---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Veljko Pejovic <veljkovel...@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 12:32 AM
To: g...@irtf.org

ACM DEV 2015
6th Symposium on Computing for Development
November 30 - December 2, 2015
London, United Kingdom

Important Dates:

Poster abstracts due: September 30, 2015 (11:59pm UTC) - firm deadline
Author notification: October 10, 2015
Camera-ready: October 17, 2015
Conference: November 30 - December 2, 2015

DEV 2015 provides an international forum for research in the design,
implementation, and evaluation of information and communication
technologies (ICTs) for social and economic development. In
particular, we focus on contexts where conventional computing
solutions are often inappropriate due to various contextual factors -
including, but not limited to: cost, language, literacy, and the
availability of power and bandwidth.

The poster deadline for DEV 2015 is September 30th. Posters must not
exceed 2 pages and all submissions must be in ACM format, submitted as
a PDF. Submissions should be fully anonymised; In particular, the
names or affiliations of authors should not be included so as to allow
for blind review. Posters should be submitted via the submission site.
Posters should describe original and previously unpublished research,
innovative experiments, and work in progress. All DEV poster
submissions should either provide or directly motivate a novel
technical solution that has direct implications for development.

The topic of ICT for development is inherently multidisciplinary, and
encompasses a broad array of fields within the computer science
discipline.  The ACM DEV conference is an opportunity for researchers
across these diverse fields of computer science to come together to
work on the common problem of improving access to and availability of
information and communication technology solutions.  In an effort to
encourage participation of researchers across the relevant domains,
this year the conference focuses on research at the interface of
computer science and development related to (but not limited to) the
following non-exclusive focus areas:

Systems, including:
- Low-cost connectivity and computing devices
- Network solutions for poorly connected regions, including white space
- Power-efficient systems
- Mobile systems and applications
- Special-purpose systems, e.g., sensors, wireless, IVR
- Systems challenges and opportunities in development, e.g., security,
sustainability, resilience
- Cellular phone systems and applications
- Novel tools and applications for development
- Measurements of existing technology in developing regions (e.g.
network deployments)

HCI, including:
- User interfaces for low-literacy populations
- Multi-lingual computing
- User interfaces for low-cost devices
- Participatory methods and user-centered design
- Accessibility to disabled populations in developing regions
- Design and evaluation of applications in health, microfinance,
education, agriculture, entertainment, social media
- Adapting content and applications to local languages and education levels
- Understanding social relationships and information flows in
disadvantaged societies

Data Science, including:
- Computational sustainability
- Computational social science
- Econometric models and developmental economics
- Data science for social good
- Machine learning techniques for large-scale data analysis in
development contexts
- Speech interfaces and translation for low-resource languages
- Computer vision challenges and opportunities in development
- Understanding social networks and digital media in developing regions

In addition, we welcome posters outside of the above topics that
address the DEV focus on computing innovations supporting social and
economic development.

The accepted posters will be published in the companion conference
proceedings. The poster should be submitted using the submission
website at http://posters.acmdev.org

Poster chair:

Veljko Pejovic, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, email:

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