p102-104 Power and Principle, Brzezinski

[Carter admin position pressed by Sec State] Cyrus Vance
...Israel back to 1967 borders...Palestinian self-determination
and nation-state...we were more and more inclined to engage
in a dialog with the PLO itself regarding its participation[at
Geneva]...clearly an effort[by the Israelis]...to convert us into
a satellite of their policy rather than an independent agent
working for a settlement...[Israeli PM] Begin[speaking for
the PLO] said it would be a waste of time to insist that the
PLO accept Resolution 242[acknowledge Israeli statehood]
...[but the Palestinians themselves said]...willing to accept
Resolution 242[acknowledge Israeli statehood contingent
on a preparatory, advance formal assurance of an
interpretation of 242 promising a Palestinian state]..."the
language of Resolution 242 relates to the rights of all
mideastern states to peace[implicitly and expressly
including a Palestinian state]".

While he was in Alexandria, Vance was handed a draft
peace treaty by Sadat...atmosphere became more tense
as Israeli settlements multiplied...despite Carter's
personal request to Begin to refrain from making
any new settlements...State Department denounced
the new settlements as being against international

[All Carter and Vance but Brzezinski now] I felt that the
draft of a proposed message to the Israelis , warning
them that unless they immediately terminated their
military operations [in Lebanon, but the settlements
are military operations, too] we would halt all military
aid to Israel[history has proven this necessary to move
the Israeli settlements in the face of assassinations
of Sadat and Rabin and October Surprises, and the
success of a threat against Syria, why not threaten
the Israelis with a US invasion?!]

The Soviets no longer insisted on a separate Palestinian
state...[another thing wrong with the idea of Soviet
participation was] I did subsequently feel that I erred
in not consulting our domestic political advisers about
its likely internal impact and in not objecting more
strenuously to the very notion of a join US-Soviet

Sadat at first welcomed the US-Soviet statement of
October 1, telling the US ambassador Hermann Eilts
that it was "a master stroke" because it would put
pressure on the Syrians to be more accomodating.
He was then shaken by the manner in which the
United States[Carter personally] retreated [from
the Israeli US media playing the McCarthy card].

Proposal by Sadat to hold a world summit in East
Jerusalem...and the PLO...we worried...that Sadat
...might be losing his sense of reality[his sense of
Brzezinski the S&B McGeorge Bundy of Carter's
Bay of Pigs[JFK was not even president for two of
three S&B's successfully and strategically failed
Bay of Pigs invasions].

Cy was pressing very hard for Soviet participation.

I started speaking of a "concentric circles" approach,
building on the Egyptian-Israeli accord, then expanding
the circle by including the Palestinians on the West
Bank and Gaza as well as the Jordanians, and finally
moving to a still wider circle by engaging the Syrians
and perhaps even the Soviets in a comprehensive
settlement. Sadat-Begin initiative [could freeze out
the Palestinians] freeze out the rest of the middle
east[the Palestinians]...we should find some ways
that progress on the West Bank[NOT GAZA FIRST.
FIRST, *********NOT********* GAZA FIRST!!!]

In the Washington meetings held on December 16
and 17, 1977...At the morning meeting with Begin...
Cy was quite upset because Phil Habib, his very
close friend, was stricken with a heart attack[Sadat
was assassinated, JFK/RFK/MLK, Rabin, so Habib
has a timely heart attack. Vince Foster, Charles
Briggs, William Casey, all timely ill folks. But]
...[Begin said]"autonomy for the local population...
Israeli sovereignty would go to the 1967 line"...
[but] military governor...no...withdrawal from West
Bank...no self-determination...annexationism[with
regard to Greater Israel notion reflected in use
of certain biblical terms like "Samaria"].

page 438

1979...president...wanted...a negotiator...Richard
Strauss...to provide him a shield domestically...
Strauss[himself also cowed by US Israeli press]
from the outset particularly concerned with the
domestic implications...wanted to get out of the
assignment[thoroughly cowed by US Israeli press
hegemony, some domestic shield for the president!]
....along with [VP] Mondale made it clear [to the
president] that any[unconditional surrender to
US Israel press now!] pressure on Israel would
be damaging politically at home[but October
Surprise was damaging politically at home].

[Carter's UN ambassador] Andy Young's meeting
with a PLO representative became public and he
had to resign.

Appointment first of Strauss and later of [Sol]
Linowitz [negotiated Panama Canal handover,
another faux pas as a Palestinian issue move!]
was the undermining of Vance[which strategically
meant the undermining of]...Vance was determined
to press hard on the settlements issue...1979...June
12...he told me that he intended to urge the
President to approve reductions in economic aid
to Israel every time the Israelis moved forward
with an additional settlement[Carter admin held
up an Israeli cargo ship containing arms paid
for by the elected government of Nicaragua, the
result being the Sandinistas waltzed into power
in Nicaragua in 1979. Vance had wanted to be
similarly tough on the Israelis from the start in

In July [1979] Vance resumed the effort to obtain
approval for US condemnation of Israeli settlements,
but the President was reluctant[appointment of
Strauss was the president turning his back on
the Palestinians and the real security of Israeli

March 1980...the UN resolution, for which the US
had voted, turned out to be replete with references
to Jerusalem and included a call for the dismantling
of existing settlements...[Sec of State Cyrus] Vance
was requested[ordered] by the white house[Carter,
in accord with Mondale, Strauss the mideast sapper,
and the political handlers] to state in forthcoming
Senate testimony that our recent vote on the
Jerusalem issue had been incorrect.

