[cia-drugs] What do you think about this?

2007-11-10 Thread E Bryant Holman
Alex Bennett -

Check out this item:

After an exhaustive scientific study the National Institute for Standards and 
Technology admitted that the total free-fall collapse of the twin towers cannot 
be explained. In a recent letter to 9/11 victim's family representatives Bill 
Doyle and Bob McIlvaine, the NIST stated, We are unable to provide a full 
explanation of the total collapse. A 10,000 page scientific study only offers 
theories as to how the collapse initiation proceeded and fails to address how 
it was possible for part of a World Trade Center structure to fall through the 
path of most resistance at freefall speed, violating the laws of physics.


The government may not have the answers here, but whatever they make up, we 
know that you and Bill O'Reilly will back it 100% and lampoon anyone who 
doesn't agree with the two of you.

You keep asking your guests if they are scientists (strawmanning them, Bill 
O'Reilly style). Here are some scientists, if you really mean business about 
wondering what they might actually have to say: http://www.physics911.net/

Bryant in Texas

Aspartame Victims Support Group is the largest and oldest such group of its 
kind in the world, at http://presidiotex.com/aspartame 

[cia-drugs] Steel Ignores Jet Fuel

2007-11-10 Thread E Bryant Holman
Steel Ignores Jet Fuel
by Edward Mitchell

I am not a scientist, nor a physicist, nor structural engineer. I am a 
Boilermaker, Shipbuilder, and Blacksmith Forger. Union. Now a contractor on 
military facilities. I build steel storage tanks for jet fuel. A few years ago, 
a typhoon blew through, and I got to watch a Mobil AST, with 1,000,000 gallons 
of diesel in it, get hit with lightning. The grounding failed, and the million 
gallons blew up. 

Well, for a diesel fire that is. It didn't blow up. It simply caught fire, 
burned itself out after 4 days, blackened the steel. Catch that? One million 
gallons of diesel fuel, burned for 4 days, and didn't melt a thing. 

The tank, 1/4?-thick steel, never melted. 

Yet the 47 HUGE box-section core columns, the main structural supports of the 
WTC towers, are said to have melted? 

Stop, I'll wet my britches laughing. 

I've melted, welded, forged, bent, twisted, repaired, sheared, punched, formed, 
plated, blasted and coated just about every metal you see used commonly in 
industry and construction, for over 32 years. I've welded many a steel I-beam: 
purlin clips, joining plates, you name it. 

Do you recall the explosion you see after the second plane hits the tower? What 
caused that? 

It was the JP-8 [jet fuel] contained in the aircraft's tanks.

Did you see that huge fireball? What was that? 

It was the kerosene (JP-8 is nothing more than refined kerosene, the same stuff 
you use in your camping stove).

It burned OUTSIDE the towers!

How could this fuel then have reconstituted itself after exploding, and put 
itself back inside the building?

And then? 

It ran down 90 floors to melt the un-insulated I-beams? What? Shook the 
insulation off by jet impact? Are you kidding me? When the jet hit, it did not 
even knock folks down in the building below it! What nonsense! 

Because I KNOW the dimensions of a 14,000 gallon fuel tank. It's about 
11'x11'x11' - About the size on one of the many small offices on the floor that 
got hit. That's all. The size of one little office the size of a 11-foot-cube.

Let's look at this another way: The volume of each of the towers was roughly 50 

The volume of the fuel was a relatively insignificant 1,300 cubic feet, about 
0.003 percent!

Yet, you would have me believe NOT my own eyes, that see an explosion of huge 
proportions caused by the impact of the jet plane, but rather a tale that says 
exploded fuel turned back into liquid form, and less than 14,000 gallons, a 
ridiculously small amount of fuel, ran 90 stories down the stairways (the 
stairwells the firefighters used to come up to see small fires) and caused 
the beams to melt because the impact knocked off the insulation. 

I have only one reply to that: What about WTC 7. Not hit. there goes THAT 

Steel at higher temperatures may bend, but it NEVER melts or turns to dust. 
Never. No, not ever. 

Say, how about this for an argument: From now on, Controlled Demolition, Inc. 
never needs to use sophisticated computer analysis on where to place the 
explosives, amounts, sequences.oh no. We can simply pour 10,000 gallons of 
diesel fuel in the basement, stand back, and watch a PERFECTLY SIMULATED 
controlled demolition. Right?

Aspartame Victims Support Group is the largest and oldest such group of its 
kind in the world, at http://presidiotex.com/aspartame 

[cia-drugs] Bhutto's aid asks Crawford Texas Peace House to deliver request to Bush

2007-11-09 Thread E Bryant Holman
Press Release

For Immediate Release
November 9, 2007
Contacts: Hadi Jawad 214-392-2939 or Johnny Wolf  469-879-2227

Bhutto's aid asks Crawford Texas Peace House to deliver request to Bush
Pakistani-Americans say Pakistan's crisis result of bad US foreign policy

Crawford, Texas -- Former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, through one 
of her aids, has asked The Crawford Texas Peace House to deliver a request to 
President George Bush to demand that Musharraf restore the Constitution, lift 
the emergency rule and hold elections as scheduled, said Hadi Jawad, a founder 
of the Peace House in Crawford. ABC Australia news reported late Thursday night 
that it appears Bhutto is now under house arrest.

Musharraf, who President Bush calls his friend, has received billions of 
dollars worth of arms and military training for his security forces in the past 
several years from the United States. Some of those arms, that include F-16 
fighter jets, tens of thousands of parts for the M-113 armored personnel 
carrier, rifles, pistols, and revolvers are now being used by Musharraf's army 
against peaceful demonstrators including lawyers, judges and supreme court 
justices, reported Ali Gharib in the Inter Press Service.

With an additional, nearly $1.5 billion US military aid package proposed for 
Pakistan in 2008, President Bush must use more than soft rhetoric against 
Musharraf's recent human rights violations.The strong reservations of the 
administration to take decisive steps to punish Musharraf and help end the 
crisis in Pakistan stand in stark contrast to its declared foreign policy 
principles in the so-called freedom agenda,said Gharib.

The current crisis in Pakistan is a direct result of bad US foreign policy and 
the misguided war on terrorism,said Syed Hassan, a Pakistani-American. 
Supporting dictatorships will not produce positive results.

Currently, Pakistan's constitution is in abeyance, Judges are detained, media 
is curbed, military chief is the ruler, political workers are in jails and all 
political institutions are in shambles, while US is perceived as the backer and 
supporter of the dictator,Hassan continued. This is a perfect storm against 
American interest in this region and certainly a big setback to war on 
terrorism. John Negroponte's statement in which he termed Musharraf as 
'indispensable' is deplorable.  We would urge the US administration to handle 
it in similar manner as we recently had with Myanmar, Hassan said.

Hassan will speak at a press conference on Saturday, November 10, in Crawford, 
Texas  at The Crawford Texas Peace House. Aftab Siddiqui, Vice President of 
Texas Muslim Democratic Caucus and a member of Texas Muslim Political Task 
Force  who recently founded  Pakistan Democracy Watch, will also speak. (See 
details below.)

President Bush has a special obligation to stand up to General Musharraf's 
actions, given that nations' dependence on aid and arms supplies from the US, 
said John Wolf, founder of the Crawford Texas Peace House. He strongly cautions 
President Bush from being inspired by Musharraf's actions. 

Press Conference: 2:30 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 10
Crawford Texas Peace House
9142 5th Street, Crawford Texas 
Phone: 254-486-0099
Aspartame Victims Support Group is the largest and oldest such group of its 
kind in the world, at http://presidiotex.com/aspartame 

[cia-drugs] Airport security murder woman and cover it up with ridiculous story

2007-10-02 Thread E Bryant Holman
(authored by Mike Adams)

Arguing with airport security officials is now apparently risky to your life. 
Carol Anne Gotbaum, a 45-year-old mother who was arrested at the Phoenix Sky 
Harbor International Airport after becoming irate over a missed flight, was 
later found dead in a law enforcement holding cell. The official story now 
appearing in the mainstream media -- for those people gullible enough to 
believe it -- is that the woman choked herself to death with her own handcuffs 
even though her hands were cuffed behind her back!

I've never actually seen anyone try to choke themselves to death with their own 
handcuffs, but I imagine it would be impossible to succeed at the effort. For 
one thing, even if you managed to grasp your own neck and choke off your blood 
supply until you lost consciousness, your arms would go limp and you'd no 
longer be able to continue choking yourself. Blood flow would be restored and 
you'd regain consciousness in a few seconds.

Read more at http://www.newstarget.com/022083.html

Aspartame Victims Support Group is the largest and oldest such group of its 
kind in the world, at http://presidiotex.com/aspartame 

[cia-drugs] Jane's - Israel armed Myamar regime

2007-09-30 Thread E Bryant Holman
Jane's Intelligence Review
March 1, 2000

Myanmar and Israel develop military pact

By William Ashton

Although allegations of a secret military partnership between Myanmar and 
Israel continue to be denied
by both sides, reports suggest that Israel is aiding Myanmar's military 
modernisation.William Ashton
examines the commercial and strategic links between the two countries.


EVER SINCE the Myanmar armed forces (or Tatmadaw) formed the State
Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) in 1988, and took back
direct control of the country, there have been persistent rumours
throughout the Asia-Pacific region attesting to a secret military
partnership developing between Israel and Myanmar (Burma). Despite
repeated denials by Israeli officials in Yangon, Bangkok and
Singapore, reports continue to surface that Israel is closely
involved in the military regime's ambitious programme to expand and
modernise Myanmar's armed forces.

According to some of these reports, certain aspects of Israel's
current relationship with the Tatmadaw come close to assisting the
military regime (known since November 1997 as the State Peace and
Development Council -- SPDC) to retain its hold on power.

Military ties 1948-88

Myanmar's military ties with Israel are long-standing.

Israel was one of the few countries to which Myanmar turned for
assistance and advice after it regained its independence from the UK
in 1948. As a former British mandate, Israel shared a certain
identity with Myanmar. It had similar administrative procedures,
educational methods and public service organisation. The fledgling
government of Prime Minister U Nu related closely to Israel's
attempts to build up a modern state from diverse peoples, with
limited resources, surrounded by enemies, but united by a common
religion. Both governments had strong socialist and democratic
ideals. (At the Asian Socialist Conference held in Yangon in 1953,
Myanmar and Israel were the only two countries in Asia in which a
Socialist Party was in power.) Also attractive to Yangon was Tel
Aviv's 'non-aligned' status in world affairs. For its part, Israel,
threatened on all sides by Arab countries, was anxious to find
allies who could provide diplomatic support in international forums
like the UN.

Close bilateral ties had developed by the mid-1950s. While Myanmar
was keen to obtain Israeli advice and technical assistance in areas
like agriculture and construction, its initial interest centred on
Israel's armed forces.

In 1954 a military mission from Myanmar visited Israel to study the
most suitable structure for a national defence force that utilised
reserve forces. In particular, the delegation looked at Israel's
national service scheme, with a view to its introduction into
Myanmar. That did not occur but, during a visit to Israel the
following year, Prime Minister U Nu took a great interest in the
kibbutz system of self-defended frontier settlements. Four villages
modelled on this system were later built in the Shan State, west of
the Salween River, about 200km from the sensitive Chinese border.
The Pyu Saw Hti town and village defence scheme (introduced in 1955)
also borrowed several features from the defence of collective
settlements in Israel. This scheme later evolved into the People's
Militia. Myanmar copied the structure of the Israeli women's
auxiliary force, and the Defence Services Institute, an independent
commercial organisation run by the Tatmadaw to supplement the
official defence budget, established a number of joint projects in
Myanmar with Israeli construction and housing companies.

Other military links between the two countries were more direct.
During the mid-1950s, for example, Israel sold Myanmar 30 second-
hand Supermarine Spitfire fighters with related equipment, machine
gun ammunition, bombs, rockets and spare engine parts. Israel's Air
Force also trained (in Israel) six Myanmar Air Force pilots in the
operation of these aircraft and sent a technical team to Myanmar to
show Myanmar Air Force mechanics how to maintain them. Israel also
sent officers and materiel to Myanmar to help modernise the Myanmar
Army. It is believed that some of the training courses provided by
Israel covered aspects of military intelligence. So close was the
relationship that, in 1958, Israeli Chief of Staff of the Defence
Forces Major General Moshe Dayan and Director General of the Defence
Ministry Shimon Peres visited Myanmar. The following year General Ne
Win paid an official visit to Israel, both as prime minister of
Myanmar's 'caretaker' government and as chief of the country's
defence forces.

Despite these contacts, bilateral ties declined significantly under
the Revolutionary Government which seized power in Yangon in 1962.
They further diminished after 1974, as Ne Win's ostensibly civilian
Burma Socialist Programme Party government continued to shun most
contacts with the outside world. Because of its earlier defence
assistance, however, Israel enjoyed 

[cia-drugs] Arms flowing into Mexico from US leads to waves of killings

2007-08-23 Thread E Bryant Holman
Flow of U.S. arms alarms Mexico 
Drug gangs use powerful guns to kill cops, soldiers 
The Associated Press 
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 08.16.2007
advertisementMEXICO CITY - Authorities are sounding the alarm about an influx 
of assault rifles, armor-piercing pistols and fragmentation grenades from the 
United States - weapons they say are increasingly being used to kill police and 
soldiers fighting drug cartels. 
U.S. and Mexican law-enforcement officials report a sharp increase in both the 
flow and the firepower of U.S. weapons crossing the border. Particularly 
worrisome are assault rifles and cop killer pistols. 
Mexico has strict firearms laws, few gun stores and a mere 4,300 private 
licensed gun holders among its 105 million people. The United States, with 
nearly as many guns as people, has more than 100,000 licensed gun sellers, an 
industry that makes about 2.8 million small arms a year, and gun laws so loose 
that arms traffickers easily pick up any weapons they need. 
Despite Mexico's gun-control laws, criminals have long smuggled guns in from 
the United States. 
The problem is getting bigger because the illegal possession of arms, and 
their clandestine introduction to our country, combines with narcotics 
trafficking, said a June government report to Mexico's Senate. 
It said 99.4 percent of the weapons in the hands of Mexican criminals are 
suspected of coming from the United States. 
At least 11,752 U.S.-sold guns have been found in Mexico since January 2003 - a 
tiny fraction of what remains on the streets, according to the report. 
It did not give figures for previous years. But one indicator of a new gun glut 
is the fact that hit men drop their guns at crime scenes rather than be caught 
with them afterward, knowing they are easily replaced, a senior U.S. 
law-enforcement official in Mexico said on condition of anonymity for security 
Particularly worrisome are U.S. sales of Belgian-made FN-57 pistols. These fire 
bullets that will defeat most body armor in military service around the world 
today, according to the Remtek weapons Web site. They sell for $800 to $1,000 
each at dozens of gun stores within a day's drive of the border. 
The weapons were unheard of in Mexico until they were used to kill at least a 
half-dozen police officers this year. Among them were Mexico City policemen 
Felix Perez and Jose Rodriguez, slain in May when a car full of suspected 
mobsters fired FN-57s whose bullets sliced right through the officers' body 
In all, about 100 Mexican officers have been killed since President Felipe 
Calderón launched an ambitious nationwide crackdown on the drug trade this 
U.S. laws allow citizens to have guns that are authentically warlike, 
Attorney General Eduardo Medina Mora complained at a recent news conference. 
We have to find a more effective way of stopping these arms from flowing into 
the country and giving these gangs such significant firepower. 
The U.S. Congress so far has resisted these calls.
. On Wednesday, 20 gunmen attacked a house in Cananea, triggering a shootout 
that left two people dead, said a spokesman for the Sonoran city, which is 
about 30 miles south of the U.S. border. Thirteen people have been detained by 
police. One suspected assailant was found dead. 
Sonora Gov. Eduardo Bours said human-smuggling organizations, or polleros, and 
not drug-smuggling gangs, or narco-traficantes, were involved, according to El 
Imparcial newspaper. (See story in Tucson  Region section) 
. On May 16, a group of about 50 armed men drove into Cananea and killed five 
policemen and two residents. 
The assailants then fled to the hills, pursued by police and soldiers, and 24 
assailants were killed in the ensuing gunbattles, according to government 
Arizona Daily Star http://www.azstarnet.com/sn/85635/196604.php
Aspartame Victims Support Group is the largest and oldest such group of its 
kind in the world, at http://presidiotex.com/aspartame 

[cia-drugs] Digna Ochoa and Eloy Vallina

2007-07-31 Thread E Bryant Holman
Link between the developers of the project to destroy the Segundo Barrio in El 
Paso and the murder of Digna Ochoa:

The Carlos Vigueras article in Indymedia Mexico makes it clear that the main 
protagonist in the investment package which is being added to the mass of funds 
which will be used in the building of a ritzy shopping district on the 
slated-to-be-bulldozed historic Segundo Barrio in El Paso, Eloy Vallina, was 
involved up to his gills in the destruction of the forests of the Sierra 
Tarahumara through illegal logging. In this article, it is pointed out that the 
famous Mexican human rights lawyer, Digna Ochoa, was assassinated during the 
height of her defence of the Tarahumara Indian activists who had been illegally 
tortured and jailed for resisting these narco/oligarchs:


Tarahumara Community Activists Jailed: Another Montiel-Cabrera Embarrassment 
for Mexico?
by Greg Bloom, FNS Editor 

My community has always been called Coloradas de la Virgen, Isidro Baldenegro 
told Frontera NorteSur in a March 5, 2003 interview. A Tarahumara activist 
fighting for the survival of his community and its virgin pine forests, 
Baldenegro was in Chihuahua City to visit his brother Trinidad Baldenegro and 
another man, Gabriel Palma López, that were in a prison in the state capitol. 
According to Baldenegro, the two men were jailed on bogus charges of weapons 

Despite his brother's imprisonment days away from their mountain community, 
Baldenegro was calm and even-toned in discussing Trinidad's situation. 
According to Randall Gingrich of the Sierra Madre Alliance, this has always 
been one of Baldenegro's traits. Gingrich says that Baldenegro has the noble 
characteristics that are required of great indigenous leaders, characteristics 
that have left international forums speechless after hearing him speak about 
his life and community. 

While some indigenous people in the Sierra Tarahumara/Copper Canyon region have 
been reduced to alcohol dependency by their poverty and the events of their 
lives, Baldenegro has persisted and grown as an activist despite having lived 
through the assassination of his father, Julio Baldenegro, and the murders of 
35 other Tarahumara between 1986 and 1994. Baldenegro's father was also a 
community and forest activist when he died in 1984 after being shot by a 
high-power rifle allegedly fired by a contract killer working for a local, 
well-known narco-logging family. Other Tarahumara in the area were killed for 
doing the same sort of organizing against illegal forest cutting. 

Another Montiel-Cabrera Embarrassment for Mexico?

Now, in a situation reminiscent of the high-profile case against indigenous 
activists Rodolfo Montiel and Teodoro Cabrera, Isidro Baldenegro and another 
man, Hermenegildo Rivas Carrillo, were arrested on March 29, 2003 for the 
possession of illegal weapons. According to Gingrich, Baldenegro is innocent of 
the charges and Isidro and three others sit in jail, fearing for their lives, 
in disbelief that the government wants to imprison them for twelve years or 
more while the people who spread terror through indigenous communities are 

In a summation of the Montiel-Cabrera case, the Lawyer's Committee for Human 
Rights (LCHR) wrote that in May 1999 Montiel and Cabrera were pursued and 
detained by a convoy of soldiers who had burst into their community in the 
Mexican state of Guerrero. Targeted by local authorities because they opposed 
wildcat logging, they were held and tortured over several days until they 
'confessed' to marijuana cultivation and illegal arms possession. Despite clear 
evidence that the men were forced to confess and that remaining evidence was 
planted, they were convicted of narcotics and weapons charges and sentenced to 
prison where they remained for over two years in spite of court appeals and 
other legal interventions. They were kept in jail even after Mexico's own 
official human rights commission found over a year ago that soldiers illegally 
detained and tortured them, and planted evidence.

Montiel and Cabrera were finally released in November 2001 just days after 
their high-profile lawyer, Digna Ochoa, was found dead in her office. One 
particular conclusion that the LCHR reached was that Montiel and Cabrera's 
case illustrates how Mexican criminal justice can be used to put a façade of 
legality on injustices against persons targeted by authorities for political or 
other illegitimate reasons. Sadly, many others remain in Mexico's prisons under 
similar circumstances. Having taken an important step in releasing the 
environmentalists, President Fox should now turn his attention to examining and 
resolving other outstanding cases, ensuring those responsible for misdeeds in 
these cases are prosecuted, and taking urgent measures to reform Mexican 

[cia-drugs] Re: [zapatista email group] Military Analyst: West Needs More Terror To Save Doomed Foreign Policy

2007-07-10 Thread E Bryant Holman
Jones really messed up this time. It is time that the 911 truth movement 
disassociate itself with him as much as possible. He has outlived his 
usefulness and is becoming a big embarrassment to everyone.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Vigilius Haufniensis 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 4:25 PM
  Subject: [zapatista email group] Military Analyst: West Needs More Terror To 
Save Doomed Foreign Policy

  - Original Message - 
  From: Paul Joseph Watson 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 12:58 PM
  Subject: [infowarsnews] Military Analyst: West Needs More Terror To Save 
Doomed Foreign Policy

  Military Analyst: West Needs More Terror To Save Doomed Foreign Policy
  Only attacks on scale of 9/11, 7/7 can save bolster resolve according to war 
studies head

  Paul Joseph Watson
  Prison Planet
  Tuesday, July 10, 2007

  The West needs more terror attacks on the scale of 9/11 and 7/7 in order to 
save a failing foreign policy, according to Lt.-Col. Doug Delaney, chair of the 
war studies program at the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario. 



