[cia-drugs] Brasscheck TV: A visit to the Axis of Evil

2010-01-12 Thread smacko9

- Forwarded Message - 
Subject: Brasscheck TV: A visit to the Axis of Evil 

Travel author Rick Steve's visits Iran 
and is surprised. 


- Brasscheck 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Alternative Energy is coming

2010-01-13 Thread smacko9

- Forwarded Message - 
From: Bob Taft  gnose...@gmail.com  
Sent: January 12, 2010 
Subject: Alternative Energy is coming 

It is time oiur primitive civilization escaped the dark ages of energy 
monopoly and developed new free sources. This includes money energy, 
electrical energy for our homes, and energy to propel our vehicles and 



[cia-drugs] Fwd: Here's this week's rant...

2010-01-22 Thread smacko9

- Forwarded Message - 
From: Uncle Ernie issues_ali...@yahoo.com 
To: uncle-er...@journalist.com 
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 5:08:38 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: [BushShouldHaveBeenImpeached] Here's this week's rant... 

Heck Of A Job, Brownie Part Duex 
By Ernest Stewart 

I know a lot of people want to send blankets or water. Just send your cash. 
One of the things that president [Clinton] and I will do is see your money is 
spent wisely. ~~~ George W. Bush ~ on Haiti relief 

Heck of a job, Scott Brownie! ~~~ Uncle Ernie 

There is a clock at the University of Chicago called the Doomsday Clock whose 
time perpetually lingers just shy of midnight. On this clock, midnight 
metaphorically represents full nuclear war bringing an end to all civilization, 
and the clock is meant as a gauge to constantly indicate humankind's proximity 
to this horrific event. ~~~ Alan Bellows 

Is it just me or is Obama insane? I ask you, would a sane person appoint George 
W. Bush to co-head a disaster relief program after Katrina? Would a sane person 
appoint a man who is universally hated for his war crimes and crimes against 
humanity, a man who should be sitting in a jail cell awaiting execution, as a 
relief ambassador? The mind boggles! Yes, we'll send in that cash to you and 
Bill. NOT! 

Of course, as this manmade disaster unfolded, the cockroaches and creatures of 
the night came out from under their rocks to strut and flap their mandibles! 
Tush Limbaugh opened up his cake hole and out oozed this slime: 

The Haiti earthquake was made to order for Obama. Obama will use Haiti to 
boost credibility with the light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in 
this country. 

Tush hates Barry's guts when a saner man would be embracing Barry as a fellow 
traveler but Tush is a racist and can't help himself from attacking Barry even 
on things they agree on! 

Then another one of America's national embarrassments spoke up: 

They were under the heel of the French. You know, Napoleon III, or whatever. 
And they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, we will serve 
you if you'll get us free from the French. True story. And so, the devil said, 
okay it's a deal. ~~~ Pat Robertson 

The truth is, Pat, that the Haitians are the way they are because of their 
former slave masters, the French, who only stopped torturing them in 1947, a 
mere 122 years after they were thrown out of Haiti. But before withdrawing in 
1825, France had demanded reparations of 150 million francs - about $21 billion 
in today's money-for the loss of its economic and human property. Of course, 
this was totally illegal, immoral and a war crime unto itself but Europe and 
America let them get away with it as they were making way too much money on 
human degradation to protest. Then in 1915, Woody Wilson sent in the Marines 
to steal what little was left in Haiti and invited many corpo-rats in to split 
the booty. Although the Marines moved out 22 years later, they have been back 
many times since to teach those rebels a lesson or two! And we've been there to 
put the likes of Papa Doc and Baby Doc upon the throne, criminals who then 
siphoned off most all of the aid money coming in from around the world and 
slaughtered any protestors who didn't like being an American slave. Hence, 
there was no money for anything, including earthquake-proof or hurricane-proof 
buildings. That, not some mythical bullshit, is the reason Haiti is the way it 
is, Pat. 

I think Sam Kinison pretty much says it all about Pat: 

Pat Robertson said, 'The Lord Told Me To Run For President.' Well, yeah I bet 
he did! The Lord must want you to look like a complete ass in the political 

The same could be said about Pat in the religious arena, too, a complete ass! 

