Re: [CFCDEV] Tom Minderson and anti-OO

2007-08-29 Thread Barney Boisvert
I like OO.  I don't do full OO models in CF much.  Java (where I spend
the most time outside of CF) is a different story - and one where I
have tools such as Hibernate  ;).  I really just wanted to comment on
this statement:

 In addition, with the business
 objects we deal with, it seems unnatural for them to have behaviors, unlike
 a car being able to start().

We don't have cars, but we do have documents (which might publish()),
user credentials (which might expire()), trouble tickets (which might
close()), etc.  Building a truly OO object model is incredibly
difficult, because it necessitates a sharp departure from the
procedural mindset that we are all forced to deal with on the web.
And when I say incredibly difficult, I don't mean just for
beginners, I mean for everyone.  It gets easier as you practice (like
anything else), but I don't think it ever gets easy.


On 8/29/07, Justin Treher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was browsing around some old OO ColdFusion posts and saw a lot of talk by
 Tom MInderson. It seems like he has about 50 posts spread out (by doing a
 quick Google search). They all pretty much say the same thing:

 OO complicates things for datacentric applications that ColdFusion is
 targeting. I.e. we don't control cars or automatic garage doors. Then he
 goes on about this Set Theory.

 The only thing I could find on set theory with Coldfusion was at

 … the most complex ColdFusion article ever.

 Is anyone familiar with his anti-web app OOP mission? Do his arguments have
 any validity? What the heck is set theory programming? I felt like I was
 stepping back into philosophy 101 with syllogisms.

 I do see his point that trying to map objects to a relational database is
 where OOP starts to feel really unnatural. In addition, with the business
 objects we deal with, it seems unnatural for them to have behaviors, unlike
 a car being able to start().

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Re: [CFCDEV] Sorting Objects

2007-08-20 Thread Barney Boisvert
The typical way of doing this is via a comparison function and a
generic sort routine.  So you provide a function that compares two
objects and returns their order.  The order is often returned as in
integer with -1 meaning the first is lesser, 0 meaning they are equal,
and +1 meaning the second is lesser.

Then you have some generic sort routine that accepts a collection of
objects and your comparison function.  That routine does it's sort
using your function for all comparison operations.

I'm not sure where such a generic sort routine exists (at least in
CF), but that's the general idea.


On 8/20/07, Justin Treher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm doing the OOP thing with the help of many tutorials from all over.

 I've run into a stump. I'm returning arrays of objects and using those
 arrays to populate tables and forms. My object is composed of another
 subject (member class has a membershipType class).

 I'm trying to figure out how to sort my array of objects by any of the
 instance properties (using the getters). Since I'm using a composed object,
 sorting directly from the database is out of the question.

 I'm guessing it will go something like this:
 unsortedArray = application.memberService.getMembers()
 sortedArray = arrayNew(1)

 //loop through unsorted array
 Loop from=1 to=arrayLen(unsortedArray) index=x
   //nested loop through sorted array
   Loop from=1 to=arrayLen(sortedArray) length index xx
   //compare strings, if true i.e. string 1 (sorted) is greater (further up
 the alphabet), insert at current

 That's the basic of what I'm trying to accomplish, but I'm sure there must
 be a CFC out there for this type of sorting. I'd also like to have multiple
 column sorts like the order bys from the database.


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Re: [CFCDEV] Rails-Style Migrations (for fun and profit?)

2007-07-13 Thread Barney Boisvert

Have you looked at my schema management tool.  It's not quite the same
idea, but reasonably close.  Definitely covers the make sure the
database schemas are in sync job.  I just released an update not 10
minutes ago at


On 7/13/07, Eric O'Connell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi folks,

I started to get anxious about keeping my developer and production database
schemas in sync, so I decided to implement a rails-style migration
functionality. I'd already implemented about 90% of it when I came across
cf_rails, but I thought I'd show it off anyway. Like cf_rails, it is
currently mssql-only, but a connection adaptor layer could be added fairly

Anyway, here's what the migration syntax looks like:

cf_create_table tableName=foo force=true
 cf_column name=bar type=varchar
 cf_column name=baaz type=integer

cf_add_column tableName=foo name=quux type=datetime

cf_remove_column tableName=foo name=baaz

cf_drop_table tableName=foo

And here is an actual migration script:

cfcomponent extends=com.iba.migration.instance output=yes
 cffunction name=up returnType=void output=no access=remote
 cf_add_column tableName=cart name=discountCode type=varchar(30)

 cffunction name=down returnType=void output=no access=remote
 cf_remove_column tableName=cart name=discountCode

If anyone is interested in it, I could clean it up and release it. If not,
oh well :)

Eric O'Connell
IBA Webmaster
941-921-7443 x15

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Re: [CFCDEV] Is there a point to staying here?

2007-05-24 Thread Barney Boisvert

If you're willing to drop the solar clock and go to a 6-day week, you
could increase the length of each day by 3.4 hours.  Might make
interfacing with other humans a bit more difficult since daytime
wouldn't necessarily line up anymore though.  ;)


On 5/24/07, Mark Drew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


All I would need at the moment is MORE TIME!

I need another 4 hours in the day


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Re: [CFCDEV] Is there a point to staying here?

2007-05-22 Thread Barney Boisvert

CF8 has them, thank god.  Not much to debate anymore.  ;)

On 5/21/07, Barry Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

anyone wanna start a debate about CF and interfaces? that'll fill up
the chat logs...

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDEV] Is there a point to staying here?

2007-05-22 Thread Barney Boisvert

They're the solution to the same thing they're the solution for in
every other language; they allow sharing of a type hierarchy without
an inheritance hierarchy.  Mostly useful in API/framework code where
you're building something for other developers to hook into, but there
is some of that code in every application of decent size.

Does the average developer that dabbles in CFCs really need them?
Nope, and they can completely ignore their existence without downside.
Do people that prefer the dynamic typing that CF half-uses need them?
Nope, and they probably don't use explicit typing anywhere except the
'extends' attribute to CFCOMPONENT anyway.  Do people that prefer the
strong typing that CF half-uses need them?  Absolutely.

Here's a specific example.  I was working on an application a couple
years ago with a fairly shallow (three, maybe four levels) inheritance
hierarchy.  Requirements changed, and I needed to interface several
classes from that hierarchy with a separate module in a separate app.
The right solution would have been to subclasses those special
classes and implement the interface to make them work with the other
module.  Instead, I got to import some of the client app into the
main app and then create a combined inheritance hierarchy (adding a
couple new levels to a whole pile of classes that didn't need them,
plus the few that did), and basically bind the two separate chunks of
code together in a really ugly way.  That's why interfaces are

It's worth mentioning that this fits the API for other developers to
plug into model I mentioned above.  I happened to be both developers
in this case, but that's just a coincidence.


On 5/21/07, Barry Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

why thank god?

what pain have you come across where they're a practical solution?

On 5/22/07, Barney Boisvert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 CF8 has them, thank god.  Not much to debate anymore.  ;)

 On 5/21/07, Barry Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  anyone wanna start a debate about CF and interfaces? that'll fill up
  the chat logs...

 Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDEV] Is there a point to staying here?

2007-05-22 Thread Barney Boisvert

On 5/22/07, Sean Corfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/21/07, Barney Boisvert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 They're the solution to the same thing they're the solution for in
 every other language;

No, no, no, no, no! Interfaces do not exist in most languages because
- shock, horror - they are NOT NEEDED!

I should have been clearer in my initial statement; there was an
implicit 'static' at the end, between 'other' and 'langauge'.

They are not needed in a dynamically typed language.  But unless you
have multiple inheritance (which I think everyone agrees is horrible),
statically typed languages really do need interfaces.  CF is not a
strongly typed language, but it's not a loosely typed language either,
it's some sort of hybrid.


Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDEV] Is there a point to staying here?

2007-05-22 Thread Barney Boisvert

On 5/22/07, Sean Corfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/22/07, Barney Boisvert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 They are not needed in a dynamically typed language.  But unless you
 have multiple inheritance (which I think everyone agrees is horrible),

Hmm... well... actually, as one of the designers of C++ I don't think
multiple inheritance is horrible but I do think it can be overused
(well, any inheritance can be overused). I think Java has gone through
contortions of its own to avoid multiple inheritance. Some problems
are just easier to solve with multiple inheritance.

I can't discount any of that.  I've definitely run into situations
where MI would have been nice, but I think not being able to go that
way forces a bit more forethought into design, which is a good thing.
Insert give yourself plenty of rope to hang yourself adage here

  CF is not a
 strongly typed language, but it's not a loosely typed language either,
 it's some sort of hybrid.

I've seen this put forward in a couple of places recently and I'm not
sure I buy it. The only type-checking in ColdFusion is on arguments
and return types and that is done at runtime.

The only ANYTHING ColdFusion does is done at runtime.  Granted,
runtime has a compile phase to it and execution-time checks only check
execution paths, not potential execution paths as compile-time checks
would.  However, from the perspective of the developer, runtime is
pretty much runtime.  It'd be great to get exceptions during the
compilation phase, but getting them during execution is still helpful.

As gets pointed out every time this conversation arises, you don't
need static typechecking to make a langauge useful.  But I happen to
like having it, and generally prefer static languages to dynamic ones.
As such, I'm happy to see CFINTERFACE, as it provides some additional
functionality in CFML that would otherwise be really hard to
synthesize without throwing away all the typechecking.  I'd expect
CFINTERFACE to remain a runtime concept to allow mixins with CFINCLUDE
in the psuedoconstructor, but I'm not on the Beta so I can't say if
that's the case.  If it were a compile-time check, I'd like it even
more (in my selfishness), but I think that would have been a horrible
design decision for the language as a whole.


Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDEV] ACEGI Integration

2007-03-19 Thread Barney Boisvert

I used it for a Java project last year, but never with ColdFusion.
For simple simpler security schemes it's awesome, but it's pretty
heavily tied to JEE's structure for web security.  I thought it rather
lacking for good ACL support, but we were only using the first ACL
implementation.  The new implementation was in a sandbox and not part
of the official releases at the time.  Not sure if that's changed.


On 3/19/07, Adam Haskell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We're considering adopting ACEGI as out enterprise security standard. I was
curious if anyone has had any experience with it in general and more
specifically experience trying to integrate with ColdFusion at any level.


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Re: [CFCDEV] ROI (was CFC best practice)

2007-02-19 Thread Barney Boisvert

Quantifying ROI for learning some new technology is really hard.
There's an intrinsic benefit to picking up new stuff, even if you
never use it in real life, just because it makes you a better

As you'd expect, there's a period of lost productivity for picking up
something new, so if you're stuck in a short project mentality, it's
never going to make sense to learn anything new.  Each time you learn
something new, the project you're working on (and probably the next
one) will take longer.  But in the long view, I think it's pretty
clear that picking up new things will be a time saver.

I can say with utter certainty that CFC-based applications, Fusebox,
and ColdSpring make me a more productive developer.  Not having them
available (or not knowing how to use them) would probably cost me 8-10
hours a week.  So if learning how to use them effectively were to take
me 2 months (which is probably not unreasonable), it'd make sense to
learn if I were to intend to program CF for at least two thirds of a
year (2 months * 20 work days * 8 hours / (10 hours / week) = 32 weeks
to catch up).  Which I certainly planned to.  So it was a no-brainer
to learn how to use them effectively.  I didn't learn them all at
once, of course, but over a period of time, and continue to do so.
Like any investment, you have to keep contributing if you want it to
keep serving you.


On 2/19/07, Phillip Senn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Will I see a savings of time by the time I am done?

That's been the unspoken question for so many people.

I wonder what the group has to say about that.

It used to be (back in the 80's) that you could cost justify an expense if
you could show a 3 year Return On Investment (ROI).

In other words, if a new piece of equipment paid for itself within 3 years,
you could more than likely get it approved.

Taking that analogy into the time-save category, and recognizing that we are
now working on Internet time,

Q: What do you think should be a good ROI should be for spending your time
on a new technology?

This might be helpful in making the millions of little decisions that I've
been making all along.

If I create this shortcut, will it save the amount of time that it took me
to create it over the span of the next x years/months/weeks?

If I put business logic in CFCs…

If I learn this framework…

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDEV] fundamental question about Fusebox

2006-10-25 Thread Barney Boisvert
 the fbx_switch files makes it a bit of a challenge to
appreciate what Fusebox does (and why).

I really miss having the controllers I'm used to and sometimes it
feels like FB is getting in the way or making things more complicated
than it needs to be. that and being annoyed by the lack of abstraction
like variables, queries, etc, created in one cfinclude but referred to
in another within the same switch. it just seems to make it harder to
get a good (quick) top-level grasp of each business process.

it may just be this old version or how it's used, but FB feels like
it's suited to easily build only one type of app  - common
head/footers, common nav, menues, etc, but with changing guts.  The
use of Remoting, Ajax calls and self-posting forms are do-able but not
quite as straight-foward to what I'm used to.

is this a fair summary or have I got a dog of an example to be underwhelmed by?

Sure this is FB3 and FB5.1 is now out there, but as far as the core
features of cascading fbx_switch and fbx_settings files, what pain do
these actually solve?

any advice, opinons most welcome

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Re: [CFCDev] Service Layer?

2006-06-28 Thread Barney Boisvert

I always think of things like this:

- gateways are encapsulated SELECT statements, typically that return
queries, but sometimes return simple types (like a SELECT COUNT(*)
- services are encapsulated behaviour that accept simple data (or
transfer objects) and do something with them (create an entity; load,
update, and save an entity; invoke some business logic; etc.).
- domain objects (entities, workflows, etc.) are where business logic
resides, and should be entirely hidden behind your services.

Note that the service layer isn't necessarily where your business
logic should reside.  In fact, you generally want it to reside
elsewhere.  The services are really little more than adapters that
turn raw data (i.e. form fields) into a message to pass to your
business logic (a bean and DAO, for example).  Almost all complex
processing should exist as part of your domain model, and your
services just provide a way for the UI to interact with the model
through a simple API.


On 6/28/06, Jeff D. Chastain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am working on a simple contact manager type application using MG Unity and
some other things I wanted to play with.  I have built all of my low level
data objects (bean, dao, gateway) for a Contact, which has one or more
Addresses, which then has a State and a Country.

Where I am getting stuck is on the service layer.  In once case, I am
looking to create functionality where an entire contact could be updated at
once by passing in a struct (i.e. the form scope).  So in my mind this means
a ContactService with a method to update the contact and that method then
utilizes the different contact, address, state, and country beans and daos.

Another requirement though is to obtain a list of the 5 most recently
updated contacts.  Is this something that would go in the same
ContactService or where would this go?  I have never had a good grasp on
what should go where in terms of a service layer, so I am looking for any
input on how service layers are really built and organized.

-- Jeff

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Odd datatype error

2006-04-07 Thread Barney Boisvert
On CF, that should work just dandy, but not if you're using
BlueDragon.  Are you, by chance?  If so, you'll need to switch ALL
references to the fully-qualified name.


