StackOverflow TV Opportunity to Promote Clojure

2014-09-03 Thread A. Webb
StackOverflow just announced an experimental project to produce videos in 
its New York City office. This could be a great opportunity to polish up 
one of your presentations and promote Clojure to a wide audience. No 
speaker fees, but reasonable travel costs covered.


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Re: Best way to create a namespace at runtime from a web app

2014-04-24 Thread A. Webb
Have you tried the aptly named 

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Re: regex

2014-04-18 Thread A. Webb

On Friday, April 18, 2014 8:28:03 AM UTC-5, Thumbnail wrote:

 I had a couple of insights.  First, to allow the dfa to be generated 
 programmatically, I changed it from a map to a vector.  This means 
 that the next state can just be an integer.  Second, I decided that 
 the terminal state would always be at index 0 ... 

 Shouldn't a DFA allow for *any* *set* of states to be terminal? For 
 instance, the minimal DFA for (ab)*(1 + a) has two states, both terminal. 

I haven't read through the above, but will have to later as I am familiar 
with the excellent linked article, so thanks for bumping this back to the 

As to your question, there is a straightforward translation from multiple 
terminal states to a single one. Add a special terminal input symbol to 
your alphabet and consider any input strings to be terminated by that 
symbol. For each of the terminal states add a transition to a single 
terminal state for the terminal symbol.

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Re: The Cons in iterate's return value

2014-04-17 Thread A. Webb

On Wednesday, April 16, 2014 10:35:14 PM UTC-5, Mars0i wrote:

 But then should realized? be able to deal with a Cons containing a LazySeq?

 (Is this an issue worthy of JIRA? I've never submitted there, and am not 
 sure I know enough to do so.  Willing to try to figure it out.)

No, realized? works as intended on a single object. If you want to know if 
there is an unrealized portion remaining of a sequence, just roll your own 
function to step through it, being careful not to force realization of 
unrealized portions while doing so. Untested example:

(defn seq-realized? 
  Returns false if there is an unrealized tail in the sequence,
  otherwise true.
  (if (instance? clojure.lang.IPending s) 
(if (realized? s) 
  (if (seq s) 
(recur (rest s)) 
(if (seq s) 
  (recur (rest s)) 

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Re: Questions regarding Map vs Record and usage

2014-04-09 Thread A. Webb
You can refer-in the first (factory function) to another namespace; for the 
second you'd have to import the class. I prefer the first. The third is 
special syntax for the reader.

As to the last question, I don't know, but it allows you to define your 
own. For example, 

(defrecord Book [title author] 
  (invoke [this x] (get this x)) 
  (invoke [this x not-found] (get this x not-found)))

(def b (-Book Lord of the Rings, Tolkien))

(b :title) ;= Lord of the Rings

But you could alter the behavior as desired.

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 1:51:01 PM UTC-5, Anthony Ortiz wrote:

 I see that there are several ways of instantiating a record :

 (-Book Lord of the Rings, Tolkien)

 (Book. Lord of the Rings, Tolkien)

 #user.Book{:title Lord of the Rings, :author Tolkien}

 Questions :
 1) The second version is referred to as the original version so I'm 
 wondering which is the preferred method. 
 2) Why is the third version not within a list? I thought that for the 
 language to consider something callable it had to be the first argument 
 in a list (eg : (+ 1 2))
 3) The record that is returned via (def b [version of choice goes here]) 
 is treated as a map when using the form (:title b) but doesn't treat it as 
 a map when using the form (b :title) which seems pretty inconsistent to me; 
 is there are valid reason for this inconsistency? I'm sure I'm missing 


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Re: Lazy sequence - how they work internally

2014-04-08 Thread A. Webb

On Tuesday, April 8, 2014 7:57:10 AM UTC-5, sorin cristea wrote:

 What exactly you mean by '*The point was you aren't using lazy-seq as 
 intended here since you are always creating a singleton sequence*' ? In 
 my sum function...I intend to compute sum of elements of a collection.

Lazy-seq is intended to build sequences. Generally you'd have each 
invocation of lazy-seq produce one or more elements of a sequence. You are 
only nominally building a sequence. It is always just one element. You are 
reducing a collection to a sum. That is the job of reduce. If you want to 
delay evaluation for a given argument, use a thunk or a delay.

