Re: [CentOS] RedHat to CentOS packages

2011-08-02 Thread Gabriel Tabares
 How do you use nagios to cve monitoring? Is there plugin available for that?

We're ussing OSSIM, as it integrates Nagios and Nessus.

My  guess is that you could probably write a Nagios plugin to query 
Nessus but we haven't needed to look into that yet ;)
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] RedHat to CentOS packages

2011-08-01 Thread Gabriel Tabares
Dear all,

We're trying to use Nessus to monitor our system and we're having a hard 
time mapping the package versions from RedHat to CentOS in order to be 
able to report against CVE (vulnerability reports).

After some research, we think that the mapping is as follows (using 
HTTPD as the example):

CentOS httd-2.2.3-43.el5.centos.3 is equivalent to RedHat 

So, it looks like CentOS replaces _$MINOR_RELEASE (in this case _5) 
with .centos . Is this a fair assumption or are there other rules we 
are missing? Is this documented anywhere?


Gabriel Tabares
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] How to strip out the title bar from xterm windows on CentOS 5 GNOME?

2010-12-17 Thread Gabriel Tabares
 Hi.  Running CentOS 5 with the default GNOME desktop.  Is it possible
 to configure xterm windows not to have title bars to get the most out of
 the available screenspace?

I don't know how to do it with Gnome but, with KDE 3, you can set up a 
shortcut to remove the window decorations on a per-window basis.

 Found a reference to Compiz but the version available through CentOS
 seems old (0.0.13 compared to the current around 0.8 or 0.9) and having
 a double zero version number, I was afraid to use it.

If I remember correctly, Compiz was quite unstable at that time, but I 
may be wrong :)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT: programming language for morons (newbie friendly language in Open Source world)

2010-12-14 Thread Gabriel Tabares
 Hi folks

 I have more than 12 years experience with UNIX system administration,
 but I am too stupid for programming. My only programming experience is
 shell scripting. I tried to learn Java, but don't understand it
 because it is too complicated for my limited brainpower.

 What programming language should I learn?

First of all, what's the reason you want to learn to program? For the 
enjoyment of it? To be able to write more complex admin tools? To create 
front-end applications?

If you already know shell scripting, Perl should be easy for you, as the 
syntax is similar (a hybrid of Shell, awk and C, if I remember 
correctly) and is very easy to learn. It also is installed on every Unix 
I've used in the last decade and has an extremely large repository of 
libraries, CPAN, which covers everything you may need and more (writing 
Perl in latin, really?). On the other hand, the OO syntax is awkward, to 
say the least, and reading other people's code can be difficult 
sometimes, as there is more than one way to it.

Python is quite simple. The syntax is quite alien, compared to most 
C-based languages, but it seems to be simple and straightforward for 
most people. It also is included with most modern Unix-like OS.

Both, Python and Perl are widely used in CentOS, so you should be able 
to open a tool and see how it works.

PHP can also be useful and it's easy to learn, but it is mostly oriented 
towards web development so, unless that is the way you want to go, I 
would ignore it. It also tends to be a bit of a mess, API wise.

Ruby is another language that seems to be gaining a lot of traction but 
I just can't stand the syntax, and that comes from someone who used to 
be a Perl developer. It also seems to be less in use as a systems 
language, as opposed to a web development language with Ruby on Rails.

C can be a good language if you want to start from the bottom, learn 
how to use pointers, to manage memory without help and to be able to 
write low-level stuff. The syntax is extremely simple, but it's a 
difficult language to master, as it is quite low-level, compared to 
other languages.

If you didn't get Java, I would stay well away from C# (it's mostly a 
Java clone, despite the fact that it now seems to have a nicer syntax a 
a few extra bits that Java misses) and C++ (far too complex... it does 
everything you may want to do but that power comes at the cost of 

My personal preference would be to go for Python. While the issue with 
meaningful whitespace can be REALLY annoying, especially if you copy and 
paste from a terminal (tabs will get converted to spaces and Python 
doesn't like mixed tabs/spaces, indentation is meaningful), the language 
itself is quite clean and straightforward, there are plenty of books and 
tutorials online and, if you're desperate, most sysadmins seem to be 
picking it up as part of their arsenal these days.