Meanwhile, Robert Gates and Obama are hemming and hawing and stalling in order 
to be sure that Blackwater and the Marines arrive first while tens of thousands 
die. This is so Blackwater might have time to get up to some mischief staging 
scenes and murdering opponents of the government (which include almost all the 
Haitians who hate our appointed dictator) which we'll use as a reason to stay 
and to threaten all of the Caribbean. While Haiti needed water, food and 
shelter the rest of the world sent aid, some within hours. Instead, we sent 
them an occupation army and soldiers of fortune. I think that last sentence 
pretty much says it all about our government and it's place in the world, don't 

In Other News 

Whew, that was a close one! We're still not out of the woods yet but I think 
there will be no choice but to let health care or the Health Insurance Company 
Protection Act of 2009 die an ignoble death! 

You know the number is on the wall when liberal Massachusetts elects a fascist 
centerfold to a Senate seat that went to the left for over half a century. I'm 
sure it wasn't an easy decision to put on the Jack Boots and goose 

[cia-drugs] Why The USA Is In Trouble... ? (Avatars'R'Us)

2010-01-24 Thread smacko9

- Forwarded Message - 
From: myxtplkn myxtp...@yahoo.com 
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2010 
Subject: Why The USA Is In Trouble... 


From: jsantae...@aol.com 
Subject: Re: Why The USA Is In Trouble... 

It's a friggn' movie for crying out loud 


Audiences experience 'Avatar' blues 


rationalizing the shadow via misdirection 

The Neurosis of misdirection  fractured identity tends to spread its mendacity 

The Foundation of all mental illness is the avoidance of legitimate suffering 
~ Car Jumg 

Trying to Avoid Pain, Americans Have Only Delayed the Invevitable and Allowed 
the Cancer to Spread 

Sorrow Passion Beauty 

Krishnamurti I01 - Sorrow, Passion  Beauty 


Accountability breeds response-ability. 
~ Stephen R. Covey 

Accountability Brings Hope 




[cia-drugs] 2nd Wind / try again tomorrow

2010-01-26 Thread smacko9

Change The World / Todd Rundgren 

Live on Letterman 


[cia-drugs] How Weed Won the West: A Film by Kevin Booth

2010-01-30 Thread smacko9

How Weed Won the West: A Film by Kevin Booth 
January 28, 2010 

video : 
How Weed Won the West - TRAILER a film by Kevin Booth 

In the follow-up to his ground-breaking documentary 'American Drug War,' 
filmmaker Kevin Booth traces the fight against Federal drug regulation in 
the State of California. A public majority has spoken and said yes to states 
rights, allowing for the use of medicinal marijuana and opening up a new 
front in controversial medicinal 'dispensaries.' 

While users herald the freedom of legally-licensed weed, powerful forces 
at the DEA and law enforcement haven't given up their federal enforcement 
power yet. Many dispensaries have been raided, targeting their distribution 
of marijuana and challenging their authority to rise into legitimate 

In the backdrop of this public dispute is the Dark Alliance- where 
governments handle the volume of drug trafficking and work with cartels and 
drug dealers to manage the drug flow. Just like the prohibition of alcohol, 
drugs have thrived on their illicit appeal, and doomed millions of 
non-violent offenders to incarceration and prosecution. Now, those swearing 
by the healing power of medicinal marijuana as well as those who simply 
refuse to be outlawed by a hypocritical rogue government are daring to stand 
up and declare that the violence, corruption and uncontrolled flow of drugs 
is due to the prohibition of the substance, not the substance itself. 

Big Pharma has put millions of non-drug users on hallucinogenic 
prescription drugs and instituted new forms of addiction and dependency, 
challenging our outdated notions that is only illegal drugs doing harm to 
our people. 

The State of California, in a key position to assert its 10th Amendment 
rights under the Constitution, has pushed the issue to a tipping point. The 
bankrupt government hopes to capitalize on taxation of a legal and 
prosperous marijuana trade that could, ironically, fight off big government 
and offer free humanity new hope. Whether or not you love or loathe 
marijuana or the drug culture, everyone needs to fight for a more peaceful 
solution to the drug dilemma. How can we best manage the reality of drug use 
and minimize the harm to individuals and society at large? Clearly seventy 
years plus has proven that the drug war has the wrong approach. 

