Obama as Nuclear Arsonist

2015-04-15 Thread Sam


By James Lewis

Obama is the most dangerous president in history.  He lied when
promising the world that the U.S. would never allow Iran’s war
fanatics to have nuclear weapons.  While Obama was demagogically
repeating, “Never! Never!,” his alter ego Val Jarrett carried on
secret talks with the mullahs, resulting in today’s total surrender.
Today we have a fuzzy “framework” (that Iran denies even agreeing to),
which gives the world thirteen years before the mullahs can set off
Armageddon.  After thirteen years, all bets are off, assuming the
enemy doesn’t violate its “promises” tomorrow, which it has a long
history of doing.

This is not sane.

Dick Cheney has correctly called Obama “the worst president in
history.”  I think history will brand him with that flaming scarlet
letter, because no U.S. leader has ever empowered a nuclear suicide
cult.  No U.S. president before this one could even imagine doing
something so monstrous.  Obama has gone rogue.

Arab nations are also in danger of nuclear Armageddon from the
mullahs, or blackmail under a threat of total destruction.  Israel is
officially target #1, but it is ready to retaliate with overwhelming

My guess is therefore that Saudi Arabia will be the first big target
for Iranian assault.  The Iranians have already taken over the
strategic country of Yemen, encircling Saudi Arabia from the south.
They also threaten Arabia from their side of the narrow Gulf, and they
have developed a giant pincer movement to surround Israel and aim at
Egypt and Arabia.

Khomeinist Shi’ites have always believed they are divinely entitled to
Arabia, with the holy cities of Mecca and Medina.  Today they are
closer to that goal than ever before, simply by waging proxy terrorist
war in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen.  Already they threaten Arabia
across the Gulf.  The mullahs can choke off the world’s oil supply
when the time is right, and nuclear weapons will keep them immune to

Our puffed-up, preening hero is therefore the most dangerous character
in history.  Bar none.  Never before has an American president
surrendered to a fanatical suicide cult with nukes.

Now Obama tells us three lies.  One is that this sleazy deal is the
best we can possibly get.  The second lie is that the only alternative
is war.  The third lie is that Obama’s “framework” isn’t a “treaty” 
all – so it doesn’t need to meet the constitutional standard of advice
and consent by the U.S. Senate.

This is just like that used car salesman telling you not to bother
reading the fine print.  Hurry!  Hurry!  Sign now, or you’ll miss your
last chance!

This “deal” is so full of holes it’s hard to see any paper.  No sane
person believes it.  Henry Kissinger and George P. Shultz took it
apart in the Wall Street Journal last week.

Four-star admiral James (“Ace”) Lyons is telling us outright that
Obama has let the U.S. government be penetrated and sabotaged by the
fascist Muslim Brotherhood, which has long-proclaimed genocidal goals.
They are just like the mullahs.  If it were up to Obama, we would be
threatened by nuclear Arabs as well as nuclear Iranians.  Fortunately,
Egypt caught the Muslim Brotherhood in time and knocked down Mohammed
Morsi, who is now in jail.

Obama commands the greatest military force in history, and he’s done
nothing but sabotage them under cover of “peace” negotiations.  Prime
Minister Chamberlain’s infamous appeasement with Hitler was at least
negotiated in good faith on the British side.

Churchill’s comment on Chamberlain’s appeasement should ring in our
ears today: You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You
chose dishonor, and you will have war.

That is the whole point the left pretends not to know.  Obama is not
avoiding war.  Everything he has done in the last six years increases
the chance of war, which is already going on everywhere Obama tried to
fix things.  The latest U.S. defeat is in Yemen, but we’ve knocked
down the pillars of stability in Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Iraq.  In
Eastern Europe we’ve endangered the Ukraine (now being torn apart by
Putin), but Putin has threatened everybody in sight.

The only regime we’ve respected is Iran’s openly genocidal cult.
Obama tried to overthrow Israel’s elected government more than once,
and Israel is stable today in spite of Obama – no thanks to his
repeated attempts at sabotage.

Obama has never shown good faith in anything.  He is simply an enemy
of this country and the civilized world.  “Why?” is irrelevant.  We
can see it every day.

The U.S. Constitution, which Obama publicly despises, has a very clear
definition of treason: “aiding and abetting the enemy in time of war.”
 Judge Andrew Napolitano thinks that Obama has already crossed that
threshold and can be charged with and tried for treason.  Any trial
will expose a huge 

Re: lol AmericanThinker

2015-03-03 Thread Sam

Make me wonder who's side we're on.


... Some officers in the Canadian Forces tried to raise concerns early
on in the war that removing Gaddafi would play into the hands of
Islamic extremists, but military sources say those warnings went
unheeded. Later, military members would privately joke about Canada’s
CF-18s being part of “Al-Qaeda’s air force,” since their bombing runs
helped to pave the way for rebel groups aligned with the terrorist


Gaddafi was considered a brutal dictator, but in later years he was
embraced by Western leaders, who provided his forces with military
training and weapons.

Analysts with the Department of National Defence also noted Gaddafi
was a staunch ally of the West in the war against Al-Qaeda and Islamic

His efforts against Al-Qaeda-backed forces and his co-operation with
the U.S. in providing information on terrorist networks were
highlighted in a number of DND reports from 2002, 2003 and 2006
obtained by the Ottawa Citizen using the Access to Information law.


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Re: lol AmericanThinker

2015-02-27 Thread Sam

Before AOL ruined it


On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 12:33 PM, GMoney gm0n3...@gmail.com wrote:

 dude, this was 15 years ago.back then ICQ was the shit.

 On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 11:31 AM, Cameron Childress camer...@gmail.com

 On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 12:24 PM, Jerry Milo Johnson wrote:

  Is Cincinnati or dancing pig that part you most regret?

 I think he should be regretting the use of ICQ, or maybe wearing it like a
 badge of honor...




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Re: lol AmericanThinker

2015-02-27 Thread Sam

I did. His response was immediate. The finger came after someone said
Allahu Akbar.


On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 12:02 PM, J.J. Merrick j...@panos.cc wrote:

 Watch the actual video...

 1. He trips coming up the stairs.

 2. Someone makes some sort of joke about it.

 3. He is laughing and responding to that.

 4. The internet is stupid.

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Re: lol AmericanThinker

2015-02-27 Thread Sam

Don't you need a land line for that?


On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 1:32 PM, C. Hatton Humphrey chumph...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Maureen mamamaur...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have a fondness for it too.  That's where my husband told me he
 wanted a divorce one week after I had spent all my savings to buy us a
 house next door to his parents. ;-)


 How exactly does one reply to that?  Hopefully they were good neighbors?

 and I agree with GM on that one... low.  Sorry to dredge up that particular
 line of conversation.

 Speaking of old tech a friend of mine called me last night and said he's
 working to set up a telnet BBS up to show his kids what we used, BFB
 (Before Facebook)

 Until Later!
 C. Hatton Humphrey

 Like the saying goes, Measure Twice, Cut Onc...


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Re: lol AmericanThinker

2015-02-27 Thread Sam

Last time I logged in was six or more years ago and I got slammed with
porn ads and get rich quick crap. I had to quickly uninstall and not
look back.


On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 12:59 PM, Cameron Childress camer...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 12:33 PM, GMoney wrote:

 dude, this was 15 years ago.back then ICQ was the shit

 I still had it configured in Trillian / Adium till pretty recently. Nobody
 used it to communicate with me for a really long time but I kept it alive
 forever just in case someone turned on their ICQ account out of nostalgia
 and would say Wow you are still on ICQ after all this time!.

 Really, now that I say it, that sounds pretty pathetic, but still...

 I've lost track of my ICQ number now though.


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Re: lol AmericanThinker

2015-02-26 Thread Sam

So your saying the do nothing policy, except to pick off random folks
with drones, is working? The world has been rid of terrorism thanks to
0's foreign policy! BTW, try to avoid the Mall of America.

I believe the real threat now is the right wing. We better take their
guns and bullets.


On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 8:02 PM, LRS Scout lrssc...@gmail.com wrote:

 Jordan and the Kurds and Egypt too.

 I was kind of pulling for official recognition of a new caliphate so it
 could officiate a reformation while it burned,  oh well.

 In other news the Texas penal system received a new penis cusion today.
 Have fun with your new friends Routh.

 Iran and Syria have been kicking ISIL's ass pretty hard.

 -Original Message-
 From: LRS Scout [mailto:lrssc...@gmail.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2015 2:33 PM
 To: cf-community
 Subject: Re: lol AmericanThinker

 I didn't get it,  but I don't think he's some deep penetration double agent.

 Honestly,  how long do you think ISIS will last before the local
 populations deal with shit?  It's already happening.

 To my mind ISIS could be the very thing that causes the needed internal
 reformation of Islam.
 On Feb 25, 2015 3:28 PM, Sam sammyc...@gmail.com wrote:

 Yes. Didn't he recently trade the Taliban Five for an army deserter?
 You weren't even a little concerned about that?


 On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 3:16 PM, GMoney gm0n3...@gmail.com wrote:
  You are comfortable with this:
  Obama is comfortable with Islam’s extreme
  Really? You believe that of our current sitting American president?
  You believe that Muslim extremism does not bother him?
  On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 1:59 PM, Sam sammyc...@gmail.com wrote:
  Let me just add Obama and his admin always refer to ISIS as ISIL.
  That right there says plenty.
  As for the conclusion, I'm in agreement with this part. After that
  he loses me:
  Maybe it was Obama’s idea of a joke, but that is unlikely.  The
  finger in the air was a position statement brazenly stated.  His
  entire administration has been a promotion of Islam at home and
  abroad, and just cataloging the evidence would fill a book.  He has
  made this country cozy for Islam, from ordering NASA to make
  Muslims feel good about themselves to calling ISIS beheading victim
  Peter Kassig by the Muslim name that he had adopted in the vain hope
 of saving his life.
  If only Obama’s coziness were limited to such gestures, but from
  the very beginning of his administration, he labored to topple the
  strongman governments that had kept a lid on Islamic extremism:
  Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen.  Overthrowing the Syrian government
  was also part the program, not yet achieved but still possible. The
  methodology of each was a tactic from old-school radicalism: stir
  up domestic trouble that triggers a crackdown, then use the
  reaction to discredit the government and as a pretext for stirring
  up greater cycles of trouble until the targeted regime is replaced.
  Obama is comfortable with Islam’s extreme.  He arms such people
  throughout the Middle East.  He has let them into our government.
  He supported the Muslim Brotherhood’s Muhammad Morsi as the
  replacement for Hosni Mubarak, a staunch US ally and enemy of the
  Muslim Brotherhood, and threatened and bullied Egypt when a massive
  revolt replaced Morsi with a religious moderate.
  On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 2:44 PM, GMoney gm0n3...@gmail.com wrote:
   Sam likes to play devil's advocate.
   But i want to knowSam, do you think the conclusions in this
   are accurate?


