>>>>> Yi DAI <plm....@gmail.com> writes:

 > Hi, On a recent consideration of the design of Scheme, a question
 > comes to my mind: Why do we have both list and dotted-list, given
 > that the former is just a special case (terminated by nil) of the
 > latter? Can we simply live with the latter? I see it is fairly easy
 > to write common list procedures, like `length', `map', `append' etc
 > that could handle dotted-list very well, with the predicate
 > `pair?'. Is there some special consideration for the 'terminating a
 > list by nil' convention? (I see one maybe from the recursive data
 > structure view, but it does not convince me.)

        That's simple: we'd just check what one could do with these
        dotted-lists alone.

        Suppose, e. g., that one wants to put some tiny integers into a
        dotted-list; so one does:

  (cons 1 2)
    => (1 . 2)

        Does it work?  Quite so.  Let's move on to something harder.
        What if one wants a two-element dotted-list, whose first element
        is, in turn, a dotted-list?  One then may:

  (cons (cons 1 2) 3)
    => ((1 . 2) . 3)

        Looks like a viable solution: the inner dotted-list is clearly
        separated from the outer.  But what if we've to do it the other
        way around: can we construct a two-element dotted-list whose
        /second/ elements is a dotted list?  Let's see...

  (cons 1 (cons 2 3))
    => (1 2 . 3)

        Unfortunately, we can't distinguish a two element dotted list,
        whose second element is, in turn, a dotted list, from a three
        (or more) element dotted list.

 > If 'terminating a list by nil' is considered good, can we live
 > without `dot', having `cons' build a true list (conforming to the
 > definition of list in recursive data structure)? In other words, is
 > it a good idea to have everything be a list or dotted-list?

        We can't spare CONS for LIST, either, as it makes impossible to
        build lists step by step.  There's a fundamental difference in
        these constructs:

  (cons 1 LST)                  ; make a list by prepending 1 to LST;
  (list 1 LST)                  ; make a list by encasing 1 /and/ LST.

        So, if LST is, e. g., (2 3 4), a three-element list, then:

  (cons 1 LST)
    => (1 2 3 4)                ; a four-element list;


  (list 1 LST)
    => (1 (2 3 4))              ; a two-element list.

        Of course, one may point that (append (list ELT) LST) is
        essentially the same as (cons ELT LST), but it's just a
        consequence of APPEND being implemented /in terms of/ CONS.

        Then, the only question is whether one wants to have a simple
        operation, and to use it to define a more complex one, or to
        have the more complex one from the beginning.

        The spirit of Scheme, AIUI, is to do the former.

FSF associate member #7257

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