CiKEAS Tiga Saksi Kasus Soeharto Sudah Dipastikan Benarkan Dokumen

2007-06-02 Terurut Topik merapi08
Tiga Saksi Kasus Soeharto Sudah Dipastikan   Benarkan Dokumen

* Tiga Saksi Kasus Soeharto Sudah Dipastikan 
Kompas, Sabtu, 02 Juni 2007  

  Jakarta, Kompas - Kejaksaan Agung mulai memastikan keterangan 
sejumlah saksi yang pernah memberikan keterangan dalam penyidikan 
perkara dugaan korupsi mantan Presiden Soeharto. Keterangan saksi 
itu digunakan untuk menguatkan barang bukti berupa fotokopi dokumen-
dokumen, yang akan digunakan dalam menggugat perdata Soeharto dan 
Yayasan Supersemar. 

  Direktur Perdata pada Bagian Perdata dan Tata Usaha Negara 
Kejaksaan Agung Yoseph Suardi Sabda, Kamis (31/5), menyampaikan, 
tiga saksi sudah didatangi dan dipastikan keterangannya. Namun, 
Yoseph menolak menyebutkan siapa saja saksi yang dimintai keterangan 

  Keterangan mereka menguatkan barang bukti dokumen yang kami 
miliki, kata Yoseph. 

  Dengan demikian, meskipun bukti berupa fotokopi dokumen, 
diyakini hal itu dapat mendukung gugatan perdata atas perbuatan 
melawan hukum Soeharto dan Yayasan Supersemar. Rencananya, dalam 
gugatan tersebut, Kejaksaan selaku jaksa pengacara negara akan 
mengajukan ganti rugi materiil Rp 1,5 triliun dan imateriil Rp 10 

  Secara terpisah, Kepala Pusat Penerangan Hukum Kejaksaan Agung 
Salman Maryadi mengatakan, Bagian Perdata dan Tata Usaha Negara 
Kejaksaan Agung akan berkoordinasi dengan Kejaksaan Agung dalam 
mencari saksi-saksi kasus Soeharto. 

  Yoseph Suardi Sabda pernah menyampaikan, sebanyak 43 saksi 
yang pernah bersaksi saat pemeriksaan perkara Soeharto akan disortir 

  Dicari, siapa yang relevan untuk perkara perdata. Harus 
dipastikan juga mereka mau bersaksi dalam gugatan perdata, ujar 

  Kasus PT Timor disidik 

 Dugaan kerugian negara, sesuai informasi tim penyidik, masih 
dihitung dengan meminta bantuan Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan 
Pembangunan, kata Salman Maryadi pada Kamis siang. 

  Dihubungi Kamis malam, Elza Syarief, salah seorang pengacara 
Hutomo Mandala Putra atau Tommy Soeharto—pemilik PT TPN—mengaku 
sudah mendengar perihal penyidikan jaksa itu. Begitu pula kliennya. 
Namun, Elza menolak menanggapi dimulainya penyidikan perkara yang 
diduga melibatkan kliennya di PT TPN, yang tak lama dilakukan 
setelah penyidikan dugaan korupsi di Badan Penyangga dan Pemasaran 
Cengkeh. Kita lihat saja nanti, kata Elza. (idr)
Sabtu, 02 Juni 2007,

* Tiga Saksi Bank Benarkan Dokumen

Rencana Gugatan Perdata Mantan Presiden Soeharto
JAKARTA - Kejaksaan Agung (Kejagung) mulai memeriksa para saksi 
fakta atas rencana gugatan terhadap mantan Presiden Soeharto. Tiga 
saksi dari perbankan, misalnya, sudah memberikan keterangan yang 
menguatkan pernah mengetahui dokumen asli berisi aliran dana dari 
Yayasan Supersemar ke beberapa perusahaan kroni Soeharto, termasuk 
milik Tommy Soeharto.

