Re: [cgiapp] Closing the wiki

2012-01-09 Thread David Kaufman
Hi Nic,

On 12/8/2011 11:31 AM, Nic Zero  wrote:
 I propose we close the wiki to uncontrolled edits for the time-being.

Do you propose to allow no edits?  Who should be allowed to edit?  How 
long is the time being?

 As far as I can see, there's no simple revert  button,

No, it takes 3 clicks instead:

1. press the left-arrow button to view the pre-spammed version
2. press the edit button to see edit the pre-spammed revision
3. press the save button to restore the pre-spammed version

But c'mon.  It's not really all that difficult is it?  It *can* be done 
with one hand, without lifting it off the mouse (even while eating a 
sandwich with the other).  I con do it on my iphone during a 5 story 
elevator ride :-)

  so removing graffiti is time consuming.  (I'd rather be coding.)

If it's consuming too much of your time, um, don't do it.  Don't worry 
-- someone else here will press the buttons.  Feel free to code instead!


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Re: [cgiapp] Open source applications written using CGI::Application

2011-06-15 Thread David Kaufman
Gabor Szabo wrote:

Hi Gabor!

 I was looking for some examples of applications written
 using CGI::Application that are open source and preferable
 even on CPAN. Here is what I found:

 I looked at the wiki:
 and I keep wondering.

 - Krang was last touched 2 years ago (is it
 still used?)

Krang is used (at least by me!) just about every day.  Almost all of our 
clients, most of them publishing companies, use krang to manage their 
sites.  Here is a partial list:

As Michael Peters pointed out, the site has not been updated as 
conscientiously as we'd like -- I guess most of us krang users are 
developers and tend to learn of new releases by monitoring the svn 
mailing list (cuz we're just hard core like that -- heheh).

So I just updated the krang news, changelog and documentation pages on 
the site so that now you -- and the rest of the world -- can see that 
the project has not been stalled for years!  In fact, we've had about 6 
releases since the site was last updated.

My bad -- it was just the guy that was supposed to be updating the web 
site that was stalled for two years :-)

 Are there any open source CGI::Application based usable applications out 

I think the typical CGI::Application user is a professional web 
developer, who uses it to implement web apps for their clients' web 
sites.  Such clients typically do not want their apps release as open 
source.  They pay to have custom apps developed for the purpose of 
*differentiating* their site from their competition -- such custom 
tailored apps typically may not be released or distributed.

SO, while CGI::App is itself a great open source project -- the apps we 
build with it tend to be proprietary.  At least for most of our clients 
that is the case.

Kinda like the Gimp is a great open source image editor, but the images 
that are edited with it, of course, do not tend to be open released as 
open source ...but that would be an interesting license restriction, 
wouldn't it?  :-)



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[cgiapp] The Zero Barrier (was: Re: Anonymous home page editing?)

2011-05-19 Thread David Kaufman
Hi Josh (and cgiapp-ers one and all),

I wasn't paying attention back when the choice of Wiki software was 
made, installed (or skinned so nicely!), but the responsibility has 
fallen to me to host and (occasionally) maintain it.

So when we decommissioned our previous server (last year?) and migrated 
the cgiapp wiki and mailing list (along with the rest of the company's 
web apps and mail systems) to this new machine, I had to reinstall the 
Wiki software, which I found was no longer maintained by the authors (at 
least not on CPAN -- they do seem to have a radically new version that 
requires a new fangled auto-magical auto-installer, neither of which are 
on CPAN (nor can be, iirc because it now ships bundled *with* with other 
CPAN modules) but I wasn't in the mood for radical) and it was also 
unclear to me whether the next new version was Considered Done yet, so I 
just got this creaky old wiki working again.

In the process I found that about a kajillion spam posts had been added 
that no one had removed (because no one had noticed), and poking around 
the wiki docs, I also found that this creaky old version actually had 
some nice revision control features --- I guess all wikis do -- complete 
with view-history, a nifty view-diffs button, dead simple roll-back and, 
of course, email notifications.

So instead of trying to fix the anyone can edit problem, I decided to 
try and fix the no one noticed problem: by telling the Wiki to post to 
this list each time anyone edits anything, the entire community is 
gently reminded that the wiki does still exist (perhaps the spammers do 
our community a small service, in this respect) and we're all nudged to 
help sweep up around the place.  While certainly not an appropriate 
solution for larger communities, busier wikis or higher volume mailing 
lists, for us, and for me, this small change has been a big win.

While I was initially annoyed that the Wiki change notices just say who 
and what page (I had toyed with the idea of setting up fully colorized 
html diffs in the email notices! but my laziness prevailed, as it does) 
in this case, the sparseness is kind of mysterious and teases me a bit. 
  Each time I see email from the wiki I wonder (albeit mildly) if what 
changed was some new interesting piece of *content*, or some new spam 
that I really should delete.  Usually, by the time I get around to 
checking (if ever), someone else has already fixed the spam.  This 
causes the intensity of laziness feedback loop to increase further each 
time: the less I do, the less I have to do!  Woo and hoo :-)

So for me, the Zero Barrier to contributing thing -- whether the 
contributions are writing and posting content, or helping to fight spam 
-- is definitely A Good Thing.



On 5/14/2011 2:20 AM, Joshua Miller wrote:
  Is there a reason the home page can be modified by anyone sans-
  registration and sans-approval?
  I noticed some spam links were added, and removed them. It's easy
  enough to remove, but seems like some sort of protection wouldn't
  hurt (email address registration with captcha, or require manual
  approval of changes or of users?). It probably doesn't matter a
  whole lot, since it has low traffic and a small dedicated group.
  Just felt a bit weird that it was so easy to modify.
  If the ease of modification (no registration) was shown to actually
  increase participation significantly, then it'd make sense but
  I don't see much activity on the site anyway.
  This is almost 100% a third party opinion, cause I normally just
  lurk on this list, but if I were wanting to actively contribute,
  I'd personally have no problem registering and would not be
  offended if the registration had to be manually reviewed before I
  could modify pages.
  Anyway... thank you to whomever does provide valuable content on
  the site and this list :-)
  Josh I.

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[cgiapp] testing 1, 2, 3...

2011-05-10 Thread David Kaufman
Is this thing on?

Sorry for the list downage. it needed a:

   chown mailman ~mailman

Seems qmail ignores .qmail control files in home directories that are 
not owned by their owner

thanks, Dan.

Whilst yum feels that /usr/lib/mailman should be owned by root, and 
makes its feelings known during every update

thanks, RedHat.


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Re: [cgiapp] Weird Perl Internal Errors

2010-08-28 Thread David Kaufman
Hi Jerry,

Though off-topic for this list -- DBI appears to be the culprit -- since 
DBD::* modules usually have XS parts, that's probably where these errors 
are coming from.

You might ask on a DBI mailing list or the appropriate DB Driver list 
(mysql-devel?) and be sure to include your operating system type and 
version, perl version, database type and version and the versions of DBI 
and the DBD driver you're running, and what triggers the error (apache 
restart?  db reads, db writes??  something else?)

