
 sshd : client-2.example.com : deny

 By allowing access control on a per-rule basis, the option field allows
 administrators to consolidate all access rules into a single file:
 either hosts.allow or hosts.deny. Some consider this an easier way of
 organizing access rules.

 Conceivably, you could put all rules into one file (hosts.allow maybe).
 See if that helps..

 Just tried putting everything in the hosts.allow but didn't make any 
 difference.  Tried also in the hosts.deny bu no success either.

 Where did you find that reference?  What does point to?

 Any other ideas / theories?

 - make sure tftpd is really using the in.tftpd name (you said it works 
 with IPs?)

Yes. It works with the IPs, so I am somewhat sure that the daemon name in 
hosts.allow/deny is right and that I am editing the correct hosts.allow/deny 
files.  When I change the IP in those files, I get the responses that I 
expect (either access allowed or denied).

 - make sure it does resolve the IP correctly. I have no idea how you could 
 test this.
Me neither.  That's the problem.  I have no idea how I can test that the 
daemon is resolving it properly.

 but what is the benefit in managing the zone file instead of hosts.*? I 
 mean, since you put the IP in the DNS zone file, why not put it in 

Looks like I prob. won't have a choice afterall.  But was originally 
thinking that it would neater and easier to read by have FQDN in teh hosts.* 
file.  Plus, it also means I only need to update things in one place (DNS) 
if/when my server changes IPs  Like this I would need to update DNS and 
remember to update my hosts.* files



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: What libs req'd to resolve DNS within a chroot jail?

2008-01-14 Thread Eric B.
  I've been working at getting a tftp server up an running in a
  chroot jail, and I have finally succeed getting almost everything
  working. The server itself works fine, however, it is implemented
  as a tcpwrapper application (ie: in.tftpd) and I am having trouble
  getting it to resolve DNS names. I copied my /etc/hosts.allow and
  /etc/hosts.deny in my chroot/etc folder, however, they only work
  properly if I provide IP addresses. If I use FQDN, they fail.
  For instance, in hosts.allow:
  in.tfptd: allow
  works fine
  But the following fails
  in.tftptd: eric.test.com allow
  I'm assuming I am missing a library/libraries in my chroot jail,
  but am not sure which ones. I've got all the libs req'd by ldd,
  but I am guessing there is something else that I am missing.

 -- End Original Message --

 from a security standpoint i don't think you want to control access
 by fqdn.
 the name being given access is based on the inverse-map lookup
 (in-addr.arpa) on the inbound ipnumber - not the forward lookup. so,
 this isn't controlled by the keepers of the test.com zone, rather,
 anyone can set up eric.test.com as an inverse entry for an ipnumber
 for which they control the in-addr.arpa records.

 i.e., putting an fqdn in the hosts.allow file only gives security by
 obscurity. if someone figures out the fqdns that you're giving access
 to, and has control of the in-addr.arpa for an ipnumber range they
 can connect from, they can gain access to your system.

 - Rick

Thanks for the feedback Rick.  I didn't realize that security implication. 
However I'm already running this on a machine that is heavily firewalled on 
a VPN so I am fairly sure that no one will be accessing this externally, but 
I still would like to restrict access to particular machines.  Ideally, 
would rather use FQDN to make life easier for me to administer.  I have 
created my additional reverse-dns pointer but I am still having problems 
with it.

nslookup from the server gives me:
# nslookup
Address: = eric.test.com.3.168.192.in-addr.arpa.

However, when I try to connect to the tftp server, my connection is still 
refused, and I get the following in the log msgs:

Jan 14 12:49:19 apollo atftpd[15302]: Connection refused from

I am obviously doing something still incorrect, but not sure what.

Can you help point me in the right direction please?  Is my reverse DNS 
incorrectly set up?



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Re: What libs req'd to resolve DNS within a chroot jail?