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Re: lol AmericanThinker

2015-02-25 Thread Sam

American Thinker is an excellent conservative blog. They publish many
different writers daily so there's bound to be an article here or
there that strays a bit.
The story you question though, I'm not sure why you think it's so
outrageous. I would like to hear an explanation as to what he meant.


On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 8:56 PM, Zaphod Beeblebrox
zaph0d.b33bl3b...@gmail.com wrote:

 Remember when someone used to post articles from American Thinker all the
 time….well, they’ve doubled down on the ‘dumb’ this time


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Re: lol AmericanThinker

2015-02-25 Thread Sam


They're doubling down.


On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 12:52 PM, Sam sammyc...@gmail.com wrote:
 American Thinker is an excellent conservative blog. They publish many
 different writers daily so there's bound to be an article here or
 there that strays a bit.
 The story you question though, I'm not sure why you think it's so
 outrageous. I would like to hear an explanation as to what he meant.

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Re: lol AmericanThinker

2015-02-25 Thread Sam

But, he says they're not Muslims.


On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 2:22 PM, LRS Scout lrssc...@gmail.com wrote:

 I know at this point obama is morally responsible for killing more muslims
 than you've met.
 On Feb 25, 2015 2:18 PM, Sam sammyc...@gmail.com wrote:

 So, nobody here heard the Allahu Akbar on the video seconds before
 the finger went up?


 On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 1:54 PM, LRS Scout lrssc...@gmail.com wrote:
  We need a commission
  Something something un-American activities
  On Feb 25, 2015 1:53 PM, Jerry Milo Johnson jmi...@gmail.com wrote:
  Not if they are white. Obviously.
  These people cannot actually believe what they write , can they?
  This is just an attempt at humor and irony, right?
  Please ?


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Re: lol AmericanThinker

2015-02-25 Thread Sam

Let me just add Obama and his admin always refer to ISIS as ISIL. That
right there says plenty.

As for the conclusion, I'm in agreement with this part. After that he loses me:

Maybe it was Obama’s idea of a joke, but that is unlikely.  The finger
in the air was a position statement brazenly stated.  His entire
administration has been a promotion of Islam at home and abroad, and
just cataloging the evidence would fill a book.  He has made this
country cozy for Islam, from ordering NASA to make Muslims feel good
about themselves to calling ISIS beheading victim Peter Kassig by the
Muslim name that he had adopted in the vain hope of saving his life.

If only Obama’s coziness were limited to such gestures, but from the
very beginning of his administration, he labored to topple the
strongman governments that had kept a lid on Islamic extremism:
Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen.  Overthrowing the Syrian government was
also part the program, not yet achieved but still possible. The
methodology of each was a tactic from old-school radicalism: stir up
domestic trouble that triggers a crackdown, then use the reaction to
discredit the government and as a pretext for stirring up greater
cycles of trouble until the targeted regime is replaced.

Obama is comfortable with Islam’s extreme.  He arms such people
throughout the Middle East.  He has let them into our government.  He
supported the Muslim Brotherhood’s Muhammad Morsi as the replacement
for Hosni Mubarak, a staunch US ally and enemy of the Muslim
Brotherhood, and threatened and bullied Egypt when a massive revolt
replaced Morsi with a religious moderate.


On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 2:44 PM, GMoney gm0n3...@gmail.com wrote:

 Sam likes to play devil's advocate.

 But i want to knowSam, do you think the conclusions in this blog post
 are accurate?

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Re: lol AmericanThinker

2015-02-25 Thread Sam

So, nobody here heard the Allahu Akbar on the video seconds before
the finger went up?


On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 1:54 PM, LRS Scout lrssc...@gmail.com wrote:

 We need a commission

 Something something un-American activities
 On Feb 25, 2015 1:53 PM, Jerry Milo Johnson jmi...@gmail.com wrote:

 Not if they are white. Obviously.

 These people cannot actually believe what they write , can they?

 This is just an attempt at humor and irony, right?

 Please ?

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Re: lol AmericanThinker

2015-02-25 Thread Sam

If you were Jewish you might be sweating a little bit.
The again Christians aren't safe either.


On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 3:32 PM, GMoney gm0n3...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm a little bit concerned about a lot of things.

 But i don't conflate that to my president is comfortable with Muslim

 I don't even see how you could get to one from the other

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Re: lol AmericanThinker

2015-02-25 Thread Sam

Yes. Didn't he recently trade the Taliban Five for an army deserter?
You weren't even a little concerned about that?


On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 3:16 PM, GMoney gm0n3...@gmail.com wrote:

 You are comfortable with this:

 Obama is comfortable with Islam’s extreme


 Really? You believe that of our current sitting American president? You
 believe that Muslim extremism does not bother him?

 On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 1:59 PM, Sam sammyc...@gmail.com wrote:

 Let me just add Obama and his admin always refer to ISIS as ISIL. That
 right there says plenty.

 As for the conclusion, I'm in agreement with this part. After that he
 loses me:

 Maybe it was Obama’s idea of a joke, but that is unlikely.  The finger
 in the air was a position statement brazenly stated.  His entire
 administration has been a promotion of Islam at home and abroad, and
 just cataloging the evidence would fill a book.  He has made this
 country cozy for Islam, from ordering NASA to make Muslims feel good
 about themselves to calling ISIS beheading victim Peter Kassig by the
 Muslim name that he had adopted in the vain hope of saving his life.

 If only Obama’s coziness were limited to such gestures, but from the
 very beginning of his administration, he labored to topple the
 strongman governments that had kept a lid on Islamic extremism:
 Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen.  Overthrowing the Syrian government was
 also part the program, not yet achieved but still possible. The
 methodology of each was a tactic from old-school radicalism: stir up
 domestic trouble that triggers a crackdown, then use the reaction to
 discredit the government and as a pretext for stirring up greater
 cycles of trouble until the targeted regime is replaced.

 Obama is comfortable with Islam’s extreme.  He arms such people
 throughout the Middle East.  He has let them into our government.  He
 supported the Muslim Brotherhood’s Muhammad Morsi as the replacement
 for Hosni Mubarak, a staunch US ally and enemy of the Muslim
 Brotherhood, and threatened and bullied Egypt when a massive revolt
 replaced Morsi with a religious moderate.


 On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 2:44 PM, GMoney gm0n3...@gmail.com wrote:
  Sam likes to play devil's advocate.
  But i want to knowSam, do you think the conclusions in this blog post
  are accurate?


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Re: lol AmericanThinker

2015-02-25 Thread Sam

If you type while you're foaming at the mouth it comes out as
gibberish. Calm down and gather your thoughts and then present them


On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 3:16 PM, Zaphod Beeblebrox
zaph0d.b33bl3b...@gmail.com wrote:

 AND his support for gay rights and equal pay for women….both of those are
 huge Islamic planks.  He’s so obviously a muslim

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Re: lol AmericanThinker

2015-02-25 Thread Sam

I don't think he's a double agent, I think he's a stoner that doesn't
give a shit, maybe even hopes for the US of A to get knocked down of
it's pedestal a bit. Not a total takeover, just a put us in our place
and let the UN call the shots type of attitude.

Also, besides ISIS the Taliban and al Qaeda are the strongest they've
ever been. Remember they rarely have democracy ion the middle east so
hoping for an revolution without US support is pointless. Remember
Iran tried and O told the rebels to go f themselves. Now he's letting
them build a nuke? WTF.


On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 3:33 PM, LRS Scout lrssc...@gmail.com wrote:

 I didn't get it,  but I don't think he's some deep penetration double

 Honestly,  how long do you think ISIS will last before the local
 populations deal with shit?  It's already happening.

 To my mind ISIS could be the very thing that causes the needed internal
 reformation of Islam.

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Re: lol AmericanThinker

2015-02-25 Thread Sam

So baconating yer bullets no longer prevent them from underage
virgins. Apparently they have self inflict pig products to be denied.


On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 4:18 PM, Judah McAuley ju...@wiredotter.com wrote:

 No bacon in the muslim snackbar, but on the other hand, halal butchers
 usually have some really good cuts of beef.

 On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 1:02 PM, LRS Scout lrssc...@gmail.com wrote:

 Shhh, aloha snackbar ;)
 On Feb 25, 2015 3:59 PM, Zaphod Beeblebrox zaph0d.b33bl3b...@gmail.com

  Sorry to tell you this Tim, but that organization is run by muslims.  The
  way I know is that they refer to them as ISIL.  Everyone knows that’s a
  dead giveaway.


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Funny article I came across today

2015-01-27 Thread Sam

Harf-Psaki is an insidious disease


Very biased of course but what the hey

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Re: Study: 60 percent of 2014 job growth caused by expiration of unemployment benefits

2015-01-27 Thread Sam

I was told nobody here likes talking politics.

Try something else.


On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 9:00 AM, Cameron Childress camer...@gmail.com wrote:

 Just trying to get the list-people going a bit. :)


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Re: Study: 60 percent of 2014 job growth caused by expiration of unemployment benefits

2015-01-27 Thread Sam

I read it as people with unemployment benefits didn't take jobs until
the benefits expired. Question is, are they low paying jobs? When I
was unemployed, it would have been a waste to take a $10 hr job and
not get benefits vs spending hours a day looking for a high paying


On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 3:55 PM, Judah McAuley ju...@wiredotter.com wrote:

 That article made no sense at all to me.

 The new new working paper found that the expiration of benefits was
 responsible for the creation of over 1.8 million jobs. Nearly 1 million of
 those jobs were created by workers who would have otherwise stayed out of
 the labor force if unemployment benefits had been extended. Overall, almost
 3 million jobs were created in 2014.

 So the jobs were magically created by unemployed people looking for them?
 The number of people looking for work far outpaced the number of jobs
 available. How...just, what?

 Could someone try to explain their logic? It really makes less than 0 sense
 to me as written.

