Re: [CentOS] IPTABLES question

2015-05-05 Thread Matthew Gillespie
James B. Byrne  writes:

> Would someone please explain to me the difference in effect between
> the following two IPTABLES conditions and the significance thereof in
> concurrent connection limiting?
> --tcp-flags SYN,ACK,FIN,RST SYN -j REJECT \
>   --connlimit-above 3 --connlimit-mask 32
> --state NEW -j REJECT \
>   --connlimit-above 3 --connlimit-mask 32

Your first example will review only TCP packets and ensure out of
SYN,ACK,FIN, and RST the only flag set is SYN (it doesn't care about the URG

The --state NEW example on the other hand matches ANY new packet. This will
capture protocols including OSPF, UDP, etc.. An easy way to see what it
captures is to set the target to LOG:

[13982781.141620] IN= OUT=homework0 SRC= DST= LEN=84
TOS=0x00 PREC=0xC0 TTL=1 ID=64815 PROTO=89 

[13982784.953439] IN= OUT=br0 SRC= DST= LEN=63 TOS=0x00
PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=65012 PROTO=UDP SPT=58492 DPT=53 LEN=43

I hope that's of help to you,

Matthew Gillespie
CTI Networks

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] IPTABLES question

2015-05-05 Thread James B. Byrne
Would someone please explain to me the difference in effect between
the following two IPTABLES conditions and the significance thereof in
concurrent connection limiting?

--tcp-flags SYN,ACK,FIN,RST SYN -j REJECT \
  --connlimit-above 3 --connlimit-mask 32

--state NEW -j REJECT \
  --connlimit-above 3 --connlimit-mask 32

***  e-Mail is NOT a SECURE channel  ***
Do NOT transmit sensitive data via e-Mail
James B.
Harte & Lyne Limited
9 Brockley Drive  vox: +1 905 561 1241
Hamilton, Ontario fax: +1 905 561 0757
Canada  L8E 3C3

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2014-06-20 Thread Rob Townley

On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 9:41 AM, James B. Byrne 

> On Mon, June 16, 2014 23:34, Chuck Campbell wrote:
> > I appreciate you restating this. I'll try to go make sense of iptables,
> given
> > the insight,
> >
> Keep in mind that there are three default chains, INPUT, OUTPUT and FORWARD
> that are used to initiate the packet path through IPTABLES and that they
> are
> mutually exclusive.  INPUT deals ONLY with packets that arrive from off of
> are destined for the host running IPTABLES.  OUTPUT deals only with packets
> that originate from the host running IPTABLES regardless of where they are
> destined.  And FORWARD deals only with packets that arrive from and are
> destined off of the host running IPTABLES.  A packet starts in only one of
> these based solely on its origin/destination pairing and it does not cross
> over automatically into either of the others.  For example, if a forwarded
> packet is detected then the INPUT and OUTPUT chains are not used at all.
> I have seen chain misconfiguration where IPTABLES rules evidently assume
> that
> a packet is to pass from the INPUT chain or the OUTPUT chain to the FORWARD
> chain automatically. In some cases it seems that the rules writer has
> implicitly assumed that INPUT -> FORWARD -> OUTPUT is the default routing
> of
> all packet paths.  This is not the case and it does not happen unless the
> other chain is specifically called from within the originating chain.
> My practice is to place general rules that I wish to apply to all packets,
> regardless of source or destination, into a chain called GENERAL and simply
> call that chain as the last instruction in each of the default chains.
> Actually I put very little else in the default chains and route from the
> GENERAL chain to other chains dedicated to specific rule sets, like for
> port
> knocking (FWKNOP_ALLOW); or for assured access (ALWAYS_ALLOW); or for
> blacklists: ALWAYS_DENY and FAIL2BAN_DENY for example.
> --
> ***  E-Mail is NOT a SECURE channel  ***
> James B.
> Harte & Lyne Limited
> 9 Brockley Drive  vox: +1 905 561 1241
> Hamilton, Ontario fax: +1 905 561 0757
> Canada  L8E 3C3
> ___
> CentOS mailing list
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2014-06-17 Thread Warren Young
On 6/17/2014 19:35, Chuck Campbell wrote:
> I haven't done the load stats, but it appears
> to me that a hundred of these crackers hitting my machine at these rates is
> likely to deny my legit users some resources.

So increase the fail2ban time from the default (5 minutes, as I recall) 
to 1 hour, or 1 day.

> Besides, just because the odds are against you, sometimes luck is all it 
> takes.

That sort of thinking is why governments have started to levy taxes on 
people who are bad at math.  (i.e. lotteries)

Some risks simply aren't worth worrying about.

Go play with the haystack calculator I linked from my previous email. 
If 8 random printable ASCII characters doesn't make you sleep well at 
night, make it nine.  Now the attack space is about 2 orders of 
magnitude larger.  If the risk with 8 was "sometime in my career, which 
cannot stand a single breach," the risk with 9 becomes "sometime after I 
have shuffled off this mortal coil."
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2014-06-17 Thread Chuck Campbell
On 6/17/2014 6:39 PM, Warren Young wrote:
> On 6/16/2014 15:58, Chuck Campbell wrote:
>> If they keep going through this ip block, they will still get 255 attempts at
>> the root password and 1020 attempts at other login/password combinations 
>> before
>> they are blocked by fail2ban.
> I'm glad you got your firewall problem sorted out, but I can't let this
> comment slide.
> If removing a thousand possibilities from the pool of available
> credentials puts your servers at significant risk, your passwords are
> too weak.
> Let's say you're using 12-character alphanumeric passwords, mixed case,
> no symbols, 3/4 alphabetic.  That gives a search space of 3.28 x 10^21
> possible passwords.[1]  Knocking off 1,000 passwords on each pass means
> you need 3.28 x 10^18 passes to explore all options.  Since there are
> only 3.7 x 10^9 public IPv4 addresses, total,[2] that means if every
> single public machine (or NAT) on the Internet were gathered into a
> massive zombie net, the chance of them cracking one of your passwords is
> 1 in a billion.  My state lottery offers better odds.
> And we haven't even added symbols yet.
> "But," I hear you say, "fail2ban doesn't ban an IP forever."  True.
> What it does is greatly stretch out the time between hammer blows, above
> that of ssh's own attack mitigation timers.
> Let's say you set the ban expiration time to 5 minutes.  Let's also say
> you really annoyed someone, so they rent time on a 1 million machine
> zombie net, just to try and break into your server.  Let's also say they
> focus their entire attack on a single account, rather than guess user
> names as well as passwords, as is common for SSH crackbots.
> The zombie net factor drops the 10^18 pass count magnitude above to the
> order of 10^12.  10^12 * 5 minutes is about 10 million years.
> If you start using pre-shared keys and configure sshd to accept keys
> only,[3] you turn lottery odds into astronomical odds.  The twelve
> character passwords above have about 71 bits of entropy, if you pick
> them randomly.  A generated SSH key is as close to random as you're
> likely to get, and it will have a *minimum* of 1,024 bits of entropy.
> Every bit of entropy doubles the required attack time, so you turn 10^9
> into 10^ridiculous.  (Well known exponent in number theory, that.)
> What if we're willing to settle for human time scales, rather than
> astronomical ones?  Using the information above, I have come to the
> realization that if I can hold off the crackbot hordes for just another
> 100 years, I can stop caring about the risks, on account of the fact
> that I expect someone else will be taking care of my remaining CentOS 3
> servers by then, and they will change the passwords shortly after
> handover.  It turns out that 8 random lowercase letters is sufficient to
> buy me those 100 years.  I can then go play Tetris in my centenarian
> dotage without a care for the security of my old Linux boxen.
> So, unless your passwords are weaker than 8 lowercase random letters,
> you're literally wasting time manually banning IPs.  Let fail2ban do its
> job, while you go off and do something a dumb computer can't.
> I've used fail2ban myself, but only to cut down on log noise, not
> because it adds any real security.  In the end, I've found that moving
> ssh to a nonstandard port is just as effective at reducing log noise.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> ___
> CentOS mailing list
I concur with all you've said, and I haven't done the load stats, but it 
to me that a hundred of these crackers hitting my machine at these rates is 
likely to deny my legit users some resources. That is still a concern, but I've 
already seen that 20 banned ip ranges out of china has dropped the incidence 
from about 100 to 3.

That's worth the effort to gain a better understanding of iptables in managing 
my servers anyway. I've noticed (unquantified) a bit better login response and 
interactive response without the resource drain, unless I'm just imagining it...