Even if you don't end up using Python as your main language, I see it as 
a very good way of learning to program.

Whatever you choose, good luck and let us know what you decide.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] upgrading Centos-Xen when version 6 comes along

2010-11-18 Thread Gabriel Tabares
 Also, if you assign MACs to your VMs at installation time (I do, for
 DHCP- and DNS-related reasons), you should note that KVM MACs lives in
 a different namespace: 54:52:00:xx:xx:xx.

You can change the allocated MAC address by editing the files in 
/etc/libvirt/qemu .

Edit the mac address='54:52:00:19:f2:ef'/ section and you're all set.

I am not sure if you need to restart libvirtd after making the changes, 
as I have not got a machine I can test that at the moment.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] upgrading Centos-Xen when version 6 comes along

2010-11-18 Thread Gabriel Tabares
 The biggest single up-front difference for me on CentOS machines was
 that KVM hosts default to NAT on a private bridge while Xen hosts
 default to straight bridging. Some network tweaks are necessary to get
 KVM hosts to live on a straight bridge.

Sorry, I forgot to add to this before.

If you want to use bridging in KVM you need to set up bridge interfaces 
on the host (br0 and so on) and assign the main IP address to that 
interface, instead of to the underlying physical one.

One more thing, if you assign a bridge to a VLAN interface, you do not 
need to add the VLAN on the guest, just treat it as a normal interface 
and the guest will take care of the tagging for you.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] good shell script examples?

2010-11-16 Thread Gabriel Tabares
On 15/11/2010 18:47, Kill Script wrote:
 I am looking for a beginner guide to shell scripting simple tasks on
 CentOS (e.g. ssh'ing into a server / router / switch, checking for
 certain things, then exiting and going to the next IP).

If you don't want to use ssh keys, you will have to write scripts that 
interact with prompts, so you'll probably be looking at Expect, Python 
(pexpect or paramiko) or Perl.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] xServes are dead ;-( / SAN Question

2010-11-15 Thread Gabriel Tabares

 I tought of that, and I will be needing something like this, since I have
 some services that need to be restarted in the event of them dying or being

 But I'm not that much confortable scripting a modification of the initab to
 activate / deactivate services on a server-by-server basis.

Have a look at monit. We are using it for restarting critical services 
(heartbeat, postfix, apache) if they fail and it has been simple to set 
up and stable.

The most useful thing is that it emails you whenever the PID of the 
process changes or it has to restart it.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RPM/YUM on CentOS 5.4 issue - multiple versions of the same package installed

2010-11-15 Thread Gabriel Tabares
On 11/11/2010 13:47, Gabriel Tabares wrote:
 Hi all,

 We currently have an issue with multiple versions of a custom package
 being installed. The RPM contains a liquibase script (a Java-based DB
 change management tool) and a %post script to run liquibase.

 We are installing with scripts that run yum update liquibase-script.

 If the %post script runs correctly, it returns 0 and the application
 gets installed correctly but, if the %post script fails, it returns -1
 and the application does get installed, but the old one does not get
 unistalled, so if I run rpm -qa | grep liquibase-script I get a list
 of all the versions that have been installed.

 I know that the files have been installed correctly, as the RPM contents
 have the same name but different content and I have checked it.

 Why is this happening?

 I thought that %post scripts failing do not prevent the application to
 installing and that RPM installation is atomic, so installing one
 package will remove the previous verison. Is there any way to prevent
 this issue?

 We're using CentOS 5.4 on x86_64

Any suggestion, guys?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] updating to gtk+ = 2.0

2010-11-15 Thread Gabriel Tabares

 In that case:

 yum install gtk2 gtk2-devel

 Funny thing is those are already installed.

 However I require a later version of gtk+.

 I'm attempting to compile from source.

CentOS comes with an old version of GTK 2. Most application these days 
require a later version of the library, so you have two realistic options:
  * Compile GTK from source and install it out of the standard library 
path, then specify the include paths for compiling and use 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running the application.
  * Use another Linux distritbution or wait for CentOS 6

There's another option that is not guaranteed to work, copy all the 
libraries you need from another Linux distribution (Fedora?) into a 
directory, use LD_LIBRARY_PATH and pray that it works with CentOS, but I 
would not place much trust on this option.