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Re: Study: 60 percent of 2014 job growth caused by expiration of unemployment benefits

2015-01-27 Thread Sam

Looks like the middle is taking the hit:


In fact, upstate New York and Puerto Rico have continued to lose
middle-skill jobs during the recovery, while there were essentially no
changes in these jobs in New York City or northern New Jersey. What
have grown are higher-skilled jobs—such as engineers, computer
programmers, doctors, and financial analysts—and lower-skilled
jobs—such as food service workers, retail clerks, health care aides,
and child care workers.


On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 4:15 PM, C. Hatton Humphrey chumph...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 4:11 PM, Sam sammyc...@gmail.com wrote:

 I read it as people with unemployment benefits didn't take jobs until
 the benefits expired. Question is, are they low paying jobs? When I
 was unemployed, it would have been a waste to take a $10 hr job and
 not get benefits vs spending hours a day looking for a high paying

 Interesting question and one that I don't know the answer to... however
 when you combine the push for more public assistance for the working poor
 and increases in the minimum wage, one might draw that conclusion.

 Until Later!
 C. Hatton Humphrey

 Like the saying goes, Measure Twice, Cut Onc...


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Re: Thought provoking post Charlie article

2015-01-13 Thread Sam

So his only problem with terrorism is to complain about how Muslims
are being treated because of it? Maybe they/he should speak against it
so we know where they all stand. It's very quiet on that front.


On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 11:22 AM, Michael Dinowitz
mdino...@houseoffusion.com wrote:

 I found this to be a very thought provoking post and one I had to agree
 with. As an American, I don't want any religion injected into my daily life
 other than what I choose and I don't want to inject my religion into anyone
 else's life. I wish everyone felt the same way.

 Aral Balkan — Islam is Privilege

 Islam is Privilege

 You cannot both purport to support social justice and attempt to protect
 privilege from criticism.

 This Wednesday, Charlie Hebdo, a satirical French newspaper was attacked by
 two jihadists. Shouting “Allahu Akbar”, they proceeded to murder 12 
 including nine journalists and two police officers, for offending their

 It’s important that we understand this tragedy for what it is: the latest
 chapter in the clash of two incompatible ideologies; liberalism and Islam.

 It is ironic, sad, and quite possibly catastrophic for the future of our
 freedoms and human rights that those who should be most outraged by this,
 my fellow liberals, are often the very same ones who do not understand it.
 Islam is an ideology, Muslims are people.

 The first mistake many liberals make is to confuse Islam (an ideology) with
 Muslims (people).

 Islam is a set of ideas. It is an ideology. It inherently deserves no more
 or less respect than any other ideology. That is to say, it inherently
 deserves no respect whatsoever.

 Just like any other idea or ideology, Islam also deserves no special
 protection from criticism or critique. Affording it any such privilege just
 because it has a supernatural origin story is not compatible with reason.

 Muslims, on the other hand, are people who have adopted Islam as dogma.

 It should really go without saying (but, unfortunately, needs to be said
 repeatedly because idiotic right-wing fascistic nutjobs exist) that just
 like any other person, Muslims inherently deserve to be respected as
 people, treated with dignity, and have their rights protected.

 Those rights, however, do not include special privileges that render their
 adopted dogma or any actions stemming from the exercise of that dogma free
 from criticism.
 Islamophobia is a homeopathic phobia

 Criticising Islam is no more Islamophobia than criticising capitalism is
 Capitalophobia or criticising the patriarchy is Patriarchyophobia.

 When you equate Islamophobia with homophobia, you are doing the cause of
 gender equality the greatest harm. I can choose to adopt a certain dogma or
 other, I cannot choose to adopt my sexuality. Homophobia is fear of a group
 of people because of who they are. Islamophobia is a made up, meaningless
 word invented by those with religious privilege who want to stifle
 criticism of said privilege.

 If you want a label to use for the right-wing fascistic nutjobs who target
 Muslims in hate crimes, call it what it is: Muslimophobia.

 We cannot hope to have a meaningful conversation about an ideology that is
 diametrically opposed to human rights, equality, and democracy if we
 constantly conflate the criticism of ideas with the discrimination of
 Criticising Islam is not racism

 Islam is not a race. Islam is an ideology that can be (and is) adopted as
 dogma by anyone regardless of age, sex, or race.

 Take me, for example. Both my parents are Turkish. I was raised Muslim. I
 am no longer Muslim (I no longer believe in any form of supernaturalism).

 As an apostate, although I might lose my right to life or liberty in some
 Islamic countries, I am quite sure I’m not at risk of losing my race. In
 fact, I’m rather confident that I’m still the same race I was while I was

 In the future, while I can easily adopt the dogma of Christianity, Judaism,
 or Buddhism, I can’t quite as easily become Hispanic or Black. That’s
 because religion is ideology and dogma, not race.

 Calling Islam a race only helps to elevate its privilege.

 Islam is an ideology that is adopted as dogma by over 1.6 billion people,
 roughly a quarter of the world’s population. It is the second most popular
 religion in the world. It enjoys a huge amount of privilege; privilege that
 it uses daily to stifle basic human rights and freedoms especially in those
 countries in which it has the power of law.

 Criticising Islam is not punching down. It is punching up against an
 ideology that enjoys the dogmatic devotion of a quarter of the world’s
 population and whose endgame is to attain ultimate, unquestioned privilege
 in a world where men are in charge of women, homosexuality is persecuted,
 and anyone who doesn’t believe in your dogma is your enemy.

 I’ve lived under the judgement, xenophobia, 

Re: Thought provoking post Charlie article

2015-01-13 Thread Sam

That could apply to most of science too.


On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 12:39 PM, Cameron Childress camer...@gmail.com wrote:

 The thing that makes religions in general dangerous is really that most
 indoctrinate followers to blindly believe unprovable things. To train
 themselves to become a blank canvas for someone else to draw on. The people
 filling that blank canvas are also just a plain ordinary, wonderful,
 corruptible, disgusting and flawed people.

 ...and some really terrible things have been drawn on some people's
 canvases lately.

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Re: Thought provoking post Charlie article

2015-01-13 Thread Sam

Maybe you should read it again.

Yes, he's saying it's legitimate to attack the religion but not the
He also throws in a bit about right wing fascism which is an oxymoron.
Let's focus on the real problem, the religion of peace actually


On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 2:43 PM, LRS Scout lrssc...@gmail.com wrote:

 No he's saying there are totally legitimate reasons to attack Islam, and
 that Islam isn't a race it's an ideology and a religion and a choice.
 Seriously go read that article again.

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Re: Thought provoking post Charlie article

2015-01-13 Thread Sam

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 2:53 PM, Cameron Childress camer...@gmail.com wrote:

 Let me restate the claim you just made: The thing that makes science in
 general dangerous is really that it indoctrinates followers to blindly
 believe unprovable things.

Goes to show you how ridiculous your blanket statement was.

 Then the textbook definition of science: the intellectual and practical
 activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of
 the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

 Why am I still typing?

I wonder that every time I see a post from you.



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Re: Thought provoking post Charlie article

2015-01-13 Thread Sam

You are right, I stand corrected. Glad to see the are finally speaking out.


On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 2:45 PM, Vivec gel21...@gmail.com wrote:

 BS that it is quiet on that front.

 Nearly every major Muslim organisation has spoken out against the attacks.

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Re: Fox Entertainment network blocked on Dish...

2014-12-22 Thread Sam

Oh no, now how am I going to watch Special Report with Bret Baier?
Maybe it will be on the interwebs


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Re: Fox Entertainment network blocked on Dish...

2014-12-22 Thread Sam

Don't hate. It's the holidays.


On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 10:10 AM, Cameron Childress camer...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 10:01 AM, Sam wrote:

 Oh no, now how am I going to watch Special Report with Bret Baier?
 Maybe it will be on the interwebs

 While Fox News is blocked I think TMZ may be a good substitute. They appear
 to have the same level of credibility and lack of bias.


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Re: Republican report on Benghazi finds no wrong doing.

2014-11-25 Thread Sam

House Intelligence Committee Report Obfuscates Benghazi Arms Smuggling



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Re: Republican report on Benghazi finds no wrong doing.

2014-11-25 Thread Sam

On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 12:48 PM, Vivec gel21...@gmail.com wrote:

 So now the REPUBLICAN House Committee is biased?

I didn't say that.

 Everyone that doesn't agree with the ridiculous rhetoric is biased...every
 single independent investigationis biased?

I didn't say that.

 No wrongdoing by Obama Administration Appointees

The administration knew, during the attacks, that it was al Qaeda. The
talking points blamed a video for over a week. The report said that
was not illegal.

 No missed opportunities for rescue

Not one shot was fired from the diplomatic guards. Didn't the Seals on
the roof break direct orders?

 No evidence of a CIA coverup of arms

No evidence the CIA moved arms. The CIA helped other governments move
them. Also, the reason the CIA was there was to infiltrate terrorist
groups. Hello, big failure there.



Your argument seems to be nothing could have been done to prevent the
attack or keep the ambassador from being murdered.


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Re: Republican report on Benghazi finds no wrong doing.

2014-11-25 Thread Sam

That sounds like an us vs them kind of attitude


On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 2:50 PM, Zaphod Beeblebrox
zaph0d.b33bl3b...@gmail.com wrote:

 and those will be the same people who will uphold that there definitely 
 wasn’t enough evidence to convict the police officer in Ferguson and the 
 fact that this grand jury said so proves it indisputably.


 From: Vivec gel21...@gmail.com
 Reply: cf-community@houseoffusion.com cf-community@houseoffusion.com
 Date: November 25, 2014 at 11:49:52 AM
 To: cf-community cf-community@houseoffusion.com
 Subject:  Re: Republican report on Benghazi finds no wrong doing.

 So now the REPUBLICAN House Committee is biased?

 Everyone that doesn't agree with the ridiculous rhetoric is biased...every
 single independent investigationis biased?

 No wrongdoing by Obama Administration Appointees

 No missed opportunities for rescue

 No evidence of a CIA coverup of arms



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Re: US economy beat all 3rd quarter expectations!

2014-11-25 Thread Sam

You think this makes things good?
All those people will get jobs now? Buy homes?
This is just a numbers game. The economy is still in the shitter.

On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 3:27 PM, Eric Roberts
ow...@threeravensconsulting.com wrote:

 Fucking Obama...

