Re: [CentOS] Google Chrome

2013-11-21 Thread Trutwin, Joshua
 If the Chromium builds that Johnny packaged still work, those are what you'll
 want to use.
 There may be a more recent source than is detailed here however:

Are these still being built / maintained?  The last version I have is 
28.0.1500.95.  I'm sure Johnny has better things to do.  He mentioned that at 
some point it might not even be possible to make new builds.



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Latest chromium i686 - Illegal Instruction

2013-08-27 Thread Trutwin, Joshua

I recently upgraded chromium on a 32-bit CentOS 6.4 system yesterday to version 
to chromium-28.0.1500.95-213514.i686.  I then ran the script, but my copy of the script was before it was 
modified to check the architecture so it downloaded the 64 bit chrome rpm and 
installed that version of pepper.  I tried to run chromium but was greeted with 
Illegal Instruction (core dumped).  I then noticed the 64-bit rpm was 
downloaded so I removed /opt/chromium/PepperFlash and completely re-installed 
chromium.i686.  No go.  So I then cleaned up /tmp, rebooted and removed 
~/.cache/google-chrome and ~/.config/chrome.  Unfortunately it is still 
crashing.  I'm not sure if it has to do with the updated version or the botched 
64-bit pepperflash installation, the script doesn't seem to do anything other 
than create /opt/chromium/PepperFlash and update the .desktop file.

I ran an strace of /opt/chromium/chrome-wrapper and put it here: - it's always crashing on statfs64(/selinux, ) 
- not sure 
what that means though.  /selinux exists, selinux is actually disabled.

Anyone else having issues like this?

Thank you,

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS-6 Status updates

2011-06-14 Thread Trutwin, Joshua
 heck it's still Linux and pretty much the same.

There's a lot more than just a kernel to break a system.
 Red Hat went far too long between releases and it is clear to me that I can't
 possibly rely on CentOS for timeliness.

Maybe I'm just in a different kind of environment, but why do you *need* more 
frequent releases?  I still run some servers on EL 4 and will only migrate them 
when they approach End-of-Life status.  They work and are up unless I bring 
them down.  Security patches are still being pushed out for them.  Sounds like 
you're looking for a desktop linux - probably best to use Fedora/Ubuntu?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] [OT] SQL*Plus output as PDF [Linux]

2011-04-13 Thread Trutwin, Joshua
 I generate with SQL*Plus a CSV file. How to convert this to PDF? Or more
 generally: how to get SQL*Plus output to PDF on Linux?

Marked as Off Topic.

I would do this:

SPOOL foo.html

Quit sqlplus and use htmldoc to convert foo.html to foo.pdf, or load it in a 
browser and use CutePDF or something to print it to a .pdf if in a hurry.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Best configuration for /var/www/html/

2011-04-11 Thread Trutwin, Joshua
 chcon -R -u system_u -t httpd_sys_content_t

chcon is a temporary change - to make it permanent use restorecon after:

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] the mighty Karanbir Singh and centos team

2011-04-10 Thread Trutwin, Joshua
 On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 10:11 AM, Kevin Thorpe 
 Cheers Karanbeer (sic) and team, I think we all owe you several cold ones.

BTW, you can actually follow through on that:

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] [OT: threading] WAS: Centos 6 Update?

2011-04-06 Thread Trutwin, Joshua
   firstly, get a better email client. Your existing one is broken.
   Irrelevant, unhelpful and quite rude.
  mailing lists are setup to retain thread sanity, its expected people
  use mailclients that can honour that. If yours cant and you prefer not
  to change it- perhaps consider using the forums instead ?
 FWIW, on kmail on Fedora 14, at least, his messages show up properly
 threaded, even though the In-Reply-To and References headers are missing
 from his message.  Don't know why Thunderbird doesn't show them
 Of course, kmail has its own problems, particularly with putting in to many
 References headers on occasion, but that's a different issue.

Some clients also thread by subject by default, I usually use claws mail for ML 
stuff as it's threading is excellent.

Says the guy sending this email in Outhouse

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Watching a directory

2011-03-16 Thread Trutwin, Joshua
 Let start with adding files. What tools are available for me to watch a 
 In an example, if a file is added to a directory I want to run a shell script 
 will do some conversation on the file to produce a second copy.

I just was working on something like this today - yum search inotify - here's a 
nice intro with an example close to what I'm using: (inotifywait example 1)

I used -e create -e modify -e delete instead of -e close_wait - see the man 
page for events.

Very slick so far.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] [OT] Alternative to cPanel

2011-02-24 Thread Trutwin, Joshua
  On 02/24/11 12:42 AM, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
  My centos system runs apache and php and postgres, and on top of that
  I'm running drupal, and I'm having some problems with my theme
  template CSS.   hey, its on centos, shouldn't I discuss that here?
  Most certainly NOT.
 The problem is the community around Centos is quite large and we need
 sometimes to ask for other's opinion regarding adjacent subjects. Who else
 are we going to ask?
 We need an list.