I would personally go for the latter option as compiling a new version 
of GTK and its dependencies is not for the faint of heart, specially for 
something as obsolete (by choice) as CentOS.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] RPM/YUM on CentOS 5.4 issue - multiple versions of the same package installed

2010-11-11 Thread Gabriel Tabares
Hi all,

We currently have an issue with multiple versions of a custom package 
being installed. The RPM contains a liquibase script (a Java-based DB 
change management tool) and a %post script to run liquibase.

We are installing with scripts that run yum update liquibase-script.

If the %post script runs correctly, it returns 0 and the application 
gets installed correctly but, if the %post script fails, it returns -1 
and the application does get installed, but the old one does not get 
unistalled, so if I run rpm -qa | grep liquibase-script I get a list 
of all the versions that have been installed.

I know that the files have been installed correctly, as the RPM contents 
have the same name but different content and I have checked it.

Why is this happening?

I thought that %post scripts failing do not prevent the application to 
installing and that RPM installation is atomic, so installing one 
package will remove the previous verison. Is there any way to prevent 
this issue?

We're using CentOS 5.4 on x86_64



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Network cards not recognised

2010-09-13 Thread Gabriel Tabares
  On 12/09/2010 14:54, Mogens Kjaer wrote:
 On 09/11/2010 05:04 PM, Gabriel Tabares wrote:
 Unluckily, I have no physical access to the machine, so removing cards
 is not an option.
 Do you have iLO access to the machine?

 Then you should be able to disable the cards in the BIOS.

The cards were faulty. HP have shipped us a replacement motherboard as 
all the cards are on-board.

Thanks for your help!


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Network cards not recognised

2010-09-11 Thread Gabriel Tabares

We have a HP DL385 G6 server that is having an issue. Two of the 4 
network cards are not being recognised by Linux.

We have quite a few other servers with the same hardware and no issues 
but, before I call HP, I would like to make sure that I am not doing 
anything wrong :)

I have tried with the kernel that came with CentOS 5.5 and the updated 
one kernel-2.6.18-194.11.3.

I do an lspci and they're all there:

lspci | grep Eth
03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5709 
Gigabit Ethernet (rev 20)
03:00.1 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5709 
Gigabit Ethernet (rev 20)
41:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5709 
Gigabit Ethernet
41:00.1 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5709 
Gigabit Ethernet

ifconfig -a
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr D8:D3:85:A7:E4:24
   RX packets:185 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:111 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
   RX bytes:16394 (16.0 KiB)  TX bytes:18384 (17.9 KiB)
   Interrupt:217 Memory:fa00-fa012800

eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr D8:D3:85:A7:E4:26
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
   RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
   Interrupt:209 Memory:f800-f8012800
(no more ethX)

ethtool eth2
Settings for eth2:
Cannot get device settings: No such device
Cannot get wake-on-lan settings: No such device
Cannot get message level: No such device
Cannot get link status: No such device
No data available

If I do a search on /var/log/messages, all I get is the following
Sep 11 11:38:18 gs-prod-dwh01 kernel: bonding: bond1: Unable to set eth2 
as primary slave as it is not a slave.
(the cards are set as two bonds, bond0 with eth0, eth1 and bond1 with 
eth2, eth3):

lsmod shows that the bnx2 driver is loaded:
  lsmod | grep bnx
bnx2  216653  0

/etc/modprobe.conf includes the following:
alias eth0 bnx2
alias eth1 bnx2
alias eth2 bnx2
alias eth3 bnx2

I have also tried to set eth2 and eth3 to use the bnx2x in 
/etc/modprobe.conf, but all to no avail.

Any suggestions?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Network cards not recognised

2010-09-11 Thread Gabriel Tabares
  On 11/09/2010 15:52, Larry Vaden wrote:
 On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 9:37 AM, Gabriel Tabares  wrote:

 We have a HP DL385 G6 server that is having an issue. Two of the 4
 network cards are not being recognised by Linux.

 We have quite a few other servers with the same hardware and no issues
 but, before I call HP, I would like to make sure that I am not doing
 anything wrong :)

 I have tried with the kernel that came with CentOS 5.5 and the updated
 one kernel-2.6.18-194.11.3.

