Re: Trouble Running Chime Application outside for repl

2016-11-21 Thread James Henderson
Hi Chris,

Thanks for posting an example - unfortunately I can't get onto it at the 
moment because it seems gitlab is down :(

FWIW, I've seen a similar issue before where the schedule will run for a 
minute or so, then the process will exit successfully (even though you'd 
like it to continue) - is this what you're seeing? If so, this was caused 
by there being no non-daemon threads left running in the JVM, so the JVM 
exited - we worked around that by adding `@(promise)` to the end of our 
`-main` function, which had the effect of indefinitely pausing the main 
thread, and allowing the schedule to continue.

If not, I'll try gitlab again in a bit!


On Monday, November 21, 2016 at 3:03:45 PM UTC, Chris Snyder wrote:
> Have a program I want to run every 5 seconds unless the previous run is 
> not finished then I want it to wait on the previous run to finish.
> To do this I used a library called Chime ( 
> *The Problem* is the program works perfectly in repl but will not work 
> outside out of it?
> lein trampoline run - does not work 
> lein run - does not work 
> Java -jar (point to the uberjar file) - does not work 
> lein repl then running main  -does work 
> Here is a small example I put together 

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Re: [ANN] Introducing Yo-yo, a protocol-less, function composition-based alternative to Component

2015-07-03 Thread James Henderson
Hi Timothy - firstly, thank you for taking the time to read through and 
reply. I understand it would have been very easy to read them and move on 
thinking 'just a nutter on the mailing list who doesn't really understand 
what he's talking about', but I do really appreciate your feedback - thanks 

You're right - openly, I think it took not only hammocking about Yo-yo, but 
also sitting down over the weekend writing up the side-by-side to really 
realise what Component and Yo-yo both provide. (I don't regret doing 
either, of course - without doing so I wouldn't have got close to thinking 
about it in this way!) I do agree that not everything about Spring/OOP is 
bad, and certainly that Clojure/Component has taken the good parts. What 
I've seen so far, though, is some people (me included, probably) seeing 
Component, thinking 'that's nice, a pattern I'm familiar with', and 
reverting to writing Clojure apps like they used to write Spring apps - 
with components for *everything*, components for wiring up other 
components, etc, giving them all sorts of names (a la 'the Kingdom of 
Nouns'). It's also Phoenix, in particular, that reminded people of Spring - 
I've tried to ensure I always make that distinction, apologies if that 
didn't come across.

Incidentally, I wrote a first iteration of the side-by-side blog with the 
Component side written in this style, and then realised there was nothing 
in Component that mandated writing in that way; just that I and others had 
interpreted it that way - it was quite an 'aha' moment! I'd also not heard 
that advice about anonymous functions either - thanks! Thinking about it, 
I've come up with all sorts of workarounds to get closed-over variables out 
of closures.

Having said that, I think there's still some legs in Yo-yo - given that it 
doesn't mandate writing apps in any style (only that the one top level 
function accepts a system latch) it's possible to write Yo-yo apps as you 
would a Component system, or using functional composition, or anywhere in 
between. At the very least, Yo-yo would help with managing Component's 
system at the REPL - the top-level function becomes:

(defn make-system [f]
  (let [started-system (- (c/system-map ...)
  (f started-system)
(c/stop-system started-system)

(defn -main [ args]
  (yoyo/set-system-fn! 'myapp.main/make-system)

with the ability to then run (yoyo/reload!) etc from the REPL (without 
everyone having to write their own user namespace start/stop functions)

I do also like the way that there aren't separate start/stop functions - 
maybe there's scope for a Lifecycle protocol that only involves one 
function instead? Maybe that's not even a good idea either, I don't know. 
I'll keep on experimenting, that's for sure :)

Thanks again,


On Monday, 29 June 2015 02:49:43 UTC+1, tbc++ wrote:

 A few bits of feedback after seeing these examples. 

 Firstly, I'd like to see a more fleshed-out rationale. Currently it sounds 
 a bit like cargo-culting, e.g. Spring is bad, Component reminds people of 
 Spring, therefore Component is bad. I'd challenge several parts of that 
 rationale, but the first is that spring is bad. Why is that so? Is it the 
 XML configuration? Because Component doesn't have that. Is it the 
 mutability? Because Component doesn't have that either. Sadly I'm afraid 
 some people seem to see polymorphic functions (protocols) and think AAAHHH 
 OOP! OOP IS BAD!!. When that's not really the case. The worst parts of OOP 
 are mutability and encapsulation of state inside opaque objects. Component 
 (and clojure for that matter) discourages both of these, so I'm not sure I 
 see the problem. 

 Secondly, I'm a bit leery of using anonymous functions instead of records. 
 I once worked on a system with a co-worker, and I asked him why are you 
 using a record here...why not a closure?. He replied: Because I can't see 
 what's inside a's opaque. That bit of advice has stuck with 
 me for some time. With something like component, if I have a function that 
 takes a component, I can look at that argument and see something like this:

 = #db.DBClient {:server :port 4242 :schema my-schema} 

 With Closures I get something like this:

 = fn 

 That doesn't help much with debugging. 

 With Records I get immutability plus a type I can extend to any protocols. 
 Also, since my protocol is clearly defined, it's simple to extend. I don't 
 have to worry about hidden functions some inner function may call on my 
 client. Protocols provide abstraction. 

 So I guess that's my critique of Yo-Yo. I'd love to see a more in-depth 
 rationale, and I get nervous when people replace protocols with plain 
 functions, because normally I loose some expressiveness in the process. 


 On Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 8:03 AM, James Henderson 
 javascript: wrote

Re: [ANN] Introducing Yo-yo, a protocol-less, function composition-based alternative to Component

2015-07-03 Thread James Henderson
Hey Thomas, thanks for your e-mail :)

On Monday, 29 June 2015 11:25:44 UTC+1, Thomas Heller wrote:


 interesting approach but I don't like the nesting and manual wiring of 

I've found people at both ends of that particular spectrum - some that 
won't live with DI, some that won't live without it :) I guess a library 
like Yo-yo has two options - either be opinionated about it, or let people 
choose one or the other. In this case, I've chosen to let people choose - 
there's nothing about Yo-yo that mandates the nesting (except the top-level 
function) - what you do within that is up to you.

 I don't quite like that every with-* function remains on the stack as 
 well, but it shouldn't hurt that much. 

Hmm - I was wondering about that too. Maybe an approach similar to 
trampoline would help here?

 An uncaught exception will also take down your entire system, but I guess 
 you'd have a try/catch in your latch anyways.

I'm not sure it will? If there's an exception thrown during system startup, 
the components will then have an opportunity to stop themselves (in the 
reverse order) because of their try/finally's - I'd say this is the 
behaviour we'd want, in order to avoid half-started systems. Once the 
system's started, and (latch) called, an uncaught exception in the 
components won't stop the system - because it'll be thrown on a different 
thread, if I understand correctly? Certainly need to write some test cases 
around it!

 But what I miss the most is an instance of your app (ie. all components 
 together). You create it yourself in the example but I really want that 
 always. Sometimes you just want to access your system from the outside just 
 to see whats up (eg. REPL into a live system). I also consider the 
 webserver to be a client of my app and not part of it (or another layer 
 of it if you will), but that is a topic for another day.

Yep, I agree with this - I've been using some workarounds to get values out 
of the system, none of them particularly pretty. Interesting idea about the 
webserver being a client of the app - would be good to see where you take 

 Way way back in the day I used to work with (and on) PicoContainer which 
 was/is a dependency injection and lifecycle management container. I tried 
 writing a DSL for it (in Groovy, this was 2003 or so) but concluded that 
 Java already was good enough to set everything up, a DSL (or XML) is 
 overkill. All you need to describe a Component is:

 a) what are its dependencies
 b) how do I start it
 c) how do I stop it

 In that light I wrote my own dependency injection helper functions since 
 nothing like Stuart's Component existed at the time I got into Clojure. I 
 don't like Component due to its invasive protocol but in essence I do the 

 In my system I just set up a map of components and use that as a 
 descriptor for wiring:

 {:a {:depends-on []
  :start my.components.a/start
  :stop my.components.a/stop}
  :b {:depends-on [:a]
  :start my.components.b/start
  :stop my.components.b/stop}}
 The key in the outer map becomes whatever the :start function returns and 
 is refered to it by its name :a (the key of the map). The :start function 
 of :b is called as (my.components.b/start instance-of-a). An instance of a 
 component is treated as an opaque value and other components interact with 
 it only via its public interface (ie. my.components.a). Whether this is 
 done via a protocol or not doesn't matter. When a shutdown is requested the 
 :stop function is called with the instance of the component as the argument.

 That is about it. Mocking is just assoc over default descriptor map and I 
 have helper functions to only do partial start/stop calls if only a 
 specific component is needed (eg. I only need :a).

 Like I said it basically does the same stuff as Component, just a little 
 less invasive since I think a component should not know about the container 
 it runs in.