Saya sudah memeriksa tiga saksi. Mereka menyatakan confirm atas 
dokumen fotokopi yang saya tunjukkan. Artinya, mereka menyatakan 
fotokopian itu benar asli adanya, kata Dachmer Munthe, ketua tim 
jaksa pengacara negara (JPN) gugatan Soeharto, kepada Jawa Pos 

Ditanya soal siapa dan dari mana tiga saksi tersebut, dia menolak 
menjelaskan. Saya nggak bisa menyebutkan. Itu terkait dengan 
strategi kami, ujar direktur Pemulihan dan Perlindungan HAM di JAM 
Datun tersebut. 

Yang pasti, kata dia, tiga saksi dari perbankan tersebut sangat 
kooperatif selama memberikan keterangan di gedung JAM Perdata dan 
Tata Usaha (Datun), kompleks Kejagung, Kamis lalu.

Menurut Dachmer, tiga saksi itu akan dihadirkan dalam persidangan 
gugatan Soeharto. Keterangan mereka nanti dikuatkan dengan alat 
bukti lain, termasuk saksi-saksi lain. Fotokopian itu juga menjadi 
alat bukti, ungkap jaksa senior tersebut.

Dia menambahkan, selain tiga saksi itu, tim jaksa melanjutkan 
memanggil dan memeriksa beberapa pihak yang mengetahui aliran dana 
dari Yayasan Supersemar ke perusahaan kroni Soeharto, termasuk dari 
pengurus yayasan tersebut.(agm)

* Kejaksaan Yakini Bukti Dokumen Soal Soeharto Cukup Kuat
 Sinar Harapan, 1 Juni 2007

Jakarta- Kejaksaan Agung (Kejagung) menegaskan legalisasi fotokopi
dokumen untuk berkas gugatan perdata terhadap Yayasan Supersemar bisa
dikuatkan dengan pengesahan penyidik, notaris, atau pejabat yang
berwenang. Dengan demikian, langkah gugatan terhadap Soeharto 
tak akan bermasalah dari barang bukti dokumen yang dimiliki
Kejaksaan. Jika dokumennya (asli) tidak ada, maka legalisasinya bisa
dikuatkan dengan  pengesahan penyidik, notaris, maupun pejabat yang
berwenang, kata Direktur
Perdata Kejaksaan Agung (Kejagung) Yoseph Suardi Sabda kepada SH ,
Kamis (31/5).

Yoseph menambahkan, hingga saat ini Kejagung memang masih berusaha
mencari dokumen asli guna melengkapi berkas gugatan perdata dalam
kasus kosupsi pada Yayasan Supersemar yang pernah dipimpin mantan
Presiden Soeharto. 

CiKEAS Putin: US imperialists start new round of arms race

2007-06-02 Terurut Topik Sunny

  Putin: US imperialists start new round of arms race 
  Russia's recent tests of new ballistic missiles can be interpreted as a 
direct response to the deployment of the US missile system in Europe, and the 
development of new military bases on the continent, Russian President Vladimir 
Putin said Thursday. 

  At a news conference after meeting with the Greek president in Kremlin, 
Putin spoke about the cooperation between the two countries and condemned US 
missile defense systems in Europe. 

  We are not the initiators of this new round of the arms race , Putin 
told a joint Kremlin news conference. 

  There is no need to fear Russia's actions, they are not aggressive... 
They are aimed at maintaining balance in the world order, and are extremely 
important for maintaining peace and security globally, Putin said. 

  The president suggested recently that Moscow might suspend its 
obligations under the Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty if talks with NATO 
countries on its implementation show no visible progress. 

  No NATO members have yet ratified the re-drafted CFE pact, demanding that 
Russia first withdraw from Soviet-era bases in Georgia and Moldova under 
previous agreements. 

  Russia, concerned over Europe's refusal to ratify the re-drafted version 
of the accord, and acceptance by certain EU states of US missile shield plans 
on the continent, proposed on Monday holding an emergency CFE conference in 
Vienna on June 12-15. 

  We are fully observing the provisions of the (CFE) treaty and have 
pulled out all heavy weaponry from the European part of Russia. We have reduced 
our armed forces by 300,000 personnel in the past few years, but what about our 
partners? Putin said. 

