RE: Shopping Cart Recommendations

2006-04-05 Thread Kevin Graeme
Strictly CF? ZenCart is a popular and free PHP shopping cart. It supports and Paypal out of the box and it specifically has an
abstracted templating system.

The CF shopping carts I have bookmarked are:

AbleCommerce, $1000 starting

CFWebstore $300 starting

CF-ezcart $175 starting

Netready $350

QuillDesign QD Cart

QuillDesign SiteDirector

Cartweaver $250

ampleShop $800 starting

CF Shopkart $179 starting

QuickEStore $99

CF Merchant $475

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Jeff Chastain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 4:06 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Shopping Cart Recommendations
 I am looking for a shopping cart recommendation.  I am 
 putting together a
 simple web site / store front for my wife and don't really 
 have the time to
 write this myself.  The biggest requirement is that it be 
 customizable from
 a UI standpoint and preferably open source so that additional 
 could be added later.  I have already tried quite a few 
 different carts, and
 even paid for one, but I have yet to find one that is very easily
 re-skinned.  Having to dig through the source code looking 
 for every bit of
 display code does not count as re-skinnable to me.  Other 
 than that, just a
 general basic cart, probably that would talk with PayPal, is 
 all that I am
 looking for.
 Any suggestions?
 -- Jeff

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RE: LAMP package

2006-03-30 Thread Kevin Graeme
The XAMPP package that Rob mentioned has a Windows version and has MySQL 5.
I'm not a server admin, but setting it up for a dev system took the time to
run the installer then just a couple minutes to add some passwords.

Here's the URL again.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Andy Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 3:42 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: LAMP package
 I should have clarified that I'm on Windows so technically 
 the subject line
 should have been WAMP package.
 My apologies for getting Joelle all worked up.

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RE: OT: Copyright Attorney

2006-03-13 Thread Kevin Graeme
I ran across it while researching carts last week and considering their
pages describing their product are exactly your pages dropped into their
site template, I clued in right away that they had just ripped off your site
if not your cart. So it looks like you might have multiple things to go
after them on.

As for lawyers, in this state lawyers aren't technically limited to one
specific area of law. So if the bar gives them a license, they can practice
any law. But in practicality, they do have their areas of personal
expertise. So be aware that while a lawyer may tell you that they can take a
copyright case, it may not be their specialty.

Good luck.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Bud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 5:38 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: OT: Copyright Attorney
 Did you sell the source as is? If so and if they've altered 
 the program
 enough, it's not illegal to resell it.
 My license states that no source code can be used to create a 
 competing application.
 Don't get me wrong, I think you
 should definitely pursue this, but after a certain 
 percentage of changes
 have been made, it's not considered the same source anymore.
 If it's been altered, I'm sure it's only so it's not recognizable on 
 the surface. Considering the feature set, and considering these 
 companies are advertising that feature set, it can't be altered much.
 Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations, Inc.
 Web Based Solutions / eCommerce Development  Hosting -
 Toll Free: 877.207.6397 - Local  Int'l Phone/Fax: 386.789.0968

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RE: RSS site like

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Graeme
Feed Aggregation is becoming an entire business niche. 

- The most popular open source aggregator is Planet:Planet. But it's Python.

- There are a number of plugins for the various popular blog engines for the
smaller scale needs. But nothing CF there.

- Then there's the big business aggregators like NewsGator that offer both
online aggregators or Enterprise installs and Private Label customized
options. Their enterprise version is .NET but appears to have an API and
webservices for integrating into intranet portals and such.

Not much to get you started in CF, unfortunately. As for implementations for
keeping the feeds current, I've seen three approaches:

1. Scheduled polling like you mentioned. This is the easiest to do, but
obviously it's a brute force approach that puts the most strain on all the
resources involved.

2. User triggered retrieve and cache. When someone actually looks at the
aggregator information for a particular content area, do a lookup at that
point and then cache that for a period of time so that it's not updating for
each user hit. This is similar to how many desktop aggregator tools work.

3. Webservice triggers in the blogs you poll. For instance, in the WordPress
software there's a screen in the admin to add any webservices you want to
notify of updates to the blog. This is the most elegant technically, but
obviously only works with feeds that can notify a webservice of updates.

And of course, there's the mix and blend of all the above. For instance,
using method 2's user triggers to make sure that blogs being aggregated are
actually of use to the viewer and then adding it to method 1's scheduled
polling queue for a period of time.

Here's a blog covering the Aggregation industry.

Have fun! 

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Yves Arsenault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 7:08 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RSS site like
 Hey there,
 I'm considering attempting to build a similar site to
 Basically, pull in feeds from many different blogs and sort 
 them (DESC).
 I'm wondering if anyone has built something similar and would 
 maybe have
 some suggestions on what to look out for.
 Also, I guess I'm not sure what the best approach would be.
 Pulling the feeds and storing into a database, then display and sort.
 Should I run a script every few minutes to check the feeds 
 for new entries?
 And when the page is loaded, I would use some query caching 
 so as not to .
 Having never done a whole lot with rss feeds other than 
 simply displaying
 their contents... just trying to find the most efficiant way 
 to go about.
 Yves Arsenault
 Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into 
 a friend.
 --Martin Luther King, Jr.

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RE: OT: Popular Open API's

2006-03-07 Thread Kevin Graeme
MS SharePoint (with CF popular in intranets, this might be worth looking at)


Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Ryan Guill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 6:42 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: OT: Popular Open API's
 These are great examples of API's, but I was meaning more like the
 Flickr API, the Yahoo! and Google maps api's, and the Paypal api's,
 the more mainstream API's that you always hear so much about.
 But keep them coming, I want to hear about these as well.
 On 3/6/06, Paul Hastings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  S. Isaac Dealey wrote:
   JDOM/Xalan/Xerces -- although you don't see much of these with CF
  don't forget the rest of core java. i expect they're 
 darned popular.
   ICU4J (IBM's internationalization (i18n) project)
  well of course icu4j ;-)

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RE: CSS UL IE help

2006-03-03 Thread Kevin Graeme
You can zero out everything with:

* {margin: 0; padding: 0}

Then if you go look at C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\res\html.css you can
see what the defaults for Firefox are. 

What I'm doing right now is creating an external stylesheet called
crossBrowserSizes.css where I dump those defaults, modified as desired.
Then I @import it into my site's stylesheet so I have a baseline to start

What it doesn't fix is IE hasLayout bugs with the margin collapsing rules.
But I don't really know of anything that globally fixes that.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 11:21 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: CSS UL IE help
 Thanks CSSandy (or is it CSSandra?).  :)
 This is uber-helpful.  Just dump this in the top of all my css 
 definition files when I'm developing new sites, and I'm good to go? 
 Kind of a best practice?
 Are you doing any CSS seminars at CFUnited?
 Sandra Clark wrote:
  Each browser has its own style sheet which sets (among 
 other things) default
  margins and padding for each element.  The best way I have 
 found to combat
  this is to specifically zero out all margins and paddings 
 from all elements
  first and explicitly set them up as necessary.
  It involves a bit more work, but I have found it creates 
 more consistency
  between browsers.
  Sandra Clark  
  -Original Message-
  From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 8:46 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: CSS UL IE help
  I have a site I'm mocking up and am having some trouble 
 with padding in my
  ul list looking different in IE and FF.  Take a look at the 
 below URL
  - the bottom green bulleted list looks great in FF, but has 
 way too much
  padding in IE.  Anyone know how to fix that?  Either Google 
 can't find what
  I'm looking for as far as answers go, or I'm not searching 
 for the right
  Thanks for the help!

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RE: How to force download of linked text file on Mac

2006-03-03 Thread Kevin Graeme
If you're talking about OS X, it doesn't rely on the resource fork anymore.
Even as far back as at least 8.6, the Mac will translate from filename
extensions to derive the filetype for most things justs fine.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Jerry Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 3:08 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: How to force download of linked text file on Mac
 On a mac, though, does the MIME type of octet-stream on the download
 do anything to the resource fork part of the file, and make it a
 non-standard txt file as far as the Mac OS is concerned?
 On 3/3/06, Jochem van Dieten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Jerry Johnson wrote:
   Using cfcontent, how can I craft a page that returns a 
 text file to a
   Macintosh that forces a download, is saved as a txt file (.txt),
   contains extended ascii characters.
  cfheader name=Content-Disposition value=attachment;
  cfcontent type=application/octet-stream
  Of course you are dependent on the browser to follow the RFC.

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RE: Getting data into Flash 8

2006-02-24 Thread Kevin Graeme
In a lot of cases the drag/drop components for data integration in Flash
actually require MORE work and code than doing it with code alone.

The communitymx stuff is good to go through though!

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 1:43 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Getting data into Flash 8
 MM didn't make it complex, you are making it complex, it 
 ain't rocket science.
 They pretty much do have drag and drop components already 
 built in, you can have remoting working in under 30 seconds 
 or there is the data connector that's built in that can get 
 data from a cfc or web service, again in under 30 seconds.
 I suggest that you check out all the remoting tutorials at or specifically this one 
 or has quite a bit of info as well.
 ~Dave the disruptor~ 

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RE: A very specific message board/forum question...

2006-02-23 Thread Kevin Graeme
As a general rule, yes. Providing HTML editing in any publicly accessible
part of a web app is one of those bad things you typically want to avoid.
Here's just one example of why:

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 So should all html be treated as bad and block it?
 HTML editors cause a couple of problems:
 #1 - you can break the HTML.
 #2 - you can PASTE IN any html you want into tinyMCE.. you'd have to 
 parse out the tags you don't want.. and it could still be 
 broken html.
 #3 - wysiwyg html editors are slow loading, evne at their most basic.
 #4 - wysiwyg html editors very browser dependent.

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RE: A very specific message board/forum question...

2006-02-22 Thread Kevin Graeme
 -Original Message-
 From: Rick Root [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I don't think anyone necessarily wants a phpBB clone, but we want all 
 the features that phpBB has.

Or at least the option to have the features to turn off. ;-)

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

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RE: Google indexing

2006-02-21 Thread Kevin Graeme
Where the link shows up in Google's results is based on the PageRank. Higher
pagerank = better listing.

PageRank is calculated using various and ever changing means. One of the
most significant is the links in to your site from other sites, since the
actual goal of Google is to track how everything is related to each other.
But Google has gotten good at filtering out link swapping and other means to
artifically influence the score.

Similarly, Google ignores the Keyword meta tags now because of people
abusing them to get high scores.

The things you can reliably do to ensure a good score are have the text that
is being matched in the following locations:

- h1
- First paragraph after h1
- title
- url (typically in the filename)

Additionally, when people link to your site, or for links within your own
site, make the text of the link be the key search term, especially for
in-context links (as opposed to nav bars). So if someone is searching for
Bob Guiney photos:

a href=photos.htmlBob Guiney's photo gallery/a

is probably better than

Bob Guiney's photo a href=gallery.htmlgallery/a

But the rules keep shifting around.