On 4/7/06, Cameron Childress [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm just checking my sanity here  These two calls should create an
 object with the same datatype right?

 cffunction name=init returntype=myObject
cfreturn this/

 cffunction name=init
cfreturn this/

 And when this object is used in a cfargument tag with strict typing,
 it both should pass the following type validation rule right?
 cfargument name=myObject

 We are getting an odd datatype mismatch error and I've thoroughly
 confused myself trying to comprehend it.


Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Odd datatype error

2006-04-07 Thread Barney Boisvert
I mix both styles all the time on 6.1.  You have a typo somewhere
maybe?  On the package part of the FQCN in the method you want to pass
the instance into?

On 4/7/06, Cameron Childress [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nope - CFMX 6.1 actually, which may be part of the cuse as well.
 Anyone remember changes 'tween 6.1 and 7 that would have fixed a
 problem like this?  Some bug in 6.1 that could cause this to break?


Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Odd datatype error

2006-04-07 Thread Barney Boisvert
We had CF 6.1 start behaving strangely a month ago, and eventually
traced it back to some totally unrelated exception with client
variable in a different application that was causing NPE's in CF's
exception handlers.  Really weird, and the only way we found it was
looking in the JRun logs (we run CF standalone, not J2EE).

The problems weren't with the types of CFCs, but they were definitely
totally random.


On 4/7/06, Cameron Childress [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The odd thing is that this code's been running like this with mixed style for 
 months and just now started to error on one of two servers (yes, one and only 
 one).  Totally random (seemingly) and totally frustrating!

  Anyone else have input before I deepen the bruise on my forehead?


Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Expense of Operations?

2006-01-20 Thread Barney Boisvert
A method call is more expensive than a variable reference, but the
encapsulation the method provides is worth it in almost all scenarios.
 It's very unlikely that this would grow to a bottleneck since the
more such operations you have, the more other stuff you're doing in
the request (most likely).  Only careful load testing will indicate if
there's a problem, but I'd say you're safe to assume there won't be.

A few request scoped objects is all you'll need in most cases.  Most
of your objects (including all those you listed in your email) should
be instantiated into the application and/or session scopes for
peristance across requests.  That'll speed things up because of
massively reduced instantiation overhead, and let you do stuff like

The number of lines of code in an object will affect instantiation of
the CFC's FIRST instance (when it's read from disk), but not after
that.  The number of methods will affect instantiation of all
instances (but exceedingly little).  Again, until careful load testing
has illustrated an explicit issue, don't even consider it to be a
potential issue.

The first and last items are saving you a couple ms tops, per request,
but the middle item could well be saving you hundreds of ms per


On 1/20/06, Peter Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello All,

 Does anyone have any kind of information on the relative expense (processing
 wise) of different operations? For example, assuming a user object has been
 instantiated, how much more processing does it take to getUserFirstName()
 (assuming it is just a return THIS.FirstName) versus just using dot
 notation against the THIS scoped variable for the object?

 If you have a few hundred such operations as page of processing a page
 request, would the choice have any substantive affect on application

 I know there are guides on CF best practices for performance (avoid
 evaluate, use list compare instead of multiple string comparisons, etc.) but
 I can't find a good guide to the relative cost of OO operations in CF that
 would help to ensure a design would have a decent shot at being performant.

 Also, while I know it is extremely broad, in general what range of number of
 request scoped objects mught you instantiate in a common page request for a
 well architected app? I'm assuming that it would be common for a
 sophisticated page request to instantiate 10-50 objects between the
 controller, facades, domain objects, compositional objects and the DAL. Is
 that a fair heuristic?

 Finally, does the physical size of an object (the number of lines of code
 across all of the methods) have any substantive effect on initialization
 performance (does the entire object get loaded into memory or are the
 methods loaded into memory one at a time? For example, if you have an object
 with 20 methods each with 500 lines of code where any given page request may
 call only one or two of the methods, would you consider abstracting some of
 the methods into separate objects to cut down on object instantion time?

 I want to clarify, I'm not trying to shave page processing from 45 to 18ms,
 I'm just trying to make sure that pages with minimal db and file system
 access don't end up taking 300-400ms.

 Any thoughts much appreciated!

 Best Wishes,

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Creating User Controls - cfc or tag?

2006-01-18 Thread Barney Boisvert
I generally write my UI widgets as custom tags.  Keeps things simple,
since my view templates are all simple markup, be it HTML or CFML
custom tags.  Tags are also easy for designers to understand, since
they'll already be familiar with nesting, attributes, and the like.

How those custom tags work, I can't say for sure, but they usually
take the form of query the model CFCs, render some HTML.  Some
widgets, of course, won't need the first part (like a pager for a
paged record set), and some might not need the second part (I can't
think of a good generic example).


On 1/18/06, Peter Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello All,

 My introduction to OOP in CF is a rewrite of a CF5 application generator in
 CFMX 7. I have a pretty good domain object model but am having trouble
 finding best practices for the UI.

 All of the controller (index.cfm) and model (various cfc's with a simple
 façade abstracting the business objects) runs first and then the model uses
 rules to determine what screen template to include. For instance, if form
 validated, display a list and a added OK message, if it failed, re-display
 the form screen. It then calls the appropriate screen.

 The screen is currently looking like being a simple CFML template that
 knowledgeable graphic designers can edit and that is comprised of static
 HTML, support for variables and basic logic using a generic syntax (so I can
 generate in other languages), and a number of widgets.

 The widgets are produced by a code generator that generates (and can save to
 files at design time) common UI widgets (table with pagination, simple form,
 n-record update table, etc.) from a set of primitives. The generated UI
 widgets can then be passed certain runtime properties (object type to
 display, display properties for this instance, etc.) and generate the
 appropriate HTML which is then pulled together by the page and screen

 I'm tempted to describe the widgets something like: Element
 name=PagedTable Property1=value1 . . . / for the designers. I can then
 use a Regex/parser to turn that into any appropriate format/include/call.

 How would you recommend calling the user interface widgets?

 I'm tempted to put them into methods of a UI CFC which returns the HTML
 string to display. That would also make it fairly easy to refactor to a
 Factory pattern to support n-output methods (optimized for different
 devices, etc.) but no less than Ben Forta suggests using custom tags for UI.

 Are there some considerations I'm missing?

 Be gentle on me. This is my first OOP projects and I've been thinking about
 this less than a week!!!

 Best Wishes,

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] CF on Wheels..

2005-12-20 Thread Barney Boisvert
If the module is mod_rewrite (which I'd be money it is), there is an
IIS equivalent.  Googling for mod_rewrite IIS turned up several
alternatives, none of which I'm familiar with.  Of course, why not
just use Apache?


On 12/20/05, John Farrar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Wow… talk about getting things right. This project is a beautiful mix. That
 and looking at the Reactor project there isn't much reason for someone to
 jump over to Rails.

 With that said… has anyone else played with this project (CFoW) yet? I got
 it running on Apache but don't see any configuration files to get it running
 on IIS yet. Waiting for an answer from the author… but who knows. If anyone
 knows how to get it running in IIS then that would be great knowledge. It
 uses a module in Apache to do URL rewriting. It's quite a work!

 John Farrar
Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] CF on Wheels..

2005-12-20 Thread Barney Boisvert
 I have some clients that use shared hosting... so getting them to move isn't 
 as easy as getting them to let me build with CFoW

Totally understandable.  The moreso because no shared host is going to
let you install ISAPI plugins.  ; )

 Now I want a good management interface for Apache that isn't expensive

Really?  I think of the config files that Apache uses as a nice
feature compared that damn GUI that IIS uses.  In particular, because
it lets me keep the files in my Subversion repository for easy change
managment, and syncing across the different servers in the cluster. 
It also lets you easily build generators (I create my conf files using
Ant), run text processors for batch edits, and a whole lot of other
really helpful things.


On 12/20/05, John Farrar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have some clients that use shared hosting... so getting them to move isn't 
 as easy as getting them to let me build with CFoW. (I am not saying that 
 makes sense... just the reality of the situation.) So if anyone knows of one 
 that is good for the goose could they let the gander know also? I would like 
 a tested one if possible.

 Oh... I moved our company over to apache for that reason. I agree with you 
 Barney... it's good advice. But our intranet isn't going to resolve issues 
 for others. (Now I want a good management interface for Apache that isn't 
 expensive... want, want, want... isn't that the way?)


Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] CFIMPORT - Oh the pain

2005-12-19 Thread Barney Boisvert
The reason inheritance doesn't work is because CFIMPORT is a
compile-time directive, but each individual CF template is compiled
separately.  So if you compile the parent include, the CFIMPORT is
processed, but when you get to compiling the child include, there
isn't a CFIMPORT tag to deal with.  And you can't just blindly
inherit, because the child include might be included from multiple
different parents.

That's also the reason you have to use a hard path, not a variable. 
Variables don't exist until runtime.

John got it pretty much right on the nose.  You create a mapping
(which you probably already have for your CFCs), and then use that
mapping in your CFIMPORT tags.  I happen to set up a mapping for each
domain like /com/barneyb, which serves as my CFC root, and then
/com/barneyb/tags would be my tag root.  So I might have this:

cfimport prefix=u taglib=/com/barneyb/tags/util /
cfset myCFC = createObject(component, com.barneyb.myCFC) /


On 12/19/05, Geoff Parkhurst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Suggestion... create a standard library of CF files off the
  site root and call it something like shared. Then put your
  custom tags in that directory. If that doesn't fix your issue
  you could use CFModule... but that should work on any sites.
  I create a set of tags for my apps in /share/sos and then map
  them with CFImport from all my apps to sos and call the
  apps like this...
  sos:skin ...
  Or public tags in /share/public
  And that should solve your issues. It's not exactly how you
  want to do it... but it sure works.
  John Farrar

 I have some files like this:

 cfimport prefix=lh taglib=../extensions/customtags
 cfinclude template=blah.cfm

 In this case, if blah.cfm needs to call a custom tag, it needs its own
 cfimport line...
 So, why can't a cfincluded file inherit a taglib from its 'parent'?

 My guess is if blah.cfm was a CFC, having its functionality or resources
 being dependent on a library only made available by the invoking file would
 be bad...
 i.e. blah.cfm wouldn't be a nice self-contained module


Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Finding subclasses via introspection

2005-12-19 Thread Barney Boisvert
Nope, because an object doesn't care about subclasses.  The
superclasses, on the other hand, are critical, becauase they define
both types and behaviour for an object.  If you want some kind of
dynamic awareness of subclasses, you'll have to scan the filesystem
for suitable files.

Keep in mind that getMetaData is for an instance, not a class.  MM did
a bit of a disservice to developers by using CFC to mean both a CFC
class and a CFC instance, and this is a good example of why.


On 12/19/05, Haikal Saadh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all.

 Is it possible at all, with MX6.1, to find out what a components
 subclasses are? Finding the superclass is simple enough, using
 getMetaData(), but there appears to be no facility to find subclasses.

 What I am basically trying to do is an implementation of the Strategy
 pattern, and the idea is that new stragetegies can be implemented by
 simply dropping in addition classes that extend that particular
 strategy. I was hoping to use introspection so as to avoid having to
 manually keep track of what's available.



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Re: [CFCDev] Anyone using

2005-12-15 Thread Barney Boisvert
A class is defined by it's name and it's classloader, not just it's
name.  So if you want to extend something loaded by specific
classloader, the extended class also has to be loaded by that same
classloader or it's parent classloaders.  That is, by a classloader in
the same classloader tree.  Since your classloader is the root of it's
own classloader tree, it doesn't have access to any of the other
classes that might be available in your JVM, so you can't extend those
classes with classes loaded by your classloader.

A URLClassLoader is really designed for loading wholly encapsulated
sets of classes.  That could be a collection of classes, or more
likely, a JAR file.  It's not designed for loading stuff into your
existing JVM environment.

I can't say with absolute confidence that that's 100% right, but it's
generally right.  Classloading (along with much of the JVM's
internals) is friggin voodoo.


On 12/15/05, Gareth Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm having some troubles using this java class to load some custom java
 classes. I think it works find until you want to extend something in the
 custom class. (Not sure).

  Any help would be much appreciated.

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Factory Pattern - yes this IS about Factory Pattern!

2005-11-15 Thread Barney Boisvert
That'd be a registry, probably named DAORegistry in this case.  But
assuming the registry is part of a single app, I'd definitely take the
time to wrap it up in a factory facade, because to the rest of the
app, that's what it is.

If the registry is floating outside the app (like a JNDI registry), or
if you know that will be the eventuality for your app, then leaving it
as a registry makes more sense.  However, there's still an argument
for wrapping the registry up in a factory for the sake of your
application.  So the 'factory' would actually be a facade/adapter in


On 11/15/05, Patrick McElhaney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Creating objects and keeping track of instances are two different
 responsibilities. If one CFC covers both responsibilities, I don't
 have a problem with calling it a factory. But what do you call this?

 !--- First, create some DAO objects ---
 cfset userDAO = createObject(component, userDAO)/
 cfset groupDAO = createObject(component, groupDAO)/

   Now, stuff them in my how the rest of the app
   gets the DAO objects object.
 cfset HtRotAGtDAOO= createObject(component, )/
 cfset HtRotAGtDAOO.setUserDAO(userDAO)/
 cfset HtRotAGtDAOO.setGroupDAO(groupDAO)/

 !--- later, I use my HTRotAGtDAOO object to get the userDAO ---
 cfset userDAO = HtRotAGtDAOO.getUserDAO()/


Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Factory Pattern - yes this IS about Factory Pattern!

2005-11-15 Thread Barney Boisvert
Surely you meant a DAOFactoryFacadeFactoryRegistry, right?  You want
to keep things as abstracted as possible.  ;)

I've oft wondered if people would be able to tell the difference
between legit design pattern applications and totally spurrious
extensions on the theme.  Obviously the Factory Facade Factory
Registry Pattern is rather a foolish one, but how do you make that
distinction, ya know?  Kind of an interesting problem, and one without
a definite solution, but you have to make exactly that distinction
many times throughout the course of designing even a single, fairly
simple, application.

I suppose thats why it takes a human to write code though, rather than
just letting the machine do it for you.


On 11/15/05, Patrick McElhaney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 11/15/05, Barney Boisvert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That'd be a registry, probably named DAORegistry in this case.  But
  assuming the registry is part of a single app, I'd definitely take the
  time to wrap it up in a factory facade, because to the rest of the
  app, that's what it is.

 Well, I would probably take your factory facade and hide it behind a
 DAOFactoryFacadeService. ;-)


Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Factory Pattern - yes this IS about Factory Pattern!

2005-11-14 Thread Barney Boisvert
Not to jump down your throat, Nando (though I know you were indirectly
referring to me about doing it ;), but I do have to disagree on some

I'll certainly agree that a lot of the terminology is confusing, but
that's the case in any complex field.  I surely don't consider medical
or legal terminology even remotely sane, but to the professionals in
the field, there's a need for the complex nomenclature.  The same
thing goes in programming.

You say service, I say factory.  Suddenly we can't communicate without
a Nandolian-Barnese dictionary, and that hurts us both.  And heaven
forbid we want to talk to [fictional] John, who calls them managers. 
Now we need three dictionaries.