 -Original Message-
 From: Vivec [mailto:gel21...@gmail.com]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 7:43 AM
 To: cf-community
 Subject: US economy beat all 3rd quarter expectations!


 The first revision to third quarter GDP showed the US economy grew at an
 annualized rate of 3.9% during the quarter.

 Great news!


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Re: Republican report on Benghazi finds no wrong doing.

2014-11-24 Thread Sam

So you're saying it was not a terrorist attack connected to al Qaeda
but was spontanious reaction to a youtube video? Support was supplied
when requested? Hillary is a hero? I'm not sure what you think you're


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Re: Republican report on Benghazi finds no wrong doing.

2014-11-24 Thread Sam

No, they're saying the CIA is off the hook for letting the Ambassador
die and it's the fault of the State Department. They said CNN's claim
about weekly polygraphs are false and they said there's no proof of a
stand down order.

The government still failed miserably and people died.


On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 3:37 PM, Vivec gel21...@gmail.com wrote:

 Well I'm saying that every investigation has found that there was no wrong
 doing on the part of those in government, the CIA, or the response teams.
 I think it is very clear what's being said.

 House Intelligence Committee finds little to support questions raised
 about CIA actions on the ground in Benghazi, Libya, the night of a deadly
 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound.

 In other words, all the allegations and accusations have been found to be
 baseless and incorrect.

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Re: news of the week

2014-11-14 Thread Sam

I see the WP finally mentioned him but it's kind of a puff peace about
how he's worth the $400k he was paid by the government.


On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 9:06 AM, Bruce Sorge sor...@gmail.com wrote:

 They are not interviews, their speeches. And Washington Post actually picked 
 it up as well now

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Re: news of the week

2014-11-14 Thread Sam

Pre-existing condition only lasted for six months in MA or 1 year if
you were not part of a group insurance plan.


On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 12:13 PM, Jerry Milo Johnson jmi...@gmail.com wrote:

 Yes, both specifically in Massachusetts (Romneycare), and I will be greatly
 helped by the cannot be denied if you switch jobs part of it.

 The fact that without it (and with the changes insurance companies had been
 moving towards) I would lose healthcare for pre-existing conditions (type 1
 diabetes) means i could not switch jobs, which basically puts me in an
 indentured servant class.

 My sister's family was helped by better costs in Connecticut, for better
 healthcare coverage.

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Re: news of the week

2014-11-14 Thread Sam

Still defending this train wreck and now blaming everything but the law?


On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Jerry Milo Johnson jmi...@gmail.com wrote:

 Check your employer's pockets. Many businesses are taking advantage of all
 the hate and discontent to tip the burden of costs back on the employees,
 without getting caught, and claiming Obamacare or The insurance
 companies without having to prove it.

 Like the gas companies raising gasoline prices with no actual change in the
 crude markets, but blaming it on whatever is currently in the news.

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Re: news of the week

2014-11-14 Thread Sam

My plan has not changed but my doctor dropped all insurance plans. He
now has a $75 a month unlimited plan that covers all that he does in
office. Any hospital stays/visits you would need catastrophic
insurance to cover it. I haven't picked a new doc yet but I guess I
should get on it.


On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 1:34 PM, Cameron Childress camer...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 10:39 AM, GMoney wrote:

 Just curious, is there anyone on this list who has personally benefited
 from ObamaCare? I'm not looking for political bullshit, or he-said-she-said
 crapjust wonderingit has to have helped SOMEONE, right?

 My plan was eliminated by Obamacare and the cheapest replacement was
 roughly double the cost. The cost going up again soon.

 My primary care physician is now converting to a concierge medicine (via
 mdvip.com) to avoid the sudden huge influx of the great unwashed masses.
 Keeping him as my doctor will now cost an additional $1,600 annually before
 I even see him once - which I am not going to be doing.

 So, I was fired by both my insurer and doctor for different reasons - both
 related to Obamacare. Not awesome.

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Re: Governing: Don't do it, it's a trap!

2014-11-06 Thread Sam

I read that differently. It's saying the people have spoken and the
want to try a different direction. If the new Senate caves in to
Democrats demands then they are not fulfilling the promises that got
them elected. They're saying, pass bills that the people want even
though the dem's will block them. Then when re-election is up, they'll
be on record as voting against the will of the people.

Keep in mind, every democrat that voted for Obamacare and was up for
election was fired. That's what the point of the article was.


On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 6:53 PM, Judah McAuley ju...@wiredotter.com wrote:

 So I'm spending some time today looking around the more
 conservative-leaning parts of the web to see what they are saying should
 happen now that they surpassed expectations in the elections. Obviously a
 lot of self congratulating, which is to be expected, but I wanted to see if
 there was much in the way of Well, now what?

 I was fascinated by this piece in the National Review, from the editorial

 It argues, quite forcefully, that attempting to govern is a dumb idea and
 that Republicans should just spend the next two years talking about
 conservative ideas and not trying to actually engage in anything
 substantive until/unless they win the Presidency in 2016.

 I get what they are saying but it seems nakedly craven. Don't do anything
 until you don't have to compromise? That's what you get out of a wave

 Just kind of depressing to think that this is what passes for tactical

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Re: Governing: Don't do it, it's a trap!

2014-11-06 Thread Sam

On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 7:30 PM, Vivec gel21...@gmail.com wrote:

 Their tactical wisdom of misinformation and opposition with no regard for
 anything else has worked perfectly so far.
 The aim is not to do anything for America, the aim is to get the
 presidency, the house, the senate by any means necessary.

They ran on repealing Obamacare. That should tell you everything you
need to know.

 And they've run that game beautifully. They understand their electorate.
 The Democrats don't.

 Obama's response today was that he is prepared to work with the Republicans.

That's not what he said, he said if they offer him something he likes
he'll agree. That's insanity. The people have spoken and he's above
what they want?

 That's like telling a Bully who's been thrashing you every day that you're
 prepared to share your lunch with him lol.
 He still has not understood that the GOP hate him, and have been at war
 with him since he became President,
 and there was never any chance at compromise.

Nobody hates the man, they hate his policies. Even the minorities came
out in force to vote against Obama.

 I am very puzzled at the Democrats just looking as though they are lost in

They are. We agree on something


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Re: Governing: Don't do it, it's a trap!

2014-11-06 Thread Sam

We've had no compromise for six years and the people are done. It's
time Washington worked for the people. The problem is once Republicans
get the power they get almost as bad.


On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 8:35 PM, Scott Stroz boyz...@gmail.com wrote:

 That's like telling a Bully who's been thrashing you every day that you're
 prepared to share your lunch with him lol.
 He still has not understood that the GOP hate him, and have been at war
 with him since he became President,
 and there was never any chance at compromise.

 I remain hopeful that real compromise will eventually make a return to
 Washington. Sadly, though, in that arena, I do not think  we have hit 'rock
 bottom' yet.

 Compromise does not mean that the Republicans agree to vote on Democratic
 supported policies after being threatened, or vice versa. It means working
 together to come up with a solution that both sides can live with AND
 benefits the nation as a whole - that last part is pretty important.

 I am so sick of the country being held hostage because the immature asshats
 in Washington think they can bully their way to a 'compromise'

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Re: Governing: Don't do it, it's a trap!

2014-11-06 Thread Sam

Tax revenue is up $3 trillion dollars a year and yet the deficit is
1/2 a trillion. Spending is out of control and needs to be reversed.


On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 9:05 AM, Vivec gel21...@gmail.com wrote:

 When one party preferred to shut down the entire government rather than
 budge on a position...then yeah there can be no compromise.

 And to not realise that and move to suit is just...I'm not sure that's
 proper leadership.

 Not knowing when to fight, or that you are even in a fight.

 On 5 November 2014 21:35, Scott Stroz boyz...@gmail.com wrote:

 AND benefits the nation as a whole - that last part is pretty important.

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Re: Nothing about the Democrats massive defeat?

2014-11-06 Thread Sam

Doesn't it lead to a crash?


On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 9:55 AM, GMoney gm0n3...@gmail.com wrote:

 Obamacare is not very popular.

 I think Sam's mostly right. GOP didn't bullshit anybody, they asked them a
 questionYou like this?

 Voters said Nope!

 On the bright sideinvest now. Since 1945, the stock market's largest
 gains have occurred when we have a Democratic president, and a GOP majority
 in Congress.

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Re: Governing: Don't do it, it's a trap!

2014-11-06 Thread Sam

Yes, and the side that was in power went against the will of the
people. And now they're gone.


On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 11:26 AM, Scott Stroz boyz...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 9:10 AM, Sam sammyc...@gmail.com wrote:

 We've had no compromise for six years and the people are done.

 Yep, and both sides of the aisle get the blame there. Neither side was
 willing to 'negotiate in good faith'.

 Scott Stroz
 You can make things happen, you can watch things happen or you can wonder
 what the f*k happened. - Cpt. Phil Harris


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Re: Governing: Don't do it, it's a trap!

2014-11-06 Thread Sam

Nobody wanted Obamacare, nobody wants the Dream Act. Those are
probably the two most important issues this cycle. There are dozens of
others like IRS, Fast and Furious, Ebola, Benghazi, Iraq, Serria,
Israel, Iran...but the former two are what drove people to vote out
the traitors.

On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 11:43 AM, Scott Stroz boyz...@gmail.com wrote:

 I don't recall you having this same attitude when the midterms in Bush's
 second term went the same way, but for the democrats. Or when president
 Obama was elected...twice.

 Or, is it only 'the will of the people' when Republicans win?

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Re: Governing: Don't do it, it's a trap!

2014-11-06 Thread Sam

On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 1:12 PM, Scott Stroz boyz...@gmail.com wrote:

 'Nobody' wanted Obamacare, and yet, he was re-elected. Maybe you have a
 different definition for the word 'nobody'

That was two years ago, before Obamacare kicked in. Now we know how bad it is.

 And, whatever credibility you may have had left you just pissed away by
 bringing up ebola. More Americans have been married to Kim Kardashian than
 have died from Ebola, yet it was made out to be a huge risk and that
 President Obama somehow 'failed' in his duties because he listened to
 actual doctors.

This discussion just turned into a childish rant.


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Re: Nothing about the Democrats massive defeat?

2014-11-05 Thread Sam

No misinformation. The republicans didn't run on anything. This
mandate is purely about  stopping the Dems. Heard that on Rush.