2008-01-14 Thread Eric B.
 Eric B. wrote:
 I've been working at getting a tftp server up an running in a
 chroot jail, and I have finally succeed getting almost everything
 working. The server itself works fine, however, it is implemented
 as a tcpwrapper application (ie: in.tftpd) and I am having trouble
 getting it to resolve DNS names. I copied my /etc/hosts.allow and
 /etc/hosts.deny in my chroot/etc folder, however, they only work
 properly if I provide IP addresses. If I use FQDN, they fail.

 For instance, in hosts.allow:
 in.tfptd: allow

 works fine

 But the following fails
 in.tftptd: eric.test.com allow

 from a security standpoint i don't think you want to control access
 by fqdn.
 the name being given access is based on the inverse-map lookup
 (in-addr.arpa) on the inbound ipnumber - not the forward lookup. so,
 this isn't controlled by the keepers of the test.com zone, rather,
 anyone can set up eric.test.com as an inverse entry for an ipnumber
 for which they control the in-addr.arpa records.

 If hosts.allow and friends use the fqdn without reverse validation, then
 I consider this a huge bug. The original tcp wrappers will set the
 hostname to unknown if the reverse and rdns do not match (ip - rdns
 - ip must return the original IP). I am certain this is still the case
 in the current implementations.

 i.e., putting an fqdn in the hosts.allow file only gives security by
 obscurity. if someone figures out the fqdns that you're giving access
 to, and has control of the in-addr.arpa for an ipnumber range they
 can connect from, they can gain access to your system.

 - Rick

 Thanks for the feedback Rick.  I didn't realize that security 
 However I'm already running this on a machine that is heavily firewalled 
 a VPN so I am fairly sure that no one will be accessing this externally, 
 I still would like to restrict access to particular machines.  Ideally,
 would rather use FQDN to make life easier for me to administer.  I have
 created my additional reverse-dns pointer but I am still having problems
 with it.

 nslookup from the server gives me:
 # nslookup
 Address: = 

 It looks like there is a missing trailing dot in your DNS zone
 configuration. I doubt you are authoritative for the in-addr.arpa zone.

 in your zone file, you should have something like
 103 IN PTR eric.test.example.
 (notice the last dot). Otherwise, the zone name (@ORIGIN) will be added.

 make sure you have a matching reverse _and_ forward resolution. you
 should get something like: = eric.test.example
 eric.test.example =

 If you only have the reverse lookup, the result is untrusted and sane
 applications should ignore it.

Thanks for the pointer.  Indeed, I was missing the trailing . after my FQDN 
in my revers file.  I have updated my reverse files, and nslookup is 
resolving better, but still not further ahead.

My reverse file: 3.168.192.in-addr.arpa now contains the following line:
103 IN PTR  eric.test.com.

If I try nslookups now, my results are as follows:

# nslookup
Address: = eric.test.com.

# nslookup eric.test.com

Name:   eric.test.com

So from that, it seems as though the DNS / rDNS are properly configured, 
does it not?  Similarly, I have both the forward and reverse domain name on 
the DNS server as the nslookups show.  However, I still get the same error 
Jan 14 17:46:50 apollo atftpd[15905]: Connection refused from

I have even tried putting a trailing dot in the hosts.allow files, but that 
too (as expected) made no difference.

I have concluded that it isn't a firewall issue, as it works fine if I give 
it the full address instead of the FQDN in the hosts.allow file.  So I 
figure I still have something wrong with either my DNS setup and/or missing 
some critical lib in my chroot jail that I don't know about (although the 
app doesn't complain that I am missing any libs, and works fine given an ip 

Any ideas what else I might be doing incorrectly?



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Re: Re: What libs req'd to resolve DNS within achroot jail?

2008-01-14 Thread Eric B.