In How Weed Won the West, filmmaker Kevin Booth dares to tackle these 
difficult questions. He infiltrates psuedo-legal California growers, 
investigates DEA raids on licensed dispensaries and even undertakes to 
sample the disputed 'medicine' for himself. He interviews radio host Alex 
Jones, former drug dealers, real-life gang members, legal-weed pitch men, 
activists and advocates to find the truth. 

[cia-drugs] Mafia-Protection-Racket Hypocrisy 'Prohibited Commodities'

2010-03-26 Thread smacko9

Cantina Tolteca 
Pissing away them Kokopelli blues 

By Joe Bageant 

Money, violence and politics, the three jackals that hunt together, and 
feast on society's craving for prohibited commodities, alcohol in the 
thirties and cocaine today. The politicians run the perimeter of the human 
herd, guiding it this way and that through speeches and legislation, 
providing distraction, the killers enforce the code of the pack. 


From: Information Clearing House 
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 
Subject: ICH: John Pilger: Have a Nice World War, Folks 

Have a Nice World War, Folks 

By John Pilger 

Here is news of the Third World War. The United States has invaded Africa. 
US troops have entered Somalia, extending their war front from Afghanistan 
and Pakistan to Yemen and now the Horn of Africa. 


Trivializing War 

By Cesar Chelala 

Drones are currently killing people in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and 
Somalia. It should be noted that the United States is not at war with any of 
those countries, which should mean in a sane world that the killing is 
illegal under both international law and the US Constitution, states Philip 
Girald, a former CIA officer and fellow of the American Conservative Defense 


When Presidential Sermons Collide 

By Glenn Greenwald 

Nothing enables the glorification of crimes, and nothing ensures their 
future re-occurrence, more than shielding the criminals from all 
accountability. It's nice that Barack Obama is willing to dispense that 
lecture to other countries, but it's not so nice that he does exactly the 
opposite in his own. 


Covering up American War Crimes, From Baghdad to New York 

By Charles Glass 

The US government does not want it known that it was using chemicals on 
human beings in a country whose leader it overthrew ostensibly because he 
retained the capacity to do the same thing. 


More than 250 Congress Members Declare Commitment to 'Unbreakable' U.S.-Israel 

By Natasha Mozgavaya, Haaretz Correspondent 

More than 250 members of Congress have signed on to a declaration 
reaffirming their commitment to the unbreakable bond that exists between 
[U.S.] and the State of Israel, in a letter to Secretary of State Hillary 


Obama Squeezed Between Israel and Iran 

By Pepe Escobar 

The AIPAC 2010 show predictably was yet one more bomb Iran special; but it 
was also a call to arms against the Barack Obama administration, as far as 
the turbo-charging of the illegal colonization of East Jerusalem is 


Judea Declares War On Obama 

By Gilad Atzmon 

Jewish lobbies certainly do not hold back when it comes to pressuring 
states, world leaders and even super powers. AIPAC's behavior last week 
reminded me of the Jewish declaration of war against Nazi Germany in 1933. 


Israeli Intelligence, Our Constant Companion 

By Jeff Stein 

Acting on a complaint that the document was circulating on Capitol Hill, the 
FBI discovered that an Israeli diplomat had acquired the paper and given it 
to officials at AIPAC, the lobbying group whose annual convention drew both 
Netanyahu and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton this week. 


Be Sure The Truth Will Find You Out 

By Yvonne Ridley 

Well it has now emerged that the British Government used spies, lies and 
community leaders to spew out anti-Palestinian propaganda during the Gaza 


Next Up: Wall Street Reform 

By Danny Schechter 

In Britain, the police are raiding Hedge Funds to bust insider traders. In 
America, the Hedge Funds are still raiding us, even as public opinion calls 
for a crackdown on Wall Street. One recent poll, in a nation that seems so 
divided on everything, showed 82% for aggressive action. 82%! 


To Rob a Country, Own a Bank 

Must Watch - Real News Video Interview 

William Black, author of Best way to rob a bank is to own one talks about 
deliberate fraud on Wall St. 