Looks another interesting approach :) I'm currently hacking on some similar 
ideas myself - think there's plenty of room for iteration in this area at 
the moment!

 Hope that was somewhat useful as feedback to Yo-Yo.

Certainly was! Thanks! :)


 On Sunday, June 28, 2015 at 4:03:34 PM UTC+2, James Henderson wrote:

 As promised, have blogged: 'Yo-yo  Component - Side by Side


- Making components
- Using a component as a dependency
- Serving a REST API
- Wiring it all up

Re: [ANN] Introducing Yo-yo, a protocol-less, function composition-based alternative to Component

2015-06-28 Thread James Henderson
As promised, have blogged: 'Yo-yo  Component - Side by Side


   - Making components
   - Using a component as a dependency
   - Serving a REST API
   - Wiring it all up
   - Yo-yo / Component Interoperability
   - Mockable Services
   - ‘Mocking out’ dependencies

Let me know what you think!



On Thursday, 25 June 2015 09:25:56 UTC+1, James Henderson wrote:

 Seems like the next step for this would be for me to put together a blog 
 with an example Component system, and its equivalent Yoyo system?! :) 
 Should have time for that over the weekend.


 On Thursday, 25 June 2015 09:05:39 UTC+1, James Henderson wrote:

 On Wednesday, 24 June 2015 11:17:41 UTC+1, Atamert Ölçgen wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 11:47 PM, James Henderson 

 Hi Atamert - thanks :)

 I thought it might be preferable to keep the call to (latch)explicit - 
 it means that ylet can be used in nested calls, too - for example, to 
 set up and compose groups of components/sub-systems: (contrived example, 

 ;; (docs for ylet at )

 (require '[yoyo :refer [ylet]])
 (defn with-connections [config f]
   (ylet [db-pool (with-db-pool (:db config))
  es-conn (with-es-connection (:elasticsearch config))]
 (f {:db-pool db-pool
 :es-conn es-conn})))
 (defn make-system [latch]
   (let [config ...]
 (ylet [connections (with-connections system)
_ (with-webserver {:handler (make-handler (merge connections
   :port 3000})]

 How would you see the with-* functions working, btw?

 I think the general idea should be to provide a clean API to the 
 consumer (of your lib). Perhaps something that accepts a start function, a 
 stop function and some sort of main loop (f in your example).

 Not sure I understand what you mean here? Tbh, I was trying to get away 
 from the idea of separate start  stop functions - it seems 'cleaner' to me 
 without them! (although of course that's subjective). 

 Also, the 'with-*' functions here are consumer code - the only Yo-yo 
 functions/macros in this example are 'run-system!' and 'ylet'. Yo-yo itself 
 is *tiny* (100 LoC) - my aim was for a library that solely dealt with 
 starting/stopping a provided system, and *no more* :)

 Maybe it'd be worth fleshing out an example of what you were looking for?






 On Tuesday, 23 June 2015 09:57:16 UTC+1, Atamert Ölçgen wrote:

 Hi James,

 Interesting idea. Thanks for sharing.

 I think you can simplify this:

  (fn [latch]
(ylet [db-pool (with-db-pool {...})
   :let [server-opts {:handler (make-handler {:db-pool db-pool})
  :port 3000}]
   web-server (with-web-server server-opts)]
  (do-this web-server)
  (do-that db-pool web-server)


 (yoyo/foo! [db-pool (with-db-pool {...})
 :let [server-opts {:handler (make-handler {:db-pool 
:port 3000}]
 web-server (with-web-server server-opts)]
   (do-this web-server)
   (do-that db-pool web-server))

 I believe with-* function can also be simplified further.

 On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 1:18 AM, James Henderson 

 Hi all,

 I've just released an early version of 'Yo-yo', a protocol-less, 
 function composition-based alternative to Component. It's still in its 
 early stages, so feedback would be very much appreciated!

 Yo-yo was also an experiment to see what could be de-coupled from the 
 concept of 'reloadable systems', so you won't find any configuration, 
 dependency injection, etc - just a way to write a system that can be 
 started, stopped, and reloaded.

 Fundamentally, we start by assuming there's a function available that 
 only returns 'when the system stops' - a 'latch', say. If we had such a 
 function, we could start our system, call that function

Re: [ANN] Introducing Yo-yo, a protocol-less, function composition-based alternative to Component

2015-06-25 Thread James Henderson

On Wednesday, 24 June 2015 11:17:41 UTC+1, Atamert Ölçgen wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 11:47 PM, James Henderson 
 javascript: wrote:

 Hi Atamert - thanks :)

 I thought it might be preferable to keep the call to (latch)explicit - 
 it means that ylet can be used in nested calls, too - for example, to 
 set up and compose groups of components/sub-systems: (contrived example, 

 ;; (docs for ylet at )

 (require '[yoyo :refer [ylet]])
 (defn with-connections [config f]
   (ylet [db-pool (with-db-pool (:db config))
  es-conn (with-es-connection (:elasticsearch config))]
 (f {:db-pool db-pool
 :es-conn es-conn})))
 (defn make-system [latch]
   (let [config ...]
 (ylet [connections (with-connections system)
_ (with-webserver {:handler (make-handler (merge connections
   :port 3000})]

 How would you see the with-* functions working, btw?

 I think the general idea should be to provide a clean API to the consumer 
 (of your lib). Perhaps something that accepts a start function, a stop 
 function and some sort of main loop (f in your example).

Not sure I understand what you mean here? Tbh, I was trying to get away 
from the idea of separate start  stop functions - it seems 'cleaner' to me 
without them! (although of course that's subjective). 

Also, the 'with-*' functions here are consumer code - the only Yo-yo 
functions/macros in this example are 'run-system!' and 'ylet'. Yo-yo itself 
is *tiny* (100 LoC) - my aim was for a library that solely dealt with 
starting/stopping a provided system, and *no more* :)

Maybe it'd be worth fleshing out an example of what you were looking for?






 On Tuesday, 23 June 2015 09:57:16 UTC+1, Atamert Ölçgen wrote:

 Hi James,

 Interesting idea. Thanks for sharing.

 I think you can simplify this:

  (fn [latch]
(ylet [db-pool (with-db-pool {...})
   :let [server-opts {:handler (make-handler {:db-pool db-pool})
  :port 3000}]
   web-server (with-web-server server-opts)]
  (do-this web-server)
  (do-that db-pool web-server)


 (yoyo/foo! [db-pool (with-db-pool {...})
 :let [server-opts {:handler (make-handler {:db-pool db-pool})
:port 3000}]
 web-server (with-web-server server-opts)]
   (do-this web-server)
   (do-that db-pool web-server))

 I believe with-* function can also be simplified further.

 On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 1:18 AM, James Henderson 

 Hi all,

 I've just released an early version of 'Yo-yo', a protocol-less, 
 function composition-based alternative to Component. It's still in its 
 early stages, so feedback would be very much appreciated!

 Yo-yo was also an experiment to see what could be de-coupled from the 
 concept of 'reloadable systems', so you won't find any configuration, 
 dependency injection, etc - just a way to write a system that can be 
 started, stopped, and reloaded.

 Fundamentally, we start by assuming there's a function available that 
 only returns 'when the system stops' - a 'latch', say. If we had such a 
 function, we could start our system, call that function, then stop the 
 system (closing any necessary resources). A database pool, for example, 
 might look like this:

 (defn with-db-pool [db-config f]
   (let [db-pool (start-pool! db-config)]
   (f db-pool)

 (stop-pool! db-pool)

 Here, we're assuming that we'll be passed 'f', the 'latch' function. A 
 web server would be similar, and, because they're both functions, they're 
 very simple to compose:

 (with-db-pool {...}
   (fn [db-pool]
 (with-web-server {:handler (make-handler {:db-pool db-pool})
   :port ...}
   (fn [web-server]
 ;; TODO: Ah. We've run out of turtles. :(

 This is where Yo-yo comes in - there’s a function called run-system!, 
 which takes a function that accepts a latch:

 (:require [yoyo])

   (fn [latch]
 (with-db-pool {...}
   (fn [db-pool]
 (with-web-server {:handler (make-handler {:db-pool db-pool}) ; 
 n.b. we have access to the db-pool here - no need for global state!
   :port ...}
   (fn [web-server]
 (latch))) ; Aha!

 run-system! then returns a promise - deliver any value to it, and 
 it'll stop the system.

 And that's pretty much it! There are a few more functions - mostly to 
 do with easily starting/stopping/reloading a system through the REPL, and 
 macro to simplify the 'function staircase' - these are covered in more 

Re: [ANN] Introducing Yo-yo, a protocol-less, function composition-based alternative to Component

2015-06-25 Thread James Henderson
Seems like the next step for this would be for me to put together a blog 
with an example Component system, and its equivalent Yoyo system?! :) 
Should have time for that over the weekend.


