[cmake-developers] [CMake 0011534]: PackageMaker install location customization is too restricted

2010-11-29 Thread Mantis Bug Tracker

The following issue has been SUBMITTED. 
Reported By:Domagoj Saric
Assigned To:
Issue ID:   11534
Category:   CPack
Severity:   feature
Priority:   normal
Status: new
Date Submitted: 2010-11-29 05:56 EST
Last Modified:  2010-11-29 05:56 EST
Summary:PackageMaker install location customization is too
It should be possible to disable changing of the target driver/folder altogether
as well as allow full (user) customization of the install location (include
per-component, independent, target locations)...

Please see the following post for more details:

Issue History 
Date ModifiedUsername   FieldChange   
2010-11-29 05:56 Domagoj Saric  New Issue

cmake-developers mailing list

[cmake-developers] New blog post: Constraining Values with ComboBoxes in CMake (cmake-gui)

2010-11-29 Thread David Cole
Read all about it:



David Cole
Kitware, Inc.
cmake-developers mailing list

Re: [CMake] Relink on library rebuild dilema

2010-11-29 Thread Sebastian Schaetz
Bill Hoffman bill.hoff...@... writes:

 No need for all the complication...
 If you already know where the library is going to be:
 Then link directly to the full path:
 Now the makefiles will depend on that file and it will relink when that 
 .a changes.   This is why link_directories/*link_libraries without a 
 full path to the library is almost always a bad idea...

Sure enough, that works also! I have tried it before but did not realize that if
I want the target depend on a file instead of another target, not only do I have
to specify the full path but also the full filename so libkernel_executable.a
is necessary instead of kernel_executable. In the latter case CMake seems to
believe this is another target, tries to build it and fails. Now it makes
perfect sense, thanks for the help, my problem is solved.

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[CMake] building using Visual C++ 64 bits edition

2010-11-29 Thread Paul Laurent

Dear all,

I have just migrated to a brand new PC running Windows 7 home premium 64 
bits (Intel proc) and I would like to compile a 64 bits version of my 
programs (that use VTK, ITK, FLTK).
I have installed the 2010 express edition of Visual C++ and the SDK 7.1 
that includes 64 bits compiler.
I had a problem when configuring my ITK64 project using CMake and I am 
not sure whether it is a bug... Since I have found a solution, I share it!
I had an error during the testCCompiler (see the error below this mail). 
I noticed that the SDK version used by Cmake was V7.0A while it doesn't 
contain the 64 bits of Cl.exe...
I have just 'renamed' the directory (Ok, I know, bad solution but if you 
have a better one...) from V7.1 to V7.0A... and it worked.

I managed to compile ITK3.20.0 64 bits version.
Is it a bug from CMake? Do I had to remove the V7.0A? If yes, how to?


Determining if the C compiler works failed with the following output:
Change Dir: C:/Lib/ITK3.20.0bin64/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp

Run Build 
cmTryCompileExec.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Debug

Microsoft (R) Build Engine, Version 4.0.30319.1

[Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 4.0.30319.1]

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporationÿ2007. Tous droits r,serv,s.

La g,n,ration a d,marr, 29/11/2010 11:07:02.

C:\Lib\ITK3.20.0bin64\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp\cmTryCompileExec.vcxproj sur 
le noud 1 (cibles par d,faut).


  Cr,ation du r,pertoire cmTryCompileExec.dir\Debug\.

  Cr,ation du r,pertoire 


  Cr,ation de 
cmTryCompileExec.dir\Debug\cmTryCompileExec.unsuccessfulbuild, car 
AlwaysCreate a ,t, sp,cifi,.


  C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 
10.0\VC\bin\x86_amd64\CL.exe /c /Zi /nologo- /W3 /WX- /Od /Ob0 /D WIN32 
/MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope 
/FdC:/Lib/ITK3.20.0bin64/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/Debug/cmTryCompileExec.pdb /Gd 
/TC /errorReport:queue testCCompiler.c  /Zm1000

  Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 16.00.30319.01 for x64

  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

  cl /c /Zi /nologo- /W3 /WX- /Od /Ob0 /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D _DEBUG 
/D CMAKE_INTDIR=\Debug\ /D _MBCS /Gm- /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise 
/Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /FocmTryCompileExec.dir\Debug\\ 
/FdC:/Lib/ITK3.20.0bin64/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/Debug/cmTryCompileExec.pdb /Gd 
/TC /errorReport:queue testCCompiler.c  /Zm1000

cl : Command line warning D9035: option 'nologo-' has been deprecated 
and will be removed in a future release 