William L. Maltby [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
wrote in message 
 On Mon, 2008-01-14 at 17:53 -0500, Eric B. wrote:
  Eric B. wrote:
  Thanks for the feedback Rick.  I didn't realize that security
  However I'm already running this on a machine that is heavily 
  a VPN so I am fairly sure that no one will be accessing this 
  I still would like to restrict access to particular machines. 
  would rather use FQDN to make life easier for me to administer.  I 
  created my additional reverse-dns pointer but I am still having 
  with it.
  nslookup from the server gives me:
  # nslookup
  Address: =
  It looks like there is a missing trailing dot in your DNS zone
  configuration. I doubt you are authoritative for the in-addr.arpa zone.
  in your zone file, you should have something like
  103 IN PTR eric.test.example.
  (notice the last dot). Otherwise, the zone name (@ORIGIN) will be 
  make sure you have a matching reverse _and_ forward resolution. you
  should get something like: = eric.test.example
  eric.test.example =
  If you only have the reverse lookup, the result is untrusted and sane
  applications should ignore it.

 Thanks for the pointer.  Indeed, I was missing the trailing . after my 
 in my revers file.  I have updated my reverse files, and nslookup is
 resolving better, but still not further ahead.

 My reverse file: 3.168.192.in-addr.arpa now contains the following line:
 103 IN PTR  eric.test.com.

 If I try nslookups now, my results are as follows:

 # nslookup
 Address: = eric.test.com.

 # nslookup eric.test.com

 Name:   eric.test.com

 So from that, it seems as though the DNS / rDNS are properly configured,
 does it not?  Similarly, I have both the forward and reverse domain name 
 the DNS server as the nslookups show.  However, I still get the same 
 Jan 14 17:46:50 apollo atftpd[15905]: Connection refused from
 Correct? -|||

Whoops - cut  paste typo.  That line is supposed to read:
Jan 14 17:46:50 apollo atftpd[15905]: Connection refused from

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Re: Re: Re: What libs req'd to resolve DNS withinachrootjail?

2008-01-14 Thread Eric B.

Mike Kercher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in 
  Thanks for the pointer.  Indeed, I was missing the
 trailing . after
  my FQDN in my revers file.  I have updated my reverse files, and
  nslookup is resolving better, but still not further ahead.
  My reverse file: 3.168.192.in-addr.arpa now contains the
 following line:
  103 IN PTR  eric.test.com.
  If I try nslookups now, my results are as follows:
  # nslookup
  Address: = eric.test.com.
  # nslookup eric.test.com
  Name:   eric.test.com
  So from that, it seems as though the DNS / rDNS are properly
  configured, does it not?  Similarly, I have both the forward and
  reverse domain name on the DNS server as the nslookups show.
  However, I still get the same error
  Jan 14 17:46:50 apollo atftpd[15905]: Connection refused from
  Correct? -|||

 Whoops - cut  paste typo.  That line is supposed to read:
 Jan 14 17:46:50 apollo atftpd[15905]: Connection refused from

 Can you post your complete hosts.allow and hosts.deny files?

Not much to them actually:
# hosts.allow   This file describes the names of the hosts which are
#   allowed to use the local INET services, as decided
#   by the '/usr/sbin/tcpd' server.
in.tftpd : eric.test.com : allow

# hosts.denyThis file describes the names of the hosts which are
#   *not* allowed to use the local INET services, as decided
#   by the '/usr/sbin/tcpd' server.
in.tftpd : ALL : deny

Again, I have concerns that I might be missing something in my chroot jail, 
but when I change my hosts.allow file to read the following, it works fine.
in.tftpd: : allow

So I am utterly and totally confused.  I keep thinking that there must be 
something DNS related that I need in the chroot jail that I am missing.
I do have a /chroot/tftpd/etc/resolv.conf with the nameserver entry that 
points to the DNS server, and all files in my /chroot/tftpd/etc dir are 
world readable.  I also have a /chroot/tftpd/etc/hosts file (that is pretty 
much empty - just a line for

# ls -l /chroot/tftpd/etc
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   148 Jan 14 17:53 hosts
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   417 Jan 14 17:37 hosts.allow
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   370 Jan 13 12:13 hosts.deny
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  1267 Jan 12 21:43 localtime
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  1686 Jan 12 15:50 nsswitch.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 root root86 Jan 14 17:52 resolv.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 20373 Jan 12 15:47 services

Is there anything else I need that I am missing?  Either config file or lib?

Any suggestions of things I can try?



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Can TFTPD run in a chroot jail?