Cantina Tolteca 
Pissing away them Kokopelli blues 

By Joe Bageant 

Money, violence and politics, the three jackals that hunt together, and 
feast on society's craving for prohibited commodities, alcohol in the 
thirties and cocaine today. The politicians run the perimeter of the human 
herd, guiding it this 

[cia-drugs] Murder City / Globalized Drug/War Economy

2010-04-27 Thread smacko9

Murder City 
begins @ timemark 03:00 

Charles Bowden talked about his book Murder City: Ciudad Juarez and the 
Global Economy's New Killing Fields (Nation Books; March 1, 2010). He 
responded to telephone calls and electronic communicatons. 

[cia-drugs] Israel aims its nuclear warheads at Europe [Voltaire]

2010-06-27 Thread smacko9

Israel aims its nuclear warheads at Europe [Voltaire] 

[cia-drugs] NAACP calls war on drugs racist, supports marijuana bill

2010-07-10 Thread smacko9

NAACP calls war on drugs racist, supports marijuana bill

Political - California 
emily holding 
July 07 2010 

The California State Conference of the National Association for the 
Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) announced their unconditional 
support of Prop 19, the initiative to legalize, regulate and tax 
marijuana, at a news conference last week. 

We are joining a growing number of medical professionals, labor 
organizations, law enforcement authorities, local municipalities, and 
approximately 56 percent of the public in saying that it is time to 
decriminalize the use of marijuana, said Alice Huffman, President of the 
California State Conference of the NAACP, in a press release. 

The NAACP has criticized the war on drugs, calling it a failure because it 
has focused on low-level drug offenders, with the burden falling 
disproportionately on people of color rather than on drug lords. 

Stephen Gutwillig, California director of the Drug Policy Alliance, joined 
Huffman at the news conference to present the findings of a study titled 
Targeting Blacks for Marijuana. 

The report showed that in the 25 largest California counties, blacks are 
arrested for marijuana possession more than whites, typically at double the 
rate and sometimes even quadruple. 

The findings in this report are a chilling reminder of the day-to-day 
realities of marijuana prohibition and the large-scale racist enforcement at 
its core, said Gutwillig. Racial justice demands ending this policy 
disaster and replacing it with a sensible regulatory system that redirects 
law enforcement to matters of genuine public safety. Proposition 19 is 
California's exit strategy from its failed war on marijuana. 

Prop 19 would legalize marijuana for adults over 21, allow small residential 
cultivation and permit cities to tax and regulate pot sales. Huffman and 
Gutwillig believe this is the way to get rid of racism in the drug war, but 
Sacramento minister Rob Allen could not disagree more. 

Allen, president of the International Faith-Based Coalition and bishop of 
the Greater Solomon Temple Community Church in Oak Park, insists legalizing 
marijuana poses a greater threat to African-Americans as it endangers youth 
and communities. For this reason, Allen, who is also a NAACP member, says he 
is disappointed with the state NAACP's backing of the initiative. 

Most African American pastors are disappointed, absolutely disappointed 
with the decision, Allen told the Sacramento Bee. If anyone should know 
the effects of illicit drugs in the black community, it should be one of our 
most respected civil rights organizations. 

Allen, along with the International Faith-Based Coalition, which represents 
3,600 congregations, has scheduled a news conference at the state capitol to 
demand the resignation of Huffman due to her ties with the marijuana 


[cia-drugs] Glen Ford - Breaking the Obama Spell - video

2010-07-26 Thread smacko9

Glen Ford: 
Breaking the Obama Spell, 
at the United National Peace Conference 7/23/2010 

Journalist Glen Ford speaking at this weekend's national peace conference in 
Albany, New York. Ford writes for the Black Agenda Report .com 

Many of the other speeches at the event can be found here 
http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q = 

[cia-drugs] Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth

2010-07-26 Thread smacko9

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth 


26 July 2010 - Democracy Now! - Amy Goodman 
The New Pentagon Papers: WikiLeaks 
Releases 90,000+ Secret Military Documents 
Painting Devastating Picture of Afghanistan War 
22 June 2010 - 911blogger - Comments 
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange 
is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth 


Secret War Logs Leaked by Wikileaks 


Left-Leaning Despisers of the 9/11 Truth Movement: 

911Truth Gatekeepers || Murder USA 

[cia-drugs] Marijuana Is The Wonder Drug Of Our Time ?