On Thursday, 25 June 2015 09:05:39 UTC+1, James Henderson wrote:

 On Wednesday, 24 June 2015 11:17:41 UTC+1, Atamert Ölçgen wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 11:47 PM, James Henderson 

 Hi Atamert - thanks :)

 I thought it might be preferable to keep the call to (latch)explicit - 
 it means that ylet can be used in nested calls, too - for example, to 
 set up and compose groups of components/sub-systems: (contrived example, 

 ;; (docs for ylet at )

 (require '[yoyo :refer [ylet]])
 (defn with-connections [config f]
   (ylet [db-pool (with-db-pool (:db config))
  es-conn (with-es-connection (:elasticsearch config))]
 (f {:db-pool db-pool
 :es-conn es-conn})))
 (defn make-system [latch]
   (let [config ...]
 (ylet [connections (with-connections system)
_ (with-webserver {:handler (make-handler (merge connections
   :port 3000})]

 How would you see the with-* functions working, btw?

 I think the general idea should be to provide a clean API to the consumer 
 (of your lib). Perhaps something that accepts a start function, a stop 
 function and some sort of main loop (f in your example).

 Not sure I understand what you mean here? Tbh, I was trying to get away 
 from the idea of separate start  stop functions - it seems 'cleaner' to me 
 without them! (although of course that's subjective). 

 Also, the 'with-*' functions here are consumer code - the only Yo-yo 
 functions/macros in this example are 'run-system!' and 'ylet'. Yo-yo itself 
 is *tiny* (100 LoC) - my aim was for a library that solely dealt with 
 starting/stopping a provided system, and *no more* :)

 Maybe it'd be worth fleshing out an example of what you were looking for?






 On Tuesday, 23 June 2015 09:57:16 UTC+1, Atamert Ölçgen wrote:

 Hi James,

 Interesting idea. Thanks for sharing.

 I think you can simplify this:

  (fn [latch]
(ylet [db-pool (with-db-pool {...})
   :let [server-opts {:handler (make-handler {:db-pool db-pool})
  :port 3000}]
   web-server (with-web-server server-opts)]
  (do-this web-server)
  (do-that db-pool web-server)


 (yoyo/foo! [db-pool (with-db-pool {...})
 :let [server-opts {:handler (make-handler {:db-pool 
:port 3000}]
 web-server (with-web-server server-opts)]
   (do-this web-server)
   (do-that db-pool web-server))

 I believe with-* function can also be simplified further.

 On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 1:18 AM, James Henderson 

 Hi all,

 I've just released an early version of 'Yo-yo', a protocol-less, 
 function composition-based alternative to Component. It's still in its 
 early stages, so feedback would be very much appreciated!

 Yo-yo was also an experiment to see what could be de-coupled from the 
 concept of 'reloadable systems', so you won't find any configuration, 
 dependency injection, etc - just a way to write a system that can be 
 started, stopped, and reloaded.

 Fundamentally, we start by assuming there's a function available that 
 only returns 'when the system stops' - a 'latch', say. If we had such a 
 function, we could start our system, call that function, then stop the 
 system (closing any necessary resources). A database pool, for example, 
 might look like this:

 (defn with-db-pool [db-config f]
   (let [db-pool (start-pool! db-config)]
   (f db-pool)

 (stop-pool! db-pool)

 Here, we're assuming that we'll be passed 'f', the 'latch' function. 
 A web server would be similar, and, because they're both functions, 
 very simple to compose:

 (with-db-pool {...}
   (fn [db-pool]
 (with-web-server {:handler (make-handler {:db-pool db-pool})
   :port ...}
   (fn [web-server]
 ;; TODO: Ah. We've run out of turtles. :(

 This is where Yo-yo comes in - there’s a function called run-system!, 
 which takes a function that accepts a latch:

 (:require [yoyo])

   (fn [latch]
 (with-db-pool {...}
   (fn [db-pool]
 (with-web-server {:handler (make-handler {:db-pool db-pool}) ; 
 n.b. we have access to the db-pool here - no need for global state!
   :port ...}
   (fn [web-server]
 (latch))) ; Aha!

 run-system! then returns a promise - deliver any value

Re: [ANN] Introducing Yo-yo, a protocol-less, function composition-based alternative to Component

2015-06-23 Thread James Henderson
Hi Atamert - thanks :)

I thought it might be preferable to keep the call to (latch)explicit - it 
means that ylet can be used in nested calls, too - for example, to set up 
and compose groups of components/sub-systems: (contrived example, though!)

;; (docs for ylet at )

(require '[yoyo :refer [ylet]])
(defn with-connections [config f]
  (ylet [db-pool (with-db-pool (:db config))
 es-conn (with-es-connection (:elasticsearch config))]
(f {:db-pool db-pool
:es-conn es-conn})))
(defn make-system [latch]
  (let [config ...]
(ylet [connections (with-connections system)
   _ (with-webserver {:handler (make-handler (merge connections
{:config config}))
  :port 3000})]

How would you see the with-* functions working, btw?



On Tuesday, 23 June 2015 09:57:16 UTC+1, Atamert Ölçgen wrote:

 Hi James,

 Interesting idea. Thanks for sharing.

 I think you can simplify this:

  (fn [latch]
(ylet [db-pool (with-db-pool {...})
   :let [server-opts {:handler (make-handler {:db-pool db-pool})
  :port 3000}]
   web-server (with-web-server server-opts)]
  (do-this web-server)
  (do-that db-pool web-server)


 (yoyo/foo! [db-pool (with-db-pool {...})
 :let [server-opts {:handler (make-handler {:db-pool db-pool})
:port 3000}]
 web-server (with-web-server server-opts)]
   (do-this web-server)
   (do-that db-pool web-server))

 I believe with-* function can also be simplified further.

 On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 1:18 AM, James Henderson 
 javascript: wrote:

 Hi all,

 I've just released an early version of 'Yo-yo', a protocol-less, function 
 composition-based alternative to Component. It's still in its early stages, 
 so feedback would be very much appreciated!

 Yo-yo was also an experiment to see what could be de-coupled from the 
 concept of 'reloadable systems', so you won't find any configuration, 
 dependency injection, etc - just a way to write a system that can be easily 
 started, stopped, and reloaded.

 Fundamentally, we start by assuming there's a function available that 
 only returns 'when the system stops' - a 'latch', say. If we had such a 
 function, we could start our system, call that function, then stop the 
 system (closing any necessary resources). A database pool, for example, 
 might look like this:

 (defn with-db-pool [db-config f]
   (let [db-pool (start-pool! db-config)]
   (f db-pool)

 (stop-pool! db-pool)

 Here, we're assuming that we'll be passed 'f', the 'latch' function. A 
 web server would be similar, and, because they're both functions, they're 
 very simple to compose:

 (with-db-pool {...}
   (fn [db-pool]
 (with-web-server {:handler (make-handler {:db-pool db-pool})
   :port ...}
   (fn [web-server]
 ;; TODO: Ah. We've run out of turtles. :(

 This is where Yo-yo comes in - there’s a function called run-system!, 
 which takes a function that accepts a latch:

 (:require [yoyo])

   (fn [latch]
 (with-db-pool {...}
   (fn [db-pool]
 (with-web-server {:handler (make-handler {:db-pool db-pool}) ; n.b. 
 we have access to the db-pool here - no need for global state!
   :port ...}
   (fn [web-server]
 (latch))) ; Aha!

 run-system! then returns a promise - deliver any value to it, and it'll 
 stop the system.

 And that's pretty much it! There are a few more functions - mostly to do 
 with easily starting/stopping/reloading a system through the REPL, and a 
 macro to simplify the 'function staircase' - these are covered in more 
 detail in the README. There are some also common components - a database 
 pool, a web server, and a simple integration for existing Component systems.

 It'd be great to hear your thoughts/ideas, whatever they may be - either 
 through here, e-mail, Github, or Twitter - thanks!


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[ANN] Introducing Yo-yo, a protocol-less, function composition-based alternative to Component

2015-06-22 Thread James Henderson
Hi all,

I've just released an early version of 'Yo-yo', a protocol-less, function 
composition-based alternative to Component. It's still in its early stages, 
so feedback would be very much appreciated!

Yo-yo was also an experiment to see what could be de-coupled from the 
concept of 'reloadable systems', so you won't find any configuration, 
dependency injection, etc - just a way to write a system that can be easily 
started, stopped, and reloaded.