2008-01-13 Thread Eric B.
 I've been struggling with this problem for the last couple of hours and 
 nowhere near solving the problem.  I am trying to run a tftp server in a
 chroot jail.  Now perhaps I am being paranoid, but I would like to have 
 launched from within its own jail even if it supposedly does a chroot 
 and runs with a parameterizable user.

 there is only one chroot under unix (you can't chroot from the shell
 then in the daemon).

 If a service implements chroot correctly, then it is better to use it
 (because it can load the necessary stuff before, so you don't need to
 copy a whole system to the jail).

Thanks for the info.  I looked through the code and realized that it doesn't 
actually chroot at all; just runs with a parameterizable user/group.

After scouring a little more, I found out I needed the /lib/libnss_* 
libraries.  In my particular case, it was the /lib/libnss_files.so.* lib 
that are used by NSS (Name Service Switch) to read the /etc/passwd, group 
and services files.



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] What libs req'd to resolve DNS within a chroot jail?

2008-01-13 Thread Eric B.

I've been working at getting a tftp server up an running in a chroot jail, 
and I have finally succeed getting almost everything working.  The server 
itself works fine, however, it is implemented as a tcpwrapper application 
(ie: in.tftpd) and I am having trouble getting it to resolve DNS names.  I 
copied my /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny in my chroot/etc folder, 
however, they only work properly if I provide IP addresses.  If I use FQDN, 
they fail.

For instance, in hosts.allow:

works fine

But the following fails

I'm assuming I am missing a library/libraries in my chroot jail, but am not 
sure which ones.  I've got all the libs req'd by ldd, but I am guessing 
there is something else that I am missing.

Any suggestions?



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Can TFTPD run in a chroot jail?

2008-01-12 Thread Eric B.

I've been struggling with this problem for the last couple of hours and am 
nowhere near solving the problem.  I am trying to run a tftp server in a 
chroot jail.  Now perhaps I am being paranoid, but I would like to have it 
launched from within its own jail even if it supposedly does a chroot itself 
and runs with a parameterizable user.

I downloaded the atftp-server package and tried to set up my own tftpd jail. 
I copied over the linked libs to the proper place, the /etc/passwd, 
/etc/groups, /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf, /etc/resolv, /etc/services 
files.  I even created the dev/null device and set up syslog to read from 
the jail/dev/log device.

However, I can't seem to launch it from within the jail.  It works fine when 
I try from the regular prompt, but when I try to launch from within the 
jail, I doesn't want to start:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] tftpd]# /usr/sbin/chroot  /chroot/tftpd/ 
 /usr/sbin/atftpd --daemon --no-fork

in /var/log/messages:
Jan 12 23:09:02 apollo atftpd[17479]: atftpd: udp/tftp, unknown service

So it apparently is unable to read my /chroot/tftpd/etc/services file.  If I 
set the port number manually:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] tftpd]# /usr/sbin/chroot  /chroot/tftpd/ 
 /usr/sbin/atftpd --daemon --no-fork --port 69 -user eric.eric

Jan 12 23:16:05 apollo atftpd[17556]: atftpd: can't change identity to 
eric.eric, exiting.

I know the tftpd daemon is able to read the /chroot/tftpd/etc/ directory as 
it is properly reading my /etc/localtime file (if i remove /etc/localtime 
the logged timestamp changes).

Can anyone point me in the right direction as to things to try?  I've tried 
everything I can think of, and even then some things, but just can't figure 
it out...



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] A good primer to User Administration?

2007-11-13 Thread Eric B.

I've been running Linux as a workstation OS for years, and have been dealing 
with Windows networks and standalone Linux servers for a while now. 
However, the time has come for me to complete redo the server installation 
and am looking to move to a complete CentOS install base, with only Windows 

My question is the following.  I've been searching online for a good 
reference to describe good practices when building a linux network, but 
haven't really been able to find much when it comes to best practices for 
user administration, ACLs, optimal (or recommended) file locations, etc. 
For example, I know I need an LDAP server, but not sure how that ties into 
system login, or how to use a Linux LDAP server as the basis for a primary 
domain controller (is it still called that given Windows AD world?), etc. 
Or even how to properly create group structures and ACLs that accurately 
reflect group ownership/etc.  The octal permissions at the file level are 
only good enough for a single group; I need to give multiple groups 
different permissions on the same files, etc.

