Re: [CentOS-virt] Remove Centos from AWS marketplace

2014-03-09 Thread Stephen Harris
On Sun, Mar 09, 2014 at 11:28:07AM -0400, Digimer wrote:
 Would you mind elaborating on this? If a snapshot is a point-in-time 
 image of a VM (or even normal FS), why would DB backups be at risk 
 (assuming things like fsync are used)?
 I'm asking in general terms... no idea if this is something AWS specific.

Database disk snapshots may include transactions in flight and the
on-disk image may not be in a consistent state.  Databases such as Oracle
try to work around this by ensuring that writes occur in a specific order
and have a good recovery process (each data file has a change number;
determine the best change number to start from, roll forward from there
to recover, then roll back any incomplete transactions) but it's considered
crash recovery and shouldn't be part of BAU activity.  Other databases
may not be so good at recovery (mysql?) and so you run the risk of database
corruption if you need to restore the snapshot.

If you rely on disk snapshots then it's recommended you do a proper db dump
before the snapshot is taken, so that you can recover the database from
the dump file and not the snapshot.


CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] Hot adding USB devices to guests at a fixed address

2013-11-27 Thread Stephen Harris
On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 11:45:43AM -0500, R P Herrold wrote:
 On Tue, 26 Nov 2013, Stephen Harris wrote:
% cat /etc/udev/rules.d/90-owon.rules 
ACTION==add, \
  SUBSYSTEM==usb, \
  SYSFS{idVendor}==5345, \
  SYSFS{idProduct}==1234, \
  RUN+=/usr/bin/virsh attach-device XP_VM1 /etc/libvirt/HotPlug/owon.xml
  Now this works; I plug the device in and the guest sees it.
 most USB persistent enumeration are done by the device serial 
 number, which should appear along with the Vendor and Product.
 Can you expose that through the udev rules as well?

udev merely triggers virsh to expose the device; the actual connection
of the device into the VM is done by the attach-device rule.

However I don't seem to be able to see the serial number inside the VM
and I can't work out how to expose it.



CentOS-virt mailing list

[CentOS-virt] Can't build 5.9 with KVM on a 6.3 host - DHCP hang?

2013-02-08 Thread Stephen Harris
During the build (via a serial console) we get
  input: ImExPS/2 Generic Explorer Mouse as /class/input/input1
  running install...
  running /sbin/loader
  Sending request for IP information for eth0...
  Determining host name and domain...
  Sending request for IP information for eth0...
  Determining host name and domain...

And there it hangs.

On the 6.3 host:
  Feb  8 08:28:55 penfold dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 52:54:00:5a:a7:48 via br0
  Feb  8 08:28:56 penfold dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 52:54:00:5a:a7:48 
via br0
  Feb  8 08:28:56 penfold dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for ( from 
52:54:00:5a:a7:48 via br0
  Feb  8 08:28:56 penfold dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 52:54:00:5a:a7:48 via 
  Feb  8 08:28:56 penfold dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 52:54:00:5a:a7:48 via br0
  Feb  8 08:28:56 penfold dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 52:54:00:5a:a7:48 
via br0
  Feb  8 08:28:56 penfold dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for ( from 
52:54:00:5a:a7:48 via br0
  Feb  8 08:28:56 penfold dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 52:54:00:5a:a7:48 via 

I wonder if this could be related to the renew problem I'm seeing on
a pre-existing 5.9 machine:

  Feb  8 07:00:11 mercury dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67 
  Feb  8 07:00:55 mercury dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67 
  Feb  8 07:00:55 mercury dhclient: 5 bad udp checksums in 5 packets
  Feb  8 07:01:02 mercury dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67 
  Feb  8 07:01:14 mercury dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67 
  Feb  8 07:01:49 mercury dhclient: 5 bad udp checksums in 5 packets

It eventually gets there...
  Feb  8 07:02:00 mercury dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67 
  Feb  8 07:02:00 mercury dhclient: DHCPACK from (xid=0x4e88b5e5)
  Feb  8 07:02:00 mercury dhclient: bound to -- renewal in 18554 

My 6.3 new builds work just perfect; it's only 5.x that has problems!

Any ideas?


CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] Package lists for Cloud images

2012-10-04 Thread Stephen Harris
On Thu, Oct 04, 2012 at 05:15:49PM +0100, Nux! wrote:
 On 04.10.2012 14:04, Stephen Harris wrote:
  Under what circumstances is a resize needed?
 The VMs will not be deployed via ks. The ks role in my case is merely 

Ah, OK.  You're building an image for deployment.  That makes more


CentOS-virt mailing list

[CentOS-virt] Buffered console with kvm ?

2012-09-16 Thread Stephen Harris
My Centos 6 server acts as a KVM host for a number of guests.  Each of
these guests have been configured with a serial console so I can do
things like
  virsh console test2
and get access to the console of that machine.

However what would be really useful is if the console also had a buffer
so that messages which appeared while I wasn't connected could still be
seen (much in the way old-style serial-port terminal servers would buffer

Is this possible, natively ?

Otherwise I was thinking of doing something like running
  'screen -d -m -S test2 virsh console test2' 
and then I can connect with screen

But that doesn't feel as friendly.

Any ideasor recommendations?


CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] shut down a Centos 6 guest / libvirt / ACPI

2012-06-02 Thread Stephen Harris
On Sun, Jun 03, 2012 at 02:22:33AM +0200, Michael Kress wrote:
 What was hard though, was to add those features later in the xml, even 
 installing acpid wasn't any use, had to reinstall with the above 
 procedure. But now I know how to proceed.

What you might have been able to do was copy the existing XML to /tmp
and edit the copy.  Then virsh destroy the existing instance, then
virsh define from the tmp file.

Or else use virt-manager which shows toggle options for these.


CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] Package updates and required reboots

2011-05-06 Thread Stephen Harris
On Fri, May 06, 2011 at 09:45:31AM -0400, Ben M. wrote:
 With CentOS Xen 5.6 (standard installation, SELinux enabled) is there an FAQ 
 general user consensus as to when to do a reboot after what updates?

In my opinion, is the change sufficiently urgent that existing running
processes need to pick it up?

For example, a glibc patch means the new glibc will be executed by new
processes, but already running programs will have the old glibc mapped
into memory; if there's a security issue with the old glibc then already
running processes may still be exploitable.

Another example could be the tzdata patches; if your timezone is
impacted then existing processes may not pick up the changes unless
they're restarted.

Of course a new kernel doesn't run until you reboot :-)

I tend to reboot after glibc and kernel patches, but not normally after
any other (but I do restart services as necessary, eg httpd after an
apache patch).


CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] RHEL 5.5 Xen fixes

2010-03-31 Thread Stephen Harris
On Thu, Apr 01, 2010 at 09:19:34AM +1100, Norman Gaywood wrote:
 This may be a dumb/FA question but how do you run Xen 3.4+ with the latest
 Centos kernel?

And maybe another dumb question...

What's the difference between's 3.4.x series and Citrix
Xenserver 5.5?


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