Most likely you just have to re-install or upgrade your db drivers (e.g. 



On 8/28/2010 11:26 AM, Jerry Kaidor wrote:

  I'm getting some errors in my cgiapp-based application that seem to be
 related to Perl internals.  They are produced by the Apache webserver,
 and are ending up in /var/log/httpd/error_log.

There's one of them tacked onto the end of this message.   I have no
 clue as how to even approach this stuff.  I did find some mention of
 such items in the perlguts man page.

 The first one seems to be saying:
  There exists a scalar of unknown value.
  There is a reference pointing to 0x8c64f64 located at 0x8c64f58.

 Is there some way for me to get at the symbol table and find out what's
 at 0x8c64f58?  I sure would like to troubleshoot this in some other way
 than just removing pieces  of the app until it goes away  Is there
 usual cause for such distress in the cgiapp environment?  BTW, the app
 seems to work fine.

 Thanks in advance,

 - Jerry Kaidor

 --- snip -
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client] SV =
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client] RV(0x8c64f64) at
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client]   REFCNT = 1
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client]   FLAGS =
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client]   RV = 0x8c64d28
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client]
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client] SV =
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client] PVHV(0x8a0a51c)
 at 0x8c64d28
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client]   REFCNT = 1
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client]   FLAGS =
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client]
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client]   STASH = 0x8703ef8
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client] \tDBI::db
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client]
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client]   ARRAY = 0x8c68680
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client]
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client]
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client]   KEYS = 0
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client]
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client]   FILL = 0
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client]
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client]   MAX = 7
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client]
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client]   RITER = -1
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client]
 [Sat Aug 28 07:37:21 2010] [error] [client]   EITER = 0x0

 -- endsnip -

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Re: [cgiapp] Future of the wiki

2010-02-02 Thread David Kaufman wrote:
 Before starting such a project, everyone needs to agree to support the  
 definitive wiki syntax:
 If you can't even agree on that, forget it.

Oh, fine! (deletes his pod-in-progress for Yet Another Mo Better Wiki 

[more suggestions sniped]

 And lastly, are /all/ existing wikis unacceptable?


 If so, why?

Because! Um, because they're not based on CGI-App of course :-)

 Does it matter if we a less-than-perfect wiki, when everything in life  
 is less-than-perfect :-)?
 My preference would be to use an existing one, since then our efforts  
 can be directed to other things, rather than just reinventing the wheel.

You have better things to do than that?  The wheels aren't going to 
reinvent themselves, you know!

Seriously, I'd prefer use an exiting Wiki, too, if the goal was just to 
get some content out there in web editable form.  But we already have 
that.  I'm thinking that the development of a cgi-app based Wiki would 
be an enjoyable activity for the community, and could possibly result in 
a Wiki that we would not only meet our content publishing and community 
contribution needs but that would also serve as a best-practices example 
of what can be built with CGI application.


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Re: [cgiapp] Future of the wiki

2010-02-01 Thread David Kaufman
Mark Stosberg wrote:
 Perhaps the wiki would be more interesting to use if we used a
 different wiki engine. Kwiki is written in Perl, but certainly never
 took off [...] There was some interest in building a wiki based on
 CGI::Application, but that hasn't materialized. 

I think a cgi-app based wiki would be an awesome idea.  I must not have 
been paying attention when it was last discussed or I'd certainly have 
volunteered to help with that.

 But back to the fundamental question: If the wiki was overhauled,
 would you use it and maintain it more?

I definitely would!


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Re: [cgiapp] Future of the wiki

2010-02-01 Thread David Kaufman
Hi Gurunandan,

Gurunandan R. Bhat wrote:
 I had offered Mark to port content on the wiki to Movable Type a few 
 months earlier. At that time, Mark had very valid concerns - that MT
 does not offer key features required of a wiki. But that was MT4 and
 a re-evaluation of MT after the release of MT5 recently might be

I like MT (2 or 3 years ago) but am not familiar with recent versions -- 
can it be used like a Wiki?  I thought it was strictly blog software.

I see TWiki has sprouted a blog plugin - I guess it's only a matter of 
time before MT grew a wiki-mode :-)


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Re: [cgiapp] CGI::Application wiki page Examples updated by MarkStosberg

2010-01-28 Thread David Kaufman
Hi Mark,

Mark Fuller wrote:
  Would it make sense to have a mailing list specific to these wiki page
  notices? Allowing folks who don't want to receive them could opt out?

The idea was that the 315 subscribers to this mailing list are the only 
people in the world with the slightest motivation to delete spam from 
the wiki and, since its not a terribly thriving, active wiki, even we 
members of the cgiapp community don't visit it all that much.

So my hope was that by having these messages come to the list would 
remind people that the Wiki exists, ping them that people contribute 
to it, and maybe spark enough curiosity that someone checks to see what 
was edited, and in the process, is able to find and fix spam.

It's my last attempt to save the Wiki.  If it continues to be used more 
by spammers than the community, then it is not really worth the time and 
trouble involved in continuing to operate it.  If, as I hope, these 
messages help spur the community to step up and contribute and help 
maintain and police the thing, then we'll be able to continue to have a 
Wiki for the foreseeable future!

 It's not a big deal. I've created a filter to delete them on arrival.

Glad these messages will not continue to annoy you, and I'm sorry if 
you're not interested in knowing when the Wiki it is updated and helping 
take out the trash when those updates turn out to be spam.

Of course if no one want to see these messages I'll turn them off.  I 
just don't look forward to cleaning out hundreds of spams again, and 
don't know who will help prevent that, if not this community.


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Re: [cgiapp] More Kwiki work

2010-01-26 Thread David Kaufman
Hi Emmanuel,

Emmanuel Seyman wrote:
 * David Kaufman wrote:
 2. Installed Kwiki::Diff so we can quickly see what was
 changed, and (hopefully) change it back easily if it's spam.
 I'm not seeing this. How does one use it?

Yeah, Kwiki's default toolbar icons are kind of tiny and non-obvious 
aren't they?

Click on the Revisions icon, at the bottom of each editable page, and 
you'll be taken to the previous revision of that page.  The button looks 
like a left-pointing arrow and is in the row of toolbar icons just to 
the right of the search box (the next-to-last one, between the 
paper-and-pencil Edit icon, and the RSS icon, that says Revisions in 
the tooltip when you mouse over it).

2. Once you're looking at a previous revision, you'll see another new 
button down there, this time on the far right, *after* the RSS icon, 
called Differences (unhelpfully the icon just looks like a piece of 
paper), along with some other new icons for navigating revisions (they 
look like CD-player-style controls: Next, Previous, Last, etc.)

3. When you click on the Differences button, you get a nice 
side-by-side, colorized diff of the source text of the old version, 
compared to the next one after it, so you can identify exactly what was 

4. You need to be logged in to restore an old version (or to edit 
anything at all) so if you see You are Anonymous in the left column, 
click the Anonymous link and enter your WikiName to become Un-nonymous.