Besides, just because the odds are against you, sometimes luck is all it takes. 
I'm looking into the shared keys approach, so I can do away with passwords.


ACCEL Services, Inc.| Specialists in Gravity, Magnetics |  (713)993-0671 ph.
 |   and Integrated Interpretation   |  (713)993-0608 fax
448 W. 19th St. #325|Since 1992 |  (713)306-5794 cell
  Houston, TX, 77008 |  Chuck Campbell   |
 |  President & Senior Geoscientist  |

  "Integration means more than having all the maps at the same scale!"

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2014-06-17 Thread Warren Young
On 6/16/2014 15:58, Chuck Campbell wrote:
> If they keep going through this ip block, they will still get 255 attempts at
> the root password and 1020 attempts at other login/password combinations 
> before
> they are blocked by fail2ban.

I'm glad you got your firewall problem sorted out, but I can't let this 
comment slide.

If removing a thousand possibilities from the pool of available 
credentials puts your servers at significant risk, your passwords are 
too weak.

Let's say you're using 12-character alphanumeric passwords, mixed case, 
no symbols, 3/4 alphabetic.  That gives a search space of 3.28 x 10^21 
possible passwords.[1]  Knocking off 1,000 passwords on each pass means 
you need 3.28 x 10^18 passes to explore all options.  Since there are 
only 3.7 x 10^9 public IPv4 addresses, total,[2] that means if every 
single public machine (or NAT) on the Internet were gathered into a 
massive zombie net, the chance of them cracking one of your passwords is 
1 in a billion.  My state lottery offers better odds.

And we haven't even added symbols yet.

"But," I hear you say, "fail2ban doesn't ban an IP forever."  True. 
What it does is greatly stretch out the time between hammer blows, above 
that of ssh's own attack mitigation timers.

Let's say you set the ban expiration time to 5 minutes.  Let's also say 
you really annoyed someone, so they rent time on a 1 million machine 
zombie net, just to try and break into your server.  Let's also say they 
focus their entire attack on a single account, rather than guess user 
names as well as passwords, as is common for SSH crackbots.

The zombie net factor drops the 10^18 pass count magnitude above to the 
order of 10^12.  10^12 * 5 minutes is about 10 million years.

If you start using pre-shared keys and configure sshd to accept keys 
only,[3] you turn lottery odds into astronomical odds.  The twelve 
character passwords above have about 71 bits of entropy, if you pick 
them randomly.  A generated SSH key is as close to random as you're 
likely to get, and it will have a *minimum* of 1,024 bits of entropy. 
Every bit of entropy doubles the required attack time, so you turn 10^9 
into 10^ridiculous.  (Well known exponent in number theory, that.)

What if we're willing to settle for human time scales, rather than 
astronomical ones?  Using the information above, I have come to the 
realization that if I can hold off the crackbot hordes for just another 
100 years, I can stop caring about the risks, on account of the fact 
that I expect someone else will be taking care of my remaining CentOS 3 
servers by then, and they will change the passwords shortly after 
handover.  It turns out that 8 random lowercase letters is sufficient to 
buy me those 100 years.  I can then go play Tetris in my centenarian 
dotage without a care for the security of my old Linux boxen.

So, unless your passwords are weaker than 8 lowercase random letters, 
you're literally wasting time manually banning IPs.  Let fail2ban do its 
job, while you go off and do something a dumb computer can't.

I've used fail2ban myself, but only to cut down on log noise, not 
because it adds any real security.  In the end, I've found that moving 
ssh to a nonstandard port is just as effective at reducing log noise.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2014-06-17 Thread John R Pierce
On 6/17/2014 2:14 PM, Chuck Campbell wrote:
> I'll experiment with that when I am physically in front of the
> server, instead of remote from it. I would have had no quick remedy if I 
> messed
> it up.

thats why all my servers have remote consoles :)

john r pierce  37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2014-06-17 Thread Chuck Campbell
On 6/16/2014 11:08 PM, John R Pierce wrote:
> On 6/16/2014 8:52 PM, Chuck Campbell wrote:
>> I ran a script after fail2ban was started. It looks like this:
>> #!/bin/sh
>> iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
>> iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
>> iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
>> iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
>> iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
>> iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
>> iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
>> so, how do I get them in front of the RH-Firewall-1-INPUT, or do I add them 
>> to
>> that chain?
> use -I (insert) rather than -A (append).
> OR
> specify chain RH-Firewall-1-INPUT rather than INPUT
I used the RH-Firewall-1-INPUT chain, and -I, defaulting to position 1, and all 
is working as I had anticipated.

It is working as expected, killing all of those rolling ip attempts. I was 
loathe to use system-config-firewall, because I wasn't sure it wouldn't drop 
something I needed, or forgot to include, and it would have wiped out the 
existong ruleset. I'll experiment with that when I am physically in front of 
server, instead of remote from it. I would have had no quick remedy if I messed 
it up.

Thanks you for the clear concise explanation.


ACCEL Services, Inc.| Specialists in Gravity, Magnetics |  (713)993-0671 ph.
 |   and Integrated Interpretation   |  (713)993-0608 fax
448 W. 19th St. #325|Since 1992 |  (713)306-5794 cell
  Houston, TX, 77008 |  Chuck Campbell   |
 |  President & Senior Geoscientist  |

  "Integration means more than having all the maps at the same scale!"

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2014-06-17 Thread Steve Clark
On 06/17/2014 10:41 AM, James B. Byrne wrote:
> On Mon, June 16, 2014 23:34, Chuck Campbell wrote:
>> I appreciate you restating this. I'll try to go make sense of iptables, given
>> the insight,
> Keep in mind that there are three default chains, INPUT, OUTPUT and FORWARD
> that are used to initiate the packet path through IPTABLES and that they are
> mutually exclusive.  INPUT deals ONLY with packets that arrive from off of AND
> are destined for the host running IPTABLES.  OUTPUT deals only with packets
> that originate from the host running IPTABLES regardless of where they are
> destined.  And FORWARD deals only with packets that arrive from and are
> destined off of the host running IPTABLES.  A packet starts in only one of
> these based solely on its origin/destination pairing and it does not cross
> over automatically into either of the others.  For example, if a forwarded
> packet is detected then the INPUT and OUTPUT chains are not used at all.
> I have seen chain misconfiguration where IPTABLES rules evidently assume that
> a packet is to pass from the INPUT chain or the OUTPUT chain to the FORWARD
> chain automatically. In some cases it seems that the rules writer has
> implicitly assumed that INPUT -> FORWARD -> OUTPUT is the default routing of
> all packet paths.  This is not the case and it does not happen unless the
> other chain is specifically called from within the originating chain.
> My practice is to place general rules that I wish to apply to all packets,
> regardless of source or destination, into a chain called GENERAL and simply
> call that chain as the last instruction in each of the default chains.
> Actually I put very little else in the default chains and route from the
> GENERAL chain to other chains dedicated to specific rule sets, like for port
> knocking (FWKNOP_ALLOW); or for assured access (ALWAYS_ALLOW); or for
> blacklists: ALWAYS_DENY and FAIL2BAN_DENY for example.

Here is a reasonable diagram that show the packet flow.

Stephen Clark
*NetWolves Managed Services, LLC.*
Director of Technology
Phone: 813-579-3200
Fax: 813-882-0209
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2014-06-17 Thread James B. Byrne

On Mon, June 16, 2014 23:34, Chuck Campbell wrote:

> I appreciate you restating this. I'll try to go make sense of iptables, given
> the insight,

Keep in mind that there are three default chains, INPUT, OUTPUT and FORWARD
that are used to initiate the packet path through IPTABLES and that they are
mutually exclusive.  INPUT deals ONLY with packets that arrive from off of AND
are destined for the host running IPTABLES.  OUTPUT deals only with packets
that originate from the host running IPTABLES regardless of where they are
destined.  And FORWARD deals only with packets that arrive from and are
destined off of the host running IPTABLES.  A packet starts in only one of
these based solely on its origin/destination pairing and it does not cross
over automatically into either of the others.  For example, if a forwarded
packet is detected then the INPUT and OUTPUT chains are not used at all.

I have seen chain misconfiguration where IPTABLES rules evidently assume that
a packet is to pass from the INPUT chain or the OUTPUT chain to the FORWARD
chain automatically. In some cases it seems that the rules writer has
implicitly assumed that INPUT -> FORWARD -> OUTPUT is the default routing of
all packet paths.  This is not the case and it does not happen unless the
other chain is specifically called from within the originating chain.