2010-07-28 Thread smacko9

Marijuana Is The Wonder Drug Of Our Time 

[cia-drugs] Latest WikiLeaks-Release /Serving THE GLOBAL DOMINANCE GROUP?

2010-07-28 Thread smacko9

Congress Appoves $60 Billion U.S. War Funds Amid Afghan Policy Complaints 

Wikileaks' War Logs Highlight Global Intel. Facade Of 'War On Terror' 
CIA funds ISI - ISI funds Taliban, Al Qaeda 

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'annoyed' by 9/11 truth 

Barack Obama enlists Afghan war leaks in support of policy switch 
Material cataloguing blunders justifies decision to deploy 30,000 more US 
US president says 


Is the latest Wikileaks release serving the military industrial complex? 

WikiLeaks Founder Spoke To Reporters - video 


[cia-drugs] U.S.-Mexico Drug Policy - cspan

2010-07-28 Thread smacko9

U.S.-Mexico Drug Policy 
10.07.27 video: 

Jess Ford talked about the Government Accountability Office report on drug 
trafficking from Mexico and Central America. The report found that the State 
Department has no effective way to measure the success of its program to aid 
Mexico in its fight against drug traffickers. Mr. Ford also responded to 
telephone calls and electronic communications. 

[cia-drugs] CIA / GOODLE - 'Recorded Future' / PreCrime 'Technology'

2010-07-30 Thread smacko9

Google and CIA Plough Millions Into Huge ‘Recorded Future’ Monitoring Project 
Google’s cosy relationship with the U.S. spy network has once again been thrust 
into the spotlight. 

Google and CIA Fund Political Precrime Technology 
Noah Shachtman, writing for Wired, details how the CIA’s technology investment 
operation, In-Q-Tel, and Google are supporting a company that monitors the web 
in real time. 

[cia-drugs] Chris Floyd Skewers Wikileaks

2010-08-02 Thread smacko9

Chris Floyd Skewers Wikileaks 


Tarpley's Take on Wikileaks - audio 

[cia-drugs] The Devil's Advocate || Circle of Greed [1 Attachment]

2010-08-03 Thread smacko9

Circle of Greed 
10.07.20 video: 

Mr. Cannon details the story of William Lerach, a corporate crime attorney 
who sued countless members of the Fortune 500 list, before engaging in 
criminal behavior himself for which he was ultimately imprisoned and 
disbarred. Mr. Cannon discussed Lerach's story with former Solicitor General 
Paul Clement. Mr. Cannon co-wrote Circle of Greed with the executive editor 
of California magazine, Patrick Dillon. 


- Forwarded Message - 
Sent: Sunday, August 1, 2010 
Subject: The Devil's Advocate (1997) DVDrip [Keanu Reeves, Pacino] 

Hotshot Florida defence attorney Kevin Lomax, after adding win number 64 to his 
unblemished record, is invited to New York to work for a powerful law firm 
ruled by senior board member John Milton, who showers him with wealth and feeds 
his vanity. Kevin's wife just wants to have a baby and is distressed by Kevin 
always being on a case and never at home. She starts to lose her grip on 
reality - or so it seems. Kevin Lomax is about to find out about his true 
heritage and the grand scheme John Milton is running from his penthouse 

Keanu Reeves, Charlize Theron, Al Pacino, Connie Nielsen 


Codec: XviD 
Resolution: 688x304 
DAR: 2.35 
Frame Rate: 23.976 

Codec: mpga [mp3, CBR] 
Channels: 2 
Sample Rate: 48000 Hz 
Bitrate: 128 kb/s 

Running Time: 2hr 23min 

File Size: 800 MB 

[cia-drugs] Beware Wikileaks, MS Media 'Gullible-Apathy'

2010-08-07 Thread smacko9
Beware Wikileaks, MS Media  'Gullible-Apathy' Racket Hoopla ;-) 

Beware Julian Assange and Wikileaks, Darlings of Mainstream Media 
By Joe Quinn at SOTT.net | August 5, 2010 


'The American Media Empire of Managed News' - audio + 

Wikileaks + MSM Hype = ? 

Tarpley's Take on Wikileaks - audio 
...if you're coming out with some revelation that the government doesn't 
want, say something about 9/11 Truth, you don't get the New York Times, The 
Guardian and Der Spiegel co-operating with you. 