  Prison Planet.tv: The Premier Multimedia Subscription Package: Download and 
Share the Truth!


  No virus found in this incoming message.
  Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
  Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.10.2/893 - Release Date: 7/9/2007 5:22 

  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[cia-drugs] Homeland Security raids Voz de Aztlan

2007-07-06 Thread E Bryant Holman
If anyone belongs to the activist list, would they please forward this there 
for me because the list owner banned me from the group.


- Original Message - 
To: E Bryant Holman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 11:18 PM
Subject: URGENT: La Voz de Aztlan Legal Defense Fund

 RE: La Voz de Aztlan Legal Defense Fund


 Our news and information service is in danger of being shut down and 
 permanently silenced. It is difficult to believe that this could occur in 
 the land of the First Amendment but unfortunately for certain people here 
 in America Freedom of the Press is rapidly becoming only a myth. Our 
 readership worldwide is aware of the unwarranted raid of our office by 4 
 Special Agents of Homeland Security on December 24, 2006 in which the hard 
 disk of our computer was copied. This was just one example of how our 1st 
 Amendment Right to freedom of expression has been chilled.

 Today, those who want to destroy La Voz de Aztlan are abusing the judicial 
 system to accomplish their goal. We are sending an urgent call to our 
 friends around the globe to help our news and information service survive. 
 We need you to donate any amount to La Voz de Aztlan Legal Defense Fund. 
 For detailed information on what we are facing please send your inquiries 

 Donations should be sent to:

 Project Amigos
 10820 Beverly Blvd. Suite A5
 Whittier, CA 90601-2570

 Checks should be made payable to
 La Voz de Aztlan


 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 La Voz de Aztlan
 Website http:/www.aztlan.net


[cia-drugs] The US is the Worst Place in the World to Get Cancer Treatment...

2007-07-06 Thread E Bryant Holman
The US is the Worst Place in the World to Get Cancer Treatment...

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 
Monday, May 21st, 2007

Everyone in the know knows that if they, or a loved one, gets diagnosed with 
Cancer, that it's time to get their Passport out of the safety deposit box, and 
start checking with those who keep track, to find out just exactly where to go, 
right now, for the best Cancer cure.  For, if you stay in the US, and take the 
conventional variety of Cancer treatment, your chances of survival are slim to 

The conventional US Cancer community is a murderous rip-off that generates 
shiploads of money.  It provides the most horrible death imaginable, with the 
most suffering, the least hope, and the highest price paid.  Europe, Asia, 
Mexico, the Islands, Central America all offer solutions that work.  

In most of the US, all that's available of any real use is underground, 
provided by practitioners under constant threat of law enforcement raid, for 
plying those things that work.  

California, where I live, actually has a law making it illegal to treat Cancer 
with anything but chemotherapy, radiation or surgery.  That's why there are so 
many excellent clinics just across the border in Mexico.  It's only an 
hour-and-a-half drive from anywhere in the Los Angeles/ San Bernadino/Orange 
County metropolitan complex.  And, just a few minutes from San Diego.

The United States has a health care system that has, literally, failed the 
American public, to the point where it is pulling down the US economy.  The 
system did so with absolute intent, focusing on draining the last dollar out of 
Americans desperate for real health care.  It is a system that has, 
methodically, over time, come to represent the largest problem Americans have 
ever faced.  Larger than World War II.  Larger than the war on terror.  Larger 
than global warming.  Larger than the cost of oil.

Health care in America is not based on the idea How can we help you get 
better?  It is based on How much money is available to us from your 
insurance, your co-pay, and your net worth?  The very first thing that happens 
when you go to a conventional health care practitioner is for you to hand them 
your insurance card.  They then call your insurer and get the information on 
the limits of your policy.  At that moment your fate, as a patient, has been 
sealed.  Frankly, if you are diagnosed with Cancer, or some other major 
disease, you're on the slippery slope.  You, and/or yours, are going to die 
horribly.  And, there's going to be nothing left of your net worth.  

More than half of all personal US bankruptcies are over health care issues - 
and almost all of those people thought insurance would cover them.  It didn't - 
and it won't cover you, either.

The top three killers of Americans are the US health care system - period.  The 
system is designed that way.  The Death by Medicine study showed us, in 2001, 
that: It is evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of 
death and injury in the United States. The total number of iatrogenic deaths 
shown ... is 783,936. The 2001 heart disease annual death rate is 699,697; the 
annual cancer death rate, 553,251.  In other words, 2,036,884 Americans die 
each year, unnecessarily, in our health care system.  And no one running the 
system cares.  No one.  

They only care that the dollars keep flowing.

The System is designed to stop innovation in Health Care...

Virtually every health care leader that offered solutions to the system has 
been attacked over the last fifty years.  Many have ended up in prison.  Most 
have been impoverished for their efforts, and have had their reputations 
ruined.  The system is a cruel master, and it controls the regulatory system 
that is supposed to regulate it, twisting those regulatory bodies to get rid of 
those that want change.  There is no argument against this.  It happens every 

The system is so bad that even conventional media is beginning to notice, and 
write about it.  Below is an excerpt form a recent Reuters release:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Americans get the poorest health care and yet pay the 
most compared to five other rich countries, according to a report released on 

Germany, Britain, Australia and Canada all provide better care for less money, 
the Commonwealth Fund report found.

The U.S. health care system ranks last compared with five other nations on 
measures of quality, access, efficiency, equity, and outcomes, the non-profit 
group which studies health care issues said in a statement.

The American Public has had enough.  Change is in the air.  Radical change.  
Health care is the biggest issue in the US right now - far more important than 

So, what else is happening?

US Television News is a wasteland, designed, I think, to keep the American 
Public unaware of what's really going on in the world.  

[cia-drugs] undocumenteds contribute more in taxes than they cost in social services

2007-05-13 Thread E Bryant Holman
Taxing Undocumented Immigrants: 
Separate, Unequal and Without Representation 
Professor Francine J. Lipman
School of Law
Chapman University 
Also published in Tax Lawyer (Spring 2006) and Harvard Latino Law Review 
(Spring 2006) 

Americans believe that undocumented immigrants are exploiting the United 
States' economy. The widespread belief is that illegal aliens cost more in 
government services than they contribute to the economy. This belief is 
undeniably false. [E]very empirical study of illegals' economic impact 
demonstrates the opposite . . .: undocumenteds actually contribute more to 
public coffers in taxes than they cost in social services. Moreover, 
undocumented immigrants contribute to the U.S. economy through their 
investments and consumption of goods and services; filling of millions of 
essential worker positions resulting in subsidiary job creation, increased 
productivity and lower costs of goods and services; and unrequited 
contributions to Social Security, Medicare and unemployment insurance programs. 
Eighty-five percent of eminent economists surveyed have concluded that 
undocumented immigrants have had a positive (seventy-four percent) or neutral 
(eleven percent) impact on the U.S. economy. 

Undocumented immigrants, like all U.S. citizens and residents, are required to 
pay taxes. Despite the historic and strong American opposition to taxation 
without representation, undocumented immigrants (except in rare and unusual 
cases) have not enjoyed the right to vote on any local, state or federal tax or 
other matter for almost eighty years. Nevertheless, each year undocumented 
immigrants add billions of dollars in sales, excise, property, income and 
payroll taxes, including Social Security, Medicare and unemployment taxes, to 
federal, state and local coffers. Hundreds of thousands of undocumented 
immigrants go out of their way to file annual federal and state income tax 

Yet undocumented immigrants are barred from almost all government benefits, 
including food stamps, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Medicaid, 
federal housing programs, Supplemental Security Income, Unemployment Insurance, 
Social Security, Medicare, and the earned income tax credit (EITC). Generally, 
the only benefits federally required for undocumented immigrants are emergency 
medical care, subject to financial and category eligibility, and elementary and 
secondary public education. Many undocumented immigrants will not even access 
these few critical government services because of their ever-present fear of 
government officials and deportation. 

Undocumented immigrants living in the United States are subject to the same 
income tax laws as documented immigrants and U.S. citizens. However, because of 
their status most unauthorized workers pay a higher effective tax rate than 
similarly situated documented or U.S. citizens. Yet, these workers and their 
families use fewer government services than similarly situated documented 
immigrants or U.S. citizens. Moreover, unauthorized workers have been denied 
remedies by the U.S. Supreme Court under the National Labor Relations Act and 
may be challenged to receive protection under wage and hour, 
anti-discrimination and workers' compensation laws. As a result, undocumented 
immigrants provide a fiscal windfall and may be the most fiscally beneficial of 
all immigrants. 

Despite their net positive contribution to public coffers, hundreds of 
thousands of immigrants enter the U.S. each year without documents because of 
impracticable quota and labor certification requirements. These immigration 
restrictions combined with the additional tax or tariff on undocumented 
immigrants are inconsistent with economically efficient immigration policy. 
Moreover, the high effective tax rate imposed on the poorest undocumented 
working families relative to their less unfortunate friends and neighbors is 
inconsistent with fundamental tax policy. 

My recently published article describes and analyzes the separate, unequal and 
unrepresented federal taxation of undocumented immigrants. You may access this 
article in full for free at http://ssrn.com/abstract=881584 as well as a 
companion piece titled Bearing Witness to Economic Injustices of Undocumented 
Immigrant Families: A New Class of 'Undeserving' Working Poor (Nevada Law 
Journal, Spring 2007) at http://ssrn.com/abstract=951567 . 

Francine J. Lipman is a Professor of Law at Chapman University in Orange, 
California. She is the recipient of numerous awards for excellence in 
scholarship, teaching and research. Professor Lipman graduated from N.Y.U. 
School of Law with an LL.M. in Taxation and from U.C. Davis with a J.D. 

[cia-drugs] Center Urges CNN to Retract False Reporting by Lou Dobbs

2007-05-13 Thread E Bryant Holman
Center Urges CNN to Retract False 
Reporting by Lou Dobbs
'Advocacy Journalist' cites bogus data linking leprosy to undocumented 


  Letter to CNN http://www.splcenter.org/images/dynamic/main/dobbsnew.pdf

  Immigration: Getting the Facts Straight 

May 9, 2007 - The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) today urged CNN to 
acknowledge that anchor Lou Dobbs has been spreading false information about 
the prevalence of leprosy and its supposed links to undocumented immigrants.

We're not talking about a newscaster who simply made a mistake - we're talking 
about someone with a national platform who cites wildly inaccurate data to 
demean an entire group of people and who, when confronted with the truth, 
simply repeats the lie, said SPLC President Richard Cohen. It's outrageous, 
and CNN should do something about it immediately.

In a letter sent today, Cohen asked CNN/U.S. President Jonathan Klein to take 
prompt action to correct the misinformation.

On Lou Dobbs Tonight this past Monday, Dobbs said he stands 100 percent 
behind his show's claim that there had been 7,000 new cases of leprosy in the 
United States over a recent three-year period, and he further suggested that an 
increase in leprosy was due in part to unscreened illegal immigrants coming 
into this country.

Dobbs' endorsement of the claim came after CBS correspondent Lesley Stahl 
challenged the leprosy figure during a profile of Dobbs on 60 Minutes this 
past Sunday. Stahl cited a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 
document that reported 7,029 cases over the past 30 years - not three. 

The dispute highlights the SPLC's concern that Dobbs and some others in the 
media are regularly using discredited and inaccurate information about 
immigrants - material that often originates with far-right ideologues and 
organizations dominated by white supremacists and nativists.

Dobbs and CNN reporter Christine Romans said they had gotten the information 
from the late Madeleine Cosman, who was described by Romans as a respected 
medical lawyer - but who, in fact, was a woman who repeatedly ranted about 
Latino men raping boys, girls and nuns.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the number of 
leprosy cases diagnosed in the United States peaked at 361 in 1985. The figure 
reported on Dobbs' show is easily refuted with just a few minutes of research 
on the Internet.

It is highly irresponsible of Mr. Dobbs to rely on disreputable sources while 
ignoring credible information that does not support his views, Cohen wrote in 
the letter. And given the current anti-immigrant climate, it is dangerous to 
present such false claims about a serious public health issue and demonize an 
entire group of people in the process.

In the 60 Minutes piece, Mark Potok, director of the SPLC's Intelligence 
Project, was quoted as criticizing Dobbs' characterization of undocumented 
immigrants. The SPLC also has challenged Dobbs for having extremists as guests, 
and giving them legitimacy, without fully disclosing their affiliations. 

On Dobbs' show Monday, during a conversation with Romans, Dobbs said: 
Following one of your reports, I told Lesley Stahl, we don't make up numbers, 
and I will tell everybody here again tonight, I stand 100 percent behind what 
you said. He later added, And the fact that it [the number of leprosy cases] 
rose was because - one assumes, because we don't know for sure - but two basic 
influences: unscreened illegal immigrants coming into this country primarily 
from South Asia, and secondly, far better reporting.

In addition to writing about the prevalence of leprosy, Cosman, who died in 
March 2006, told an anti-immigrant conference in 2005 that most Latino 
immigrant men molest girls under 12, although some specialize in boys, and 
some in nuns, a variation on a speech she has given elsewhere. The Winter 2005 
issue of the SPLC's quarterly magazine Intelligence Report also contained a 
profile of Cosman 
http://www.splcenter.org/intel/intelreport/article.jsp?pid=1257 , a lawyer who 
advised wealthy doctors on how to sell their medical practices and a member of 
the far-right Jews for the Preservation of Firearms. The piece pointed out that 
Cosman had lied about having a 1976 book she wrote nominated for the Pulitzer 
Prize and the National Book Award.

In the 60 Minutes piece, Dobbs told Stahl, Well, I can tell you this. If we 
report it, it's a fact.

How can you guarantee that to me? Stahl asked. 

Because I'm the managing editor, and that's the way we do business, Dobbs 
replied. We don't make up numbers, Lesley. Do we?

The Facts Behind the Leprosy Claim 
Madeleine Cosman's false claim that there were 7,000 cases of leprosy diagnosed 
in the United States from 2001 to 2004 was included in her article, Illegal 
Aliens and American Medicine. More than once, Lou Dobbs 

[cia-drugs] Michael Moore Responds to Treasury Secretary's Investigation Threat

2007-05-12 Thread E Bryant Holman
Michael Moore Responds to Treasury Secretary's Investigation Threat

By Michael Moore, AlterNet. Posted May 12, 2007.

Under investigation by the Bush administration for taking ill 9/11 clean up 
workers to Cuba for better treatment than they received in America, Moore 
answers, I have broken no laws and I have nothing to hide. 
Open Letter from Michael Moore to U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson

Secretary Henry Paulson

Department of the Treasury

Secretary Paulson,

I am contacting you in light of the document sent to me dated May 2, 2007, 
which was received May 7, 2007 indicating that an investigation has been opened 
up with regards to a trip I took to Cuba with a group of Americans that 
included some 9/11 heroes in March 2007 related to the filming of my next 
documentary, on the American Healthcare system. SiCKO, which will be seen in 
theaters this summer, will expose the health care industry's greed and control 
over America's political processes.

I believe that the decision to conduct this investigation represents the latest 
example of the Bush Administration abusing the federal government for raw, 
crass, political purposes. Over the last seven years of the Bush Presidency, we 
have seen the abuse of government to promote a political agenda designed to 
benefit the conservative base of the Republican Party, special interests and 
major financial contributors. From holding secret meetings for the energy 
industry to re-writing science findings to cooking the books on intelligence to 
the firing of U.S. Attorneys, this Administration has shown time and time again 
that it will abuse its power and authority.

There are a number of specific facts that have led me to conclude that politics 
could very well be driving this Bush Administration investigation of me and my 

First, the Bush Administration has been aware of this matter for months (since 
October 2006) and never took any action until less than two weeks before SiCKO 
is set to premiere at the Cannes Film Festival and a little more than a month 
before it is scheduled to open in the United States.

Second, the health care and insurance industry, which is exposed in the movie 
and has expressed concerns about the impact of the movie on their industries, 
is a major corporate underwriter of President George W. Bush and the Republican 
Party, having contributed over $13 million to the Bush presidential campaign in 
2004 and more than $180 million to Republican candidates over the last two 
campaign cycles.

It is well documented that the industry is very concerned about the impact of 
SiCKO. They have threatened their employees if they talk to me. They have set 
up special internal crises lines should I show up at their headquarters. 
Employees have been warned about the consequences of participating in SiCKO. 
Despite this, some employees, at great risk to themselves, have gone on camera 
to tell the American people the truth about the health care industry. I can 
understand why that industry's main recipient of its contributions -- President 
Bush -- would want to harass, intimidate and potentially prevent this film from 
having its widest possible audience.

And, third, this investigation is being opened in the wake of misleading 
attacks on the purpose of the Cuba trip from a possible leading Republican 
candidate for president, Fred Thompson, a major conservative newspaper, The New 
York Post, and various right wing blogs.

For five and a half years, the Bush administration has ignored and neglected 
the heroes of the 9/11 community. These heroic first responders have been left 
to fend for themselves, without coverage and without care. I understand why the 
Bush administration is coming after me -- I have tried to help the very people 
they refuse to help, but until George W. Bush outlaws helping your fellow man, 
I have broken no laws and I have nothing to hide.

I demand that the Bush Administration immediately end this investigation and 
spend its time and resources trying to support some of the real heroes of 9/11.


Michael Moore

[cia-drugs] Obama is a pro-Isreal hawk - so wake up, America

2007-05-12 Thread E Bryant Holman
My Lingering Doubts about Obama's Foreign Policy

By Bill Fletcher, Jr., The Black Commentator. Posted May 12, 2007.

From his uncritical stance of Israel's treatment of Palestinians to his 
statements about Iran, Barack Obama seems to be trying to prove his hawkish 

Senator Barack Obama has become a major celebrity, a truth that is now almost a 
cliché. His campaign has raised massive amounts of funding. He draws large and 
enthusiastic crowds when he appears. Often described as charismatic, he is more 
importantly smart and well spoken.

Yet before I jump into his campaign, I have a few questions that I first want 
to share with you and which I hope he will address in the not-too-distant 

There is a way in which I cannot tell who is the real Senator Obama. For one, 
he has not carved out -- at least as of this writing -- any cutting edge issues 
where he is taking the lead and defining the terrain. Second, and to some 
extent more troubling, he permits people to see and assume in him what they 
want to see and assume. I have said to many of my friends that this situation 
reminds me of an episode from the original Star Trek series where there was a 
creature that appears to the viewer the way the viewer would like to see it.

I am, to add to this, very uneasy about some of the Senator's foreign policy 
pronouncements, particularly with regard to the Middle East. To his credit, he 
opposed the Iraq invasion and had the courage to say so. Yet over the last 
year, he has displayed a peculiarly uncritical stance when it comes to Israel 
and has all-but-ignored the plight of the Palestinians. This past summer, when 
Israel launched its massive and deadly assault on Lebanon, the Senator was 
quite vocal in his support. He seemed to miss the Israeli use of illegal 
cluster bombs and the lies the Israelis offered for their unapologetic 
destruction of entire Lebanese civilian communities.

Further, the Senator seems to ignore the atrocious conditions being faced by 
the Palestinians who, after all, are occupied by the Israelis in violation of 
United Nations' resolutions. This occupation is worsening with the creation of 
what some people describe as the apartheid wall, and what I simply call the 
wall of death, that the Israelis are building as they carve out the land they 
wish to control in perpetuity.

Compounding this odd situation, the Senator seems to want to be a hawk when 
it comes to Iran, describing that country as a threat to Israel and the USA. 
Here again I remain perplexed. Iran does not have the military capability to 
hit the USA. There is absolutely no proof of Iran advancing military nuclear 
ambitions. It is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. 
Everything else is speculation. Israel, on the other hand, has not signed the 
treaty, possesses nuclear weapons but will not acknowledge that fact, and has 
assisted apartheid South Africa in developing weapons of mass destruction. 
India, to use another example, has not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation 
Treaty, has nuclear weapons, has those weapons pointed at Pakistan (which has 
its own weapons pointed at India), has fought several wars with Pakistan, and 
yet received nuclear support from President Bush and the US Congress. I cannot 
find any record of Senator Obama suggesting a tough stand against either of 
these countries, irrespective of his particular concerns with the Indian 
nuclear deal. Perhaps I did not Google long enough?

So, I think we need to understand the Senator's thinking. After having what 
many observers described as a friendly relationship with Arab Americans over 
the years, the Senator appears to have yelled, abandon ship and jumped into 
an anti-Palestinian and anti-Iranian lifeboat.

The uncritical support for Israel displayed by most US administrations since, 
at least, the June 1967 Arab/Israeli War has not only cost the USA global 
credibility but undermined most prospects for peace in the Middle East. The 
hope for many of us has been the rise of a Presidential candidate committed to 
seeing the world as it is, and transforming the relationship of the USA from 
being a global bully into being a global partner.

I am not ready to write off the inspiring Senator from the great State of 
Illinois, but no matter how hard I try, I keep thinking about that creature 
from Star Trek.


[cia-drugs] Why are boneheads from the Right AND the Left attacking environmentalism?

2007-05-08 Thread E Bryant Holman

Wake Up, Global Warming Conspiracy Theorists

By Sean Gonsalves, AlterNet. Posted May 7, 2007.