  They are inundating Eastern Europe with new weapons - a new base in 
Bulgaria, another base in Romania, a (missile interceptor) site in Poland , a 
radar in the Czech Republic, the president said. What are we supposed to do? 
We cannot just observe all this and continue to keep our obligations under the 

  There is a clear desire by some international players to dictate their 
will to everyone without adhering to international law, Putin said. 
International law has been replaced by political reasons. 

  In our opinion it is nothing different from diktat, nothing different 
from imperialism , he added. 

  Putin stressed that the US unilaterally withdrew from the 1972 
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in 2002, paving the way to the deployment of its 
missile shield in Europe. 

  Source: agencies 

  Translated by Alexander Timoshik 

  Discuss this article on English Forum 

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CiKEAS KaMpanye NasionAL : Jangan Bugil di depan Kamera - 15-17Juni 07 Semarang!!

2007-06-02 Terurut Topik If looks Could Kill !
KaMpanye NasionAL : Jangan Bugil di depan Kamera -
15-17 Juni Semarang!! 


tanggal 15,16,17 juni besok, TV Lab Communications
akan berada di Semarang dalam rangka Kampanye
nasional : Anak Muda Indonesia, Jangan bugil di depan

Apa aja yang mau dilakukan? tanggal 15 juni, saya dan
teman-teman semarang akan turun ke jalan dan
membagikan stiker ke pelajar dan mahasiswa di sekitar
simpang lima dan daerah kota. Kita mau nyebarin virus
untuk menolak segala bentuk kegiatan pembuatan film
porno dan penyalahgunaan handphone.

selain itu, rencananya sambil workshop skenario TV
Program dengan STIE BPD, kita mau ambil sesi 1 jam
untuk ngobrolin soal kampanye jangan bugil di tanggal
16-17 juni 07. tempatnya di Lt.5 STIE Bank BPD Jateng
Jl.Pemuda 4A (Johar) Semarang. Jam 10-17.00

Bayangin deh, udah 500 lebih film porno yang dibuat
dengan handphone dan semua itu asli produk lokal. kalo
nggak dilawan , jumlah itu akan meledak.

Kemarin tanggal 25 Juni, saya diwawancara di radio
Delta FM Jakarta, bareng Shanaz Haque dan Gilang
Pambudhi Delta FM Bandung. Wawancara ini
disebarluaskan di 22 stasiun radio di seluruh
indonesia dalam acara Indonesia Siesta, jam 11-12.00.

Kita dapat respon yang menarik, dari teman2 penelpon
dan pendengar acara ini. Dari Makasar, medan, bandung,
jogja dan semuanya yang nggak bisa masuk disaluran
komunikasi tanya jawab via telepon. Tapi kampanye ini
dapat dukungan dari mana-mana, kebanyakan merasa
khawatir atas data dan fakta yang kami beberkan pada
hari itu.

nah, nggak hanya berhenti di kampanye radio, saya dan
teman2 akan bergerak turun ke jalan besok 15 - 17 juni
2007 di Semarang.

Ada yang mau ikut atau sekedar sumbang saran? Ayo
dukung kampanye ini. Jangan bugil di depan kamera,
selamatkan Anak muda Kita.

Oh iya, sekalian mau info, kalau sekarang, kami dapat
support dari penerbit liliput - dan mas Peri Umar Farouk yang
udah membuatkan situs
sebagai situs resmi gerakan ini.

Jadi silahkan klik di situs tersebut, semoga kami
masih bisa bergerak, berkampanye dan berbuat baik 10
tahun lagi dari sekarang, atau 100 tahun lagi.


sony set
0813 929 820 71
0274 - 7017358
( Kapan ya bisa kampanye turun langsung ke sekolah2 di
jogja? )

Send instant messages to your online friends 

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CiKEAS Qur'an Is the Main Source of Inspiration'

2007-06-02 Terurut Topik Sunny

Sunday, 3, June, 2007 (17, Jumada al-Ula, 1428)

  Qur'an Is the Main Source of Inspiration'
  P.K. Abdul Ghafour, Arab News 

Dr. Abdullah Basfar

  JEDDAH, 3 June 2007 - Throughout history, the Holy Qur'an has been the 
main source of inspiration for non-Muslims to embrace Islam, said Dr. Abdullah 
Basfar, secretary-general of the International Organization for the 
Memorization of the Holy Qur'an and professor of Islamic studies at the King 
Abdul Aziz University.