5. Then, if you come across a spammed or otherwise defaced page, you can 
simply navigate back to the old version of the page before it was 
vandalized, press the edit button and hit Save (or Preview, then Save) 
to revert the page to back to it's previously pristine and un-spammed 



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[cgiapp] More Kwiki work (was: Re: searching on

2010-01-19 Thread David Kaufman
Hi Gabor,

Gabor Szabo wrote:
  Great. Thanks!

You're quite welcome!

  some more items I found:
  clicking on the 'Edit this page' icon at the bottom of the page
  I get
  Can't hook Kwiki::Edit::RequireUserName::require_username. Can't
  find package 'Kwiki::Edit::RequireUserName'
  The 'Recent Changes' link also gets me to a crash:
  Can't locate Kwiki/

Okay these are fixed now too.

Sorry I didn't test very, um, deeply :-)

I guess saying cpan install Kwiki doesn't install all the
prerequisites, does it?

So this time, I found the file:

and so, being lazy, I just did this:

   grep -E '^[^#]' htdocs/plugins | grep -v CGIApp | xargs cpan -i

to install all the Kwiki::* modules that it was configured to use.
Everything appears to work now (by which I mean: doesn't die).

Which reminds me, when when I migrated Kwiki to the new server
last summer I found and deleted 425 pages of Viagra spam pages
(complete with images!).  And just now I removed some evil
executable php pages that someone was able to upload somehow --
nice.  Apache will not execute PHP file on the wiki now :-)

So we could all pitch in help out with spam-tending duties, I've

1. installed Kwiki::Notify::Mail so we can get notices sent
here to the list whenever changes are made, and

2. Installed Kwiki::Diff so we can quickly see what was
changed, and (hopeflly) change it back easily if it's spam.



  David Kaufman wrote:
  Hi Gabor,
  Installed Kwiki::Search, site search working again.
  Gabor Szabo wrote:
  I just tried to search on and got
  and error
  Can't locate Kwiki/ in @INC ...
  Could someone fix it please or remove the search box.

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[cgiapp] Spam Wars: Episode IV - The Return of the Kwiki

2009-07-30 Thread David Kaufman
In which the spam pages installed by the PHP malware that was injected 
by the exploit in the Kwiki are smitten and the Kwiki is then returned 
to power, although less heroically, by upgrading Scalar::Utils.


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Re: [cgiapp] Re: simple example of CA, jQuery, Ajax added to wiki

2009-07-29 Thread David Kaufman

Hi Mark,

Mark Stosberg wrote:

[...] the wiki is currently returning a technical error page. I've notified
Jesse about this now, and when I have am able to remember my password on that
machine again, I may be able to fix such issues myself in the future.

It looks as if someone was able to exploit Kwiki and upload some 
PHP-based malware to the server that has been poking around at our box 
for a few week -- nce.

I'm checking for rootkits now.


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Re: [cgiapp] Proposed new look and branding for

2009-04-17 Thread David Kaufman

Mark Stosberg wrote:

[...] I'm interested in your feedback before moving forward:

The update addresses long standing complaints about the genericness of the name
CGI::Application or that the project name includes CGI at all.  The words
CGI::Application also just hard to create a brand and marketing materials
around.  So the update emphasises the Titanium name and branding ...

The design is very slick and professional, the name is fine for a 
software product.

But I don't think CI::Application needs a brand, or any marketing 
materials created around it.  Those are devices used to increase sales 
of a product when its inherent value, quality or benefits aren't 
producing sufficient sales.

I'm of the opinion that CGI::Application sells itself just fine, and 
that any attempt to make it look more like a commercial software product 
 simply makes the marketer come off as deceptive, especially to 
software developers who know that it is an open source product that has 
a community of developers who use it, and not a company who merely 
markets it, standing behind it.

Does need better branding, or to remove CGI from its name?

-dave, feeling curmudgeoney

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Re: [cgiapp] Q: Any guidelines for paging thru db records via CGIparams?

2008-05-28 Thread David Kaufman

Hi Ron,

Ron Savage [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Folks

[...] it happens I'm using a per_page of 10 (say) to call
get_winemaker_iterator(), so the first call returns records 1 .. 10 to
the user.

What's a good way to display buttons so the user can page forward to get
records 11 .. 18, and (later) back from page 2 to page 1?

I realize I'm chiming in a bit late here, but...

Have you looked at the HTML::Pager module?

Sounds like it does what you're looking for, and being by Sam Tregar, plays 
well with HTML::Template.


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Re: [cgiapp] strategies for decoupling HTML::Template

2007-10-22 Thread David Kaufman

Jason Purdy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Late chime-in, but my vote: -1

(Not that this is a democracy, but...) I vote no, too :-)

HTML::Template, while it annoys me at times, is a small, fast and 
easy-to-install.  Therefore it is an entirely reasonable default templating 
engine, which you can easily replace.

Shipping CGI::App with *no* default templating engine would make it

 a) harder to install

(not easier, as the OP suggests) because new users whould then have to jump 
through the additional hoops of choosing and then installing a templating 
engine.  And the choosing would lead new users to threads full of religious 
templating flame-war debates such as this one, which just make choosing 
that much harder.

 b) less functional

CGI-App would then be missing one of the two design features which (IMO) 
have made it so successful in the first place: sane and painless templating 
(the other one being, of couse, sane and painless dispatching).

The mechanisms by which one chooses to author and populate one's templates, 
or define and call one's dispatched run-modes, are easily overridable and 
have been overiidden many times, in many ways by many people.  But each of 
those people adopted CGI-Application in the first place, I think, due to 
its ease of use.  And only decided to extend it after they become experts 
at using it.  So to me it's just silly to remove of of the strengths, 
thereby making it *harder* for new users to get started, just because some 
fraction of the expert users choose to override that feature.

 c) backwards incompatible

I'd have to update, like every web application I've written in the last six 
years, to make it work with the new version of C::A (which would make me a 
very unhappy camper).

HTML::Template is one pure-perl module file - If that prerequisite is so 
hard to live with, simply upload your fork to CPAN: 
CGI::ApplicationNoTemplates (or CGI::ApplicationMyTemplates).  Of course, 
then you'll have to port, or do without, the contributions of the rest of 
the community of C::A developers.  And who knows?  Maybe you're right! 
Maybe a community of developers who prefer to manually add a template 
engine to each of their CGI Applications will flock to your module.  Maybe 
it will be most of this community and the original C::A will waste away 
Mozilla-style while new users all adopt the fork, Firefox-style.

That's what open source is for, after all ;-)


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[cgiapp] Welcome to the new server!

2007-10-19 Thread David Kaufman
If you can read this, the mailing list migration was a success.  

Welcome to Mailman on Qmail on RedHat ES4.  