Why is it that conspiracy theories are almost always regarded as nutty, 
paranoid fantasies until right-wing America starts talking about global 

From the assassination of JFK to 9/11, conspiracy theories are almost always 
regarded as nutty paranoid fantasies imagined by those hopelessly out-of-touch 
with reality; unworthy of serious debate ... unless, of course, we're talking 
about the global warming conspiracy theories circulating around right-wing 

No sooner did the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate 
Change (IPCC) hit the news, calling on the world's leading industrial nations 
-- especially the U.S. and China -- to curb greenhouse gas emissions now, while 
something can still be done (on the relative cheap to boot!), than all the 
junk-science detectors come out of the woodwork to warn all of us poor idiots 
to beware of the global warming conspiracy. 

Two of the more prominent examples include CNN's Glenn Beck, who recently did 
an hour-long segment called Exposed: The Climate of Fear, in which he 
predictably evoked Hitler and Nazism to smear anyone concerned about the 
environment. (For civics sake, enough with the Hitler references already!)

On the other side of the political spectrum, we have Alexander Cockburn 
offering a leftist contrarian climate change argument, disputing the 
existence of any link between CO2 emissions and rising CO2 concentrations in 
the atmosphere.

For the record, I didn't see, nor do I intend to see, Inconvenient Truth. I 
was never subjected to any save the earth curriculum that my kids now 
receive. I do not belong to any environmental organization and, frankly, the 
upper-class, granola-bar-eating, healthier-than-thou, eco-fundamentalism 
characteristic of some liberals is about as attractive to me as growing up 
female under the Taliban.

I'm not a scientist -- just like most people reading this right now. But like 
Bertrand Russell said: Clearly, if you are going to believe anything outside 
your own experience, you should have some reason for believing it. Usually, the 
reason is authority... . It is true that most of us must inevitably depend upon 
(authority) for most of our knowledge. When it comes to global warming I make 
Pascal's Wager and put it on. It's better to believe the warnings of global 
warming scientists and adhere to the precautionary principle than not believe 
and suffer the consequences.

I'll put my money on the IPCC -- the most authoritative body of climate 
scientists in the world, whose work is peer reviewed; unlike the mutterings of 
nonscientist ideologues who dismiss the work of real scientists who, we're 
told, secretly want to destroy capitalism, halt technological progress and keep 
the poor, poor. Apparently, with the global warming conspiracy crowd, climate 
science is filled with a bunch of Unabombers; a collection of Ted Kaczynskis. 
But instead of getting the koo-koo treatment, they get prime time?

And I don't buy the they're-in-it-for-the-government-money argument, either. 
Everyone knows that the real research money is in defense. And it's just absurd 
to think that corporations and governments want to give millions of dollars to 
scientists whose research indicates our entire way of living is a global threat.

But, when it comes down to it: a new scientific truth does not triumph by 
convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its 
opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with 
it, as Max Planck wrote in his autobiography.

So I don't care to argue much about global warming. I mean, John Maynard Keynes 
had a point -- in the long run, we're all dead. But for me and my kids, when 
the climate change contrarians are dead, it's us who'll be caught up in the 
long run. That's why recent polls have shown that young Americans -- the long 
runners -- are particularly sensitive to environmental issues, with 77 percent 
of 18- to 29-year-olds saying they favor the U.S. signing an international 
treaty requiring less emissions from power plants and cars, compared to just 48 
percent of those 65 and older, as Benjamin Page and Marshall Bouton discuss in 
their book The Foreign Policy Dis*Connect.

What we've gotta do, young America, is take over the environmental conversation 
and policy in this country. Matter of fact, the environmental opinions of 
anyone whose average life expectancy comes in, say, the next 20 years or so, 
should be considered irrelevant.

I remember being admonished sometimes by older folks to mind my business when 
grown folks are talking. Well, on global warming and the environment, here's 
where we flip the script. This is the one conversation where we need to say: 
mind your business when young folks are talking.

[cia-drugs] Countries vying to claim land emrging from under retreating ice caps

2007-05-07 Thread E Bryant Holman
While flat-earthers continue claiming that global warming does not exist, 
countries are claiming emerging land from under the retreating ice caps. Will 
somebody please tell these Alex Jones and his bunch to pull their heads out and 
stop undermining the credibility of the 911truth movement by glomming on this 
nonsense onto their message? 
The New Land Rush

By Robert J. Miller, TomPaine.com. Posted May 7, 2007.

 Recent news reports state that global warming and the shrinking Arctic icecaps 
are opening new sea lanes and making barren islands suddenly very valuable. In 
fact, the international community might experience a new race of exploration, 
conquest and acquisition for this new world -- these newly available lands 
and sea routes. Conflicts could arise over shipping lanes, islands, fish 
stocks, minerals and oil that are now becoming accessible and commercially 

Governments are even now engaged in asserting their sovereignty over these 
areas and assets. Canada, Denmark and the United States are already involved in 
diplomatic disputes over these issues. For example, Canada and Denmark have 
sent diplomats and warships to plant their flags on tiny Hans Island near 
northwestern Greenland.

In 1984, Denmark's Minister for Greenland Affairs landed on the island in a 
helicopter and raised the Danish flag, buried a bottle of brandy, and left a 
note that said Welcome to the Danish Island.

Canada was not amused by this assertion of Danish sovereignty. In 2005, the 
Canadian Defense Minister and troops landed on the island and hoisted the 
Canadian flag. Denmark lodged an official protest. In addition, Canada, Russia 
and Denmark are claiming waters all the way to the North Pole.

Moreover, the United States and Canada are disputing Canadian claims that the 
emerging Northwest Passage sea route is in its territory. The U.S. insists the 
waters are neutral and open to all but Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper 
states that he will place military icebreakers in the area to assert our 
sovereignty and take action to protect our territorial integrity.

This kind of conduct is nothing new. It mirrors exactly the actions taken by 
European and American governments in the 15th -- 20th centuries in their race 
to claim the lands and the assets of the New World of the Americas, Africa, and 
other areas.

That race was conducted under the international legal principle known today as 
the Doctrine of Discovery. Under various papal bulls, Spain and Portugal could 
establish claims to the lands of indigenous, non-Christian, non-European 
peoples by merely discovering the lands.

Spanish, Portuguese, and later English and French explorers engaged in numerous 
types of Discovery rituals upon encountering new lands. The hoisting of their 
flag and the cross and leaving evidence that they had been there was part of 
the Discovery process.

In 1776-78, for example, Captain Cook established English claims to British 
Columbia by leaving English coins in buried bottles. In 1774, he erased Spanish 
marks of ownership and possession in Tahiti and replaced them with English 
ones. Upon learning of this, Spain dispatched explorers to restore its marks of 
possession. Furthermore, in 1742-49, French military expeditions buried lead 
plates throughout the Ohio country to reassert the French claims of discovery 
dating from 1643. The plates stated that they were a renewal of possession.

Americans also engaged in discovery rituals. The Lewis  Clark expedition 
marked and branded trees and rocks in the Pacific Northwest to prove the 
American presence and claim to the region. They also left a memorial or memo at 
Fort Clatsop in March 1806 and gave copies to Indians to deliver to any whites 
that might arrive to prove the U.S. presence and claim to the Northwest.

The memorial stated that its object was that through the medium of some 
civilized person ... it may be made known to the informed world that Lewis  
Clark had crossed the continent and lived at the mouth of the Columbia River on 
the Pacific Ocean. This was nothing less than a claim of discovery and 
possession of the region and a claim of ownership under the Doctrine of 

A decade later, as the U.S. and England argued over the Pacific Northwest and 
the possession of Fort Astoria at the mouth of the Columbia, Secretary of State 
John Quincy Adams and President James Monroe took actions based directly upon 
the principles of Discovery.

In 1817, as they despaired that England would voluntarily return Fort Astoria, 
Adams and Monroe ordered an American diplomat and naval captain to sail to 
Astoria to assert the [American] claim of territorial possession at the mouth 
of Columbia River. Adams wrote that this mission was designed to resume 
possession of that post, and in some appropriate manner to reassert the title 
of the United States.

Accordingly, Monroe and Adams ordered the American diplomat John Prevost and 

[cia-drugs] 28 Senators vote to maintain Big Pharma monopoly

2007-05-07 Thread E Bryant Holman

NewsTarget Insider Alert (www.NewsTarget.com http://www.NewsTarget.com ) 

http://www.consumerwellness.org Dear Readers,

Rather than working to protect the interests of their constituents, 28 U.S. 
senators are actively voting to maintain a Big Pharma monopoly in the United 
States -- the country where consumers pay the highest prices in the world for 
drugs. These 28 senators apparently do not believe in free trade or even free 
market competition when it comes to medicines, but they do believe in 
protecting the powerful corporations that give them money for reelection 

The issue at hand is the Dorgan amendment to S.1082 (the hotly-debated FDA 
act). Dorgan proposed an amendment last week that would break Big Pharma's 
monopoly and allow consumers, cities, states and businesses to price shop for 
medicines imported from Canada, Europe, Japan and other approved countries. But 
28 senators opposed it, voting to defend the current Big Pharma monopoly where 
some drugs are marked up more than 500,000% over the cost of their ingredients. 
(That's not a typo.)

Our feature article today lists the names of these 28 senators who voted 
against the free trade amendment along with the names of 9 who didn't vote at 
all. Plus, you'll read comments explaining why this amendment is so dangerous 
to the profiteering drug racket currently operated by Big Pharma and the FDA. 
Click the headline below for the full story...

  http://www.newstarget.com/021831.html  Health: 28 Senators vote to maintain 
 Big Pharma monopoly over U.S. consumers; Republicans oppose free trade for  
medicine http://www.newstarget.com/021831.html 
On  May 3rd, 2007, U.S. Senators voted on an amendment to the 2007  
Prescription Drug User Fee bill that aims to reform the FDA and enhance  drug 
safety. This amendment, known as the Dorgan Amendment No. 990,  threatened to 
break Big Pharma's monopoly  over...

To your health and freedom,
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

[cia-drugs] Robert F. Kennedy's secret search for the truth about John F. Kennedy's assassination

2007-05-04 Thread E Bryant Holman

The exclusive story of Robert F. Kennedy's secret search for the truth about 
John F. Kennedy's assassination. From the new book by Salon's founder and 
former editor in chief. 
David Talbot, Salon
May. 02, 2007 

One of the most intriguing mysteries about the assassination of John F. 
Kennedy, that darkest of American labyrinths, is why his brother Robert F. 
Kennedy apparently did nothing to investigate the crime. Bobby Kennedy was, 
after all, not just the attorney general of the United States at the time of 
the assassination -- he was his brother's devoted partner, the man who took on 
the administration's most grueling assignments, from civil rights to organized 
crime to Cuba, the hottest Cold War flashpoint of its day. But after the burst 
of gunfire in downtown Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963, ended this unique partnership, 
Bobby Kennedy seemed lost in a fog of grief, refusing to discuss the 
assassination with the Warren Commission, and telling friends he had no heart 
for an aggressive investigation. What difference does it make? he would say. 
It won't bring him back. 

But Bobby Kennedy was a complex man, and his years in Washington had taught him 
to keep his own counsel and proceed in a subterranean fashion. What he said in 
public about Dallas was not the full story. Privately, RFK -- who had made his 
name in the 1950s as a relentless investigator of the underside of American 
power -- was consumed by the need to know the real story about his brother's 
assassination. This fire seized him on the afternoon of Nov. 22, as soon as FBI 
chief J. Edgar Hoover, a bitter political enemy, phoned to say -- almost with 
pleasure, thought Bobby -- that the president had been shot. And the question 
of who killed his brother continued to haunt Kennedy until the day he too was 
gunned down, on June 5, 1968. 

Because of his proclivity for operating in secret, RFK did not leave behind a 
documentary record of his inquiries into his brother's assassination. But it is 
possible to retrace his investigative trail, beginning with the afternoon of 
Nov. 22, when he frantically worked the phones at Hickory Hill -- his Civil 
War-era mansion in McLean, Va. -- and summoned aides and government officials 
to his home. Lit up with the clarity of shock, the electricity of adrenaline, 
Bobby Kennedy constructed the outlines of the crime that day -- a crime, he 
immediately concluded, that went far beyond Lee Harvey Oswald, the 24-year-old 
ex-Marine arrested shortly after the assassination. Robert Kennedy was 
America's first assassination conspiracy theorist. 

CIA sources began disseminating their own conspiratorial view of Kennedy's 
murder within hours of the crime, spotlighting Oswald's defection to the Soviet 
Union and his public support for Fidel Castro. In New Orleans, an anti-Castro 
news organization released a tape of Oswald defending the bearded dictator. In 
Miami, the Cuban Student Directorate -- an exile group funded secretly by a CIA 
program code-named AMSPELL -- told reporters about Oswald's connections to the 
pro-Castro Fair Play for Cuba Committee. But Robert Kennedy never believed the 
assassination was a communist plot. Instead, he looked in the opposite 
direction, focusing his suspicions on the CIA's secretive anti-Castro 
operations, a murky underworld he had navigated as his brother's point man on 
Cuba. Ironically, RFK's suspicions were shared by Castro himself, whom he had 
sought to overthrow throughout the Kennedy presidency. 

The attorney general was supposed to be in charge of the clandestine war on 
Castro -- another daunting assignment JFK gave him, after the spy agency's 
disastrous performance at the Bay of Pigs in April 1961. But as he tried to 
establish control over CIA operations and to herd the rambunctious Cuban exile 
groups into a unified progressive front, Bobby learned what a swamp of intrigue 
the anti-Castro world was. Working out of a sprawling Miami station code-named 
JM/WAVE that was second in size only to the CIA's Langley, Va., headquarters, 
the agency had recruited an unruly army of Cuban militants to launch raids on 
the island and even contracted Mafia henchmen to kill Castro -- including mob 
bosses Johnny Rosselli, Santo Trafficante and Sam Giancana, whom Kennedy, as 
chief counsel for the Senate Rackets Committee in the late 1950s, had targeted. 
It was an overheated ecosystem that was united not just by its fevered 
opposition to the Castro regime, but by its hatred for the Kennedys, who were 
regarded as traitors for failing to use the full military might of the United 
States against the communist outpost in the Caribbean. 

This Miami netherworld of spies, gangsters and Cuban militants is where Robert 
Kennedy immediately cast his suspicions on Nov. 22. In the years since RFK's 
own assassination, an impressive body of evidence has accumulated that suggests 
why Kennedy felt compelled 

[cia-drugs] E. Howard Hunt's deathbed confession about Kennedy Assassination

2007-05-03 Thread E Bryant Holman
Son Of JFK Conspirator Drops New Bombshell Revelations
Costner was set to make documentary on Hunt's confession, before Miami mafia 
stepped in, E. Howard believed government had sabotaged his wife's plane

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Thursday, May 3, 2007

As the explosive revelation of E. Howard Hunt's deathbed confession, in which 
the former CIA agent and Watergate conspirator admits that he was part of a CIA 
conspiracy to assassinate JFK, continues to rage across the Internet, the 
establishment media remains almost mute on what is undoubtedly one of the 
biggest stories of the decade.

Saint John Hunt, E. Howard Hunt's oldest son, joined Alex Jones yesterday to 
drop new bombshells about his father's story. Click here to listen. 

Hunt was first made aware of what his father knew about the events of November 
22nd 1963 when he came into receipt of hand-written memos that outlined the 
birth of the plot to kill JFK in Miami where it was discussed that a coup 
needed to take place in order to topple Kennedy and save the CIA from being 
splintered into a thousand pieces, as JFK had promised.

Saint John then opened his mailbox one January morning in 2004 to discover an 
unlabeled cassette tape on which his father details the identity of the 
individuals that were involved in the actual assassination of JFK.

E. Howard Hunt names numerous individuals with both direct and indirect CIA 
connections as having played a role in the assassination of Kennedy, while 
describing himself as a bench warmer in the plot. Saint John Hunt agreed that 
the use of this term indicates that Hunt was willing to play a larger role in 
the murder conspiracy had he been required, but was primarily used in an 
oversight role.

Hunt alleges on the tape that then Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was 
involved in the planning of the assassination and in the cover-up, stating that 
LBJ, Had an almost maniacal urge to become president, he regarded JFK as an 
obstacle to achieving that.

Saint John Hunt. http://www.prisonplanet.com/images/may2007/030507hunt.jpg

In the Alex Jones Show interview, Hunt reveals how Kevin Costner, star of the 
JFK movie, had shared a mutual friend with E. Howard Hunt and had subsequently 
visited Hunt in Miami in the interests of producing a documentary film based on 
Hunt's knowledge of the plot.

Kevin Costner flies down and is introduced to my father by this mutual friend 
and Kevin just blurted out, 'so who killed JFK'? My father's jaw dropped and he 
turned around and looked at his wife and said, 'what did he say'?

So the whole thing just kind of blew up in its face and that was the end of 
that, said Hunt.

Hunt said that Costner had become somewhat of a conspiracy enthusiast after 
having made the JFK movie and was very interested in starting a project based 
on E. Howard Hunt's revelations.

What my father devised was a code and a key to give Mr. Costner the relevant 
information without naming the names, said Hunt, He listed out a chain of 
command and a timeline series of events and things that took place along with 
the most important players in the plot.

Costner considered the information to be dynamite stuff, but elements of the 
Miami mafia derailed the project and the documentary never got off the ground.

Saint John Hunt also revealed for the first time that E. Howard Hunt thought 
that the Chicago plane crash that killed his wife in 1972 was not an accident. 
Investigators discovered at least $10,000 dollars in Dorothy Hunt's luggage, 
money that Saint John Hunt alleges was Nixon campaign funds used to payoff the 
families of the Watergate burglars to keep them quiet about the involvement of 
the Nixon White House in the Watergate break-in and cover-up.

Later on in his life at one of these bedside confessionstears started 
welling up in his eyes and he said, 'you know Saint I was so deeply concerned 
that what they did to your mother they could have done to you children' and 
that caused the hair on my neck to stand up - that was the first disclosure 
from my father that he thought there was something else going on besides sheer 
pilot error, said Hunt.

Eyewitnesses reported that the plane exploded above treetop level before it had 
even hit the runway.

Hunt said that at least 20-25 FBI members, as well as numerous DIA agents 
were at the scene of the crash within minutes before rescue personnel had even 
arrived, and that this fact was attested to in a letter sent by the head of the 
Chicago FBI to investigator Sherman Skolnick.

Hunt cited numerous coincidences surrounding the aftermath of the crash, 
including Nixon's appointment of his henchman, Egil Krough, to the National 
Transportation Safety Board which investigates plane crashes, the very day 
after the incident.

When asked about the photos of the three tramps that were arrested on the 
scene of 

[cia-drugs] Airing Gonzales' Dirty Laundry

2007-05-02 Thread E Bryant Holman
Airing Gonzales' Dirty Laundry

By Bill Boyarsky, Truthdig. Posted May 2, 2007.

A look at one of the real reasons eight U.S. attorneys were fired -- the 
Republican effort to stop voter registration campaigns in poor neighborhoods. 


 Since Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' inept stonewalling before the Senate 
Judiciary Committee shed no light on the firing of eight U.S. attorneys, let's 
dig into one of the real reasons -- the Republican effort to stop voter 
registration campaigns in poor neighborhoods.

The assault is an early battle of the 2008 presidential campaign. Republicans 
are trying to limit registration of African-Americans and Latinos in a number 
of states that Democrats have a chance of carrying. It's not the only reason 
that attorneys were fired, but it is the most reprehensible.

U.S. attorneys are political appointees. When a new president and his party 
take power, the old are swept out for the new. But once in office, the 
attorneys usually work with local law enforcement and lawyers and are not often 
micro-managed from Washington. There have been exceptions to this. The power of 
local segregationists sent Kennedy administration lawyers into action to take 
over some law enforcement in the South during the civil rights movement.

This operation is different. The Kennedys wanted to give African-Americans 
rights guaranteed by the Constitution. The Bush crowd is trying to exclude 
African-Americans and Latinos.

One of the fired attorneys is David Iglesias of New Mexico, who was dismissed 
after state Republican officials complained that he wouldn't prosecute 
registration fraud allegations.

(The state produced another, unrelated, example of Republicans using the 
Justice Department to win elections. Republican Sen. Peter Domenici complained 
that Iglesias was too slow in prosecuting a political corruption case that 
would have helped the campaign of Rep. Heather Wilson, a Republican who 
eventually won a tight race.)

In 2004, President Bush beat Sen. John Kerry in New Mexico by just a single 
percentage point, 50 percent to 49 percent. In 2008, the state's five electoral 
votes are within Democratic grasp. Although that's not a lot of votes, the 
Democrats' near success in 2004 reflects the party's hopes of big gains 
throughout the Southwest and Rockies next year.

Another U.S. attorney firing was linked to efforts to stop a Democratic 
registration drive in Washington state. Kerry carried it in 2004, but a 
Republican came within 129 votes of the Democratic winner in last year's 
election for governor. U.S. Attorney John McKay, who was appointed by Bush, was 
dumped by Gonzales after Republican officials complained he would not 
investigate supposed registration fraud.

The Republicans' main target in New Mexico, Washington and other states is a 
progressive grass-roots group, the Association of Community Organizations for 
Reform Now, ACORN. It has chapters in more than 100 cities engaged in 
organizing the poor for a living wage, improved housing, jobs, healthcare, 
better schools and child care.

What angers the Republicans are ACORN's voter registration efforts, mostly in 
poor African-American and Latino neighborhoods. In the last few years, it has 
registered about 500,000 voters in poor communities.

ACORN members tend to be tough and focused. They organize poor families ignored 
by the politicians, the big contributors and the reporters and pundits who 
dominate today's political dialogue. While political writers report on the 
so-called money primary -- the contribution competition among the top 
contenders -- ACORN is signing up voters in neighborhoods where the major 
candidates and journalists seldom venture.