My practice is to place general rules that I wish to apply to all packets,
regardless of source or destination, into a chain called GENERAL and simply
call that chain as the last instruction in each of the default chains. 
Actually I put very little else in the default chains and route from the
GENERAL chain to other chains dedicated to specific rule sets, like for port
knocking (FWKNOP_ALLOW); or for assured access (ALWAYS_ALLOW); or for
blacklists: ALWAYS_DENY and FAIL2BAN_DENY for example.

***  E-Mail is NOT a SECURE channel  ***
James B.
Harte & Lyne Limited
9 Brockley Drive  vox: +1 905 561 1241
Hamilton, Ontario fax: +1 905 561 0757
Canada  L8E 3C3

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2014-06-16 Thread John R Pierce
On 6/16/2014 8:52 PM, Chuck Campbell wrote:
> I ran a script after fail2ban was started. It looks like this:
> #!/bin/sh
> iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
> iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
> iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
> iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
> iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
> iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
> iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
> so, how do I get them in front of the RH-Firewall-1-INPUT, or do I add them to
> that chain?

use -I (insert) rather than -A (append).


specify chain RH-Firewall-1-INPUT rather than INPUT

OR, better

use system-config-firewall rather than running your own iptables 
commands.this manages the rules used by the RH firewall scripts 
invoked by the iptables service which is run at boot time.

also, if you do manually add iptables rules, you can use `service 
iptables save` to remember these changes, instead of running them from 
your own scripts.  these changes get saved to /etc/sysconfig/iptables

john r pierce  37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2014-06-16 Thread Chuck Campbell

>> As John R Pierce mentioned one of your first rule in the chain is
>> "RH-Firewall-1-INPUT  all  --  anywhere anywhere", this
>> simply mean everything with "DROP" after it will be ignored. iptables
>> will work its way down the chain, therefore you have to options
>> 1. remove that line or
>> 2. move it at the bottom of the chain.
> I am clearly missing some emails, because I didn't see a reply from John R 
> Pierce. My apologies.
> I appreciate you restating this. I'll try to go make sense of iptables, given 
> the insight,
> thanks,
> -chuck

OK, I went to the list archive and found the email in question. Also, one after 
it that asked how I added these rules.

I ran a script after fail2ban was started. It looks like this:
iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP

so, how do I get them in front of the RH-Firewall-1-INPUT, or do I add them to 
that chain?


ACCEL Services, Inc.| Specialists in Gravity, Magnetics |  (713)993-0671 ph.
 |   and Integrated Interpretation   |  (713)993-0608 fax
448 W. 19th St. #325|Since 1992 |  (713)306-5794 cell
  Houston, TX, 77008 |  Chuck Campbell   |
 |  President & Senior Geoscientist  |

  "Integration means more than having all the maps at the same scale!"

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2014-06-16 Thread Chuck Campbell
On 6/16/2014 9:44 PM, Earl Ramirez wrote:
> On Mon, 2014-06-16 at 21:42 -0500, Chuck Campbell wrote:
>> All of the suggestions are graciously accepted, however, I was actually 
>> asking
>> what I was doing wrong with iptables, and why, with the rules I put in place,
>> someone was still able to connect to my machine.
>> I understand there might be better ways, but if I don't understand what I did
>> wrong last time, how am I going to figure out how to deny all, then allow
>> selected, ehrn I can't seem to allow all and deny selected.
>> There must be a misunderstanding on my part about how iptables are supposed 
>> to work.
>> -chuck
> As John R Pierce mentioned one of your first rule in the chain is
> "RH-Firewall-1-INPUT  all  --  anywhere anywhere", this
> simply mean everything with "DROP" after it will be ignored. iptables
> will work its way down the chain, therefore you have to options
> 1. remove that line or
> 2. move it at the bottom of the chain.

I am clearly missing some emails, because I didn't see a reply from John R 
Pierce. My apologies.
I appreciate you restating this. I'll try to go make sense of iptables, given 
the insight,


ACCEL Services, Inc.| Specialists in Gravity, Magnetics |  (713)993-0671 ph.
 |   and Integrated Interpretation   |  (713)993-0608 fax
448 W. 19th St. #325|Since 1992 |  (713)306-5794 cell
  Houston, TX, 77008 |  Chuck Campbell   |
 |  President & Senior Geoscientist  |

  "Integration means more than having all the maps at the same scale!"

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2014-06-16 Thread Earl Ramirez
On Mon, 2014-06-16 at 21:42 -0500, Chuck Campbell wrote:
> All of the suggestions are graciously accepted, however, I was actually 
> asking 
> what I was doing wrong with iptables, and why, with the rules I put in place, 
> someone was still able to connect to my machine.
> I understand there might be better ways, but if I don't understand what I did 
> wrong last time, how am I going to figure out how to deny all, then allow 
> selected, ehrn I can't seem to allow all and deny selected.
> There must be a misunderstanding on my part about how iptables are supposed 
> to work.
> -chuck

As John R Pierce mentioned one of your first rule in the chain is 
"RH-Firewall-1-INPUT  all  --  anywhere anywhere", this
simply mean everything with "DROP" after it will be ignored. iptables
will work its way down the chain, therefore you have to options
1. remove that line or 
2. move it at the bottom of the chain.


Kind Regards
Earl Ramirez
GPG Key:

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2014-06-16 Thread Chuck Campbell
All of the suggestions are graciously accepted, however, I was actually asking 
what I was doing wrong with iptables, and why, with the rules I put in place, 
someone was still able to connect to my machine.

I understand there might be better ways, but if I don't understand what I did 
wrong last time, how am I going to figure out how to deny all, then allow 
selected, ehrn I can't seem to allow all and deny selected.

There must be a misunderstanding on my part about how iptables are supposed to 


ACCEL Services, Inc.| Specialists in Gravity, Magnetics |  (713)993-0671 ph.
 |   and Integrated Interpretation   |  (713)993-0608 fax
448 W. 19th St. #325|Since 1992 |  (713)306-5794 cell
  Houston, TX, 77008 |  Chuck Campbell   |
 |  President & Senior Geoscientist  |

  "Integration means more than having all the maps at the same scale!"

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2014-06-16 Thread Keith Keller
[previous article hasn't appeared on gmane yet]

On 2014-06-16, Eliezer Croitoru  wrote:
> On 06/17/2014 01:46 AM, Bret Taylor wrote:
>> Get rid of fail2ban, it's not needed. Just write a proper firewall.
> Are you series??
> There are applications that fail2ban offers them things which others 
> just can't..

Indeed, fail2ban and their ilk (e.g. my new favorite, sshguard) modify
iptables rules in response to excessive failed login attempts.  A
''proper firewall'' with just static iptables rules can't do that.
And with so many pwn3d hosts out there being used to bounce attacks off
of, it is foolish to rely on static rules alone to fend off these

Much better of course are static firewall rules that blocks off all but
a few whitelisted hosts.  But that is much less flexible for users.


(try just my userid to email me)
see X- headers for PGP signature information

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2014-06-16 Thread Eliezer Croitoru
On 06/17/2014 01:46 AM, Bret Taylor wrote:
> Get rid of fail2ban, it's not needed. Just write a proper firewall.
Are you series??
There are applications that fail2ban offers them things which others 
just can't..