(if not, then not).

cgiapp mailing list

[cgiapp] more testings

2007-10-19 Thread David Kaufman

cgiapp mailing list

[cgiapp] The Mailing List is moving!

2007-10-18 Thread David Kaufman

Hi all,

We are moving the mailing list to a new server, and also migrating it from 
ezmlm to Mailman.  Expect minor chaos.

You should not need to do anything.  You do not need to resubscribe. 
Digest subscribers should still receive the digest version of the list.

The list address will not change, and the subject lines will continue to 
have the [cgiapp] prefix.

If you sort or filter your mail based on message headers, you might need to 
adjust them.  If, for instance your system is looking for one of the 
ezmlm-style headers:

 Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm
 list-help: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 list-unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

You might need to teach it to look for mailman's List-Id header instead:

 List-Id: CGI Application



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Re: [cgiapp] Returning XML output for AJAX

2007-01-30 Thread David Kaufman
Hi Bruce,

Bruce McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What I want to do is return XML (as an Ajax response) to the jQuery
 Interface library Autocomplete plugin [...]
 Of the modules on CPAN that could produce this XML structure, which
 would be *easiest* to use? Do I need to change the headers of the
 CGI::Application response?

Others have answered the first question (I use XML::Simple, too!).  

But as for your second question, the answer is yes.  Regardless of the AJAX 
framework you use, the xml response must have the Content-Type: text/xml for 
some browsers to be able to parse it into a full-fledged XML document object 
(and not simply as plain text).

Why do you care?  Well, if your code (or your framework) asks for xml it may 
expect to find the xml document objext in the ajax request's reponseXML 
property to be able to call DOM functions on it (those same handy functions 
used in Javascript to traverse the current HTML page document, like 
childNodes(), nextSibling, getElementsByTagName() and so forth).  

Google for more on the 
issues that arise if you try this in various browsers, and don't set your 
content-type header correctly.



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Re: [cgiapp] RFC: Thumbnail Image Server

2006-12-01 Thread David Kaufman

Jesse Erlbaum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How about:


Too obscure?  Too cute?

Kind of black-hat.  Could you include a pragma to load the module with:

 abuse HTTP::ImageServer; # instead of use?

As a few others pointed out, most of the WWW:: space is clients, so
HTTP:: might be a better place.  Also, this will work on non-Apache
servers (although, I'd like to make it work particularly well in

So since its not mod_perl or even Apache-specific, I'd guess CGI:: would 
be the correct namespace so I'd vote for CGI::ImageServer (or 


...wondering if Morpher is a word.

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Re: [cgiapp] RFC: Thumbnail Image Server

2006-11-30 Thread David Kaufman

Jesse Erlbaum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This application will dynamically create and cache image thumbnails at
request time, among other things.  The ultimate goal is a Perl-based
implementation approaching Amazon's image server:

That's cool.  My favorite features are the overlaying of icons and image

I'm looking for feedback in three areas:

  1. Is there anything similar?

Here's the only similar mod_perl module I see on CPAN:


As is, though, it's not flexible enough.  It only lets you specify
ThumbnailMaxSize as the maximum length or width (whichever is
larger).  So it can't give you an image that's constrained properly to
fit within a given *rectangle*, only a square.  It also appears to lack
any caching :-(

Here's a PHP app with almost identical functionality goals:

Though I'm not terribly fond of its URL-scheme -- too many squigglies!

  2. Is this useful / what features would make it more useful to you?

Beyond simply downsizing, I like the ideas of adding pixel borders, drop
shadows and the like.  These bells and whistles add a lot of polish.

Among the many thumbnailing modules I see on CPAN,
Image::Magick::Thumbnail::Fixed adds a unique and compelling feature I
hadn't thought of:

*** Fixed-size thumbnails!

It generates images of the *exact* dimensions you request, rather than
the largest (but inevitably different) size image that will fit *within*
the size you requested.  This approach simplifies the use of the image
server a *lot* because the calling pages can then have completely
*static* height and width attributes on their image tags, which improves
their page-load times and avoids the jumpy HTML layouts you get when
you specify the height, just the width (or neither) without having to
add code that checks what size image you actually got *back* in response
to your request.

Since the fixed-size image has to be padded or filled up with empty
space, you do have to add some background-color support to your url
scheme (gifs and pngs could have this added space transparent, but jpegs
dont offer transparency.  Of course white would probably be a likely
default and, although this module doesn't seem to do it, borders and
shadows and whatnot could still be added to the inner image.

(Although you didn't ask) Image::Thumbnail looks like a handy backend
image manipulation interface -- it wraps ImageMagick, Imager *or* GD for
the heavy lifting -- now that's flexibility!

Essentially, given a particular request's parameters and a source
directory containing high resolution images, images will be
manipulated and returned to the user.  This will obviate the need for
laborious graphic production and re-production every time the
high-res versions change.

For example:  -- Returns high-res image  -- Returns 640x480
version of same image

Exact URL structure TBD.

*** Real flexible/extensible URL schemes would be important to me.  The
pick-a-scheme-and-bake-it-in approach would surely come back to haunt
you (the PHP application above as well as Amazon's complex, bizarre URL
scheme both appear to suffer badly from Weird URL You Cant Change
Syndrome).  While graphic designers I've worked with tend to prefer a
*file* naming convention with named sizes such as *_thumb.jpg or
*small_*.gif, we programmers lean more towards more explicit and
structured choices like PATH_INFO (/resizer/x-100/y-200/image.gif) or,
better yet, ?url=parameters that non-programmers wont want to use.  So
while I think a simple, obvious, human-readable (probably path-based)
default scheme is definitely a Good Thing, building in hooks that allow
implementors to completely override the way URL's are translated into
image transformation paramters would go a long way, I'd think.

For instance, I'd like to be able to roll my own conf file and subclass
the thing so that in

%directory = (
 /foo_[\d+]/ = {
   '/_thumb.gif$/  = { x= 100, y= 200},
   '/icon_.+.png$/ = { x= 32, y= 32},
   '/_hires.gif$/  = { x= 1024, y= 768, fixed=1},
 # but in:
 /bar/ = {
   '/(\d+)/(\d+)/.+\.(gif|png|jpg)' = {
 x = '$1',
 y = '$2',
 mime = 'png',

or something insanely configurable like that.  But I don't want to see
all that in your Image::Transformenator, I want to be able to bake it up
and snap it in!

...When the request comes in the high-res
version and the cached thumbnail will be stat'd.  If the thumbnail
does not exist or is older than the high-res version, a thumbnail
will be re-created.