  C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin\rc.exe 


  C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 
10.0\VC\bin\x86_amd64\link.exe /ERRORREPORT:QUEUE 
/VERSION:0.0 /INCREMENTAL /NOLOGO kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib 
winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib 
advapi32.lib /MANIFEST 
/MANIFESTUAC:level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false' /DEBUG 

  cmTryCompileExec.dir\Debug\testCCompiler.obj  /machine:x64 /debug

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'kernel32.lib' 

G,n,ration du projet 
termin,e (cibles par d,faut) -- ?CHEC.

?CHEC de la build.

(cible par d,faut) (1) -

(ClCompile cible) -

  cl : Command line warning D9035: option 'nologo-' has been deprecated 
and will be removed in a future release 

(cible par d,faut) (1) -

(Link cible) -

  LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'kernel32.lib' 

1 Avertissement(s)

1 Erreur(s)

Temps ,coul, 00:00:00.38

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Re: [CMake] How to apply the --as-needed linker flag?

2010-11-29 Thread Marcel Loose
 On 28-11-2010 at 9:10, in message
alpine.deb.2.00.1011272348290.11...@ybpnyubfg.ybpnyqbznva, Alan W.
ir...@beluga.phys.uvic.ca wrote: 
 On 2010-11-28 06:39+0100 Michael Hertling wrote:
 On 11/27/2010 06:45 PM, Alan W. Irwin wrote:
 I just discovered that many Linux distros these days use the
 --as-needed Linux linker option by default.  At first glance that
 option makes a lot of sense since it tends to reduce startup
 But I guess there are some caveats as well which is probably why
 does not adopt this linker option by default for Linux builds.
 However, I would at least like to try this option for my own Linux
 builds without forcing it using target_link_libraries. Is it
 to specify linker options such as --as-needed using environment
 variables and/or -D options?

 On Linux, CMake takes account of the LDFLAGS environment variable
 for the initial configuration of the build directory, so saying

 LDFLAGS=-Wl,--as-needed cmake path/to/srcdir

 enables --as-needed for this build directory - forever.
 Thanks, Michael, that was exactly what I needed.  I was completely
 unaware that environment variable worked for CMake despite many
 of using CMake on Linux.  Is the LDFLAGS environment variable
 documented for CMake anywhere?  I couldn't find it in the
 documentation you get with cmake --help-full, and it is also not
 documented at http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_Useful_Variables. The
 useful environment variables CXXFLAGS, CFLAGS, and FFLAGS that allow
 you to specify general compiler flags in a convenient way are
 undocumented as well, and that is a real shame.
 Alan W. Irwin
 Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and
 University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).
 Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
 for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
 package (plplot.org); the libLASi project (unifont.org/lasi); the
Loads of
 Linux Links project (loll.sf.net); and the Linux Brochure Project

Hi Alan,

You may find the following links of interest. They discuss the virtues
and risks of using --as-needed in the light of underlinking and
overlinking; and how to fix broken packages in distributions.


Marcel Loose.

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Re: [CMake] Relink on library rebuild dilema

2010-11-29 Thread Michael Hertling
On 11/29/2010 05:05 AM, Bill Hoffman wrote:
 On 11/28/2010 3:19 AM, Sebastian Schaetz wrote:
 Michael Hertlingmhertl...@...  writes:

 1) In the top-level CMakeLists.txt, you might say


 When libkernel_executable.a has changed, this results in recompiling
 main.cpp - a penalty - and the desired relinking of main_target. If
 main.cpp's recompilation is expensive you may possibly add an empty
 cpp file to main_target's sources and impose the property on that.

 Wow, those suggestions all sound great and I'm completely unfamiliar with 
 (so I think there's a good chance they will work). I will try them as soon as
 possible! Thanks a lot for the suggestions.

 No need for all the complication...
 If you already know where the library is going to be:
 Then link directly to the full path:
 Now the makefiles will depend on that file and it will relink when that 
 .a changes.   This is why link_directories/*link_libraries without a 
 full path to the library is almost always a bad idea...

Oops, the simplest solution at all. ~8) Thanks for pointing it out, Bill.