I realize that there are a lot of questions that I need to research, but I 
was hoping someone could point me in the direction of some advanced admin 
docs with best practices, etc.  Most of the stuff I find relates on how to 
set up a basic standalone PC, without any reference to how to network 
together a bunch of servers running off central authentication, etc...

Thanks for the advice!


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: A good primer to User Administration?

2007-11-13 Thread Eric B.
Shibu C Varughese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 My question is the following.  I've been searching online for a good 
 reference to describe good practices when building a linux network, but 
 haven't really been able to find much when it comes to best practices for 
 user administration, ACLs, optimal (or recommended) file locations, 
 etc. For example, I know I need an LDAP server, but not sure how that 
 ties into system login, or how to use a Linux LDAP server as the basis 
 for a primary domain controller (is it still called that given Windows AD 
 world?), etc. Or even how to properly create group structures and ACLs 
 that accurately reflect group ownership/etc.  The octal permissions at 
 the file level are only good enough for a single group; I need to give 
 multiple groups different permissions on the same files, etc.

 I realize that there are a lot of questions that I need to research, but 
 I was hoping someone could point me in the direction of some advanced 
 admin docs with best practices, etc.  Most of the stuff I find relates on 
 how to set up a basic standalone PC, without any reference to how to 
 network together a bunch of servers running off central authentication, 


 if you are thinking of setting up ldap, email, address book ...etc.. all 
 in one go ... then you need to test out ...something like  zimbra from 

Thanks for the input;  I have already looked at Zimbra, and it looks like a 
very interesting soln for me once I have everything else set up.  I see 
Zimbra as a nice group-ware pkg, but not as something to help me with 
user-authentication to the server (for shell access), setting up file 
permissions, shares, SMB permissions/shares, etc, etc, etc.



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Open Source CPanel equivalent for CentOS?

2007-11-11 Thread Eric B.
Barry Brimer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in 
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I was wondering if anyone knew of a solid, reliable Open Source 
 of Cpanel/Plesk that I can run on my CentOS boxes.  I've done some 
 around and find a bunch of them which seem to have stopped or stalled
 development, but I am figuring that there has got to be a strong market /
 demand for something out there.

 Is anyone using something secure, solid and complete?  I don't need
 something for users to sign up themselves online, but would like 
 to give them abilities to administer their own domains.  I am more than
 happy to move my entire existing mail  server and accounts to something 
 if I can give my users this ability.

 Webmin/Virtualmin/Usermin http://www.webmin.com
 Emu http://www.emusoftware.com/

Thanks for the links.  I had already looked at Webmin, but after doing more 
research on it, ppl seemed to think it could be a security leak.

I had never heard of Emu / NetDirector though, and after looking around at 
the site and the demos, I must say I am extremely impressed by it.  I also 
like the fact that it is OS Java based.  My only concern, however, is that I 
can't seem to find any community support for it.  Does that mean there is no 
install base?  Sourceforge mailing lists have no activity and no one on 
them, as do the SourceForge forums.  Do you know if there are other forums 
or mailing lists that are used by the community for this?



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Open Source CPanel equivalent for CentOS?

2007-11-10 Thread Eric B.

I was wondering if anyone knew of a solid, reliable Open Source equivalent 
of Cpanel/Plesk that I can run on my CentOS boxes.  I've done some searching 
around and find a bunch of them which seem to have stopped or stalled 
development, but I am figuring that there has got to be a strong market / 
demand for something out there.

Is anyone using something secure, solid and complete?  I don't need 
something for users to sign up themselves online, but would like something 
to give them abilities to administer their own domains.  I am more than 
happy to move my entire existing mail  server and accounts to something new 
if I can give my users this ability.



CentOS mailing list