So there's a very good reason to have a standardized nomenclature
within a community.  Regarding design patterns, I think that pretty
much anyone will agree that if the GoF book speaks on the matter, it's
the authoritative source.  For other topics, things are less clear,
but there is almost always an accepted lexicon.

In that vein:

An object whose sole purpose is to create other objects is a factory
object, not a service or a manager.
An object whose sole purpose is to expose discrete bits of
functionality through a formal API is a service object.

A pedantic rant, to be sure, but it's not without value, because it
facilitates easier pursuit of the non-pedantic aspects of what we do.


On 11/14/05, Nando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I enjoyed reading your posts this morning, especially the one about the
 throngs of bank customers meeting in the road.

 It's hard for me too. Someone will say, for instance, that a Service is X.
 Then someone else will say that a Service is Y and that X is a Manager. Then
 someone else will say that if you are using Managers in your model, you
 don't understand OO design very well. Then Joe gets around that in
 Model-Glue by calling them Controllers, and i think to myself, Gee, that
 was clever! ;)

 I'm going to call it a Service. Think of the guy in the truck selling hot
 dogs to the throngs of bank customers crossing the road. That's a Service,

 Here's what i've done, in case it's of any help.

 In Application.cfc/m instantiate Factory as a singleton. Then have Factory
 make you instance of DaoService. When it does, pass the instance of the
 factory into it, using this.

 in Factory:
 cffunction name=getDaoService access=public returntype=DaoService
   cfset var DaoService =
 createObject('component','DaoService').init(this) /
   cfreturn DaoService /

 In Application.cfc/m, or wherever actually needed.
 (adjust as necessary)
 cfif NOT StructKeyExists(application, DaoService) OR StructKeyExists(url,
  cfset application.DaoService =
 application.Factory.getDaoService() /

 In DaoService's init method, you'll set the Factory instance you passed into
 DaoService to variables scope so you've got ready access to it, and then
 from within DaoService, have factory make all the Dao's you need and set
 them to variables scope as well.

 Then you'd access them using public getters. For example:


 I've used this approach to instantiate Gateways into a GatewayService for
 front end queries. It seems to perform very well, even on views that use
 many queries to render the page.

 I'm not suggesting that you specifically use an object called DaoService -
 btw. It's just to demonstrate.


Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Query: Turn column into a list

2005-11-08 Thread Barney Boisvert
Using an array rather than a list and then converting it at the end
will be more efficient if you've got more than a few rows per column1
value.  You should check your DB's docs too, as there might be a
function that'll let you do with with SQL, rather than CF.  MySQL has
GROUP_CONCAT for exactly this purpose.


On 11/8/05, Baz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If I have the following query:

 Column1 || Column2

   ValueA ||   ValueX

   ValueA ||   ValueY

   ValueB ||   ValueX

   ValueB ||   ValueY

   ValueB ||   ValueZ

 And I want to turn the second column into a list, while keeping the first
 column unique - like so:

 Column1 || Column2

   ValueA ||   ValueX, ValueY

   ValueB ||   ValueX, ValueY, ValueZ

 Is there a more efficient way to do this than:

 cfoutput query=QueryXXX group=Column1

 !--- populate groups list ---


 ColumnToList=listappend(ColumnToList,Column2) /


 !--- add row to final query ---







 I'm sure there's a million ways to do this…


Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Query: Turn column into a list

2005-11-08 Thread Barney Boisvert
valueList will convert the entire column to a list, not individual
lists for groups of records like Baz's code does.


On 11/8/05, PCC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What about ValueList() Function


 Inserts a delimiter between each  value in an executed query. ColdFusion does 
 not evaluate the arguments.
 Return value

 A delimited list of the values of  each record returned from an executed 

 Syntax ValueList(query.column [, delimiter ])

 See also


  Parameter Description
  Name of an executed query and column.Separate query name and 
 column name with a period.

  A delimiter character to separatecolumn data items.

Barney Boisvert

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Re: SPAM-LOW: Re: [CFCDev] Factory Pattern

2005-11-05 Thread Barney Boisvert
 Well, something for ORM would be useful, it's true, but I'm not
 holding my breath for a scalable production-quality solution in that
 space ;)

Depends on what you mean by ORM.  Things like Arf! or Reactor start to
encroach on that space.  Certainly not a conventional ORM solution,
but they provide many of the benefits.  No idea about scalability, but
I suspect Reactor will be quite performant, since it does very little
at runtime.  I'm not sure about Arf!'s execution profile as I haven't
dug into the implementation as far.


On 11/5/05, Sean Corfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 11/3/05, Peter J. Farrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I get the feeling that  CS is not very well understood in the CF community.

 I think that's a bit of an understatement :)

  seriously suggest downloading the 13 page reference doc from the site to get
  an idea of what CS does and how it does it if you don't know about
  inversion of control or dependency injection.

 Yes, the documentation is excellent!

 I was a bit of a naysayer at first. Dave approached me about
 ColdSpring a long time ago and I didn't really take it seriously - I
 couldn't see the benefit. Then I hit a wall with a Mach II app at work
 and rewrote it to use Model-Glue and the ChiliBeans factory (supplied
 with Model-Glue). ChiliBeans was really my first hands on experience
 with inversion of control and it made the app much, much more
 maintainable. At that point, I took ColdSpring for a test drive and it
 all made sense!

  With Mach-II + Coldspring - application development is starting to become
  more of a silver bullet.

 Not sure I'd go that far - there are no silver bullets - but certainly
 an MVC framework (Fusebox, Mach II, Model-Glue) + an IoC/AOP container
 (ColdSpring) really does lift up your development to make you more
 effective at producing more maintainable applications.

 AOP is another poorly understood concept. Hopefully, ColdSpring (and
 Dave and Chris) will popularize that to some degree.

  Just add in CFHibernate if it comes out and you would
  great frameworks to do things easily

 Well, something for ORM would be useful, it's true, but I'm not
 holding my breath for a scalable production-quality solution in that
 space ;)
 Sean A Corfield --
 Got frameworks?

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Factory Pattern

2005-11-05 Thread Barney Boisvert
If you drop your packages in the web root, you can reference them
without mappings.  To put it another way the web root is implictly
mapped to /.

I can't think of a framework that forces you to use mappings, though
there are advantages to doing it that way.  For example, you can avoid
duplicating framework code for each utilizing application, which makes
bug fixes in the framework enormously easier to apply.  It also
ensures that you're never running mixed versions (because there's only
one copy).  There are other reasons as well.  It's your call as to
which is more appropriate.


On 11/5/05, Nando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That sounds like an argument against using any standard framework?

 Not at all! Everything we've done is in Feuuu  Feuuu ... Feuuu ... .

 And i'd prefer to move it to model-glue ... just to clean it all up nicely.

 I use frameworks on a shared host without mappings.

 How? Please explain ...

 What we need is a simple, self-contained architecture that can scale out
 easily to say 10 - 20, maybe 30 installations a week and take no more than
 10 or 15 minutes per installation. And i'd like that it can be
 InstalledAnywhere in the same amount of time. And each installation needs
 to stand on it's own. I'd be very happy to move it to MG ... but that would,
 i think, practically limit us to only offering this as a We'll host it for
 you  package.

 We'll be making maybe $20 dollars a month on each installation. I'd like to
 sell 5000 of them or so and retire to a beach somewhere on a $80,000 a
 month income, and pay someone $20,000 a month to maintain it. All the
 customization requests would be extra.

 :) n.

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Factory Pattern

2005-11-03 Thread Barney Boisvert
 You've created a situation where introducing an object that's not
 initialized the same way is painful.  So instead of doing the right
 thing, you may be tempted to force your object to intialize the same
 as all the others. Otherwise, you have to introduce a -- *gulp* --
 special case.

I'd disagree.  I've created a situation where it's sometimes easier to
introduce a new object.  I gotta write a getXXX() method anyway, just
sometimes I get to skip it.

 Also,  aren't you a fan of strong typing? What do you make the
 returntype of a method that returns lots of different types?

Yes I am, and an abstract superclass meets this need very well.  An
interface would be better for certain things, but in general it works
well enough with out it.

 cffunction name=createBarGateway
   cfreturn createGateway(bar, variables.dsn)/

 Only this way you don't need a switch statement.

Yeah, I suppose that'd work just as well.  Interesting how there's
always to multiple to skin a cat (I prefer head to tail).

   What's going on here? We drag someone through the mud for
   advocating get(fieldname) and set(fieldname, value). Then Hal
   does the same thing with his isNull(fieldName) method. Now
   you and Nando are getting into the game.

I thought I was perfectly clear in stating that the design goes
against convetional wisdom.  You illustrated above a better way to go
about it.  I'm not against it for the 'lots of public methods', or
whatever other reason, I just happen to like
gatewayFactory.getInstance(user) rather than
gatewayFactory.getUserGateway().  And I certainly wouldn't go blindly
applying the same design to other scenarios.


Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Factory Pattern

2005-11-03 Thread Barney Boisvert
Hey, no worries.  Email sucks for having charged discussions, because
anything short of careful politi-speak invariably comes off with
you're an a**hole inflection.  But until people can mind-meld over
long distances and record the interplay for others to sample later, I
think we're stuck.  ; )

You made a very good point that it's NOT a good way to go, and most
importantly (at least in my view), backed it up with a better
alternative and why it's better.  Convinced me.  Now if only I didn't
have thousands and thousands of lines of code that work my way, and
no ability to refactor


On 11/3/05, Patrick McElhaney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I apologize. My email was worded too strongly -- especially the tangent part.


Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Factory Pattern

2005-11-02 Thread Barney Boisvert
 Enforcing that rule solves the problem of not knowing which arguments to
 pass at create time but introduces the new problem of having to remember to
 call certain sets right after creating – a strange dependency.

No, it doesn't, actually.  The code that wants an instance of whatever
object knows what it's doing, so it's going to do it.  Either the set
methods you refer to are tied to the specific task the calling code is
doing, or they're not.  If the former, they can't happen anywher
except the calling code (and the calling code better remember to do
them, or it's not going to be doing what it's supposed to).  If it's
the latter, then they should be set in the factory (by init(), most
likely), because they'll be the same for all instances, no matter how
they're going to be used.

 This could
 cause even more problems because how am I even supposed to know which sets
 are mandatory right after create and which are just regular sets that can be
 performed anytime.

If they're mandatory for an instance to exist, then either the factory
should be in charge of setting them, or the object needs to be built
in such a way that it fails fast if the property isn't set.  i.e.
the propery defaults to an unset state that can be tested against,
and it explictly throws an error if it's not set.  In all the code
I've written, I can't think of an example where I've needed to do


Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Factory Pattern

2005-11-02 Thread Barney Boisvert
I'll typically have a service factory that is used by the UI (or
UI's), and then where I'm using entity objects, I'll have a factory
per entity type.  Of course, I don't actually build dedicated factory
objects, I build managers, which include the getNewUser method, but
also have various other methods for managing user entities.  You could
certainly call those objects factories, but I prefer manager to
differentiate them from objects that ONLY act as factories.

So both yes and no.  ;)  You'll find that you get that answer a lot in
the OO design world, because there's so rarely a single correct answer
for anything.


On 11/1/05, Scratch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry for the triple-post... u guys gave a lot of material!

 Barney, in your example you have a UserFactory class - was that just an
 example or do you normally build such granular Factories? How many factories
 do your apps usually have?


Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Factory Pattern

2005-11-02 Thread Barney Boisvert
I happen to like that style (though I use getInstance), even though it
goes against one of the common tenets of OO: never pass in
behaviour-dicating method arguments, make separate methods instead.  
Like Scratch/Baz suggested, getInstance will delegate to
class-specific factory methods where appropriate, but some classes of
object (gateways come to mind) are frequently initialized in the same
way (pass in the DSN to use).

With a single getInstance, I can have a 'default' initialization
routine, and specialize it where needed, saving some code.  It's also
a structure that'll work no matter whether you can make that code
reduction or not, and consistency, consistency, consistency.

So I completely agree with you, Nando, even though it goes against
best practices.  A good example of one of those places where it's a
good choice to blatantly go against conventional wisdom.

And sorry for the three-in-a-row posts.  I was without internet all
day, and while I don't like the jump in after the topic dwindles, I
wanted to specifically address these three points,


On 11/2/05, Nando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What's with the load() method?

 Well, load() gives you one public interface to code to. The implementation
 details within Factory can change without affecting the rest of your app.

 Do you see a drawback to that? Maybe there is one ... my working hypothesis
 at the moment is that it would be better in the long run to stay with a
 single interface and work out any drawbacks in another way.

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Re: [CFCDev] Message Handling

2005-10-30 Thread Barney Boisvert
Yeah, it creates and returns an ErrorSet object.  Validate creates an
ErrorSet, populates it as needed, and then stores it in the object's
instance state for later recall with getValidationErrors.  It also
returns it, since that's usually what the calling code wants.  Each
time validate is called and any of the instance data has changed, it
creates a new set and populates it.  Obviously if no state has
changed, there's no need to do the whole validation routine (with a
new notable exceptions, such as uniqueness checks).

function validate() {
  var errorSet = new ErrorSet();
  // check field X
  // check field Y
  variables.errorSet = errorSet;
  return errorSet;


On 10/30/05, Scratch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey Barney,

 In your example does Customer.Validate() return an object? If so, was that
 object created inside the Validate() method?


Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Message Handling

2005-10-30 Thread Barney Boisvert
In that scenario, you'd say 9 ErrorSet instantiations, but you'd
sacrifice the encapsulation of the object.  In my setup, every object
knows whether it's valid or not, and it uses the ErrorSet object to do
it.  No object means the state isn't known, and needs to be checked, a
zero-element object means there are no errors (that is, it's valid),
and a one-plus-element object indicates there are errors that must be

By passing in your ErrorSet object, you force the object to keep track
of that in a different way, and probably force it to dynamically
compute the ErrorSet's contents every time it's needed, rather than
only recomputing when a value changes.

Passing a single ErrorSet will be faster, but probably not measurably
faster, and to me, it's not worth the ramifications.  At least not
until it's been proven an issue with load testing and profiling.  And
even then, theres probably better ways to save that millisecond or


On 10/30/05, Scratch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks Barney, you have been most helpful.

 A great majority of your CFCs must be using the ErrorSet object. And lets
 say in one request you needed to validate 10 different CFCs, each one would
 create an Errorset object. If instead you created one main ErrorSet object
 in your controller and then passed into each CFC, do you there would be a
 significant performance improvement? Is that bad style?



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Re: [CFCDev] Global Function Libraries

2005-10-30 Thread Barney Boisvert
The 'utils' CFC instance is a property of the CFC, accesible via
getUtils().  The UDFs aren't copied into the variables scope directly.

To take things the next step up, in an app you often have peer CFCs
that need to know about each other, as well as standalone library-type
CFCs that all the others need to know about.  If all the CFC instances
are created by a factory, then you can just pass that factory around
and each CFC can get what it needs when it needs it, rather than
passing around individual instance (like the utils object).