  Basfar, who was addressing a meeting of Qur'an Study Center students in 
Jeddah, emphasized the importance of practicing the teachings of the Qur'an. 
The companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) had tried to practice 
whatever they learned from the Qur'an without delay, he said.

  Basfar, who is imam and khateeb of the Shuaibi Mosque in Jeddah, said 
many scientific factors mentioned in the Qur'an were only discovered by modern 
science very recently. Prof. Keith Moore, a former anatomist at the University 
of Toronto, had expressed his astonishment at the accuracy of statements in the 
Qur'an on the development of human embryo inside the womb 1,400 years before 
the science of embryology was established.

  The Qur'an is the main reason for people embracing Islam, Basfar said. 
He further cited the growing demand for the translation of the meaning of the 
Qur'an in the West. The second Caliph, Omar ibn Khattab was attracted to Islam 
after hearing the verses of the Qur'an. Most companions of the Prophet came to 
the fold of Islam after hearing its verses, he added.

  Dr. Basfar called upon Muslims to read the Qur'an and think about its 
meaning. It is better to read the chapter Al-Baqara and to understand its 
meaning than reading the chapters of Al-Baqara and Al-Imran together without 
understanding their meaning, he said quoting a Hadith of the Prophet.

  Jamal Mohammed, a Qur'anic researcher, spoke about how Muslims should 
approach the Holy Book to gain maximum benefit. We have to read the Qur'an as 
if Allah is talking to us, he said. The Qur'an has challenged the world to 
bring a chapter similar to it but nobody has accepted this challenge and this 
proves that it's the word of Allah. One orientalist said that if the Qur'an is 
not the word of God we have to say that Mohammed himself is God.

  He added that the enemies had utterly failed to disprove its divinity and 
that using Qur'anic verses as a ring tone was disrespectful to the holy book.

  In his thought-provoking lecture, Jamal Muhiyuddin, supervisor of the 
center, spoke about the great social and cultural revolution brought about by 
the Qur'an. The Qur'an is not a book to decorate our homes and libraries. It's 
a divine message to follow in all walks of our lives, he said. We should know 
how the Qur'an transformed the people of Arabia into leaders world 
civilization. The empire of Islam expanded covering a large part of the world.

  The faith in the hereafter life was another important teaching of the 
Qur'an. This belief made Muslims more active and inspired them to confront 
troubles, tribulations and challenges without fear. He added that the Qur'an 
encouraged Muslims to stop drinking alcohol with a single verse. When Muslims 
in Madinah heard about the prohibition, they threw alcohol bottles the same day 
without waiting. Muslim women also proved their commitment by wearing hijab 
when the verses about Islamic dress were first revealed in the holy book. If 
Muslims follow the Qur'an in the right manner it would definitely change their 
present pathetic situation and bring back their lost glory, Muhiyuddin said.

  K.K. Nissar, coordinator of the center, explained his organization's 
efforts to teach the Keralite Muslim community in Jeddah the meaning and 
message of the Qur'an and how to recite it properly. More than 300 men and 
women benefit from these classes. The meeting was held at WAMY auditorium.

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CiKEAS ABG Expands Business in Indonesia

2007-06-02 Terurut Topik Sunny

Sunday, 3, June, 2007 (17, Jumada al-Ula, 1428)

  ABG Expands Business in Indonesia
  Arab News 

  MANAMA, 3 June 2007 - Al Baraka Banking Group BSC (ABG), a Bahrain-based 
Islamic banking group, intends to expand further its presence in international 
markets by setting up a representative office in Indonesia. The necessary 
regulatory approvals have been received recently from Bank Indonesia, the 
country's central bank, ABG said over the weekend.

  Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world, estimated at 
220 million. It has a growing commercial and economic relationship with the 
Arab and Islamic worlds, while internally it has witnessed positive economic 
financial developments giving rise to an excellent investment environment. All 
these factors encourage major Islamic financial institutions to open offices in 
Indonesia to serve the Muslim community there and contribute toward 
facilitating trade flow between that country and the Arab world, ABG Chairman 
Saleh Kamel said. 

  The successful IPO which increased the equity of ABG Group from $566 
million to about $1 billion, has enabled the group to expand further into new 
international markets. The expansion plans include a number of new markets such 
as Malaysia, Indonesia, India, China and Syria, aside from certain Gulf 
states, he added.

  The ABG is firmly building up its regional and international presence 
according to a clear and well thought out strategic vision. The group is also 
expanding the range of the banking products and services that it offers to 
clients, capitalizing on increased financial resources, said ABG President and 
Chief Executive Adnan Ahmed Yousif.

  We look forward to continuing our achievements in 2007, as well as the 
work which we started since the inception of the group, namely building a 
strong banking group capable of maximizing the benefits from enhancing the 
business between the banking units affiliated to the group and from teaming up 
to form strategic alliances with a view to realizing our mission which is to 
make ABG a leading Islamic banking group at the international level, he added. 

  The group's $31 million net income for the first quarter of 2007 is an 
indication of its success in this regard. This performance was the result of 
focusing our efforts on a unified business strategy for the group and is in 
line with a number of measures that we have taken to enhance the financial 
resources of the group, improve the operating environment in terms of human 
resources, technologies and control, as well as support from our subsidiary, 
he added.

  The investment grade rating obtained by ABG from Standard  Poor's (SP) 
will further increase the confidence of investors and customers in the group's 
future business strategies, something that an international bank must possess. 
This rating will further confirm the soundness of ABG's capital adequacy ratio 
and financial position, Yousif said, adding that this rating will enable ABG 
to target the international market with greater ease and confidence and secure 
attractive pricing in its efforts to raise finance. 

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CiKEAS A spot on Indonesian leader's clean hands

2007-06-02 Terurut Topik Sunny
Reflection: Once tukang catut always tukang catut.

Jun 1, 2007

A spot on Indonesian leader's clean hands 
By Bill Guerin 

JAKARTA - Just when it seemed Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was 
making significant progress in tackling the country's endemic culture of 
corruption, he and Vice President Jusuf Kalla have been linked to allegations 
that they received illegal off-budget funds to finance their 2004 election 

Opposition politician Amien Rais, the onetime champion of the reform movement 
that helped bring about dictator Suharto's 1998 downfall, admitted he 
personally received about US$60,000 in illicit campaign funds through the 
Fisheries and Marine Resources Ministry, formerly headed by Rokhmin Dahuri. 

Rais dropped a potentially bigger bombshell when he claimed that Yudhoyono and 
Kalla also received illicit funds from Dahuri and that the General Elections 
Commission had evidence to substantiate his claims. 

Dahuri is currently on trial in a Jakarta court over alleged abuse of public 
funds, and on the stand he has owned up to channeling about Rp11.5 billion 
(US$1.2 million) from the ministry budget to at least four political parties 
between April 2002 and March 2005. 

Both politicians have denied the charges, with Yudhoyono referring to the 
allegations as slander. I and Jusuf Kalla clearly never received [funds] and 
clearly the claims are misleading and unhealthy, he said at a press conference 
last week. Yudhoyono and Rais later met on Sunday for 10 minutes and appeared 
to agree to leave the case in the hands of the Corruption Eradication 
Commission rather than sparring in the public domain. 

But the political controversy the allegations have already generated in the 
media have to some degree undermined public perceptions about the Yudhoyono 
government's corruption-busting credentials, crucially as the country enters a 
new election cycle with presidential polls scheduled for 2009. Significantly, 
Yudhoyono was elected on a clean-hands ticket in 2004, underlining the 
importance the Indonesian electorate then and likely now puts on corruption 

While the business-minded Kalla has recently attracted media attention over 
possible conflicts of interest related to his family's non-competitive bidding 
and winning big-ticket government projects, the more bureaucratic Yudhoyono has 
until now remained above the fray. If public perceptions turn against his 
government, several opposition candidates, including from the main Islamic 
party, are poised to present themselves as graft-busters to voters. 