 I do an lspci and they're all there:

 lspci | grep Eth
 03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5709
 Gigabit Ethernet (rev 20)
 03:00.1 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5709
 Gigabit Ethernet (rev 20)
 41:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5709
 Gigabit Ethernet
 41:00.1 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5709
 Gigabit Ethernet
 Notice that two of the cards are Rev 20, two are not.

 Look at each card to determine the Rev level of each card.

 Then populate the machine with only the Rev 20 cards and see if you
 get what you would expect.

 Then populate the machine with only the non-Rev 20 cards and see if
 you get what you would expect.

Unluckily, I have no physical access to the machine, so removing cards 
is not an option.

 There are a number of articles found by Google that indicate you may
 need to upgrade BIOS or use a later version of the driver.

I have already upgraded the firmware to the latest.

I will look for updated drivers for the cards.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Wrapper package / yum repository

2010-09-08 Thread Gabriel Tabares
  On 07/09/2010 17:47, Steve Huff wrote:
 On Sep 7, 2010, at 11:28 AM, Gabriel Tabares wrote:


 there's your problem.  in the specfile, these dependencies should be 
 specified as:

 Requires: tomcat= 6.0.26
 Requires: adm-app-conf= 18

 relevant API documentation is here:

Thanks, that fixed it.

I never read the documentation and was fooled by the fact that it listed 
the rpms with the right version number.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Wrapper package / yum repository

2010-09-07 Thread Gabriel Tabares

I am setting up a yum repository for our applications and I am having a 
bit of trouble. I copy  the files to a webserver, run createrepo and 
then configure the servers to use it.

One of the RPMs is a release package that includes exact versions of 
all the binary and configuration files as dependencies so we can do 
packaged releases and, if we want to revert to a previous version, we 
can force it by installing this package (and the yum-downgrade plugin).

The issue I am having is that RPM/yum seems to be unable to correctly 
resolve the dependencies:

If I do yum install adm-release I get errors about lots of missing 
dependencies. EG:

[r...@host01 yum.repos.d]# yum install adm-release
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Setting up Install Process
Resolving Dependencies
-- Running transaction check
--- Package adm-release.noarch 0:1-1 set to be updated
-- Processing Dependency: adm-app-conf-18-2010.09.01 for package: 
-- Processing Dependency: ant-1.8.1-1 for package: adm-release
-- Processing Dependency: jdk-1.6.0_20-2.0 for package: adm-release

-- Finished Dependency Resolution
adm-release-1-1.noarch from myrepo has depsolving problems
   -- Missing Dependency: jdk-1.6.0_20-2.0 is needed by package 
adm-release-1-1.noarch (myrepo)
adm-release-1-1.noarch from myrepo has depsolving problems
   -- Missing Dependency: adm-app-conf-18-2010.09.01 is needed by 
package adm-release-1-1.noarch (myrepo)
adm-release-1-1.noarch from myrepo has depsolving problems
   -- Missing Dependency: ant-1.8.1-1 is needed by package 
adm-release-1-1.noarch (myrepo)
adm-release-1-1.noarch from myrepo has depsolving problems
   -- Missing Dependency: geosweep-libquantis-0.1.0-1.1 is needed by 
package adm-release-1-1.noarch (myrepo)

Error: Missing Dependency: ant-1.8.1-1 is needed by package 
adm-release-1-1.noarch (myrepo)
Error: Missing Dependency: jdk-1.6.0_20-2.0 is needed by package 
adm-release-1-1.noarch (myrepo)
Error: Missing Dependency: adm-app-conf-18-2010.09.01 is needed by 
package adm-release-1-1.noarch (myrepo)
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
  You could try running: package-cleanup --problems
 package-cleanup --dupes
 rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

If I try to install some of the packages on its own, they work just fine:

# yum install ant-1.8.1-1
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Setting up Install Process
Resolving Dependencies
-- Running transaction check
--- Package ant.noarch 0:1.8.1-1 set to be updated
-- Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

Repository  Size
1.8.1-1   myrepo 
   2.2 M

Transaction Summary
Install   1 Package(s)
Upgrade   0 Package(s)

Total download size: 2.2 M

And, even worse, some of the packages are already installed:

# yum install jdk-1.6.0_20-2.0
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Setting up Install Process
Package jdk-1.6.0_20-2.0.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Nothing to do