Fundamentally, we start by assuming there's a function available that only 
returns 'when the system stops' - a 'latch', say. If we had such a 
function, we could start our system, call that function, then stop the 
system (closing any necessary resources). A database pool, for example, 
might look like this:

(defn with-db-pool [db-config f]
  (let [db-pool (start-pool! db-config)]
  (f db-pool)

(stop-pool! db-pool)

Here, we're assuming that we'll be passed 'f', the 'latch' function. A web 
server would be similar, and, because they're both functions, they're very 
simple to compose:

(with-db-pool {...}
  (fn [db-pool]
(with-web-server {:handler (make-handler {:db-pool db-pool})
  :port ...}
  (fn [web-server]
;; TODO: Ah. We've run out of turtles. :(

This is where Yo-yo comes in - there’s a function called run-system!, which 
takes a function that accepts a latch:

(:require [yoyo])

  (fn [latch]
(with-db-pool {...}
  (fn [db-pool]
(with-web-server {:handler (make-handler {:db-pool db-pool}) ; n.b. we 
have access to the db-pool here - no need for global state!
  :port ...}
  (fn [web-server]
(latch))) ; Aha!

run-system! then returns a promise - deliver any value to it, and it'll 
stop the system.

And that's pretty much it! There are a few more functions - mostly to do 
with easily starting/stopping/reloading a system through the REPL, and a 
macro to simplify the 'function staircase' - these are covered in more 
detail in the README. There are some also common components - a database 
pool, a web server, and a simple integration for existing Component systems.

It'd be great to hear your thoughts/ideas, whatever they may be - either 
through here, e-mail, Github, or Twitter - thanks!


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Re: [ANN] Phoenix 0.1.0 - help with structuring configuring Component-based systems

2015-04-04 Thread James Henderson
Just released 0.1.1 - bug when using Schema in Phoenix apps due to 
Phoenix's overly-enthusiastic AOT'ing.

Thanks to @whodidthis for flagging the issue!


On Sunday, 29 March 2015 20:44:04 UTC+1, James Henderson wrote:

 A link would have been really helpful, I'm guessing! Here it is:


 On Sunday, 29 March 2015 20:42:06 UTC+1, James Henderson wrote:

 Hi all,

 I've just released v0.1.0 of Phoenix - a 'batteries included, but 
 removable' library to wire up and configure Component-based systems. If 
 you've ever wondered whether you really have to copy and paste 
 'system.clj', 'dev.clj' and 'user.clj' from one Component project to the 
 next, it's well worth having a look at!

 Having used Phoenix in anger on a few projects for a couple of weeks, 
 it's now had a fair bit of battle-testing, kinks ironed, and the like - so 
 thought I'd make another post to the list :)

 Features added since I last posted:

- Many re-usable Components - CLJS compiler, Aleph, http-kit, JDBC 
pool, CSS compiler (using Garden) - see for 
more details. These components can be used whether or not you choose to 
Phoenix, and, likewise, non-Phoenix components can be used in 
Phoenix-configured systems - hooray for composability :)
- Support for managing passwords/credentials - you can store these, 
encrypted, in your configuration, and Phoenix will decrypt them for you.
- Pulling configuration variables from environment variables and JVM 
properties, in addition to the Phoenix config files
- 'Batteries removable' API - if you need a little more flexibility, 
or want to compose Phoenix with something else.
- A fair few bugfixes/API changes through usage

 There's also a couple of Lein templates to get up and running quickly:

-  `lein new phoenix-webapp my-project -- :reagent` will get you a 
working webapp (other options are `:om`, `:om-sablono` or `:flow`). 
- If you don't want the CLJS side, `lein new phoenix-api my-project` 
just has an example server-side API.

 Would be great to get your thoughts and feedback on this - is this a good 
 way to wire up such systems?



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Re: [ANN] Phoenix 0.1.0 - help with structuring configuring Component-based systems

2015-03-31 Thread James Henderson
Thanks Jeroen - I'd not spotted that! Yes, definitely a better idea - 
will update the examples.


On 31/03/15 12:49, Jeroen van Dijk wrote:

Thanks for sharing James! I'll have a look.

As a side note, I see in the example code that you are dissoc-ing on 
the component. This can lead to unexpected behaviour as I have 
experienced (mostly in repl cases), as this will return a map instead 
of a record when the field is not part of the record. This is also 
mentioned in the readme of 
where `(assoc component ::field nil)` is recommended


On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 9:44 PM, James Henderson wrote:

A link would have been really helpful, I'm guessing! Here it is:


On Sunday, 29 March 2015 20:42:06 UTC+1, James Henderson wrote:

Hi all,

I've just released v0.1.0 of Phoenix - a 'batteries included,
but removable' library to wire up and configure
Component-based systems. If you've ever wondered whether you
really have to copy and paste 'system.clj', 'dev.clj' and
'user.clj' from one Component project to the next, it's well
worth having a look at!

Having used Phoenix in anger on a few projects for a couple of
weeks, it's now had a fair bit of battle-testing, kinks
ironed, and the like - so thought I'd make another post to the
list :)

Features added since I last posted:

  * Many re-usable Components - CLJS compiler, Aleph,
http-kit, JDBC pool, CSS compiler (using Garden) - see
for more details. These components can be used whether or
not you choose to use Phoenix, and, likewise, non-Phoenix
components can be used in Phoenix-configured systems -
hooray for composability :)
  * Support for managing passwords/credentials - you can store
these, encrypted, in your configuration, and Phoenix will
decrypt them for you.
  * Pulling configuration variables from environment variables
and JVM properties, in addition to the Phoenix config files
  * 'Batteries removable' API - if you need a little more
flexibility, or want to compose Phoenix with something else.
  * A fair few bugfixes/API changes through usage

There's also a couple of Lein templates to get up and running

  *  `lein new phoenix-webapp my-project -- :reagent` will
get you a working webapp (other options are `:om`,
`:om-sablono`or `:flow`).
  * If you don't want the CLJS side, `lein new phoenix-api
my-project` just has an example server-side API.

Would be great to get your thoughts and feedback on this - is
this a good way to wire up such systems?



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Re: [ANN] Phoenix 0.1.0 - help with structuring configuring Component-based systems

2015-03-29 Thread James Henderson
A link would have been really helpful, I'm guessing! Here it is:


On Sunday, 29 March 2015 20:42:06 UTC+1, James Henderson wrote:

 Hi all,

 I've just released v0.1.0 of Phoenix - a 'batteries included, but 
 removable' library to wire up and configure Component-based systems. If 
 you've ever wondered whether you really have to copy and paste 
 'system.clj', 'dev.clj' and 'user.clj' from one Component project to the 
 next, it's well worth having a look at!

 Having used Phoenix in anger on a few projects for a couple of weeks, it's 
 now had a fair bit of battle-testing, kinks ironed, and the like - so 
 thought I'd make another post to the list :)

 Features added since I last posted:

- Many re-usable Components - CLJS compiler, Aleph, http-kit, JDBC 
pool, CSS compiler (using Garden) - see for 
more details. These components can be used whether or not you choose to 
Phoenix, and, likewise, non-Phoenix components can be used in 
Phoenix-configured systems - hooray for composability :)
- Support for managing passwords/credentials - you can store these, 
encrypted, in your configuration, and Phoenix will decrypt them for you.
- Pulling configuration variables from environment variables and JVM 
properties, in addition to the Phoenix config files
- 'Batteries removable' API - if you need a little more flexibility, 
or want to compose Phoenix with something else.
- A fair few bugfixes/API changes through usage

 There's also a couple of Lein templates to get up and running quickly:

-  `lein new phoenix-webapp my-project -- :reagent` will get you a 
working webapp (other options are `:om`, `:om-sablono` or `:flow`). 
- If you don't want the CLJS side, `lein new phoenix-api my-project` 
just has an example server-side API.

 Would be great to get your thoughts and feedback on this - is this a good 
 way to wire up such systems?



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[ANN] Phoenix 0.1.0 - help with structuring configuring Component-based systems

2015-03-29 Thread James Henderson
Hi all,

I've just released v0.1.0 of Phoenix - a 'batteries included, but 
removable' library to wire up and configure Component-based systems. If 
you've ever wondered whether you really have to copy and paste 
'system.clj', 'dev.clj' and 'user.clj' from one Component project to the 
next, it's well worth having a look at!

Having used Phoenix in anger on a few projects for a couple of weeks, it's 
now had a fair bit of battle-testing, kinks ironed, and the like - so 
thought I'd make another post to the list :)

Features added since I last posted:

   - Many re-usable Components - CLJS compiler, Aleph, http-kit, JDBC pool, 
   CSS compiler (using Garden) - see for more 
   details. These components can be used whether or not you choose to use 
   Phoenix, and, likewise, non-Phoenix components can be used in 
   Phoenix-configured systems - hooray for composability :)
   - Support for managing passwords/credentials - you can store these, 
   encrypted, in your configuration, and Phoenix will decrypt them for you.
   - Pulling configuration variables from environment variables and JVM 
   properties, in addition to the Phoenix config files
   - 'Batteries removable' API - if you need a little more flexibility, or 
   want to compose Phoenix with something else.
   - A fair few bugfixes/API changes through usage

There's also a couple of Lein templates to get up and running quickly:

   -  `lein new phoenix-webapp my-project -- :reagent` will get you a 
   working webapp (other options are `:om`, `:om-sablono` or `:flow`). 
   - If you don't want the CLJS side, `lein new phoenix-api my-project` 
   just has an example server-side API.