M.Parenti CONSPIRACY  CLASS POWER || Chomsky vs. Buckley Debate - 

Re: Dick, do you think WE are willing  able to Focus Unite? 

[cia-drugs] Ex-Pakistan spy chief: Afghanistan war 'lost cause' [and pre-planned, ...9/11 role]

2010-08-08 Thread smacko9

Ex-Pakistan spy chief: Afghanistan war 'lost cause' 
[and pre-planned, w/o evidence of Bin Laden 9/11 role] 

The attacks of September 11 were a pretext to a war already under 
consideration, Gul said. I think some of the neocons, who were very close 
to President [George W.] Bush, they wanted that he could embark on a 
universal adventure of Pax Americana, and they thought that the world was 
lying prostrate in front of them, he said. The 2001 terrorist attacks 
helped win the public support for the neocon plans, he said. 

There was no legitimate reason for the United States to attack Afghanistan, 
Gul said, because the FBI had no solid evidence that Osama bin Laden was 
involved in the attacks on New York and Washington. Why has not a single 
individual connected to 9/11 been caught in America so far, and why hasn't 
Osama bin Laden been charged? With no evidence anyone in Afghanistan was 
involved, there is no way to legitimize the U.S. occupation, Gul said. 

August 6th, 2010 
Ex-Pakistan spy chief: Afghanistan war 'lost cause' 
The U.S.-led war in Afghanistan is a lost cause, said a former Pakistani 
intelligence chief, and the United States needs to negotiate peace with 
Taliban leader Mullah Omar. You have to talk to him, and I'm sure it will 
work out very well, Lt. Gen. Hamid Gul told CNN's Fareed Zakaria in an 
interview to air Sunday. 

U.S. intelligence documents published last week by WikiLeaks cited Gul and 
implicated Pakistani intelligence as supporting al Qaeda. Gul has denied the 
allegations. I'm quite a convenient scapegoat, he said. I don't support 
any one faction in Afghanistan. I support the Afghan nation. 

The career military officer, who supported the U.S.-backed Taliban 
resistance against Soviet occupation during the 1980s, called the U.S. 
occupation of Afghanistan unjust and said he sees legitimacy in the Afghan 
insurgency against Western forces. This is a national resistance movement. 
It should be recognized as such, he said. They are Mujahedeen of 
Afghanistan as they were during the occupation of Afghanistan by the Soviet 

The attacks of September 11 were a pretext to a war already under 
consideration, Gul said. I think some of the neocons, who were very close 
to President [George W.] Bush, they wanted that he could embark on a 
universal adventure of Pax Americana, and they thought that the world was 
lying prostrate in front of them, he said. The 2001 terrorist attacks 
helped win the public support for the neocon plans, he said. 

There was no legitimate reason for the United States to attack Afghanistan, 
Gul said, because the FBI had no solid evidence that Osama bin Laden was 
involved in the attacks on New York and Washington. Why has not a single 
individual connected to 9/11 been caught in America so far, and why hasn't 
Osama bin Laden been charged? With no evidence anyone in Afghanistan was 
involved, there is no way to legitimize the U.S. occupation, Gul said. 

The hunt for al-Qaeda does not justify the almost 9-year-old war either, 
because the global terrorist movement has moved on, Gul said. The American 
strategists, the military thinkers, have got to wake up to the reality that 
al-Qaeda has succeeded in exhausting, drawing out into the wrong direction, 
to the wrong place, all the allied forces, Gul said, citing Yemen, Somalia 
and Africa. For al-Qaeda the center of gravity all along was the Middle 

The United States and its allies won't win the war in Afghanistan, said Gul, 
who referred to U.S. NATO allies as pallbearers. Supply lines through 
Pakistan are shaky, said Gul, who blamed U.S. ally India for contributing to 
his country's destabilization. Combined with what Gul termed poor U.S. 
intelligence and a home-field advantage for the Taliban, it all adds up to a 
losing combination for the United States in his estimate. Time is on the 
side of the resistance, he said. 

In such a situation, to hope to win would be absolutely hare-brained, Gul 
said. He expressed concern the U.S. military would never be willing to admit 
defeat. I would advise President Obama - please, do not listen to your 
military, because militaries have [the] unfortunate tendency never to accept 
their defeat. They will say if we receive more proceeds, if we receive more 
logistics, if we receive more funds, then we will be able to overcome. This 
is a psychological problem. 