On Drudge, 100% of newly elected GOP Senators campaigned on repealing Obamacare.

Say what you want about how nasty or evil the GOP is but the reality
is this six year social experiment is a huge failure and people are
waking up. Hope and Change was someone blowing smoke up our asses.


On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 7:33 AM, Vivec gel21...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm surprised :)

 Wow. That was a thumping. I thought the democrats were incompetent
 politicians before but now..geez.

 A campaign of misinformation in the media works, definitely. Now we will
 see what happens over the next two years. I hear their first order of
 business is to impeach Obama and push for another attempt to repeal
 Obamacare. So that might be the first year.

 If it is anything like Australia when the right wing took the country over,
 it's going to be a doozy.

 Google has a great diagram showing the results.



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Re: Ebola in our hemisphere, you scared?

2014-10-10 Thread Sam

So tell us about your research.


On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 4:18 AM, Eric Roberts
ow...@threeravensconsulting.com wrote:

 The major issue is that all of the news outlets are doing little more than
 spreading fear and misinformation.  Ignorant people then panicking about it
 and spreading even more info that they read on tinfoil hat websites doesn't
 help either.  I wish there was a way to force people to research...that
 would solve a lot of problems in many areas hehehe.

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Re: Ebola in our hemisphere, you scared?

2014-10-09 Thread Sam

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 8:16 AM, Cameron Childress camer...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 8:11 AM, Vivec wrote:

 I'm reading about Ebola in the US. And the one side that claims it is a
 massive pandemic waiting to happen, like the plague.

 By one side you must mean the
 And the doctors saying
 that it's transmission rate is actually quite low, and it has only spread
 the way it has in Africa because of the culture and socio-economic

 When it comes to disease I tend to listen to doctors over the other guys

The Doctors on the news or the Doctors sent out by the regime for the press?


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Re: Ebola in our hemisphere, you scared?

2014-10-09 Thread Sam

I don't know if it's that cut and dry. The latest American with
symptoms didn't have direct contact. Now they're also saying that if
you remove your protective suit the wrong way you'll get it. I think
we need to keep asking questions until they know for sure. I was
talking to a friend that works for the CDC about a month ago and he
said they have no definitive idea of how it spreads and how viral it
will get. I say, be cautious and wait for the science.


On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 10:55 AM, C. Hatton Humphrey chumph...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 8:59 AM, Sam sammyc...@gmail.com wrote:

  When it comes to disease I tend to listen to doctors over the other

 The Doctors on the news or the Doctors sent out by the regime for the

 I've been listening to the doctors that have been working on the ground in
 African countries.

 The reason it's more infectious over there is for two reasons - one
 cultural because of the funeral rites of many tribes that include washing,
 dressing and even kissing the body of the deceased.  The other is capacity
 which has been documented. (

 In the US the second of those issues is not an issue.  The first might be a
 challenge but even then facilities are available.

 In short, I'm not buying the fear or the hype.

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Re: Ebola in our hemisphere, you scared?

2014-10-09 Thread Sam

I think it's way too early to believe the science is settled.



On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 10:21 PM, Ray Champagne r...@raychampagne.com wrote:

 I read it cannot be transmitted through the skin?

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Re: Going to go see the First Lady today!!!

2014-10-08 Thread Sam

That's the sad state of America now. Too many people don't know or
care and yet they still vote. That's why the world is falling apart. I
know, I know, everything is honky dory on your street, Obama is a God
and all this other nonsense is Bush's fault. If only we could elect
Obama for another term, maybe, he'll have enough time fix the mess.


On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 10:15 AM, GMoney gm0n3...@gmail.com wrote:

 I know i have vastly different views on politics than anyone else.

 I think it's a disease, and people who engage in it actively are sick. I'd
 rather butt fuck the ebola virus than go to a political rally. Giving your
 time and excitement and worst of all, your money, to some asshole so he can
 get a cushy 6 figure salary, all because he sold you hook line and sinker
 on his brand of bullshitmakes no sense to me.

 At least at Disneyland you realize you're being sodomized by a giant rodent.

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Re: Going to go see the First Lady today!!!

2014-10-08 Thread Sam

They haven't opposed him. He's done exactly what he wanted and look
where we are now.


On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 10:41 AM, Vivec gel21...@gmail.com wrote:

 No, he can't fix anything Not with the obstructionists of the GOP, who are
 prepared to sink the United States, and the world,
 if it means opposing Obama and ensuring he does not succeed.

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Re: Going to go see the First Lady today!!!

2014-10-08 Thread Sam

 Well yeah I guess he has been able to push through some of his policies.

Like ObamCare, open borders, gun Walking, boosting up al Qeada etc...

 Reduced deficit,
What? The deficit wasn't reduced. Tax revenue went up but so did
spending. The deficit is skyrocketing.

 out of the middle east (almost),
What? You do realize we're back in? BTW, leaving was the worst thing
we could of done, said everyone-with-a-clue.
It just goes to show how bad it would have been if Bush didn't go to
war. At some point you have to realize that the neo-cons were right.

 Iran brought to the negotiation tables about their nuclear weapons without 
 military action,

Iran is still going to make nukes, we got played again. What's the
good from that?

 and at last a few steps closer to joining the rest of the world with a modern
 health care system where people aren't dying because they can't afford to

We had the best healthcare system in teh world, now we'll suffer like the rest.

 But to say that the GOP hasn't opposed him is completely inaccurate.

  It reveals some of my reporting on the Republican plot to obstruct
 President Obama before he even took office, including secret meetings led
 by House GOP whip Eric Cantor (in December 2008) and Senate minority leader
 Mitch McConnell (in early January 2009) in which they laid out their daring
 (though cynical and political) no-honeymoon strategy of all-out resistance
 to a popular President-elect during an economic emergency. “If he was for
 it,” former Ohio Senator George Voinovich explained, “we had to be against
 it.” The excerpt includes a special bonus nugget of Mitt Romney dissing the
 Tea Party.

 It was an open and public policy decision by the GOP. They haven't hidden
 it, or shied away from using the tactic .

And they still failed, he went around them.

 The specific incident that I remember which impacted world markets was when
 they refused to raise the debt ceiling and caused thousands of Americans to
 lose their jobs, world markets to react negatively, and created a crisis
 that was felt around the world as markets began to speculate on the

The debt ceiling was eventually raised and thousands of people didn't get jobs.
But millions lost jobs since this administration took power.

 With all this, though, the democrats have to be one of the most incompetent
 parties regarding PR and getting people out to vote. For all their multiple
 failures and policies that are aimed at gutting the middle and lower class,
 the GOP will probably sweep the november elections.

Do you realize that the middle class has shrunk and the lower class
has grown massively since the Democrats started implementing all their
dream policies? At some point they will admit they all failed. Let's
try something else, anything else.


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Re: What the iPhone 6 does better than the rest

2014-09-26 Thread Sam


Seems like a software update can fix this.


On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 12:02 PM, J.J. Merrick j...@panos.cc wrote:

 I think his point is that the camera is to the point where it gives him the
 controls etc that mimic the tools he has in his DSLR and that the optics
 are super crisp.

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Re: What the iPhone 6 does better than the rest

2014-09-26 Thread Sam

I think that happens with all phones.


On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 2:52 PM, Zaphod Beeblebrox
zaph0d.b33bl3b...@gmail.com wrote:

 the nice thing about it is that Apple can issue a software fix and *all*
 the phones that can run IOS8 will get it.  You won't have to buy a new
 phone to get the fix :)

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Re: What the iPhone 6 does better than the rest

2014-09-25 Thread Sam

I just tried to sign up for T-Mobile, four lines with my own phone and
it was $240 a month.
I've had Verizon since the 90's and have never found a provider that's
cheaper or better coverage. But I keep checking every couple of years.

On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 12:38 AM, Zaphod Beeblebrox
zaph0d.b33bl3b...@gmail.com wrote:

 actually, I guess it's not really a discount on the plan, you are just not
 financing your phone in your monthly payment.  I also don't have to sign a
 contract this way.  My last carrier was Virgin Mobile.  Their LTE service
 was meh...so I decided to switch after a year of using them.  Now I've
 joined with my family on t-mobile on that 4 phones/$100 plan.  If I get
 tired of them, I can switch to another carrier any time I want.

 On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 11:23 PM, Zaphod Beeblebrox 
 zaph0d.b33bl3b...@gmail.com wrote:

 typically, yes.  I pay $25/month for unlimited everything right now.

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Re: Holder resigning

2014-09-25 Thread Sam

That's racist


On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 11:03 AM, LRS Scout lrssc...@gmail.com wrote:

 Where's the going away party?

 Take your minions and be gone.

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Re: What the iPhone 6 does better than the rest

2014-09-24 Thread Sam

You forgot to mention naked photos instantly upload to 4chan

The Apple pay is going to be GREAT!


On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 7:40 AM, Vivec gel21...@gmail.com wrote:

 For those of you wondering, here's what the iPhone 6 does better than any
 other phone out there on the market:

 The 64 bit A8 Processor is better and faster than anything else on the

 The fingerprint scanner is the best performing scanner on the market, and
 it is absolutely better than Samsung's S5 implementation

 The camera has an autofocus system usually reserved for DSLRs.

 Hand off of tasks between Apple devices is great, and a productivity
 booster for many. Pick up writing an email, an SMS, or sharing documents
 immediately between devices. (moving from your desktop to your iPad in your
 bedroom, for example, would be seamless)

 ApplePay is a tremendous innovation, with the ability to radically change
 the way we use Credit Cards

 So these aren't necessarily revolutionary changes, but neither has anything
 the competition has done been revolutionary.

 However, once again, Apple takes its incremental improvements and
 implements them correctly and with a marketing flair that appeals to its
 customer base. Which is why the iPhone launch always boast the best sell
 throughs of any mobile device.

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Re: What the iPhone 6 does better than the rest

2014-09-24 Thread Sam

All your data automatically uploads to the iCloud, whether you
realized it or not. Until you turn it off. Even now with the iPhone 6,
police can't un-ecrypt your phone but they can access the your iCloud
where it isn't encrypted. Apparently the iCloud was easy pickings for
4chan users to grab and post. Some of these celebs said they deleted
the images many years ago and had no idea they still existed.
I haven't kept up, but last I heard Apple was blaming users again
saying the accounts were hacked individually because the passwords
were easy to guess. I'm not sure I believe that but it could be true.