I.e. factory.cfc has getUtils, getUserService, getNotificationService,
etc.  Each of those CFCs has an init() method that takes a reference
to the factory that saves it to a variable, and then within it you can
say variables.factory.getUtils().myUDF(), or

Bump that up one more level, and your factory object becomes a single
element in your larger application configuration object.  So your CFCs
receive a 'config' object, with things like DSN, mail server, your
object factory, and whatever else.  So now you have a single thing
that you can pass to all your application objects, and it has
everything any of them need.


On 10/30/05, Scratch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey Ryan,

 Why the additional getUtils() function rather than just referring to the
 functions as variables.myUDF()? That method wouldn't be used outside the CFC
 would it?


 Suggestions so far:

 1. Pass the function library to each CFC that needs it.

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Re: [CFCDev] Message Handling

2005-10-30 Thread Barney Boisvert
Just getValidationErrors(), which creates the error set if needed
(caching it, of course), and returns it.

isValid would be implemented as getValidationErrors().size() EQ 0, and
that's just as easily to put in the calling code, since you'll need
the error set to display the errors, and it might be a compound error
set as we've discussed.  It's a slight over-coupling of the calling
code to the object, but one I'm comfortable with.

I don't have a hasModified either, because it's irrelevant to external
users if an object has been modified.  What's relevant is if the
calling code *thinks* the object has been modified.  I.e. calling a
setter doesn't necessarily change something (i.e. set a field to it's
same value).  The setters null out the validation set when called, of
course, and the object maintains an internal list of properties that
have changed.  Then when a save/update is requested, the object can
tell if it actually needs to run a query on the DB, and what specific
fields need to be included.  That makes for smaller queries, and in
some cases avoid spurrious UPDATE statements all together.

And yes, all this is major implementation details of my persistance
layer.  It's all encapsulated within an abstract superclass that all
my business object derive from.


On 10/30/05, Scratch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Makes a lot of sense.

 So you probably have something along the lines of these functions in all
 your CFCs:

 - isValid(): Checks existence of ErrorSet or ErrorSet.ErrorCount() gt 0
 - hasChanged(): Returns the value of variables.Instance.Modified which gets
 set to TRUE on every setXXX() method?


Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Message Handling

2005-10-29 Thread Barney Boisvert
I do something like the latter

cfset errors = customer.validate() / !--- or .getErrors() ---
cfset errors.appendErrorSet(order.validate()) /
cfif errors.size() GT 0

Since the customer is going to return an ErrorSet, there's no need to
create one explicitly and then merge both results into it.  Just use
the first's return value for the subsequent objects.


On 10/29/05, Scratch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 In my applications, if a user sends invalid data, I like to let them know
 about all of the problems at once rather than one by one.

 So for example, after submitting a form, a user may get a msg like this:
 - Please make sure your TITLE is less than 25 characters long.
 - Please provide your age in integer format.
 - Please choose a price in numerical format.

 To handle this, I have a MSG CFC that stores the relevant messages of the
 current request.

 The process looks something like this:
 1. User sends data

 2. Validate customer details, update MSG component with any errors

 3. Validate order details, update message component with any errors

 4. If there are any errors, display messages and abort

 My question is where and how should the MSG CFC be instantiated? You will
 notice that almost all my other CFC's use it, so should I create a new MSG
 CFC in each of them? Or should I just create a main one and pass it in to
 each CFC every time?

 Example A (Pass in one MSG CFC)
 1. MsgCFC=createobject('component','Msg').init()

 2. Customer.Validate(MsgCFC) - updates MsgCFC by reference

 3. Order.Validate(MsgCFC) - updates MsgCFC by reference



 Example B (Create a new MSG CFC in each object)
 1. MainMsgCFC=createobject('component','Msg').init()

 2. Customer.Validate() - another MsgCFC is created inside Customer

 3. MainMsgCFC.Merge(Customer.getMSG()) - merge customer MSGs with MainMsgCFC

 4. Order.Validate() - another MsgCFC is created inside Customer

 5. MainMsgCFC.Merge(Order.getMSG()) - merge order MSGs with MainMsgCFC


 Example A seems cleaner and more proper, but I am not that comfortable
 having every single one of my CFCs rely on another component as an argument.
 Also in example B I have the choice to merge the messages or not. Sometimes
 I want to suppress error messages for a certain component. I guess this can
 be achieved as well in Example A by creating a new MSG object for each
 validating CFC, passing it in and then merging the result back to the main
 MSG CFC, but all of a sudden the solution isn't so clean anymore.

 So basically it comes down where the MSG component should be declared,
 inside or outside the related CFCs?  What do you think? How do you guys/gals
 handle messages from components?



Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Framework or Not

2005-10-28 Thread Barney Boisvert
Make sure you're not stripping the framework without proving that's
the problem.  Very likely it's not, and stripping the framework out
will save a handful of ms per request and increase the cost of future
enhancements and maintenance.  Far more likely, you can implement some
memory caching or DB tuning and get back far more performance, without
having to sacrifice the benefits a framework can provide.

Bottom line, until you know (via load testing) what the bottleneck is,
don't go making any drastic changes to the app, or you're just
shooting blind.  Heck, it might be concurrency constraints on the DB,
improper settings in the CF Admin, or network issues, and not related
to your code at all.


On 10/28/05, Ian Skinner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Not using a framework maybe what this application requires. From my
 framework session at MAX last week, that was one of the main points. One of
 the biggest goals of a framework is to save developing and maintenance time,
 usually the most expensive time of an application. But this comes to some
 degree at a cost of performance. If pure performance is required, then a
 more barebones approach maybe called for, with the trade off of more time
 spent in developing and maintaining the application.

  Ian Skinner
  Web Programmer
  Sacramento, CA

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Re: [CFCDev] CFSQLTool debate

2005-10-28 Thread Barney Boisvert
The way I've always thought about it is that the XML is the exchange
format between the developer and the application.  Gotta pass the data
somehow, and XML happens to be a format that both can interface with
natively with a minimum of fuss.  I don't know about anyone else, but
I've yet to learn to read any DB's binary file format, as hard as I've


On 10/28/05, Joe Rinehart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The reason is that XML is primarily an exchange
  language. Because it is based on an abstract syntax notation, DTD, it
  is very easy to overload and mis-use as a data store such as in Mach.

 Yes, it stared as an exchange language, but the ability to build
 structured, checked documents lends itself well to other applications
 - this isn't a misuse.  A butter knife does a good job spreading
 jam;  does that make it a misuse?

 I think others agree:  Fusebox, Mach-II, Model-Glue, Struts, Spring,
 ASP.NET, Coldspring, J2EE, heck, even Cisco routers now use XML for

  A web application can have 1000s of events, as such, a management
  system is a better choice to store events.

 An application-level event management system of any use needs to be
 able to show these events in a structured format where application
 flow can be seen.  XML provides a very nice structure for this.


 Get Glued!
 The Model-Glue ColdFusion Framework

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Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] CFSQLTool debate

2005-10-28 Thread Barney Boisvert
Assuming you're referring to the comment about if/ in FB, there's
really no way around it with the current architecture.  The only place
you can have DO tags is in the XML, and you need to be able to call DO
tags conditionally, or they're utility is GREATLY reduced.  The
DO-in-XML problem (as I've dubbed it) is probably my biggest gripe
about FB4, but it's also the central tenet that makes it work.  I
don't think it's getting solved until there's an object-centric core
behind the framework though.

This is one very nice thing about Mach-II and Model-Glue.  In both
frameworks, your DO-equivalent is an in-code construct (announcing
an event, or setting a result), not an XML construct, which means you
don't need the conditional in your XML

To go tangent surfing, FB's declarative nature is very nice.  You can
trace application flow through the XML.  Mach-II is the other end of
the spectrum, where you can see the list of potential events, but have
little way of knowing how the app flows.  Model-Glue is right in the
middle, where the _potential_ flow is declaratively documented, but
the actual logic controlling the flow is in-code, where it belongs. 
In this arena, I think Model-Glue's the best of the three, because it
doesn't put logic in the XML, but it also lets you get the declarative
benefits of the XML.


On 10/28/05, Hal Helms [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm completely with you about being extremely dubious about having logic in
 a config file. I've fought this more than anyone. But there are a few, rare,
 unusual, scant, [insert adjective here] times when it's needed -- or at
 least is very convenient. We added it most reluctantly and still have to
 fight people who want a switch statement in the config file.

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] CFSQLTool debate

2005-10-28 Thread Barney Boisvert
To my knowledge none of the three frameworks allow multiple apps from
the same config file(s).  You can partition a single large app and use
certian pieces in different UIs, I suppose, but it's still all one big
app.  Mach-II will let you run multiple applications in a single CF
application, but each Mach-II app is still totally self-contained. 
Fusebox does not currently have that capability, and I'm not sure
about Model-Glue.

I believe Fusebox would be the closest in that you can use a single
circuit.xml file concurrently in multiple separate fuseboxes, but
again, that's just a reusing a file level thing (kind of like a
custom tag can be used in multiple apps), not really any sort of
multi-application support.


On 10/28/05, John Farrar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On the other hand... we could just hire a developer to manage the file for
 us in M2, MG or FB. When you add an application to a system does the core
 config file automatically update? My guess is not. So rather than charging
 the customer the cost of a OO DB, we charge them for paying us to do the
 work. (Strangely enough that is usually what a customer would prefer.) Yet,
 it seems that for larger customer who understand project costing this would
 be a more responsible solution for someone like UPS or MM (oops, rather
 Adobe) when they use something like this. It could actually could function
 after both manner of schemes. XML for the simpler less automated solution...
 and an OODBMS for the enterprise solution.

 John Farrar

 Good use of terms like pesky... it is a great debate technique to subtle
 implications. One of the advantages of a DB (not even requiring a OODBMS) is
 the ease of installation of another app in the site and updates. M2 does
 (this is a question) allow multiple applications to run through the same
 config file doesn't it? If not then perhaps it is not needed and my
 assumption is wrong all together.

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Process for Updating Database Records

2005-10-25 Thread Barney Boisvert
I was actually thinking about one step further, where you actually get
the connection from CF's pool, rather than just the connection info. 
So you let CF take care of everything (as it does normally), except
that you have complete control over the connection rather than letting
CF manage it.  And really, my greater hope would be for that
functionality on BD, because it'd alleviate some of the
transaction-related issues it has (not bugs, per se, just
implementation details that prevent certain solutions from working). 
But if it worked cross platform (with a check for the server to tell
how to get the connection, of course), that'd be the best scenario.


On 10/25/05, Doug Arthur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just to slightly modify what I've already done, is this what you're
 refereing to Barney?

 The only downside is that since the password is encrypted in the structure,
 the password would still have to be supplied.

 cffunction name=dump
 cfdump var=#Arguments[1]#
 namedDatasource = db;
 password = password;

 ServiceFactory = CreateObject(java,
 datasources =

 if(StructKeyExists(datasources, namedDatasource))
 dataSourceStruct = StructFind(datasources, namedDatasource);

 try {
  Class =
  DriverManager = createObject(java,  java.sql.DriverManager);
  conn = DriverManager.getConnection(dataSourceStruct.url,
 dataSourceStruct.username, password);
  stmt = conn.createStatement();

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] VARing component instances

2005-10-25 Thread Barney Boisvert
No, you have a single instance and multiple references to it, where
each reference is method-specific.  You'll need to create a
messageHandler instance inside each method and use it, rather than a
global instance of it.  I.e. change getMH to return a newly created
instance instead of a shared instance.  Since you're returning the
data inside the messageHandler, there is no need for it to live longer
than a single method invocation anyway, aside from the cost of
instantiating them all the time, but that can be mostly mitigated by
pooling.  And that instantiation cost really isn't all that large, so
I wouldn't even consider it until load testing indicates it's a
bottleneck, and then you can consider pooling.


On 10/25/05, Ryan Guill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey guys,

 i just had a thought and need to know exactly how this works.

 I have a component that I am using in composition in some of my other
 components.  I have a messageHandler, which an object is being created
 of in all of my daos.  In every method that runs, it inits() or resets
 the object, the method uses the messageHandler methods, it then
 returns the information stored in the message handler.  then the next
 method that runs will init() and reset it again and the process

 I am createing an object out of the messageHandler in every dao when
 the dao object is created and then the same messageHandler object is
 being reused over and over.  I am bringing it into each method like so
 cfset VAR mh = getMH() / and getMH() just returns the reference to
 the object.

 So my question is this: since i am using VAR inside each of the
 methods, is it really creating it locally?  My worry is that it is not
 even still, and so if one method of my dao starts to run, and another
 method starts to run before the first one is completed will the init()
 of the second method clear out the data of the first ones instance?

 If so, then the only way I see around this is to create the
 messageHandler object for each method, or put exclusive locks in every
 method.  I hope this really isnt the case...

 Ryan Guill
 (270) 217.2399
 got google talk?  Chat me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] VARing component instances

2005-10-25 Thread Barney Boisvert
Instantiation is expensive, so you want to avoid it as part of request
handling.  It's not specific to CF and/or CFCs, DB connections have
the same issue, and myriad other things do as well.  The solution is a
pool of already-instantiated object that are sitting unused.  When you
need an instance, instead of creating one from scratch (slow), you
just pull an already ready instance from the pool (fast).  That
instance is yours forever, so you avoid the concurrency issues you
currently have.

So you don't really save any time overall (you still have to
instantiate everything), but you avoid having to do it while a client
is waiting for a request.  With CF, you'd probably set up a scheduled
task or event gateway that runs every X time and ensures that your
pool has enough instances, creating more if needed.

If the objects are well suited, they can be released back into the
pool after they're done being used, further reducing the number of
instances that have to be created.  That's not always possible,
however, depending on the type of object.  If you do this, then you'll
also want your periodic check to ensure there aren't too many
instances in the pool.  If there are, you're wasting memory, and some
should be killed off.


On 10/25/05, Ryan Guill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Alright, im with you on everything except for pooling.  What exactly
 do you mean by that?

 On 10/25/05, Barney Boisvert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  No, you have a single instance and multiple references to it, where
  each reference is method-specific.  You'll need to create a
  messageHandler instance inside each method and use it, rather than a
  global instance of it.  I.e. change getMH to return a newly created
  instance instead of a shared instance.  Since you're returning the
  data inside the messageHandler, there is no need for it to live longer
  than a single method invocation anyway, aside from the cost of
  instantiating them all the time, but that can be mostly mitigated by
  pooling.  And that instantiation cost really isn't all that large, so
  I wouldn't even consider it until load testing indicates it's a
  bottleneck, and then you can consider pooling.

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] CFC return types

2005-10-25 Thread Barney Boisvert
If CF eventually has support for checked exceptions, I'll gladly spend
the time to refactor as that'll be a huge asset.  However, it's also
orthagonal to many of CF's basing principles, so I'd be ridiculously
surprised if it ever happend.  And similar suprise levels would be
warranted if MM found another (non-confusing) way to use the 'throws'
attribute.  Similar arguments go for 'deprecated', the moreso because
it's a documentation (not functional) datum.  I.e. execution doesn't
care about deprecation, only docs do.