Any ideas? I am quite baffled and would like to get this to work as soon 
as possible.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Wrapper package / yum repository

2010-09-07 Thread Gabriel Tabares
  On 07/09/2010 15:55, Steve Huff wrote:
 rpm -qp --requires
rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) = 4.0-1
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) = 3.0.4-1

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Update to base release

2010-09-07 Thread Gabriel Tabares
  On 07/09/2010 16:22, John Kennedy wrote:
 Hello All,
 We have some machines running CentOS 4 Update 4 (4.4). We want to 
 update these boxes to the stock CentOS 4 Update 8 (4.8).
 We have the 4.8 iso images. Is it possible to use up2date and have it 
 use the 4.8 mounted iso images on a remote (install) server as the 
 repository? The ISO's are accessible through http. These servers are 
 remote with no CD/DVD option to upgrade
The best way I can think of is to create a yum repository with the RPMs 
from the 4.8 image on the source server then create yum.repo file on the 
destination files and then do a yum update.

There are lots of instructions online how to do it, do a search for 
centos create yum repo iso or something similar and you will get lots 
of hits.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ip aliasing on bonded interface possible?

2010-09-06 Thread Gabriel Tabares
  On 05/09/2010 18:33, Robert Arkiletian wrote:
 Has anyone successfully created a bonded interface (bond0) with say
 two nics AND also then aliased that interface to get bond0 and bond0:1
 (for an alias ip)

 I just want to know if it's possible and reliable

Possible and seems to be quite stable. Heartbeat does exactly this for 
the shared IP and we haven't had any problems whatsoever since we set it up.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] bridge

2010-09-03 Thread Gabriel Tabares
  On 03/09/2010 10:41, mattias wrote:
 I try to use a bridge with openvz but get the following Bridging Support
 is not available in this kernel This message are in all kernels i tryed
 from the centos yum repo On a frech 5.5 It has worked before With the
 same  install i have used

Can you try to run modprobe bridge before you start networking?

I have seen that error before, I just can't remember how I fixed it.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] bridge

2010-09-03 Thread Gabriel Tabares
  On 03/09/2010 10:59, mattias wrote:

 # Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+









Can you try adding the following line to the ifcfg-br0 file?


That seems to be the only difference I can find from our working config.
 -Original Message-
 From: [] On
 Behalf Of Timo Schoeler
 Sent: Friday, September 03, 2010 11:54 AM
 To: CentOS mailing list
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] bridge

 In the host
 Could you post you appropriate ifcfg scripts?

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On
 Behalf Of Timo Schoeler
 Sent: Friday, September 03, 2010 11:50 AM
 To: CentOS mailing list
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] bridge

 For example

 This is the openvz kernel
 True. So, where do you place the bridge, in the VE or in the host


 -Original Message-
 From: [] On
 Behalf Of Timo Schoeler
 Sent: Friday, September 03, 2010 11:43 AM
 To: CentOS mailing list
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] bridge

 I try to use a bridge with openvz but get the following Bridging
 Support is not available in this kernel This message are in all
 kernels i tryed from the centos yum repo On a frech 5.5 It has
 before With the same  install i have used

 so, you installed a fresh CentOS 5.5 and then added the OpenVZ repo

 their site?

 Which kernel did you try (of which you say it lacks bridge support)?


 CentOS mailing list

 CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Automatically detecting LUNs without a reboot

2010-09-01 Thread Gabriel Tabares
  On 01/09/2010 05:00, wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 04:48:01PM +0100, Gabriel Tabares wrote:
From there, I went to

 Where it says :

 In order for || to work properly, |LUN0| must be the
 first mapped logical unit. The || can only detect the
 first mapped logical unit if it is |LUN0|. The || will
 not be able to scan any other logical unit unless it detects the first
 mapped logical unit even if you use the |--nooptscan| option. 

 So I went to the array interface, deleted the volumes and tried
 re-creating a new volume with a LUN ID of 0, and I get the following error:
 Unable to create volume vd01_v001.
 LUN zero is reserved as the SCC/SES device on this host. (vd01_v001) -
 The LUN specified (0) must be in the range of 1 - 511.

 I can't create a LUN with ID 0, which means that will
 not work, as per the above text.