If this is to be used for a high traffic site, I'd think that caching
would be best 

Re: [cgiapp] RFC: Thumbnail Image Server

2006-11-29 Thread David Kaufman

Jesse Erlbaum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This application will dynamically create and cache image thumbnails at
request time, among other things.  The ultimate goal is a Perl-based
implementation approaching Amazon's image server:

That's cool.  My favorite features are the overlaying of icons and image 

I'm looking for feedback in three areas:

  1. Is there anything similar?

Here's the only similar mod_perl module I see on CPAN:


As is, though, it's not flexible enough.  It only lets you specify 
ThumbnailMaxSize as the maximum length or width (whichever is 
larger).  So it can't give you an image that's constrained properly to 
fit within a given *rectangle*, only a square.  It also appears to lack 
any caching :-(

Here's a PHP app with almost identical functionality goals:

Though I'm not terribly fond of its URL-scheme -- too many squigglies!

  2. Is this useful / what features would make it more useful to you?

Beyond simply downsizing, I like the ideas of adding pixel borders, drop 
shadows and the like.  These bells and whistles add a lot of polish.

Among the many thumbnailing modules I see on CPAN, 
Image::Magick::Thumbnail::Fixed adds a unique and compelling feature I 
hadn't thought of:

*** Fixed-size thumbnails!

It generates images of the *exact* dimensions you request, rather than 
the largest (but inevitably different) size image that will fit *within* 
the size you requested.  This approach simplifies the use of the image 
server a *lot* because the calling pages can then have completely 
*static* height and width attributes on their image tags, which improves 
their page-load times and avoids the jumpy HTML layouts you get when 
you specify the height, just the width (or neither) without having to 
add code that checks what size image you actually got *back* in response 
to your request.

Since the fixed-size image has to be padded or filled up with empty 
space, you do have to add some background-color support to your url 
scheme (gifs and pngs could have this added space transparent, but jpegs 
dont offer transparency.  Of course white would probably be a likely 
default and, although this module doesn't seem to do it, borders and 
shadows and whatnot could still be added to the inner image.

(Although you didn't ask) Image::Thumbnail looks like a handy backend 
image manipulation interface -- it wraps ImageMagick, Imager *or* GD for 
the heavy lifting -- now that's flexibility!

Essentially, given a particular request's parameters and a source
directory containing high resolution images, images will be
manipulated and returned to the user.  This will obviate the need for
laborious graphic production and re-production every time the
high-res versions change.

For example:  -- Returns high-res image  -- Returns 640x480
version of same image

Exact URL structure TBD.

*** Real flexible/extensible URL schemes would be important to me.  The 
pick-a-scheme-and-bake-it-in approach would surely come back to haunt 
you (the PHP application above as well as Amazon's complex, bizarre URL 
scheme both appear to suffer badly from Weird URL You Cant Change 
Syndrome).  While graphic designers I've worked with tend to prefer a 
*file* naming convention with named sizes such as *_thumb.jpg or 
*small_*.gif, we programmers lean more towards more explicit and 
structured choices like PATH_INFO (/resizer/x-100/y-200/image.gif) or, 
better yet, ?url=parameters that non-programmers wont want to use.  So 
while I think a simple, obvious, human-readable (probably path-based) 
default scheme is definitely a Good Thing, building in hooks that allow 
implementors to completely override the way URL's are translated into 
image transformation paramters would go a long way, I'd think.

For instance, I'd like to be able to roll my own conf file and subclass 
the thing so that in

%directory = (
 /foo_[\d+]/ = {
   '/_thumb.gif$/  = { x= 100, y= 200},
   '/icon_.+.png$/ = { x= 32, y= 32},
   '/_hires.gif$/  = { x= 1024, y= 768, fixed=1},
 # but in:
 /bar/ = {
   '/(\d+)/(\d+)/.+\.(gif|png|jpg)' = {
 x = '$1',
 y = '$2',
 mime = 'png',

or something insanely configurable like that.  But I don't want to see 
all that in your Image::Transformenator, I want to be able to bake it up 
and snap it in!

...When the request comes in the high-res
version and the cached thumbnail will be stat'd.  If the thumbnail
does not exist or is older than the high-res version, a thumbnail
will be re-created.

If this is to be used for a high 

Re: [cgiapp] RFC - CGI::Application::Plugin::JSON

2006-09-14 Thread David Kaufman

Hey Michael,

Michael Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello all,

I've found myself putting some very similar code into my base classes
of late to more easily deal with sending JSON to my Ajax
applications. So of course I thought I should put this out as a
plugin. I haven't uploaded to CPAN yet cause I wanted to see if
anyone had any thoughts about the interface, etc.

That looks great -- I'll use it!

The only suggestion I have about the interface is that maybe it could 
allow this:

   # add_json_header() is cumulative
   $self-add_json_header( foo = 'Lorem ipsum...');
   $self-add_json_header( bar = [ 0, 2, 3, 4 ] );
   $self-add_json_header( baz = { stuff = 1, more_stuff = 2 });

to also be done like this:

   foo = 'Lorem ipsum...',
   bar = [ 0, 2, 3, 4 ] ),
   baz = { stuff = 1, more_stuff = 2 },

Lookiing forward to playing with it!


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Re: [cgiapp] blank page printed when using cgiapp_postrun

2006-09-04 Thread David Kaufman

Hi Octavian,

Octavian Rasnita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have made a program using CGI::Application,
CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication and
CGI::Application::Plugin::DBH [...]
if I use header_props() in cgiapp_postrun, nothing is printed ...
That method is just:

sub cgiapp_postrun {
my $self = shift;
$self-header_props(-charset = 'ISO-8859-2');

I guess there is an incompatibility with the Authentication plugins,
but I don't know how to solve it.

I don't know which plugin(s) are causing the problem (Im still using 
CGI::App without any plugins) but I'd use one old-school workaround: 
add the following meta tag somewhere in the head of your html 

meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;charset=iso-8859-2 

hope this helps,


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Re: [cgiapp] HTML Compression plugin?

2006-04-07 Thread David Kaufman

Hi Bruce,

Bruce McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi --

I've been enjoying the speed increase for cgi::app applications
achieved by CGI::Application::Plugin::CompressGzip.

I use CGI::App to generate static web pages with Template Toolkit. Is
there a way that's as easy as CompressGZip to get the same kind of
performance boost for static HTML pages? I could probably hack
something together with Zlib -- but I'd much rather use a plugin or
module written by someone else :-)

A friend of mine put together a script and a mod_rewrite rule that would 
copy and gzip static files on the fly (saving them in an alternate 
document root to cache them) and deliver the compressed versions of the 
pages from the cache, only until the original file is modified.

He did it to lower his bandwidth costs on a high-traffic, realtively 
static site several years ago, posted it our web host's support forum, 
and several others started using it and fixing the bugs.  If you'd like 
i can dig it up, and ask if folks are still using (and maintaining) the 


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Re: [cgiapp] A new project name for CGI::Application

2005-12-07 Thread David Kaufman

David Christensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mark Stosberg wrote:

We need a project name.

[snip list of reasons we're stuck with C::A]

   For the clients I go after, they have only a passing interest in
   the technologies I use; they want to know if I can build what they
   want, how much it will cost, and when it will be operational.