(defn my-sum [n] (reduce + (range n)))

(def my-result 10) ; my-result is 45 (eagerly evaluated)

(def my-thunked-result (fn [] (my-sum 10))) ; the sum is not 
calculated until evaluating (my-thunked-result), answer is not cached

(def my-delayed-result (delay (my-sum 10))) ; the sum is not 
calculated until forcing @my-delayed-result, answer is cached for 
subsequent use


 [I]f I [d]o this *(def x **(test-fc ...))*, and then *x,* this is not the 
 same thing with *(test-fc ...)* ?, I understand the issue related to time 
 to compute this sum, but the same time is taken when I call x, right ?

 Yes, that's what I said. Only in the first case evaluation is delayed 
until you request the value of `x` and in the second it is requested 
immediately to print at the REPL. You might find it instructive to put some 
`println`s in your code to see how and when your calculation is progressing 
and to use a large but still reasonable size collection, say 1 million 

 Thanks for the hint with trampoline function, really interested .


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Re: Name for this pattern: side-effect from swap!

2014-04-08 Thread A. Webb
See,, where the old and new state of 
an atom is returned using the lower-level compare-and-set! operation.

On Tuesday, April 8, 2014 10:41:50 AM UTC-5, John Hume wrote:

 I sometimes find that after mutating an atom, I want to create some 
 side-effect that depends on the old and new state as well as the context in 
 which the change was made. Because of the dependence on context, a watch 
 doesn't work (unless there's something I'm not thinking of). So I add 
 things to the new atom state (returned by swap!) purely to tell the calling 
 code what side-effect to have (or give it the data it needs to decide what 
 side-effect to have). That additional state isn't used anywhere other than 
 the fn that called swap!.

 One gotcha to this approach is that one must be careful not to leave some 
 old side-effect causing state in place to cause another side-effect based 
 on stale data.

 Is there a name for this pattern? A standard way of implementing it? A 
 better alternative?

 One alternative I'm aware of is using mutable locals (provided by as a side-channel of communication 
 from swap!. Both approaches strike me as messy, though a let-mutable 
 probably makes it more obvious that something funny is going on, and it 
 doesn't pollute the atom.


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Re: Fn as value matcher in core.match

2014-04-07 Thread A. Webb
It is always matching the first clause because it is getting translated 
into a `let` binding. In match, the left-hand side `get` is just a symbol, 
not the `var` it resolves to, so might as well be `(let [fun assoc] (match 
fun foo foo!))` where `foo` will just be bound to `assoc`.

Match does not recognize vars on the left, but does recognize local 
bindings, so one option is to install them first

(let [fun assoc
  get get
  assoc assoc]
  (match fun
get get
assoc assoc
:else other))

Another option would be to use predicates

(let [fun assoc]
  (match fun
(_ :guard (partial identical? get)) get
(_ :guard (partial identical? assoc))assoc
:else other))

Another would be to wrap the functions in a way their value is respected, 
e.g. as a key in a map

(let [fun assoc]
  (match {fun nil}
{get _} get
{assoc _} assoc
:else other))

None of these are ideal, but the last seems the least offensive to me. One 
might wish for a special `(:value x)` syntax for such cases. 

On Monday, April 7, 2014 7:24:10 AM UTC-5, Serzh Nechyporchuk wrote:

 How can I match fns as values? For example:

 (let [fun assoc]
   (match [fun]
  [get] get
  [assoc] assoc
  :else other))

 The example above is not match correctly. It always matches on first 

 Thank you.

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Re: How do I detect the end of a file without catching an exception?

2014-04-07 Thread A. Webb

On Monday, April 7, 2014 1:14:40 PM UTC-5, guns wrote:

 On Mon  7 Apr 2014 at 11:07:37AM -0700, Simon Brooke wrote: 
  OK, the second question I've sort of answered for myself, by riffing on 
  source of line-seq: 
  (defn expr-seq 
Returns forms from src (assumed to be Clojure source) as a lazy 
  of expressions 
[^ src] 
(when-let [expr (read src)] 
(cons expr (lazy-seq (expr-seq src))) 
(catch RuntimeException eof 
  However, line-seq doesn't bother with catching an exception (presumably 
  because it's not using a PushbackReader). So I come back to my first 
  question: how do I detect the end of a file? 

 Use clojure.core/read with three params: [stream eof-error? eof-value] 
 From the Slamhound source: 

 (take-while #(not= ::done %) (repeatedly #(read rdr false ::done))) 


If using clojure.edn, which might be a good idea here, the syntax is 
slightly different for specifying an EOF marker, e.g.