So to me, the odds seem greatly in my favor, especially considering
the productivity gains I collect by having those attributes there for
me to use while I'm working against an API.  But then we also all know
how hard-headed I can be about stuff.  ; )


On 10/25/05, Sean Corfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/25/05, Barney Boisvert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If you use CFCDoc, it will recognize a 'throws' attribute to
  CFFUNCTION, along with 'deprecated', and include them in the generated

 ...although adding additional attributes might mean your code is
 broken by a future release of CFMX that happens to add new attributes
 with the same name (and a specific meaning). For example, CFMX 7 added
 description=short text description of function.
 Sean A Corfield --
 Got frameworks?

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] VARing component instances

2005-10-25 Thread Barney Boisvert
  Instantiation is expensive, so you want to avoid it as part of request

 I think that's overstating the issue rather dramatically

Yeah, I know.  Ryan asked about pooling, so I was explaining the
impetus and the how, with no regard to the should I/shouldn't I. 
Oversight on my part.

 This is way complex for most apps - I really think it's overkill and I
 would not recommend it as a 'default' approach.

I whole-heartedly agree.  I mentioned that pooling should be reserved
only for load testing confirmed bottlenecks in my first email, and
should have reiterated in my second.

I, for one, have never had a need to implement a CFC pool, and while I
can't say I work on massive apps, they're of decent size with decent
load.  Still way cheaper to tune some SQL, add some caching, or even
buy another box than it would be for the improvements pooling would
bring.  At least with the architecture we're currently using.


Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] CFC return types

2005-10-25 Thread Barney Boisvert
I don't have an answer to your question, but CFPROPERTY should be on
that list too.

On 10/25/05, Adam Cameron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For example, CFMX 7 added description=short text description of function.

 Interesting.  How does this differ in intent from the hint attribute?  Is 
 it kinda like the displayname attribute of cfcomponent (that I have never 
 worked out a sensible use for).

 Also... Most CF tags are rigorous in the enforcement of valid attributes, 
 aren't they?  I thought the laxness on cffunction and cfcomponent (?) was 
 by design... So that people COULD add their own attributes, for their own 
 needs?  Is that not the case... Was it just an accident that the attributes 
 aren't enforced on those tabs?  Or is it some sort of (pardon the term) 
 indian gift?


Barney Boisvert

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An archive of the CFCDev list is available at

Re: [CFCDev] CFC return types

2005-10-22 Thread Barney Boisvert
In some scenarios, you're better off raising an exception than
returning null, but it doesn't work in all situations.  Where you
can't do it, you have to declare returntype=any, as you've
discovered.  For example a getSpouse() method of Person CFC should
raise a UnmarriedException when called on an unmarried person, rather
than returning null.


On 10/22/05, Andrew Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a situation where I want to return null, or an object in coldfusion
 so far the only way I can do this is by not specifying a returntype.

 Is there any other method to decided whether the object was found or not. I
 know I other languages by returning null signifies nothing was found, how
 would this be translated in coldfusion mx 6.1?

 Andrew Scott

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] CFC return types

2005-10-22 Thread Barney Boisvert
Here's the skeleton of the function:

cffunction name=getUser returntype=userCFC
  cfif doesUserExist
cfreturn theUser /
cfthrow type=UserNotFoundException /

And then calling it:

  cfset user = getUser() /
  .. do stuff ..
  cfcatch type=UserNotFoundException
.. deal with the invalid user ..

Just for references, with a null return value the function would
return some kind of null instead of throwing the exception, and the
calling code would look like this:

cfset user = getUser() /
cfif user is null
  .. deal with invalid user ..
  .. do stuff ..


On 10/22/05, Andrew Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you don't mind I would like an example to clarify, in this example I am
 checking to see if a user exists, it returns the user object if it does. So
 when it returns back to the caller how do I handle it, if you can give me an
 example to help clarify what your saying that would be much appreciated.

 Andrew Scott

Barney Boisvert

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An archive of the CFCDev list is available at

[CFCDev] XPOST: My GMail Issues

2005-10-19 Thread Barney Boisvert
Apologies in advance to all who get a bajillion copies of this.  I
have seemingly found the source of my troubles, and fixed the problem.
 I just wanted to share the good news, and let other GMail users know
so they can avoid the same issue.

GMail lets you specify a encoding for outgoing messages, as you'd
expect.  If you select UTF-8 as the encoding, it not only switches to
UTF-8 instead of ISO-8859-1, but it also switchines the transfer
encoding from quoted-printable to base-64.  Silly me had selected
UTF-8, rather than the default, and it caused all kinds of issues. 
Fortunately, those seem to be resolved now, as long as I don't want to
send anything outside the latin-1 charset (which is mostly valid). 
It's unclear why they decided to make it function in that manner, but


Barney Boisvert

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CFCDev is supported by New Atlanta, makers of BlueDragon

An archive of the CFCDev list is available at

Re: [CFCDev] Easy way to check if oneCFC == twoCFC?

2005-10-18 Thread Barney Boisvert
No, of course not.  But you can do it on your server(s), and any
third-party CFCs you install will magically have it.  It's certainly
not perfect, but since CF's base component doesn't have any of those
handy utility things that java.lang.Object (and other langauges base
classes) have, you gotta fake it one way or another.

But rather than getUUID(), i'd recommend an isEquals method.  Then you
can override it as needed in subclasses, and the implementation
doesn't matter (i.e. my server uses a UUID, your server uses
System.identityHashCode), but we can both rely on the existance of


On 10/18/05, Mark Mandel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Barney -

 Are you trying to suggest I change every /web-inf/cftags/component.cfc
 file in the world to have this proprietry getUUID() method?

 I mean, I'm strong in the Force and all, but even that is a big try ;o)


 On 19/10/05, Barney Boisvert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The UUID mechanism works well, as long as the implicit superclass is
  where the method is defined, rather than in some explicit superclass.
  That'd be Java's java.lang.Object, and CF's web-inf.cftags.component.
  Just throw your method in there, and every CFC on your server will
  magically have the method.

Barney Boisvert

Got Gmail? I have 100 invites.

Re: [CFCDev] Easy way to check if oneCFC == twoCFC?

2005-10-17 Thread Barney Boisvert
cfc1.equals(cfc2) should work, though I haven't tested.


On 10/17/05, Mark Mandel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm not sure if my mind is doing a complete blank on this or what...
 or if I just missed something really obvious.

 If i have 2 CFC instances, and I want to check if they are the same
 instance, is there an easy way to do this?

 Trying to write:

 if(oneCFC eq twoCFC)

 Produces an error, as you can only use the 'eq' operator on strings
 and numerics.

 To do this, I've been forced to utilise the
 java.lang.System.getIdetityHashCode() to determine if they are the
 same object, but this seems a little cludgy.

 Is there an easy option that I'm just not seeing?



 ICQ: 3094740

Barney Boisvert

Got Gmail? I have 100 invites.
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Re: [CFCDev] (Admin) Blank mail

2005-10-14 Thread Barney Boisvert
I didn't do anything, except bitch at Google about it.  I'm sending
from GMail in Firefox just like you, so it wasn't on my end.  I
suppose it's possible that they listened to me and fixed something
within minutes, but I highly doubt it.  The reason I suspect the
mailing list software is that at least two on-list messages got
blanked, but an off-list message to one of those who got blanks came
through fine.  All messages sent through the same GMail instance.


On 10/14/05, Bill Rawlinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't think it has anything to do with the list.  Barney did
 something with his last email and it came through fine.  However, for
 a brief period I was getting all of his emails in an encoding my
 reader (firefox with gmail) couldn't decode.


 On 10/14/05, Raymond Camden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Barney emailed me yesterday to say that the list is having an issue
  where blank emails are coming through. I don' thave time to look into
  this now as I'm trying to wrap up work before MAX. I just wanted to
  let folks know it is on my radar and I'll try to get it, but it may be
  two weeks before I can. I'm assuming people now are just dealing with
  it, but if it becomes too much, please email me offlist.

Barney Boisvert

Got Gmail? I have 100 invites.

Re: [CFCDev] inheritance advice

2005-10-13 Thread Barney Boisvert
For the first part, I'd go with an abstract content object that
doesn't define getContent, and which Module, Category, Product, and
Page all extend.  That's where you'd house all the common
functionality, leaving just the 'getContent' method up to the
individual implementations.

I didn't quite understand the Template stuff.  But it sounds to me
like the templates aren't really nested, they're just applied in
sequence, right?  I.e. for a category, the 'page' template has no idea
that a 'category' template was applied, it just knows that it's
getting some content from somewhere.  Is that accurate?


On 10/13/05, Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm experimenting with inheritance… I'll try to be concise explaining what
 I'm up to…

 My app contains Pages, Modules, Categories and Products, all objects that
 are quite similar.  Each is used to generate a static page to display in the
 browser, and each has common attributes (ie meta_keywords, filename,
 template_id etc.)  The only difference really is in the way they get their
 actual content; pages fetch simple html from the database, categories fetch
 and display their associated products, and a product fetches its description
 etc.  Modules actually read xml config files to build very specific content
 – store locator functionality and the like.

 So am I on track to assume I can have my Modules, Categories and Products
 extend Pages?  Then I just overwrite the getContent() function to suit the
 specific needs?

 If that much makes sense, how to I handle nested templates?  For example a
 Page uses a Template to render itself, as do the other objects mentioned.
 But a Category will have a Template of type Page (to render the browser
 page) and also a Template of type Category (to determine the way its
 products should render on the page).  Similarly, a Product needs a Page
 Template as well as a Product Template.

 It scarcely makes sense to me, so if I need to clarify let me know…

 (By the way most of the conversation on this list goes over my head so use
 small words and speak slowly… ;))


Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] inheritance advice

2005-10-13 Thread Barney Boisvert
 Would be nice of Macromedia would ad interfaces.

Not for this reason.  CF is not a compiled language, and the
typechecking that interfaces do happen at compile time.  Bit of a
catch-22, because the checks you want HAVE to happen at a place that
doesn't exist in CF's world.

The real reason for wanting interfaces is for the runtime typechecking
that CF does.  I.e. declare an interface, specify the interface as an
argument type or return type, and then pass CFCs that implement the
interface.  This is a far more important reason for wanting interfaces
in CF, and fortunately, it's one that doesn't require a paradigm shift
in CF language processing to implement, so it might actually happen at
some point.


On 10/13/05, Chris Stoner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Seems to me more like this would be a good use of an interface (which we
 don't have in Cold Fusion).  But you can create a PageInterface CFC that
 describes the page interface and procedurally implement it, that is make
 sure you have a method for each method in the interface without a compiler
 enforcing it for you.

 Would be nice of Macromedia would ad interfaces.

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] inheritance advice

2005-10-13 Thread Barney Boisvert
 it is my understanding that cold fusion
 is itself a cf to java compiler (among other things)

Yes, it is.  However, unlike a real compiler, you don't get full
perspective of the app at compile time.  When you compile Java, you
have to have all the resources for the whole app available to you so
you can do all the typechecking.  CF, on the other hand, does it's
compilation piecemeal.  And it does it iteratively.  In other words,
if CFC X depends on CFC Y, that's great, but CFC Y can be recompiled
at a later time without CFC X being recompiled.  That can lead to
undetectable type issues, because the issue is with X's dependance on
Y, and therefore in the code of X, but X isn't part of the compilation
unit, so CF cant notice until runtime.

So while CF is a compiler, it's not a compiler like Java has.

 I agree this is the overall desired goal of interfaces in CF but if the
 interface is not enforced it becomes somewhat useless doesn't it?

You don't define methods in a CF interface, because there isn't any
way for that to work.  You don't care about methods when you're doing
typechecking on arguments and returntypes, only whether the type being
passed is an instance of the type declared in the CFARGUMENT or
CFFUNCTION tag. Right now, you either have to pass the declared type,
or a type that extends the declared type.  With interfaces (without
method validation), we'd suddenly be able to pass objects around that
impelement an interface, and thereby avoid having to use a whole lot
of really contrived inheritance hierarchies.

That's the value of interfaces to CF, if you ask me.  Method
validation is arbitrary in CFC, and intentionally so.  Heck, you can
even dynamically add and removed methods on an object instance, which
would make any compile-time method checking (if it were possible)
meaningless anyway.


On 10/13/05, Chris Stoner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While I agree that it isn't a compiled language in the same sense that you
 compile it yourself within your IDE, it is my understanding that cold fusion
 is itself a cf to java compiler (among other things).  So the compile time
 checking could happen, but not in the same why you would see in java.  At
 first run (compile) time the interface implementation could be checked and
 an error could be thrown/displayed to the page like any other CF Exception.

  The real reason for wanting interfaces is for the runtime typechecking
 that CF does

 I agree this is the overall desired goal of interfaces in CF but if the
 interface is not enforced it becomes somewhat useless doesn't it?  What good
 is type checking if the CFC/Object doesn't fit the description of what that
 type is?

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] inheritance advice

2005-10-13 Thread Barney Boisvert
Hopefully this will go through...

The problem is with the way CFML is compiled.  You can't make those
compile-time checks work consistently, because changing a one class
doesn't require recompiling other dependant classes.  In other words,
CF doesn't recompile a CFC that extends another CFC when that second
CFC gets recompiled.  Therefore your claim to implement status would
be invalid as soon as that happened in the same scenario with
interfaces rather than inheritance.  The same thing happens with
dynamically assembled objects.  I.e. I create a CFC that FAILS the
interface method check, but then dynamically add some methods to make
it legal.  In that scenario, I'd want to be able to pass the instance
of the CFC as the interface.  CF simply can't do any sort of
compile-time checking of your application; it's a runtime language,
and intentionally so.


On 10/13/05, Chris Stoner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/13/05, David Ross [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The type checking is the most important feature, as it enables you to...

 While your second solution is a resonable idea, why would you not marry it
 with compile time vaildation and your extended (improved) method not
 implemented error messages?  I agree that runtime interface
 validation/method checking would be a hog but there is no reason that the
 object cannot earn the right to claim to implement at compile time.

 I dislike people who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch


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  CFCDev is supported by New Atlanta, makers of BlueDragon

  An archive of the CFCDev list is available at

Barney Boisvert

Got Gmail? I have 100 invites.

Re: [CFCDev] ImageCache experiments

2005-10-06 Thread Barney Boisvert
Your image has to be served in a request that's specifc to the image. 
So like your image.cfm example, but with CFCONTENT, rather than
CFOUTPUT.  You'll be better off, though you'd be even better off using
a disk-based cache, and letting Apache (or whatever) serve the static
files rather than a CFM template.


On 10/6/05, Nando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried , but cfcontent cuts off all other textual output on the template if
 i place with other content. I need it inline. The docs even say that's how
 it should behave when using the variable attribute. The reset attribute is
 disabled when the variable attribute is used.

 Is there a trick to get that to work? I tried for quite awhile.

Barney Boisvert

Got Gmail? I have 100 invites.