+1 to that (except backwards: when, how much and *then* what technology)

If your client (or S.O.) seems unimpressed with the flash and dazzle 
quotient of the name of your application development framework, invite 
them to hire (or date) a Ruby on Rails or Java Struts programmer and 
then call you back when they want something that is mature, powerful and 

One that I can say to my significant other without untangling an

I am reminded of the story about an engineer trying to explain the
bubbles in carbonated soda to his 3-year old son -- states of matter,
aqueous solutions, super saturation, etc.  It's better just to say
they put the bubbles in at the factory to tickle your nose.

I tell my wife that graphic designers make websites, and then I make 
them *work*.  I used to tell her that I was a perl hacker, but then one 
day she asked why I never hacked *her* any pearls...


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Re: [cgiapp] Best practices to keep the robots from shopping ?

2005-09-23 Thread David Kaufman

Mark Stosberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This morning I noticed that robots had been following add to cart
links that I created. Oops. [...] But POSTing seems like a pain. Is
there an easier way?

A sprinkle of JavaScript would do the trick nicely.

Here's an equivalent of what I do now:
a href=script.cgi?change_state=1img src=add.jpg/a

The shortest from here to there might be something like this:

img src=add.jpg 

Still not restful, but no robot will even ~try~ to go there... and it's 
even *less* typing!

or, if you really love your anchors, for tabbing or it's focus 
marquees then (tho I doubt any visitor has ever really cared) you could 
wrap that image up in a href=javascript: void 0/a tags so it still 
walks like a link and talks like a link, but doesn't jump-scroll to the 
top when clicked.

To POST, I guess it would be like this:

!-- Some extra CSS is also need to surpress the extra space that the
   form tag adds  -- form method=POST action=script.cgi
   input type=hidden name=change_state value=1
   input type=image src=add.jpg

I wonder if you could post to your query-stringy URL like this, to avoid 
the hidden input:

form method=POST action=script.cgi?change_state=1
input type=image src=add.jpg

oh, and don't forget to add style=margin: 0 to that form tag so it 
doesn't introduce any unwanted vertical paragraphic whitespace, if 
it's a tight design.



Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any 
good, you'll have to ram them down people's throats. --Howard Aitken 

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Re: [cgiapp] Ruby on Rails and CGI::Application

2005-04-04 Thread David Kaufman
Owain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[...] I am going to have a play with Ruby [...] and Ruby on Rails
( seems to fell rather similar to cgiapp
in a lot of senses.  I am reading up on Design Patterns and would
like to try out Ruby and this seems to be a good way to try.  Has
anyone on the list had a shot already and what are the main
One problem I have already spotted is the likely difficulty of having
mod_ruby or ruby installed at an ISP good old Perl is ubiquitous.
Yes, that does seem to be the problem with Ruby (on or off of rails). 
Like mod_perl, finding low-cost hosting is difficult because the Apache 
module is too powerful to be safely deployed on a shared server.  Ruby 
on rails *can* be run in CGI mode, but even the developers admit the 
performance is somewhat unbearable running that way.

A virtual private server may be useful to you, where you have root 
control over a simulated Linux or FreeBSD instance that's really running 
as one of many instances on a (presumably very powerful) shared machine. 
Interland offers these: and another 
provider that comes highly recommended (though I have no direct 
experience with them) is John Companies which offers both Linux and 
FreeBSD-based VPS servers:

These days though, with the prices of dedicated servers from EV1, 
Rackspace, ServerMatrix, and their ilk falling fairly steadily, I'm not 
sure if a *real* dedicated machine is much more expensive than a virtual 
one anymore...

Either way, though, you assume the responsibility of installing, 
configuring, managing and monitoring your mod_whatever-enabled Apache 
(and everything else running on the box) when you rent a dedicated 
server, so that affects the cost, features and value in your decision as 
well, especially for a potentially high-traffic site.


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Re: [cgiapp] XMLHTTPRequest / Remote Scripting / AJAX

2005-03-10 Thread David Kaufman
Steve Comrie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If you haven't heard of XMLHTTPReqeust aka Remote Scripting aka AJAX
it's basically a way for web pages to communicate with the server and
return information through JavaScript without having to refresh the
You can read more about it here:
and see it in action here:
[and here] ...SAJAX (
[and now the CGI::App port, here] I converted their demo app
to one running on my code using C::A

I invite anyone that's interested in learning more about using AJAX
to take a look at my sample app.
Nice proof of concept, Steve!
I guess this is an (actually old) idea that's seems to have been hitting 
critical mass lately (probably due to the clever new acronym!) Just a 
few days ago, I was devouring the examples at (the zip code lookup 
examples rock!) which actually doesn't use XMLHttpRequest at all, but 
rather a hidden IFRAME (because this code is 5 years old).  The concept 
of non-page-loading web apps has been banging around that long, but I 
guess Google Suggest and Google maps have just recently pushed the 
technique to the tipping point.

I'm working on app currently that uses JavaScript to load a dozen or so 
dropdowns, each of which can grow quite long indeed.  One client 
populated the thing with so much data that dynamic JS code had swelled 
the page weight well past 700K!  Fortunately that wasn't as painful as 
it sounds since the business users of this (non-public) web app all 
enjoy fast broadband connections, but that, the old fashioned way sure 
isn't gonna scale!

So Google Suggest has got me thinking about dynamically populating drop 
downs as the user types, with only the incrementally defined subsets of 
data that they need to see.  So I'm really itching to try this out with 
CGI::App, too!

But now I'm not sure if XMLHTTPRequest of this hidden-IFRAME hack is the 
best way to go.  Google maps seem to be using an IFRAME, while Google 
suggest uses the XMLHttpRequest {sigh}.  I guess it doesn't matter now, 
cross-browser-wise.  The link below (almost a year old) says that 
XMLHttpRequest support has been in IE since IE5, Mozilla since 1.4 and 
Safari since 1.2 (and dubs the IFRAME trick a hack):

Apple Developer Connection: Dynamic HTML and XML: The XMLHttpRequest 

with it's own Appleesque example (loading an RSS feed of your mission 
critical I-Tunes)

and here's another excellent article from the Apple developer 
connection, this time a treatment of the hidden IFRAME route, which they 
call Remote Scripting.

Remote Scripting with IFRAME:

While, here it is called Round-Tripping:
(which sounds more like something we'd rather not admit we did back in 
high school...)

But whatever underlying technique is used, this is a Whole New Way of 
thinking about developing web apps, and I'm guessing that, now that the 
cross browser support is there, we'll be seeing (and building!) a lot of 


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Re: [cgiapp] Persistent $app object in mod_perl

2005-01-24 Thread David Kaufman
Hi Chad,
C. Chad Wallace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm thinking of using CGI::Application in a new project with
mod_perl [...]
The thing is, I just came from changing my use of Template Toolkit 
from one instance per request to a single instance
(per Apache process) being reused across all requests.
But now that I think about it, CGI::Application doesn't have
anywhere near the startup overhead of Template Toolkit, so I
agree the same principle doesn't apply here.
You should find that HTML::Template has a much better performance 
profile than T::T :-)


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Re: [cgiapp] Installing for perl 5.6.0

2004-09-20 Thread David Kaufman
Joel Gwynn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 20 Sep 2004 11:49am, Michael Peters wrote:
 Well, the only real dependancy is HTML::Template right? So you want
 it to build some of the dependancies but not all? Or do you want to

 Yes, but HTML::Template depends on Test::More, which depends on a few
 other things, which bring me back to Test::More.