 Any more suggestions?


 rescan-scsi-bus is a shell script. It accepts this argument:

 --luns=LIST Scan only lun(s) in LIST

 so it may work for you after all?

OK, let me do my best Homer Simpson impersonation. DUH

That worked! How did I miss that?

Thank you so very much!


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Automatically detecting LUNs without a reboot

2010-08-31 Thread Gabriel Tabares
  Hi everybody.

I have an HP StorageWorks array connected to one of my servers, 
connected via an LSI controller (lspci reports: SCSI storage controller: 
LSI Logic / Symbios Logic SAS1068E PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS (rev 08)) 
on an HP DL385 running CentOS 5.5 x86_64.

I have set up multipath and all is working but, when I create a snaphost 
and export it as a new LUN from the HP web interface, it does not appear 
as  a new disk. If I reboot, I get the LUN to appear as a new SCSI 
device (sd[a-z]).

Is there any way I can force automatic detection? One of the reasons to 
use snapshots is to be able to back up the system without downtime, so 
not being able to detect the LUNs makes the whole set up a bit pointless.

I have tried kudzu, the script and everything else I 
have found online, with no luck. The LSI tools only seem to be available 
for i386, and I would like to avoid adding the 32bit environment, if I can.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Gabriel Tabares

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Antwort: Automatically detecting LUNs without a reboot

2010-08-31 Thread Gabriel Tabares
  On 31/08/2010 11:07, Andreas Reschke wrote: wrote on 31.08.2010 11:43:50:

  Gabriel Tabares
  Gesendet von:
  31.08.2010 11:44
  Bitte antworten an
  CentOS mailing list
  CentOS mailing list
  [CentOS] Automatically detecting LUNs without a reboot
  Hi everybody.

  I have an HP StorageWorks array connected to one of my servers,
  connected via an LSI controller (lspci reports: SCSI storage controller:
  LSI Logic / Symbios Logic SAS1068E PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS (rev 08))
  on an HP DL385 running CentOS 5.5 x86_64.

  I have set up multipath and all is working but, when I create a snaphost
  and export it as a new LUN from the HP web interface, it does not appear
  as  a new disk. If I reboot, I get the LUN to appear as a new SCSI
  device (sd[a-z]).

  Is there any way I can force automatic detection? One of the reasons to
  use snapshots is to be able to back up the system without downtime, so
  not being able to detect the LUNs makes the whole set up a bit 

  I have tried kudzu, the script and everything else I
  have found online, with no luck. The LSI tools only seem to be available
  for i386, and I would like to avoid adding the 32bit environment, if 
 I can.

  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  Gabriel Tabares

  CentOS mailing list

 I do a rescan (online) on multipath with
 echo - - -  /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan
 echo - - -  /sys/class/scsi_host/host1/scan
 echo - - -  /sys/class/scsi_host/host2/scan
 echo - - -  /sys/class/scsi_host/host3/scan
 echo - - -  /sys/class/scsi_host/host4/scan
 echo - - -  /sys/class/scsi_host/host5/scan
 echo - - -  /sys/class/scsi_host/host6/scan

 depends on the amount of controllers.
Tried that. I only have one controller:

[r...@db02 ~]# cat /proc/partitions
major minor  #blocks  name

  104 0  292935982 cciss/c0d0
  104 1  265217053 cciss/c0d0p1
  104 22988090 cciss/c0d0p2
8 0  683593744 sda
8 1  683589816 sda1
816  683593744 sdb
817  683589816 sdb1
832  683593744 sdc
833  683589816 sdc1
[r...@db02 ~]# echo - - -  /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan
[r...@db02 ~]# cat /proc/partitions
major minor  #blocks  name

  104 0  292935982 cciss/c0d0
  104 1  265217053 cciss/c0d0p1
  104 22988090 cciss/c0d0p2
8 0  683593744 sda
8 1  683589816 sda1
816  683593744 sdb
817  683589816 sdb1
832  683593744 sdc
833  683589816 sdc1

Still not appearing at all.

 Andreas Reschke


 CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Automatically detecting LUNs without a reboot

2010-08-31 Thread Gabriel Tabares
  On 31/08/2010 11:20, Alexander Dalloz wrote:
Hi everybody.