If you can email me the ip for your servers and also the root password 
and allow me in your INPUT all over the place I will leave you a message 
in the server.(hope you understand jokes)

All The Bests,
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2014-06-16 Thread Eliezer Croitoru
On 06/17/2014 01:11 AM, John R Pierce wrote:
> On 6/16/2014 2:58 PM, Chuck Campbell wrote:
>> >Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
>> >target prot opt source   destination
>> >fail2ban-VSFTPD  tcp  --  anywhere anywheretcp 
>> >dpt:ftp
>> >fail2ban-SSH  tcp  --  anywhere anywheretcp dpt:ssh
>> >RH-Firewall-1-INPUT  all  --  anywhere anywhere
>> >DROP   all  --  anywhere
>> >DROP   all  -- anywhere
>> >DROP   all  -- anywhere
>> >DROP   all  -- anywhere
>> >DROP   all  -- anywhere
>> >DROP   all  --  anywhere
>> >DROP   all  --   anywhere
How did you added these rules?
using manual command line tools or automatically by fail2ban?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2014-06-16 Thread John R Pierce
On 6/16/2014 2:58 PM, Chuck Campbell wrote:
> Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
> target prot opt source   destination
> fail2ban-VSFTPD  tcp  --  anywhere anywheretcp dpt:ftp
> fail2ban-SSH  tcp  --  anywhere anywheretcp dpt:ssh
> RH-Firewall-1-INPUT  all  --  anywhere anywhere
> DROP   all  --  anywhere
> DROP   all  -- anywhere
> DROP   all  -- anywhere
> DROP   all  -- anywhere
> DROP   all  -- anywhere
> DROP   all  --  anywhere
> DROP   all  --   anywhere
> ...
> Chain RH-Firewall-1-INPUT (2 references)
> target prot opt source   destination
> ACCEPT all  --  anywhere anywhere
> ACCEPT icmp --  anywhere anywhereicmp any
> ACCEPT esp  --  anywhere anywhere
> .
> .
> .
> Yet in my logwatch emails, I see this, long after the iptables rules are in
> place to drop some ip ranges:

RH-Firewall-1-INPUT is being invoked prior to your DROP rules, and is 
ACCEPTing all packets.

john r pierce  37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2014-06-16 Thread Frank Cox
On Mon, 16 Jun 2014 16:58:18 -0500
Chuck Campbell wrote:

> Why is this ip range still able to attempt connections? Have I done something
> wrong with my address ranges, or added them in the wrong place?

Have you considered taking the opposite approach and allowing only the IP 
addresses that you want to allow and blocking everything else?  That would be a 
lot easier to keep track of and manage.

I personally don't allow password logins on any of the ssh connections that I 
look after.

MELVILLE THEATRE ~ Real D 3D Digital Cinema ~
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2014-06-16 Thread Always Learning

On Mon, 2014-06-16 at 16:58 -0500, Chuck Campbell wrote:

> I'm running fail2ban to attempt to block malicious brute-force password
> dictionary attacks against ssh.

You could:-

(1) Change the SSHD port to something obscure.

(2) Restrict access to the SSHD port, using iptables, to a group of
approved IP addresses.

England, EU.

   Centos, Exim, Apache. Linux is the future. Micro$oft is the past.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] iptables question

2014-06-16 Thread Chuck Campbell
I'm running fail2ban to attempt to block malicious brute-force password
dictionary attacks against ssh. They seem to be rolling through a block of ip
addresses as the source to defeat this kind of screening, so I've set some ip
addresses to be blocked in iptables. Here is the output of iptables -L (edited):

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination
fail2ban-VSFTPD  tcp  --  anywhere anywheretcp dpt:ftp
fail2ban-SSH  tcp  --  anywhere anywheretcp dpt:ssh
RH-Firewall-1-INPUT  all  --  anywhere anywhere   
DROP   all  --  anywhere   
DROP   all  -- anywhere   
DROP   all  -- anywhere   
DROP   all  -- anywhere   
DROP   all  -- anywhere   
DROP   all  --  anywhere   
DROP   all  --   anywhere   

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination
RH-Firewall-1-INPUT  all  --  anywhere anywhere   
REJECT all  --  anywhere anywherereject-with icmp-ho

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

Chain RH-Firewall-1-INPUT (2 references)
target prot opt source   destination
ACCEPT all  --  anywhere anywhere   
ACCEPT icmp --  anywhere anywhereicmp any
ACCEPT esp  --  anywhere anywhere   

Yet in my logwatch emails, I see this, long after the iptables rules are in
place to drop some ip ranges:

 - pam_unix Begin 

Authentication Failures:
   root ( 1 Time(s)
   root ( 1 Time(s)
   root ( 1 Time(s)
   root ( 1 Time(s)
   root ( 1 Time(s)
   root ( 1 Time(s)
   root ( 1 Time(s)
   root ( 1 Time(s)
   root ( 1 Time(s)
   root ( 1 Time(s)
   root ( 1 Time(s)
   root ( 1 Time(s)
   root ( 1 Time(s)
   root ( 1 Time(s)
   root ( 1 Time(s)

 - SSHD Begin 

 Failed logins from: 4 times 3 times 4 times 4 times 4 times 4 times 3 times 4 times 4 times

If they keep going through this ip block, they will still get 255 attempts at
the root password and 1020 attempts at other login/password combinations before
they are blocked by fail2ban.

Why is this ip range still able to attempt connections? Have I done something
wrong with my address ranges, or added them in the wrong place?


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|   and Integrated Interpretation   |  (713)993-0608 fax
448 W. 19th St. #325|Since 1992 |  (713)306-5794 cell
 Houston, TX, 77008 |  Chuck Campbell   |
|  President & Senior Geoscientist  |

 "Integration means more than having all the maps at the same scale!"

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question.

2011-02-21 Thread Bill Campbell
On Mon, Feb 21, 2011, Stephen Harris wrote:
>On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 03:32:40PM -0800, Bill Campbell wrote:
>> My problem is that occassionally an IP addresses doesn't appear to be
>> blocked as we continue to see the e-mail messages after the blocks are in
>> place.  Most frequently these occur from courier-imap failed login
>> attempts, less frequently from sshd.
>> To start, iptables is initialized by setting up a named rule set,
>> say on eth0:
>> # these two set up the rule set.
>> iptables -N csblocks
>> iptables -A csblocks -j RETURN
>> # now add it to input, check csblocks on all new connections.
>> iptables -i eth0 -m state --state NEW -j csblocks
>> With all that incoming attempts still seem to get by for a few IP
>> addresses, but certainly not all.
>> Can anybody point out what I'm doing wrong, or why this may happen?
>Connections that are already established may be blocked but traffic
>will continue to flow because you're only blocking on "NEW" traffic.
>login fail
>login fail
>login fail
>  tripped the threshold>
>login fail
>login fail
>login fail
>You'll see 3 login failures after the block occured because the connection
>was still open.

That makes sense, and was one of the first things I thought of.

On the other hand "lsof -n -i" doesn't show any open connections
to the IP address, and I would think that the forwarding and null
route would prevent that.

INTERNET:  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
URL:  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
Voice:  (206) 236-1676  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820
Fax:(206) 232-9186  Skype: jwccsllc (206) 855-5792

Historically, inflation is a classic game of legal plunder, more
effective than taxes since the legalized theft is concealed.
  -- T. Hunt Tooley
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question.

2011-02-21 Thread Stephen Harris
On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 03:32:40PM -0800, Bill Campbell wrote:

> My problem is that occassionally an IP addresses doesn't appear to be
> blocked as we continue to see the e-mail messages after the blocks are in
> place.  Most frequently these occur from courier-imap failed login
> attempts, less frequently from sshd.
> To start, iptables is initialized by setting up a named rule set,
> say on eth0:
> # these two set up the rule set.
> iptables -N csblocks
> iptables -A csblocks -j RETURN
> # now add it to input, check csblocks on all new connections.
> iptables -i eth0 -m state --state NEW -j csblocks

> With all that incoming attempts still seem to get by for a few IP
> addresses, but certainly not all.
> Can anybody point out what I'm doing wrong, or why this may happen?

Connections that are already established may be blocked but traffic
will continue to flow because you're only blocking on "NEW" traffic.


login fail
login fail
login fail

login fail
login fail
login fail

You'll see 3 login failures after the block occured because the connection
was still open.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] iptables question.

2011-02-21 Thread Bill Campbell
We use a home-brew system similar to fail2ban to block traffic from IP
addresses which appear to be doing Nasty Things(tm).  The main thing our
system does that fail2ban doesn't is to use a central DNSRBL we maintain
allowing it to immedatiately ban listed IP addresses the first time they
make an attempt to connection without waiting for them to hit a sufficient
number of times to bring up the block.

This system sends e-mail messages to our security alias whenever a blocking
even occurs, either from tcp_wrappers or swatch log watcher.

My problem is that occassionally an IP addresses doesn't appear to be
blocked as we continue to see the e-mail messages after the blocks are in
place.  Most frequently these occur from courier-imap failed login
attempts, less frequently from sshd.

To start, iptables is initialized by setting up a named rule set,
say on eth0:

# these two set up the rule set.
iptables -N csblocks
iptables -A csblocks -j RETURN

# now add it to input, check csblocks on all new connections.
iptables -i eth0 -m state --state NEW -j csblocks

#Insert block IP address as first rule in the set.
iptables -I csblocks 1 -s -j DROP
# now add a rule to prevent IP forwarding on gateway machines.
iptables -A FORWARD -s -j DROP
# for good measure, null route the IP
route add -host reject

With all that incoming attempts still seem to get by for a few IP
addresses, but certainly not all.