It's the hardest kind of political organizing. The organizers -- invariably low 
paid -- must convince the overworked and poor to give up a portion of their 
limited time to activities such as staging marches, visiting city halls and 
state capitols and organizing registration drives.

Professor Peter Dreier, director of the Urban and Environmental Policy Program 
at Occidental College in Los Angeles, told me that of all the organizations in 
the country that represent the poor, except for the labor unions, ACORN is the 
most effective. With a good political research operation and a grasp of local, 
state and national politics, ACORN targets its work in swing districts, 
registering voters who are likely to be Democrats, Dreier said.

ACORN's success woke up New Mexico State Republican Chairman Allen Weh and 
other state party officials. They accused ACORN of fraud in the 2004 drive that 
registered 35,000 potential voters, according to The Albuquerque Tribune.

U.S. Attorney Iglesias investigated the complaints. He formed a task force that 
took a close look at more than 300 of them. In fact, some ACORN workers, who 
were paid for each person they registered, weren't too fussy about whom they 
signed up. ACORN fired a 

[cia-drugs] Barrett Heading to Morocco to Apprehend Suicide Hijacker

2007-05-01 Thread E Bryant Holman

Barrett Heading to Morocco to Apprehend Suicide Hijacker
( Home » Barrett Heading to... ) 
Submitted by GeorgeWashington on Fri, 04/27/2007 - 6:34pm. 
Kevin Barrett
An email from Kevin Barrett.

(Press Conference outside the office of Wisconsin Rep. Steve Nass, Room 12 West 
State Capitol, Madison, Wisconsin, Thursday, May 3rd, 10:30 a.m.)

Dr. Kevin Barrett, the University of Wisconsin lecturer who was denied a 
tenure-track position at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, hounded by 
Steve Nass and 61 state legislators, and handed a death threat by Bill 
O'Reilly-all because of his political opinions and religious identity-has opted 
for a new career: Fugitive Recovery Agent specializing in the apprehension of 
still-living 9/11 suicide hijackers. 
Dr. Barrett will be traveling to Morocco May 6th to apprehend accused 9/11 
hijacker Waleed al-Shehri, who, after allegedly stabbing a stewardess on a 
flight that crashed into the World Trade Center, returned to Casablanca and has 
reportedly been working as a pilot there ever since.

Barrett voiced his outrage that such a brutal, ruthless terrorist has been 
allowed to commit mass murder and suicide-and walk away scot free. Waleed 
al-Shehri, I'm coming to get you! Barrett vowed. I don't know how you got out 
of that plane alive, but that was the last miraculous escape you'll ever make. 
You're coming back to the US in handcuffs with me to face charges of mass 
murder and terrorism.

According to the BBC and other sources, al-Shehri visited the US embassy in 
Rabat, Morocco after the 9/11 attacks and protested his innocence, while 
admitting that the photo and biography of the accused suicide hijacker were 
indeed his. But Barrett isn't buying it. What a lame alibi, Barrett scoffed. 
The 9/11 Commission Report says Waleed al-Shehri is the guy who, along with 
his brother Wail, 'stabbed two unarmed flight attendants' shortly before Flight 
11 crashed into the North Tower. Alive or dead, if the 9/11 Commission says he 
did it, this guy should be apprehended, tried, and, if guilty, convicted of his 

As a badge-toting Fugitive Recovery Agent, Dr. Barrett is authorized to carry 
unusual weapons and use reasonable force to apprehend and deliver fugitives 
from justice. (Note: Wisconsin requires Fugitive Recovery Agents to be 
licensed, but no law prevents unlicensed agents like Dr. Barrett from working 
in other states or apprehending fugitives in foreign countries.)

Dr. Barrett says he will use no weapons in Morocco. He intends to apprehend 
Waleed al-Shehri nonviolently and persuade him to return to the US to have his 
day in court and try to clear his name. I will tell him that he has a very 
good chance of convincing a jury that he has stabbed no stewardesses and flown 
no planes into any buildings. Hopefully he'd like to see this whole thing 
cleared up, rather than spending his life under the cloud of an act of suicide 
terrorism that he says he didn't commit.

Questions Linger About Alleged Hijackers' Identities

According to Dr. Barrett, strong evidence indicates that the accused hijackers 
Waleed al-Shehri and Wail al-Shehri are indeed the sons of the Ahmed al-Shehri 
(alternative Roman alphabet spellings include Alshehri, al-Shri, etc.) who is a 
senior Saudi diplomat in Bombay, India. One of Ahmed's sons is Waleed al-Shehri 
who has been protesting his innocence from Casablanca. This Waleed says he, 
like the alleged 9/11 suicide hijacker, has a brother named Wail, attended 
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida-and that the 
picture of the alleged suicide hijacker offered by the 9/11 Commission is 
indeed a picture of him.

These facts, Dr. Barrett says, makes mincemeat of the report that the actual 
suicide hijackers were a different pair of brothers named Waleed and Wail 
al-Shehri. Excuse me, but I think this guy knows his own photo, Dr. Barrett 
said. And what are the odds that there were two guys with identical photos who 
not only had the same name, but also had brothers named Wail, and who trained 
at the same flight school at the same time? And what are the odds that, if this 
were true, the situation would not even be mentioned, much less investigated, 
by the 9/11 Commission? Anyone who believes the BS about a second pair of 
brothers might as well blame 9/11 on Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

Barrett went further, calling the reports blaming a second Waleed and Wail 
al-Shehri among the lamest disinformation efforts ever produced by any 
intelligence agency, anywhere. A brief, extremely general story about the 
allegedly guilty second pair of brothers surfaced in the Saudi media following 
September 11th. It reads like an intelligence agency press release, Barrett 
said. No biographical details, no extensive interviews, nada. Just a couple of 
paragraphs replete with generalities.

The report citing the second pair of al-Shehri brothers was never looked 

[cia-drugs] Pelosi's office is taking calls for Impeachment of Bush/Cheney

2007-05-01 Thread E Bryant Holman
 From the Code Pink list:

 PLEASE CALL Nancy Pelosi's office right now. Here's
 the deal as forwarded to me:

 House Speaker Pelosi's office is taking calls voting
 for Impeachment of Bush/Cheney at 202-225-0100.

 Folks, each of you who have been wanting Impeachment,
 need to commit right now to ask at least 10 others to
 call and ask each person to commit to asking 10 others
 to call and so on. It needs to happen fast and NOW.
 Let's BLITZKREIG the Speaker's office with demands for
 Impeachment of Bush AND Cheney.

 Please make a call, and thanks so very much.

[cia-drugs] What is happening to the Israeli Defense Forces?!

2007-04-22 Thread E Bryant Holman

Anti-Semitism at IDF base

French immigrant attacked during basic training by group of Russian-speaking 
soldiers demonstrating anti-Semitic behavior

Yossi Yehoshua Published:  04.22.07, 10:13 / Israel News

Soldiers in an IDF base drew swastikas and yelled 'Heil Hitler', hurting a 
soldier who had emigrated from France to Israel in order to escape 
anti-Semitism. The affair was exposed after the soldier, age 21, submitted a 
suit to the Ministry of Defense.

When the soldier enlisted in the IDF, he had the highest possible physical 
profile. He was recently discharged, after only six months of service, after 
developing severe diabetes.

According to the soldier, he decided to move to Israel from France after 
suffering years of anti-Semitism in the country. Last August, he enlisted in 
the IDF and was sent to the 'Mihveh Alon' base, where new recruits receive 
intensive Hebrew courses, in addition to undergoing basic training.

While on base, I witnessed appalling and scary incidents, carried out by a 
group of Russian immigrants who behaved like neo-Nazis. They would draw 
swastikas, do the fascist salute, and yell 'Heil Hitler'.

This behavior brought back the fear I had felt as a Jew in France, and 
reminded me of the anti-Semitism I had left behind - anti-Semitism to which 
I had not expected to be exposed in Israel, and specifically in the 
military, said the soldier.

His advocate, Eli Saban, stated that the soldier's appeals to his commanders 
on the base did not help, and the anti-Semitism merely worsened, eventually 
even manifesting as physical violence.

Diagnosed with diabetes

In September, the soldier and one of his friends were attacked by the group 
of Russian soldiers. This led to a group fight on the base between 
Russian-speakers and French-speakers. Following the fight, the 
Russian-speaking soldiers were sent to military prison.

After they finished their prison sentence, the Russian-speakers returned to 
the base and continued their threatening and anti-Semitic behavior, reads 
the petition to the Ministry of Defense.

Three weeks before the end of basic training, the soldier began to suffer 
from symptoms of constant thirst and urination. After being hospitalized, he 
was diagnosed with diabetes.  Due to the disease, he was discharged from the 

I have no doubt that the conditions in 'Mihveh Alon', which created extreme 
tension and fear, are what caused the onset of the disease, claimed the 
soldier in his suit to the ministry. 

[cia-drugs] Popular Mechanics unmasked and debunked decisively

2007-04-03 Thread E Bryant Holman

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Re: [cia-drugs] Left Gatekeepers

2007-01-01 Thread E Bryant Holman
This is false. Those who attacking Chomsky and Goodman - who are they? They are
the ones who are doing damage to the Left. Looks like a black op to me. Goodman
had Dylan Avery on her show and let him debate the people from that magazine
(Popular Mechanics, I think it was) who had attacked him. So this charge about
her and the 911truth movement and scurilous and false, and this attack is very
likely a REAL CIA black op - and not a bogus one like what they are claing
Chomsky and Goodman are part of.


On Sun Dec 30  9:06 , 'norgesen' [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:


Left Gatekeepers
Exposing the Left 
Gatekeepers, along with their sponsors like the Ford Foundation  Carnegie 
Endowment, and individuals like George Soros  Felix Rohatyn.  
For example, why does Noam Chomsky continue to claim 
that questions about 9-11 “will damage the Left”, while simultaneous 
arguing that evidence of a controlled demolition and NORAD stand down are not 
significant?  Why does Amy Goodman at DemocracyNow continue to 
ignore the burgeoning 9-11 truth effort, while repeating the official 9-11 
of 19 hijackers with boxcutters?  Find the answers here.

Mike Malloy Fired By Left Gatekeepers (From Kurt 

List of Ford Foundation grant recipients for 2005: Media 
gatekeepers like NPR, PBS, 

Mike Malloy Fired from Air America Radio (because he 
discussed the 9-11 inside 

MacArthur Foundation gives $3.4 million in grants to nine 
nonprofits (follow the money

Charities Win Grants From a Big Foundation
By Nicole Lewis

in Chicago, 
today awarded $3.4-million to nine nonprofit groups, each with budgets of less 
than $2. 

Left Gatekeeper Conference Camp Democracy DC from Sept 
5-20- Chance to expose the gatekeepers!(FFN: I hate to publicize 
this event, which is just a love-fest of phony peace groups and the various 
splintered Leftist fronts masquerading as a social movement.  But this is a 
chance for those close to DC to pamphlet and expose people to the truth about 

Bill Moyers, Schumman Foundation: Scaife of the 

Big Chart of Left Gatekeepers and the money 

Ford Foundation funded World Social Forum (major 
world-government leftist

The Top 10 Corporate Democrats-For-Hirehttp://www.alternet.org/story/40482/ 

DNC Chair Dean To Host Fundraiser At Soros 

Ford, Kaiser Foundations to fund HIV Global 

Ford Foundation, 2 others create a fund to aid public 
(FFN Editors note:  Here we see it in plain site.  
The Ford Foundation, a major Globalist arm for the one-world government, is 
funding public radio.  Ever wonder why your local NPR station uses the 
same myths, lies, and propaganda as the neocon outlets like FoxNews?  Who 
pays their bills?)

Md. charity, 2 others create a fund to aid public 
By Nick Madigan
Sun reporter
Originally published August 10, 

The Maryland-based Calvert Foundation and two other organizations 
unveiled yesterday an investment program to provide help for public radio 
stations, some of which are financially strapped, as well as money to acquire 
new ones.

Click here to find out more!
The Public 
Radio Fund will be the largest capital-raising effort ever attempted for 
noncommercial radio, said a statement announcing its launch.

backers of the fund are New York's Ford Foundation and Public Radio Capital, a 
nonprofit in Denver.

The Calvert Foundation, which has its headquarters 
in Bethesda, has primarily focused on helping disadvantaged 

Marc Hand, Public Radio Capital's managing director, said in 
a statement that beginning this fall, the fund will help public broadcasters 
all over the U.S. gain access to short-term capital on an affordable basis, 
move more quickly and aggressively when an opportunity to compete for a 
channel comes on the market.

The fund's target for the next six to 12 
months is $15 million, starting with $4.5 million in loans already committed; 
$1.5 million from the Ford Foundation; and $3 million from investors around 
country, channeled through the Calvert Foundation.

Tim Freundlich, 
director of strategic development for the Calvert Foundation, said in a 
conference call that the fund was being launched to counter growing concern 
about over-concentration of media ownership, according to a transcript of his 

More public radio in more places in the United States is the 
goal of the Public Radio Fund, 

Re: [cia-drugs] [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a member.

2005-10-02 Thread E Bryant Holman

All one has to do to subscribe an e-mail address is to take the invitation 
html code from any group, substitute the name of the group you want to subscribe 
to, and publish it as an html file on your own computer using Windows Notepad, 
and then type in any e-mail address you want and send it in. It is easy a 
falling off a log.


- Original Message - 
From: Bob 
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2005 9:14 PM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a 
RoadsEnd wrote: 

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]is a member. Requested 
  to join in Jan of 04. I approved in May when I approved 30 or so one 
  There has been no activity from the address but some times it grabs my 
  outgoing mails and then presents them to the list. ship-confirm is moderated 
  so they don't go directly to list and I generally do not let post. I have 
  known for awhile that it was redirecting my emails but hvae been busy. 
  KThe only reason 
to allow that address to besubscribed is forensics.The way to 
subscribe that address would be toforge a subscription with insider 
amazon.compriveleges or by very sophisticated hackerspoofing.Any 
legitimate mail for that address would qualifyas spam for the list. Only 
illegitimate mail for thataddress would qualify, either sending or 
receiving.I think amazon.com would be more capable ofdoing the 
required forensic work than we would.-Bob
  Send Message 
  Edit Membership
  -name- -age- -gender-
  May31,20048:18 am
  Membership request approved by ramillegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] via 
  Membership requested via 

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  Visit your group "cia-drugs" on the web.
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Re: [cia-drugs] [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a member.

2005-10-02 Thread E Bryant Holman

This is the code I am talking about:


This is for the Day 
of the Dead group, just substitute "cia-drugs"for "Day_of_the_Dead" and 
you are all set. So you don't even have to be a Yahoo member or log onto the web 
server or anything. I could subscribe anyone I wanted to any group with this 
method. The only way of keeping people off is for the moderator to have it set 
up where he has to approve memberships and not to approve those that seem dubious for some 
reason. So Amazon.com would have no control over this, and no liability either, 
and in addition, there is no great mystery either and nothing at all 
sophisticated about this.

- Original Message - 
From: E Bryant 
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2005 9:44 PM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a 

All one has to do to subscribe an e-mail address is to take the invitation 
html code from any group, substitute the name of the group you want to subscribe 
to, and publish it as an html file on your own computer using Windows Notepad, 
and then type in any e-mail address you want and send it in. It is easy a 
falling off a log.


- Original Message - 
From: Bob 
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2005 9:14 PM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a 
RoadsEnd wrote: 

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]is a member. Requested 
  to join in Jan of 04. I approved in May when I approved 30 or so one 
  There has been no activity from the address but some times it grabs my 
  outgoing mails and then presents them to the list. ship-confirm is moderated 
  so they don't go directly to list and I generally do not let post. I have 
  known for awhile that it was redirecting my emails but hvae been busy. 
  KThe only reason 
to allow that address to besubscribed is forensics.The way to 
subscribe that address would be toforge a subscription with insider 
amazon.compriveleges or by very sophisticated hackerspoofing.Any 
legitimate mail for that address would qualifyas spam for the list. Only 
illegitimate mail for thataddress would qualify, either sending or 
receiving.I think amazon.com would be more capable ofdoing the 
required forensic work than we would.-Bob
  Send Message 
  Edit Membership
  -name- -age- -gender-
  May31,20048:18 am
  Membership request approved by ramillegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] via 
  Membership requested via 

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  Visit your group "cia-drugs" on the web.
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  Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.


Re: [cia-drugs] [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a member.

2005-10-02 Thread E Bryant Holman

I just used this method to subscribe a member of this group to my Day of 
the Dead group. Please, that person, just delete the mail and let it expire 
(unless you really want to join, of course). I just did this to show how easy it 


- Original Message - 
From: E Bryant 
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2005 10:13 PM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a 

This is the code I am talking about:


This is for the Day 
of the Dead group, just substitute "cia-drugs"for "Day_of_the_Dead" and 
you are all set. So you don't even have to be a Yahoo member or log onto the web 
server or anything. I could subscribe anyone I wanted to any group with this 
method. The only way of keeping people off is for the moderator to have it set 
up where he has to approve memberships and not to approve those that seem dubious for some 
reason. So Amazon.com would have no control over this, and no liability either, 
and in addition, there is no great mystery either and nothing at all 
sophisticated about this.

- Original Message - 
From: E Bryant 
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2005 9:44 PM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a 

All one has to do to subscribe an e-mail address is to take the invitation 
html code from any group, substitute the name of the group you want to subscribe 
to, and publish it as an html file on your own computer using Windows Notepad, 
and then type in any e-mail address you want and send it in. It is easy a 
falling off a log.


- Original Message - 
From: Bob 
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2005 9:14 PM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a 
RoadsEnd wrote: 

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]is a member. Requested 
  to join in Jan of 04. I approved in May when I approved 30 or so one 
  There has been no activity from the address but some times it grabs my 
  outgoing mails and then presents them to the list. ship-confirm is moderated 
  so they don't go directly to list and I generally do not let post. I have 
  known for awhile that it was redirecting my emails but hvae been busy. 
  KThe only reason 
to allow that address to besubscribed is forensics.The way to 
subscribe that address would be toforge a subscription with insider 
amazon.compriveleges or by very sophisticated hackerspoofing.Any 
legitimate mail for that address would qualifyas spam for the list. Only 
illegitimate mail for thataddress would qualify, either sending or 
receiving.I think amazon.com would be more capable ofdoing the 
required forensic work than we would.-Bob
  Send Message 
  Edit Membership
  -name- -age- -gender-
  May31,20048:18 am
  Membership request approved by ramillegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] via 
  Membership requested via 

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Re: [cia-drugs] [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a member.

2005-10-02 Thread E Bryant Holman

If it is a member of the group, all messages that are sent to the group go 
to that address, and they go back to the address where they originated, which is 
that of the person who posts a message.

- Original Message - 
From: RoadsEnd 
To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs 
Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2005 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a 
So how do my out emails go to that address?


On Oct 2, 2005, at 8:13 PM, E Bryant Holman wrote:
This is for the Day of the Dead group, 
  just substitute "cia-drugs"for "Day_of_the_Dead" and you are all set. So 
  you don't even have to be a Yahoo member or log onto the web server or 
  anything. I could subscribe anyone I wanted to any group with this method. The 
  only way of keeping people off is for the moderator to have it set up where he 
  has to approve memberships and not to approve those that seem 
  dubious for some reason. So Amazon.com would have no control over this, and no 
  liability either, and in addition, there is no great mystery either and 
  nothing at all sophisticated about 

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[cia-drugs] British special forces caught pretending to be Iraqi 'insurgents'

2005-09-20 Thread E Bryant Holman

British special forces caught pretending to be Iraqi 'insurgents'


the gig is up

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[cia-drugs] Re: [zapatista email group] Re: [wausaulist] Cindy Arrested

2005-09-20 Thread E Bryant Holman

Looks like she was definitely not arrested. She got away.

- Original Message - 
From: E Bryant Holman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
Activist List [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 1zapatista 
Cc: El Paso Greens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 12:18 AM
Subject: [zapatista email group] Re: [wausaulist] Cindy Arrested


Unclear if she was arrested or not. Justin Raimondo is following the story 

- Original Message - 
From: AM Hecht
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 11:14 PM
Subject: Re: [wausaulist] Cindy Arrested

his account is wrong
close but no cigar

--- Dash [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 BREAKING: Cindy Sheehan arrested in Manhattan
 by Five of Diamonds
 Mon Sep 19th, 2005 at 12:42:39 PDT
 I witnessed this with my own eyes.  Here is my

 Cindy Sheehan was arrested moments ago in Union
 Square, Manhattan for allegedly speaking in the
 square without the proper permit.

 A small group of police began to congregate around
 2:00 on the south east corner of Union Square.
 Cindy and her peace entourage were slightly late to
 the event, contending with public transportation.

 Upon her arrival, applause and cheers filled the
 crowd awaiting her speech.  A few other members of
 the tour movement spoke.  Afterward, about 2:50,
 Cindy began her speech.  It was friendly and
 empowering.  She was grateful for the support and
 urged everyone to go to Washington DC on the 24th of
 September for a march on Washington.

 At the conclusion of her speech, from  my
 perspective, a few loud and impassioned boos
 erupted, then I saw a hand come from behind Cindy
 and grab her shoulder-strap on her backpack.  The
 arm jerked her backwards, with such force as to snap
 her head forward, and she fell from my view.

 The crowd erupted in booing and jeering.  The crowd
 rushed the elevated park where she once stood, not
 to fight but to witness what was happening.  People
 crowded the police, who had formed a semi-circle
 around what was happening to Cindy (which I could
 not witness from my vantage point).