Would be great to get your thoughts and feedback on this - is this a good 
way to wire up such systems?



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Re: Announcing oolong: a config-based glue for `component`

2015-03-18 Thread James Henderson
Thanks - thoughts inline :)

On Wednesday, 18 March 2015 09:29:59 UTC, James Laver wrote:

 Hi James, 

 ‘component’ is a difficult term to google for, so I hadn’t come across 
 your project :) 

Same problem here when I started writing Phoenix - there could be many 
libraries trying to solve the same problem!

 I think your module had slightly different design goals from mine. Mine 
 * everything in one config file (although i also provide support for 
 separate data-config and system config) 
 * be minimal. i’ve got a bunch of things i’m building on top of oolong at 
 present that will together provide a more “complete” experience 

Fair enough! I went for giving people the option of either one config file 
or multiple (after all, you don't *have* to use :phoenix/includes!) mainly 
because I got a lot of requests in Nomad (Phoenix's predecessor) for 
separate apps within the same company to share common configuration.

 I see you note that phoenix is ‘batteries included’. That’s a great 
 experience for new users, but i wasn’t trying to build that on this 
 occasion :) The leiningen template and plugin are also nice additions, and 
 reloaded workflow integration is very handy. 

Hmm - Phoenix is 'batteries included, but removable' (phrasing stolen from 
Docker) which is significantly different from 'batteries included'. I'm not 
a fan of 'batteries included' - it tends to mean libraries that are hard 
for users to customise at a later date, which (to me, and to you as well by 
the sounds of it) goes against Clojure ideals. Phoenix is deliberately 
written as a standalone runtime library, which composes with whatever other 
systems people dream up, and a separate, lightweight plugin (not so 
composable), which essentially just bootstraps the library and saves people 
the hassle of a separate 'system.clj', 'dev.clj' and 'user.clj', if they so 

 Reloaded workflow has been an experience for me. I haven’t yet managed to 
 get it working in the face of compile errors. I find myself restarting the 
 leiningen repl about as much as before. For this reason I chose to keep it 
 separate and delay dealing with it for a few weeks. Have you managed to 
 overcome these problems? I’m definitely interested in knowing how if so. 

Happy to help with these - do you want to post some specifics? As a 
starting point, I've found that including an 'emergency nREPL' - an nREPL 
that starts before the application (and doesn't depend on the application 
compiling) gets you a long way. If the application doesn't compile, the 
system doesn't start, but I think that's actually preferable than half a 

 I’ve only really given phoenix a few minutes of my attention so far, but I 
 like what I see and I’m liable to steal ideas for some of the things i’ll 
 be building on top of oolong. Feel free to reply offlist if you have any 
 further questions. 

Feel free to steal ideas from Phoenix - that's what open source is all 
about! More than happy to work together on this as well though - seems like 
we have both come to very similar conclusions about how we want to wire up 
Clojure components.


  On 18 Mar 2015, at 09:07, James Henderson 
 javascript: wrote: 
  Hi James, 
  This looks very similar to Phoenix - a project I've been working on for 
 the last few months. It's pretty likely you hadn't heard of it (and that's 
 fine - it's not been hugely publicised!), but if you have, I was wondering 
 whether there was anything about it that you felt was missing/a bad design 
 decision? If so, would be great to get your feedback! 
  On Tuesday, 17 March 2015 10:02:51 UTC, James Laver wrote: 
  I've been using stuartsierra's handy component library for a while now, 
 but I wanted an easier way of connecting components together. 
  To that end, I wrote oolong. The main mode of operation is to take an 
 edn configuration file and connect the specified systems and components. 
  Feedback welcome. I spent quite a while documenting it so hopefully it 
 should be fairly clear to understand. 
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Re: Announcing oolong: a config-based glue for `component`

2015-03-18 Thread James Henderson
Hi James,

This looks very similar to Phoenix - a project I've been working 
on for the last few months. It's pretty likely you hadn't heard of it (and 
that's fine - it's not been hugely publicised!), but if you have, I was 
wondering whether there was anything about it that you felt was missing/a 
bad design decision? If so, would be great to get your feedback!



On Tuesday, 17 March 2015 10:02:51 UTC, James Laver wrote:

 I've been using stuartsierra's handy component library for a while now, 
 but I wanted an easier way of connecting components together.

 To that end, I wrote oolong. The main mode of operation is to take an edn 
 configuration file and connect the specified systems and components.

 Feedback welcome. I spent quite a while documenting it so hopefully it 
 should be fairly clear to understand.


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Re: [ANN] Introducing 'Phoenix' - a new library for declarative configuration and wiring of Component-based systems

2015-01-25 Thread James Henderson
Hi Dan - it's possible to load configuration from environment variables as 
of version 0.0.2 (released today) - you can now put [::env :env-var-name]in 
your configuration to look up the 'ENV_VAR_NAME' environment variable. More 
info in the env-vars section of 

Re: tagged literals: I'm pretty sure that's possible too - I can't see why 
it wouldn't honour readers that you put into your data-readers.edn file 
(haven't tried this out yet though), but there's currently no way to pass 
custom readers to Phoenix directly. I think this is one of the downsides of 
going for a plugin+library approach rather than just a library - I've split 
it out today so that it is possible to call the library directly, but it 
could still do with being a bit more flexible, I think!


On Sunday, 25 January 2015 13:10:34 UTC, Dan Kersten wrote:

 Hi James,

 This looks nice. I do have one question: is it possible to load parts of a 
 configuration from environment variables?

 Eg, in your location-aware configuration example, lets say I wanted to 
 specify the database user and pass configuration options as you do for the 
 dev configurations, but I want to load them from environment variables in 
 the prod configuration?

 Or, better yet, if it were pluggable (through tagged literals maybe?), so 
 that I can choose where to load configuration from, eg, zookeeper or etcd). 

 On Sat Jan 24 2015 at 3:20:13 PM James Henderson 
 javascript: wrote:

 Hi all,

 I've just released Phoenix - a library for declarative configuration and 
 wiring of Component-based systems. Phoenix came out of a number of 
 discussions at ClojureX, thank you to all involved for their suggestions 
 and feedback :)

 If you’ve written a traditional Component-based system, you’ve probably 
 experienced having to create and maintain a plethora of ‘system.clj’, 
 ‘dev.clj’, ‘user.clj’ etc type namespaces in order to wire-up the system, 
 set up configuration-based switches, and duplicate the code to 
 start/stop/reload the system. Phoenix removes the need for all of this, 
 replacing it with one (or more, if you choose) EDN declaration of how your 
 system should be wired up. It should also compose well with any other 
 Components you (or anyone else) may have already written.

 For a sample project, you can run 'lein new phoenix-webapp your-project', 
 then 'cd your-project' and 'lein dev'. Once the nREPL is up, running '
 (phoenix/reload!)' will stop the system, reload any namespaces, and 
 restart the system.

 Phoenix is just one possible way of wiring up such a system - I 
 understand that there are a fair few ideas floating around out there at the 
 moment! I'd be really interested to hear your thoughts - whether it be 
 'this is mostly right, but I wouldn't do that part like that', or 'you've 
 gone about this completely the wrong way, because ...' - let me know!



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Re: [ANN] Introducing 'Phoenix' - a new library for declarative configuration and wiring of Component-based systems

2015-01-25 Thread James Henderson
Hi Leif - thanks for the suggestion. You're not the only person that's 
questioned the auto-namespaced keywords, btw!

The original reasoning behind them was to keep Phoenix-related 
configuration separate from the user's own configuration, but without 
enforcing typing :phoenix/ in front of all of the keywords. I'm not sure if 
this is the best/only way to do it, or even whether people would mind 
writing out :phoenix/component or :phoenix/dep every time they were 
required? Do you have any ideas/thoughts about how to do this? I'm happy to 
make breaking changes at the moment if necessary - Phoenix is still very 
much in 0.0.x territory!

Also, I didn't realise the EDN spec prohibited it, although now you mention 
it it makes sense that it should. I think, on balance, I'd prefer to 
resolve the problem rather than just accepting it and renaming the 
configuration file - if we can find the right way to solve it!



On Sunday, 25 January 2015 13:15:00 UTC, Leif wrote:

 Hi, James.

 I'll let people with more experience with components critique your 
 solution, but one thing that I thought was weird was that you had 
 auto-namespaced keywords in the config file.  I'm referring to:

 That means only code in your blessed ns can read the file, or things 
 break.  Also, the edn spec disallows keywords beginning with ::.  So, I'd 
 suggest either following the edn spec or using the .clj ending for the 
 config files.