Can anybody point out what I'm doing wrong, or why this may happen?

INTERNET:  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
URL:  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
Voice:  (206) 236-1676  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820
Fax:(206) 232-9186  Skype: jwccsllc (206) 855-5792

An almost hysterical antagonism toward the gold standard is one issue which
unites statists of all persuasions.  They seem to sense that gold and
economic freedom are inseparable.  -- Alan Greenspan
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-10-20 Thread Bowie Bailey
Meenoo Shivdasani wrote:
>> But these aren't SMTP connections.  The source is port 25, but the
>> destination is not.  The mail server is running normally.  I'm allowing
>> new SMTP connections and traffic for established connections.
> They are SMTP connections -- your server initiates a connection to
> port 25 on the remote server.  Thus, when the connection is set up the
> remote server will be responding with source port 25 and destination
> port = source port of the initiated connection.

I understand that.  What I meant was that iptables will not see them as
SMTP connections since the destination is not port 25.

>> ACCEPT all  --   state
>> ACCEPT tcp  --   state NEW
>> tcp dpt:25
> I think the ACCEPT all line should catch these, but you might try
> adding RELATED,ESTABLISHED specifically to the dpt:25 line.

Which will not match these connections since the dest port is not 25.  I
could put a RELATED, ESTABLISHED line in for source port 25, but as you
said, the "ACCEPT all" line should catch them anyway.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-10-20 Thread Meenoo Shivdasani
> But these aren't SMTP connections.  The source is port 25, but the
> destination is not.  The mail server is running normally.  I'm allowing
> new SMTP connections and traffic for established connections.

They are SMTP connections -- your server initiates a connection to
port 25 on the remote server.  Thus, when the connection is set up the
remote server will be responding with source port 25 and destination
port = source port of the initiated connection.

> ACCEPT     all  --             state
> ACCEPT     tcp  --             state NEW
> tcp dpt:25

I think the ACCEPT all line should catch these, but you might try
adding RELATED,ESTABLISHED specifically to the dpt:25 line.

> # cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_conntrack_max
> 63480

Unless you're passing a lot of traffic, the conntrack_max looks okay.

>> Yet another possibility is that these are duplicated packets (for
>> whatever reason) and the connection has already been closed out.
> Possible, I guess, but I don't know what would be duplicating them.

This isn't as likely, but the remote sites could be duplicating them
-- the only way to determine if that's the case would be to sniff the
traffic and see if the remote site sends the same packet more than

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-10-20 Thread Bowie Bailey
Meenoo Shivdasani wrote:
>> conversation.  The question is:  why are all of these remote servers
>> trying to make connections back to me on high-numbered ports?  Should I
>> be allowing these connections somehow?
> The remote server probably thinks that it's still supposed to be
> making connections back to you -- a couple of the lines you posted
> showed FIN flags indicating that the TCP connection was being shut
> down.  At that point, the mail message has already been sent.
> If you get REJECT messages for all SMTP connections, look at your
> iptables rules and see if you have a specific rule for smtp that only
> permits NEW conns.

But these aren't SMTP connections.  The source is port 25, but the
destination is not.  The mail server is running normally.  I'm allowing
new SMTP connections and traffic for established connections.

ACCEPT all  --   state
ACCEPT tcp  --   state NEW
tcp dpt:25

> One possibility is that iptables no longer thinks that the connection
> is active -- possibly the connection tracking database has already
> pushed that connection out.  You can check your conntrack max value
> with the command
> cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_conntrack_max

# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_conntrack_max

> Yet another possibility is that these are duplicated packets (for
> whatever reason) and the connection has already been closed out.

Possible, I guess, but I don't know what would be duplicating them.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-10-20 Thread Meenoo Shivdasani
> conversation.  The question is:  why are all of these remote servers
> trying to make connections back to me on high-numbered ports?  Should I
> be allowing these connections somehow?

The remote server probably thinks that it's still supposed to be
making connections back to you -- a couple of the lines you posted
showed FIN flags indicating that the TCP connection was being shut
down.  At that point, the mail message has already been sent.

If you get REJECT messages for all SMTP connections, look at your
iptables rules and see if you have a specific rule for smtp that only
permits NEW conns.

One possibility is that iptables no longer thinks that the connection
is active -- possibly the connection tracking database has already
pushed that connection out.  You can check your conntrack max value
with the command

cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_conntrack_max

Yet another possibility is that these are duplicated packets (for
whatever reason) and the connection has already been closed out.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-10-20 Thread Bowie Bailey
Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> Bowie Bailey wrote on Mon, 19 Oct 2009 17:18:16 -0400:
>> The destination address is the private IP of the server.  These
>> seem to be related to outgoing email connections based on the source
>> IPs
> Is the public IP of that machine? Why do you obfuscate a 
> private IP number? Do you want to say that these are internal mail server 
> connections? If not, the explanation about the IP numbers doesn't make 
> sense to me.

No,  195.140... is the IP of the remote machine.  I obfuscated the
private IP of the mail server (and MAC address) on general principles
since they are not relevant to the question.

What I am seeing is a remote server trying to make a connection from
port 25 to a high-numbered port on my mail server.  Iptables rejects the
connection since it is not on an allowed port or part of an established
conversation.  The question is:  why are all of these remote servers
trying to make connections back to me on high-numbered ports?  Should I
be allowing these connections somehow?

For clarity's sake, here are a few non-obfuscated examples:

Oct 20 11:42:27 bnofmail kernel: REJECT: IN=eth0 OUT=
MAC=00:50:8d:59:60:2e:00:90:27:c2:79:77:08:00 SRC=
DST= LEN=107 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=52 ID=56970 DF
Oct 20 11:42:49 bnofmail kernel: REJECT: IN=eth0 OUT=
MAC=00:50:8d:59:60:2e:00:90:27:c2:79:77:08:00 SRC=
DST= LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=117 ID=19851 DF
Oct 20 11:43:01 bnofmail kernel: REJECT: IN=eth0 OUT=
MAC=00:50:8d:59:60:2e:00:90:27:c2:79:77:08:00 SRC=
DST= LEN=72 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x20 TTL=50 ID=15125 DF PROTO=TCP
SPT=25 DPT=40346 WINDOW=64296 RES=0x00 ACK URGP=0 is the private IP of one of my mailservers.  The other IPs
are remote servers not under my control.  About 20% of them are servers
that have received outbound email from my server recently.  I have no
idea where the others come from. 

I have gotten over 83,000 of these connection attempts so far today from
267 unique IP addresses.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-10-19 Thread Robert Spangler
On Monday 19 October 2009 17:18, Bowie Bailey wrote:

>  The logs on my mail server are filling up with this kind of thing:
>  Oct 19 17:03:51 bnofmail kernel: REJECT: IN=eth0 OUT=
>  DST=XX.XX.XX.XX LEN=189 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=52 ID=6284 DF PROTO=TCP
>  SPT=25 DPT=32776 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 ACK PSH URGP=0
>  The source port is always 25 and the destination is a high-numbered
>  port.  The destination address is the private IP of the server.  These
>  seem to be related to outgoing email connections based on the source
>  IPs, but I don't know why they are not part of an established
>  connection.  The mail server seems to be running just fine regardless of
>  these blocked connections.
>  Any ideas?

Are you running a mixed firewall rule set?  Stateful and Connection or just 
one or the other?  Since you state a private address, I'm going to assume you 
mean something in the 192.168 or similar space, is NATting an issue?



Linux User #296285
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-10-19 Thread Kai Schaetzl
Bowie Bailey wrote on Mon, 19 Oct 2009 17:18:16 -0400:

> The destination address is the private IP of the server.  These
> seem to be related to outgoing email connections based on the source
> IPs

Is the public IP of that machine? Why do you obfuscate a 
private IP number? Do you want to say that these are internal mail server 
connections? If not, the explanation about the IP numbers doesn't make 
sense to me.


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
Get your web at Conactive Internet Services:

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] iptables question

2009-10-19 Thread Bowie Bailey
The logs on my mail server are filling up with this kind of thing:

Oct 19 17:03:51 bnofmail kernel: REJECT: IN=eth0 OUT=
SPT=25 DPT=32776 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 ACK PSH URGP=0

The source port is always 25 and the destination is a high-numbered
port.  The destination address is the private IP of the server.  These
seem to be related to outgoing email connections based on the source
IPs, but I don't know why they are not part of an established
connection.  The mail server seems to be running just fine regardless of
these blocked connections.