As for getting stuff that has been indexed by Google already off the Google

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Rick Root [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 10:54 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: OT: Google indexing
 Okay... do a google search for bob guiney
 His site (which I built) is the first link.. which is good.  
 And google 
 also lists direct links to a couple of subpages.. BGB Imagery, Bob 
 Guiney's Online Diary, Music, etc.
 How does google decide what to put up there?  Click popularity?  Of 
 course they can't tell when you click on something, so maybe link 
 Anyway, I didn't notice that google was doing this until just 
 now when 
 Bob asked me if we c ould axe the diary link from google.  My initial 
 idea is to just use a robots.txt file to prevent the diary from even 
 being indexed.. clearly that would solve the problem, but is 
 it the best 
 (vent:  why doesn't Mozilla Thunderbird's built in spell checker know 
 how to spell Mozilla and Thunderbird?)

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RE: Google search appliance and Cold Fusion

2006-02-21 Thread Kevin Graeme
We have a Google Mini here and generally like it. There's a really good
reference here:

A Google search request is a simple HTTP request to the Google search
engine. The search request format and options available are detailed in the
Request Format section.

The search results are returned in the output format specified in the search
request. Currently, Google supports output results in XML and HTML format.
XML formatted results give you the power to customize the display of the
results through the implementation of a custom XML parser. The HTML results
can be customized through the application of an XSL stylesheet to the
standard XML results.

One of the things I learned from that is that while the public Google search
ignores the meta keywords by default, with a properly formatted search
string you can tell it to not only use keywords but how to match specific
meta tags. So if you have a good meta tag scheme, you can design interfaces
that do custom searches on your site that target specific pages more
accurately than just content text.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Jerry Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 8:49 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Google search appliance and Cold Fusion
 Does anyone have any experience/recomendations/lessons learned about
 integrating a Google search appliance into a Cold Fusion server
 environment serving dozens of sites and hundreds of thousands of
 Thanks for any info,
 Jerry Johnson

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RE: CSS Positioning

2006-02-15 Thread Kevin Graeme
I know you asked for web sites, but the books Eric Meyer on CSS and More
Eric Meyer on CSS are really good project tutorials that step you through
various actual implementations of using CSS.

Most sites I see cover the concepts but don't take you through the learning
process of implementing them.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Everland III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 9:56 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: OT: CSS Positioning
 I want to play around with using CSS instead of using tables 
 to position things. Does anyone have some sites that they use 
 as an example of this that I can go off of.

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RE: Log analyzer software.

2006-02-07 Thread Kevin Graeme
Just to be the guy that bucks the trend, we use Urchin and it's quite nice.
Haven't tried SmarterStats to compare it too but we used to use WebTrends
and you couldn't pay me to use that again.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Che Vilnonis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 7:53 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Log analyzer software.
 Thanks to all that have helped. Looks like SmarterStats is a go. :)
 Also, from what I hear, their mail software, SmarterMail is 
 pretty good as
 Thanks, Che.

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RE: Doctype

2006-02-03 Thread Kevin Graeme
Here's a decent intro article.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Everland III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 6:44 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: OT: Doctype
 I'm confused as to how the doctype affects css. I have some 
 tools I made and wanted to plug them into Lighthouse Pro and 
 the doctype on lighthouse pro is strict. So when I put my 
 tools into it, the rendered differently than they did under a 
 different doctype. Where do I go to learn more about the 
 differences. I understand what it is, just not what I'm 
 supposed to do to make it look correct.

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RE: Who is using a large scale CMS?

2006-01-27 Thread Kevin Graeme

I know Fig Leaf works a lot with CommonSpot. Do you consider it a large
scale CMS?

It's a vague term, so the interpretation of it is going to vary widely. When
I think of large scale, what comes to mind is Documentum or Interwoven or

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 10:26 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Who is using a large scale CMS?
  I think Voice of America is using CommonSpot (ask someone from 
 Yes, this is correct.
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
 Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber 
 vendor-authorized instruction at our training centers in 
 Washington DC, Atlanta, Chicago, Baltimore, Northern 
 Virginia, or on-site at your location.
 Visit for more information!

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RE: My Politics

2006-01-24 Thread Kevin Graeme
Ha! You dork. Posting to the wrong group. 

Before people jump all over this, it was meant for cf-community.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Tim Heald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 8:47 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: My Politics
 So, Larry laid out his beliefs, and I figured I would try and 
 do the same.
 Overall Beliefs

[Blah, blah, blah]

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RE: eGovernment and Wiki's --- anyone making Wiki's with CF?

2006-01-12 Thread Kevin Graeme
The way I think of it is that most CMS are designed around the idea of
structured, categorized content. A wiki tends to be more pure hypertext in
that it's not so much categorized as cross-linked. 

Those are really broad oversimplifications, and a CMS can certainly be
designed to be wiki-like but a wiki can't be anything but a wiki. 

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 I really don't see how this differs from any other public or 
 semi-private CMS system, which employs access control among a 
 group of users.  I build this type all the time.  I guess a 
 CMS by any other name is still just a CMS...
 Is it just in how wiki's are built that distinguishes them?
 (I guess I just need to spend some time working on a wiki...)

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RE: eGovernment and Wiki's --- anyone making Wiki's with CF?

2006-01-11 Thread Kevin Graeme
I've been looking at wiki for edu/gov sites here too. Wikis have been around
for a long time, and the Wikipedia with the open editing is just one
implementation. They don't have to be completely open editable, most do come
with access control features.

Your question though about building them in CF? is a bit vague.

Are you thinking of developing a wiki app in CF or are you wanting to build
a wiki site and you are wondering if there's already a wiki app built for

If you're asking as an app developer about building a wiki app using the CF
language, I'd say go for it! Brian Shearer has a cfwiki project that he
started a few years ago and Reinout Korbee did a variant on it, but there's
certainly room for more choices.

If you're a site developer looking for a Wiki solution, there's
unfortunately a dearth of robust CF options. I'd say look at all the options
regardless of language and pick the one that works best for your end product
needs. Here's one comparison chart:

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 11:05 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: eGovernment and Wiki's --- anyone making Wiki's with CF?
 Hi, all...
 I just read an article which states the
 E-government researchers have suggested that collaborative 
 Wiki software may be the best avenue for getting public 
 information to the citizenry.
 I've been considering ways to develop CF apps which might be 
 used to help our local government get info out to the 
 community.  Is the Wiki approach a good idea, and if so, can 
 these apps be developed easily with CF?
 I have little experience with
 wiki's...I've did have a look
 at wikopedia, or whatever it's called.
 I'm not too impressed
 with the idea of just any person being
 able to edit
 content.  Who's would oversee such
 Anyway...what is everyone's thoughts on
 wiki's and
 building them in CF?
 Thanks for the input...

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RE: eGovernment and Wiki's --- anyone making Wiki's with CF?

2006-01-11 Thread Kevin Graeme
I'd be interested in a link to the article. I don't know what they meant
either, though it might parallel some things I've been considering.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 12:39 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: eGovernment and Wiki's --- anyone making Wiki's with CF?
 Hi, Kevin...
 It's good to know that wiki's do have various levels of 
 content control.  It certainly seems to me that for any 
 information to be deemed reliable, it would have to come from 
 a pool of persons with reliable knowledge, not just any 
 person out in the wild blue yonder.
 Perhaps, to a degreee, that's what the eGovernment study 
 group was recommending...
 Thanks for the advice...

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RE: Multiple IIS sites on Windows XP

2006-01-05 Thread Kevin Graeme
Just want to say thanks for the original link. It helps with some things
I've been playing with in testing different site/server things.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Snake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 6:20 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Multiple IIS sites on Windows XP
 Well it's just a shame that some idiots have to take such 
 simple posts off topic for the sake of starting a flame.

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RE: Displaying a Javascript menu in front of a SWF file

2005-12-16 Thread Kevin Graeme
The problem is that by default Flash effectively has an infinite z-axis on
the page. IIRC, it has to do with the way embedded content gets rendered to
the page. A common fix is to set the embedded item to have
wmode=transparent.  See if that helps.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Terry Troxel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2005 11:33 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: OT: Displaying a Javascript menu in front of a SWF file
 I am dynamically writing static pages as well as the menu and 
 One of the pages calls several SWF (shockwave) files and I 
 cannot Figure how to make the submenu slideouts display above 
 the SWF's.
 Sure would appreacite any help.
 Terry Troxel 

Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble 
Ticket application

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RE: Sharepoint

2005-12-15 Thread Kevin Graeme
We've looked at it a little bit here too, so I'd be interested too in any CF
integration thoughts. I'm guessing they're pretty slim and probably things
like using CF with webservice interfaces behind the scenes with ASP frontend
widget in Sharepoint talking to the webservices.

In a sharepoint article I read, it said that MS runs 60,000 or so Sharepoint
servers. It sounds like they don't use a single portal server for their
organization, but instead run individual instances for teams, clients,
products, or whatever.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Dawson, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 12:27 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Sharepoint
 I will say that SP is pretty cool for quick dirty intranets 
 and posting documents.  It really benefits those that are not 
 to be bothered with using FrontPage or Contribute.
 It does have a cool survey system built-in.  It's not 
 perfect, but it keeps us from having to write custom surveys in CF.
 However, I do not believe SP to be the portal for our 
 university as it was told to be.  (The previous IT leader was 
 a huge MS fan and SP was the bee's knees.)
 I would prefer to build a custom portal in CF, but if there 
 are parts that I don't want to build, such as the surveys, I 
 will leave them for SP.
 We are running it on a separate server, so I can't really say 
 if it commandeers a server from other applications.  I do 
 know that FrontPage server extensions appear to be based off 
 of SP.  (You can see this in the IIS manager for a server 
 that has FP extensions installed.)
 -Original Message-
 From: Aaron Rouse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 12:08 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Sharepoint
 I meant to do all that I had very roughly outlined in my 
 question.  I was led to believe that by another CFM developer 
 who just so happens to have experience with Sharepoint as 
 well.  I can not seem to find many people who even know what 
 Sharepoint is let alone who have used it which also makes me 
 relunctant to use it.  It certainly seems to be a very 
 powerful tool with a lot of capabilities and is free if you 
 have Windows
 2003 but if it is all that then I keep asking myself why 
 can't I seem to find much more than a small handful of people 
 who know what it is let alone use it.
 This is what I had sent to him and his response was that he 
 knows it does all of it with the exception of the notifier 
 but bet it could be done just that he had never had to do it 
 so did not know.
  - Repository for scanned and typed documents as well as a 
 reference to where the master printed document is stored.
 - Security levels set to what group or individual documents 
 can be seen by what people
 - Possibly the searching of document content
 - Revision tracking, maybe via different documents but maybe 
 a change log where people key in the comments in a textarea
 - Tracking of who has looked at the documents online as well 
 as who has pulled up the master location since this implies 
 they pulled the master.
 - Email notifiers which could be when a document is about to 
 expire or could be something else
 - All sorts of Forms for things to be key'd in and stored 
 such as when a product is recieved what type of product it is 
 and how many line items it has so a form with text inputs and 
 a grid input to allow multiple line items and being able to 
 relate key'd in information to a document
 - Eventually maybe tie into some sort of bar coding system, 
 but I would imagine this system would be a seperate program 
 with its own tables and need to be linked in somehow for 
 reporting or searching needs.

