Re: [CentOS] Assitance with perl

2022-01-30 Thread mailist

On 2022-01-30 20:12, H wrote:

I am writing a long bash script under CentOS 7 where perl is used for
manipulating some external files. So far I am using perl one-liners to
do so but ran into a problem when I need to append text to an external

Rewrite the whole thing in Perl.  Over the years, I have rewritten 
scores of bash scripts
in Perl, and they 1. execute much faster, 2. don't lose variables from 
while loops,
3. can use any of the thousands of CPAN modules, 4. can use libraries, 
and on and on.

Todd Merriman
Software Toolz
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] almalinux?

2021-04-05 Thread mailist

On 2021-04-05 12:20, mark wrote:

Anyone looked into almalinux? I was sort of waiting for rocky, but I
see from over the weekend on slashdot that almalinux stable is

We are moving it into production as we speak!

Todd Merriman
Software Toolz, Inc.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Transition test report going from CentOS8 to Debian 10.

2021-02-04 Thread mailist
If you primarily use CentOS for web hosting with Apache, the Apache 
for Debian is a whole new world.  You will not be able to just copy the 
CentOS config

to Debian.

Todd Merriman
Software Toolz, Inc.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] No sound after latest Firefox update (firefox-78.3.0-1.el6.centos.x86_64)

2020-10-01 Thread mailist

On 2020-10-01 13:10, Robert Nichols wrote:

On 9/30/20 8:25 AM, Johnny Hughes wrote:

On 9/29/20 9:16 PM, Robert Nichols wrote:
With Firefox updated to firefox-78.3.0-1.el6.centos.x86_64, I cannot 
sound from Firefox. I've tried restarting pulseaudio, also logging 
and logging back in. No help. Other A/V apps work just fine. 
to firefox-68.12.0-1.el6.centos.x86_64 makes sound work again. For 

I've excluded version firefox-78.3.0-1 from yum updates.

Anyone else seeing this? Any hints?

No problem here .. but as a reminder .. EOL for CentOS-6 is about 1
month away (Nov 2020).

That means , once we hit it, no more updates.

I still have 3 CentOS-6 installations: 1 desktop, 1 laptop, and
1 virtual machine. On all of them, I get no sound from firefox-78.3.0-1
and have to downgrade to firefox-68.12.0-1. I've tried with all
add-ons disabled (Boy, youtube is a pain without adblock.) and
there is still no sound. I don't know what else to try.

I don't know what I'll do after CentOS-6 goes EOL. I absolutely
cannot tolerate CentOS-8.

The Ubuntu-derived distros are much better suited to desktop.  I run 
several of them, as well as
CentOS 7 and 8.  Ubuntu, Kubuntu (Ubuntu with KDE), Lubuntu, Debian, 
PopOS, and Zorin.

Todd Merriman
Software Toolz, Inc.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] erasing a disk

2020-09-14 Thread mailist

On 2020-09-14 16:52, Robert Heller wrote:

At Mon, 14 Sep 2020 13:14:44 -0700 CentOS mailing list


I've encountered situations where I want to reuse a hard-drive.  I do

If it is a Seagate, don't bother.  They have the highest failure rate in 
the industry.

Look at the SMART statistics before deciding to re-use a disk, 
especially "Reallocated_Sector_Ct,"

"Power_On_Hours," and run the "extended SMART test."

Todd Merriman
Software Toolz, Inc.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 8 & HandBrakeCLI

2020-07-13 Thread mailist

On 2020-07-13 05:09, Kay Diederichs wrote:

On 7/13/20 4:04 AM, Frank M. Ramaekers Jr. wrote:

Since I upgraded to CentOS8, I cannot get HandBrakeCLI to work:

I could not get HandBrake to work under CentOS 8, so I installed it 
Zorin 15 (an Ubuntu-derived German distro).  There, it works great.  I 
did not try

any of the other distros derived from Debian or Ubuntu itself.

Todd Merriman
Software Tooolz, Inc.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] USB-serial adapter for CentOS 7

2020-07-08 Thread mailist

On 2020-07-08 11:28, Tate Belden wrote:

I've several USB <-> RS-232 dongles around. As well as a few embedded
devices. They all "Just Work (tm)" on Redhat, CentOS, Fedora, Debian,
Raspian and Kali.

Even if you did have an RS232 port on the box, the serial drivers for 
CentOS 7 have
never worked correctly.  I had an application using RS232 that worked 
under CentOS 6, and then worked intermittently under CentOS 7, and 
failed miserably
on CentOS 8.  The handwriting on the RedHat wall says, "nobody uses 
RS232 anymore!"
I moved the app to a Raspberry Pi 3B+, using the USB serial adapters, 
and it works

perfectly again.

Todd Merriman
Software Toolz, Inc.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] firewall questions

2020-06-21 Thread mailist

On 2020-06-21 15:33, Chuck Campbell wrote:

I'm running Centos 7.8.2003, with firewalld.

I was getting huge numbers of ssh attempts per day from a few specific
ip blocks.

If you can control the ssh clients, switch your port number to a 
port.  Pick one in /etc/services that does not seem to be allocated.  
Then change
"Port" in ssh_config and sshd_config;  If other clients are being used 
(like Putty),

it is easy to change it there.

We used to get at least 50 probes per day on port 22.  Now we get zero.