Any ideas?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-02-23 Thread Robert Nichols
Filipe Brandenburger wrote:
> Hi Ward,
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 20:27,   wrote:
>> I add that and telnet to the port on BOX A and get
>> Trying
>> telnet: connect to address Connection refused
>> I can telnet to that port on BOX B and get a successful connection.
> The problem is that when BOX B responds, it will respond with a
> source IP, and that will only work if it goes through BOX
> A again (for the DNAT to do the address translation back to
> In short, this will only work if traffic goes back to the source through BOX 
> A.
> For instance, this will NOT happen if the host that is connecting to
> the forwarded port is in the same subnet as hosts BOX A and BOX B.
> This will also NOT happen if BOX A is not the default gateway of BOX
> B, or there is somehow another configuration that routes the return
> packets through BOX A (like using an SNAT combined with the DNAT to
> make the connections look like they are coming from BOX A).

A "Connection refused" response indicates that the reply path is
working.  If there is no response, telnet will just sit and wait,
eventually displaying a "Connection timed out" message when the
connection times out from the SYN_SENT state (typically about 3

Bob Nichols "NOSPAM" is really part of my email address.
 Do NOT delete it.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-02-23 Thread Filipe Brandenburger
Hi Ward,

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 20:27,   wrote:
> I add that and telnet to the port on BOX A and get
> Trying
> telnet: connect to address Connection refused
> I can telnet to that port on BOX B and get a successful connection.

The problem is that when BOX B responds, it will respond with a source IP, and that will only work if it goes through BOX
A again (for the DNAT to do the address translation back to

In short, this will only work if traffic goes back to the source through BOX A.

For instance, this will NOT happen if the host that is connecting to
the forwarded port is in the same subnet as hosts BOX A and BOX B.

This will also NOT happen if BOX A is not the default gateway of BOX
B, or there is somehow another configuration that routes the return
packets through BOX A (like using an SNAT combined with the DNAT to
make the connections look like they are coming from BOX A).

What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Port forwarding is only
useful when you are trying to do something very specific, namely
provide to the Internet a service hosted in a machine that is behind
NAT, other than that, in most cases it creates more problems than it
may solve. If you give more details on what your real problem is,
maybe we can give you other alternatives on how to tackle it.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-02-23 Thread Robert Nichols wrote:
> I've added the following and it still isn't working
> iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8443 -j DNAT
> --to-destination
> iptables -A FORWARD -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8443 -j ACCEPT
> I've enabled forwarding - not sure if it's needed but it's there just in
> case.

Yes, you do need forwarding enabled.

In that second rule, the match address should be since the
translation has already been applied.  What does the rest of your
FILTER chain look like?  If the packet matches a REJECT rule prior
to reaching your ACCEPT rule, that will be the end of it.

Bob Nichols "NOSPAM" is really part of my email address.
 Do NOT delete it.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-02-23 Thread Ward.P.Fontenot
I've added the following and it still isn't working

iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8443 -j DNAT
iptables -A FORWARD -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8443 -j ACCEPT

I've enabled forwarding - not sure if it's needed but it's there just in

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Dan Carl
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 10:24 AM
To: CentOS mailing list
Subject: Re: [CentOS] iptables question

Try this tutorial its long but thorough .
There are several examples that you should be able to craft to fit your 
First you make a forward chain and then prerouting chain with DNAT.
Be advised if you don't have console access you can cut off your access 
very easy with iptables.

CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-02-20 Thread Dan Carl wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two servers in the same subnet, one has this arrangement:
> BOX A [3 ips, one real two vips]
> BOX B [1 ip]
> I need to redirect input from one of the vips ( on BOX
> A to BOX B ( and I'm about to pull my hair out. Can
> anyone lend a hand? All my searching leads me to home firewall type
> arrangements using DNAT. I tried to bend one of those to fit my
> situation but it was a no go (most likely due to my lack of knowledge
> with iptables)
> Paul Fontenot 
>  signature 

Try this tutorial its long but thorough .
There are several examples that you should be able to craft to fit your 
First you make a forward chain and then prerouting chain with DNAT.
Be advised if you don't have console access you can cut off your access 
very easy with iptables.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-02-19 Thread Spook ZA
> > -Original Message-
> > From: [] On
> > Behalf Of Barry Brimer
> > Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 5:38 PM
> > To: CentOS mailing list
> > Subject: Re: [CentOS] iptables question
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, 19 Feb 2009 wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I have two servers in the same subnet, one has this arrangement:
> >>
> >> BOX A [3 ips, one real two vips]
> >>
> >> BOX B [1 ip]
> >>
> >> I need to redirect input from one of the vips ( on
> > BOX
> >> A to BOX B ( and I'm about to pull my hair out. Can
> >> anyone lend a hand? All my searching leads me to home firewall type
> >> arrangements using DNAT. I tried to bend one of those to fit my
> >> situation but it was a no go (most likely due to my lack of knowledge
> >> with iptables)
> >
> > iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -d -p tcp --dport 8080 -j
> > --to


DNAT is what you would be wanting.  As can be seen, DNAT is processed
in the PREROUTING chain in the nat table, thus it happens before
packets hit the filter table and all you are doing is changing the
destination address.

You will still need rules in your forward chain of your filter table
(it is still forward even if the packets enter and exit the same
network card).

This rule will need to allow the original source to talk to the new destination.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-02-19 Thread Ward.P.Fontenot
There are a few on there and I'm telnetting from a different box on that
network. I'll dig around some more and eventually figure it out. Thanks
for pointing me in the right direction.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Barry Brimer
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 6:22 PM
To: CentOS mailing list
Subject: Re: [CentOS] iptables question

On Thu, 19 Feb 2009 wrote:

> I add that and telnet to the port on BOX A and get
> Trying
> telnet: connect to address Connection refused
> I can telnet to that port on BOX B and get a successful connection.

I assume that you are not telnetting from Box A .. as that will most 
likely not work.  Are there any additional firewall rules on Box A?


> -Original Message-
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Barry Brimer
> Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 5:38 PM
> To: CentOS mailing list
> Subject: Re: [CentOS] iptables question
> On Thu, 19 Feb 2009 wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have two servers in the same subnet, one has this arrangement:
>> BOX A [3 ips, one real two vips]
>> BOX B [1 ip]
>> I need to redirect input from one of the vips ( on
>> A to BOX B ( and I'm about to pull my hair out. Can
>> anyone lend a hand? All my searching leads me to home firewall type
>> arrangements using DNAT. I tried to bend one of those to fit my
>> situation but it was a no go (most likely due to my lack of knowledge
>> with iptables)
> iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -d -p tcp --dport 8080 -j
> --to
CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-02-19 Thread Barry Brimer
On Thu, 19 Feb 2009 wrote:

> I add that and telnet to the port on BOX A and get
> Trying
> telnet: connect to address Connection refused
> I can telnet to that port on BOX B and get a successful connection.

I assume that you are not telnetting from Box A .. as that will most 
likely not work.  Are there any additional firewall rules on Box A?


> -Original Message-
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Barry Brimer
> Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 5:38 PM
> To: CentOS mailing list
> Subject: Re: [CentOS] iptables question
> On Thu, 19 Feb 2009 wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have two servers in the same subnet, one has this arrangement:
>> BOX A [3 ips, one real two vips]
>> BOX B [1 ip]
>> I need to redirect input from one of the vips ( on
>> A to BOX B ( and I'm about to pull my hair out. Can
>> anyone lend a hand? All my searching leads me to home firewall type
>> arrangements using DNAT. I tried to bend one of those to fit my
>> situation but it was a no go (most likely due to my lack of knowledge
>> with iptables)
> iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -d -p tcp --dport 8080 -j DNAT
> --to
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-02-19 Thread Jake
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 7:46 PM,  wrote:

> I need to redirect input from one of the vips ( on BOX
> A to BOX B ( and I'm about to pull my hair out.

While i haven't done this before, i believe the answer you're looking for
lies in SNAT. It would seem the requirements would be that the traffic needs
to wind up at the right destination (NAT would get you that far) but the
return traffic must also appear to come from the original VIP or else the
source device would not already think it has an open session with that
device. Take a look here:

Good luck!