People's Consultative Assembly Speaker Hidayat Nurwahid said this week, The 
president and the vice president could be impeached if they are proven guilty 
of breaching the law. That seems unlikely, because Kalla's Golkar party 
dominates the legislative body, but the risk is that Yudhoyono and Kalla become 
in the popular imagination associated with the corrupt old ways they promised 
on election to reform. 

Of course, this would come as no surprise to Indonesia watchers who remember 
the furor in November 2004 when Election Supervision Committee head Kommarudin 
Hidayat went on record as saying investigations had revealed evidence of more 
than 1,000 serious administrative and criminal violations of election-campaign 
regulations allegedly involving all parties and presidential candidates. 

Bribes, kickbacks and phantom donors 
The most serious offenses - including fictitious donors, vote-buying and 
bribing officials - were attributed to both then-president Megawati 
Sukarnoputri's Indonesian Party of Struggle and the military-affiliated Golkar 
party, of which Kalla is chairman, according to Kommarudin Hidayat at the time. 
But Rais' allegations represent the first time both Yudhoyono and Kalla in 
particular have been directly accused of electoral fraud. 

Draining state funds for electoral purposes is nothing new for Indonesia. In 
1999, Bank Bali paid local corporation PT Era Giat Prima (EGP) a commission 
of Rp546 billion (US$60 million) to help it collect Rp946 billion from the 
state foodstuffs monopoly, Bulog, which owned it money. Prosecutors later said 
the commission went into the Golkar party's coffers and helped finance 
president B J Habibie's 1999 election win. EGP was partly owned by Golkar's 
then-deputy treasurer, Setya Novanto. 

Golkar was later instrumental in pressing for a probe into the next election 
scandal, known as Bulogate I, which entailed the embezzlement of Rp35 billion 
from the company and eventually led to former president Abdurrahman Wahid's 
political downfall in July 2001. 

Bulogate II, disclosed by Wahid's National Awakening Party, surfaced when 
former Bulog chief Rahardi Ramelan told prosecutors he gave state funds for a 
food-relief program to former defense minister and military commander Wiranto, 
who was a presidential candidate in the 2004 

CiKEAS Alarm sounds on cyber piracy as online banking rises

2007-06-02 Terurut Topik Sunny

Alarm sounds on cyber piracy as online banking rises

June 3, 2007
THE rapidly expanding ranks of people banking online has raised questions over 
whether consumers can deal with the growing threat from cyber pirates.
In the past year, the number of online bankers in Australia has swelled by 1.3 
million to 8.2 million, according to a Commonwealth Bank survey, accounting for 
52 per cent of the population. Commonwealth Bank of Australia acting head of 
retail banking Ross McEwan said ease of access to personal computers at work 
and at home meant more people were now doing more online, including their 

This increase in online banking goes across the board, with more than 1.3 
million customers joining the online banking revolution in the last year 
alone, Mr McEwan said.

Security has become a major issue, with the Australian Competition and Consumer 
Commission (ACCC) saying the threat of fraud through attacks against online 
accounts is increasing.

In a submission to a current review of the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Code 
of Conduct, which sets out the responsibilities of banks and their online 
customers, the ACCC argued that customers who used electronic banking, such as 
internet banking, faced severe threats from tech-savvy criminals. The ACCC 
considers that widespread use of electronic facilities for banking and 
financial transactions will see continued growth in the number and complexity 
of related fraud which will target such transactions, it said.

Attacks from cyber criminals can take many forms. Two of the biggest threats 
are phishing - used to gain personal information for the purpose of identity 
theft - and malware, software designed to infiltrate or harm a computer system. 
The Consumer's Telecommunications Network believes many consumers are not 
adequately prepared to deal with the threat of such online attacks.

In a 2006 report, it said that although awareness of e-security threats might 
be reasonably high, consumers lacked understanding of how to protect themselves.


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CiKEAS Religion: prop or antidote to capitalism?