 Nazis, Gestapo, free speech, burn the
 constitution, traitors, you can't have her,
 could be heard from all sides of the angry crowd.
 The police stood shoulder-to-shoulder with
 emotionless looks on their faces.  One woman from
 the tour, I did not see who, urged everyone to that
 it is a waste of energy to yell at the police, we
 can't stop it from happening, but what we can do is
 trumpet this event to the rest of the United States.

 Many media cameras were there.  One New York Times
 reporter was also there (at least), and she was
 moving around the crowd asking questions.  Upon the
 arrest, she inserted herself into the middle of the
 screaming, recording it all with her mini-recorder.

 I'm not sure the details of the permit situation.
 The announcer said they sought a permit for weeks
 with no response from the city government.

 Spread the word Kossaks!  More as it unfolds.
 UPDATE: Details prompted by comments There was no
 violence, no violent rhetoric, and the spirit of the
 event was positive and strong. She was only there
 for about 10 minutes before she spoke, and spoke for
 about 5 minutes. The crowd was respectful and
 peaceful. Cindy and the other speakers were using a
 microphone and speakers, which may have caused the
 problem with the permits. The announcer told the
 crowd that they had been officially warned before
 Cindy got there. I'm trying to find out the permit
 stuff right now. She was speaking at Camp Casey
 NYC in Union Square. It was a planned event,
 advertised in the newspaper. And from what I heard
 (Union Square is a noisy place), they tried to get a
 permit but did not get a response from city
 government after many messages were left. My view
 was not the best, so I did not see if it was a cop
 behind her that jerked her away. The immediate
 booing and rushing of the stage (a! large part of
 the park raised by about 3 steps) made me believe it
 was the police. I could not see if she resisted or
 not. Sorry for the bad view...I wish I had more.
 Watch the wires, this will be out soon.


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Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Mice infected with deadly plague are missing in N.J.

2005-09-18 Thread E Bryant Holman

In New Mexico they have about 10 cases of plague a year. It is usually 
arrested before it turns into bubonic plague, and they keep it hushed up in 
order to prevent panic from spreading. This has been going on for decades. The 
animals that spread it are rabbits, and the problem is that they are 
overpopulated because of ranchers poisoning the coyotes.

- Original Message - 
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2005 9:02 PM
Subject: RE: [cia-drugs] Re: Mice infected with deadly plague are 
missing in N.J.

--- I'm a fone tech Mark and for the last 35 
I've visited about every 
basement in the Greater Newark New Jersey area,
jersey city. paterson just to 
name a few -
I well know the feeling 
generated upon shining a flash light out into the darkness 
of a tenement 
sub-basement and see 
nothing but hundreds of bright red glowing eyes 
staring back at you 
As you walk towards the 
darkness the red beady eyes can be seen 360 degrees.
Port Newark hasRATS the 
NO FEAR of MAN unless 
approached directly 
In the PROJECTS RATS infest the 
halls and walls of entire buildings and can readily 
be seen scampering day and 
night across the court-yards and playgrounds

Telephone men working in the 
New York City report RATSbrazenly but routinely
run across their work 
I live in the COUNTRY Mark -In 
the WOODS near a LAKE
I LIVE WITH 4 CATS and every 
autumn my house welcomes multiple field mice
that magically reappear half 
digested in hairballs all winter long -

Thirty five years ago in 
Viet-Nam my unit manned a tiny outpost in the jungle up in 
central highlands on the 
LAOTIAN border
The daily and nightly mortar / 
rocket attacks of the NVA forced us to move into underground 

bunkers 24/7 for 93 days - 
These bunkers soon became infested with hundreds 
of aggressive RATS added 
additional terror to the exploding ordinance and whizzing 
The Rats DID play a POSITIVE 
FUNCTIONthough --
A soldier posted nightly at the 
bunker entrance to guard against the occasional sapper that
would manage to penetrate our 
perimeter with satchel charges 
The guys asleep inside the 
bunker slept better knowing the guard was afraid to fall asleep 

because as soon as he would the 
rats would scramble past and over him to startle
NO Mark I don't think you can 
upset my "world view " --at least as it pertains to RATS
and where you have RATS you 
have FLEAS
In a large city like NEWARK 
this couldbe DEADLY
ONLY the GREAT FIRE in London 
in 1666 halted the plague -Fonebone

  -Original Message-From: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of mark 
  urbanSent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 10:20 PMTo: 
  cia-drugs@yahoogroups.comSubject: [cia-drugs] Re: Mice infected 
  with deadly plague are missing in N.J.I do not want 
  to upset your world view; however, proper pest control should obviate the 
  need to treat this as anything more than a very very minor 
  thing.Unless you and your family have a lot of dealings with flea 
  infested animals, I think you can leave the house without worrying too 
  much about this.--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "FONEBONE" 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: YES  The fleas BITE the 
  PLAGUE INFECTED RATS ---  They then jump to other nearby warm 
  blooded creatures to  feast upon and thereby spreading the 
  PLAGUE epidemic through flea-bites  FEMA DOES HAVE SECRET 
  KILLUM BROWNE  ROTTONROOT  was just awarded a 
  NO-BID $ 2.2 BILLION "cost plus " contract to implement 
   this comprehensive three pronged attack -dubbed OPERATION 
  NUTNHUNNY  is based on "lessons learned" from historical 
  precedent in past agues -Fonebone 
   -Original Message- From: 
  cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com [mailto:cia-[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Behalf Of mark urban Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 
  3:16 PM To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Mice infected with deadly plague are missing 
  in N.J.   If you read any history 
  at all you would know that bubonic plague is spread by 
  fleas.   --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, 
  "Jim Rarey" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  OOPS. If 
  the mice were caught by their traditional enemy, do we now 
  have some infected cats? JR   
New York 
  Daily News -  Mice 
  infected with deadly plague are missing in N.J. 
   Thursday, September 15th, 
   NEWARK, N.J. - Authorities are 
  searching for three mice infected with bubonic plague that 
  disappeared from a research laboratory about two weeks 
  ago.  While health 
  experts say the risk to the public is slim to none, 

[cia-drugs] FEMA, La. outsource Katrina body count to firm implicated in body-dumping scandals

2005-09-14 Thread E Bryant Holman

FEMA, La. outsource Katrina body count to firm 
implicated in body-dumping scandals 
Miriam Rafteryhttp://rawstory.com/news/2005/FEMA_outsources_Katrina_body_count_to_firm_implicated_in_bodydumping_scan_0913.htmlThe 
Federal Emergency Management Agency has hired Kenyon International to set up a 
mobile morgue for handling bodies in Baton Rouge, Louisiana following Hurricane 
Katrina, RAW STORY 
has learned. 
Kenyon is a subsidiary of Service Corporation International (SCI), a 
scandal-ridden Texas-based company operated by a friend of the Bush family. 
Recently, SCI subsidiaries have been implicated in illegally discarding and 
desecrating corpses.
Louisiana governor Katherine Blanco subsequently inked a contract with the 
firm after talks between FEMA and the firm broke down.
In other words, FEMA and then Blanco outsourced the body count from Hurricane 
Katrina -- which many believe the worst natural disaster in U.S. history -- to a 
firm whose parent company is known for its "experience" at hiding and dumping 
The Menorah Gardens cemetery chain, owned by SCI, desecrated vaults, removed 
hundreds of bodies from two cemeteries in Florida and dumped the gruesome 
remains in woods frequented by wild hogs, investigators discovered in 2001. In 
case, a backhoe was used to crack open a vault, remove corpses and make room 
for more dead bodies.
SCI paid $100 
million to settle a lawsuit filed by outraged family members of the 
A secretary at the lawfirm that sued SCI over the Florida cemetery scandals 
gasped when informed that FEMA had outsourced handling of Katrina victims' 
bodies to an SCI subsidiary. 
"Oh, good lord!" she said.
Peter Hartmann, general manager of the Menorah Gardens Cemetery chain, was 
later found 
dead in his car from carbon monoxide poisoning outside his parents' home in 
an apparent suicide. 
RAW STORY calls 
to FEMA were not returned.
Waltrip, chairman of SCI, is a longtime friend of Bush's father, former 
President George Herbert Walker Bush. The firm's political action committee 
donated $45,000 
to George W. Bush's 1994 gubernatorial campaign. 
The company also contributed more than $100,000 
for construction of the George H.W. Bush presidential library.
"It is appalling that the Bush administration –- which has already badly 
bungled its response to hurricane Katrina –- would hire a company with a record 
of gross mismanagement of mortuary services," said Melanie Sloan, executive 
director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics, a Washington D.C.-based 
watchdog group. "I can only imagine that this decision was made because of 
President Bush's long-time friendship with the head of SCI, Robert Waltrip."
SCI also owned fifteen funeral homes named as defendants in a lawsuit filed on 
behalf of family members alleging "macabre mishandling, abuse and desecration of 
bodies" by Tri-State Crematory in Georgia. The lawsuit accused SCI-owned funeral 
homes of sending bodies to the unlicensed, unregulated crematorium, where 
never-incinerated corpses were found piled outdoors and stuffed in sheds in 
Some vaults designed to hold one body each had 67 sets of human remains 
stuffed inside, investigators discovered. 
SCI was among the companies ordered to pay settlement fees to family members, a 
legal source has confirmed to RAW STORY.
Kenyon bills itself as the world's leading disaster management company. It 
provided morgue support services following the 9/11 plane crash in Pennsylvania 
and the Asian tsunami. 
As North America's largest funeral and cemetery company, SCI operates 1,500 
mortuaries and cemeteries nationwide. 
The company's website claims the firm is dedicated to "compassionately 
supporting families at difficult times, celebrating the significance of lives 
that have been lived, and preserving memories that transcend generations, with 
dignity and honor." 
SCI was also involved in an earlier scandal in Texas. Eliza May, former Texas 
Funeral Service Commission Director, filed a lawsuit accusing George W. Bush, 
then Governor, of obstructing an investigation into SCI license violations. May 
was fired following a dispute with Waltrip.
Waltrip and an SCI lobbyist met with Governor Bush's chief of staff, Joe 
Allbaugh (Allbaugh was later appointed head of FEMA after Bush became President, 
but left to become a lobbyist representing Halliburton, among other corporate 
According to Newsweek, Bush stopped by and said to Waltrip, "Hey, 
Bobby, are those people still messing with you?" 
May, a Democrat, sought to force Bush to testify in the case, but in August 
1999, a Texas judge tossed out a subpoena issued by May's lawyers for Bush to 
give a deposition. Bush, who was not a defendant, called May's claims 
"frivolous" and denied knowing the circumstances of her ouster.
In 1999, when Bush was gearing up to run for the presidency, Texas Governor 
Rick Perry approved a settlement 
for May. SCI paid $55,000; the state of Texas shelled 

[cia-drugs] Skull Bonesman to oversee Valerie Plame case?

2005-09-14 Thread E Bryant Holman

Skull  Bonesman to oversee Valerie Plame case?By Bill 
WeinbergCreated 08/08/2005 - 22:54

An interesting development in the extremely contentious [1] Valerie Plame 
affair: Deputy Attorney General James Comey, the only Justice Department 
official overseeing special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald's investigation into the 
leak scandal, is leaving to take a job in the private sector. And his likely 
successor, Associate Attorney General Robert McCallum, is—like the incumbent 
president whose administration may be responsible for the leak—a Yale Skull 
 Bonesman! Via TruthOut [2]:

 Leak Investigation: An Oversight 
Issue? By Michael Isikoff 

 15 August 2005 Issue

 The departure this week of Deputy Attorney General James 
Comey, who has accepted the post of general counsel at Lockheed Martin, leaves a 
question mark in the probe into who leaked the identity of CIA operative Valerie 
Plame. Comey was the only official overseeing special counsel Patrick 
Fitzgerald's leak investigation.

 With Attorney General Alberto Gonzales recused, 
department officials say they are still trying to resolve whom Fitzgerald will 
now report to. Associate Attorney General Robert McCallum is "likely" to be 
named as acting deputy A.G., a DOJ official who asked not to be identified 
because of the sensitivity of the matter tells NEWSWEEK. But McCallum may be 
seen as having his own conflicts: he is an old friend of President Bush's and a 
member of his Skull and Bones class at Yale.

 One question: how much authority Comey's successor will 
have over Fitzgerald. When Comey appointed Fitzgerald in 2003, the deputy 
granted him extraordinary powers to act however he saw fit-but noted he still 
had the right to revoke Fitzgerald's authority. The questions are pertinent 
because lawyers close to the case believe the probe is in its final 

 Fitzgerald recently called White House aide Karl Rove's 
secretary and his former top aide to testify before the grand jury. They were 
asked why there was no record of a phone call from Time reporter Matt Cooper, 
with whom Rove discussed the CIA agent, says a source close to Rove who 
requested anonymity because the FBI asked participants not to comment. The 
source says the call went through the White House switchboard, not directly to 

Note: It was also James Comey, then Manhattan US Attorney, who threatened 
to subpoena [3] WW4 REPORT in 2003 over our interview with activist attorney and 
terror war defendant Lynne Stewart [4].

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[cia-drugs] U.S. Censoring Katrina Coverage, Groups Say

2005-09-13 Thread E Bryant Holman

This message is available on the Internet at http://www.WantToKnow.info/050911hurricanekatrinacoverup

Below are one paragraph excerpts of important Hurricane Katrina news 
stories in the mainstream media which show clear censorship and suggest a major 
cover-up. Links are provided to the full stories on the original media websites. 
If any link fails to function, click here. By choosing to educate ourselves and 
to spread the word to our friends and colleagues, we can and will build a 
brighter future.

U.S. Censoring Katrina Coverage, Groups SaySeptember 8, 2005, 
Washington Posthttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/07/AR2005090702126.html

When U.S. officials asked the news media not to take pictures of those 
killed by Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath, they were censoring a key part of 
the disaster story, free-speech watchdogs said yesterday. The move by the 
Federal Emergency Management Agency is in line with the Bush administration's 
ban on images of flag-draped U.S. military coffins returning from the Iraq war, 
media monitors charged in separate telephone interviews. On Tuesday, FEMA 
refused to take reporters and photographers along on boats seeking victims in 
flooded areas, saying they would take up valuable space needed in the recovery 
effort and asked them not to take pictures of the dead. A FEMA spokeswoman 
wrote: "The recovery of victims is being treated with dignity and the utmost 
respect and we have requested that no photographs of the deceased be made by the 
media." FEMA's policy of excluding media from recovery expeditions in New 
Orleans is "an invitation to chaos," said Tom Rosenstiel, director of the 
Project for Excellence in Journalism, a part of Columbia University's journalism 

U.S. agency blocks photos of New Orleans deadSeptember 6, 2005, 

The U.S. government agency leading the rescue efforts after Hurricane 
Katrina said on Tuesday it does not want the news media to take photographs of 
the dead as they are recovered from the flooded New Orleans area. The Federal 
Emergency Management Agency, heavily criticized for its slow response to the 
devastation caused by the hurricane, rejected requests from journalists to 
accompany rescue boats as they went out to search for storm victims. "We have 
requested that no photographs of the deceased be made by the media," the 
spokeswoman said in an e-mailed response to a Reuters inquiry.

Note: Though the previous Washington Post article mentioned this news a 
couple days later, no major media picked up this important Reuters story.

Frustrated: Fire crews to hand out fliers for FEMASeptember 6, 2005, 
Salt Lake Tribunehttp://www.sltrib.com/search/ci_3004197

Not long after some 1,000 firefighters sat down for eight hours of 
training, the whispering began: "What are we doing here?" As New Orleans Mayor 
Ray Nagin pleaded on national television for firefighters - his own are 
exhausted after working around the clock for a week - a battalion of highly 
trained men and women sat idle Sunday in a muggy Sheraton Hotel conference room 
in Atlanta. Many of the firefighters, assembled from Utah and throughout the 
United States by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, thought they were 
going to be deployed as emergency workers. Instead, they have learned they are 
going to be community-relations officers for FEMA, shuffled throughout the Gulf 
Coast region to disseminate fliers and a phone number: 1-800-621-FEMA. On 
Monday, some firefighters stuck in the staging area at the Sheraton peeled off 
their FEMA-issued shirts and stuffed them in backpacks, saying they refuse to 
represent the federal agency. As specific orders began arriving to the 
firefighters in Atlanta, a team of 50 Monday morning quickly was ushered onto a 
flight headed for Louisiana. The crew's first assignment: to stand beside 
President Bush as he tours devastated areas. 

A Compilation of FEMA's Rejections of Qualified Help

FEMA refuses hundreds of personnel, dozens of vehicles - Chicago Tribune, 

FEMA won't let Red Cross deliver food - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 

FEMA fails to utilize Navy ship with 600-bed hospital on board - Chicago 
Tribune, 9/4/05http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-0509040369sep04,1,4144825.story

FEMA turns away state-of-the-art mobile hospital from Univ. of North 
Carolina - CNN, 9/5/05http://edition.cnn.com/2005/HEALTH/09/04/katrina.sick.redtape.ap/

FEMA won't accept Amtrak's help in evacuations - Financial Times, 

FEMA turns back Wal-Mart supply trucks - New York Times, 

Re: [cia-drugs] MEXICO AND TROOPS

2005-09-09 Thread E Bryant Holman

I looked at the picture and I don't see any arms

- Original Message - 
; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; 

Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 7:45 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] MEXICO AND TROOPS
attachment. mexican troops with arms inside the so called usa, what next bin 
laden helping with a plan and a bomb?do you remember when mexican troops 
blocked the path of u.s. marines who were carrying two replica ceremonial 
riflers? and wanted to arrested the marines? by the way the mexican troops wait 
inside the city and stopped for 12 hrs to pick up something? in nuevo laredo and 
had something to do with the los zetas gang, wish i knew what was really 
happening., in n/oFred Dawes[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[cia-drugs] Mexican army convoys bringing aid to U.S

2005-09-07 Thread E Bryant Holman



Tuesday, September 6, 2005 · Last updated 9:26 p.m. PT

Mexican army convoys bringing aid to U.S.


MEXICO CITY -- A Mexican army aid convoy set out for the U.S. border 
Tuesday, carrying water treatment plants, mobile kitchens and supplies to feed 
the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Large Mexican flags were taped to many of the 35 green-painted Mexican army 
trucks and tractor trailers as they rumbled northward, in what apparently will 
be the first Mexican military unit to operate on U.S. soil since 1846.

The trucks, carrying 195 unarmed soldiers, officers and specialists, were 
expected to arrive in Laredo, Texas, sometime early Thursday, the president's 
office said. From there they are to proceed to Houston, where they will 
apparently be used to produce water and hot meals.

The convoy included two mobile kitchens that can feed 7,000 people each per 
day, three flatbed trucks carrying mobile water treatment plants, and 15 
trailers of bottled water, blankets and applesauce.

It also includes military engineers, doctors and nurses.

In 1846, Mexican troops briefly advanced just north of the Rio Grande in 
Texas, which had then recently joined the United States. Mexico, however, did 
not then recognize the Rio Grande as the U.S. border.

The two countries quickly became mired in the Mexican-American War, which 
led to the loss of half of Mexico's territory in 1848.

Mexico sent a squadron of pilots to train in the United States in the 
1940s, but they served outside the United States - in the Philippines - in World 
War II.

In 1916, the revolutionary leader Pancho Villa led a group of irregular 
fighters in a brief raid into Columbus, N.M., in what is considered the last 
battle against foreign forces on U.S. soil.

Mexico was planning another 12-vehicle aid convoy to leave Tuesday or 
Wednesday and already has a Mexican navy ship steaming toward the Mississippi 
coast with rescue vehicles and helicopters.

Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez has said Mexico is setting up 
consular offices in trailers around the disaster zone to help some of the 
estimated 140,000 Mexicans who live in the region, 10,000 of them in New 

In addition, help was offered by a search-and-rescue group called "topos" - 
which translates as "moles" - organized by youths who dug through collapsed 
buildings after Mexico City's 1985 earthquake.
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Re: [cia-drugs] Re: FEMA Chief Sent Help Only After Storm Hit

2005-09-07 Thread E Bryant Holman

The declared themselve in charge on 
Aug 27! How did this get overlooked?

of 8/27/05, the feds were responsible for coordinating all state, and local 
disaster and recovery operations for hurricane 
For Immediate ReleaseOffice of the Press SecretaryAugust 27, 
Statement on Federal 
Emergency Assistance for Louisiana 

The President today declared 
an emergency exists in the State of Louisiana and ordered Federal aid to 
supplement state and local response efforts in the parishes located in the path 
of Hurricane Katrina beginning on August 26, 2005, and continuing. 
The President's action 
authorizes the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management 
Agency (FEMA), to coordinate all disaster relief efforts which have the purpose 
of alleviating the hardship and suffering caused by the emergency on the local 
population, and to provide appropriate assistance for required emergency 
measures, authorized under Title V of the Stafford Act, to save lives, protect 
property and public health and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a 
catastrophe in the parishes of Allen, Avoyelles, Beauregard, Bienville, Bossier, 
Caddo, Caldwell, Claiborne, Catahoula, Concordia, De Soto, East Baton Rouge, 
East Carroll, East Feliciana, Evangeline, Franklin, Grant, Jackson, LaSalle, 
Lincoln, Livingston, Madison, Morehouse, Natchitoches, Pointe Coupee, Ouachita, 
Rapides, Red River, Richland, Sabine, St. Helena, St. Landry, Tensas, Union, 
Vernon, Webster, West Carroll, West Feliciana, and Winn. 
Specifically, FEMA is 
authorized to identify, mobilize, and provide at its discretion, equipment and 
resources necessary to alleviate the impacts of the emergency. Debris removal 
and emergency protective measures, including direct Federal assistance, will be 
provided at 75 percent Federal funding. 
Representing FEMA, Michael 
D. Brown, Under Secretary for Emergency Preparedness and Response, Department of 
Homeland Security, named William Lokey as the Federal Coordinating Officer for 
Federal recovery operations in the affected area. 
CONTACT: FEMA (202) 646-4600. 
- Original Message - 
From: norgesen 

To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 8:54 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: FEMA Chief Sent Help Only After Storm 

The spin is this isn't the time to point fingers, even as 
the regime apologists say there is much blame to go around, all the way from the 
mayor of New Orleans to the Governor of Louisiana. The limited hang-out is 
FEMA's "incompetence," which may, eventually, cost Michael Brown his job. And 
they will make it so hard to wrest it from him that it will seem like a 
tremendous accomplishment when he's promoted sideways. But it's not incompetence 
that bars relief, declines to drop supplies, turns back evacuees and cuts lines 
of communication."Culling," a document of The Order of Nine Angles, 
states that "The time is 
now right - both strategically and tactically - to reveal the Satanic truth, the 
whole Satanic truth and nothing but the Satanic truth in clear, precise terms 
which are not open to mis-interpretation."There are no masks anymore. 
The whole Satanic truth is on display, from the disdain of mercy to the piling 
of horror upon horror. But the more grotesque the vision, the greater the need 
of those yet in denial to avert their eyes. This is the challenge before 
Americans at which the world holds its breath: Can they see, this time? Have 
they had enough, yet?