 On Saturday, January 24, 2015 at 10:20:10 AM UTC-5, James Henderson wrote:

 Hi all,

 I've just released Phoenix - a library for declarative configuration and 
 wiring of Component-based systems. Phoenix came out of a number of 
 discussions at ClojureX, thank you to all involved for their suggestions 
 and feedback :)

 If you’ve written a traditional Component-based system, you’ve probably 
 experienced having to create and maintain a plethora of ‘system.clj’, 
 ‘dev.clj’, ‘user.clj’ etc type namespaces in order to wire-up the system, 
 set up configuration-based switches, and duplicate the code to 
 start/stop/reload the system. Phoenix removes the need for all of this, 
 replacing it with one (or more, if you choose) EDN declaration of how your 
 system should be wired up. It should also compose well with any other 
 Components you (or anyone else) may have already written.

 For a sample project, you can run 'lein new phoenix-webapp your-project', 
 then 'cd your-project' and 'lein dev'. Once the nREPL is up, running '
 (phoenix/reload!)' will stop the system, reload any namespaces, and 
 restart the system.

 Phoenix is just one possible way of wiring up such a system - I 
 understand that there are a fair few ideas floating around out there at the 
 moment! I'd be really interested to hear your thoughts - whether it be 
 'this is mostly right, but I wouldn't do that part like that', or 'you've 
 gone about this completely the wrong way, because ...' - let me know!



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[ANN] Introducing 'Phoenix' - a new library for declarative configuration and wiring of Component-based systems

2015-01-24 Thread James Henderson
Hi all,

I've just released Phoenix - a library for declarative configuration and 
wiring of Component-based systems. Phoenix came out of a number of 
discussions at ClojureX, thank you to all involved for their suggestions 
and feedback :)

If you’ve written a traditional Component-based system, you’ve probably 
experienced having to create and maintain a plethora of ‘system.clj’, 
‘dev.clj’, ‘user.clj’ etc type namespaces in order to wire-up the system, 
set up configuration-based switches, and duplicate the code to 
start/stop/reload the system. Phoenix removes the need for all of this, 
replacing it with one (or more, if you choose) EDN declaration of how your 
system should be wired up. It should also compose well with any other 
Components you (or anyone else) may have already written.

For a sample project, you can run 'lein new phoenix-webapp your-project', 
then 'cd your-project' and 'lein dev'. Once the nREPL is up, running '
(phoenix/reload!)' will stop the system, reload any namespaces, and restart 
the system.

Phoenix is just one possible way of wiring up such a system - I understand 
that there are a fair few ideas floating around out there at the moment! 
I'd be really interested to hear your thoughts - whether it be 'this is 
mostly right, but I wouldn't do that part like that', or 'you've gone about 
this completely the wrong way, because ...' - let me know!



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(ANN) simple-brepl 0.1.2 released

2014-11-11 Thread James Henderson
Hi all - just a quick note to announce the release of *simple-brepl* 0.1.2.

'simple-brepl', as the name suggests, is a really simple way to connect to 
ClojureScript browser REPLs. It's built atop Tom Jakubowski's excellent 
Weasel library, which uses Websockets to communicate with the browser.

Full docs and a sample project are on GitHub 

Any problems, let me know!


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[ANN] Nomad 0.7.0 and Frodo 0.4.1 - configuration made simple

2014-08-15 Thread James Henderson
Hi all,

I've just released Nomad 0.7.0, a configuration management library that 
makes it simple to configure instances of your applications on multiple 
machines; and Frodo 0.4.1 - a web server that is configured using Nomad and 
uses Stuart Sierra's 'Reloaded' pattern. 

Github repos are at 
and respectively.

Thanks to Dylan Paris and Luke Snape for their PRs!


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Re: How to add elements to a vector that is the value of a map key?

2014-06-17 Thread James Henderson
'alter' expects your anonymous function to take at least one argument (the 
current value of the ref being altered), whereas you've passed a 0-arg 
function - there's no mention of a '%' so Clojure expands it to:

(fn []
  (update-in @v (fnil conj [])))

Indeed, I suspect you want a 2-arg function here - one for the current 
value of the ref and one for the number to conj on - if you were writing it 
in expanded form you'd write:

(fn [v x]
  (update-in v (fnil conj []) x))

Or, in compact form: 

#(update-in %1 (fnil conj []) %2)



On Tuesday, 17 June 2014 19:05:10 UTC+1, Hussein B. wrote:

 Thanks, it works.

 In case, my initial map is a ref type

 (def m (ref { } ))

 Why this isn't working?


(alter m #(update-in @v [1] (fnil conj [ ])) 11))

 On Tuesday, June 17, 2014 7:55:14 PM UTC+2, Mauricio Aldazosa wrote:

 For updating the value of a map given a key you can use update-in:

 user (update-in {1 [11]} [1] conj 22)
 {1 [11 22]}

 Now, to handle the case when the key is not present, you can use fnil:

 user (update-in {} [1] (fnil conj []) 22)
 {1 [22]}

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Re: How to add elements to a vector that is the value of a map key?

2014-06-17 Thread James Henderson
Ah, you got there first :)


On Tuesday, 17 June 2014 19:20:52 UTC+1, James Henderson wrote:

 'alter' expects your anonymous function to take at least one argument (the 
 current value of the ref being altered), whereas you've passed a 0-arg 
 function - there's no mention of a '%' so Clojure expands it to:

 (fn []
   (update-in @v (fnil conj [])))

 Indeed, I suspect you want a 2-arg function here - one for the current 
 value of the ref and one for the number to conj on - if you were writing it 
 in expanded form you'd write:

 (fn [v x]
   (update-in v (fnil conj []) x))

 Or, in compact form: 

 #(update-in %1 (fnil conj []) %2)



 On Tuesday, 17 June 2014 19:05:10 UTC+1, Hussein B. wrote:

 Thanks, it works.

 In case, my initial map is a ref type

 (def m (ref { } ))

 Why this isn't working?


(alter m #(update-in @v [1] (fnil conj [ ])) 11))

 On Tuesday, June 17, 2014 7:55:14 PM UTC+2, Mauricio Aldazosa wrote:

 For updating the value of a map given a key you can use update-in:

 user (update-in {1 [11]} [1] conj 22)
 {1 [11 22]}

 Now, to handle the case when the key is not present, you can use fnil:

 user (update-in {} [1] (fnil conj []) 22)
 {1 [22]}

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Re: ANN: ring-token-authentication. A ring middleware to authenticate API requests

2014-02-28 Thread James Henderson
Really useful, concise library - thanks!


On Saturday, 15 February 2014 18:53:58 UTC, Jason Stewart wrote:

 I've just pushed the first version of ring-token-authentication, a Ring 
 middleware to authenticate HTTP API requests.

 Token authentication is a popular way to authenticate API requests over 
 HTTP. A client sends a token in the Authorization header like so:

 Authorization: Token token=notasecret

 The token is then parsed from the authorization header and checked for 
 authenticity on the server side.

 This middleware aims to make it easy to add HTTP token authentication to 
 your application, like it is in many other frameworks.

 This is my first open source Clojure project, and I'm excited to share it 
 with you.
 Come check it out at 
 on clojars here:

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ANN: Chord 0.3.0 - WebSockets as core.async channels

2014-02-25 Thread James Henderson
I've just pushed v0.3.0 of Chord, a library to make a WebSockets appear as 
a bi-directional core.async channels.

More info on GitHub

New since 0.2.2:

   - Messages over the channel treated as EDN by default (although option 
   to fall back to previous raw strings) - this saves wrapping every write 
   with `pr-str` and every read with `edn/read-string`

As usual, feedback welcome!



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ANN: Clidget 0.2.0

2014-02-15 Thread James Henderson
Hi all,

I've just released a new version of
Clidget a very
lightweight library similar to Om, that watches your application
state and re-renders your UI components when necessary.

0.2.0 is a significant performance upgrade over 0.1.0 due to better
batching of DOM updates - which means that Clidget is now
performance to Om.

For those who haven't seen Clidget before:

   - Clidget has *one macro*, 'defwidget', which looks and behaves like
   'defn' - you take in *values* and return a real DOM element, like any
   other Clojure function. When you call it, pass it *atoms*, and Clidget
   will work out when the DOM element needs to be re-rendered. That's all
   there is to it!

   - You choose how to render the DOM element, how to respond to events and
   how to update the atoms. Clidget does *one thing* - figuring out when to
   update widgets - there are people far better than me at designing DOM
   templating libraries!

Useful links:

   - Github, Rationale and README
   - A more in-depth comparison to Om, Reagent and
   - Clidget 'Hello
   - Contact Manager
   the same lines as Om + Reagent's tutorials)
   - TodoMVC 

Feedback always welcome!


James (@jarohen

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Re: core.async over websocket + cljs + clojure

2014-01-26 Thread James Henderson
Hi folks, sorry I'm a bit late to the party, but Chord might be a good base for 
what you want to do? It probably falls a bit short at the moment on your 
disconnection semantics, but could be worth a shot.


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[ANN] Clidget, a lightweight CLJS state utility that helps you build small, composable UI ‘widgets’.

2014-01-20 Thread James Henderson
Hi all,

I've recently released Clidget v0.1.0, a new lightweight CLJS state utility
that allows you to build UIs through small, composable widgets.