On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 11:05 AM, Bruce Sorge sor...@gmail.com wrote:

  Disclaimer: I do not have ANYTHING to do with 4chan, I don't use
 4chan, and have no vested interest whatsoever with 4Chan 

 So exactly how do the photos automatically upload to 4chan? From what I
 have read, the celebrity nudes that were online were posted to 4chan by the
 person(s) who hacked the photos. I have not seen anything that allows
 images to automatically upload to 4chan. As far as I know, the iPhone only
 automatically uploads photos to iCloud and dropbox. And if you have your
 Facebook app set up, it automatically uploads photos to a secure photo
 gallery where they are not made public unless you specifically check the
 image and upload it. Just curious where you got your information.

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Re: Google pulls funding - calls out liars on climate change

2014-09-24 Thread Sam

Climate movement drops mask admits communist agenda:


On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 1:03 PM, Sam sammyc...@gmail.com wrote:
 LA LA Times is even questioning the overlords:

 Pure heresy

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Re: What the iPhone 6 does better than the rest

2014-09-24 Thread Sam

Correct, that's from a joke that was circulating last week comparing
the iPhone 6 to a 2012 Android. I thought it was funny.


On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Bruce Sorge sor...@gmail.com wrote:

 So then they're  not automatically being uploaded to 4Chan, correct?

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Re: What the iPhone 6 does better than the rest

2014-09-24 Thread Sam

They claim they never knew they auto uploaded to the cloud. They're
celebrities, taking a nude photo on a phone and think it's private is,
how should I say this? Silly?


On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Bruce Sorge sor...@gmail.com wrote:

 And when they say they deleted the photos years ago, they probably just 
 deleted them from their phone. Just because you delete something for your 
 iPhone, does not automatically delete it from the cloud if you're 
 automatically loading them up there. You actually have to manually delete 
 each photo one of the time from the cloud.

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Re: What the iPhone 6 does better than the rest

2014-09-24 Thread Sam



On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 11:56 AM, Sam sammyc...@gmail.com wrote:
 They claim they never knew they auto uploaded to the cloud. They're
 celebrities, taking a nude photo on a phone and think it's private is,
 how should I say this? Silly?


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Re: What the iPhone 6 does better than the rest

2014-09-24 Thread Sam

And whatever was on you old phone three years ago.


On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 12:09 PM, Maureen mamamaur...@gmail.com wrote:

 Years ago would have to be less than three, since that is how long
 the iCloud platform has existed.

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Re: What the iPhone 6 does better than the rest

2014-09-24 Thread Sam

Do you get a discount on your plan? If not, I don't see a value in that.


On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 10:04 PM, Zaphod Beeblebrox
zaph0d.b33bl3b...@gmail.com wrote:

 me either.  I buy my phones outright now.  Then, when I decide to upgrade,
 I do it on my own timeline.

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Re: Man accused of invading white house was a war vet

2014-09-23 Thread Sam


reform White House access and grant Comprehensive Executive Amnesty 
residency to migrant Omar J. Gonzalez  his family


On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 9:44 AM, Vivec gel21...@gmail.com wrote:

 The Texas man accused of breaking into the White House on Friday night
 while armed with a 3.5-inch knife is a decorated U.S. Iraq war veteran, the
 U.S. Army said.

 A second man was arrested on Saturday for trespassing at the White House
 after approaching the White House gates on foot, being sent away and then
 returned in a vehicle, the Secret Service said.

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Re: Google pulls funding - calls out liars on climate change

2014-09-23 Thread Sam

They've been influencing politics all along. Now they're influencing
the scientific process. We all know if a CEO says the earth is warming
then it is despite what the science says.


On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 11:49 AM, Vivec gel21...@gmail.com wrote:

 It's about time that tech companies start influencing the discourse in
 Hopefully on the side of science and logic which is badly lacking in

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Re: Google pulls funding - calls out liars on climate change

2014-09-23 Thread Sam

LA LA Times is even questioning the overlords:

Pure heresy

On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 12:57 PM, Sam sammyc...@gmail.com wrote:
 They've been influencing politics all along. Now they're influencing
 the scientific process. We all know if a CEO says the earth is warming
 then it is despite what the science says.


 On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 11:49 AM, Vivec gel21...@gmail.com wrote:

 It's about time that tech companies start influencing the discourse in
 Hopefully on the side of science and logic which is badly lacking in

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Re: Who's rocking iOS8??

2014-09-19 Thread Sam

It was always available on the iPhone, I think the joy now is Siri can use it.

Sent from my mcWatch


On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 12:46 AM, Eric Roberts
ow...@threeravensconsulting.com wrote:

 So something else Android users have had for a very long time...*grin*

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Re: When the list was a community

2014-09-12 Thread Sam

You guys were even nastier back then and Erika was crying the same old
song and dance.


On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 10:45 AM, Zaphod Beeblebrox
zaph0d.b33bl3b...@gmail.com wrote:


 Amazing to see all the names on the listkinda surprised mine wasn't on
 there, but then again, I think I was on edge all day long since I worked in
 a high rise in Dallas at the time.  Probably spent more time looking out
 the window than checking my email that day.

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Re: Apple live event is starting!!

2014-09-11 Thread Sam

The new iphone actually has a new feature that android doesn't have(*).


On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 10:59 PM, Zaphod Beeblebrox
zaph0d.b33bl3b...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have a 5s right now that I bought outright from Virgin Mobile, not
 realizing it's still carrier lockedbastards.

 If I can't figure out a way to unlock it, I may end up getting a 6this
 time straight from Apple.

 On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 7:48 AM, Cameron Childress camer...@gmail.com

 On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 9:50 PM, William Bowen wrote:

  Also... it's a fucking phone.

 I need a new phone and have an iPhone. I'll buy the 6 (the smaller one)
 when it's available to buy online but I am not standing in line and if the
 site crashes due to traffic I'll wait a few days. I do like the Apple
 ecosystem though.

  oh and a watch.

 Okay, so I was totally meh about the watch before the event but it's
 actually impressed me more than I expected. Did you guys watch the event
 video and see the details? Still meh?

 I haven't worn a watch in years. I think I am still going to wait for
 someone else to buy one so I can check it out in person and see how they
 like it. I can't imagine the battery life will be very good but it has some
 pretty promising features.



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Re: Bowing out

2014-09-11 Thread Sam

Dude, you need help. You use personal attacks against everyone you
disagree with and then call them abusive because they made you do it?

Try to be a little open minded just once in your life. You might enjoy it.

As for the AGW, you're the one that yells the sky is falling once a
week, I just like to point out there's no scientific to support your
claims. Think about it.


On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Cameron Childress camer...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 6:18 PM, Maureen wrote:

 I guess this means the attack cadre has won the battle for the list.
 Too bad, because it has been fun sharing ideas and opinions over the

 Unfortunately, I think that the few unreasonable and borderline abusive
 people on this list have scared away a great many people over the years.
 The ones of us who are left either have very thick skins or ignore those

 I find it useful to remember that among the people who remain here, I agree
 with many of them on many things. The people I have the most opposite view
 of (Sam, Rick) are so indoctrinated and invested into their view of the
 world that no amount of discussion will change their mind. These are people
 who may have a very hard time getting along with other people in real life
 as well.

 It's easy to feel like you have to defend sanity, logic, and the good in
 the world and try to convince them to change their minds. But you are just
 talking to a brick wall. It's a waste of time. They have made up their
 minds and their mission here is only to agitate and troll you. They are not
 attempting to have an intellectual productive conversation. It's easiest
 just to ignore them, and/or be amused by them.

 Likewise, remember that none of us are speaking in a forum of
 impressionable young minds here. They are not influencing or harming anyone
 with their viewpoints but themselves. They are not swaying anyone's
 opinions. Don't feel like you need to defend anyone. None of us are fooled
 if their statements go unchallenged, we all see them for who they are.

 No matter how much he tries, Sam is not convincing anyone that Climate
 Change is the largest conspiracy ever known to man, and Rick is not
 convincing anyone that beating your spouse is okay if she deserved it.

 I know that Rick's posts may feel very personal to you, especially since it
 sounds like you have been a victim of domestic abuse before. I imagine that
 they feel like (and may actually be, psychologically speaking) actual
 abusive attacks, especially with the recent devolution into name calling
 and disrespectful comments.

 I don't advocate violence unless there is a real reason for it, even
 against Rick. This is a silly comparison I know, but I can't help but be
 reminded of the third episode of The Walking Dead, an episode called Tell
 it to the Frogs where Carol is being abused by her husband and Shane jumps
 in to defend her, beating Ed within an inch of his life for his abuse.

 I know you are strong and capable of defending yourself, it's just a scene
 that I think of when I imagine that like Ed in the show, what a miserable
 person Rick must be like in his real life, and how this group would jump
 into action if we were all standing around in person and he felt the sudden
 need to beat ANY person because they asked for it. Especially a woman.

 Anyway, those are my random thoughts. I do hope you do continue to lurk and
 contribute at times.

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Re: Bowing out

2014-09-11 Thread Sam

I think it's cute you feel you're qualified to know what open minded means.


On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 2:11 PM, Scott Stroz boyz...@gmail.com wrote:

 I think its cute you think you are open minded.

 On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 1:59 PM, Sam sammyc...@gmail.com wrote:

 Dude, you need help. You use personal attacks against everyone you
 disagree with and then call them abusive because they made you do it?

 Try to be a little open minded just once in your life. You might enjoy it.

 As for the AGW, you're the one that yells the sky is falling once a
 week, I just like to point out there's no scientific to support your
 claims. Think about it.