Re: [CFCDev] ImageCache experiments

2005-10-06 Thread Barney Boisvert
I definitely think your problem is something aside from disk access. 
Have you monitored the reads it's doing under load and confirmed that
it's really at it's max?  Any decent filesystem will do in-memory
caching of commonly requested blocks, so unless you're hitting a wide
variety of disk-based content, you shouldn't be hitting the disks at

Do you have trusted cache enabled in CF and your CF templates on the
same physical device as the graphics in question?  If you do, then
it's definitely not a disk issue.

Bottom line, I'd make sure that's really your problem before you bury
your CF server in a massive number of requests, and completely
slaughter it's ability to serve real pages.


On 10/6/05, Nando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So i should move the cfcontent out of the getImage method, and return a 
 struct instead with the image type and image data. (or do i really need 
 different type attribute values for the different image types?) It's working 
 with the cfoutput tags, but maybe that's not as efficient as it could be.

 The reason i'm trying to serve these images from memory is because the 
 interface is very rich in graphics - and it seems the performance bottleneck 
 might be at the disk access point. There's plenty of memory and enough cpu 
 available, and when it bogs down, it's the graphics that are coming in one by 
 one, 15, 20 seconds apart. My reasoning is that all threads could have more 
 or less instant read access to memory, but they'd need to que for access to 
 the disk. Does that make sense?

 thanks for your help!

Barney Boisvert

Got Gmail? I have 100 invites.

Re: [CFCDev] Multiple Instances

2005-09-28 Thread Barney Boisvert
You can't run it in a separate memory space without having a
significant performance cost for method calls.  In-memory access is
very fast, but a separate memory space necessitates a non-memory
access.  If you're running your backend on separate servers from your
front end (like you would with a JSP frontend for an EJB app), then
you just cope, because the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.  In
this case (with a single platform for the entire app), I can't see
that it makes any sense to segment the memory space within an app


On 9/28/05, Mehdi, Agha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 That's my biggest worry. I thought of creating mappings for my service layer
 but I first wanted to see if there was a better way to run service layer in
 its own memory space where it doesn't share other applications resources.
 Do you think it'd still be a performance issue if I bumped up the memory
 allocation for service layer? (BTW, how do you about increasing the memory?)


 Agha Mehdi
  IDT - eBusiness Program Manager

Barney Boisvert

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An archive of the CFCDev list is available at

Re: [CFCDev] CFC Assignment Query

2005-09-26 Thread Barney Boisvert
Line 9 isn't deleting the object, it's deleting a REFERENCE to the
object.  The object is only dead when all references to it are gone.


On 9/26/05, John Samson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If CFCs are copied by reference [as the output at line 8 suggests] then how
 come I can still reference an object [line 10] once it has been deleted
 [line 9]? I would expect line 10 to throw an error but it doesn't, however,
 an attempt to reference session.nameObj at the same place does.

 Can anyone help me understand what I am seeing?

 1. cfapplication sessionmanagement = true

 2. cfset session.nameObj = createObject('component',

 3. cfset session.nameObj.setName(Elaine)

 4. cfoutput

 5. cfset variables.namePointer = session.nameObj

 6. #variables.namePointer.getName()#br

 7. cfset session.nameObj.setName(Richard)

 8. #variables.namePointer.getName()#br

 9. #structDelete(session, nameObj)#

 10. #variables.namePointer.getName()#br

 11. /cfoutput

Barney Boisvert

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An archive of the CFCDev list is available at

Re: [CFCDev] CFC Assignment Query

2005-09-26 Thread Barney Boisvert
Correct.  That's what pass-by-reference means.  There is only ever a
single instance of the thing in question, and when you assign it to
another variable, you're just making a new reference to the same
object.  Pass-by-value, on the other hand, creates a new copy of the
thing across assignments, and the two instances are completely

Primitive types are almost always pass-by-value, while complex types
are almost always pass-by-reference.  The notable exception is CF
arrays, which are pass-by-value (for some unknown reason).  Note,
however, that the pass-by-value is a shallow copy, not a deep copy, so
if you have pass-by-reference types in an array, the array is
duplicated but the objects inside are not.

cfset a = arrayNew(1) /
cfset s = structNew() /
cfset = barney /
cfset arrayAppend(a, s) /
cfset = heather /
cfset arrayAppend(a, s) /
cfdump var=#a# /
cfset a2 = a /
cfset s = structNew() /
cfset = ryan /
cfset arrayAppend(a, s) /
cfdump var=#a# /
cfdump var=#a2# /

That code will illustrate all three concepts (array pass-by-value,
struct pass-by-reference, and shallow copy of arrays).  Make sure you
manually figure out what you expect it to do before running it.


On 9/26/05, Ryan Guill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Okay, so taking this a step further, If I take a component and create
 an object out of it, stored in varible x, set variable y equal to
 variable x, change a value in variable x, the value in y should have
 changed as well?

Barney Boisvert

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CFCDev is supported by New Atlanta, makers of BlueDragon

An archive of the CFCDev list is available at

Re: [CFCDev] CFC Assignment Query

2005-09-26 Thread Barney Boisvert
Yep, services should be singletons, should be mostly stateless, and
since they're singletons almost have to be cached.  I say mostly,
because there is often some state that the object needs to maintain,
but it's not really object state.  Stuff like DSNs, or directory
paths.  Not really part of what it means to be a service, but still
essential data that the service needs to operate.

I'm not familar with the service locator pattern, but this page
seems to indicate it has nothing to do with the caching and such.  All
that stuff should happen in the service factory; the locator is just a
means of finding the factory.  The locater pattern seems to be for
scenarios where you don't have an explicit reference to the factory
available already (as is often the case in large J2EE apps that use
JNDI), but doesn't really apply to CF, since you've got the
application scope.


On 9/26/05, Ryan Guill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well the reason I am interested is because COAL was intended to be a
 good example of the service locator pattern.  One of the parts (a big
 part) of the service locator pattern though is the caching of objects,
 so that if you request the same object (or service) over and over
 again that it would hold a copy and save you some cycles.  and now
 that I am writing this its starting to make more sense that it is the
 service locator pattern, and a service is stateless, so it wouldnt
 matter if it was cached, it should be cached, its a singleton!  damn.

 well, while the other part of the service locator pattern works very
 well for COAL, the caching part of it (it was designed to be cached
 before instantiation, so that you could pull a fresh copy out and
 isntantiate it again and go, it just would just save the
 createObject()...) is basically worthless in this situation.  I had a
 sneaky suspicion of this for a while and just haven't found the time
 to test it out.  Guess this answers it.

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] CFC Assignment Query

2005-09-26 Thread Barney Boisvert
I meant a representation of the object's internal state that can't be
viewed by anything except the object itself.  In Java you'd use an
inner class with private members, CF has no such facilities.

If an object's functionality depends on it's ethereal state, then that
state isn't really ethereal, is it?  For example, if an object
performs caching, that cache is ethereal state.  You don't need it in
the cloned object; the clone can just create an empty cache and start
from there.

The reason for not passing the whole variables struct is that that
contains the 'this' scope and all the CFC methods as well as instance
data.  That's the reason for the careful partitioning of instance
state into the 'my' or 'instance' subscope.  If you're designed your
internal state storage correctly, you should be able to create an
exact duplicate (a clone) simply by initializing the new object and
duplicating the source object's 'my' subscope into it.  Note that that
gets messier as you deal with composition; but most of the time, the
composited objects are ignored and recreated in the new object based
on the real state.


On 9/26/05, Nando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i was wondering what you meant by an opaque
 representation of the object's internal state


 great discussion! although i have to say that the example of the clone
 function wouldn't work in all cases. if an object's functionality depends on
 it's ethereal state, then you'd need more than or

 so maybe a getClone() and setClone() in the object you'd want to be able to
 clone would be needed that returns and accepts the whole variables struct
 within an object.


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Re: [CFCDev] CFC Assignment Query

2005-09-26 Thread Barney Boisvert
The variables scope has a whole bunch of extra stuff in it (like all
the methods, the 'this' scope), and it may contain state that you
specifically don't want to include.  By segregating the different
types of state, you can easily pull out and deal with just the
important stuff.

Whether or not you need a deep copy or not kind of depends on both the
object in questions, and your specific definition of deep.  If you
mean duplicating non-object complex data, then I'd say yes, but if you
mean duplicating all complex data (including objects), then I'd say
probably not.  Most of your composited objects can be recreated based
on the real instance data, and some of them would probably be very
adverse to duplication (i.e. singletons).

And of course, like everything else, there's not really a right or
wrong answer without a complete context.


On 9/26/05, Nando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What's the drawback to passing the whole variables struct? That's an open
 question. I'm ignorant here.

 In light of this discussion, *sounds* like we'd need a deep copy of the
 variables struct. But again, i'm just trying to get a clear understanding of
 the situation here.

  The reason for not passing the whole variables struct is that that
  contains the 'this' scope and all the CFC methods as well as instance

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Re: [CFCDev] Ruby on Rails for CF

2005-09-22 Thread Barney Boisvert
Ruby on Rails.  ;)


On 9/22/05, John Farrar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK... what is RoR? I lost my online acronym dictionary!


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Re: [CFCDev] Default for Dates in a Transfer object

2005-09-20 Thread Barney Boisvert
If you don't require a date, then you can't qualify the argument as a
date, because CF has no concept of NULL.  The closest you can get is
saying  is equivalent to null, and then using the string type as you
propose.  You should do validation inside your method like this:

cfif len(arguments.myDate) GT 0 AND NOT isDate(arguments.myDate)
  cfthrow type=IllegalArgumentException message=myDate is not a
valid date /

That way you preserve your argument type checking, even though CF is
forcing you to do it manually.

If you ask me, CF's lack of NULL is really quite a burden.  CF is a
loosely typed language, which is fine, but then they came and added in
strong typing all over the place, but didn't provide the ability to
use NULL, so the strong typing is often either cumbersome or simply
unusable.  This is a perfect example of that.


On 9/20/05, Peter Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi guys, 
 I've seen this on the forum before but I'm can't remember the answer at all.
 I've created a transfer object that takes amongst others a couple of date
 parameters. Trouble is, they are optional parameters so sometimes they are a
 valid date and sometimes they are equal to . If my cfargument type to date
 cf just throws an exception. 
 How do I handle this? Shoudl I just store it as a string? 
 Cheers, Pete (aka lad4bear)

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Re: [CFCDev] Default for Dates in a Transfer object

2005-09-20 Thread Barney Boisvert
The problem is that 'string' is way too lenient, because you want to
allow dates, the empty string and that's it.  A type of 'string' will
also allow hulabaloo to be passed without error, which is
undesirable.  Of course, you HAVE to use type=string in order to
circumvent CF's weird type system, but by doing so, you're basically
removing the utility of having the typing system at all (and may as
well just leave the attribute off).  Not that I recommend that, but
it's frustrating to have to jump through silly hoops like this in a
language that primary design characteristic is ease of use.


On 9/20/05, Patrick McElhaney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 9/20/05, Peter Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've created a transfer object that takes amongst others a couple of date
  parameters. Trouble is, they are optional parameters so sometimes they are a
  valid date and sometimes they are equal to . If my cfargument type to date
  cf just throws an exception.
 Sometimes it's a valid date, but it's always a valid string, right?
 Wouldn't it be appropriate to make the argument type string?
 Patrick McElhaney

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Re: [CFCDev] Default for Dates in a Transfer object

2005-09-20 Thread Barney Boisvert
 So make an error. Throw an exception if the string isn't empty and
 can't be converted to a date.

Which is exactly what the code I proposed earlier does.  

  (and may as
  well just leave the attribute off).  Not that I recommend that
 I'm on the verge of recommending it.

Strong typing is a great asset to programmers, as it helps catch a lot
of bugs earlier than they might otherwise be caught.  I happen to like
it a lot, and am willing to deal with CF's buggy (as far as I'm
concerned) implementation to get the benefits I can out of it.


On 9/20/05, Patrick McElhaney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 9/20/05, Barney Boisvert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The problem is that 'string' is way too lenient, because you want to
  allow dates, the empty string and that's it.  A type of 'string' will
  also allow hulabaloo to be passed without error, which is

 Another option is to roll your own date object and pass an instance of
 it into the function instead.
  Of course, you HAVE to use type=string in order to
  circumvent CF's weird type system, but by doing so, you're basically
  removing the utility of having the typing system at all (and may as
  well just leave the attribute off).  Not that I recommend that
 I'm on the verge of recommending it.
 Patrick McElhaney

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Re: Possible Spam:Possible Spam:Re: [CFCDev] Default for Dates in a Transfer object

2005-09-20 Thread Barney Boisvert
yep, just the last couple of this thread though.

On 9/20/05, Roland Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyone else receiving triple posts? 

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Re: [CFCDev] Table joins DAOs

2005-09-16 Thread Barney Boisvert
I think Patrick got the jist of it.  If you have a form that allows
creating a user, a contact, and an employee, then it sounds like
you've got three entities (a user, a contact, an employee), and you
just happen to be using the same information for each one.  So I'd
expect the app to create a user object, persist it with a user DAO,
then create a contact, persist it, and finally create an employee and
persist it.

Now, if you have entities that extend one another (for example
GenericFile and FlashFile in a CMS), then it's very likely that your
FlashFile DAO will deal with both the generic_file and the flash_file
tables in your database, if you've set up your DB to have table-level


On 9/15/05, Nick Han [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Barney, can you reduce the language down like a fraction so I can
 understand better on what you just said?  Ok, for a DAO example, I have
 a form that will insert information about the user into users table,
 contacts table, and employment table?  Will I have one DAO to do all
 this or 3 separate DAOs, one for each table?  It sounds like what you
 said is that there should only be one DAO?  Thanks in advance.
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Re: [CFCDev] OT: Inner Exceptions

2005-09-15 Thread Barney Boisvert
Nope, sure isn't.  CF does it internally, but there isn't a way to do
it yourself.  Definitely be nice to have though.

You can synthesize it a little bit though.  Put the CFCATCH structure
in the request scope, and then throw your new exception.  When you
catch that new exception, check the reqeust scope for the cause, and
if it's there, inject it into the new CFCATCH structure, and then
you're back to what you want.  Wrap both ends up in custom tags, and
you should be set.

I've never done it for this reason, but I've used that same basic
design for throwing an exception object, rather than just an exception
name.  Works pretty well.


On 9/15/05, Peter Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi guys, 
 In .net, when using try / catch statements you can wrap any exceptions that
 occur in your own custom exceptions and rethorw it. You can then access both
 the custom exception, i.e myException, and also the original exception i.e
 myException.innerException. Is it possible to do the same thing in CF? 
 Cheers, Pete (aka lad4bear)
Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] object compostion question

2005-09-15 Thread Barney Boisvert
In this case, I think the 'it depends' hinges on what that ignored
field is.  In any case, A.x's elements are going to have field e in
them.  The question is whether both A and B are refering to the same P
entities.  If so, then you should use a single P object.  If they're
different entities, then you'd want P and P'.

The way to handle P.e depends on what it is.  When you say 'sometimes'
P needs an 'e' property, what do you really mean?  What I'm getting at
is whether P needs an 'e' property, or if P needs a place for 'e'
extensions to hang (composition), where e is actually another object
that is composed into P.