Quick links:

   - GitHub (README, Rationale
   and Getting Started)
   - Sample 'counter'
   - TodoMVC 

The fundamental idea behind Clidget is to ensure that you can write widgets
declaratively, in traditional Clojure style, as a function that *takes in
immutable values and returns a DOM element*. Then, rather than calling that
function with values, you* call it with atoms*, and Clidget figures out
when each widget needs to be re-rendered.

So, a counter widget would look something like this (using Dommy to create
the DOM element and core.async for event handling - you're free to choose
whatever you like):

(:require [cljs.core.async :as a]
  [dommy.core :as d]
  [clidget.widget :refer [defwidget] :include-macros true])
(:require-macros [dommy.macros :refer [node]]
 [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go-loop]]))

(defwidget counter-widget [{:keys [counter]} events-ch]
[:h2 counter is now:  counter]
 (doto (node [:button Increment counter])
   (d/listen! :click #(a/put! events-ch :inc-counter)))]]))

To include a widget in the page, call it (it’s just a function!), but
provide it with the *atoms* that it needs to watch:

(set! (.-onload js/window)
  (fn []
(let [!counter (atom 0)
  events-ch (doto (a/chan)
  ;; 'watch-events!' implemented below
  (watch-events! !counter))]

  (d/replace-contents! (.-body js/document)
   (counter-widget {:!counter !counter}

(I'm prefixing the atom with '!', to easily differentiate between
atoms and values)

Finally, we implement watch-events! (no Clidget here):

(defn watch-events! [events-ch !counter]
  (go-loop []
(when-let [event (a/! events-ch)]
  (when (= :inc-counter event)
(swap! !counter inc))

(We could do this inside the widget, given it's only a counter, but
it's probably better to separate it!)


The main design decision behind Clidget was to favour simplicity over
performance (obviously within reason). Clidget does one thing (I hope it
does it well!) - figuring out which widgets to re-render and when. How you
update the state, render the widgets, pass the events, handle the events
etc is completely up to you.

There's no 'magic' in Clidget - you pass in atoms, it behaves pretty much
like Clojure's add-watch function. I've found this to be a really useful
quality when reasoning about applications - it makes the debugging headache
a lot more manageable.

Finally, I wanted to preserve Clojure's composability. One of the benefits
I really enjoy about working with Clojure is the ability to use many small
libraries without worrying about how they'll fit together. If you're a
Hiccup person, you can use your favourite Hiccup-like library; if you're an
Enlive/Mustache person, likewise! In Clidget, this also extends to JS
libraries - when you're working with the DOM elements that will end up on
the page, you can pass them to other JS libraries easily.

I've received a number of requests for a comparison with
Om/Cloact/React - it didn't fit into 140 characters, so it's here


The idea behind Clidget is still very much experimental - I'd be very
interested to hear thoughts and feedback (good, bad, and 'what on
earth were you thinking?!') on the approach and/or implementation,
please let me know! GitHub, Twitter (@jarohen or through here are all good.

If you've got this far, thanks for reading!


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[ANN] Clidget, a lightweight CLJS state utility that helps you build small, composable UI ‘widgets’.

2014-01-20 Thread James Henderson
Hi all,

I've recently released *Clidget v0.1.0*, a new lightweight CLJS state
utility that allows you to build UIs through small, composable widgets.

Quick links:

   - GitHub (README, Rationale
   and Getting Started)
   - Sample 'counter'
   - TodoMVC 

The fundamental idea behind Clidget is to ensure that you can write widgets
declaratively, in traditional Clojure style, as a function that *takes in
immutable values and returns a DOM element*. Then, rather than calling that
function with values, you* call it with atoms*, and Clidget figures out
when each widget needs to be re-rendered.

So, a counter widget would look something like this (using Dommy to create
the DOM element and core.async for event handling - you're free to choose
whatever you like):

(:require [cljs.core.async :as a]
  [dommy.core :as d]
  [clidget.widget :refer [defwidget] :include-macros true])
(:require-macros [dommy.macros :refer [node]]
 [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go-loop]]))

(defwidget counter-widget [{:keys [counter]} events-ch]
[:h2 counter is now:  counter]

 (doto (node [:button Increment counter])
   (d/listen! :click #(a/put! events-ch :inc-counter)))]]))

To include a widget in the page, call it (it’s just a function!), but
provide it with the *atoms* that it needs to watch:

(set! (.-onload js/window)
  (fn []
(let [!counter (atom 0)
  events-ch (doto (a/chan)
  ;; 'watch-events!' implemented below
  (watch-events! !counter))]

  (d/replace-contents! (.-body js/document)
   (counter-widget {:!counter !counter}
(I'm prefixing the atom with '!', to easily differentiate between
atoms and values)

Finally, we implement watch-events! (no Clidget here):

(defn watch-events! [events-ch !counter]
  (go-loop []
(when-let [event (a/! events-ch)]
  (when (= :inc-counter event)
(swap! !counter inc))

(We could do this inside the widget, given it's only a counter, but
it's probably better to separate it!)


The main design decision behind Clidget was to favour simplicity over
performance (obviously within reason). Clidget does one thing (I hope it
does it well!) - figuring out which widgets to re-render and when. How you
update the state, render the widgets, pass the events, handle the events
etc is completely up to you.

There's no 'magic' in Clidget - you pass in atoms, it behaves pretty much
like Clojure's add-watch function. I've found this to be a really useful
quality when reasoning about applications - it makes the debugging headache
a lot more manageable.

Finally, I wanted to preserve Clojure's composability. One of the benefits
I really enjoy about working with Clojure is the ability to use many small
libraries without worrying about how they'll fit together. If you're a
Hiccup person, you can use your favourite Hiccup-like library; if you're an
Enlive/Mustache person, likewise! In Clidget, this also extends to JS
libraries - when you're working with the DOM elements that will end up on
the page, you can pass them to other JS libraries easily.

I've received a number of requests for a comparison with Om/Cloact/React -
it didn't fit into 140 characters, so it's


The idea behind Clidget is still very much experimental - I'd be very
interested to hear thoughts and feedback (good, bad, and 'what on earth
were you thinking?!') on the approach and/or implementation, please let me
know! GitHub, Twitter (@jarohen or through
here are all good.

If you've got this far, thanks for reading!


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[ANN] Frodo 0.2.9 - Ring-compatible web server with Stuart Sierra's 'Reloaded' workflow

2013-12-21 Thread James Henderson
Hi all,

I've just released Frodo 0.2.9 - a web server plugin that allows you to 
develop using Stuart Sierra's 'Reloaded' workflow. It sets up a web server 
that you can nREPL into, easily open a CLJS browser REPL (using Chas 
Emerick's 'Austin' library) and, when you've made changes, to start a fresh 
web-server and refresh the server-side state without restarting the JVM.


If you haven't seen it already, Stuart's written a great blog on how to 
develop using the 'Reloaded' workflow and its benefits - it's at

There are plenty of Frodo examples and a sample project on the GitHub repo, 
but the basic premise is that you configure Frodo with a function that 
initialises your system state and returns a handler. When your server-side 
code changes and you run (user/reload-frodo!)in the REPL, it will reload 
any changed namespaces (and anything that depends on a changed namespace), 
restart the web server and ask your function to initialise its state and 
return another handler. This usually looks something like:

(ns your-app.handler
  (:require [compojure.core :refer [routes GET]]
[compojure.handler :refer [api]]
[ring.util.response :refer [response]]))
(defn app-routes []
  (let [system (init-system)]
  (GET /route/:id [id]
(response (handle-get system id)))
(defn app []
  (- (app-routes)

You'd then configure Frodo to use '*your-app.handler/app*' as its entry 

Probably the easiest way to get up and running is to use '*splat*', a Lein 

lein new splat your-project
cd your-project
lein dev

If you've got any questions or feedback, it'd be great to hear it! Let me 
know, either through here, GitHub or Twitter (I'm 

Hope you all have a great Christmas, and a happy New Year!


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Re: [ANN] cljs-start 0.0.7 now support source-map

2013-12-18 Thread James Henderson
Hi all,

On Tuesday, 17 December 2013 16:35:24 UTC, Magomimmo  wrote:

 In my mind I think about something like a pair composed by of a lein template 
 and a lein plugin. 
 The template should serve to create new mixed clj/cljs projects and the 
 plugin should serve to easily manage the project itself.

I recently wrote a clj/cljs template called 'splat' which is implemented 
exactly as you suggest - `lein new splat your-project`

 I would be even better to absorb the awesome  stuff my Stuart Sierra and jig, 
 then absorb stuff regarding continuos development, integration and deployment 
to try to minimize any incidental complexities caused by the used tools. 

That would be great - at the moment I rely on connecting to the nREPL (in 
preference to the plugin naively guessing what to reload) but something based 
on the Reloaded workflow or Jig would be really cool.

 A kind of reference sample could
Will take a look, thanks for the pointer!