Todd Merriman
Software Toolz, Inc.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Can't move to Centos 8

2020-05-13 Thread MAILIST
> On Tue, 12 May 2020 17:42:25 -0700 david  wrote:
>> Folks
>> I've been trying to convert my systems to Centos 8, seeing the EOL on
>> the horizon a few years away.  One of my systems is a Mac-Mini, and
>> support for that has been discontinued.  I'm wondering what the
>> community suggests among these alternatives:

I run CentOS 7 in production, but use Ubuntu for my development desktop.
Ubuntu is much more geared to desktop, but I would not use it in a server

Todd Merriman
Software Toolz, Inc.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Zoom?

2020-04-09 Thread MAILIST
> I'm on Ubuntu and, no, it doesn't work.

I installed it the standard way on Zorin 15 (based on Ubuntu 18), and it
worked well.

Todd Merriman
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Centos 7 32 Bits install.

2020-01-12 Thread MAILIST
> Hi all,
> Question : Can I install Centos7 32 Bits on a computer i386 32 bits little
> indian pentium III Copermine Model8 Cpufamily 6 CpuMhz 863.979 (lscpu)
> grep -i pae /proc/cpuinfo gives a flag pae .

I tried that on a Dell Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.10GHz, and the performance
was unusable.  Then, I tried Lubuntu 32 (a streamlined Ubuntu distro) and
got very acceptable performance.

Todd Merriman
Software Toolz, Inc.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Raspberri PI 4B 4GB install image

2019-12-25 Thread MAILIST
You will have better luck with Raspbian.  Just sayin'

I have installed 16 Rapberry Pi's

Todd Merriman
Software Toolz, Inc.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Upgrade Centos 6 (32 Bits) to Centos 7 (32 Bits)

2019-11-27 Thread MAILIST
> I have a very old PC ( Acer2000) 32 Bits. On this machine I am running (Do
> not laugh) SCO Unix in an antique version : So Centos6 probes with the
> bootloader on this OS and other OS s.

There is a group that voluntarily maintains a 32-bit CentOS 7.  I installed
that on an old Dell Celeron desktop.  The performance was so poor, it was
unusable.  Then, I tried the lubuntu distro, and that has been running
smoothly since July.  It is also well-maintained, as there are regular
updates.  Lubuntu is a derivitive of Ubuntu, which is a derivative of Debian.
With Debian, the biggest difference is update (if you are using the command-

Todd Merriman
Software Toolz, Inc.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] No CentOS 8 Updates announced in Centos-announce email list

2019-11-05 Thread MAILIST
> Frankly I prefer RSS feeds for notices and news type items that are
> noninteractive unlike this support email list where issues can be aired
> among like minded individuals.

I looked all over the CentOS site for the RSS link and could not find it.
I would subscribe to it, if I could.

Todd Merriman
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] upgrading from CentOS 7 to 8

2019-10-01 Thread MAILIST
> Your answer has nothing to do with the original question which is related
> to upgrade method and not condition for reinstalling without loosing
> data.

After 40 years of upgrading many different operating systems,
Windows (from 3.1 to 10), CentOS 6 to 8, Ubuntu, Fedora, Red Hat,
AT Unix, VAX VMS; I have never observed an upgrade from one major
version to the next to work.  The last one I tried using their "upgrade
process" was Ubuntu 18 to 19.  Didn't work.

When a new major version of any o/s is released, I have found it best
to save what application data I can, delete all partitions on the target
boot disk, and then install from scratch.

I learned years ago to keep application data out of system directories,
ideally on a separate drive that can be mounted on the new installation.
Yes, you do loose your settings, but that's why it would be wise to stick
with the defaults, if possible.  Yes, the database is always in a system
directory by default, so that's why you do a dump before the upgrade.
My "cheat-sheet" of things to do during an upgrade is about 10 pages long.

If you do have to restore from a backup, be sure you do not restore any
system directories (like /etc/fstab).  I made this mistake, once!

System admins must learn to bite the bullet on this part of their job.

Todd Merriman
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Replacing sendmail with postfix

2019-09-21 Thread MAILIST
exim should also be considered.  We have been using exim with CentOS
for at least 10 years.

Todd Merriman
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] 32-bit CentOS

2019-07-09 Thread MAILIST
> On Tue, 9 Jul 2019 at 14:40, Dave Close  wrote:
>> It appears that CentOS 7 was the last one with a 32-bit version. I'm
>> trying to install it on an older laptop and having some trouble.

I tried to resurrect a 32-bit desktop with a Pentium 4 processor by
installing CentOS 7 32-bit version.  Everything installed OK, but after
the first boot, the performance was unusable.  And, the X11 would
crash repeatedly.  CentOS 7-32 is completely useless.

Then, I tried Ubuntu 16-32 with the Gnome desktop.  No crashes, but the
performance was unusable, although much better than CentOS 7-32.

Then, I tried Lubuntu 18-32, and I have a usable system now.  Lubuntu is
Ubuntu with a light-weight desktop designed for computers with limited

I have also installed Xubuntu 12 on a laptop with a Pentium M processor
(pre-PAE capability for extended memory addressing).  It performed
acceptably.  Xubuntu is another light-weight Linux with the XFCE desktop.

Todd Merriman
CentOS mailing list