That make any sense?


On 9/15/05, Douglas Knudsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Say I have object A.  A has a property x.  x is an Array of object P.
 P has properties m,n.  Now I create a new object B that has a property
 y where y is an Array of object P.  But in B's case, P needs an extra
 property e.
 Is it common to create two differnt P objects in this case?  Or just
 create one P with properties m,n, and o when A uses P it can just
 ignore o.
 I know, common response is 'It depends'.  I'm just looking to see if
 there is a watch out this approach will muck things up usually  or
 seems ok.  In my case P is an object with Empoyee information.
 Sometimes it needs to have say 3 properties, other times 4.
 Douglas Knudsen
 this is my signature, like it?

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Re: [CFCDev] object compostion question

2005-09-15 Thread Barney Boisvert
A P is a P.  If you don't use all the properties of a P, that doesn't
change what it is.  Don't use inheritance, don't use multiple
versions, just use a single P class, and use what pieces you need from
it for each task.


On 9/15/05, Douglas Knudsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 say teh properties of P are
 m = username
 n = userid
 o = List of HR actions
 No, sometimes I I want to just build a report involving Ps and only
 need username and userid.  Other times I may need one instance of P
 that has the list of HR actions.
 In short, I;m wondering if I can avoid having multiple objects thate
 are all just variations of P.  I suupos I can use some inheritance
 with P.  Have P be the parent with teh common properties, then extend
 P to P1, P2, or P3 as needed adding teh other properties.
 being a little new to the full blown OOP stuffs, just wondering about
 an approach.

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Re: [CFCDev] Factories and mappings

2005-09-11 Thread Barney Boisvert
Bill, that's what Nando is not describing.  My interpretation was that
every install had a complete copy of the code, not just the custom
code and then access to shared-use components for the core
functionality.  I very much like how you've set up your app, and  have
done it exactly the same way myself.  It's also the way Mach-II and
FB4.1 are designed to function (single core install shared by multiple


On 9/11/05, Bill Rawlinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To answer your question:
 I'm also kind of curious.  How large of applications are being mass
 hosted like this, and need to have the ability to play nice with
 myriad other apps (both the same code and different)? 
 the company I work for builds an app that, against our recommendation,
 is often installed many, many, many times (in one instance 300 times)
 on one server. It is a pretty complex app but we have architected it
 in such a way that the core files that are the same across all
 instances are installed in one location using using a standard named
 mapping.  Then only the subsets of code that are unique for each
 instance are duplicated for each install.
 The app is kind of a CMS/Portal/Intranet/Knowledge Management/Document
 management hybrid that can be extended fairly easily to integrate with
 other applications. Written almost entirely for CFMX 6.1  with CFML
 though there are some small parts in Java when the functionality was
 Sure, we would love it if every customer were willing to deploy on
 seperate servers (or at least with seperate CF instances) but that
 generally isn't the case even when dealing with our larger customers
 (those who deal in the billions of dollars).  Since our app CAN work
 sharing resources across many intances, even if performance becomes
 degraded, the customer often will do that in order to save $$.

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Re: [CFCDev] Factories and mappings

2005-09-11 Thread Barney Boisvert
You don't have to do it server-side.  For example, all of my FB4 apps
are 'built' as part of publishing.  The code comes out of source
control, is processed by `ant`, and then uploaded to the server.  So
the server has no knowledge that the code it gets isn't what's in the
repository.  For that matter, you could just as easly use a standard
install program.  Just ship the parameterized code in the installer
and as part of the installation, the user specifies the criteria and
the installer updates the code as part of 'unzipping' it for them to
upload to the server.


On 9/11/05, John Farrar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I see a big issue with rewriting files at install time. The issue isn't the
 mapping. (Although that does limit your sales to someone who has enough
 knowledge to understand what a mapping is and what you are telling them to
 do during install. Portability is more than how a piece of code runs... what
 you are saying is the code isn't portable.)
 Aside from that, there is also the issue that some hosting environments lock
 down directories so that the code cannot write files without you requesting
 them to manually add CF permissions to write, update files in those
 directories. (Sandbox security) This is just a fact (and I have debated the
 policy with some of those companies personally.)
 John Farrar

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Re: [CFCDev] Factories and mappings

2005-09-10 Thread Barney Boisvert
You've got one thing backwards, subclasses would need to be at the
same level or HIGHER than the class they're extending.  Other than
that, it sounds reasonable.

However, there's absolutely no reason that any hosting environment
(dedicated, shared, mass hosted, whatever) shouldn't give each
individual website at least one mapping, so I'd say you're better off
with a build process that'll do a substitution of that mapping at
install time.  So you're code would be say
extends=${cfcRoot}package.cfc, or whatever, and then at install
time, you run the build script and it subs out ${cfcRoot} with the
appropriate value.

I'm also kind of curious.  How large of applications are being mass
hosted like this, and need to have the ability to play nice with
myriad other apps (both the same code and different)?  It seems to me
that the apps large and complex enough to really benefit from a
massively OO backend probably aren't the kinds of apps that get
deployed a bunch of times to shared servers.


On 9/10/05, Nando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kerry's post about using a GatewayFactory got me thinking about factories in
 general, and i wanted to float an idea out here and see what some of you
 smarter, more experienced OO'ers think.
 One of the practical problems some of us run across in using CFC's rather
 intensively in our distributed apps, one's we're building to sell multiple
 times, is that mappings cannot be set on an individual application - they
 are server wide. So to have more than one instance of an app on a server
 puts you through some gymnastics. Either you have to search and replace the
 mapping name in your CFC's and test each individual app carefully for any
 errors (and carefully maintain all those variations!), or you need to put
 them in separate server instances ... or you just can't use mappings, which
 tends to tie you down.
 Now let's say that we design our app as Kerry suggests, so that on
 application start, a Factory is instantiated into application scope from
 Application.cfc or Application.cfm. All object instances in the application
 are created by Factory (or it's composed child Factory classes if you want
 to break the responsibilities up, as you probably should).
 Now, as long as your CFC's are in the same directory as Factory or lower,
 the singleton instance of application.Factory should have no problem finding
 them, instantiating them, and returning them without a mapping. Going down
 the directory tree works, it's just going up where you run into problems.
 The only limitation i can think of is that components that employ an
 inheritance relationship would need to be in the same directory or the child
 would need to be lower. Composition, no matter how the objects are in
 relation to each other, could be handled by application.Factory (you'd pass
 in a reference of application.Factory, actually you'd pass in this when
 instantiating parent components and use Factory to instantiate the
 Anyone see any holes or limitations one would run across down the line with
 this approach?

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Method parameters vs method names WAS: When to use the THIS scope for a ColdFusion Component?

2005-09-09 Thread Barney Boisvert
I guess my point was that I am explicitly disallow considering the
datasource to be a property of the gateway object.  It's an
implementation detail that the gateway object doesn't claim to know
anything about.

If you wanted to use a setter (which is probably reasonable), you can
do that and make it a private method so that people can't use it.  You
maintain the abstracted setting of the variable, but also retain the
datasource's status as non-property, since no one except the CFC
itself can do anything with it.  However, if you do that, then you'll
want to use getDatasource() in all your CFQUERY tags, rather than the
raw variable, and to me, that's a foolish waste of resources, and the
main reason I don't do it that way.


On 9/9/05, Jason Davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Barney: Thank you for confirming my thoughts.
 I prefer the getter / setter methods so that I can optionally and
 deliberately break OO patterns where I want to embed logic in the setter
 method that is more than just cfset variables.dsn = arguments.dsn. See my
 previous post for an example.
 In fact, as far as syntax goes, I like this in my init() method:
 return THIS;
 Jason D.

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Re: [CFCDev] Method parameters vs method names WAS: When to use the THIS scope for a ColdFusion Component?

2005-09-09 Thread Barney Boisvert
Just for reference, I also use a factory to create all my gateways. 
The factory gets created with a reference to my app config object, and
then it takes care of passing the dsn from that into the constructor
of the gateways when it constructs them, and caches them for
subsequent requests.  It also handles special gateways like for
uploaded files, where you need a directory reference as well as a dsn,
so the application doesn't need to care what args the given gateway

If you ask me, this is really the utmost of laziness, because I can
change the init params of all my normal gateways in a single line of
code, and if I need to change some weird gateways as well, they're
right there in the same file.  Since everything goes through the
factory, I'm guarenteed that my app won't break in any way, no matter
how drastic the changes.


On 9/9/05, Jason Davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm now on the fence about these different approaches. Again I keep going
 back to the phrase, on balance to determine if a solution is right.
 Meaning that foolish waste of resources is relative tradeoff between
 coding practices and resource efficiency. I'm interested in code that
 minimizes complexity of interface calls because I'm lazy and I forget 3
 months down the road how to get something from an object. This is why I
 liked your position of clean methods that don't pass parameters. The
 getEmployees() method was the starting point this morning. And then I
 wanted to stream-line it further by avoiding having the caller set
 datasource as a property of the object as in objGW.datasource=dsn;. The
 getDataSource() method embedded in the setter seemed like a reasonable
 approach. But the good feedback today has given us other options to think
 Along came Kerry with the factory approach which pulls in the raw variable
 from the application scope instance. I like this approach and want to play
 with it further because it seems to me to provide better resource efficiency
 lacking in the getDataSource() - invoke another CFC method - while allowing
 the raw variable to be planted in the setter function as per your
 suggestion. In short, I'm looking for the best way to call a gateway and not
 have to pass in a datasource parameter so I can continue to be lazy,
 forgetful and worry free.
 Jason D.

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Re: [CFCDev] Method parameters vs method names WAS: When to use the THIS scope for a ColdFusion Component?

2005-09-09 Thread Barney Boisvert
It's nothing more than a single object that has a reference to
EVERYTHING in the app.  So you can ask it for static config options
(getProperty(dsn)), or for a factory (getFactory(gateway)), or
whatever else your app needs.  Most importantly of all, since it's
both an encapsulated object and a singleton, any updates to it
magically propogate to everywhere it's used in the app.  If you have
smart users, it can also be used to reload pieces of the app but not
others.  Hypothetically, if you needed to change your DSN mid-flow,
you could update the config object, and then all the dependant objects
would notice, and take whatever actions.  The gateway factory, for
instance, would notice, and not return any cached instances any more,
instead creating new ones that use the new DSN.

This object status is very important, because during initialization,
you end up with the scenario of having to pass the config to a CFC's
constructor before the entire config is built (because that CFC
instance has to be added to the config).  Perfect example is a factory
object.  However, since the config is an object, properties that are
added after it's passed to the constructor will still be available.

I stole the idea from Mach-II, primarily, and tweaked things around to
better suit a general app config, rather than the Mach-II framework


On 9/9/05, Anthony Israel-Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I really like the idea of a config object, but I'm having trouble
 picturing it.  Could you give me a simple idea of what it looks like?
 And how it is used in code - I don't need anything fancy, just a general
 idea of what kind of methods are contained in it (if anything beyond
 init?) It sounds like it just sets a bunch of variables, which makes
 sense to me - is there anything else to it?

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Re: [CFCDev] Lines Between TO, Bean and BO?

2005-09-01 Thread Barney Boisvert
Nope, sure aren't.  Validation is really the fundemental entity-level
business operation, in my view.  If you are concerned, implementing a
pooling mechanism (perhaps where pool management is handled
asynchronously via the async event gateway), will alleviate the
instantiation problem, because you'll just be pulling an unused
instance and populating it.

That'd be the first tact I'd consider if I found instantiation
overhead to be a problem, but I haven't gotten to that point yet (I.e.
hardware is still cheaper than optimizing).  And really, I suspect
that do something request are almost never the most heavily loaded
parts of an application, so this bottleneck won't arise very often.

You said if you want to validate your BO before, say, you send it to
a DAO, as if implying that sometimes you don't do that, and therefore
potentially allow persistance of invalid entities?  My managers (which
are also autogenerated) are the only objects that get to talk to the
DAOs, and they never do insert or update without a valid BO.  I will
say that I've broken that rule once, for user accounts that were
migrated and the old structure had different requirements than the
new, and so it was possible for old accounts to be invalid.  We had to
deal with that, so I added a flag that allowed persistance of a
invalid user object when explicitly requested, because we needed to do
some operations that weren't user initiated (like updating expired
passwords), and so couldn't force the user to fix the invalid info.


On 9/1/05, Brian Kotek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Barney, a while back you wrote:
 Some of my BOs are nothing more than get/set/validate (where the validation 
 generated based on the DB schema), and some are masses of composition
 and business logic methods, including custom validation.
 I'm curious, if you want to validate your BO before, say, you send it
 to a DAO, are you concerned about instantiating a potentially heavy
 CFC just to set for valid data? I'm just curious. On advantage I can
 see to having a Bean that validates itself before you create a BO is
 that you avoid unnecessarily creating a complex BO if the data isn't
 valid. I know in general we shouldn't design around possible
 performance issues but rather actual performance issues, I just
 thought I'd get your take.

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Lines Between TO, Bean and BO?

2005-09-01 Thread Barney Boisvert
I'd say no, but the CF world seems to have likened them to the same
thing.  I suspect that stems from Entity Bean being shortened to
Bean, in which case it makes sense, but it's still confusing, since
bean isn't really enough to determine what you're talking about
(Enterprise Java Beans, Java Beans, Entity Beans, Session Beans,
Message Driven Beans, etc.).


On 9/1/05, wolf2k5 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quick question: is a bean and a business object (BO) the same kind of object?
 It looks so according to the following blog post:
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Re: [CFCDev] When to use the THIS scope for a ColdFusion Component?

2005-08-30 Thread Barney Boisvert
Note that I said deprecate, not remove, so the interface is not
really changing (in the sense that existing applications won't
suddenly break), just some new methods are added to deal with an
ambiguity that has cropped up since design time.  So apps could
continue to call getGasLeft(), but they should be changed to call
getGasLeftGallons() (which is the same thing), to avoid the ambiguity.
 At some point, the getGasLeft() method might actually be removed (at
which point non-updated apps would flat-out break), but that's often
not the way deprecation works.

So your example is correct, though I'd recommend not putting UI stuff
(the I18N call) in your business logic; that's a UI concern, and
should stay there.  However, now that the application supports both
english and metric, the UI's call to gas() is ambigious, so I'd hope
that you'd change it to gasGallons() (which will return the identical
result, since the gas() should simply be cfreturn getGallons() /). 
You don't HAVE to, but it'll ease maintenance down the road.


On 8/30/05, Kerry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So you'd deprecate that method, and then add getGasLeftGallons() and
 getGasLeftLitres() or something
 I know its only an example off the top of your head, but this does change
 the interface! So I can see why John would question the benefit.
 Heres my take on the example - off the top of my head (feel free to pick
 holes in it...)
 car.gas returns a int, so then the presentation layer has to decide wether
 its litres or gallons.
 and its just a variable name, so all it can really ever do is return a
 car.Gas() could at first only return a variable as well, but then when your
 app grows, you have the option make it call several other functions within
 itself. which makes the app more flexible.
 so in the future, car.gas() might actually do something like:
 var fuel =
 return i18n.formatLiquid(fuel,country.getISOAlpha3());
 all that, and your presentation layer is still only calling car.gas(), no
 need to change anything except the contents of the function.