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Re: [ANN] Chord 0.2.1 - making WebSockets look like core.async channels in CLJ+CLJS

2013-12-02 Thread James Henderson
Unfortunately Chord only accepts raw strings on the channel at the moment - 
I've been using pr-str and read-string around EDN messages until now. 

It's a great idea to be able to format/parse different message formats 
automatically though and something that IMO Chord should provide. I've 
added a GitHub issue - 
watch this space!



On Monday, 2 December 2013 09:38:50 UTC, Henrik Eneroth wrote:

 Cool! I presume you're restricted to EDN on the channels though, right? 

 On Saturday, November 30, 2013 5:23:17 PM UTC+1, James Henderson wrote:

 Chord is a library for making WebSockets look like simple core.async 
 channels in Clojure (using http-kit) and ClojureScript. 

 Basic usage:


 [jarohen/chord 0.2.1]


 (:require [chord.client :refer [ws-ch]]
   [cljs.core.async :refer [! ! put! close!]])(:require-macros 
 [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
  (let [ws (! (ws-ch ws://localhost:3000/ws))]
(! ws Hello server!)
(loop []
  (when-let [{:keys [message]} (! ws)]
(js/console.log Got message from server: message)

 Clojure (a wrapper around http-kit's 'with-channel'):

 (:require [chord.http-kit :refer [with-channel]]
   [clojure.core.async :refer [! ! put! close! go]])
 (defn your-handler [req]
   (with-channel req ws-ch
   (let [{:keys [message]} (! ws-ch)]
 (println Message received from client: message)
 (! ws-ch Hello client from server!)
 (close! ws-ch)

 There's more documentation and a few code examples on the Github page, 
 and a full example project in the repo. 

 Feedback is *always very welcome* - either here, through Github in the 
 usual way or (if it fits into 140 chars!) Twitter.

 Version 0.2.1 brings the ability to specify custom buffered channels - 
 thanks to Timo Sulg for the PR!

 James (@jarohen)

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[ANN] Chord 0.2.1 - making WebSockets look like core.async channels in CLJ+CLJS

2013-11-30 Thread James Henderson

Chord is a library for making WebSockets look like simple core.async 
channels in Clojure (using http-kit) and ClojureScript. 

Basic usage:


[jarohen/chord 0.2.1]


(:require [chord.client :refer [ws-ch]]
  [cljs.core.async :refer [! ! put! close!]])(:require-macros 
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
 (let [ws (! (ws-ch ws://localhost:3000/ws))]
   (! ws Hello server!)
   (loop []
 (when-let [{:keys [message]} (! ws)]
   (js/console.log Got message from server: message)

Clojure (a wrapper around http-kit's 'with-channel'):

(:require [chord.http-kit :refer [with-channel]]
  [clojure.core.async :refer [! ! put! close! go]])
(defn your-handler [req]
  (with-channel req ws-ch
  (let [{:keys [message]} (! ws-ch)]
(println Message received from client: message)
(! ws-ch Hello client from server!)
(close! ws-ch)

There's more documentation and a few code examples on the Github page, and 
a full example project in the repo. 

Feedback is *always very welcome* - either here, through Github in the 
usual way or (if it fits into 140 chars!) Twitter.

Version 0.2.1 brings the ability to specify custom buffered channels - 
thanks to Timo Sulg for the PR!

James (@jarohen)

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Re: How do you configure your Ring apps?

2013-09-08 Thread James Henderson
Hi Gordon/all,

Hope you'll forgive the plug, but it sounds like 
Nomad does 
what you want here. 

In particular, it allows you to store configuration for multiple different 
environments as a simple EDN config file in your project repo (Gordon's 
'global.clj'), meaning that it's versioned with the rest of your project 
code (i.e. there's no need to configure Puppet etc separately, and keep the 
project and Puppet versions co-ordinated). It also allows for 'private 
config files' (Gordon's 'local.clj'), to store passwords etc that you don't 
want in version control.



On Sunday, 8 September 2013 02:44:24 UTC+1, Gordon Stratton wrote:

 I'm only starting out with Clojure/Ring, but I was thinking about this 
 recently too. I had something like the following in mind, borrowing 
 some concepts from other projects/frameworks/strategies that I've had 
 success with. 

 The project could contain something like 'config/global.clj' which 
 contains a simple Clojure map with configuration for your app that is 
 appropriate for version control. Maybe it has some default values, 
 comments, etc. You could build this in to your app somewhere, too. 

 The project would then have another Clojure map in a file named like 
 'config/local.clj' in your project root which would be ignored by 
 version control, and deployed alongside your application. You'd 
 probably template it with Puppet or Chef or Ansible and it would 
 contain your deep, dark secrets. You'd have a project-local one of 
 these for development. You could even have more than one, if that's 
 your thing. 

 At application initialization, the maps are then read in, merged and 
 made available to your application exactly like weavejester's environ 
 that you mentioned. environ already handles leiningen profiles for 
 things like AWS access keys which might be annoying to duplicate 
 across all of your projects in development, and such a system as I've 
 described would fit in fairly naturally with environ. In any event, I 
 hadn't found that project yet, but I definitely plan to use it now. 
 Thanks for pointing it out! 

 On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 11:53 PM, Alexandr Kurilin 
  I'm curious to find out how you folks decided to organize configuration 
  your Ring applications, assuming you also use configuration management 
  Puppet/Ansiblet etc to deploy them. 
  So far I've been using a combination of daemontools' envdir (through 
  + weavejester's environ for things like db address, db password, cookie 
  secret keys, logging level etc. Each one is an individual file in 
  folder that runit envdirs from. 
  I honestly can't decide whether a single configuration file (YAML, EDN, 
  whatever) would be more appropriate for this scenario or if I should go 
  ahead and continue keeping each configuration value in its own file and 
  env to load them. 
  What are people's thoughts on this? Any reason why one or the other 
 would be 
  better, or is there an even better option out there I'm not considering? 

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Re: Current state of the art in Web deployment?

2013-08-18 Thread James Henderson
Hi John,

Building on Ray's answer to use Upstart, I've recently started using a 
Git-based deployment method that essentially uses a Git post-receive hook 
to re-deploy the application with a simple git push.

To set-up, create a bare repo and a working tree on the deploy host, and 
the relevant Upstart job. We then deploy using *`git push 
deployhost:path/to/deploy-repo.git master:deploy`*. When a push is received 
on the deploy branch, the hook on the remote repo updates the working tree, 
and restarts the Upstart job. (I use SystemD services in place of Upstart 
when I get the choice - IMO it beats Upstart hands-down, but that's an 

I've put the post-receive hook at - hope this helps!



On Sunday, 18 August 2013 17:21:22 UTC+1, John Jacobsen wrote:

 Many thanks to everyone who replied about deploying a Web server to 
 production.  Specific replies: 

 On Aug 17, 2013, at 6:51 PM, Mark Mandel javascript: 

  On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 6:52 AM, John Jacobsen 
  After some prototyping and development, we are now getting to the stage 
 where lein run and a Jetty server running from -main aren't going to cut 
  At the risk of asking a dumb question, but being quite new to Clojure, I 
 don't mind - why do you say they won't cut it? 

 On Aug 18, 2013, at 9:25 AM, Norman Richards 

  Other than that, mechanically our deploy is not significantly different 
 from a lein ring server, so maybe you can explain what your concerns with 
 that are? 

 My main concern was just the need to ssh into the server and run leiningen 
 in the background, as opposed to setting up a real server which starts at 
 boot time.  I'm OK w/ wrapping 'lein ring server-headless' with 
 Apache/Nginx, if there are no known issues w/ that approach. 

 On Aug 17, 2013, at 4:52 PM, Ray Miller javascript: 

  One option is simply to write an upstart script that invokes 'lein 
  ring server-headless' and sit an apache or nginx proxy in front of it. 
  That's how my website is currently running. Alternatively, you could 
  deploy your application as a war to tomcat or jetty. 
  The upstart configuration, which is installed to /etc/init/cms.conf, 
  can be found here: 

 That's very helpful -- can you be a little more specific about what you 
 mean by sit an apache or nginx proxy in front of it?  It looks like your 
 example is self-contained (need Clojure/lein + upstart, and that's it). 

 Thanks again everyone. 


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Re: Would you please help in migrating this code from Bishop to Liberator?

2012-09-25 Thread James Henderson
For anyone stumbling upon this question - it was answered on the Liberator 
Github repository, at


On Wednesday, 19 September 2012 14:05:08 UTC+1, Hussein B. wrote:


 I want to migrate this code written in Bishop REST framework to Liberator 
 REST framework:

 (bishop/defresource ticket
 (fn [request]
   (let [request-method (:request-method request)]
 (case request-method
   :get  (list-all-tickets request)
   :post (create-ticket-per-uploaded-file request

 :allowed-methods (fn [request] [:get :post])

 I'm not really digesting the liberator approach.

 Thanks for help and time.

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