Jake Paulus
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-02-19 Thread Ward.P.Fontenot
I add that and telnet to the port on BOX A and get 

telnet: connect to address Connection refused

I can telnet to that port on BOX B and get a successful connection.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Barry Brimer
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 5:38 PM
To: CentOS mailing list
Subject: Re: [CentOS] iptables question

On Thu, 19 Feb 2009 wrote:

> Hi,
> I have two servers in the same subnet, one has this arrangement:
> BOX A [3 ips, one real two vips]
> BOX B [1 ip]
> I need to redirect input from one of the vips ( on
> A to BOX B ( and I'm about to pull my hair out. Can
> anyone lend a hand? All my searching leads me to home firewall type
> arrangements using DNAT. I tried to bend one of those to fit my
> situation but it was a no go (most likely due to my lack of knowledge
> with iptables)

iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -d -p tcp --dport 8080 -j DNAT
CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-02-19 Thread Barry Brimer

On Thu, 19 Feb 2009 wrote:

> Hi,
> I have two servers in the same subnet, one has this arrangement:
> BOX A [3 ips, one real two vips]
> BOX B [1 ip]
> I need to redirect input from one of the vips ( on BOX
> A to BOX B ( and I'm about to pull my hair out. Can
> anyone lend a hand? All my searching leads me to home firewall type
> arrangements using DNAT. I tried to bend one of those to fit my
> situation but it was a no go (most likely due to my lack of knowledge
> with iptables)

iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -d -p tcp --dport 8080 -j DNAT --to
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-02-19 Thread Ian Forde
On Thu, 2009-02-19 at 18:46 -0600, wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two servers in the same subnet, one has this arrangement:
> BOX A [3 ips, one real two vips]
> BOX B [1 ip]
> I need to redirect input from one of the vips ( on BOX
> A to BOX B ( and I'm about to pull my hair out. Can
> anyone lend a hand? All my searching leads me to home firewall type
> arrangements using DNAT. I tried to bend one of those to fit my
> situation but it was a no go (most likely due to my lack of knowledge
> with iptables)

Why not keep the vip and move it over to the other box?  Heartbeat is
perfectly suited to such a task...


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] iptables question

2009-02-19 Thread Ward.P.Fontenot

I have two servers in the same subnet, one has this arrangement:

BOX A [3 ips, one real two vips]

BOX B [1 ip]

I need to redirect input from one of the vips ( on BOX
A to BOX B ( and I'm about to pull my hair out. Can
anyone lend a hand? All my searching leads me to home firewall type
arrangements using DNAT. I tried to bend one of those to fit my
situation but it was a no go (most likely due to my lack of knowledge
with iptables)

Paul Fontenot 

Wells Fargo
Public Key Infrastructure Team
Cryptography Services|IST|EIM|TES|TIG|Wells Fargo
Phone: (480) 437-7795

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Iptables Question

2008-12-10 Thread Joseph L. Casale
>Makes sense to me. 

Yea, I just don't know technically speaking where the -m mac should appear, in
the POSTROUTING line, or the first FORWARD line. Ultimately I would only
masq'ing to be done for this one device on port 443.

>Is the host that you are wanting to bypass your proxy on the same segment as 
>the $LAN interface defined in your rulesets?

It is, how comes? I could filter by ip instead of mac but this is easier and 
although a non issue
really, more secure.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Iptables Question

2008-12-10 Thread Joshua Gimer
Makes sense to me.

Is the host that you are wanting to bypass your proxy on the same segment as
the $LAN interface defined in your rulesets?

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 1:22 PM, Joseph L. Casale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

> I have a squid proxy running transparently, so in my firewall script
> I run the following fairly early:
> iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i $LAN -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443
> -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128
> This is a multihomed server so after this change the masquerading was
> removed (as only web access on the lan side of this server was needed).
> I now need to masq cleanly one device so that it can bypass the squid
> proxy. As order is important, would it be correct to put the following
> _in front_ of the PREROUTING command above:
> iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -o $WAN -j MASQUERADE
> iptables -A FORWARD -i $LAN -o $WAN -m mac --mac-source  -m state
> --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -p tcp -m multiport --dports 443 -j ACCEPT
> iptables -A FORWARD -i $WAN -o $LAN -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j
> Where is the best place to filter for the mac in this scenario? I am hoping
> anything w/o this mac will skip the whole masq setup and enter the
> command below, resulting in the traffic being proxied through squid.
> Thanks!
> jlc
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

Joshua Gimer
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Iptables Question

2008-12-10 Thread Joseph L. Casale
I have a squid proxy running transparently, so in my firewall script
I run the following fairly early:

iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i $LAN -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j 
REDIRECT --to-port 3128

This is a multihomed server so after this change the masquerading was
removed (as only web access on the lan side of this server was needed).

I now need to masq cleanly one device so that it can bypass the squid
proxy. As order is important, would it be correct to put the following
_in front_ of the PREROUTING command above:

iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -o $WAN -j MASQUERADE
iptables -A FORWARD -i $LAN -o $WAN -m mac --mac-source  -m state 
--state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -p tcp -m multiport --dports 443 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i $WAN -o $LAN -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j 

Where is the best place to filter for the mac in this scenario? I am hoping
anything w/o this mac will skip the whole masq setup and enter the PREROUTING
command below, resulting in the traffic being proxied through squid.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2008-08-28 Thread Jeremiah Heller

On 28 Aug 2008, at 15:22, Joseph L. Casale wrote:

I tried writing out a FWBuilder script but man that thing was  
something messy to look at, geesh...

Since you mentioned a FWBuilder script you might want to look at  
FireHOL as well ( I've been using it  
for a couple of years now. The config is dead simple and allows for  
custom rules where needed.

CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] iptables question

2008-08-28 Thread Joseph L. Casale
>Nope, but I'm open to suggestions. :)

Scott provided a PDF a link to a non chunky html version that worked!
I have it printed on my desk right now! That will make for some good dry reading
on my plane ride Saturday. IPTables is something for me that has a few to many 
holes and I need to develop a better grasp of this.

I tried writing out a FWBuilder script but man that thing was something messy 
to look at, geesh...
Nice tool though!

Back to my original script that works, but needs the fancy touches added...

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2008-08-28 Thread Robert Spangler
On Wednesday 27 August 2008 19:27, Joseph L. Casale wrote:

>  >
>  Nice doc, any ideas on how to print it (or many chapters easily) so I can
>  haul with me on my plane ride this weekend?

Nope, but I'm open to suggestions. :)



Smile... it increases your face value!
Linux User #296285
CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] iptables question

2008-08-27 Thread Joseph L. Casale

Nice doc, any ideas on how to print it (or many chapters easily) so I can
haul with me on my plane ride this weekend?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2008-08-27 Thread Robert Spangler
On Tuesday 26 August 2008 16:17, Ned Slider wrote:

>  Joseph L. Casale wrote:
>  >> My understanding is that --dport can only specify a single port
>  >> (--dport 80) or port range (--dport 137:139) inclusive. Use of the
>  >> multiport module allows up to 15 ports (or port ranges) to be
>  >> specified.
>  >
>  > Ned,
>  > So to write --dport 5060,1:6 you need to write:
>  > -m multiport -p udp -dport 5060,1:6
>  > Correct?
>  >
>  > Thanks for the help!
>  > jlc
>  I've not used multiport so am unsure of the exact syntax, but that looks
>  reasonable.
>  I'd keep the -m multiport and --dports together though (also note it's
>  --dports, not -dport), so something like this:
>  iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m multiport --dports 5060,1:6 -j ACCEPT
>  would accept all UDP packets destined for ports 5060 and 1-6.

Some light reading on IPTABLES.  :)



Smile... it increases your face value!
Linux User #296285
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2008-08-26 Thread Ned Slider

Joseph L. Casale wrote:

My understanding is that --dport can only specify a single port (--dport
80) or port range (--dport 137:139) inclusive. Use of the multiport
module allows up to 15 ports (or port ranges) to be specified.

So to write --dport 5060,1:6 you need to write:
-m multiport -p udp -dport 5060,1:6

Thanks for the help!

I've not used multiport so am unsure of the exact syntax, but that looks 

I'd keep the -m multiport and --dports together though (also note it's 
--dports, not -dport), so something like this:

iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m multiport --dports 5060,1:6 -j ACCEPT

would accept all UDP packets destined for ports 5060 and 1-6.

CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] iptables question

2008-08-26 Thread Joseph L. Casale
>My understanding is that --dport can only specify a single port (--dport
>80) or port range (--dport 137:139) inclusive. Use of the multiport
>module allows up to 15 ports (or port ranges) to be specified.

So to write --dport 5060,1:6 you need to write:
-m multiport -p udp -dport 5060,1:6

Thanks for the help!
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2008-08-26 Thread Ned Slider

Joseph L. Casale wrote:

When do you know you need the "-m multiport" option? I see examples with -dport 
xx:xxx for example that sometimes use it and sometimes don't?
I have read the man page and see what "-m multiport" requires, but don't see 
the requirement involving its use.


I'll take a guess but am happy to be corrected if someone knows better...

My understanding is that --dport can only specify a single port (--dport 
80) or port range (--dport 137:139) inclusive. Use of the multiport 
module allows up to 15 ports (or port ranges) to be specified.

As for a potential usage - off the top of my head, suppose you wanted to 
open ports 137-139 and 445 for SMB/Samba. This could be achieved with a 
single rule using the multiport module whereas 2 individual rules would 
otherwise be needed. Again, suppose you wanted to open ports 21 (FTP), 
22 (SSH) and 110 (POP3) to a select IP address - you could do this in a 
single rule rather than 3 individual rules which opens up possibilities 
for optimizing/minimizing the number of iptables rules within a chain.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] iptables question

2008-08-26 Thread Joseph L. Casale
When do you know you need the "-m multiport" option? I see examples with -dport 
xx:xxx for example that sometimes use it and sometimes don't?
I have read the man page and see what "-m multiport" requires, but don't see 
the requirement involving its use.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2007-09-20 Thread umair shakil
Dear Salam,

Try to add following enteries in table.

/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 20 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 20 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT

Then use iptables -L command to show the enteries.


Umair Shakil

On 9/20/07, Ray Leventhal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> With SELinux in permissive mode and iptables running, I'm unable to
> retrieve directory listings with ftp.
> stop iptables, and all appears again.  This seems to be unrelated to
> passive/port modes for ftp client.
> If this is off topic, please let me know offlist and I'll take my
> question elsewhere.  Otherwise I'll repost with output of
> # iptables status
> TIA,
> ~Ray
> ___
> CentOS mailing list
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2007-09-20 Thread Ray Leventhal
Fabian Arrotin wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-09-20 at 14:55 -0400, Ray Leventhal wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> With SELinux in permissive mode and iptables running, I'm unable to
>> retrieve directory listings with ftp.
>> stop iptables, and all appears again.  This seems to be unrelated to
>> passive/port modes for ftp client.
> Depending how you configured your iptables rules, you'll probably anyway
> need the ip_conntrack_ftp iptables module.
> You can modprobe it, or even better, declare it
> in /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config ...
Thanks, Fabian.  I'll have at the iptables-config

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2007-09-20 Thread Fabian Arrotin
On Thu, 2007-09-20 at 14:55 -0400, Ray Leventhal wrote:
> Hi all,
> With SELinux in permissive mode and iptables running, I'm unable to
> retrieve directory listings with ftp.
> stop iptables, and all appears again.  This seems to be unrelated to
> passive/port modes for ftp client.

Depending how you configured your iptables rules, you'll probably anyway
need the ip_conntrack_ftp iptables module.
You can modprobe it, or even better, declare it
in /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config ...

Fabian Arrotin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Solution ? 
echo '16i[q]sa[ln0=aln100%Pln100/snlbx]sbA0D4D465452snlbxq' | dc

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] iptables question

2007-09-20 Thread Ray Leventhal
Hi all,

With SELinux in permissive mode and iptables running, I'm unable to
retrieve directory listings with ftp.

stop iptables, and all appears again.  This seems to be unrelated to
passive/port modes for ftp client.

If this is off topic, please let me know offlist and I'll take my
question elsewhere.  Otherwise I'll repost with output of

# iptables status


CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] iptables question

2007-06-20 Thread Charles Sliger
Oh. OK.  That would make sense.  Carry on :-)

Charles L. Sliger,  Information Systems Engineer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  {Yahoo: chaz_sliger}  {Google: chaz.sliger}

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Ashton, Jeremy - Workstream Inc.
> Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 9:52 AM
> To: CentOS mailing list
> Subject: RE: [CentOS] iptables question
> They certainly are different... But if he wanted that feature in
> iptables he could use the rule I specified.  I was under the impression
> he was looking to migrate...
> That certainly may have been an assumption on my part.
> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Charles Sliger
> Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 12:48 PM
> To: 'CentOS mailing list'
> Subject: RE: [CentOS] iptables question
> I believe that iptables is different than freebsd's ipfw.
> I don't think the rules would be expressed the same way.
> Am I wrong?
> -chaz
> Charles L. Sliger,  Information Systems Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> {Yahoo: chaz_sliger}  {Google: chaz.sliger}
> > -Original Message-
> > Behalf Of ann kok
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 7:46 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [CentOS] iptables question
> >
> > Hi all
> >
> > Can iptables have log and deny rule together?
> > if no. how can I make a deny rule and log rule and the log rule can
> > limit the log entry eg: 200 if yes, how can I make it
> >
> > I am using freebsd ipfw.
> > eg: ipfw add 22 deny log all from any to x.x.x.x
> >
> > thank you
> >
> >
> >
> > __
> > 
> > __
> > Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket:
> > mail, news, photos & more.
> >
> > ___
> > CentOS mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> CentOS mailing list
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] iptables question

2007-06-20 Thread Ashton, Jeremy - Workstream Inc.
They certainly are different... But if he wanted that feature in
iptables he could use the rule I specified.  I was under the impression
he was looking to migrate... 

That certainly may have been an assumption on my part. 

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Charles Sliger
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 12:48 PM
To: 'CentOS mailing list'
Subject: RE: [CentOS] iptables question

I believe that iptables is different than freebsd's ipfw.
I don't think the rules would be expressed the same way.
Am I wrong?
Charles L. Sliger,  Information Systems Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
{Yahoo: chaz_sliger}  {Google: chaz.sliger}

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of ann kok
> Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 7:46 AM
> To:
> Subject: [CentOS] iptables question
> Hi all
> Can iptables have log and deny rule together?
> if no. how can I make a deny rule and log rule and the log rule can 
> limit the log entry eg: 200 if yes, how can I make it
> I am using freebsd ipfw.
> eg: ipfw add 22 deny log all from any to x.x.x.x
> thank you
> __
> __
> Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket: 
> mail, news, photos & more.
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list
CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] iptables question

2007-06-20 Thread Charles Sliger
I believe that iptables is different than freebsd's ipfw.
I don't think the rules would be expressed the same way.
Am I wrong?
Charles L. Sliger,  Information Systems Engineer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  {Yahoo: chaz_sliger}  {Google: chaz.sliger}

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of ann kok
> Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 7:46 AM
> To:
> Subject: [CentOS] iptables question
> Hi all
> Can iptables have log and deny rule together?
> if no. how can I make a deny rule and log rule
> and the log rule can limit the log entry eg: 200
> if yes, how can I make it
> I am using freebsd ipfw.
> eg: ipfw add 22 deny log all from any to x.x.x.x
> thank you
> __
> __
> Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail,
> news, photos & more.
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] iptables question

2007-06-20 Thread Ashton, Jeremy - Workstream Inc.
Something along these lines should do the job for ya.

iptables -A INPUT -s -d x.x.x.x/32 -m hashlimit --hashlimit
200 --hashlimit-mode dstip -j LOG 
iptables -A INPUT -s -d x.x.x.x/32 -j DROP 

Dig around on this site for more details.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of ann kok
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 10:46 AM
Subject: [CentOS] iptables question

Hi all

Can iptables have log and deny rule together?
if no. how can I make a deny rule and log rule and the log rule can
limit the log entry eg: 200 if yes, how can I make it

I am using freebsd ipfw.
eg: ipfw add 22 deny log all from any to x.x.x.x

thank you


Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket:
mail, news, photos & more.
CentOS mailing list
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] iptables question

2007-06-20 Thread ann kok
Hi all

Can iptables have log and deny rule together?
if no. how can I make a deny rule and log rule
and the log rule can limit the log entry eg: 200 
if yes, how can I make it

I am using freebsd ipfw.
eg: ipfw add 22 deny log all from any to x.x.x.x

thank you


Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, 
photos & more.
CentOS mailing list