--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Jim 
Rarey" [EMAIL PROTECTED]... wrote: 

  September 7, 2005 FEMA Chief 
Sent Help Only After Storm Hit By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Filed at 
11:58 a.m. ET  WASHINGTON (AP) -- The top U.S. disaster official 
waited hours after Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast before he proposed to 
his boss sending at least 1,000 Homeland Security workers into the region to 
support rescuers, internal documents show. 

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[cia-drugs] Military moves in, not to help but to repress

2005-09-05 Thread E Bryant Holman

"After Bush's much-publicized photo-op, where he played hero and hugged 
two young Black women in Louisiana, the German television station ZDF News 
reported that the president's visit was a completely staged event. Their crew 
witnessed how the open-air food distribution point Bush visited in front of the 
cameras was torn down immediately after he and the herd of "news people" had 
left. Others that were allegedly being set up were abandoned at the same 

The people in the area were once again left to fend for themselves, said 
ZDF. "


New Orleans crisis continuesMilitary moves in, not to help but to 
repressBy Deirdre GriswoldPublished Sep 4, 2005 11:29 PM

Sept. 4—As the world watches in horror, the life-and-death crisis continues 
to grow for thousands of distressed people, most of them African American, 
stranded in New Orleans. Enduring intense heat, they lack food, water and 
medical help and are surrounded by putrid water, garbage and corpses.

Detroit residents protesting the Iraqwar at their own ‘Camp 
Casey’condemn Washington for abandoningthe people of New Orleans 
whilespending billions to conquer Iraq.WW photo: Cheryl LaBash

CNN reports today from Louisiana: "Time is running out for thousands of 
people awaiting rescue six days after Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, 
rescuers say. Officials say they do not have the manpower, the resources or 
enough time to save everyone."

The report quotes a Coast Guard captain, Bruce Jones: "My guys are coming 
back and telling me, 'Sir, I went into a house, and there are three elderly 
people in their beds, and they're gasping, and they're dying.' And we got calls 
today, 'We need you ... to go to a place in St. Bernard Parish. It's a hospice, 
... and there are 10 dead and there are 10 dying.' But those people were 
probably alive yesterday or the day before."

The CNN report concludes: "For every person plucked from the flood, there 
are hundreds still waiting, rescuers say."

The authorities have released no figures on the death toll so far, but the 
Louisiana governor says it will be "in the thousands."

Meanwhile, stories keep coming out about how the Federal Emergency 
Management Agency and other local and federal authorities have been turning back 
skilled volunteers who want to help in this worst disaster ever suffered in U.S. 

A Virginia newspaper writes: "Loudoun Sheriff's deputies and emergency 
personnel were on their way to hurricane-stricken Louisiana Thursday night but 
had to turn around when the federal government failed to come up with the 
required paperwork." (Loudon Times-Mirror, Sept. 2)

The Daily News of Jacksonville, N.C., wrote today: "[Sherri] Gabel, an 
emergency medical technician from Jacksonville, is one of thousands of trained 
health-care providers and emergency personnel who have flocked toward the ruined 
Gulf Coast in hopes of helping the thousands who have been stranded without 
food, water or medical care in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

"But many are being turned away, said Gabel, a move she believes will cost 
more lives. In fact, she said the Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA] 
tried to turn her away when she called them earlier this week. ...

"Gabel said she has watched authorities turn away both emergency workers 
and trucks loaded with supplies. ... 'Everyone saw this storm coming in,' she 
said. 'Everyone knew this storm was going to be a catastrophe. Here it is Friday 
and these people are crying and dying on the middle of the road because they 
don't have a single bottle of water. There's a lot of people not doing anything 
because they've been told not to.' "

Even people with the Red Cross are complaining that they cannot get into 
New Orleans. The organization's website says this on its FAQ page: "The state 
Homeland Security Department had requested—and continues to request—that the 
American Red Cross not come back into New Orleans following the hurricane. Our 
presence would 'keep people from evacuating and encourage others to come into 
the city.'

"People are still trapped, starving and dying in New Orleans, but 
tragically, the Red Cross is not permitted to help them. Orders of Homeland 

Venezuela's offer of help

Offers of help from other countries are also getting a polite "Thank you, 
we'll see about it" from Washington, even as hundreds are still dying every day. 
Venezuela was the first country to offer help to the afflicted in the Gulf area, 
saying it could immediately send fuel and emergency workers.

CITGO, a company in the U.S. owned by the Venezuelan oil company PDVSA, has 
a network of refineries and gas stations in the United States. One of these is 
based in Lake Charles, La., and was opened to give shelter and aid to some 2,000 
residents of the area. But the U.S. government has not given the go-ahead for 
this to happen. Its attitude toward the ongoing revolution in Venezuela is 

[cia-drugs] Fw: [hurricane_katrina_disaster] New Orleans is Sealed; No One Permitted to Walk Out

2005-09-05 Thread E Bryant Holman
 Did Rivera find out what the parents of the 10 month old did for a 
living to
 support the baby? Why didn't the parents leave when told to, instead of 
 helping themselves.

This is the kind of post that the freepers on this group are sending out, 
with the apparant approval by the freepers who run it. This sort of racist, 
blame-the-victim even extends to children. Why does the moderator remain 
silent when these statements are made, but actually contribute to the 
trashing of Rivera and Sheehan and anyone else that contradicts the line 
that Rove is now orchestrating in order to trash everyone who criticizes 
Bush for his role in this disaster?

People should join http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hurricane_katrina_disaster/ 
and express some opinions that are a little different from what is being 
promoted there, because this is the largest group that is set up to talk 
about the disaster, and it is being used as nothing more than a bully pulpit 
to attack the victims and anyone who speaks up on their behalf.

They are sitting astride a group that was supposedly set up to invite 
everyone on Yahoo to participate in a way that is supposed to offer a free 
exchange of information, luring people in there who might be expecting to 
either hear the truth or at least a fair exchange of ideas, and to share 
information on how to help the victims, and what they get is threats and 
flaming from right wing bullies who want everything to express the opinions 
aired by the likes of the rich drug addict Rush Limbaugh.

I should say that anyone who does join and speak up will likely be kicked 
off pretty quickly, and I am not asking anyone to go in there and flame 
anyone else, either. But if you are not a freeper, you will get flamed and 
maybe even kicked off before it is all over.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 8:03 AM
Subject: RE: [hurricane_katrina_disaster] New Orleans is Sealed; No One 
Permitted to Walk Out

 Did Rivera find out what the parents of the 10 month old did for a living 
 support the baby? Why didn't the parents leave when told to, instead of 
 helping themselves.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of E Bryant
 Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 8:20 PM
 Subject: [hurricane_katrina_disaster] New Orleans is Sealed; No One
 Permitted to Walk Out

 Via NY Transfer News Collective  *  All the News that Doesn't Fit

 New Orleans is Sealed; No One Permitted to Walk Out

 Geraldo Rivera Reports the Superdome Surivors have been LOCKED IN

 [FOX News has Geraldo Rivera inside the now-locked Superdome, on camera,
 showing the victims of the USA's criminal negligence for the world to see.
 He holds up a 10-month-old baby and asks WHY are these people LOCKED IN,
 six days after the hurricane?  Why are they sealed in with dead bodies
 without medicine, without food?  Why not let them go?  What the HELL is
 going on? It's been SIX DAYS. Rivera is in tears. The director switches 
 another reporter outside on a highway above the Superdome, who says they
 have now set up a checkpoint, and nyone attempting to leave the city for
 Jefferson County across the river -- whre there is electricity, food, and
 clean water -- is being TURNED BACK. No one is being permitted to LEAVE.
 WHY?  Why are these hundreds and hundreds of people still stuck sitting 
 an overpass not being permitted to leave? he asks. Where is the food 
 they are brining in? We saw the convoys coe in with food and medicine.
 Where is it? These people have been here for 6 days, they have not been 
 where to go. They have only triked to get to evacuation points, and were
 told to leave the area of the Superdome. But no one told them where they
 should go.

 The reporters run out of words to express their anger, bewilderment, and
 frustration. The Bush-league anchor tries to calm them, saying let's put
 this in perspective... -- he is cut off by Rivera:  You want 
 Look into the face of this baby with no food for 6 days.  The bodies arfe
 piled up on the 2nd level of this locked superdome.  That's perspective.
 That's reality.

 AP via MSNBC - Sep 3, 2005

 Putrid conditions worsen for up to 5,000 remaining refugees

 The Associated Press

 NEW ORLEANS - Several thousand people still trapped in squalor at the
 Superdome climbed aboard buses Saturday morning as evacuations resumed 
 an overnight disruption.

 Evacuations were halted before dawn Saturday as authorities diverted buses
 to help some 25,000 refugees at the New Orleans Convention Center, where
 officials said people had been waiting longer.

 The Texas Air National Guard estimated that between 2,000 and 5,000 people
 remained at the Superdome, a frightening scene of filth, violence and
 despair. Lt. Kevin Cowan of the state Office

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Fwd: MANY Oil Platforms Missing, Years Before Return to Production

2005-09-04 Thread E Bryant Holman

Not all of them are. The ones in the North Sea are, but they are 
tremendously expensive as compared to one that is more light duty. This is like 
thinking that all vehicles are the same. There is quite a bit of difference 
between a Volkswagen and a Peterbuilt.

- Original Message - 
From: mark urban 
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 9:01 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Fwd: MANY Oil Platforms Missing, Years 
Before Return to Production
I think this is disinfo. oil platforms are specifically 
designed towithstand hurricanes and 100 foot swells.--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, RoadsEnd 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]... wrote:  
 Begin forwarded message:   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]...  Date: September 4, 2005 
6:36:27 PM PDT  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]...  Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]..., [EMAIL PROTECTED]...  Subject: Fwd: MANY Oil Platforms 
Missing, Years Before Return to   Production 
From: Jim 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Date: September 3, 2005 11:29:37 PM 
PDT  To: undisclosed-recipients:;  Subject: MANY Oil 
Platforms Missing, Years Before Return to Production  Reply-To: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 6. From: "Mark 
Graffis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Subject: MANY Oil Platforms Missing, 
Years Before Return to Production  Date: 1 Sep 2005 
  Newest (very informative and very scary) report from an 
anonymous   insider:   Posted by Prof. 
Goose in Supply/Production: http://   
August 31 at .   This is from an oil 
industry insider I consider quite credible.   She was 
definitely right about everything in her last post. If   
she's right about this one, we may finally start to get a true  
 picture of what's going on. All below the fold. 
  _  There are MANY production platforms missing (as 
in not visible from   the air). This means they have 
been totally lost. I am talking   about 10's of 
platforms, not single digit numbers. Each platform   can 
have from 4 to 100+ wells on it. Most larger ones have 20-30 
  wells in this area, with numerous caisson wells. They are on 
their   sides, on the bottom of the gulf - they will likely be 
left as reef   material, provided we can get permission. 
MMS regulations require   us to plug each of the wells that 
were on these platforms -- HUGE   cost now, as the platforms 
are gone... Hopefully, MMS will grant   'abandon in place' 
status for these wiped out structures.   We also set 
individual wells as satellites and pipe them back to   
existing platforms. These stand-alone wells are called caisson 
  wells. 90% of those in the storm path are bent over, 
rendering   them a total loss. We would have to remove 
the existing bent   structure and drill a new well, as bent 
pipe is basically unusable.   We utilize platforms as 
gathering hubs. We pipe the raw oil/water   to them and then 
send it on for separation, or separate it there   and send 
finished oil on. Damage to a hub means everything going  
 to the hub is offline indefinitely. There are +/- 15 HUBS 
  missing. MISSING!! As in we cannot find them from the 
air.   Thus even if the wells feeding the hub are ok, we 
have nowhere to   pump the oil to...   
The jackup drilling rigs appear to be in various stages of damage, 
  but most rode the storm out with minimal problems. However, 
each   of them has shifted position.   
When we jack the rig up, it is carefully positioned directly over  
 the well slot where we are working. The derrick has rails that 
  allow us to slide it in 4 directions to get the derrick 
directly   over the well or slot. If the rig moves 
(right/left, or from level   to uneven), it has to be jacked 
back down to the waterline and   repositioned with tugboats, 
then jacked back up. After it is back   up and level, 
the derrick is slid on the 2 sets of rails, and   bolted into 
position over the well or slot again.   Thus we have to 
reset each of the drilling rigs, which requires   getting OUT 
of the well, tugboats and a move, then getting back   into the 
well. The open hole we have drilled (what is not enclosed  
 in cemented casing) is likely to be lost, and if the wellhead or 
  the casing is bent, then the well will have to be redrilled. 
This   is an exploration setback of at least a month, but we 
don't yet   know the boat situation.   
Boats are usually brought into harbor to weather storms. We do not 
  have a boat count yet, but from the initial reports, we may 
have   lost or grounded 30% of the Gulf of Mexico fleet. 
This means   everything will cost more, take longer -- 
repairs, repositioning,   everything.  
 In short, the Gulf area hit by the storm is basically in about the 
  same shape as Biloxi. The damage numbers you have gotten 
from the   government and analysts are, in my opinion, much 
too low. We are   

[cia-drugs] High resolution satellite photo of NOLA taken Aug 31

2005-09-04 Thread E Bryant Holman

High resolution satellite photo of NOLA:

Pensacola News Journal headlines:
11:28 p.m. EDT

New Orleans begins counting its dead

struggling with Katrina refugees 
Jefferson Parish President, 
Aaron Broussard, Meet the Press interview:

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2005-09-04 Thread E Bryant Holman

Orleans Community Demands Action,Accountability andInitiates A 
People's Hurricane FundNot until the fifth day of the federal 
government'sinept and inadequate emergency response to the NewOrleans' 
disaster did George Bush even acknowledge itwas 'unacceptable.' 
'Unacceptable' doesn't begin todescribe the depth of the neglect, racism and 
classismshown to the people of New Orleans. The government'sactions and 
inactions were criminal. New Orleans, acity whose population is almost 70% 
percent black, 40%illiterate, and many are poor, was left day after 
dayto drown, to starve and to die of disease and thirst.The people 
of New Orleans will not go quietly into thenight, scattering across this 
country to becomehomeless in countless other cities while federal 
relieffunds are funneled into rebuilding casinos, hotels,chemical plants 
and the wealthy white districts of NewOrleans like the French Quarter and 
the GardenDistrict. We will not stand idly by while this disasteris used 
as an opportunity to replace our homes withnewly built mansions and condos 
in a gentrified NewOrleans.Community Labor United (CLU), a coalition 
of theprogressive organizations throughout New Orleans, hasbrought 
community members together for eight years todiscuss socio-economic 
issues. We have beencommunicating with people from The Quality 
Education asa Civil Right Campaign, the Algebra Project, the 
YoungPeople's Project and the Louisiana Research Institutefor Community 
Empowerment. We are preparing a pressrelease and framing document that 
will be out as adraft later today for comments.Here is what we are 
calling for:* We are calling for all New Orleanians remaining inthe 
city to be evacuated immediately.* We are calling for information about 
where everyevacuee was taken. We are calling for black andprogressive 
leadership to come together to meet inBaton Rouge to initiate the formation 
of a CommunityOversight Committee of evacuees from all the sites.This 
committee will demand to oversee FEMA, the RedCross and other organizations 
collecting resources onbehalf of our people.* We are calling for 
volunteers to enter the shelterswhere our people are and to assist parents 
withhousing, food, water, health care and access to aid.* We are 
calling for teachers and educators to carveout some time to come to 
evacuation sites and teach ourchildren.* We are calling for city 
schools and universities nearevacuation sites to open their doors for our 
childrento go to school.* We are calling for health care workers and 
mentalhealth workers to come to evacuation sites tovolunteer.* 
We are calling for lawyers to investigate thewrongful death of those who 
died, to protect the landof the displaced, to investigate whether the 
leviesbroke due to natural and other related matters.* We are 
calling for evacuees from our community toactively participate in the 
rebuilding of New Orleans.* We are calling for the addresses of all the 
relevantlist serves and press contacts to send our information.We 
are in the process of setting up a central commandpost in Jackson, MS, where 
we will have phone lines,fax, email and a web page to centralize 
information.We will need volunteers to staff this office.We have set 
up a People's Hurricane Fund that will bedirected and administered by New 
Orleanian evacuees.The Young People's Project, a 501(c)3 
organizationformed by graduates of the Algebra Project, has agreedto 
accept donations on behalf of this fund. Donationscan be mailed 
to:The People's Hurricane Fund c/o The Young People'sProject 99 
Bishop Allen Drive Cambridge, MA 02139If you have comments of how 
to proceed or need moreinformation, please email them to Curtis 
Muhammad([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and Becky 
Belcore([EMAIL PROTECTED]).Thank you.
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knowdrinks diet soda check out the Aspartame Victims Support Group 

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[cia-drugs] Bush Cut Hurricane, Flood Protection Funding to New Orleans

2005-08-29 Thread E Bryant Holman

 From: "CLG News" [EMAIL PROTECTED]  To: 
 Subject: Bush Cut Hurricane, Flood Protection Funding to 
New Orleans Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 21:51:45 -0400 
 News Updates from Citizens for Legitimate Government 28 
August 2005 http://www.legitgov.org/ http://www.legitgov.org/index.html#breaking_news 
Bush Cut Hurricane, Flood Protection Funding to New Orleans 06 June 
2005 In fiscal year 2006, the New Orleans district of the U.S. Army 
Corps of Engineers is bracing for a record $71.2 million reduction in 
federal funding. It would be the largest single-year funding loss ever 
for the New Orleans district, Corps officials said. I've been here 
over 30 years and I've never seen this level of reduction, said Al 
Naomi, project manager for the New Orleans district... The cuts mean 
major hurricane and flood protection projects will not be awarded to 
local engineering firms. Also, a study to determine ways to protect 
the region from a Category 5 hurricane has been shelved for now. 
[Please forward this news item to every media outlet and 
listserve.]  U.S. oil surges $4 to record above $70 28 Aug 
2005 U.S. crude oil futures surged more than $4 in opening trade on 
Monday, hitting a new record high above $70 a barrel after Hurricane 
Katrina [US corpora-terrorists] forced Gulf of Mexico producers to 
shut in more than a third of their output.  
Address to receive newsletter: http://www.legitgov.org/#subscribe_clg 
Please write to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
for inquiries. lrp/mdr   CLG Newsletter editor: Lori Price, 
General Manager. Copyright © 2005, Citizens For Legitimate Government 
® All rights reserved. CLG Founder and Chair is Michael Rectenwald, 
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knowdrinks diet soda check out the Aspartame Victims Support Group 

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[cia-drugs] Bush Privatized Catastrophic Hurricane Disaster Plan for New Orleans

2005-08-29 Thread E Bryant Holman


Bush Privatized Catastrophic Hurricane Disaster Plan for New Orleans, 
Southeast Louisiana in 2004 --IEM Team to Develop Catastrophic Hurricane 
Disaster Plan for New Orleans  Southeast Louisiana 03 June 2004 (IEM, Inc. 
Press Release) "IEM, Inc., the Baton Rouge-based emergency management and 
homeland security consultant, will lead the development of a catastrophic 
hurricane disaster plan for Southeast Louisiana and the City of New Orleans 
under a more than half a million dollar contract with the U.S. Department of 
Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). In making the 
announcement today on behalf of teaming partners Dewberry, URS Corporation and 
James Lee Witt Associates, IEM Director of Homeland Security Wayne Thomas 
explained that the development of a base catastrophic hurricane disaster plan 
has urgency due to the recent start of the annual hurricane season which runs 
through November." [James Lee Witt Associates, LLC, established in 2001 by the 
former director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is a leader in 
public safety and crisis management. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., with 
offices in Atlanta, Chicago and Sacramento... nice reward for covering up Bush's 
9/11 terrorist attacks, etc..]

Experts expect Katrina to turn New Orleans into Atlantis 28 Aug 2005 
Experts have warned for years that the levees and pumps that usually keep New 
Orleans dry have no chance against a direct hit by a Category 5 storm. That's 
exactly what Hurricane Katrina was as it churned toward the city. With top winds 
of 165 mph and the power to lift sea level by as much as 28 feet above normal, 
the storm threatened an environmental disaster of biblical proportions, one that 
could leave more than 1 million people homeless. "All indications are that this 
is absolutely worst-case scenario,'' Ivor van Heerden, deputy director of the 
Louisiana State University Hurricane Center, said Sunday afternoon.