The only solution would be peace negotiations with Taliban leader Mullah 
Omar, not with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Gul concluded. There is only 
one man who can give the guarantee that there will be no terrorism exported 
from Afghanistan, Gul said. Don't talk to Karzai; he's a puppet. 

Omar represents the entire insurgency, Gul said. There are other factions 
of resistance fighters coming under the banner of Mullah Omar. Scale down 
goals, negotiate with Omar, then move on and 

[cia-drugs] The War on Iraq : Thirty Years of Duplicity, and Counting....

2010-08-09 Thread smacko9

The War on Iraq : 
Five US Presidents, Five British Prime Ministers, Thirty Years of Duplicity, 
and Counting 

by Felicity Arbuthnot 
Global Research, August 6, 2010 

Out of the mirror they stare, Imperialism's face, And the international 
(W.H. Auden, 1907-1973, writing in 1939.) 

Twenty years ago this August, with a green light from America, Saddam 
Hussein invaded Kuwait. He had walked into possibly the biggest trap in 
modern history, unleashing Iraq's two decade decimation, untold suffering, 
illegal bombings, return of diseases previously eradicated and what can also 
only be described as UN-sponsored infanticide. 

The reason for the Kuwait invasion, has been air brushed out of the fact 
books by Britain and America, and been presented as the irrational and 
dangerous act of a belligerent tyrant who was a threat to his neighbours. He 
had, they pointed out piously, attacked, then fought an eight year war with 
Iran, and exactly two years to the month, after the 20th August 1988 
ceasefire, invaded Kuwait, on 2nd August 1990. 

It was, of course, not quite that simple. After the US engineered the fall 
of the democratic government of Mossadegh, in Iran, resultant from his 
nationalizing the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (now BP) in 1953. After two 
years of economically ravaging sanctions, The US installed Shah Reza 
Pahvlavi (whose savage state police, SAVAK, were trained by General Norman 
Schwartzkopf, Snr., father of General Storming Norman Schwartzopf of the 
1991 Gulf war, who famously declared at the time of the ceasefire: ... no 
one left to kill .. ) Under the Shah, oil arrangements satisfactory to the 
United States were, of course, restored. 

Five years later, across the border in Iraq, the British installed monarchy 
was overthrown and the popular leader of the anti-British uprising, Abdel 
Karim Kassem, began nationalizing the country's Western assets. It took the 
CIA just five more years to bring about his overthrow. They picked the wrong 
collaborators, the nascent Ba'ath Party, with Saddam Hussein as Vice 
President, embarked on nationalizing the oil industry. President Nixon and 
National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger schemed with Iran to arm the Kurds 
and weaken the Iraqi government. Iraq was placed on list of supporters of 

Interestingly, Saddam, and the Shah quietly came to US-excluded, mutually 
beneficial agreement - and aid to the Kurds was cut. 

In 1980, the year after the Shah was overthrown, to grass roots Iranian 
jubilation, President Jimmy Carter announced the Carter Doctrine, with 
breath taking political arrogance, granting the US the unilateral right to 
intervene in the Persian Gulf region to protect US oil demands. With 
(broadly) a US political nod and wink, Iraq invaded Iran - the US aiding 
both sides in a war where the million lives estimated lost equal that of 
Rwanda and Armenia, each which have been cited as a genocide. 

Iraq was also perceived as a more secular buffer again fundamentalist 
tendencies in Iran, under Ayatollah Khomeni. (Ironically, now, Iraq is 
largely politically dominated by fundamentalist Iranian-backed factions, 
which came in with the invasion, due, seemingly, to blind ignorance of the 
region by the British and Americans, their useless diplomats and 
unemployable Middle East experts.) 

Carter won the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize. His Carter Center blurb informs: 
President Carter has been committed to peace in the Middle East since his 
White House days (and) advancing human rights, accountability and the rule 
of law, in the region. Devotion is to : Peace with Justice; Waging 

In 1984, President Reagan ordered the sharing of top secret intelligence 
with Iraq - and also with Iran. The following year, Colonel Oliver North of 
Iran-Contra infamy, informed Iranian authorities that the US would help Iran 
overthrow Saddam Hussein. 