 I think I just have a sucky perl environment.  Just a recommendation:
 avoid the shared UNIX (actually redhat) accounts on

Sounds to me like you have a sucky hosting environment, in *general*.
perl 5.6.0 (like just about all dot-zero release of perl) was a fairly
buggy and short-lived initial version release.  I never use dot-zero
releases or perl...  It was quickly followed by 5.6.1 which, IIRC was
primarily a security and bug-fix release (that you should probably go
ahead and allow CPAN to install).

The sad thing is that even 5.6.1 is like three years out of date.
Perfectly serviceable for simple CGI programming, but what kind of web
hosting company hasn't installed bug fixes and upgraded to at least the
security release, in several years??

 and Gabor Szabo wrote:
 ...maybe installing a local version of 5.8.5 would be the best
 way to deal with this :)

 I've already wasted too much time on this as it is.  I'm thinking of
 just switching my client to pair.

uh, yeah :-)

That would be my suggestion, too!


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Re: [cgiapp] Another framework: CGI::Application::Plus

2004-01-22 Thread David Kaufman
Domizio Demichelis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sam Tregar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I see absolutely nothing in your release that couldn't be done
 better as a sub-class of CGI::Application.

 OK, so I had to override the run() method, the new() method, and the
 param() method, just to start to have what I want (and please don't
 make me write any single point that is in the doc), but I have to
 inherit and manage the internal structure, that is not exactly what I

it is extremely impolite, in my opinion, that while you felt the need
to entirely *rewrite* CGI::Application from the ground up, changing
each design decision in it to something that you liked better, you then
felt the need to name your module with the same.  At best, this implies
that all you liked about CGI:App was the name.

at worst we might wonder if your hope was to attract new users to your
module who might mistake it for the real thing that they have heard
or read so much about.  your name implies that your software *is*
CGI::Application but plus something, when in fact your module is *not*
CGI::Application at all.  it is at best, another approach to the solving
the same problem (apparently in the same general way) but lacking
experience, testing and -- oh yeah -- users seeking a replacement for

by choosing a similar name for a similar piece of software you appear to
be attempting to gain mindshare through deception.  by using the name
(without explicit permission from the owner) of a well-known, heavily
used and (i dare add) well-loved *existing* module, your similarly
designed but entirely different module appears to be endorsed by
CGI::Application's author (but he has remained, perhaps mercifully)
silent, or by the user/developer community of the CGI::Application, but
they apparently have not only *not* endorsed it, the community appears
best indifferent, if not outright hostile to it, so far.

 And after all that overriding it is very silly to have to depend and
 to be limited to a module that the sub class redefine at 70%

is it not then silly to name your module CGI::Application::Plus?  maybe
you should consider CGI::Application::AlternativeApproach
CGI::Application::TheWayIWouldveDoneIt, or simply

 Besides CGI::Application is a very simple module (because it
 accomplish a very simple task), you can rewrite it in a very short
 time and implement the hooks you need to make your life simpler

we are all glad your life was simpler after rewriting CGI::Application
to your liking.  however you make the life of the original project, it's
author and community more *difficult* when you fork a project with
neither the author's cooperation, community support or a Very Good
Reason.  it's open source.  hack on it all you like, but when you decide
to release something, try asking first what features the users are
looking for, or what help the author may *want* instead of presuming
that your code is better than what all of us have been using for all
this time...

 I decided to make it compatible with the original CGI::Application
 because that is already a standard, simple to understand and very
 well documented interface, so it's a right starting point.

a starting point for a competing module, perhaps.

 I write and publish my modules in the hope that they may be useful to
 other people. May be I make mistakes as others do, and I am happy to
 receive constructive criticism, but i don't think that the kind of
 sarcastic and malicious negative feedback that you used against my
 work in your last post is polite.

the impoliteness you are experiencing is the direct result of the
inappropriateness of your behavior.  if you want to contribute to the
community, listen first and learn what contributions the community
values.  alternatives to CGI::Application are not what we are looking
for and that is apparently all that CGI::Application::Plus is good for.

we would all love to hear about the specific ways you think it could be
improved, but if you want to convince us that it even *should* be
improved, you'll need to prove it.  you'll need to show us exactly why
each of your ideas are better.  we are already using it -- we have
already debugged it.  it has been around a long time evolving to fit the
needs of us, it's users.

if you want to *compete* with a project you should at least have the
politeness and respect to think up your own name.  would anyone be using
MySQL if it was named Oracle Plus?

 ...Besides, it makes smart people
 think that you are not a so nice person. It makes people think that
 may be you just feel that your popularity is somehow threaten by my

no one has attacked you personally -- i'd suggest that you not start
slinging mud at this point.  it is simply unnecessary and
counterproductive.  my advise to you is 1) do not attack others, and
b) worry about your own popularity

 Well, I don't know if the name is a mistake. If it is, I'm really
 sorry. Anyway, I 

Re: [cgiapp] How to download a dynamically generated file

2003-09-10 Thread David Kaufman
Steve Hay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would rather do it in one step rather than two, and all inside
 CGI-Application, if possible.

 It seems a shame to have to step outside of CGI-Application to achieve
 something so simple.

 ... The -attachment parameter [...] would
 be annoying for PDF files which the browser normally handles by
 passing to the Adobe Reader.

 So I prefer not to use the -attachment argument in those headers.  The
 browser will still pop up a Save As... dialogue box anyway if it
 doesn't recognise the MIME type or has no action configured for it. can print anything you like to the browser as long as (1)
 set the correct Content-Type in the headers (using the -type argument)

right.  i've used that technique to return excel spreadsheets because i
didn't want to save temp files on the server, just feed them directly to
the browser.  in my case i found that returing a scalar (even a
multi-megabyte scalar!) worked perfectly fine for my application.  it
does seem a bit extreme, but this is not the type of thing one generally
needs to do for thousands of concurrent users, hundreds of times per
second :-)

in low volume situations (password protected admin interfaces, etc.)
it Just Works.  i've done it in cgi mode and mod_perl mode.  is this as
elegant as it could be?  i agree that it isn't.  and often i've wished
C:A would let me return a callback coderef instead of a scalar, that C:A
would just execute repeatedly, until it, say, returned undef.

perhaps jesse will consider such a patch... it certainly seems
reasonable to want C:A to accept a file handle as a return value.  in
fact i believe it was relatively recently that he added scalal refs as
allowable return values, in reponse to a few requests here on this