I dunno if Off Topic is really a good name for such a list cause I don't wanna 
join a list where there's traffic about current events, religion, politics, 
etc.  Tough line to draw though cause I'd certainly be interested in people's 
opions about other tech topics.

I actually posted this question originally to my local LUG (Linux User Group) 
mailing list last week and received a couple good suggestions and a personal 
email to try the CentOS lists because that was what the target OS was and 
likely would be people there who've had experience doing this.

Realize it's kind of a grey area, anyway thanks for those that provided 

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] security cameras

2011-02-23 Thread Trutwin, Joshua
 I heard about some inexpensive security cameras which get their power
 through the same cat5 cable which delivers the data/pictures (which would
 simplify wiring tremendously).  Does anyone know about these?  Do they
 work with Linux, particularly CentOS?

I have a security camera, though not powered through the cat5, will have to 
check that out...  Anyway, I'd recommend these sites: 

Right now I have my camera attached to an RF modulator and splitter which 
merges the signal onto the coax run on channel 65 so I can watch it on my TV.  
As far as integrating with Linux, would check out Zone Minder link above, 
otherwise if you modulate onto your TV stream like I did you can then just use 
mythtv or any capture program if you wanted to schedule captures, etc.

Have fun,

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Alternative to cPanel

2011-02-23 Thread Trutwin, Joshua
Hello all,

I'm looking to setup a new CentOS box for a buddy of mine who
wants to do hosting on a server via CoLo, Years ago I whipped up a CP of my
own on a Debian box he colo'd running a basterdized qmail/tinydns and custom
built httpd/mysql/etc (I was young).  It worked ok but time to move on and I
don't have time to maintain all those packages.  I also don't have
time to write another CP or port my PoS to it.  I'm also just going to use the
default  packages (bind, postfix, etc) instead of the DJB stuff.

Main requirements are fairly straightforward:

1. able to add/manage domains, ssl cert management, manage DNS records
2. able to manage email accounts and anti-spam settings
3. able to add/manage mysql and pgsql (nice to have)
4. user management - ftp/ssh accounts, password change, etc.
5. nice to have: add a wordpress blog / xcart store to a site
6. nice to have: users have own login to do some of the above for their domain 
7. nice to have: integrated website stats (awstats or equiv)
8. not optional - should have a focus on security

Stuff like viewing logs, automated billing, hosting plans, managing backups,
bandwidth monitoring, uploading web pages, managing server patches,
adding new software, etc. I don't mind leaving off or doing myself.  Willing to
pay a license, but not a huge budget.

I was leaning towards webmin/virtualmin but thought I'd check with this list
for any suggestions.  Had bad experiences with Plesk from a while
ago so leaving that off the table.  We have experience with cPanel
through another fail host, it's ok but too much stuff and too

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Alternative to cPanel

2011-02-23 Thread Trutwin, Joshua
 +1 for Virtualmin.
 People will brag that it's insecure etc, but it has always done the job for me
 and I have more than 100 installations of it. I never had security problems
 because of it.

Thanks for all the posts.

Curious about the people will brag that it's insecure - is there a poor track 
record of security problems with webmin?

I noticed these:

I certainly don't plan to allow access to webmin save for a couple selected 
IP's and I'm not surprised to see any web application have security 
vulnerabilities.  But if it's on par with something like phpbb as far as 
security problems go, I'll probably look elsewhere. 

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Alternative to cPanel

2011-02-23 Thread Trutwin, Joshua
  I certainly don't plan to allow access to webmin save for a couple selected
  IP's and I'm not surprised to see any web application have security
  vulnerabilities.  But if it's on par with something like phpbb as far as 
  problems go, I'll probably look elsewhere.

 No where close! And I know that from a few phpbb installs being hacked on
 some of my webmin servers. LOL!!!

Haha same (pristing phpbb, latest source, hacked in weeks).  I don't even know 
what to compare to phpbb - phpnuke maybe?  I won't even bother mentioning a 
certain DNS server as it's already being discussed ad nauseum.  :)

Anyway - OT now.  Appreciate the feedback on the thread, I have some research 
to do...

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS]

2011-02-23 Thread Trutwin, Joshua
 Please take off the blinders and realize there are lots of folks (some x% of a
 million or more) on this list who compile from current source in order to
 minimize their risks and are therefore the subject audience.
 On the one hand, you have Paul Vixie and crew (authors of BIND) and
 US_CERT saying US-CERT encourages users and administrators using the
 affected versions of BIND to upgrade to BIND 9.7.3.  On the other hand, you
 have don't bother me with reality, I'm comfortable, am not affected and
 don't want to read messages to those who are affected.

I've only been subscribed here a week and this topic seems very heated, so 
sorry if this stirs the pot up again, but don't patches for these things get 
back-ported?  So even if you're running bind v9.5.1 on CentOS/upstream 4/5.x 
you'd still have security fixes like those in this article backported right?

And yeah I suppose rolling your own is always an option but in my experience 
it's to easy to get behind.  This seems more like a Slackware approach tho, 
nothing against Slack of course!


CentOS mailing list