Subsequently, when Iraq looked vulnerable in America's (arguably) proxy 
bloodbath, US military hardware and other assistance was ratcheted up. 
Breathtaking duplicity being the order of the decade, General Norman 
Schwartzkopf, then head of CENTCOM quietly intervened by re-flagging Kuwaiti 
tankers (with US flags) thus if attacked, it would be deemed an attack on 
the United States. The US began bombing Iranian oil platforms. 

The scales tipped for Iraq, and in August 1988 the ceasefire was signed - 
and the (US) Center for Strategic and International Studies immediately 
began a two years study on the outcome of a war between the United States 
and Iraq. The following year, with much of Iraq's youth stone dead .., 
terribly wounded or imprisoned in Iran, it's Air Force near wiped out, and 
the country financially on its knees, the US renamed War Plan 1002 - dreamt 
up to counter a Soviet confrontation - War Plan 1002-90, designating Iraq 
the new threat. 

Iraq, needing to recoup the $billions the 

[cia-drugs] Obama Preparing to Bomb Iran - Webster Tarpley - audio/text

2010-08-10 Thread smacko9

Webster Tarpley: 
Obama Preparing to Bomb Iran _ on The Kevin Barrett Show 
This Show was broadcast by No Lies Radio on August 3, 2010. 


Obama is Preparing to Bomb Iran 
Webster G. Tarpley || July 21, 2010 

'Lethal force awaits Iran aggressors' 

War Is a 'High-risk', Deadly, Stupid Enterprise ~ General Chiarelli 

Beware Wikileaks, MS Media  'Gullible-Apathy' Racket Hoopla 

Ex-Pakistan spy chief: Afghanistan war 'lost cause' 
[and pre-planned, w/o evidence of Bin Laden 9/11 role] 

[cia-drugs] A New Cold War: Inside Nuclear Iran - video

2010-08-16 Thread smacko9

A New Cold War: Inside Nuclear Iran 
10.07.07 video: 

A panel discussion on how to deal with Iran with Reza Kahlili (A Time to 
Betray: The Astonishing Double Life of a CIA Agent Inside the Revolutionary 
Guards of Iran), Michael Ledeen (Accomplice to Evil: Iran and the War 
against the West), and Melissa Boyle Mahle (Denial and Deception: An 
Insider's View of the CIA). This event was hosted by the Spy Museum in 
Washington, DC. 


Iraq Inquiry Commission, Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller Testimony 

[cia-drugs] Iraq Inquiry Commission, Han Blix Testimony - video

2010-08-17 Thread smacko9

Iraq Inquiry Commission, 
Han Blix Testimony, part 1 
10.07.27 video: 

Former United Nations weapons inspector Hans Blix testified before the 
British Iraq Inquiry. He told the five-member panel that the invasion of 
Iraq was illegal and that the U.S. and Britain relied on poor intelligence 
sources leading up to the 2003 invasion. He said that inspectors failed to 
uncover any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and that the U.S. was 
dismissive of opposing views. The British Iraq inquiry is an independent 
panel examining British involvement in the war and the circumstances which 
led to it, and will issue a report which will then be debated in Parliament. 


Iraq Inquiry Commission, 
Han Blix Testimony, part 2 
10.07.27 video: 


Iraq Inquiry Commission, Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller Testimony 

A New Cold War: Inside Nuclear Iran - video 

[cia-drugs] Obama CIA Dark Shadowy Unholy Alliances? - multimedia

2010-08-23 Thread smacko9

audio of Joel Skousen: The Dark Side of America - Alex Jones 
August 19, 2010 (hour 3) 

Joel Skousen: The Dark Side of America - Alex Jones Tv 1/3 


Obama CIA creation ? 

Bombshell: Barack Obama conclusively outed as CIA creation 

audio - Wayne Madsen on A.Jones show - re: Obama CIA creation 
August 19, 2010 (hour 2) 



 From: Virginia Brooks 
 Part 1. 
 Part 2. 


'If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you; 
If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will 
destroy you' 


Transparent Accountability vastly more efficient than skulduggery ;-) 
Let's stop playing saps suckered into chasing the tales of the Beast! 

AccountabilityParty Please 