(let [sentinel (Object.)] 
  (take-while #(not= sentinel %) (repeatedly #(edn/read {:eof sentinel} 

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Re: Lazy sequence - how they work internally

2014-04-07 Thread A. Webb
The point was you aren't using lazy-seq as intended here since you are 
always creating a singleton sequence. What's going on behind the scenes 
here is in effect just trampolining thunks.

(defn thunked-sum [sum coll]
  (if-let [[x  more] (seq coll)] 
(fn [] (thunked-sum (+ sum x) more))

(trampoline (thunked-sum 0 (range 10))) ;= 45

The trampoline portion of your lazy seq is the while loop in this part of 
the Java implementation of LazySeq

final synchronized public ISeq seq(){
if(sv != null)
Object ls = sv;
sv = null;
while(ls instanceof LazySeq)
ls = ((LazySeq)ls).sval();
s = RT.seq(ls);
return s;

If you do (test-fc (range 210432423543654675765876879)) at your REPL, 
evaluation is forced for the print, but because your input is so large, the 
calculation time is prohibitively long. If you placed this in a def 
instead, evaluation would be delayed until requested at which point it 
would then take prohibitively long to complete.

On Monday, April 7, 2014 3:01:54 PM UTC-5, sorin cristea wrote:

 Hi Gianluca, 

  I have a question ; why when a run/execute command/code line (test-fc 
 (range 210432423543654675765876879)) it's not executed the function 
 test-fc and return the sum for all 210432423543654675765876879 elements? 
 why should I put the test-fc reference to a variable, x, like you present 
 below. ( this is related to your phrase - your function computes a 
 sequence of just one element (the sum of the collection members - why ?)

  In this case (def x (test-fc (range 210432423543654675765876879)) I see 
 here a problem, I keep a reference to the head of sequence and this will 
 imply that the GC will can't garbage the unused items, if is wrong what I'm 
 say please correct me. 

  thanks a lot

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Re: Basic string modification question

2014-04-02 Thread A. Webb
Using subs (no need for join) is the way I would go, just define

(defn replace-at [s n c] (str (subs s 0 n) c (subs s (inc n

(replace-at hello 1 a) ;= hallo

and carry on.


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Re: remove first?

2014-04-02 Thread A. Webb

On Wednesday, April 2, 2014 3:39:47 PM UTC-5, Christopher Howard wrote:

 On Wed, 2 Apr 2014 14:07:47 -0600 
 Timothy Baldridge javascript: wrote: 

  I don't know of anything built-in, but this should do the trick: 
  (defn remove-first [f [head  tail]] 
(if (f head) 
(cons head (lazy-seq (remove-first f tail) 

 Thanks. This seems to work for my purposes, although I modified it to 
 handle the empty vector: 

 (defn remove-first [f [head  tail]] 
   (if (not head) [] 
   (if (f head) 
   (cons head (lazy-seq (remove-first f tail)) 

 This implementation doesn't seem to work on everything that remove 
 works on: 

 com.example.myapp= (remove #(= [1 2] %) {1 2 3 4}) 
 ([3 4]) 
 com.example.myapp= (remove-first #(= [1 2] %) {1 2 3 4}) 
 UnsupportedOperationException nth not supported on this type: 
 PersistentArrayMap  clojure.lang.RT.nthFrom ( 

To fix that, use `seq` on the collection argument. Also, if you want a 
emtpy sequence as a result instead of nil, just move the lazy-seq up since 
(lazy-seq nil) is an empty sequence.
(lazy-seq (when-let [[head  tail] (seq coll)] ...)

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Re: Strange behaviour for proxy when two abstract classes are passed in

2014-04-01 Thread A. Webb

On Monday, March 31, 2014 4:34:17 PM UTC-5, zcaudate wrote:

 I know this is a silly example but I am curious to know what is happening 
 with the proxy method.

 I have set up two calls to proxy:

   (def cp
 (proxy [java.util.AbstractMap clojure.asm.ClassVisitor] []))

   (def cp
 (proxy [clojure.asm.ClassVisitor java.util.AbstractMap] []))

 The first call is fine and it return cp.  The second call gives me an 

You cross-posted to Stack Overflow Stack 
Copy of my answer there:

Neither will work in Clojure 1.6.0. In 1.5, `clojure.asm.ClassVisitor` was 
an interface instead of an abstract class. Proxy expects at most one class 
followed by optional interfaces. As `java.util.AbstractMap` is an abstract 
class, it cannot appear second in the list of class-and-interfaces. 