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RE: SOT: Thoughts on Requiring Javascript

2005-10-17 Thread Kevin Graeme

You and I read the 508 differently with respect to whether it requires a
page to function without javascript. I defer to the government's own
document interpreting the requirement and giving examples of problem
situations and workarounds:

It doesn't say that the page must work with javascript disabled, instead it
talks about how javascript is beneficial to many government sites but that
some ways in which it is implemented that can cause problems.

As I'm sure you know, 508 was specifically created because the WAI rules
were too convoluted and restrictive. On the up side, 508 doesn't
specifically require the page to function without javascript. On the flip
side though, because it's not a clear cut yes/no to javascript it's hard to
agree on what is and isn't compliant because it requires so much subjective

For the point of this discussion though I agree with you that it does seem
that using AJAX in .gov/.edu can be a problem, which is very unfortunate. 

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Sandy Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 8:22 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: SOT: Thoughts on Requiring Javascript

 Section 508 has two paragraphs that can be construed with 
 this in mind for DHTML /Javascript
 (d) Documents shall be organized so they are readable without 
 requiring an associated style sheet.
 (l) When pages utilize scripting languages to display 
 content, or to create interface elements, the information 
 provided by the script shall be identified with functional 
 text that can be read by assistive technology.

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RE: FTPS? (was RE: SFTP?)

2005-10-12 Thread Kevin Graeme
Thanks. That fits with what I already knew. 

Based both my own experience and yours regarding using SFTP over FTPS, it
makes me wonder why whenever there's a request for FTP servers
recommendation thread that it only includes servers that use FTPS.

Do most people just not use the security? I haven't seen many private
vendors requiring either FTPS or SFTP whereas here it's policy. 

I've been looking for an easy to administer server for home, but I want
secured transfers so this interest isn't just academic.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Damien McKenna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:46 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: FTPS? (was RE: SFTP?)
 FTPS is a file transport layer on top of SSL or TLS.  There 
 are number of options available with it and this can cause 
 problems: SSL v2 or v3 or TLS, implicit connection, passive 
 transfers, etc.  In my experience it can be quite tricky to 
 get the options all working correctly on both the server and 
 client if you have a firewall or two in the middle, I spent 
 quite some time this past summer trying to get a series of 
 servers working and ultimately gave up.  One of the problems 
 that I see with FTPS is that there are several fall-back 
 options usually available (sometimes required) which drop 
 communications back to an unsecured channel, which defeats 
 the purpose.
 SFTP is a file transport layer on top of SSH, a protocol for 
 creating secure shell logins.  It is IMHO the most secure way 
 of doing transfers and is easiest to use from a network 
 management point of view because it all runs on one port 
 (#22) and there are no drop back to unsecured transfers 
 Whether my experiences with FTPS were actual problems or just 
 my lack of knowledge I can't say, I just got frustrated after 
 trying several server-client combinations and gave up in 
 favor of SSH which was pretty much install-and-go.
 FYI there are both free SSH servers (OpenSSH on 
 UNIX/Linux/BSD/MacOSX and FreeSSHd on Windows) and clients 
 (oodles on UNIX, CoreFTP on
 Windows) available.
 Damien McKenna - Web Developer - 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Limu Company - - 407-804-1014 #include stdjoke.h

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RE: FTPS? (was RE: SFTP?)

2005-10-11 Thread Kevin Graeme
Related to this, can someone point me to a comparison of the two? I
understand that SFTP is SSH file transfer and FTPS is FTP with SSL, but what
are the tradeoffs between them if any?

In my experience it seems that unix administrators seem inclined to use SFTP
while most easy to administer FTP server packages running on Windows use

From a practical perspective, most client tools I see use sftp, including
Dreamweaver and Contribute, which makes me shy away from picking a server
that uses FTPS even if it is easy to administer.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Terrebonne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 7:59 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: FTPS? (was RE: SFTP?)
 Actually, I had my acronym backwards (which apparently makes 
 a HUGE difference :).
 I am really looking for FTPS ability (FTP over SSL).  
 Sorry for the confusion.  Any idea where I can find a CF 
 resource for that protocol?
 Thanks again,

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RE: I love CSS :-)

2005-08-24 Thread Kevin Graeme
Congrats! There's a lot to love about CSS. There's also a LOT to make you
tear your hair out. If you haven't seen it yet and are looking for a
discussion list like this one but for CSS, I highly recommend .

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Damien McKenna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 10:14 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: OT: I love CSS :-)
 I must say that I simply love CSS.  Being able to 
 pixel-perfectly position things, adjust font styles, etc, its 
 all marvelous!
 Damien McKenna - Web Developer - 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Limu Company - - 407-804-1014 #include stdjoke.h

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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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RE: Studio 8 announced

2005-08-08 Thread Kevin Graeme
Here's a brief overview of the new features:

Some developer related things are:
- Background file transfer
- Coding toolbar including comment/uncomment
- Code collapse
- Compare files.
- Support of PHP5
- Updated reference material for XML, XSLT and XPATH.

Presumeably they'll have trial versions and you can see if the new features
work for you or not.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Thomas Chiverton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Yeah, but what new features are their that you need ?
 None by the looks of it...
 Tom Chiverton
 Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

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Studio 8 announced

2005-08-08 Thread Kevin Graeme
If you haven't seen it, Macromedia has announced Studio 8.

Dreamweaver 8 has some nice new features including better CSS support. It
also have some support for XSLT development.

Flash 8 is mostly video/graphics updates, but one of the cool things for
developers is a built-in mobile device emulator.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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RE: Studio 8 announced

2005-08-08 Thread Kevin Graeme
Flash Player 8? It's already available though not linked on the main Flash
download page yet. Here's one place to get it.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Hastings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 any idea when the player will be ready to download? will it 
 help cfforms go fast too?

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RE: Google Web Accelerator problems

2005-05-11 Thread Kevin Graeme
 -Original Message-
 From: Jochem van Dieten 

 If users actually use Web Accellerator, Google has an even 
 better indicator of page quality then the number of links to 
 it: the number of hits and the time spend on a page. That is 
 criucial information for a Trustrank. And if they become the 
 domnant technology for that, they can hide a significant 
 number of hits for the competition.

Related to this, Google recently purchased the web stats company Urchin
which offers hosted stats service. It's a direct line into the analytics of

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

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RE: Any commercial CF products that could do this?

2005-04-28 Thread Kevin Graeme
Ouch. If this is for doctors, you may also run afoul of HIPPA restrictions.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Jeff Small [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I mean, they're talking about using Yahoo! Groups...because 
 it's free...Seriously...Yahoo! Groups. 

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RE: CrystalTech Users Beware

2005-04-26 Thread Kevin Graeme
 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Davis 

 remember that CF was never 
 designed to be hosted in a shared environment, period.  

I want to thank Sean, and others, for pointing out the technical details of
why this limitation exists. As someone who doesn't delve into the
underpinnings, it's interesting to know what contributes to some of the
engineering tradeoffs. Like Connie, I would like for this to not be an
issue. I think Jim's comment above though is the bottom line.

Thanks all.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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RE: translating websites

2005-04-22 Thread Kevin Graeme
Here's the second link that works. Sorry 'bout that.
Spain asks EU to include Spanish dialects as official working languages

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Graeme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 12:33 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: translating websites
 The second link could be relevant to people doing sites in the EU.
 Also, WorldLingo's automated translation offers both Spainish 
 and Mexican Spanish as well as US English and UK English and 
 Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese.
 Kevin Graeme
 Cooperative Extension Technology Services University of 

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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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RE: MetaData Tags

2005-04-21 Thread Kevin Graeme
No wonder you're confused. That's a really horrible blog entry. Try these:

We're giving them some thought here instead of or in parallel to a defined

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Bryan F. Hogan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:25 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: MetaData Tags
 Ooops, sorry, I'm talking about this
 Not meta tags, meta data tags. :-)

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RE: translating websites

2005-04-21 Thread Kevin Graeme
While others have mentioned doing actual human translated documents and
storing them in a logical manner, if you are limited to machine translation
here are a couple resources:

AltaVista Babel Fish (free. integrated on your site)


Offers annual subscriptions with varying levels of features. Prices start at
$450/year for 1 European language and includes their logo and banner, 50,000
translations/year and that's it. For $810/year, you get more
translations/year and 50 custom terms. For a lot more money you get all 11
languages, to remove their banner, and more translations/year.


For just Spanish it starts at $40/month. That includes 1000 translations a
month with 500 words/translation, a bar with their logo and translated pages
opening in a frameset with their banner ad. They nickle and dime for
features like removing their logo, upping the amount of words/translation,
and things like in their advanced settings there's an extra $15 charge for
javascript support which still requires some effort to make it work.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Coleman, Brian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 10:32 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: translating websites
 I don't know if CF has any native way to do this, but the 
 company I work for is looking for a way to translate the 
 website to Spanish.
 Surely you wouldn't have to do a page for page translation?
 If anyone has worked with doing this sort of stuff, let me know.

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RE: Site (not Server) - wide Error Handler

2005-04-20 Thread Kevin Graeme
And of course, you can have different .cfm error handlers for the two types
of errors if you like.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Adkins, Randy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 11:09 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Site (not Server) - wide Error Handler
 That's exactly what I needed! Much appreciated
 -Original Message-
 From: Ryan Duckworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 12:59 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Site (not Server) - wide Error Handler
 In Application.cfm:
   cferror type=EXCEPTION template= errorHandler.cfm
   cferror type=REQUEST template= errorHandler.cfm
 In errorHandler.cfm:
 subject=[ERROR] - SiteName type=HTML h3ERROR/h3 
 cfdump var=#ERROR#
 cfdump var=#cgi#
 cfdump var=#form#
 cfif isdefined(session)
   cfdump var=#session#
 cfinclude template=header.cfm
 h3 align=centerA possible error has been detected and 
 reported to the administrator./h3
 cfinclude template=footer.cfm
 Note: you need both the Exception and Request... The Request 
 will catch things the exception does not.
 Ryan Duckworth
 Macromedia ColdFusion Certified Professional Uhlig Communications
 10983 Granada Lane
 Overland Park, KS 66211
 (913) 754-4272
   - Original Message -
   From: Adkins, Randy
   To: CF-Talk
   Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 6:28 PM
   Subject: Site (not Server) - wide Error Handler
   What's the best approach to using a site-wide (not server-wide)
   error handler as apposed to wrapping each piece with a CFTRY?