Carter's unhappiness[with Vance and pressing the
Israelis to withdraw to 1967 borders and accept
Palestinian statehood] was intensified by a
memorandum which Mondale submitted, urging in
strong terms that our previous policy on the
settlements be repudiated in time for the New York
primary...Vance flatly refused to disavow the
resolution as a whole...His Senate testimony was
followed by the New York primary vote...Jewish
voters swung heavily over to Senator Kennedy,
ensuring Carter's defeat. This setback prolonged
the Carter-Kennedy contest.

Sadat...did not want a final showdown on the Palestinian
problem [he was the Egyptian president, after all] prior
to the return of the Sinai to Egypt...it was clear to
Mondale that Begin wanted Carter to be defeated,
and stated this directly on July 26[1980]...1979 the
Soviet threat to the Mideast[invasion of Afghanistan]
magnified by the Iranian disaster[October Surprise
made it a disaster but the hostages otherwise would
have been released to boost a mideast settlement
if Carter had not been asleep at the wheel while
Bush bribed the Iranians to hold the hostages until
after his puppet Reagan beat Carter in November

State of the Union [Address], Jimmy Carter on January
23, 1980, committed the United States to the security
of the Persian Gulf region...I had been seeking within
the US government the adoption of such a policy,
based on a formal recognition of the interdependence
of these three central strategic zones[Western Europe,
the Far East, and the Middle East-Persian Gulf area]...
the Carter doctrine was modelled on the Truman
doctrine...in response to the Soviet threat to Greece
and Turkey...after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan,
I urged him explicitly to emulate Truman's historic
act...explicit assurance of American involvement.

General William Odom, who most energetically enlisted
the support of key officials in the Defense Department,
notably Under Secretary Robert Komer...First broached
in the spring of 1979[the Soviets invaded Afghanistan
in December 1979].

page 32, In Cold Blood, Abdul Shams, former advisor
to the president of Afghanistan, said that when the
Soviets invaded Afghanistan in December 1979,"they
came in trucks manufactured in the Kama River
truck factory in the Soviet Union, a plant built with
the financial support of the US Export-Import Bank
and Chase-Manhattan Bank. They drove on roads
built by the US Army Corps of Engineers". "factory
...built by Ford Motor Company"

Working closely with William E. Colby, the top man for
the CIA in Vietnam, Komer led a village-by-village effort
to win hearts and minds. The pacification program
evolved into a more tough-minded project called
Operation Phoenix.

In October 1968, Johnson named Komer ambassador to
Turkey. His tenure was short. President Nixon took
office in January 1969 and replaced him.

Komer then worked as a consultant with the Rand Corp.,
writing classified studies on NATO and on the need for
a rapid-deployment force for the Persian Gulf, until the
next Democratic administration.He became
undersecretary of defense for policy under President
Carter and put many of those ideas into effect.

Komer, 1969, "classified studies on NATO and on the
need for a rapid-deployment force for the Persian Gulf",
Brzezinski, 1965,"Alternative to Partition"[of Europe],
for Atlantic Policy Studies and CFR. Brzezinski and
Komer, spring of 1979, "rapid deployment forces for
the Persian Gulf".

The Soviets did not invade Afghanistan for oil. A former
economic adviser to a president of Afghanistan, said
"between 1950 and 1960, Afghanistan became heavily
dependent on the Soviet Union...90% for petroleum
and petroleum products" -Abdul Shams, ICB, p15

But the Soviets did remove natural gas from
Afghanistan, in exchange for oil. All of the gas
meters were on the Soviet side, and much of the
Soviet abiotic oil was used to support the Soviet

The Soviets were not even close to the Persian
Gulf when they were bogged down in the Afghan
quagmire, providing 90% of Afghanistan's oil and
petroleum products in exchange for 95% of the
gas from Afghanistan, and in 2005 Russia does
not need mideastern oil, but Molotov may have
expressed an interest in Afghanistan, Uzbekhistan,
and Tajikistan, "in the area south of Batum and Baku
in the general direction of the Persian Gulf, this
is the center of the aspirations of the Soviet Union",
in a Soviet treaty with the Axis(Germany, Italy,
Japan, Rockefeller, Standard Oil, Joseph Kennedy,
IG Farben, Harriman, and Prescott Bush, manager
of Harriman-Hitler's Economy for half of WW2") in

-Bob Dodds

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