2007-06-02 Terurut Topik Sunny

Religion: prop or antidote to capitalism?


PRINCETON, New Jersey - A provocative book written by a Japanese mathematician 
has reignited the debate about whether there are specifically Asian values.

As yet untranslated into other languages, The Dignity of a State by Masahiko 
Fujiwara is an emotional plea for a Japanese special path. In particular, it 
argues that liberal democracy is a Western invention that does not fit well 
with the Japanese or Asian character.

The reasoning is peculiar, and seems to revive a 19th-century critique, usually 
associated with Nietzsche, that Christianity (and Islam) produces an 
acquiescent or even subservient mentality, in contrast to the heroic virtues of 
classical antiquity or of warrior societies, such as the world of the Japanese 

Likewise, according to Fujiwara, democracy overemphasizes reason, another 
Western construct. But we Japanese, he writes, don't have a religion such as 
Christianity or Islam, so we need something else: deep emotion.

Many non-Japanese Asians will dislike most or all of Fujiwara's message, for 
they will hear unpleasant historical echoes. After all, there is no reason to 
believe that Asians share a particular yearning for authoritarianism, or that, 
say, Chinese prodemocracy movements are insincere stooges for Western interests.

But Fujiwara's book has also revived an old debate about capitalism and the 
values that are needed to sustain it. That debate stems from the fact that 
capitalism, or the market economy, cannot simply go on forever, driven by an 
internal momentum or dynamic.

Any of the basic proclivities that drive capitalism, on their own, are 
destructive of long-term success. For example, while capitalism depends on 
investment and consumption, an excess of the former leads to production gluts, 
and too much of the latter causes economies to overheat.

Similarly, capitalism depends on competition, but competition can be brutal and 
destructive. As a result, elaborate systems of laws are needed to ensure that 
competition is open and fair, that monopolies and trusts do not destroy 
competition itself. But even this may not be enough, because each legal reform 
is answered by entrepreneurial ingenuity on the part of those who want to 
circumvent the new restraints.

Some thinkers, most notably Max Weber, floated the idea that capitalism must be 
sustained by a value system that could not initially be created from within. 
Almost every modern analyst, however, has come to the conclusion that Weber's 
attempt to link that capitalist spirit historically to a form of Christianity, 
namely Protestantism, is fatally flawed.

To begin with, the founders of Protestantism, Martin Luther and John Calvin, 
were, as Weber recognized, more hostile to the dynamic capitalistic world of 
the Renaissance than was the Catholic Church. Indeed, pious Catholic Italian 
city-states were the cradle of early modern capitalism.

But there are two crucial aspects of the debate on religious values that should 
not be overlooked:

First, the core of Weber's argument was that religious values that emphasize 
restraint and a sense of duty may support dependability and reliability in 
business relations, which is especially vital in societies that are just 
opening up market relations. Where there is a legacy of violence and suspicion, 
it is hard for people to feel secure enough to enter into long-term contracts. 
They tend to look for short-term gains at the expense of others, reinforcing a 
generalized skepticism about the market.

Second, religious values that emphasize social solidarity are an important 
corrective to the tendency of markets to polarize society by rewarding success. 
Periods of globalization have been eras of considerable economic advance; but 
they have also increased inequality within particular countries, as markets 
rewarded scarce factors of production, thus fueling powerful political 
backlashes that endangered the continuation of trade and financial integration.

The debate about the contribution of religious values parallels the debate over 
the relationship of freedom to economic development - a central issue in the 
work of Nobel laureate economists Friedrich Hayek and Amartya Sen. It is 
clearly tempting for critics of authoritarian regimes to argue that freedom is 
good because it promotes economic growth. But a deeper view of freedom regards 
it as having intrinsic value.

So, too, with religious values. Backed by evidence from large empirical 
studies, some claim that belief in religion is good because it boosts economic 
performance. That may be the case, and it may be a tempting argument to make in 
authoritarian societies that are unsympathetic to beliefs that challenge their 
own legitimacy. But is it possible to imagine the pope whispering such a 
message to the Chinese leadership?

In the 18th century, Voltaire constructed