   An initial thought is some type of CFTRY statement within the
   Application tag, but wanted other opinions and approaches.

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RE: macromedia and Adobe?!

2005-04-19 Thread Kevin Graeme
I respectfully disagree. The graphic design industry was one of the first to
embrace the web when it was finally becoming commercialized back in the

As a graphic designer, I know plenty of other designers and almost all of
them have done web sites for people. Some use just wysiwyg tools and others
have become accomplished coders.

I find your blanket dismissal of graphic designers as derogatory and

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension 

 -Original Message-
 From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 10:03 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: macromedia and Adobe?!
 Again, we're talking graphic designers.  Most don't even 
 understand the concept of a web server. 
 John Burns
 Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer Wyle Laboratories, 
 Inc. | Web Developer

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RE: macromedia and Adobe?!

2005-04-19 Thread Kevin Graeme
John didn't say most designers aren't coders. I wouldn't have had a problem
with that. But John said, Most don't even understand the concept of a web
server. As a designer, I called bullshit. Designers made the web

ColdFusion appeals to many designers because of its tag-based roots. When
doing web sites, the lines between designer and coder can quickly become
blurred and I'm glad that a language like ColdFusion exists to make those
distinctions even blurrier. Design isn't just about making pretty pictures.
Design is much more often about communication. Clearly presenting
information. And CF is an approachable tool for facilitating communication.

Along these lines, I see great potential for purchase of Macromedia by
Adobe. For the last several years, Adobe has been moving into the areas of
presentation of XML content, content management, document management,
collaborative editing, etc. leveraging J2EE. They have enterprise
server-side tools as well as the traditional desktop design tools that
everyone is familiar with.

Coder vs. Designer? It's all about communication. And designers are tech
savvier than people here probably think.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

 -Original Message-
 From: Adrocknaphobia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 12:32 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: macromedia and Adobe?!
 John is right. Graphic designers by _definition_ are not programmers.
 Thats why they have a different title. And the _vast_ 
 majority of people who use dreamweaver are graphic designers 
 who can't even write HTML. Thats why there is a WYSIWYG and 
 why it's so popular.
 Again, thats not to say someone cant be skilled in both 
 areas, but considering the vast amount of knowledge it 
 requires to be a master of either, there are many highly 
 skilled graphic designers (that I have worked with) who can 
 only create HTML with a WYSIWYG. Because coding isn't 
 important to a focused graphic designer. Plus not all graphic 
 designers design for the web. Most paid design work is still 
 in print and other media.
 John is right in making an 'assumption' (not slander, not a 
 slur) that the majority of graphic designers are not coders.

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RE: macromedia and Adobe?!

2005-04-18 Thread Kevin Graeme
That's exactly how I got into CF. I'm not a programmer.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension 

 -Original Message-
 From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 11:52 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: macromedia and Adobe?!
 Another plus for CF is that all of the graphic designers out 
 there now have an easy-to-learn product that they can use to 
 make their websites better.  CF may catch on for the little 
 guy even more who isn't a programmer but wants to use 
 cfinclude so his menu only has to exist in one file. 
 John Burns
 Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer Wyle Laboratories, 
 Inc. | Web Developer

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RE: What's your setup for multiple developers

2005-04-14 Thread Kevin Graeme
Don't sweat it. We've actually taken your suggestion to heart and we're
putting up a project whiteboard that's labeled Hey bob. People can write
on it what they're working on and see what others are working on. We're also
going to put it in the basement. Down the broken staircase. With the lights
out. Guarded by an angry badger.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension 

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 12:16 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: What's your setup for multiple developers
 I know, i know... mea culpa. I'm quick to blame others of 
 miscommunication but i'm the worst offender.
 What i was trying to explain is that source control isn't a 
 replacement for team communications. If you often find 
 yourself fighting for control of the same file with one or 
 more other developers then you need to look at root causes - 
 no software out there can help you until you do. My example 
 was a little light hearted: of course i don't expect people 
 to check every action on every file with every other 
 developer as and when they need access to that file. Rather, 
 i would hope that code has a modicum of logical structure 
 into modules of some kind, and that developers can plan their 
 tasks ahead of time in enough detail to know which modules 
 they will be accessing. It's less a case of hands off file 
 x and more a matter of i need to change something in the 
 database access layer. bob said he was working in there 
 today. i'd better ask him first.
 If you continuously find yourself having problems with 
 multiple developers overwriting each other's changes, then 
 you need to apply some structure before you can apply some software.
 my apologies for any misunderstanding.
 -Original Message-
 From: Sean Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 7:54 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: What's your setup for multiple developers
 On 4/14/05, RADEMAKERS Tanguy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That's basically how we've worked except for the source 
 control. The 
  hey bob part just doesn't work though.
  How many developers do you have? Tens? Hundreds?
  a) If you can't coordinate work between multiple 
 developers then you 
  have bigger problems than version control. To wit:
 Claiming that a team is dysfunctional because they don't ask 
 each other 
 every single time they want to edit a file is ridiculous!
 If developers are being productive, working through bugbase issues, 
 they're going to be touching a lot of files in the course of a day.
 Having them physically ask everyone for every single file is just 
 silly! All that noise and that many interruptions??
 Your hey bob idea would only work for a very small number of 
 developers who all sit in one room, close enough to each other that 
 they could overhear everything that is said. And assumes that if 
 they're deeply involved trying to figure out  a bug, they don't mind 
 someone interrrupting them every few minutes asking if 
 they're editing 
 some file...
 Sean A Corfield -- Team Fusebox -- Got Gmail? -- I have 50, yes 50, invites to give 
 If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
 -- Margaret Atwood

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RE: What's your setup for multiple developers

2005-04-13 Thread Kevin Graeme
 -Original Message-
 From: Sean Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Every developer has Developer Edition locally and a full 
 version of the site.

Out of curiosity, how do you manage that? It seems untenable in our
environment. We have over 50,000 pages, LDAP secured sections (but they've
disabled cfldap and require us to use a cfc), areas with limited permissions
to various groups, tons of sandboxes, a completely separate server area/docs
path structure for SSL, etc.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension 

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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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RE: What's your setup for multiple developers

2005-04-13 Thread Kevin Graeme
If the IDE gets in the way of a certain workflow or isn't compatible with
tools such as CVS, then it's very pertinent. I too use DW. Have since it was
introduced. But we're having problems getting it to work well for the coders
in our environment. If people say that they tried and it didn't work for
them either, then that's useful information for me. If they have a solution
to make it work in a mixed-tool environment, that's even better.

Yes, I've been around for the many DW flamewars. But discussing the merits
of tools as they relate to a setup for multiple developers seems very

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension 

 -Original Message-
 From: Adrocknaphobia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:31 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: What's your setup for multiple developers
 Do we really need to start this thread yet again?!?!
 I personally dont care what IDE you use. I use DW without a 
 problem, because as I've said before its skill that make the 
 developer, not the IDE.

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RE: What's your setup for multiple developers

2005-04-13 Thread Kevin Graeme
Ugh. Now it's devolved. So to get back on topic:

How can I safely work in a multi-developer with Dreamweaver and other coding
tools? Either without a local development server, or with one that can't
match the actual server config (including sandboxes, server rewrites, and
required CFCs)?

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension 

 -Original Message-
 From: Ken Ferguson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 11:57 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: What's your setup for multiple developers
 No they're not -- they're mostly arguments about which is 
 better, a power screwdriver or a plain old hand tool. More 
 accurately, two power screwdrivers with different features 
 and capabilities. My point is that a Stanley and a Craftsman 
 are the SAME tool - different brand. Neither have added 
 functionality. Different IDE's have infinite differences in 
 anything from memory usage to stability to added RAD-enabling 
 utilities to wizards... 
 -Original Message-
 From: Connie DeCinko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:39 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: What's your setup for multiple developers
 Many of these arguments are like which tools is better, a 
 Stanley screwdriver or a Craftsman?  They both do the same 
 thing.  It comes down to a personal feeling of warm and fuzziness.

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RE: What's your setup for multiple developers

2005-04-13 Thread Kevin Graeme
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:56 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: What's your setup for multiple developers
 All joking aside:
 - set up one dev server
 - set up one source control server
 - check the code from the source control server out onto the 
 development server.
 - everyone works on the same dev server. yes, you will need 
 to take care that two people don't edit the same file at the 
 same time. a neat trick i like to use is to say bob, i'm 
 editing file x so keep your grubby little paws off it! or to 
 ask bob, charlie, can i edit file y?.
 - (optional) setup a little script on the dev server to check 
 in the code. schedule this script to run every x hours.
 - whenever you are happy with the code (it is in a known 
 state), do a manual check in and apply a tag.

That's basically how we've worked except for the source control. The hey
bob part just doesn't work though.

 Note that, to the best of my understanding, dream weaver has 
 a rudimentary mechanism for locking files (based on some sort 
 of temp file created on the server) - but that only works if 
 everyone uses dream weaver. Also to the best of my 
 understanding, VSS can be set up to provide protected editing 
 (editing user locks the file) of a web site - but that only 
 works if every one has a vss aware editor.

I'm quite familiar with how DW's system works. We just want to use other
tools too and still not overwrite each other. And VSS is out since our
server guys are anti-MS.

Ah well.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension 

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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RE: Page Breaks

2005-04-11 Thread Kevin Graeme
Keep us posted. I shelved a project because of these kinds of limitations.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension 

 -Original Message-
 From: Greg Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 10:18 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Page Breaks
 Just downloaded the report builder, going to check it out now.
 Connie DeCinko wrote:
 You should be able to do this in the CFMX7 Report Builder.  
 I recall an 
 option that is similar to the Access report writer, it lets 
 you chose 
 to keep certain groups together.
 -Original Message-
 From: Greg Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 7:07 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Page Breaks
 I am generating a PDF file that has multiple sections.  What 
 I want is 
 that if multiple sections can compltely fit on one page of 
 the PDF that 
 it will let them, but if part of a section is going to wrap 
 to the next 
 page, then the section is forced to the next page.  Since 
 the content 
 vastly changes the length of each section, I need it to do this 
 automaticaly since I can never be sure from one report to 
 another where they will be needed.

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RE: Has anyone else applied this patch yet???

2005-03-30 Thread Kevin Graeme
Uh oh. Time to talk to our server admins. We've got a lot of that too.