Get out of the city, go now! 29 Aug 2005 More than two million people were 
battling to escape from New Orleans last night as the city braced itself for a 
direct hit by the strongest storm in its history. Hurricane Katrina, a top 
Category 5 monster on the Saffir-Simpson scale, with sustained winds of 175mph, 
was set to strike early this morning, threatening catastrophic damage and a 
devastating storm surge that could leave the city under 20ft (6m) of 

Poor, homeless, frail flock to the safety of Superdome 28 Aug 2005 For 
thousands of this city's poor, homeless and frail, just getting into the massive 
Louisiana Superdome and hunkering down was the hardest part.

"This is a military process." -MSNBC commentator, on Louisiana Superdome's 
National Guard and security presence.

In Camille's Deadly 1969 Solo, A Grim Prologue to Katrina 29 Aug 2005 The 
real news was the National Hurricane Center's chilling declaration that, at 902 
millibars of internal barometric pressure -- the lowest barometric pressure ever 
recorded in the Gulf of Mexico -- Katrina was "comparable in intensity to 
Hurricane Camille of 1969 . . . only larger."

With Few Warning Signs, an Unpredictable Behemoth Grew 29 Aug 2005 
Forecasters then watched in wonder as a series of conditions, many of them 
poorly understood, caused the storm to do what no one wanted: intensify, expand 
and maintain a terrifying trajectory. The energy, the near-record low pressure 
in the storm's core and its huge dimensions added up to an inevitable disaster, 
Mr. Read said. "That's why they're basically forecasting Armageddon when it goes 
inland," he said.

Category 5 Katrina heads to Gulf Coast 28 Aug 2005 Monstrous Hurricane 
Katrina barreled toward the Big Easy on Sunday with 165-mph wind and a threat of 
a 28-foot storm surge, forcing a mandatory evacuation, a last-ditch Superdome 
shelter and prayers for those left to face the doomsday scenario this 
below-sea-level city has long dreaded.

Katrina, a top-strength hurricane, aims for U.S. 28 Aug 2005 ...Hurricane 
Katrina grew into a Category 5 hurricane on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale 
by 7:05 a.m. EDT (1105 GMT), with winds of 160 mph (260 kph) capable of causing 
catastrophic damage.

Katrina swells to Category 5 status on approach to Gulf Coast 28 Aug 2005 
Hurricane Katrina strengthened to a dangerous Category 5 on Sunday with 175 mph 
sustained wind as residents of south Louisiana jammed freeways in a rush to get 
out of the way of the powerful storm.

Katrina Packing Wind of Nearly 175 Mph 28 Aug 2005 The mayor ordered an 
immediate evacuation Sunday for all of New Orleans, a city sitting below sea 
level with 485,000 inhabitants, as Hurricane Katrina bore down with wind revving 
up to nearly 175 mph and threats of a massive storm surge. "This is a once in a 
lifetime event," Mayor Ray Nagin said. "The city of New Orleans has never seen a 
hurricane of this magnitude hit it directly."

Katrina could inundate New 

[cia-drugs] Zapatistas initiate dialog with other groups in Mexico

2005-08-23 Thread E Bryant Holman

August 23, 2005Please Distribute WidelyDear 
Colleague,Al Giordano reports today from Chiapas, Mexico on the series 
of historic encounters between the Zapatista Army of National 
Liberation (EZLN) and groups from around Mexico and the world. The 
meetings are the beginning of the process outlined in the Zapatistas' 
Sixth Declaration from the Lacandon Jungle and their proposal to 
create, as Mexico begins another presidential election cycle, "The 
Other Campaign."Giordano gives a glimpse of what the formation of a new 
kind of power, "from below," looks like in its early stages, as 
Mexicans from all walks of life - workers, neighborhood activists, 
student radicals, peasant organizers, and more, all "of the left" but 
many having been at odds for years - come together to try to join 
forces in a meaningful, revolutionary way, for the first time. And as 
one young participant, from the state of Veracruz, puts it, "There 
is nobody with the moral authority better to lead this fight than 
the EZLN."Giordano reports:"Most of the organizations 
present were formed in the past five years by sectors of Mexican 
society that have been ravaged by the privatization of government 
tasks as imposed by the rules of the market. Their demands have been 
ignored and their people made into outcasts by political parties and 
institutional organizations and leaders, including those of the Old 
Left that, according to some of younger folks like Morita, they 
sounded like. They are at the margins. And it is through the margins 
and the marginalized - who together in this country and this work make 
for a majority of minorities - that the Zapatistas have begun to arm a 
kind of bomb and a corresponding explosion to come. The bomb under 
construction is, among other qualities, inter-generational. That is 
one difficult bomb to arm. But - lookey here - it is yet a more 
difficult one for the powerful to deactivate once it begins 
ticking."..."All day and for much of the night, the word kept 
being spoken: The workers from metallurgy factories in the Pacific 
port of Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán took the microphone and told the 
history of their organizing as workers, their current strike, and the 
strong repression against them. They invited the Zapatistas - 
who've announced that they're coming out so we'd better get the 
party started - to their factories to visit and speak with the 
workers. Then came an organization of small business salespersons, 
inviting the Zapatistas to come to the largest wholesale marketplace 
in Mexico City, known as La Merced."A jovial, bearded 
fisherman from Manzanillo, Colima got his turn. 'We are struggling 
against very rich and important men.' He received an especially 
roaring applause when he cut his presentation short, allowing others 
to speak. (Later, Zapatista Subcomandante Marcos, after listening to 
more than 100 such presentations, mentioned, specifically, the desire 
of the out-coming Zapatista delegations to join the fishermen on their 
boats.)"Read the full report here:http://www.narconews.comAnd keep 
reading Narco News as this story, this history, continues. "Those who 
look only to the powers from above - to the Commercial Media, to the 
owning-class, to its politicians and parties," writes Giordano, "will 
be the last to see that great wave rolling over what they mistakenly 
thought to be real, static and permanent."From somewhere in a country 
called América,Dan FederManaging EditorThe Narco News 
Bulletinhttp://www.narconews.com[EMAIL PROTECTED]Narco 
News is supported by:The Fund for Authentic JournalismP.O. Box 
241Natick, MA 01760http://www.authenticjournalism.orgThe 
Fund receives online donations at this web page:http://www.authenticjournalism.orgApply 
for your co-publisher's account, here:http://www.narconews.com/copublisher/application.phpSubscribe 
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[cia-drugs] black helicopters

2005-08-22 Thread E Bryant Holman

caveat lector - This guy Robert Bienenfeld is pretty nutty, but he lives on 
Long Island and I think he has actually seen the helicopters. Has anyone else 
seen them there lately?


Many People have witnessed the black helicopters in the Contintental Long 
Island/NYC with a mounted gizmo, in front. That Gizmo, is a highly selective 
neutron detector, which can detect very high moving neutrons from a high 
radioactive source from either Uranium 235 or Plutonium 239. There is some 
controversial about a new type of nuclear bomb called a red mercury nuclear bomb 
repesenting 1/10 the needed mass for critical to supercritical explosion. 
Many people in the CIA claim the Soviet Union developed this new type of Nuclear 
Bomb and it is now in small briefcases, and attache' cases. The only problem 
with the neutron detectors, to which the Feds know, is the proximity to the 
neutron detector to the source of highly radioactive mass. The proximity has to 
be within 200 feet, for any subtle detection of the radioactive critical mass 
and subcritical mass. Long Island/NYC is being sweeped recently with Feds, but 
its like finding a needle in a haystack.Robert Bienenfeld 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Neutron Detectors being Flown 
over Long Island/NYC area. The Helicopters are now flying neutron detectors 
fitted to Helicopters, over the Long Island/NYC region. Only thing is its like 
finding a needle in a haystack as far as finding a nuclear briefcase. Many 
people observing these black helicopters with flying low and hovering and fitted 
with the neutron detector in front. The Feds expect something to hit the 
Contintental Long Island/NYC area very soon. Robert 
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knowdrinks diet soda check out the Aspartame Victims Support Group 

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[cia-drugs] Journalists Stop Investigating Organized Crime

2005-08-22 Thread E Bryant Holman

Journalists Stop Investigating Organized Crime

Submitted by editor on August 22, 2005 - 

By Susana HaywardSource: Philadelphia Inquirer
LAREDO, Mexico - A drug war is ripping apart northern Mexico, but you won't find 
many details about who's behind it in the local newspapers. Journalists - after 
their colleagues have been killed, kidnapped, and threatened with death - have 
stopped investigating organized crime.
the new trend of drug gangs: Journalists are warned, paid off or killed," said 
Daniel Rosas, the managing editor of the daily El Mañana, the oldest newspaper 
in this border city south of Laredo, Texas. "Drug battles have become bloodier, 
and gangs have no code of ethics. They don't respect human life; why should they 
respect reporters?"
Mañana, founded in 1932 after the Mexican revolution with a motto to promote 
freedom of _expression_, has been self-censoring itself since its editor, Roberto 
Javier Mora García, was stabbed to death on March 19, 2004.
Earlier this year, a former El Mañana reporter, Dolores Guadalupe García 
Escamilla, died after being shot outside her home. She'd gone to work for a 
radio station and had named some officials as involved in the drug trade before 
she was killed.
Mañana, whose walls are covered with images of past front pages, now reports 
only official news, its editors said. Other major newspapers along the northern 
frontier followed suit after their reporters were killed, kidnapped or 
threatened. They said corruption, impunity, and lack of police support made it 
almost impossible for journalists to research rampant violence 
means they don't follow up on the 173 people who've disappeared since last fall 
throughout the state of Tamaulipas, deemed by journalism organizations the most 
dangerous place for reporters to work in Mexico. Twenty-three others missing are 
Americans from Texas.
have been at least 108 murders since January.
still inform the community of what's happening but are more careful of what we 
say. It's a painful decision. We are hostages to self-censorship, and it's worse 
than censorship," said El Mañana's publisher, Ramón Cantú Deandar.
Cantú, 39, has grown cynical about covering organized crime in this city 
of nearly half a million people.
"What's the point of investigating? We can't win. Drug mafias have 
billions and billions of dollars. They own this city: They buy police, 
government officials, investigators, you name it," he said. "It's better to 
write a crime novel."
only newspaper that's still digging into the drug underworld is the Tijuana 
weekly Zeta, whose owner, Jesus Blancornelas, is something of a legend in Mexico 
and travels with bodyguards and bulletproof cars. Zeta's editor, Francisco 
Javier Ortíz Franco, was killed June 22, 2004, after the paper published the 
names and photos of people it said were members of the Tijuana drug-trafficking 
Blancornelas said he understood the reticence of his fellow 
are unprotected, without security," he said. "You can't blame them."
According to Mexico's nongovernmental National Center for Social 
Communication, the country ranks first in Latin America in reports of attacks on 
journalists, surpassing Colombia. Journalism organizations are calling for an 
independent prosecutor to investigate crimes against reporters here.
the last 18 months, six journalists have been killed along the border: four in 
2004 and two in 2005. Two other journalists have been killed elsewhere in 
editors regarded the six as hard-core investigators of the prolific violence 
that has erupted since 2003, when the leader of the Gulf Cartel, Osiel Cárdenas, 
was jailed, sparking a battle for control of Nuevo Laredo, the largest land port 
to the United States and the crucial crossing point to Interstate 35, which runs 
north across the United States to Canada.
"We're completely alone in this business. We don't trust any state or 
federal authorities, and crime keeps on growing. It's more visible, and there's 
seldom any punishment," said Jorge Morales, the editor of El Imparcial, in the 
Sonora state capital of Hermosillo, south of Arizona. The company also owns two 
papers in Baja California.
Morales dismantled El Imparcial's investigative team after one of its 
crime reporters, José Alfredo Jiménez Mota, disappeared April 2 after telling 
colleagues he had to meet a source he was afraid of.
the newsroom of El Mañana, a memorial to Mora was taken down long ago. Cantú 
said it was simply too sad for the staff to be reminded every day of what had 
Police now guard the entrances to the paper's two-story headquarters, 
though there are few other signs of stepped-up security. It wasn't till early 
this month that a new editor took Mora's place.
have to live up to Mora's reputation as a moral, ethical and probing 
journalist," said 

[cia-drugs] Iraqi women betrayed - will lose rights enjoyed under Saddam now

2005-08-17 Thread E Bryant Holman


Chewing on meaningless words 

The battle over the constitution is regarded by most Iraqi women, confined 
to their homes by the occupation, as an irrelevance 

Haifa ZanganaWednesday August 17, 2005The Guardian 

A prominent group of Iraqi women who backed the US-British invasion 
recently met the American ambassador in an effort to pressure the politicians 
drawing up Iraq's constitution not to limit women's rights. Western feminist 
groups and some Iraqi women activists fear that Islamic law, if enshrined as a 
main source of legislation, will be used to restrict their rights, particularly 
in relation to marriage, divorce and inheritance. The US claims to share this 
concern. Iraqi women generally do not. To understand why, perhaps we need to 
remember that this constitution is being written in a war zone, in a country on 
the verge of a civil war. This process is designed not to represent the Iraqi 
people's need for a constitution but to comply with an imposed timetable aimed 
at legitimising the occupation. The drafting process has increasingly proved a 
dividing, rather than a unifying, process. Under Saddam Hussein, we had a 
constitution described as "progressive and secular". It did not stop him 
violating human rights, women's included. The same is happening now. The 
militias of the parties heading the interim government are involved in daily 
violations of Iraqis' human rights, women's in particular, with the US-led 
occupation's blessing. Will the new constitution put an end to this violence? 

Most Iraqi women try to cope sensitively with the predicament of dealing 
with the occupation and the rise of reactionary practices affecting their rights 
and way of life. This applies across the political and class spectrum, to the 
secular left as much as to moderate Islamists and nationalists. Most also feel 
that the constitution is not their priority, and that those writing such a 
crucial document should be able to think clearly, to think of tomorrow. To do 
that one must be free of today's fears and able to enjoy basic human rights, 
such as walking safely in the streets. Iraqi women cannot. 

Despite all the rhetoric of "building a new democracy", Iraqis are buckling 
under the burdens and abuse of the US-led occupation and its local Iraqi 
sub-contractors. Daily life for most Iraqis is still a struggle for survival. 
Human rights under occupation have proved, like weapons of mass destruction, to 
be a mirage. Torture and ill-treatment - even the torture of children in adult 
facilities - is widespread. Depleted uranium and other banned weapons have been 
used against Iraqi cities by occupying troops. 

Iraqi women were long the most liberated in the Middle East. Occupation has 
largely confined them to their homes. A typical Iraqi woman's day begins with 
the struggle to get the basics: electricity, petrol or a cylinder of gas, water, 
food and medication. It ends with a sigh of relief at surviving death threats 
and violent attacks. For most women, simply to venture on to the street is to 
risk being attacked or kidnapped for profit or revenge. Young girls are sold to 
neighbouring countries for prostitution. 

In a land awash with oil, 16 million Iraqis rely on monthly food rations 
for survival. None has been received since May. Privatisation threatens free 
public services. Acute malnutrition among children has doubled. Unemployment, at 
70%, has fuelled poverty, prostitution, backstreet abortions and honour 
killings. Corruption and nepotism are rampant in the interim government. Gender 
is no obstacle: Layla Abdul-Latif, the minister of transport in Ayad Allawi's 
administration, is under investigation for corruption. 

A quota system imposed by Paul Bremer, the former head of the Coalition 
Provisional Authority, ensures women's participation in the interim government, 
the national assembly and the committee appointed to write the constitution. 
Iraqi women's historical struggle against colonial domination, and for national 
unity, social justice and legal equality, has been reduced to bickering among a 
handful of "women leaders" over nominal political posts. 

Powerless, holed up in guarded areas, venturing out in daylight only with 
armed escorts, and lacking any credibility among Iraqi women, the failure of 
these "leaders" is catastrophic. Like their male colleagues, they have adopted a 
selective, largely US-oriented approach to human rights. The suffering of their 
sisters in cities showered with napalm, phosphorus and cluster bombs by US jets, 
the death of an estimated 100,000 Iraqis (half of them women and children), is 
met with rhetoric about training women for leadership and democracy. 

Documents released in March by the American Civil Liberties Union highlight 
more than a dozen cases of rape and abuse of female detainees, and reveal that 
no action was taken against any soldier or civilian official as 

Re: [cia-drugs] Secular Pen-Pals vs. Pen-Pal ministry

2005-08-16 Thread E Bryant Holman
Are Buddhists allowed to join this?

- Original Message - 
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 2:52 AM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Secular Pen-Pals vs. Pen-Pal ministry

 Dear Saints!

 After our first publication How To Do a Pen-Pal Ministry I
 received many letters.

 As we have announced, we will go through the entire article
 together, paragraph-by-paragraph, discussing it, giving feedback and
 bringing samples from our experience to prove the point.

 But first we have to clarify one issue.

 Much of first-wave mail came criticizing Church-based approach to
 Pen-Pal ministry. I deeply respect all opinions, as they have come
 from concerned people who took their time to share a thought. I
 really appreciate all the mail. I think we have a mixture of
 opinions coming from two perspectives. (There are values in both!)

 Let's have a subject for our discussion in the upcoming week - What
 is the difference between Secular Pen-Pal letter-writing and Pen-Pal

 All opinions, even controversial ones, will be published!

 It will be conducted here:

 a href=http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Pen-Pal; (AOL)



 Suggested Prison Ministry newsgroups:
 a href=http://www.prison-ministries.com; (AOL)

 PS. If you are reading this message and not a part of Pen-Pal
 Ministry group (maybe you simply have a loved one in chains!),
 listen to your heart - it might be God, Who is calling you to
 contribute to this conversation and be heard! You are much welcomed
 to join us!

 You can subscribe by going to:

 a href=http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Pen-Pal; (AOL)

 or send blank email to:


 I pray to our Lord Jesus right now, as I type this message:

 Father, make this discussion available to a broad audience, bring
 new people, let us be guided, sharpened as Your tools as we learn
 from You, through mail from participants, how to do a Pen-Pal
 ministry - not our humanistic way, but Your way! Show us how to
 reveal Your Good News of Salvation, Your forgiveness and mercy to
 lonely astonished hearts in remote forgotten cells! Give us
 knowledge how to speak in Love to someone who did a horrible crime,
 as well as to an innocent, who is behind a barbed wire fence by
 mistake or circumstances. Teach us how to be helpful as You bring
 back home inmates not as criminals who have served time, but as
 new creatures in Christ, as new law-abiding citizens of this society
 and saints of Your Kingdom! Amen!

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[cia-drugs] Border emergency declared in New Mexico

2005-08-14 Thread E Bryant Holman


Border emergency declared in New MexicoGovernor says area 'devastated' 
by human and drug smuggling

Saturday, August 13, 2005; Posted: 1:39 p.m. EDT (17:39 GMT)

(CNN) -- New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson declared a state of emergency 
Friday in four counties along the Mexican border that he said have been 
"devastated" by crimes such as the smuggling of drugs and illegal 

The declaration said the region "has been devastated by the ravages and 
terror of human smuggling, drug smuggling, kidnapping, murder, destruction of 
property and the death of livestock. ...

"[It] is in an extreme state of disrepair and is inadequately funded or 
safeguarded to protect the lives and property of New Mexican citizens."

New Mexico shares 180 miles of border with the Mexican state of 

"The situation is out of hand," Richardson said Friday night on CNN's "Lou 
Dobbs Tonight," noting that one 54-mile stretch is particularly bad.

The Mexican government issued a statement in which it acknowledged the 
problems along the border, but said it continues to make consistent efforts to 
target them along with U.S. authorities.

It said some of Richardson's views stem from "generalizations that do not 
correspond to the spirit of cooperation and understanding that are required for 
dealing with problems of common concern along the border."

Richardson's declaration makes $750,000 in state emergency funds available 
to Dona Ana, Luna, Grant and Hidalgo counties.

Richardson pledged an additional $1 million in assistance for the area, his 
office said in a news release.

He said on CNN that the funds will be used to hire additional law 
enforcement personnel and pay officers overtime.

In announcing the state of emergency, Richardson -- a Democrat who served 
in President Clinton's Cabinet -- criticized the "total inaction and lack of 
resources from the federal government and Congress" in helping protect his 
state's residents along the border.

"There's very little response from the Border Patrol," he said on CNN. 
"They're doing a good job, but they don't have the resources."

The governor announced the move after a helicopter and ground tour of the 
border near Columbus, New Mexico, the statement said.

He said on CNN that he "saw the trails where these illegal routes take 
place" as well as fenced areas along the border where the fence is "literally 

According to Richardson's statement announcing the declaration, "Recent 
developments have convinced me this action is necessary -- including violence 
directed at law enforcement, damage to property and livestock, increased 
evidence of drug smuggling, and an increase in the number of undocumented 

He called on Mexico to "bulldoze the abandoned town of Las Chepas, which is 
directly over the border from Columbus."

The statement went on to say that "Las Chepas is a notorious staging and 
resting area for those who smuggle drugs and immigrants into the United 

Some of the pledged funds will be used to create a field office for the New 
Mexico Office of Homeland Security to focus specifically on the border.

There will also be new efforts to protect livestock in the area near 
Columbus, "along a favorite path for illegal immigration where a number of 
livestock have been stolen and killed," the statement said.

Richardson said he wanted residents of the four counties "to know my 
administration is doing everything it can to protect them."