 I have an HP StorageWorks array connected to one of my servers,
 connected via an LSI controller (lspci reports: SCSI storage controller:
 LSI Logic / Symbios Logic SAS1068E PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS (rev 08))
 on an HP DL385 running CentOS 5.5 x86_64.

 I have set up multipath and all is working but, when I create a snaphost
 and export it as a new LUN from the HP web interface, it does not appear
 as  a new disk. If I reboot, I get the LUN to appear as a new SCSI
 device (sd[a-z]).

 Is there any way I can force automatic detection? One of the reasons to
 use snapshots is to be able to back up the system without downtime, so
 not being able to detect the LUNs makes the whole set up a bit pointless.

 I have tried kudzu, the script and everything else I
 have found online, with no luck. The LSI tools only seem to be available
 for i386, and I would like to avoid adding the 32bit environment, if I

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.


 Gabriel Tabares from sg3-utils should work.

I am afraid that it doesn't:

[r...@db02 ~]# cat /proc/partitions
major minor  #blocks  name

  104 0  292935982 cciss/c0d0
  104 1  265217053 cciss/c0d0p1
  104 22988090 cciss/c0d0p2
8 0  683593744 sda
8 1  683589816 sda1
816  683593744 sdb
817  683589816 sdb1
832  683593744 sdc
833  683589816 sdc1
[r...@db02 ~]#
Host adapter 0 (mptsas) found.
Scanning SCSI subsystem for new devices
Scanning host 0 for  SCSI target IDs  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, all LUNs
Scanning for device 0 0 0 0 ...
OLD: Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
   Vendor: HP   Model: MSA2312saRev: M110
   Type:   EnclosureANSI SCSI revision: 05
Scanning for device 0 0 0 1 ...
OLD: Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 01
   Vendor: HP   Model: MSA2312saRev: M110
   Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 05
Scanning for device 0 0 0 2 ...
OLD: Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 02
   Vendor: HP   Model: MSA2312saRev: M110
   Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 05
Scanning for device 0 0 1 0 ...
OLD: Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 01 Lun: 00
   Vendor: HP   Model: MSA2312saRev: M110
   Type:   EnclosureANSI SCSI revision: 05
Scanning for device 0 0 1 1 ...
OLD: Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 01 Lun: 01
   Vendor: HP   Model: MSA2312saRev: M110
   Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 05
0 new device(s) found.
0 device(s) removed.
[r...@db02 ~]# cat /proc/partitions
major minor  #blocks  name

  104 0  292935982 cciss/c0d0
  104 1  265217053 cciss/c0d0p1
  104 22988090 cciss/c0d0p2
8 0  683593744 sda
8 1  683589816 sda1
816  683593744 sdb
817  683589816 sdb1
832  683593744 sdc
833  683589816 sdc1

 Please see

Tried that (it lists the same command that Andreas mentioned), no luck. 
We're not using FC, so the second part doesn't work.

 From there, I went to

Where it says :

In order for || to work properly, |LUN0| must be the 
first mapped logical unit. The || can only detect the 
first mapped logical unit if it is |LUN0|. The || will 
not be able to scan any other logical unit unless it detects the first 
mapped logical unit even if you use the |--nooptscan| option. 

So I went to the array interface, deleted the volumes and tried 
re-creating a new volume with a LUN ID of 0, and I get the following error:
Unable to create volume vd01_v001.
LUN zero is reserved as the SCC/SES device on this host. (vd01_v001) - 
The LUN specified (0) must be in the range of 1 - 511.

I can't create a LUN with ID 0, which means that will 
not work, as per the above text.

Any more suggestions?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Slow domain resolution problem - kind of resolved

2010-08-28 Thread Gabriel Tabares
  Hi everyone,

I am answering this here as  I found a workaround.

I could not solve the solution when using the Juniper as the DNS server, 
so I reverted to using bind and that fixed the issue.

Thanks for the help, everybody.


 I've just joine the list as I am having an issue with our CentOS servers.

 The domain resolution is extremely slow from the application but doing
 an nslookup gives an immediate response. All the applications have the
 same issue, as do all the servers.