 -Original Message-
 From: Dov Katz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 6:23 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Has anyone else applied this patch yet???
 I Stand Corrected.   My install *DOES* have a problem with 
 CFLOCATION, however it seems that the problem exists only 
 when the file has nothing but a CFLOCATION in it...
 Example,  I have some legacy code which sits in FolderX on my 
 site, for the sole purpose of doing a CFLOCATION 
 This no longer works after the patch (didn't catch it since 
 its an obscure area of the site)   I am running MX6.1 + 
 w2K server with all the latest patches.
 I have CFLOCATIONS Peppered throughout other areas of the 
 site and it works just fine.  
 The following file (go.cfm) does not work:
 cflocation url=;
 Neither does wrapping it in CFIF true/cfif in case 
 presence of other code impacted the situation.
 HOWEVER, adding content to the page prior to the cflocation 
 (obviously assuming you dont cfflush) *DOES* work.   The 
 below code works:  
 !--- go3.cfm ---
 cflocation url=;
 Any ideas.  Can someone ask MM to fix and post?
  I applied to Dev, QA, and Production servers, all without incident.
 IIS5/W2K Servers
 Thanks for the input... However our two environments differ 
 enough to 
 make me think that you may not be affected by the issue I'm 
 experiencing anyway
  I installed the JRun updater which included this patch on 
 a dev box 
 no issues so far. Running a JRun cluster even too.
 Again, this looks like our environments are sufficiently 
 different for 
 the issue not to surface on your environment
 Just as a FYI.
 I've just applied the patch to a second server to make sure I wasn't 
 going totally mad and I got the same issues. Any page that has a 
 cflocation in fails to force the redirect and the client seems to 
 either sit on the page it was on or returns a 'Document 
 contains no data' error...
 Again I backed the patch out of the second server and 
 everything comes 
 back to life again...
 Other than the fact that the first server was Windows 2003 
 Standard and 
 the second server was Windows 2003 Web Server, it's worth 
 saying that 
 these two servers share and identical configuration and 
 security policy 
 etc. That is to say all registry settings are the same, all IIS 
 lockdown functions are the same.. Everything. To all intents and 
 purposes these boxes are identical and therefore there must be 
 something (a config setting) somewhere that is causing this 
 behaviour with the CFMX patch and IIS 6.
 Needless to say, its annoying that I cannot apply this patch as the 
 problems it is causing for me are far bigger than the 
 problems that it addresses
 But I am affected by the issues that it solves so I would 
 like to get 
 to the bottom of it...
 If anyone has any suggestions then I'd love to hear them...

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RE: Table name - Singular or plural?

2005-03-30 Thread Kevin Graeme
Yep. And because I don't want to get smacked upside the head by my lead
developer and SQL guru. It's a good enough reason for me.


 No offense, but who cares? Pick a style and use it. I don't 
 think its worth arguing about for days on end. Everyone has 
 their own style, as long as one is consistent no one else 
 should really care.

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Generating FlashPaper from PDF?

2005-03-29 Thread Kevin Graeme
Is there a way to generate FlashPaper from PDF at the server? To make it
easier, the app is a simple content repository that lets people upload their
PDF so the conversion could take place once when saving the files instead of
trying to do it dynamically on every output.

To make it a little harder, this is on linux.

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

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RE: Search and Replace DWMX 2004

2005-03-22 Thread Kevin Graeme
The closest you might be able to get is to use the Synchronize function.
Expand the Site view window and in the menu, select Site  Synchronize.

Be sure to make an offering of a sacrificial goat and have good backups


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 7:48 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Search and Replace DWMX 2004


I want to replace a datasource that's listed through many DWMX sites.
I can do the search and get a list without any probelms.  In fact, I can do
the replace all and it will replace all the references for me.  My question,
the issue is how do I get the multiple files that have been changed locally
up to the live site?  These changes have taken place through the multiple
levels below my webroot.  Do I have to find the path for each and upload
each file?  How do I get the changed files from the local version of my site
up to the live site quickly.  My test search found 127 results.  I don't
want to manually find the path of 127 files to assure each file is uploaded.
I can't upload the entire site, there is another developer that uses
Homesite and I may overwrite their open pages.


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RE: Looking for a good web based html editor

2005-02-21 Thread Kevin Graeme
I recently mentioned it in a room with a product team from a big software
company. I said it with a straight face and there was a flurry of flickering
glances as they looked at each other to figure out if I actually said what
they thought I said.

From intial testing, it looks like the code generated by TinyMCE works
better for us.


-Original Message-
From: Will Tomlinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2005 8:19 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Looking for a good web based html editor

As stated previously, I don't like the name! I like not having to curse when
talking about my editors! 



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RE: (Admin) New feature question

2005-02-21 Thread Kevin Graeme
Sounds like you're jumping on the folksonomy bandwagon. I'd recommend
looking into tying it in with larger folksonomy systems like technocrati or

Googling for folksonomy will pull up a bucketload of links, mostly blog
discussions. The basic idea is that it is an individualize, grassroots
taxonomy labeling instead of an imposed taxonomy. Here's an academic

I can't really say it's a good idea without knowing a) what the metrics of
your web archive usage is compared to just email list use; and b) whether
it's just something you think would be a cool feature or if there's a
purpose to it like incentivizing a shift from the email lists to the web
archive or tying into a meme community to drive traffic to your site.

Damn. It's Monday morning and I've already used up my weekly buzzword quota.


-Original Message-
From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2005 12:09 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: (Admin) New feature question

I'm adding in a new feature and wanted to hear what people thought about it
and what should be added/altered. Basically, any subscriber to House of
Fusion/Fusion Authority (not just to a specific list) can enter personal
keywords in association to a piece of data. This means that if you like the
FA article on CF 7 little notes
(, then you can
add a keyword to it like CF 7, CF 7 gotcha's, freitag or whatever else
you want. If you like a thread on RegEx in CF-Talk or the RegEx list, you
can label it as RegEx or the like. 
One question I have concerns threads vs. messages. Would you prefer to label
an entire thread or a specific message (or both)? What do you think is
missing here? Let me know what you think.

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OT: Apple releases security audit tools for OS X.

2005-02-18 Thread Kevin Graeme
I apologize for the off-topic post, but I know several people here are using
OS X for their development. I got this from another list:


Apple has released Common Criteria Tools for Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server.
Essentially, this is a set of standardized auditing tools that can be used
to test and configure a system such that it conforms to an internationally
recognized set of security standards and criteria. One major thing these
tools bring to Mac OS X is a real auditing system, similar to that available
on Solaris and other OSes, which could be of great interest to system
administrators dealing with Mac OS X-based servers. Apple has also published
a guide detailing how to use the tools, and how to set up a system to
conform to Common Criteria specifications.


For more information on Common Criteria, see:


Another useful, comprehensive Mac OS X security document is the NSA guide to
securing Mac OS X:


For other NSA guides, see:



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RE: Outlook and Coldfusion

2005-02-18 Thread Kevin Graeme
Thanks. Redoing our calendars is a project that will probably come up in the
next year and this could be helpful.


-Original Message-
From: James Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 5:50 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Outlook and Coldfusion

I'll now revise my answer to this.

iCalendar (which is essentially vCal v2.0) is able to cope with all the
complexities of scheduling and all the other Outlook goodies. I just wrote a
few methods to deal with it. Export an Outlook appointment by forwarding it
as iCalendar (from the ations menu of the open appointment) to see the

Since I can hear Jochem saying (in Dutch, no doubt), Read the goddam RFC,
here it is: 

and more info here: 

vCal is the standard format and has a function for dealing with 
it, but in Outlook all the appointment stuff will be obscured inside MS' 
proprietary TNEF standard - I'd be surprised if this were easily 

Check out the vCal standard.  Also, if you create a meeting request in 
Outlook and send it to a non-Microsoft mail client, you might be able to 
view the headers and find the information that requests accepts/declines, 

James Holmes
Divisional Web Interface Development Coordinator
Engineering, Science and Computing

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RE: Flash Remoting remains as elusive as ever

2005-02-18 Thread Kevin Graeme
I feel your pain Mike. I like to buy books at the used bookstore but MM
changes things enough with each version that what seems like it should be
simple stuff becomes frustrating.


-Original Message-

For example .. I went to EasyCFM tonight to follow a beginners Flash
Remoting tutorial, having decided that I ought to put in whatever
effort was required to get my mind around it. My heart sank when
the first instruction related to the flash end of it went awry.  From the
File menu, choose New from Template, and go down to web  it says.
  Nope.  Not on my FlashMX2004Professional.  No such menu item.

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RE: Flash Remoting remains as elusive as ever

2005-02-18 Thread Kevin Graeme
Despite the thread title, I wasn't talking specifically about Remoting. I
was just talking about the whole Flash thing. We do very few Flash projects
so each time one comes our way it's like starting from scratch again. And
that's just exacerbated by the changes from version to version.


-Original Message-
From: dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 2:02 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Flash Remoting remains as elusive as ever

while that might be true it also isn't.
 Flash remoting is a lot simpler to use then pulling in xml or a web
service, well actually they all are easy to get into flash its after they
are in where it confusing.
 With remoting its confusing because they have changed the way the classes
interact but overall its easier just not too much readily available info out
there yet.
 I would even start with just making the connection with the remoting
component and then study the code it writes for you, really only takes about
30 seconds to use the component but its also limited too where you can use
 Also look in flash's help section there is a lot of info in there, there
are also remoting examples in there as well. has a tut using the remoting component and tom much as a
couple of other ones in there too.
 I'll try to get a copy of dennis' presentation from our cfug too but that
was way over my head!!

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RE: Virtual Directories for Websites...follow-up remarks

2005-02-17 Thread Kevin Graeme

Something you may want to consider is to have three instances of a site:
dev, test, and production. 

Dev - where you break a site
Test - where they look at a site while you're free to break the one on dev
Production - the final site

We used to have just a development site and a production site and it was
common that we'd ask people to test the development site for us and we'd
break it writing new code and they couldn't see it or they'd see things

(I personally don't like the word production for the final site, but it
seems like a common term.)


-Original Message-
From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 11:07 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Virtual Directories for Websites...follow-up remarks

Ok...I see that Virtual Directories work just like I thought they should
for websites that have domains pointing to the server already.

However, I usually show my clients their websites as they're being
developed by using a direct URL, such as

That keeps it out of the public eye, yet gives the client access during
the development process.

Is there a way to do the same thing if I'm using directories not under the

Perhaps, a main website with virtual subdirectories for the sites under
such as ?

I'll try that...


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RE: What do you use for project management?

2005-02-15 Thread Kevin Graeme
We did that. It worked great for us for several years but it was very
narrowly focused and not scalable. So when we needed it to grow it was
either a complete rewrite or purchase something.

We now use ProWorkflow.


-Original Message-
From: Kay Smoljak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 11:22 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: What do you use for project management?

I'm amazed that no one has said we use a quick CF app that I knocked
up in an afternoon. ColdFusion is a RAD tool, remember? :)

That's what I did a few years back. It's not perfect but it does the
job - tracking hours, tasks, support incidents and notes for each
client. Of course, version 2 has been nearly four years in the
planning stages...

Kay Smoljak

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RE: DB Survey

2005-01-19 Thread Kevin Graeme
We use XTG Data Modeller.
A visual CASE tool for data structure modelling and documenting, reverse
engineering and exploring databases.