Alejandro Cano, secretary of industrial development for the Mexican state 
of Chihuahua -- which borders New Mexico -- pledged to support Richardson's 
efforts, the statement said.

Richardson told CNN he met with Mexican governors several weeks ago on 
border security.

"My people on my side asked me to take this step, and I've done so 
reluctantly," Richardson told CNN. "As governor, I have to protect the people I 

He noted he is the nation's only Hispanic governor, and "we're a state 
that's been very good to legal migrants. ... This action, I believe, had to be 

The Mexican Foreign Ministry sent Richardson a letter Friday saying it has 
requested that Mexican consuls in Albuquerque and El Paso, Texas, meet "as soon 
as possible" with New Mexico officials "to promote pertinent action by the 
authorities of both countries in the framework of existing institutional 
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Re: [cia-drugs] Re: FLOCCO OFFLINE

2005-08-04 Thread E Bryant Holman

It may be that this is a honey bucket operation. Here is what another 
person posted on the same board:


Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 
  9:32 am Post subject: 


VERY IMPORTANT!!! The person Tom Flocco 
  cites in his post "Thomas Heneghan" works with a KNOWN FBI COINTELPRO 
  FRAUD named Stew Webb. Webb yields partial truths on Bush mixed with LIES! 
  He has attacked good patriots, Ted Gunderson and others as part of a 
  government SMOKESCREEN agenda. He and Heneghan ran a bogus campaign for 
  pres. Webb and a CIA perp. named Barbara Hartwell LIED in April 2003 when 
  they SAID they filed a court case against Bush. THEY LIED! There was NO 
  case filed yet they solicited MONEY for it! They then said they filed one 
  against Bush in July 2003. This information appears as one poster 
  said to prop up people's hopes only to dash them later and DISCREDITED ALL 
  material against Bush as has been done in the past. I have more 
  extensive documentation on Webb for those interested. Email me at: 
  hitech1@ bluemarble.net [IN THE INTEREST OF FAIRNESS, WE WENT TO 
  Gunderson Page"Ed] Heneghan HAS LIED Webb's LIES on 
  the radio so he's NOT a 'credible' source. He's what's called 'RAT POISON' 
  giving partial truth so you'll swallow the LIES! THIS IS BIG 
  FOLKS! This is DESIGNED to discredit more dirt on Bush. Larry 

  - Original Message - 
  mark urban 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 2:29 
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: FLOCCO 
  --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, 
  "Vigilius Haufniensis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]... wrote:  
  Flocco is walking around his neighborhood with a "kick me" sign 
  taped  to his back. I'll bet he doesn't swallow all of 
  Heneghen's bullshit so  readily next time.  
  Flocco, unfortunately, has ruined himself as far as being an  
  alternative news source.   VMANN: not 
  really. to me, he's just building a reputation for 'running' 
  with the story. like when he ran that story about katheryn harris's 
  plane crashing. all journalists have to make 
  corrections. flocco puts out plenty of good info. vigilius 

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Re: [cia-drugs] Re: FLOCCO OFFLINE

2005-08-04 Thread E Bryant Holman

Skolnick confirms the story:


  - Original Message - 
  Bryant Holman 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 2:45 
  Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Re: FLOCCO 
  It may be that this is a honey bucket operation. Here is what another 
  person posted on the same board:

  Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 
9:32 am Post subject: 




  VERY IMPORTANT!!! The person Tom 
Flocco cites in his post "Thomas Heneghan" works with a KNOWN FBI 
COINTELPRO FRAUD named Stew Webb. Webb yields partial truths on Bush 
mixed with LIES! He has attacked good patriots, Ted Gunderson and others 
as part of a government SMOKESCREEN agenda. He and Heneghan ran a bogus 
campaign for pres. Webb and a CIA perp. named Barbara Hartwell LIED in 
April 2003 when they SAID they filed a court case against Bush. THEY 
LIED! There was NO case filed yet they solicited MONEY for it! They then 
said they filed one against Bush in July 2003. This information 
appears as one poster said to prop up people's hopes only to dash them 
later and DISCREDITED ALL material against Bush as has been done in the 
past. I have more extensive documentation on Webb for those 
interested. Email me at: hitech1@ bluemarble.net [IN THE 
TED GUNDERSON PAGE: Stew Webb's "Ted Gunderson 
Page"Ed] Heneghan HAS LIED Webb's LIES on the 
radio so he's NOT a 'credible' source. He's what's called 'RAT POISON' 
giving partial truth so you'll swallow the LIES! THIS IS BIG 
FOLKS! This is DESIGNED to discredit more dirt on Bush. Larry 
- Original Message - 
mark urban 

To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 2:29 
Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: FLOCCO 
--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, 
"Vigilius Haufniensis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]... wrote: 
 Flocco is walking around his neighborhood with a "kick me" sign 
taped  to his back. I'll bet he doesn't swallow all of 
Heneghen's bullshit so  readily next time. 
 Flocco, unfortunately, has ruined himself as far as being 
an  alternative news source.   
VMANN: not really. to me, he's just building a reputation 
for 'running' with the story. like when he ran that 
story about katheryn harris's plane crashing. all 
journalists have to make corrections. flocco puts out plenty of 
good info. vigilius haufniensis

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Re: [cia-drugs] Nice comment by a poster to Flocco's website re: INDICTMENTS

2005-08-04 Thread E Bryant Holman

More from http://citizenspook.blogspot.com :

"Assuming for the moment, that the quote is accurate, the words must 
be examined carefully in the context of grand jury linguistics and rules of 
procedure because they tell us that the US Attorney does not "issue" 
indictments. So when Randy Sanborn's office issued official statement to me this 
morning, "on the record", which said, "This office has not issued any 
indictments," the US Attorney was telling the truth, and was no in violation of 
the Federal secrecy law. As you will see, the statement in no way denies Tom 
Flocco's report that the "grand jury" has issued indictments. "

  - Original Message - 
  mark urban 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 2:39 
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Nice comment by a 
  poster to Flocco's website re: INDICTMENTS
  Earlier today, the Prosecutor's office was called a 
  monumental amount of times and the spokesman for the Chicago Attorney 
  issued "No Comment" as the official response. However, later that 
  afternoon someone was able to reach in and directly interview the 
  Spokeswoman for Legal director Dirsken. The conversation below I am 
  specifically interested in, CS: "I know, but there's reports coming 
  out on the internet that this office has denied issuing the indictments 
  and I'm trying to clear the record." Duty paralegal: "You need to 
  speak to Randy Sanborn's office. He's in charge of press relations. Just 
  call the switchboard back and they will transfer you." I have the 
  duty paralegal's name, but he asked for it not to be used. I 
  called the main number again at the Dirksen Federal Courthouse and asked 
  for Randy Sanborn's office. I was transferred to his office and a woman 
  picked up: CS: "May I speak to Mr. Sanborn?" Female assistant: 
  "What is this about." CS: "I'm calling to verify the story about 
  Patirck Fitzgerald's grand jury returning indictments agsinst the White 
  House." Female assistant: "That story did not originate from this 
  office." CS: "But people are spreading comments from your office." 
  Female assistant: "We have no comment." CS: "But there are 
  reports that your office denied executing the indictments." Female 
  assistant: "No indictments have been issued from this office." http://citizenspook.blogspot.com 
  Mr. Flocco, I want to ascertain specifically what these comments 
  mean in relationship that the indictments issued by the Grand Jury, in 
  specific the legal terms that the prosecutor is not allowed to comment on 
  indictments. In this instance, I would like a direct answer from you, 
  does the way Mr. Sanborn's legal office respond indicate that the Grand 
  Jury has in fact issued the indictments? And if this is the case, is the 
  reason they say the indictments were not issued from this office, 
  because only the Grand Jury finished issuing the indictments? Is 
  it clear then sir, that Mr. Sanborn's office is abiding by the legal law 
  clause of the Attorney Justice Department rules of the bar but also 
  alluding to the fact that there have been indictments already issued, and 
  the Grand Jury is handling the convictions? If all answers point to 
  yes, then does this mean that the Vice President can and has in fact been 
  indicted, even though he still holds office, and did not testify under 
  oath, but rather testifed before Congress instead on numerous other 
  breaches of the oath of office. And if so, can the Vice President legally 
  be indicted along with his trustees? I request a direct response. 
  Doug Eldritch[/b]

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Re: [Educate-Yourself_Forum] Re: [cia-drugs] Re: FLOCCO OFFLINE

2005-08-04 Thread E Bryant Holman

Ruppert dismisses it as a distraction:

" There is also desperation in 
the bogus stories we're seeing because even the slightest attempt at 
verification leads to instant discredit (e.g., Bush-Cheney secretly 
indicted; ."

  - Original Message - 
  Bryant Holman 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 2:49 
  Subject: [Educate-Yourself_Forum] Re: 
  [cia-drugs] Re: FLOCCO OFFLINE
  Skolnick confirms the story:http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?noframes;read=76042 
  - Original Message -----  From: E Bryant Holman  To: 
   Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 2:45 AM Subject: Re: 
  [cia-drugs] Re: FLOCCO OFFLINE It may be that this is a 
  honey bucket operation. Here is what another person posted on the same 
  board: ** 
   Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 9:32 
  am Post subject: 
   VERY IMPORTANT!!! The person 
  Tom Flocco cites in his post "Thomas Heneghan" works with a KNOWN FBI 
  COINTELPRO FRAUD named Stew Webb. Webb yields partial truths on Bush mixed 
  with LIES! He has attacked good patriots, Ted Gunderson and others as part of 
  a government SMOKESCREEN agenda. He and Heneghan ran a bogus campaign for 
  pres. Webb and a CIA perp. named Barbara Hartwell LIED in April 2003 when they 
  SAID they filed a court case against Bush. THEY LIED! There was NO case filed 
  yet they solicited MONEY for it! They then said they filed one against Bush in 
  July 2003.  This information 
  appears as one poster said to prop up people's hopes only to dash them later 
  and DISCREDITED ALL material against Bush as has been done in the past. 
   I have more extensive 
  documentation on Webb for those interested. 
   Email me at: hitech1@ 
  bluemarble.net  [IN THE 
  GUNDERSON PAGE:  Stew Webb's 
  "Ted Gunderson Page"Ed]  
  Heneghan HAS LIED Webb's LIES on the radio so he's NOT a 'credible' source. 
  He's what's called 'RAT POISON' giving partial truth so you'll swallow the 
  This is DESIGNED to discredit more dirt on Bush. 
   Larry Lawson  
  * - Original Message - 
   From: mark urban  To: 
  cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com  Sent: Thursday, August 04, 
  2005 2:29 AM Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: FLOCCO 
  OFFLINE --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, 
  "Vigilius Haufniensis"  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  wrote:   Flocco is walking around his 
  neighborhood with a "kick me" sign  
  taped   to his back. I'll bet he doesn't swallow 
  all of Heneghen's  bullshit so 
readily next time.   Flocco, 
  unfortunately, has ruined himself as far as being an 
alternative news source.  
  VMANN: not 
  really. to me, he's just building a reputation  
  for 'running'  with the story. 
   like when he ran that story about katheryn harris's plane crashing. 
   all  journalists have to make 
  corrections. flocco puts out plenty of  good 
  info.  vigilius 
  haufniensis Complete archives at http://www.sitbot.net/ 
  Please let us stay on topic and be civil.  
  your group "cia-drugs" on the 
   b.. To unsubscribe from this group, 
  send an email to: 
   c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is 
  subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. 
  portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [cia-drugs] FLOCCO OFFLINE

2005-08-03 Thread E Bryant Holman

it is down

  - Original Message - 
  Vigilius Haufniensis 
  To: new patriots 
  Cc: cia drugs ; a political debate ; global humanity ; rm 
  counsel ; evolving thought ; cia tradecraft ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 8:47 
  Subject: [cia-drugs] FLOCCO OFFLINE
  does tom flocco's site come up for 
  vigilius haufniensis

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Re: [cia-drugs] Tom Heneghen report on July 17

2005-08-02 Thread E Bryant Holman

No he can't. Why didn't Clinton just fire Starr? No one can fire a special 
prosecutor. He was hired just for that reason.

  - Original Message - 
  james Karl 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 11:36 
  Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Tom Heneghen 
  report on July 17
  Bullshit. Bush as President can fire any US 
  Attorney.Linda Minor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  This show aired before the disclosure about the actual 
indictments reported by Flocco.===http://www.total911.info/2005/07/tenet-under-investigation-for-pre-911.htmlTom 
Heneghen reports to Cloak  Dagger 
Internet Radio (late of 50,000-watt blowtorch CFMJ-AM) that a trusted 
"source close to the Fitzgerald investigation" says the independent 
prosecutor is looking into former CIA Director George Tenet's role in 
pre-9/11 put options placed on American Airlines.Previous editions 
of Cloak  Dagger reported that the special prosecutor Patrick 
Fitzgerald has taken his investigation beyond who named Valerie Plame as a 
CIA agent into who frauded up claims that Saddam Hussien was seeking 
yellowcake uranium and, ultimately, the 9/11 scam. CD 
correspondent Tom Heneghen reported on the July 17 
show that Fitzgerald is looking into insider trading on airline stocks 
before 9/11. Heneghen reports that over the three trading days before 9/11 
on the Chicago Board of Options 4,516 put options (bets the price would 
tank) were placed on American Airlines stock vs only 748 call options (bets 
the price would go up).According to CD, Fitzgerald is 
investigating Tenet's role in connection to Buzzy Krongard, a former No. 3 
at the CIA, and that man's relation to the 2,157 airline options placed 
through Morgan Stanley/Dean Witter, located on 22 floors of the 
WTC.Texas money laundering operation 
involving HuntsPhilippinesV.K. Durham trustBeverly Enterprises 
and Stephens, Inc.--45 nursing home associates--Mena, Ark.bogus gold 
cert.Brady Bond fraudWachovia Bankassassinations--William 
Doonesbury and  ?offshoot of Muslim Brotherhoodfinancial and 
operational terrorist fraudleaker to Judith MillerBolton cables and 
intercepts with Uzbekistanhedge fund in London involving two "suicides" 
in NYJames Warren at Chicago Trib is obstructing justiceChicago 
MercantileRoger Morris, NSC--Air Force One signal of Bush and Cheney 
talking about Valerie PlameLeo Wanta letter to Dick Cheney about 
Philippine money --linked to Wachovia BankMarc RichRussian 
MafiyaArrest of "E.P" in London, money laundered through DenmarkIf 
Bush fires Patrick Fitzgerald, it will set P.F. free to 
talk.white-skinned Moslems in TexasArrests in London are the same as 
what went on in NY after 9/11 to shut up people who knew too muchSubway 
bombs were underneath the trains and could not have been planted by the 
youths they arrested.Private company, mock drill, piggy-backed with 
actual bombing.P-2 and Calipari, who was assassinated in 
Iraq.Niger's embassy broken into and papers stolenBush is desperate 
to fire Fitz., but can't. Indictments will open up the whole money 
laundering network.Throughout the tape, there has been no mention of any 
sources for the information--where any leaks are coming from other than 
documents submitted by Tom Heneghen.===http://www.uow.edu.au/arts/sts/bmartin/dissent/documents/health/beverly_arkansas.html
A Rose Law Firm Deal, RevisitedThe Wall 
Street Journal PAGE A20 - - - 03/15/1994Jonathan Roos(Copyright (c) 
1994, Dow Jones  Co., Inc.)
The following is reprinted with permission from the 
Des Moines Register of June 13, 1993. A related editorial appears nearby 
{see related editorial: "Review  Outlook (Editorial): Who Was Webster 
Hubbell? -- I" -- WSJ March 15, 1994}.
When Hillary Rodham Clinton complained in a recent 
speech about profiteering in the health care industry, she could have found 
a ready example in the role one of her former Arkansas law partners played 
in an Iowa nursing-homes deal that made millions for the deal 
William H. Kennedy III, a partner in the Rose Law Firm 
of Little Rock and now associate counsel to President Clinton, shepherded 
the deal for Beverly Enterprises, a giant nursing-home company that paired 
up with a Texas banker to sell its Iowa and Arkansas nursing 
Forty-one Iowa homes were acquired four years ago by a 
nonprofit corporation, now known as Care Initiatives, that was 
effectively controlled by the banker, Bruce Whitehead. The deal was 
financed by $86 million in tax-exempt revenue bonds.
Whitehead and the bond underwriters took up-front 
profits exceeding $15 million.
Beverly, which needed cash to reduce its crippling 
debt, made about $10 million.

Re: [cia-drugs] OT? Four blasts shake London in chilling replay - New York to start random searches

2005-07-22 Thread E Bryant Holman

To prevent this, log onto my site and read 
to your heart's content.

Wait a minute! You are saying that by reading stuff on your website to our 
heart's content we are going to prevent the NWO from attaining its goals? That 
sort of assertion in itself would seem to be reason to take whatever is written 
there with a grain of salt...

  - Original Message - 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 6:07 AM
  Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] OT? Four blasts 
  shake London in chilling replay - New York to start random searches
  Right on Madd Maxx. They're doing this to rattle the people 
  sothey can impliment more NWO goals.To prevent this, log onto my 
  site and read to your heart's content.In peace and 
  solidarity,Arlene Johnson

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[cia-drugs] McKinney blasts Homeland Security over Narconews case

2005-07-06 Thread E Bryant Holman

July 5, 2005Please Distribute WidelyU.S. Rep. 
Cynthia McKinney blasts Johnny Sutton in letter to Attorney General and 
Homeland Security Czar:June 29, 2005The Honorable Michael 
Chertoff, SecretaryU.S. Department of Homeland SecurityWashington, D.C. 
20528Attorney General Alberto R. GonzalesU.S. Department of 
Justice950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NWWashington, DC 20530-0001Dear 
Secretary Chertoff and General Gonzales:Recent behavior by agents of the 
U.S. Department of Homeland Security / Immigration and Customs Enforcement 
(ICE) Division - acting in the jurisdiction of U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton - 
constituted a violation of the U.S. Constitutional right of a free 
press.I write you to plead that you put a stop to this kind of 
outrageous activity in each of your departments and to take measures to 
prevent such actions from occurring in the future.On May 24, 2005, 
Agents Carlos Salazar and Steve White of ICE's Office of Professional 
Responsibility unit visited the San Antonio, Texas, workplace of journalist 
Bill Conroy in a very unprofessional attempt to intimidate Mr. Conroy into 
revealing sources of non-classified information and documents embarrassing 
to the Department and to the U.S. Attorney's office for the San Antonio, 
Texas, region. Agent Salazar, with another agent, additionally went to the 
home of Mr. Conroy and behaved in an intimidating manner toward the 
journalist's wife and children.More troubling, still, is that the 
agents attempted to intimidate his employer at a business newspaper that had 
nothing to do with Mr. Conroy's reports for the Internet newspaper Narco 
News.I attach, for your information, printouts of reports from the San 
Antonio Current and Narco News about those incidents: "Unwelcome 
Guests," by Lisa Sorg (San Antonio Current, June 9), and "Customs Cops 
Visit Journalist Bill Conroy in an Attack on Press Freedom," by Al 
Giordano (Narco News, May 24). Also included in the attachment are 
additional news stories on the incidents published by the Federation of 
American Scientists' Project on Government Secrecy and the Reporters 
Committee for Freedom of the Press, and a June 3 letter from the Federal 
Hispanic Law Enforcement Officers Association to Secretary Chertoff 
protesting these activities.In particular, General Gonzales, I address 
this letter to you because many eyebrows have been raised here in Congress 
by the confluence of facts that demonstrate that Mr. Conroy, as a 
journalist, has reported a series of stories involving the "House of Death" 
case in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, in which an undercover informant in the 
process of seeking to make a drug case for U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton's 
office, allegedly committed numerous homicides while under the protection of 
that office.Since it is well known throughout Washington that federal 
agents do not, as a rule, visit journalists in attempts to discover sources 
without authorization from the U.S. Attorney with jurisdiction, the 
behavior of the agents is seen as an attempt by U.S. Attorney Sutton to 
intimidate a journalist who has reported facts that are embarrassing to 
him.According to Mr. Conroy's publisher at the San Antonio Business 
Journal, agents Salazar and White told him that a document published by 
Mr. Conroy on Narco News, embarrassing to the Department of Homeland 
Security, was not classified but that the agents were seeking to find 
out the identity of the source out of a purely speculative fear that Mr. 
Conroy's source "might leak classified documents in the future."This 
kind of speculative fishing expedition on the part of federal agents would 
be troubling under most circumstances. When it involves a transparent 
attempt to pressure an employer to fire his reporter for what the journalist 
reported for any publication (much more for a distinct publication) the 
threat to the First Amendment, which I know that both of you gentlemen have 
sworn to uphold, is clear, and it makes a mockery of the important work that 
both of your offices are doing in law enforcement.The Internet 
publication for which Mr. Conroy reports, The Narco News Bulletin (www.narconews.com) is one of the most widely 
respected international news sources reporting on U.S. policy on the Mexican 
border and throughout Latin America. In December 2001, the New York 
Supreme Court ruled that: "Narco News, its website, and the writers who 
post information, are entitled to all the First Amendment protections 
accorded a newspaper-magazine or journalist."Thus, if U.S. Attorney 
Johnny Sutton or the ICE agents were under a misimpression that Internet 
journalists do not enjoy the same First Amendment protections as commercial 
newspapers, I hope you will educate them to this new reality under 
law.Thank you for your attention to this matter of deep 
concern.Sincerely,Cynthia McKinneyU.S. Representative, 
Fourth District – GeorgiaCC: Michael J. GarciaAssistant 
SecretaryU.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement425 I St.,