 On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Cameron Childress camer...@gmail.com
  On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 6:18 PM, Maureen wrote:
  I guess this means the attack cadre has won the battle for the list.
  Too bad, because it has been fun sharing ideas and opinions over the
  Unfortunately, I think that the few unreasonable and borderline abusive
  people on this list have scared away a great many people over the years.
  The ones of us who are left either have very thick skins or ignore those
  I find it useful to remember that among the people who remain here, I
  with many of them on many things. The people I have the most opposite
  of (Sam, Rick) are so indoctrinated and invested into their view of the
  world that no amount of discussion will change their mind. These are
  who may have a very hard time getting along with other people in real
  as well.
  It's easy to feel like you have to defend sanity, logic, and the good in
  the world and try to convince them to change their minds. But you are
  talking to a brick wall. It's a waste of time. They have made up their
  minds and their mission here is only to agitate and troll you. They are
  attempting to have an intellectual productive conversation. It's easiest
  just to ignore them, and/or be amused by them.
  Likewise, remember that none of us are speaking in a forum of
  impressionable young minds here. They are not influencing or harming
  with their viewpoints but themselves. They are not swaying anyone's
  opinions. Don't feel like you need to defend anyone. None of us are
  if their statements go unchallenged, we all see them for who they are.
  No matter how much he tries, Sam is not convincing anyone that Climate
  Change is the largest conspiracy ever known to man, and Rick is not
  convincing anyone that beating your spouse is okay if she deserved it.
  I know that Rick's posts may feel very personal to you, especially since
  sounds like you have been a victim of domestic abuse before. I imagine
  they feel like (and may actually be, psychologically speaking) actual
  abusive attacks, especially with the recent devolution into name calling
  and disrespectful comments.
  I don't advocate violence unless there is a real reason for it, even
  against Rick. This is a silly comparison I know, but I can't help but be
  reminded of the third episode of The Walking Dead, an episode called
  it to the Frogs where Carol is being abused by her husband and Shane
  in to defend her, beating Ed within an inch of his life for his abuse.
  I know you are strong and capable of defending yourself, it's just a
  that I think of when I imagine that like Ed in the show, what a miserable
  person Rick must be like in his real life, and how this group would jump
  into action if we were all standing around in person and he felt the
  need to beat ANY person because they asked for it. Especially a woman.
  Anyway, those are my random thoughts. I do hope you do continue to lurk
  contribute at times.


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Re: he had his fuc*%ng hands up

2014-09-11 Thread Sam

They also said he was running away and got shot in the back of his
head. We know based on the autopsy all shots came from the front. I
think we need more evidence before we can judge this case.


On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 11:25 AM, LRS Scout lrssc...@gmail.com wrote:

 So some news on the Mike Brown shooting.

 Multiple on site witnesses saying he had his hands up, people on video He
 was no threat at all.


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Re: Bowing out

2014-09-11 Thread Sam

You're comment makes no sense.


On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 2:18 PM, LRS Scout lrssc...@gmail.com wrote:

 And Maureen is vindicated
 On Sep 11, 2014 2:13 PM, Sam sammyc...@gmail.com wrote:

 I think it's cute you feel you're qualified to know what open minded means.


 On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 2:11 PM, Scott Stroz boyz...@gmail.com wrote:
  I think its cute you think you are open minded.

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Re: he had his fuc*%ng hands up

2014-09-11 Thread Sam

Yes, investigate as a possible homicide. But like I said, the story
doesn't match other witnesses or autopsy results. I agree It is
damning, but not conclusive.


On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 2:20 PM, LRS Scout lrssc...@gmail.com wrote:

 I think it should be investigated as a homicide at good point.

 The two videos on that page err in the second following the shooting and
 they are saying he didn't attack, was no threat, hands up.

 They watched it happen.
 On Sep 11, 2014 2:16 PM, Sam sammyc...@gmail.com wrote:

 They also said he was running away and got shot in the back of his
 head. We know based on the autopsy all shots came from the front. I
 think we need more evidence before we can judge this case.


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Re: Bowing out

2014-09-11 Thread Sam

I may agree but judgments can be very subjective. I like to think
people just disagree rather then think they are stupid.


On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 3:58 PM, CF:_InternetEmail.info
h...@internetemail.info wrote:

 I’ve been a more or less a silent part of this forum
 since around 98 or 99 if my bad memory recalls correctly.

 In those years… I’ve come to realize -
 this forum is filled with incredibly bright guys (and gals)

 who can be very helpful…

 but also - who at times - can be just plain stupid, and / or ignorant…
 as well as often blind to reality.

 And I understand… reality can be subjective.

 I’ve got 37 years of software development experience…
 and in this group… I’d rather remain silent.

 Not specifically pointing out one or two people mind you. There’s a few of 

 For such smart / intelligent people… some of you can be really dumb.

 The abuse and verbal assaults are absurd - and way beyond reasonable.

 That’s why I don’t actively participate on this forum.

 Just wanted to toss that out for anyone who cares.

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Re: Ray Rice

2014-09-10 Thread Sam

Are you saying: I'm taking my ball and going home or are you saying
: If someone picks Rick or Sam for my team I'm taking my ball and
going home

Either way, STFU. Publicly announcing you're ignoring someone is about
as narcissistic and childish as it gets.

Oh, you won't see this. Let me add you're an asshole too then :)


On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 11:15 PM, Judah McAuley ju...@wiredotter.com wrote:

 Rick managed to promote himself to my second ever kill filter on this list,
 after Sam. Life's too short to deal with shit like this, ya know? Pity, but
 there it is.

 On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 11:53 AM, Scott Stroz boyz...@gmail.com wrote:

 And we are all extremely happy that you did. Good to know that the 1950's
 attitude towards women is not dead yet. Shows we still have some work to

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Re: Ray Rice

2014-09-10 Thread Sam

I can't agree with you.


On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 4:03 PM, Scott Stroz boyz...@gmail.com wrote:

 In my mind, Maureen gets a 'pass' because over the years, she has
 consistently be very level headed and offers thought provoking commentary.

 You  are neither level headed nor  have you never offered anything
 worthwhile to this list - all you do is parrot what you saw on FoxNews
 earlier in the day.

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Re: Ray Rice

2014-09-10 Thread Sam

If NOW is really serious about violence against women, they've gotta
focus on Bill Clinton. Where were the NAGs when Juanita Broaddrick
said she was raped by Bill Clinton?  Where were the NAGs when Kathleen
Willey was stalked and hit on by Bill Clinton?  Where were the NAGs
when Gennifer Flowers and all the 'bimbos' were assaulted? Where were
they when Paula Jones was called trailer trash by James Carville who
said, 'This is what you get when you drag a dollar bill through a
trailer park'? -Rush


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Re: Ray Rice

2014-09-10 Thread Sam

Doesn't matter who made the point, is it valid?


On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 4:10 PM, Scott Stewart
webmas...@sstwebworks.com wrote:

 This is a quote from Rush Limbaugh, an entertainer it is therefore deemed
 without merit and irrelevant in a conversation dealing with actual events.

 Ten yard penalty and loss of down.

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Re: Ray Rice

2014-09-10 Thread Sam

You came back to tell us you're filtering someone?

Very helpful. Thanks for that.


On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 4:27 PM, Dana dana.tier...@gmail.com wrote:

 oh wait are you fucking kidding me? Judith? Character assassination?


 I am already filtering him. I just realized that. I see him because people
 are responding to him.

 I propose group block and ignore.

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Re: Ray Rice

2014-09-10 Thread Sam

SOP for this list. Why are we concerned now?


On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 4:43 PM, Jerry Milo Johnson jmi...@gmail.com wrote:

 As a plea of sanity here, just as there is no justification for Rice to
 punch his fiance, I think we need to as a group dial down the rhetoric and
 personal attacks.

 Even IF someone is defending Rice, or thinks what he did was OK, or is just
 playing devils advocate or trolling, that doesn't take away YOUR need for
 civility or decorum.

 Disagree. Argue. Think less of a person. But name calling and questioning
 someone's soul is a little much I think.

 Or so I think.

 Of course, we might not have all the facts on the Rice video, and should
 therefore withhold judgment and outrage. For example, there COULD have been
 a really annoying bee on her, and she might be allergic to bees. He might

 Well, it could be.

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Re: Ray Rice

2014-09-10 Thread Sam

I didn't notice.


On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 5:34 PM, Vivec gel21...@gmail.com wrote:

 Do you realise that almost everyone with a conservative ideology that
 joins the list
 gets attacked viciously after a short time of posting?

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Re: Ray Rice

2014-09-10 Thread Sam

You always go straight for the personal attacks. You are almost never
attacked first.


On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Maureen mamamaur...@gmail.com wrote:

 Maybe you are not paying attention, because I am only responding to
 what he is saying.

 As for vicious attacks on conservatives, this is not a political
 issue, it is a moral issue, and I will not sit silent while anyone -
 liberal or conservative - takes a stance like Rick/Sam on domestic
 abuse.  She was asking for it or blaming the victim are not
 acceptable views.

 And as for who is has been attacked the most on this list, I'd bet
 dollars I would win that contest.  I can't make a single post here on
 a controversial topic without being personally attacked.  I don't care
 - because I simply consider the source.  The difference is I mostly
 attack the opinion, not the poster, except in the case of Sam, who
 struck first.

 As for the other people on the list attacking conservatives, they
 mostly (with the exception of Eric)  attack the opinion.  If you read
 back through some of the political threads, it because apparent very
 quickly who is practicing debate and who is only using the standard
 disinformation techniques of false analogy, labeling and ad hominem.

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Re: Democrats set to lose the senate

2014-09-09 Thread Sam

Wow. You got it exactly opposite.
Do you actually believe anything you just wrote?


On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 10:24 AM, Vivec gel21...@gmail.com wrote:

 Yeah. RIck is why I think we are all in a pile of crap if the GOP wins.

 Just the one quote he used as justifications shows that he is running based
 on what Fox news and the right wing media in the US says.

 Obamacare has been a resounding success, and this has been recognised
 objectively worldwide.

 Obama has also achieved more with less bloodshed than bush before him.
 Single case in point, Getting Iran to the negotiating table and keeping
 them non-weaponized without a war.

 America's economy has surged after one of the worst global recessions
 (which it caused) in history under Obama's economic policies.

 But you are right, Rick. The GOP is at war, and America and the rest of the
 world is collateral damage.

 That is why it baffles me how incompetent the democrats are at PR and
 winning an election.


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Re: Democrats set to lose the senate

2014-09-09 Thread Sam

The media and needs to do it's job. Until then we're doomed by sheeple


On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 10:47 AM, LRS Scout lrssc...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm 40.

 I've been a political junkie my whole life.

 All I've seen are lies, even the very opposite reactions promised.  I don't
 know what the answer is, but neither party has the answers and both have
 some regular decent people in them.

 There hasn't been any advancement in philosophy or ideology since the
 expansion of the social contract.  At this point I cannot deny that trade
 unionism, socialism and even communism made us think about things suddenly
 for the positive, while at the same time doing immeasurable damage to
 individual rights.