 -Original Message-
 From: Tiki Guy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 6:18 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: DB Survey
 Hi All,
 Just curious as to what applications people use when 
 designing their DB's - Visio? Pen and Paper? Bueller?
 My current shop likes to wing it and frankly that's not so 
 good. I'd like to recommend something a little more 
 standardized, and if I can ascertain what might be considered 
 an industry standard, my suggestion might carry more weight.
 I've always been a pen and paper guy, doing data dictionaries 
 first and determing relationships before committing to the 
 DB. I'd like soemthing though, that is a bit more portable 
 (and readable) than my chicken scratch.

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RE: Spammer fills out my order form - how to stop

2004-12-13 Thread Kevin Graeme
Be aware that CAPTCHA techniques are not accessible and will prevent some
valid users from using your site. Because of this, the W3C recommends
against them (though they don't offer a viable alternative).

It's also important to know that they are vulnerable to a sort of man in
the middle attack, though the likelihood of a smaller site being targeted,
and just for spam, is pretty low.

It's a technique, just not a silver bullet.


 -Original Message-
 From: Joe Rinehart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2004 7:33 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Spammer fills out my order form - how to stop
 Hey Rick,
 It's called a CAPTCHA.  Doug Hughes at has a 
 pretty cheap CFC that generates CAPTCHA images, or there's 
 the low-fi way of doing it:  premake 100 or so of your own in 

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RE: SOT moving to FireFox

2004-12-13 Thread Kevin Graeme
The simplest way is to simply declare a proper doctype which switches IE to
using the W3C box model. Be aware that the doctypes included in CF
Studio/Homesite are not valid. A good article with valid doctypes is
available here:


 -Original Message-
 From: Victor Moore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Sunday, December 12, 2004 9:04 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: SOT moving to FireFox
 Interesting.  So how are people coding for this? Determine 
 the browser and then have two dimensions?
 I was wondering if M$ is doing this on purpose or just doesn't care.
 Thanks Barney
 On Sun, 12 Dec 2004 18:46:13 -0800, Barney Boisvert 
  IE incorrectly implements the CSS box model, while FF (and other
  browsers) gets it right.  Specifically, IE assumes the width you 
  specify is for the actual content area of the elements box, 
 while the 
  CSS spec says that the width you specify is for the entire box 
  (including padding, border, and margin).  So if you've got 5px of 
  margin, a 1px border, and 4px of padding, your elements 
 will be 10px 
  wider than they should be.  Or, if you're looking at it from the IE 
  side, rather than the standards side, a standards compliant browser 
  will show your boxes 10px smaller than you're used to.
  On Sun, 12 Dec 2004 21:28:48 -0500, Victor Moore 
   Thanks Isaac,
   I have implemented the second part and it's working fine.
   I am working now on the first one. There is actually one function 
   for all the events:
   document.onmouseout  = ItemOut;
   document.onmousedown = ItemDown;
   document.onmouseup   = ItemUp;
   Thanks again.
   PS One more thing: Is there a difference in rendering between the 
   two browsers? It seems that there is 5 pixel offset. Not a biggie 
   but some items on the form are not aligned properly.
  Barney Boisvert

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Re: (OT?) White space and search engines

2004-08-06 Thread Kevin Graeme
Why not just enable HTTP compression on the web server?


- Original Message - 
From: Michael Dinowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 11:10 PM
Subject: (OT?) White space and search engines

 I'm giving a presentation on RegEx this Wed. and one of the things
 I'll be showing is a tight little piece of code that will compress a
 webpage by removing all 'extra' spaces (and tabs, new lines, etc.)
 from all places other than script and pre tags. I'm under the
 impression that if this is done, it will make the page smaller and
 also increase the pages search engine position as it makes the entire
 page exist on one line (more if script or pre is used).
 Can anyone back this impression up with real data?

 p.s. Yes, the tag will be publicly released as an article in FA and on
 the front of HoF as soon as the user group presentation is over.

 Michael Dinowitz
 For all your ColdFusion needs

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Re: (OT?) White space and search engines

2004-08-06 Thread Kevin Graeme
My understanding is that there are two basic kinds of http compression. One
creates a compressed cache file on the first request and the second time
it's requested, the server send the compressed version. With dynamic
compression, it does the compression on request. Add-in modules like
mod_gzip for Apache are required for the dynamic compression. And if I
understand gzip correctly, the extra spaces should be the easiest type of
thing to compress.

 Server administrators may be concerned that mod_gzip will place a heavy
burden on their systems as files are compressed on the fly. I argue against
that, pointing out that this does not seem to concern the administrators of
Slashdot, one of the busiest Web servers on the Internet, who use mod_gzip
in their very high-traffic environment.


But I'm not a server admin, so I'm just going on information that my server
guy mentioned a while ago.


- Original Message - 
From: Michael Dinowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 9:39 AM
Subject: RE: (OT?) White space and search engines

 http compression on a dynamic page? Yes, it'll make the stream faster but
 the actual content is the same. Even with white space management turned
 CF has extra space that can't be removed by a web server based compression
 engine (at least not efficiently). If I'm wrong, please let me know as I
 have limited experience with webserver based compressors.


 From: Kevin Graeme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 8:56 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: (OT?) White space and search engines

 Why not just enable HTTP compression on the web server?


 - Original Message - 
 From: Michael Dinowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 11:10 PM
 Subject: (OT?) White space and search engines

  I'm giving a presentation on RegEx this Wed. and one of the things
  I'll be showing is a tight little piece of code that will compress a
  webpage by removing all 'extra' spaces (and tabs, new lines, etc.)
  from all places other than script and pre tags. I'm under the
  impression that if this is done, it will make the page smaller and
  also increase the pages search engine position as it makes the entire
  page exist on one line (more if script or pre is used).
  Can anyone back this impression up with real data?
  p.s. Yes, the tag will be publicly released as an article in FA and on
  the front of HoF as soon as the user group presentation is over.
  Michael Dinowitz
  For all your ColdFusion needs


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Re: (OT?) White space and search engines

2004-08-06 Thread Kevin Graeme
Oh. I glossed over the SEO aspect. I don't recall anything about better
placement because of a single line. Erika would probably know though.


 I'm under the
 impression that if this is done, it will make the page smaller and
 also increase the pages search engine position as it makes the entire
 page exist on one line (more if script or pre is used).
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Re: Flash Remoting

2004-08-04 Thread Kevin Graeme
It's magic.


- Original Message - 
From: Cutter (CF-Talk) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 7:37 AM
Subject: Flash Remoting

 Is Flash Remoting automatically loaded with CFMX 6.1? If so, why don't I
 have a flashservices/gateway folder anywhere?


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Re: isDefined Equivalent for an Array

2004-08-04 Thread Kevin Graeme
Poster? Where can I get one?


- Original Message - 
From: Michael A Vinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: isDefined Equivalent for an Array

 IsArray(value, [number])
 -helps to keep that biggole CF poster tacked on the wall :)


 08/04/2004 02:33 PM
 Please respond to cf-talk

Subject:isDefined Equivalent for an Array

 Its a long hot afternoon and my brain feels blocked, so pardon the stupid
 question, but is there an equivalent of isDefined for Arrays?

 many thanks,


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Re: Hackers and Painters - Applied to Cold Fusion

2004-07-26 Thread Kevin Graeme
Can we please keep the political jokes off cf-talk?



- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: Hackers and Painters - Applied to Cold Fusion

 ASP has a better set of WMD search functions.
- Original Message - 
From: Claude Schneegans
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: Hackers and Painters - Applied to Cold Fusion

CF is the devil.

Is G.W.Bush working in ASP?

REUSE CODE! Use custom tags;
(Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: cfx_pdf from easel

2004-06-24 Thread Kevin Graeme
I haven't worked with the J2EE server but it installed fine on my developer
version of CFMX.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 11:02 AM
Subject: cfx_pdf from easel

 Having some trouble with getting the cfxpdf installed from

 error mess:
 The CFX custom tag CFX_pdf was not found in the custom tag database.
Please be sure to add custom tags to the database before using them. If you
have added your tag to the database then you should check the spelling of
the tag within your template to insure that it matches the database entry.
The error occurred in
pdf.cfm: line 26

 I have the customtags dropped in the standard CT dir.I have the
CFX_PDF.jar file in the class path in JRun.I have the cfx regiestered in
the CFX tag tool.I get nada.

 Using the J2EE install ofCFMXon JRun

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Re: Slightly OT: Graphics expert?

2004-06-22 Thread Kevin Graeme
A lot of it depends on the version of Photoshop you use. More recent
versions include more control over the anti-aliasing used which is the key.
My preference is actually to use Fireworks. In Fireworks I can not only
select from multiple AA options, but can set my own.


- Original Message - 
From: Ray Champagne

 Anybody here really good with graphics?We have a designer here who is
 having a lot of trouble creating text graphics (for navigation, say) that
 are not all fuzzy around the edges.She swears that she has tried
 everything in Photoshop, filters, etc, but they still look like crap.The
 way that she is doing them is just not going to fly with professional web
 sites.So, my question is, does anybody have a surefire way to create
 crisp, non pixelated or fuzzy text graphics in Photoshop that they care to
 share with us?

 BTW, I know about css and rollover effects, etc, but we sometimes need to
 have drop shadows and other effects that I don't think that you can get
 with css.

 Any help or pointers to tutorials that we have not found would be
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2004-05-27 Thread Kevin Graeme
- Original Message - 
From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)

 Just playing around with the CFX+PDF tag but it seems that a major
 limitation is the fact it cant grab text/data from the web as-is?when I
 grab data using CFHTTP it just outputs HTML script rather than data

 Anyone go it to do this or is it impossible?


Yeah, from what I can tell you can only feed it plain ascii text. So if you
do scrape you will need to strip out the html. To get formatted text, like a
headline that is 24pt bold italic, you would have to first import a bold
italic font using the CF_PDF_FONT tag, then use the CF_PDF_TEXT tag around
that headline text, declaring the font size, color, etc.

Basically, instead of using HTML for any formatting you have the 13
formatting tags they provide.

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Re: activePDF

2004-05-26 Thread Kevin Graeme
- Original Message - 
From: Philip Arnold

  From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
  Anyone worked recently with activePDF? I just downloaded the
  eval and the actual CF docs on the subject are pretty thin.

 Take a look at CFXPDF as well - it has specific CF instructions and will
 probably do what you need

I'm working with CFX_PDF right now and I'm finding it rather rudimentary. It
was easy to set up and it worked right away, so I'll give it that. It has
its own, limited, set of tags for formatting. Some of them are nice to see,
like the PDF encryption/security support, but the layout tools are pretty
thin. It might get the job done, but I'm not going to be creating anything
sophisticated with it. Not without a lot of work. It looks most useful for
simple print documents without much layout.