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Method parameters vs method names WAS: When to use the THIS scope for a ColdFusion Component?

2005-08-30 Thread Barney Boisvert
Yes, because that changes the interface, which will break existing
code.  You could make it an OPTIONAL parameter that defaults to
'gallons', and be safe, but I don't like the idea of passing in
parameters that dictate behaviour to methods.  I much prefer to have a
distinct method for each distinct behaviour, if that makes sense.

To take a different tact, the standard definition of a getter is a
Zero argument method that returns the value of an object's property,
not a one argument method that returns the value of an object's
property, based on some dynamic calulation that relies on the passed
argument.  So, you no longer really have a vanilla getter.  Note,
however, that neither definition precludes you from doing some wholly
internal computation to arive at the returned value; it's the external
dependancy (the passed parameter) that differentiates them.

Subtle points, but enough to make me take the add methods route.


On 8/30/05, John Ottenbacher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to transition from procedural development to OO development.
 I'm curious, in the example given is there anything 'wrong' with adding a
 parameter to GetGasLeft()?  It would have to be optional and default to the
 original unit of measurement so as not to break existing code.

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Re: [CFCDev] When to use the THIS scope for a ColdFusion Component?

2005-08-29 Thread Barney Boisvert
By and large, you don't need it.  Putting variables in the 'this'
scope breaks encapsulation, but there are two cases where you do need

1) cfreturn this / at the end of your init method, so the method
returns a reference to the object as a constructor should.

2) for public constants.  You can't actually enforce constants in CF,
but it's still sometimes valuable to have keys that your object
defines and which users of your component use as parameters, without
ever knowing what the values of the keys are.  This is a lot more
common in fuller-featured languages like Java or C, because you can
actually have constants (or final variables) that cannot be changed.


On 8/29/05, wolf2k5 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am new to OOP, but I know CFML pretty well.
 I started playing with ColdFusion Components a couple of years ago and
 I never found a good reason to use the This scope.
 Am I missing anything?
Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] When to use the THIS scope for a ColdFusion Component?

2005-08-29 Thread Barney Boisvert
That's half of it.  The other half is the reverse: the environment
shouldn't know anything about the object's internals.  That way both
environment and implementation can change, but as long as the
interface doesn't there isn't a problem.

Yes, attribute protection (as you call it) is missing from CFCs, but
that doesn't really relate to 'this' at all, since you can overwrite a
method with a variable (or another method) dynamically at any time. 
Which can lead to some subtle bugs, and also some very interesting
capabilities, such as runtime injection of method wrappers for various
things (logging, security, etc.).


On 8/29/05, John Farrar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Wait, isn't encapsulation the concept that the bean doesn't know anything
 about the outside world? Could you give me your definition... it seems to me
 it would be breaking something else... or I was given the wrong definition
 on that one. (And the bigger issue with this is CFC's don't have protection
 of attributes, thus I suggest they are only dangerous if the attribute could
 have a method by the same name. Isn't this also correct?)
 John Farrar

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] When to use the THIS scope for a ColdFusion Component?

2005-08-29 Thread Barney Boisvert
Interfaces dictate behaviour, and state is not a behaviour.  The
ability to change and/or recall state, however, is a behaviour.  So
that's the reason.

But I think what you're getting at is something slightly different. 
What an object stores is part of it's implementation.  You, as the
user of an object, should have no idea (nor any reason to care) what
information is intrinsic to an object.

Age is a perfect example, because if you call user.getAge(), how often
do you think you're going to get the value of an instance variable
returned?  Probably not very often, because the age will be computed
from a dateOfBirth field.  So you don't care about the internal data,
you only care that you can retrieve the user's age.  I.e. the object
has a behaviour that will give you the info you want, not that you
know what state the object has.


On 8/29/05, John Farrar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK... maybe this would help me. If you have protected attributes, then why
 is an attribute not an interface but a method is? (And if you could control
 the input type and output type of a getter/setter for an attribute, would it
 meet the standard of a correct interface then?)

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] When to use the THIS scope for a ColdFusion Component?

2005-08-29 Thread Barney Boisvert
If I changed the DB from english to metric, there's no reason that my
application should change, only the objects that actually deal with
data from the DB need to care (because they can convert it back to
metric and let the application run unmodified.  The application very
likely will care, but there is no need for it to care based on when
the DB changes.  Rather, the application should be isolated from the
change, or at least given time to evolve, rather than forcing an
absolute paradigm shift.

That's why I suggested deprecating the method, and adding two methods,
one for each side of the shift.  That'd help the application switch to
metric at it's leisure, though it will have to switch eventually.  At
the very least, the application will have to switch to an explicit
gas left in gallons call, rather than the ambigious gas left call,
which is enough, because it removes ambiguity, even though the app
hasn't actually switched to metric.

It's a convoluted example, and probably one that isn't particularly
common (since any app written these days should be written in metric
to being with, and let the UI/localization code with the conversion),
but it does illustrate the point of how an entirely encapsulated
interface can save you lots of hassles.  It also illustrates how
interfaces have to be allowed to evolve over time.  The hope is that
they don't, but that's about as realistic as expecting every person in
a democracy to vote in every election.

And yes, if I understand your post correct, there will only ever be
one attribute, it's value will just shift by a factor of 3.8 or so at
some point.  The application shouldn't have to care about the shift,
though it should evolve to avoid any ambiguity over the point.


On 8/29/05, John Farrar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well... I see the point (perspective at least). If but like the gas scenario
 in last post. The lines are never perfectly ignorant... or your code would
 have no idea what method to call and what it returns. So like when you
 change from English to Metric... there is an issue. (Or were you saying
 there should be two methods rather than two attributes?)

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Lines Between TO, Bean and BO?

2005-08-26 Thread Barney Boisvert
It depends.  (duck and cover ;)

I almost never use TOs, prefering simple structs.  You don't get the
immutability of a TO with a struct, but since the data is a copy of
the real data, anything that changes the data is only going to screw
itself up.  It's a lot easier (and somewhat more performant) than
using a full-on object, and I've never run into a problem with it.

Bean/BO is little less clear.  I don't make a distinction.  Some of my
BOs are nothing more than get/set/validate (where the validation is
generated based on the DB schema), and some are masses of composition
and business logic methods, including custom validation.  But the rest
of the system doesn't care, a BO is a BO, and it has zero or more
business methods.

Having said that, I think your definition of Bean (at least from
your email) is a little unclear.  What do you use a bean for that you
wouldn't use a TO or a BO for (assuming a given entity had all three).


On 8/26/05, Brian Kotek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A question here for the list. I'd like to know at what points you
 decide to create a full business object vs. creating a Bean vs.
 creating a transfer object. And don't just say it depends! Just
 kidding...say it depends but try to explain what you think it depends
 For example, if an entity isn't that complex, I've found that what I
 call a Bean can handle all three chores. On one hand creating a TO for
 a fairly simple Bean seems like overkill, and creating a full business
 object behind a Bean can also seem like overkill if the BO isn't doing
 much that the Bean is already doing, such as validating itself and
 holding instance data.
 In fact, in most cases, unless the bean is really heavy (maybe
 compositing a complex Validation object within itself) I have little
 use for transfer objects.
 Of course if the entity requires complex business logic then a
 full-fledged business object is in order, there is no place for that
 kind of logic in a Bean.
 I suppose the real point is that a good manager or service object is
 necessary to hide these variations. As long as the UI is going through
 a manager, you can change how the underlying model is doing things
 fairly easily. What does everyone else think?

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Lines Between TO, Bean and BO?

2005-08-26 Thread Barney Boisvert
Ok, that makes sense.  I don't use beans, by those definitions, just
TOs (structs) and BOs.  TOs go out of the application (to the UI and
such), and can only be created by BOs.  BOs are used within the
application (for business logic, passing to DAOs, etc).  I don't know
that it's the best way, but it does seem to be a good way, and works
well for me.


On 8/26/05, Brian Kotek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You may well be right Barney. It is fully possible that my labels
 and/or concepts are out of whack. I'll take a crack at it:
 To me a TO is basically a simple struct, but possibly wrapped up as a
 CFC with public instance data. This would be just for moving data
 around with no other functionality.
 A Business Object represents a real-world entity in the model. This is
 where the real business logic happens, and may involve composition of
 other objects (maybe many), lots of coding by intention (meaning
 sergeant and private methods), and in general doing the work of
 the model.
 A Bean, as I see it, is a sort of intermediary. It is like a TO except
 that it has getters and setters, and very likely (but not always) the
 setters are private so the data can't be changed once the Bean is
 created. It keeps instance data, and it also validates itself (with
 potentially complex validation). But that is all. Any real business
 logic would be performed by a BO, and a Bean would be passed into the
 BO (or the DAO for example) to move the data around.
 So, assuming that made any sense, what do you think? And am I way off
 in my impression of what each of these are? Thanks for your time as

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] Lines Between TO, Bean and BO?

2005-08-26 Thread Barney Boisvert
The only beans I know of are JavaBean and Enterprise JavaBean.  The
former is a set of rules for objects; in particular a zero-argument
constructor, and get/set/is methods for all properties.  The later is
obviously of no real use to this thread. ;)

On 8/26/05, Brian Kotek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In fact, while I'm at it, does anyone know where a good definition of
 a Bean is located, so that I can make sure that my vocabulary is in
 line with the accepted standard? Thx.

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] regEx help

2005-08-24 Thread Barney Boisvert
You don't need a regex, just a pair of simple replaces will do it. 
And actually, htmlEditFormat() would do it just as easily, and catch
, , and  too, though I don't think it'll do the apostrophe.


On 8/24/05, Ung, Seng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 string=The Sound of A  D's
 how does regex works to ReReplace the string to the following?
 string=The Sound of A amps; Dapos;s

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] regEx help

2005-08-24 Thread Barney Boisvert
how about xmlFormat(string_1), then?  Though really, who cares if it's
one line or two?

On 8/24/05, Ung, Seng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 btw: the outcome is a XML format
 -Original Message-
 From: Ung, Seng
 Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 10:02 AM
 Subject: RE: [CFCDev] regEx help
 here what I got
 cfset string_1=REReplace(The Sound. of A  M's,,amps;,ALL)
 cfset string_2=REReplace(string_1,',apos;,ALL)
 What I am hoping for is a 1 liner will detected  ' and translate it to 
 amps; apos;
 Can it be done?
Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] regEx help

2005-08-24 Thread Barney Boisvert
I wish.  But sadly it's still only Wednesday.

On 8/24/05, Nathan Strutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 haha, Nathan jinx
 wow is it friday or something in here?

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] DAO, Gateway, and Manager model for Fusebox and Mach-II

2005-08-23 Thread Barney Boisvert
To pick a nit, I think a better definition comes from the other
direction.  DAO's implement persistence operations for single
entities, while gateways provide access to recordsets.  It's not
uncommon at all to have a gateway method that is designed to return a
single row (getUserById, for example), but the distinguishing factor
is that you're getting a recordset, not a bean or TO.  It's also not
uncommon for a DAO to deal with multiple records in multiple tables;
the distinguishing factor is that it's doing a single persistance
operation for a single business entity.


On 8/23/05, Nando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From the general tone of your question, it sounds like you have a bit of
 studying to do. Maybe a more specific question would also help those of us
 on the list that might be able to answer. Generally speaking, DAO stands for
 Data Access Object, and a DAO typically functions to store and retrieve
 single records from a database (or datastore). A Gateway usually works to
 fetch multiple records from a datastore.
 Go to:
 open the search box and type in DAO. Scroll down to the bottom of the
 results and read Joe's articles on DAO's. Excellent.
Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] DAO, Gateway, and Manager model for Fusebox and Mach-II

2005-08-23 Thread Barney Boisvert
At least in my architecture, gateways are accessible in a lot of
places where DAOs aren't.  Both types are singletons, but the gateways
are retrieved from a globally accessible factory, while DAOs are
instantiated and kept within the corresponding bean factory/manager.

Gateways are needed by the service objects, at the very least, and I
almost always allow gateways to be accessible from the UI as well, so
they're part of the app's API, along with the service objects.  It
makes the API use more components, but it makes a nice separation
between business actions and simple retrieval of recordsets, so I'd
say the API ends up easier to use.

So two very different types of objects that both happen to have the
same purpose (encapsulating data access), with with very different
reasons for doing so.  And to answer your question, yes, it is worth
it, because it keeps the architecture intact, no matter the size of
the app.


On 8/23/05, Peter Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you're Gateway only includes a GetById() and a GetAll() method is it
 really worth seperating this out into a seperate Gateway component? I
 generally just shove it in my Dao and forget about the distinction. I know
 it probably comes down to personal preference but do you think this is a bad
 habit to get into? 
 Cheers, Pete (aka lad4bear)
Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] DAO, Gateway, and Manager model for Fusebox and Mach-II

2005-08-23 Thread Barney Boisvert
Gateway's should be stateless singletons, so you only ever need a
single instance that everything uses concurrently.  Just make sure
you're var-scoping everything correctly or weird bugs will crop up
under load.  You could make application-scope instances, but I prefer
a application-scope factory for getting gateway instances, and letting
that factory deal with the caching.

And by should, I mean there's rarely a reason not to do it that way,
while there are some nice benefits, particularly eliminating the need
to instantiate more than one instance.


On 8/23/05, Nando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've found it best to keep them separate. Functionally they tend to sit in
 different areas within a model. That allows me to cache my gateways in a
 manager for front end operations for instance, or keep them lightweight and
 nimble for rapid instantiation.

Barney Boisvert

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Re: [CFCDev] DAO, Gateway, and Manager model for Fusebox and Mach-II

2005-08-23 Thread Barney Boisvert
Beans (or Business Objects) are representations of real entities in
your application's domain.  In a shopping application, you'd have
products, customers, orders, etc., each corresponding to a BO.  bean
can mean several other things as well, but in this context, this is
the usual definition.

Managers are typically objects whose sole purpose is to manage BOs
(surprise!).  So they are the object you ask for a new BO of whatever
type, or ask to persist a BO to the backing data store.

Managers are a specialization of Factories, which are just for
creating instances of objects.


On 8/23/05, wolf2k5 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 8/23/05, Nando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From the general tone of your question, it sounds like you have a bit of
  studying to do.
 Yes, you are right, I am new to this OOP stuff and I have a lot to
 study and I am doing it right now.
 I am finding the OOP terminology a bit confusing for a newbie.
 I am still not sure if the DAO, Gateway, and Manager approach for an
 OOP application and the DAO, Bean and Gateway one are the same
 thing, that would mean that a Manager and a Bean are the same thing.
 If not, what is the difference?
 Thanks a lot.

Barney Boisvert

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CFCDev is supported by New Atlanta, makers of BlueDragon

An archive of the CFCDev list is available at

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