 If we are to be intellectuals, and if politics is to be looked at as the
 science of the possible, then we need to look at things fully and from all
 angles and stop making decisions in fear and ignorance.

 Guns drugs sex and privacy to me are huge, but we need to start talking
 about election reform, apportionment, returning this nation to one that is
 actually represented.
 On Sep 9, 2014 10:37 AM, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com wrote:

 I DIDN'T feel this way when I was younger, Scout.

 But I've watched as the America I've known has slowly
 been eroded and destroyed from within.

 It's time to fight for American values and virtue and not
 surrender this nation to those who would only destroy it.

 How old are you Scout? I'm 54 and I've given peaceful
 discussion all the chance I can. Radical liberals are insistent
 they their view prevail and will use whatever means they
 can, including physical violence, to achieve their goals.

 It's time to put a stop to it.

 On 9/9/2014 10:31 AM, LRS Scout wrote:
  You know that's how I thought more when I was younger, the older I've
  gotten I've come to realise that without at least discussing one
  opinions we'll get no where.
  Ghandi said an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.
  I've suffered legitimate torts, wrongs at the hands of this government,
  every day I get up and write and call and email.  I may be chasing
  down holes and telling at walks but it is our responsibility, especially
  oath takers, to bring reason and community back to these debates.
  After Bundy and Ferguson can't you see how close we are to tall violence.
  The government is responding wrong, so far the civilian side hasn't
  up, but his long can that last and then we're in a shooting war.
  On Sep 9, 2014 10:20 AM, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com
  I'm not talking about physical war. I mean social and political war-like
  Liberals have, for the most part, proven incapable or unwilling to
  discuss issues.
  They, like most terrorists, just want their way and will use any means
  to get it,
  including manipulating the federal government agencies as tools for
  their agenda,
  as Obama has been doing with the Justice Department, EPA, and IRS.
  They have sought war. Now that can get what they've asked for.
  I will not be a sheep led to slaughter, Scout.
  On 9/9/2014 12:08 AM, LRS Scout wrote:
  That's a terrible atrocious idea.
  I have worked to hard to ensure neither of my children join to have
  see this place turn to shit.
  The initiation of violence for political means is immoral.
  There are legitimate causes did violent response, I've made it through
  couple without it so far.
  The men who founded this nation were if the renaissance.
  philosophers, inventors and scientists.
  They didn't fight until given no choice.
  We still have the ability to reason as men, the destruction a second
  war would do to this country would likely be permanent and result in a
  balkanization effect. Treating under the union for all time.
  Maybe that's what the next cycle of history requires but I'm not yet
  to surrender to it.
  On Sep 8, 2014 11:57 PM, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com


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Re: Showtime Series: Years of Living Dangerously

2014-09-09 Thread Sam

Hold on now you still think global warming is real?
Holy sheep shit Batman. What will it take to open your eyes?


On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 11:31 AM, Cameron Childress camer...@gmail.com wrote:

 I caught this on my Apple TV last night. It's a new series on Showtime
 where a variety of Hollywood types narrate and explore climate change and
 dig a little deeper into some very specific causes and effects. For
 example, Ep1 stars Don Cheadle, Harrison Ford, and Thomas Friedman (NY
 Times  The World is Flat). Ford goes to Indonesia to see some slash and
 burn forests. Cheadle goes to Texas to meet a bunch of folks who think
 drought it caused by (and will be fixed by) God. Friedman goes to Syria and
 Turkey to see how the drought there may have triggered the current Syrian


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Re: Ray Rice

2014-09-09 Thread Sam

He's very progressive, they can say anything and all's well.


On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 11:36 AM, LRS Scout lrssc...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm more surprised by gellie personally.
 On Sep 9, 2014 11:25 AM, Cameron Childress camer...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 11:04 AM, Ray Champagne wrote:

  My opinion of some people on this list has changed...not for the better.

 Agreed. There are no words. I cannot fathom even knowing someone having the
 same attitude as Rick.

 Perhaps she should not have slapped him, but couples argue and get into
 minor altercations. It happens. Even if she was punching him as hard as she
 could repeatedly, that is no excuse to knock her out cold.

 Remember that Jay-Z video in an elevator, Beyonce's sister attacking him.
 He stepped back, she was not hurting him. He did not knock her out cold.

 Rick you are completely on the wrong side of this argument and you look
 like an asshole for it.

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Re: Showtime Series: Years of Living Dangerously

2014-09-09 Thread Sam

Thanks for the permission

On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 11:37 AM, Cameron Childress camer...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 11:36 AM, Sam wrote:

 Hold on now you still think global warming is real?
 Holy sheep shit Batman. What will it take to open your eyes?

 Sam you don't have to watch it. You and Rick can go punch some strippers or
 something instead.




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Re: Ray Rice

2014-09-09 Thread Sam

The main point is she married the abuser so she could get a payout.
Now TMZ ruined her life. Now she's married to a elementary school pe
teacher. Wait... maybe he shouldn't be around kids with that temper.


On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 11:49 AM, Vivec gel21...@gmail.com wrote:

 This some new info that someone posted:

 Rice and Janay Palmer were both initially arrested for simple assault
 after Rice was caught pulling his unconscious fiance out of that elevator.
 The charges against Palmer were dropped and the charges against Rice were
 upgraded to aggravated assault six weeks later after the case was presented
 to a grand jury.

 So after another review, the charges were escalated on rice and dropped on
 palmer. Changes my view somewhat, but not entirely.

 My view is:
 Rice used too much force
 No evidence so far to conclude that this is/was an abusive relationship, or
 that either of them are serial abusers.
 His wife was an aggressor initially based on the footage outside the

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Re: Democrats set to lose the senate

2014-09-09 Thread Sam



On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 12:02 PM, LRS Scout lrssc...@gmail.com wrote:

 Because they are older and in areas that were more heavily hit by the loss
 of our industrial sector.
 On Sep 9, 2014 11:49 AM, Eric Roberts ow...@threeravensconsulting.com

 Then why is it that the bulk of the people on welfare programs are
 conservatives?  Red states consume more way more welfare dollars than blue
 states do.

 -Original Message-
 From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:r...@whitestonemedia.com]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2014 10:23 AM
 To: cf-community
 Subject: Re: Democrats set to lose the senate

 Let's start with 'personal responsibility'.

 Liberals have abused the generosity of the American Public to the point
 welfare is now a way of life for half our population.

 On 9/9/2014 11:11 AM, William Bowen wrote:
  mmm... excellent bogeymen all...
  Rick, it was your initial statement, care to elaborate on your
  American values?
  On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 8:07 AM, LRS Scout lrssc...@gmail.com wrote:
  Slavery, spousal abuse and firing invasion seen to be common threads.
  On Sep 9, 2014 11:02 AM, William Bowen william.bo...@gmail.com
  It's time to fight for American values and virtue and not surrender
  this nation to those who would only destroy it.
  And what precisely, pray tell, are these American values?
  If my life weren't funny, it would just be true; and that would
  just be unacceptable.
  - Carrie Fisher


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Re: Ray Rice

2014-09-09 Thread Sam

Sports fanatics are a strange bunch


On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 12:08 PM, Scott Stewart
webmas...@sstwebworks.com wrote:

 You only need two words Ray Lewis
 On Sep 9, 2014 12:07 PM, GMoney gm0n3...@gmail.com wrote:

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Can't make this stuff up

2014-09-09 Thread Sam


John Kerry points out where the real world dangers are today.
And he was thisclose to being president.


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Re: Two bad choices

2014-09-09 Thread Sam

Three kids and still messing around?
I might throw a leg over her but not sure I'd vote for her.


On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 4:03 PM, C. Hatton Humphrey chumph...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 3:51 PM, Scott Stewart webmas...@sstwebworks.com

 She's cute but she's what 17...?

 I remember reading somewhere that she's in her mid-20's and she's got
 either 2 or 3 kids.  Actually some of the attacks, especially on Facebook,
 are coming from folks that are blasting her for, abandoning her family.
  The affair that she had was the end of a dying marriage apparently and
 some folks are using her political campaign pages to shame her publicly.

 Until Later!
 C. Hatton Humphrey

 Every cloud does have a silver lining.  Sometimes you just have to do some
 smelting to find it.

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Re: Two bad choices

2014-09-09 Thread Sam

WOW, that's using your noodle. How's CA doing?

On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 4:48 PM, Maureen mamamaur...@gmail.com wrote:

 Anyone whose campaign website has multiple instances of protect the
 children in bold is way too committed to buzz words to get my vote.
 Every single issue she discusses are red herring buzz word media sound
 bite generating pablum.

 Vote for the guy.

 On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 1:48 PM, C. Hatton Humphrey chumph...@gmail.com 

 On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 12:42 PM, GMoney gm0n3...@gmail.com wrote:

 Your sig has a link to EastCoastConservative.comthat MIGHT be a clue as
 to which primary you are voting in :)

 Yeah, my signature has had that in it for over 6 years so the primary *I*
 am looking at is obvious.  I was trying to make it vague so others might
 share how they stood when faced with two options and neither one was really
 a stand-out.

 For this *specific* race we've got Gia Arnold (http://votegia.com/) against
 Rob Ortt (http://www.robortt.com/).  Inexperienced libertarian vs city
 mayor/combat vet moderate.  The Republican incumbent retired so there's no
 battle there.


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Re: Ray Rice

2014-09-09 Thread Sam

Try changing your attitude maybe and people won't come after you

On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Scott Stewart webmas...@sstwebworks.com wrote:

 Both times that I have been attacked have been reported to the police and
 in each case the attacker came out worse,  broken sternum and broken nose
 respectively,  and I was not charged because my response was judge to be

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Re: Cause of global warming hiatus found deep in the Atlantic Ocean

2014-08-22 Thread Sam

Is that a Friday Funny?


On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Cameron Childress camer...@gmail.com wrote:



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Re: Study Shows Children Raised With Religion Find It Challenging To Judge Fact From Fiction

2014-07-30 Thread Sam

Did you repost the link I posted and suggest I read it?

Too funny.


On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 11:38 AM, Larry Lyons larrycly...@gmail.com wrote:


The results suggest that exposure to religious ideas has a powerful
impact on children's differentiation between reality and fiction, not
just for religious stories but also for fantastical stories.


 Maybe it would help to read the original article.


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