One of the things it doesn't do that ActivePDF does is take an existing file
and convert it to PDF. ActivePDF in that sense just acts as a server-side
PDF print driver. CFX_PDF is a set of tags for generating a new PDF from
scratch. So if you need to allow people to upload a .doc and have your
homebuilt CMS convert that to PDF, then CFX_PDF isn't for you.

On the flip side, CFX_PDF is easy to use and it's a .jar and works on
Windows, Linux, and Solaris while ActivePDF is a set of COM objects and only
runs on Windows.

There is also an article in this month's CFDJ talking about FOP (Formatting
Objects Processor) which is a free alternative using XSL-FO.

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Re: activePDF

2004-05-26 Thread Kevin Graeme
- Original Message - 
From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)

 Yes, they are easily created in distiller etc...but needed to know if
 activePDF could create these forms itself...

I haven't tried, but I think so. PDF forms are really better referred to as
FDF. Here's a powerpoint preso from ActivePDF about using XML and PDF forms:

>From what I see of CFX_PDF, you can't do forms with it. Not surprising

Also, if you already have the PDF form and you just want to have a CF app
fill out the form for you, here's a custom tag for that:
It's a bit old though.

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CF with Collage CMS?

2004-05-25 Thread Kevin Graeme
Has anyone worked with the Collage content management system? On paper they
say it works great with CF since it's basically hands-off with the code and
it just deploys it to the production server as opposed to being a live CMS
that builds pages at display time. That's on paper. I'm hoping someone hhere
as real-world experience with it.

If you've used it have you seen any issues, particularly with CF? We're
considering it here and I'm trying to get a feel for things.

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Re: CFMX 6.1 and Order By Error

2004-05-10 Thread Kevin Graeme
Adding to that, in that case it was specifically in a QueryOfQuery and
referencing section as [section] made it work.


- Original Message - 
From: Deanna Schneider

 section is a reserved word. That bit us recently. Is that the column
 kills it?
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Re: ColdFusion Developer Edition

2004-05-05 Thread Kevin Graeme
 You can get a DevNet subscription, which isn't free, but does provide
 multi-use servers for development. But, out of curiosity, what
 do you want to do that the single-user version won't let you do?

I don't know what Bob's needs are, but we regularly want to evaluate a piece
of software before even putting it on our test server. Our test server is a
mirror of the production server and shouldn't have random evaluation stuff
or beta testing software put on it. But the personal Developer license
doesn't give our department the ability to actually look at the product
being tested without everyone standing over someone's shoulder.

Yes there's the MM Devnet subscription, but it's rather expensive.

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Re: ColdFusion Developer Edition

2004-05-05 Thread Kevin Graeme
- Original Message - 
From: Dave Watts

  I don't know what Bob's needs are, but we regularly want to
  evaluate a piece of software before even putting it on our
  test server. Our test server is a mirror of the production
  server and shouldn't have random evaluation stuff or beta
  testing software put on it. But the personal Developer
  license doesn't give our department the ability to actually
  look at the product being tested without everyone standing
  over someone's shoulder.

 Isn't that what the 30-day Trial Version is for? Or am I missing

That's fine if you're testing everything within that 30-day period. But most
of the things I have don't all come up in the same month. And wiping the box
and reinstalling everything every 30 days isn't practical.

And at least around here, nothing can be really tested in 30 days AND people
still work on all the other things we get paid to do. It's usually: install,
make sure it runs, send out an email for people to look at it, a couple
weeks later enough people have gotten around to looking at it that we can
talk about it and decide what to look at more. A real project with a high
priority comes up and requires attention and puts off testing for weeks.
Repeat for at least 3 months. Heck, just getting a followup meeting for some
committees around here doesn't happen within 30 days. Maybe smaller shops
that don't have a lot of work to do can get stuff fully evaluated within 30
days, but we sure don't.

Lest I come off as whining, I'm not meaning to. I'm just stating the facts
of our situation and why it would be nice to have a $50 developer workgroup
license or something.

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Re: [OT] Dreamweaver nightmare

2004-04-19 Thread Kevin Graeme
If you edit in the non-editable areas, then you want to dissociate the page
from the template. If you don't, and then update the template, it will
overwrite your code in the non-editable areas. That's why those areas are

If you need to add code that is specific to the page, either add it in an
editable area or create an editable area in the template to hold your code.


- Original Message - 
From: Mark W. Breneman

 On the same note. Is there a way to over ride the non editable regions?
 are building contribute templates with DW and the frustrating this is that
 need to open them in a text editor to make changes to them after adding
 editable regions.
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Re: RIA options, Flex Flash and others.

2004-04-07 Thread Kevin Graeme
A big reason that the Flash seems slow is the animation. I'm primarily a UI
guy and when I saw FutureSplash for the first time, I knew it was going to
be huge for UI. But at the same time, I immediately realized that anything
that needlessly slows down the user is detrimental to the user experience.

Animation, by definition, takes time. The entire concept of
FutureSplash/Flash was predicated on a timeline. Literally something that
takes time. And this was back in the day of struggling to optimize web pages
to load faster over a 28.8 modem.

The speed problem with the Flex tree is mostly that it animates the
expanding and collapsing. It's entirely possible to create a swf menu tree
that switches states immediately without the animation. It would be an
interesting comparison then to see an instant Flash based tree menu with
the XUL one. I know there are other issues with Flash speed than just

That said, there are reasons to animate behaviors. Animation can allow the
user to have a better understanding of what the result of their interaction
was. If things happen too quickly, a user can miss the result or the causal
relationship. The result of their action may happen so quickly and in a
different enough location from the user's visual field of focus that they
miss the event. If the user's result is different from the user's
expectation and happens instantaneously without visual cues of a cuasal
relationship, the user may percieve it as a system problem. Think of the
modal error dialogs that suddenly appear and you don't know what you did.
Finding the balance between enough animation for visual cues of cause/effect
and fast enough to not feel sticky is tough. I agree with you though that
a lot of Flash apps don't get it right. And a problem is that the animation
speed is partly tied to computer speed, so the user experience isn't always



 Put this up, side-by-side with the Flex Code Explorer at:

 Expand enoughfolders on each to get the window scrolling.Then
 expand/collapse the top node.

 Why is Flash so slow?

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Re: RIA options, Flex Flash and others.

2004-04-07 Thread Kevin Graeme
 Do you mean that they are using the equivalent of a movie to display
 the expansion and collapse of the folders and elements?

 To what end?Illustrate poor design. perhaps.

I don't think you can necessarily say that because it's animated that it's
poor design, and that wasn't my point. I would rather say that the animation
speed may not be optimal. I don't mean optimized code, I mean a cost/benefit
cutoff. As I said before, animation has benefits. Finding the right
amount/speed is hard and isn't the same for all users.

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PIA name already taken

2004-04-07 Thread Kevin Graeme
For those throwing the PIA moniker around as an acronym for Poor Internet
Application, it's already taken. Sorry Rob.

What is the Platform for Information Applications (PIA)?

The PIA is a framework for building information applications -- systems that
embed a small amount of processing in a large amount of information. In the
PIA framework, each application consists of two parts:

1.. A collection of task-specific XML pages which contain
active-processing tags (if, include, repeat,, etc); These look very
much like HTML pages.
2.. A core software layer (including a dynamic XML processor) that is
shared by all applications
The goal is to make active pages which are both easier to customize and more
powerful than ordinary web pages.


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Re: SOT: Flex Pricing

2004-03-30 Thread Kevin Graeme
 Well with the primary focus of the Flex launch being price. Lets get down
to the nitty gritty.

 How many people on this list work for an institution that is willing to
pay the premium for Flex?


I think we're a good target for Flex. We're a statewide educational
institution with over 200 web sites. Educational material can greatly
benefit from more touchy-feely UI, and I can think of many applications
for Flex that are out of the standard e-commerce grid ideas.

I can virtually guarantee that we will not be purchasing Flex even at the
previously mentioned educational discount price of ~$8k.

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Re: OT Viewing Source Code

2004-03-24 Thread Kevin Graeme
 A few weeks ago there was a thread here about changing the edit
 functionality in IE to use DWMX. For some reason I did what was
 suggested on my laptop, and now when I right-click and View-Source, or
 View-Source from the menu I get nothing! I've been back through the
 microsoft article that told you how to edit the properties in the folder
 options / File Types but I can't fix it. Anyone understand this

It's possible that it's actually the IE cache bug and it's just a
coincidence that it happened when you switched your preferred app for
source. Try deleting all the temporary internet files and see if it fixes
the problem.

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Re: Good (inexpensive) domain registration

2004-03-19 Thread Kevin Graeme
A friend of mine tried to use BuyDomains for their business. She did the
search to see if the domain was available, reported to their group that it
was and when they went back to buy it the next day or so, BuyDomains had
snapped up the name and was squatting on it asking for thousands of dollars
to buy it from them.


 Just wondering, does anyone have good/bad stories related to
 or ?

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Re: Powerbooks and Coldfusion

2004-03-15 Thread Kevin Graeme
 I am seriously thinking about snapping up a Powerbook while there as the
UK Stirling - US Dollar exchange rate is pretty good.

Just a word of caution: Apple UK will very likely not support a US market
PowerBook. Check with them first. I've known several people who got good
deals on their Mac and when they tried to get service were refused because
the country code identified in the product number was wrong and the owners
were accused by Apple of engaging in grey/black market purchases.

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Re: Moving to CFMX for J2EE (Linux) from CFMX for J2EE ( WINDOWS)

2004-03-15 Thread Kevin Graeme
Verity has problems on Linux. We can't get it to work and we're looking at
switching to Lucene.

Filesystem path directories are delimited by / instead of \.

Case sensitivity.



 I was wondering if anyone on this list might know if there is anything
that I

 need to watch out for in my conversion from CFMX(J2EE) for Windows to

 CFMX(J2EE) for Linux. I will be moving off most of our apps to the Linux

 boxes. We use Oracle and SQL Server as the DB's for the application

 on the volume of transactions.

 I was just wondering if there is any difference between the two or

 that I should specifically look out for.



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Re: Marketing / Design ???

2004-03-11 Thread Kevin Graeme
Looks good to me. Satisfies the did it do it?, did it do it right?, and
what do I do next? questions quite nicely.

Just a couple little things I noticed though:
1. On the customer registration page, the asterisk on the zip isn't red.

2. You could possibly streamline the address information. There's a customer
address, ship to address, and billing address. You ask if the ship to is the
same as the customer addy, but don't ask the same for the billing.

3. After placing the order with the fake cc, I got a page saying If you
receive an error message or email from us stating that your credit card has
listed as invalid, it has most likely listed as invalid for one of the
following reasons:I'd suggest putting a header on that page saying,
Credit card problem. or something. Looking at the If that starts the
page, I don't know if it's saying the order probably went through but maybe
didn't, or if it's saying there was actually a problem.