 I have been looking for the solution all over the web and all I have
 found are references to disabling ipv6.
 - By setting enable_ipv6 = no in /etc/sysconfig/network, which is
 already done on all the machines.
 - By blacklisting the ip6 module, which is not an option as it is used
 by the bonding module. Just for the sake of it, I tried it and, as
 expected, the bonding module did not come back up.

 If bad comes to worse, I could set up host entries for the main machines
 in /etc/hosts, but I really am trying to avoid that.

 Any suggestions?


 Gabriel Tabares

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Slow domain resolution problem

2010-08-28 Thread Gabriel Tabares
  On 25/08/2010 17:44, Rajagopal Swaminathan wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 9:08 PM, Les  wrote:
 On 8/23/2010 10:08 AM, Gabriel Tabares wrote:

 Some servers do, some don't.
 Have you tried google's DNS servers IP and one more IP I can't
 recollect exactly

External DNS is not available as the servers are firewalled from the 
outside. When I open DNS access to the outside, the issue does not seem 
to appear.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Slow domain resolution problem

2010-08-28 Thread Gabriel Tabares
  On 25/08/2010 14:39, wrote:
 Gabriel Tabares wrote:
 On 23/08/2010 21:25, Keith Roberts wrote:
 On Mon, 23 Aug 2010, Gabriel Tabares wrote:
 From: Gabriel
 On 23/08/2010 13:28, Joseph L. Casale wrote:

 Both files are the default ones from CentOS:
 Keith, the issue happens resolving internal IP addresses. The servers do
 not have DNS access to the outside world, so using this would mean that
 nothing is resolved ;)
 Really dumb question: do you have nisplus or nis running?


There's not such a thing as a dumb question!

No, I do not have NIS or NIS+ running.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] cfengine vs. puppet

2010-08-28 Thread Gabriel Tabares
  On 27/08/2010 19:11, Ski Dawg wrote:
 Stefano Sasso wrote:
 2010/8/27 Ski
 After spending a little bit of time searching around today, I have run
 across 2 that seem like good options, cfengine and puppet.

 Does anyone have any thoughts about either of these tools? Is there
 Here's another two cents: first part of last year, I was working with
 Spacewalk, the released version of RedHat's satellite. While I was
 fighting it tooth and nail, it went from 0.4 to 0.5. With that
 I'd say *don't* bother about it

 Thanks to everyone for the replies, and the links to articles for
 further research. I will definitely continue reading those.

 At this time, we are not interested in Spacewalk because of the Oracle
 db requirement, but I will investigate the other options as well.
Have you looked into bcfg2? Of all the options have looked into, it 
looks like the best for what I want.

My experience with Spacewalk is that is not ready yet and that it takes 
too much effort to set it up. It will probably be worth it but I can't 
dedicate the time it would take to set it up.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Slow domain resolution problem

2010-08-25 Thread Gabriel Tabares

 Not sure if it is RDNS.

 I had similar issues on Fedora, and for me it was to do with IP6.

 Konqueror web browser took ages to load a page. IIRC Firefox handled 
 it OK.

 Try Googling for 'uninstalling ipv6 linux'

I already tried that. The /etc/sysconfig/network has the IPV6_ENABLE=no. 
Disabling the ip6 modules is not feasible, as the bonding module depends 
on it.

 Another thing is how many DNS IP addresses do you have in 
I don't have an ISP DNS,  but the address of the internal DNS server, 
which has all the mappings for our domain.

Thanks for your help, I'll keep on trying :)



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Slow domain resolution problem

2010-08-25 Thread Gabriel Tabares
On 23/08/2010 21:25, Keith Roberts wrote:
 On Mon, 23 Aug 2010, Gabriel Tabares wrote:

 From: Gabriel
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] Slow domain resolution problem

 On 23/08/2010 13:28, Joseph L. Casale wrote:
 Both files are the default ones from CentOS:

 So what do the host names look like that the application
 attempts to resolve, fully qualified or not? What does your
 cli based query look like?

 My resolv.conf is:


 The hostname of the machines is set to a FQDN

 The time it takes for the queries does not change whether we use the
 FQDN or just the hostname.
 Try this in your /etc/reolv.conf

 # Eclipse ISP

 # OpenDNS

Keith, the issue happens resolving internal IP addresses. The servers do 
not have DNS access to the outside world, so using this would mean that 
nothing is resolved ;)

CentOS mailing list