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Re: REPL: viewing data structures containing infinite lists

2014-04-01 Thread A. Webb

On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 11:00:37 AM UTC-5, Andreas Liljeqvist wrote:

 Is there any good reason for not providing a default value for 
 I think that if you *really* want to print a list containing 100K items, 
 you would have to set *print-length*.

 Basically it seems less harmful to set it to a nice value by default(42?) 
 than possible locking up the REPL.

For the lein REPL, merge this into your ~/.lein/profiles.clj 

{:user {:repl-options {:init (set! *print-length* 42)}}} 

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Re: Function from a symbolic expression

2014-03-31 Thread A. Webb

On Monday, March 31, 2014 12:13:25 PM UTC-5, Jony Hudson wrote:

 (defmacro functionalise
   [ex var]
   (let [arg (gensym)
 body (postwalk-replace {var arg} ex)]
 `(fn [~arg] ~body)))

This works as written, it is just that macros do not evaluate their 
arguments, so you do not want to quote you expression. 

(def foo (functionalise (+ 2 x) x))
(foo 40) ;= 42

If you are working with quoted expressions, you'll have to eval in the 
macro and take the one-time hit there

(defmacro functionalise2
  [ex var]
  (let [arg (gensym)
body (clojure.walk/postwalk-replace {var arg} ex)]
`(fn [~arg] ~(eval body

(def foo2 (functionalise2 '(+ 2 x) x))
(foo2 40) ;= 42

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Re: java interop help for beginner calling java class

2014-03-28 Thread bryan webb
Thanks the help is much appreciated

 created file ocfLZWBW,java
package my.nice.lzw;   to the top of the file

/*     */ public class OcfLZW  to  /*     */ public class OcfLZWBW

compiled to a class file of ocfLZWBW.class  (no errors)

in eclipse added the ocfLZWBW.class files

in eclipse i see public class my.nice.lzw.ocfLZWBW when i use the class file 


(let [oi (my.nice.lzw.OcfLZWBW.)  buff  buffout]  ;; instantiate an object of 
that class 
    (.expand oi buff buffout)) ;; call its expand() method 

fired up the repl 

get a compilerexception
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: my.nice.lzw.ocfLZWBW

On Friday, March 28, 2014 12:15 PM, Tassilo Horn wrote: writes:

 I have read so much i cant see the tree for the forest.  and need some
 help calling the ocfLZW class below from clojure.

If that's really the complete class definition...

 /*     */ public class OcfLZW
 /*     */ {

... then you can't use it from Clojure because it's defined in the
default package.  There's no way to refer to such classes from any other
package except from the default package itself (no matter if from
Clojure or Java).

Solution: Add a

  package my.nice.lzw;

to the top of the java file.  Then you can instantiate it and call its
method's from Clojure like so:

  (let [oi (my.nice.lzw.OcfLZW.)    ;; instantiate an object of that class
        s-inefficient ...
        out ...]
    (.expand oi s-inefficient out)) ;; call its expand() method


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Re: Junior or Senior Clojure Developer wanted - Banking, London

2014-02-22 Thread Colin Webb
For London based Clojure roles, you may want to consider posting 
in!forum/london-clojurian-jobs :)

On Friday, 21 February 2014 17:08:50 UTC, Jonny Kaye wrote:

 Hi All,

 I have a role within a leading Investment Bank based in London, looking 
 for an experienced Clojure developer. If you have a knowledge or commercial 
 experience with Scala or Java then that would be desirable. If you have 
 worked on a Grid computing platform, this will also put you at an advantage.

 Looking for a hardcore programmer through and through, someone who enjoys 
 solving puzzles and has experience with Data structures. 

 The role is at AVP level, so mid- senior, and you would be situated in the 
 front office, so the ideal candidate will be a very good communicator. 

 If you are eligible to work in the UK without requiring sponsorship, 
 please call me on 02076085820 to discuss. 

 Permanent position paying between £55,000- 85,000 dependent on experience.

 If you happen to know of anybody who is a solid Clojure developer with any 
 of the other skills listed above, My company offer generous referral fees. 

 Please do get in touch if interested, and send your CV to

 Thank you,

 Jonathan Kaye

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