- Original Message - 
From: Bailey, Neal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 4:54 PM
Subject: RE: Marketing / Design ???

 Good points everyone... I am still having a hard time to whether I should
 change the way I am currently handling a customer when the select a
 I think I have it pretty straight forward but who knows it's hard to see
 from the customer's point when you are the developer.

 Here check it out and let me know if you think should change it to direct
 the checkout page or just leave it a lone with maybe a few adjustments.
 free to run test orders and try to break the system use a test card number
 if you want, 4111.I am trying to workout all the bugs and
 sure it functions properly.

 Any other comments are welcome...


 Neal Bailey
 Internet Marketing Manager

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Re: Marketing / Design ???

2004-03-11 Thread Kevin Graeme
 2. You could possibly streamline the address information. There's a
 address, ship to address, and billing address. You ask if the ship to is
 same as the customer addy, but don't ask the same for the billing.

 - Hmmm not sure what you mean here. Are you talking about making a same
 billing button or the credit card form?

Well most sites have just two addresses, a customer billing address and a
shipping address. You have 3: a customer address, a shipping address, and a
billing address. I'm not sure why you need the customer address, but if you
do I was suggesting that when you get to the billing address question, you
could have it default to the customer address and only have them fill it in
if it's different.

 Well thanks for looking site over... we are getting pretty excited on the
 re-opening next month.

Good luck! It does look really nice. Now if you only had more unscented
candles. Smelly candles are nasty. ;-)

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Re: Marketing / Design ???

2004-03-10 Thread Kevin Graeme
 frustration. I have found over the years of working on a Beauty website
 women shopping for these types of products like to have clear direction
 with out a lot of decision. (Please don't beat me up).

That's true of all users. Who wants obfuscation and difficult choices?


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Re: BlueDragon and Dreamweaver MX

2004-03-10 Thread Kevin Graeme
 Yes, it disable that feature

 Then how do you do any database work using BlueDragon and

We have DW and CFMX, but our server guys have disabled RDS for security
reasons. So it's not just BlueDragon users in this boat.

We write our own code.

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Re: keywording for search engine hits

2004-03-10 Thread Kevin Graeme
 Any good rules to follow for making sure that keywords are picked up by
the search engines, especially without having the keywords actually render
on the page?I've been hearing that the engines are getting smart about not
collecting keywords from meta-tags - is that correct?What about putting
keywords in HTML that's inside of a stylesheet or DIV that is hidden?Will
Google etc pick those up?Any other good ideas?

IIRC, Inktomi is the only search engine that still really pays attention to
meta keywords.

The search companies are getting much better at looking at the actual
content of the page and filtering out attempts to stuff the ballot.

Unless things have changed in the last few months, the best way to get
highly ranked is to have lots of sites link to your site. And not only
should they link, but the link text should be the keywords you care about
because that is weighted heavily. Also, descriptive titles, proper use of
and descriptive H1 header and key words in the first paragraph are good too.

You have to be really careful of too much gross SEO because Google will ban
you outright if they feel you're stuffing the ballot.

The SearchEngineWatch site that Tony mentioned is a good source of info.

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Re: Marketing / Design ???

2004-03-09 Thread Kevin Graeme
It's really a useability design question. The issue is feedback. The
customer needs to know that 1.) something happened; and 2.) what happened
was what they expected to happen. The followup useability problem is that
the user needs to understand what they can do next.

Your situation 1 satisfies both of the first 2 problems, but on many sites
the checkout page looks like they HAVE to checkout or lose their selection.

Your situation 2 may not provide enough clues to satisfy need 1. You said
that you will provide information in a little box to tell them what happened
and that satisfies need 2, but staying on the page and a little box may not
be enough indication to fullfill need 1.

My preference is probably situation 1, but make it clear that it's a cart
page and not a checkout page, and provide very clear indication on how they
can continue shopping.


- Original Message - 
From: Bailey, Neal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 3:34 PM
Subject: Marketing / Design ???

 I have a question...

 From a marketing standpoint and or shopping cart design, which is better?

 (1.) Customer selects a product and presses the buy button and is then
 directed to the checkout page where they can update their cart, checkout
 press the continue shopping button which will take them back to the


 (2.) The customer presses the buy button and the item is added to the cart
 and the customer stays on the page instead of being redirected to the
 checkout page, of course the item will appear on a little box as being
 with a display of the current total.

 I have seen it both ways on many shopping carts, but personally I prefer
 number 2 as this is how I do it on mine. I was wondering if there is any
 reason as far as marketing goes to doing it the other way. I guess it
 depends on what the products is but I still would think redirecting them
 the checkout page is almost like rushing them though a nice dinner so you
 can get your tip.

 Any comments?

 Neal Bailey
 Internet Marketing Manager

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Re: Browser wars (was Re: Can someone recommend a good web development browser?)

2004-03-05 Thread Kevin Graeme
Can we cut this short?

Yes there are issues with browsers. The original question was looking for
recommendations on a browser for development. Suggestions were made. Now the
thread is devolving into the same old browser bitching. Can we please not
beat this horse?

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Re: Browser wars (was Re: Can someone recommend a good web development browser?)

2004-03-05 Thread Kevin Graeme
 I believe the position being suggested is that you could develop
 against Firefox and have the result work with both browsers as opposed
 to developing against IE, which might mean the result will only work
 with IE. IE may have more market share, but if a change in your
 development practices has no negative effects, but provides the benefit
 of higher market share, why wouldn't you do it?

Because that position is flawed. Anyone who has done any work with CSS knows
that just because it works in Firefox doesn't mean it will work in IE. If
you don't care about CSS, then how about session management? That's handled
differently as well.

GAH! Stupid thread.

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Re: Browser wars (was Re: Can someone recommend a good web development browser?)

2004-03-05 Thread Kevin Graeme
 Depends on what type of CSS work we are talking about. Just basic
 non-positional CSS seems to be interoperable. Further, I am not sure
 what you mean in regard to session management as that is a server-side

I apologize to everyone if this browser discussion is too off topic. I'll
address what I think is a CF issue first.

With session management, IIRC it has to do with how each window in IE is a
separate application instance while in Netscape there is only one
application instance with separate windows.

(If I'm off on that, I'm sure someone will jump down my throat. It's been a
while since we dealt with it explicitly and my memory is shoddy.)

As for CSS, using CSS that works in Firefox is not guaranteed to work in
other browsers. Unfortunate, but true. Saying you want to limit what CSS
we're talking about changes the argument from if it works in Firefox, then
it will work anywhere to some things that work in Firefox work in IE.

And really, since that's CSS and not CF I'm done arguing the point here.

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Re: Can someone recommend a good web development browser?

2004-03-04 Thread Kevin Graeme
 I usually develop with IE on a PC, but I would really like a browser that
 shows me the *time* taken to request each object in a web request. Also,
 it could show me the http headers of the request and response, that would
 sweet. I've currently got a page thats slow and I think its network
 but I'm not sure what the best tool is for timing the response. There's
 to be some good software out there for this task.

While I prefer the Mozilla browsers and Opera technically, I find I always
end up coming back to IE just because I have to make sure the site works for
my 90%+ userbase. If I were to just spot test in IE I would miss something
that I don't explicitly test for.

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Re: FTP client recommendations?

2004-03-04 Thread Kevin Graeme
 Can anyone recommend an FTP client that they are really happy with? I've
been using
 CuteFTP 3PointSomething for years and today it dawned on me that there
must be a
 better way.

FlashFXP is hands down my favorite for the user-interface. Unfortunately,
while it supports SSL it doesn't do SFTP.

SecureFX is what I'm using now and I think I like it now better than
FileZilla. Very different UI paradigm though. It's basically like Windows
Explorer instead of the left-right panes. AbsoluteFTP is the same as
SecureFX but without the SFTP feature.

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Re: ColdFusion Express

2004-03-04 Thread Kevin Graeme
Have you considered Flash? It can be a 2-1/2 tiered setup. You can have the
Flash app talk to a local XML resource, and when the PDA is synched and can
get online, it can download new data for the XML from a database (the extra
1/2). And you can take the exact same app and just drop it into a web page
if you want a web version.

.NET would probably give you some options too, but I'm not familiar with it
and don't know how well it's supported on various PDAs


 And another note on 3-tiered vs. 2-tiered, it's more likely that 95+%
 of all my apps would be web-based, hence, stay with this approach would
 be more beneficial to myself rather than this particular app we're talking
 about though from efficiency or other factor point of view, 2-tiered is
 desirable, source-wise, won't/shouldn't be an issue though (just one user
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Re: Browser wars (was Re: Can someone recommend a good web development browser?)

2004-03-04 Thread Kevin Graeme
 The stats for my main public site are:

 68.05% Micro$oft Internet Exploder
 25.53% Netscape
 REST: google/opera and other things

 Thats a far cry from 90%. You're probably talking about your site - but
 I was wondering what others are getting in their logs? Whats the general
 take on the browser (cold) war?

Yeah, I was talking about my sites. They vary somewhat by audience, but
nothing as dramatic as yours.

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Re: Weeeeee! ;)))

2004-03-03 Thread Kevin Graeme
 On Wednesday 03 Mar 2004 14:15 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  07417 -- archive password

 Sorry, I don't know it either.

 OTPIAW: Whuh ?

It's a virus spam message. The attached .zip archive was removed. The .zip
archive is password protected in order to get past any AV scanners at the
server since they can't open the protected archive.

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Re: OT: Interesting article on Macromedia Central...

2004-03-02 Thread Kevin Graeme
 Example. _javascript_, Java, C++ -- how different are they? Does CF have
 the same concepts and names for things as those languages? How about VB?
 C#? yes they do ... ok then theres ActionScript - I am not going to
 learn it becuase there are few commonalties, and it's too much of a
 pain. I would like to use Flash, it seems like it has potential but
 there is no need for me to learn that Stage is the same as Screen
 (again this is several people talking not just me).

If that's your view of AS, then I think you didn't spend much time at all
with it. Here's a sample of a part of an application in ActionScript:


function initGame() {
 cash = 100;

// create a shuffled deck
function createDeck() {
 // create an ordered deck
 suits = [c,d,s,h];
 temp = new Array();
 for(i=0;i6;i++) {
for(suit=0;suit4;suit++) {
for(num=1;num14;num++) {

 // pick random cards until deck has been shuffled
 deck = new Array();
 while (temp.length  0) {
r = int(Math.random()*temp.length);

// init hand arrays and bet
function initHand() {
 playerHand = new Array();
 dealerHand = new Array();
 showDealerFirstCard = false;

 bet = 5;

// allow the player to increase her bet up to $25
function addToBet() {
 bet += 5;
 if (bet  25) bet = 25;

Pretty similar to the other languages you mentioned. Heck, you could lift
that code out and put it in a different language and with only very slight
mods have a working app.

Now considering that this whole discussion is way off topic, I'll stop here.

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