-dave, putting in my vote for callback support too :-)

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Re: [cgiapp] directory structure and static pages

2003-09-07 Thread David Kaufman
Andy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 1. if you are doing a project with a superclass and several modules,
 where do you put your templates and how do you organize them? For
 instance, if /home/ataylor is my home dir, do most people do
 something like /home/ataylor/project/modules and
 /home/ataylor/project/templates and put all the templates in one big

i learned the way i do development environments from Jesse during my stint
at Vanguard, have used this methodology pretty religiously since, and it's
served me well.  my development environments are always under cvs revision
control, so one requirement of this system is a strong separation between
what is, and what's not, under revision control.  of course, perl modules
and templates are always under cvs, while system generated data files, file
uploads, and logs are not, but even these non-cvs files have homes in the
project's directory structure.  i lay out each project under a PROJECT_ROOT
directory that contains no files itself, just the subdirectories, with
project_name being the the cvs module name, as well:


the externals and logs subdirectories are where transient data files and
apache logs live, but only the directories themselves exist in cvs, no files
in these directories are version-controlled.  these directories contain just
one file in cvs, a .cvsignore file, containing a lone asterisk, to keep just
the existence (and name) of the directory in the repository, while keeping
the files themselves out of cvs,and local to the installation.

bin/ is where i put miscellaneous command-line utilities such as backup
scripts, cron jobs and tools for developers to use on a new checkout to say,
set permissions on files and initially generate any local conf files.

htdocs/ is obviously the apache document root of the site - i don't use
cgi-bin directories, as such, outside of the document root, preferring
instead to let my instance scripts live in place right alongside
the static html pages and images etc. of the site's publicly accessible
files.  some clients, and other places that i've worked, have insisted on
using a cgi-bin outside of the doc-root, and only allowing executable
scripts to be invoked from there (using apache's ScriptAlias directive),
which is fine and works well also.  it just makes the list of subdirectories
in the project_root one entry longer :-)

modules/ is of course where the perl modules reside, and the

templates/ directory contains the html-template files (more below)

devdocs/ is just that, development docs, where the database schema and a log
of database structure changes (an executable log of SQL DDL statements) is
maintained, along with installation notes, and sometimes even tarballs of
other software needed to be installed in the project root to setup new dev
environments or production sites.  having the database structure and it's
changes, add-hoc installation notes and original versions of installed
modules here, under CVS has saved me much grief.

conf/ contains the local environment's configuration files, in particular an
apache.conf file (or a relevant subset thereof, such as this site's
VirtualHost block).  Jesse often made this file an html template,
especially in situations where there were multiple development environments,
a staging server and a production site, each a cvs checkout and updated
directly from cvs.  in this case, one would run a script in bin/ after a cvs
checkout or update if necessary, to regenerate a local conf file from the
template.  for a simpler setup i'l often keep a vhost.conf-sample (or
.htaccess-sample) in cvs and maintain the corresponding live conf file for
it in each environent by hand.

but whether the site conf needs to be maintained from a template or by hand,
it keeps all the local installation-specific information in one place, so
that the virtual hostname, and Apache environment variables defined below,
are all that have to be tailored so that the software will have what it
needs to locate perl modules, templates, database connections to use,
without having to touch the code.  in the virtual host conf (or even an
.htaccess file) i will typically have:

  # for perl to find my local modules
  SetEnv PERL5LIB /path/to/project_name/modules

  # for C::A and H::T to find my templates
  SetEnv HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT /path/to/project_name/templates

  # for scripts to use as the base dir for data files, uploads, etc.
  SetEnv EXTERNALS /path/to/project_name/externals

  # for DBI to find a database connection
  # DBI_DSN and/or DBI_USER may also be defined here

this way, perl scripts can just say:

  use MyProject::User::Manager;

and since PER5LIB points to my environment's own modules directory, apache
has already configured my scripts to resolve the relative location of:


Re: [cgiapp] Cookies and mod_perl

2003-08-01 Thread David Kaufman
petersm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 sub _GetCookie
 my ($self, $cgi) = @_;

that's an interesting construct.  does it work?

i get the cgi request object from CGI::Application instance, like this:

sub _GetCookie {
  my $self = shift;
  my $cgi = $self-query;

this has always worked for me, in both exec-cgi, and mod_perl
environments.  you might want to try it this way, and see that helps
you.  the rest of your code looks fine to me.


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Re: [cgiapp] Weird Error with CGI::App and HTML::Template

2003-06-06 Thread David Kaufman
Lance A. Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote...

 OK.  I don't think I'm doing anything too crazy with these modules,
 but I keep running into problems with this error:

 [Thu Jun  5 17:59:49 2003] [error] [Thu Jun  5 17:59:49 2003] null:
 Error executing run mode 'main': HTML::Template : Attempt to set
 nonexistent parameter '/div' - this parameter name doesn't match any
 declarations in the template file : (die_on_bad_params = 1) at line 84

 Now, I don't have a '/div' parameter anywhere in my code.
 HTML::Template 2.6

i've run into that error lots of times too.  but in every case it turned out
to be because i was passing some oddly contrived data structure to the
$template's param() function that wasn't doing what i thought it would do.

 Can anyone offer assistance?

maybe.  can you post a bit of the relevent code from the general vicinity of
line 84?


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Re: [cgiapp] Passing data between run modes?

2002-11-01 Thread David Kaufman
 ...I want to pass some data between run modes to maintain state...
 [but] the main browser page has
 links to several function pages, so I don't have any FORM tags on
 the page at all, just links to specific run modes.

 ... do you just use links like: app.cgi?rm=tool1var=value

i do.  i do that a lot, in fact.  tho it's not pretty, i'll admit.

one other approach is to add an entire hidden form (or even several
named forms) somewhere on the page which has nothing but hidden inputs
(no submit button or anything), and use a javascript function called
from the link to populate the hidden fields in the appropriate form
and submit it, (which could even have a POST method).  this keeps all
the parameter setting logic in the javascript function, frinstance:

function PostMyHiddenForm(foo_param) {;
form name=MyHiddenForm method=POST
  input type=hidden name=foo
  input type=hidden name=bar value=hardcoded

a href=javascript:PostMyHiddenForm('tmpl_var name=this_one')
  Post This One/a

of course, this only works if you're not allergic to client-side
javascript as an application requirement.  it has the added advantage
over links that, sometimes you actually so *want* to cause a POST
request from a link, when you want the user to get the are you sure you
want to re-submit? prompt if they hit reload on the resulting page...
like when the request was to create a directory, for instance :-)



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Re: [cgiapp] Forms processing

2002-09-27 Thread David Kaufman

 ... Thanks for taking the time David.

you're quite welcome!  did it compile? :-)

 If there is an FAQ being maintained on CGI::Application, I think
 David's response belongs in it.

why, thank you.  but alas, another question that ought to be in the FAQ

Q: where's the FAQ
A: what FAQ?



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