Perhaps, this is a good opportunity to ask a related question: Some
time ago, there has been an issue with special linker scripts which
are part of a project. Of course, one would like to see the linker
triggered when these scripts change, and the best solution I have
found so far is - just like suggested to the OP -

- a dummy source file to impose the OBJECT_DEPENDS property on, or
- a dummy static library that is invalidated when the scripts change
  and (mis)used to force a dependency of the link line on the scripts.

Both alternatives are not really satisfying, so I wonder if there is any
smarter and more direct possibility to establish a file-level dependency
of the link line on an arbitrary file that's not mentioned as a library
in TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(). For Makefiles, this involves just a single
additional line.


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Re: [CMake] CMake

2010-11-29 Thread Nicola Brisotto
I don't have much time to spend on this but looking at qmake source
code I've found this files:

I'm not sure but it could be useful to understand how qmake generate a
project for the symbian platform.
mkspecs contains the platform specific definitions.

Nicola Brisotto

2010/9/30 Alexander Neundorf a.neundorf-w...@gmx.net:
 On Thursday 30 September 2010, Nicola Brisotto wrote:
 I use Qt creator with cmake for desktop application and it work well. It
 has support for out of source build, it populate the project browser with
 you source and header, etc My main issue is not a full Qt Creator
 integration. My first need is build with cmake from console.

 Currently Qt support 2 toolchain: abdl and raptor.



 After reading Wiley - Porting to the Symbian Platform Open Mobile
 Development in C and C++, chapter 2.5.2 and 2.5.3 and some tutorial I
 understand that abdl uses 3 kind of file: 1) one bdl.inf
 2) one or more *.mpp file
 3) optionally a pkg file

 You process these files with a tool named 'bldmake' and will obtain a batch
 file ('ABLD.BAT') and some makefiles that will build the application for

 This tool exists mainly because a Symbian application is usually built for
 many platforms: the emulator, using a Microsoft X86 compiler,
 as well as the real device using a gcc-derived ARM compiler.

 The bldmake saves you from writing specially crafted makefiles for these
 compilers and make utilities; also it allows for building many targets with
 just a single command.

 From the bld.inf, type:
       bldmake bldfiles

 Of course, you must have the PATH set correctly for the installation of the
 SDK you are using. This command will look for the bld.inf, process it and the
 related *.mmp, then generate a BATCH file named ABLD.BAT. Now you have all
 you need to build your applications. Simply type:
       abld build

 This will build your application in all the available flavors.
 Note that the target files are stored in a very deep directory structure,
 and you are building both in debug and release versions for WINS (windows),
 ARM4 (plain arm), ARMI (speed optimized arm), THUMB (size optimized ARM)!

 But you can choose to build for only one target, and since it take less
 time, you usually build ONLY for one version of one target. For example, to
 build for the emulator only in the debug version, or for the device,
 optimized for size, in release version, you type:
       abld build wins udeb
       abld buind thumb urel

 Building for Windows is enough to start the emulator and run the
 application in the emulated environment. Application files are compiled and
 placed straight where the emulator can run it: no need to copy them in the
 right location.

 But for real devices, you have to pack everything in a .sis file for
 installation, send it to the phone and install the application. You are
 required to write a .pkg file to describe the installer, and then create it
       makesis file.pkg

 this is a small example:
 Here is a simple example of a bld.inf file:


 This specifies that the project should generate makefiles for the default
 platforms (currently WINSCW, ARMV5 and GCCE), export four header files and
 build a single component which is specified in SoundTouch.mmp. The
 corresponding MMP file looks like this:

 TARGET         SoundTouch.dll
 UID               0x108D 0x0839739D
 USERINCLUDE         ..\inc
 SYSTEMINCLUDE     \epoc32\include \epoc32\include\stdapis
 SYSTEMINCLUDE     \epoc32\include\stdapis\sys
 SYSTEMINCLUDE     \epoc32\include\stdapis\stlport
 SOURCEPATH         ..\src
 SOURCE                 SoundTouch.cpp AAFilter.cpp
 SOURCE                FIFOSampleBuffer.cpp FIRFilter.cpp
 SOURCE                RateTransposer.cpp TDStretch.cpp
 LIBRARY                euser.lib
 LIBRARY                libc.lib libm.lib libstdcpp.lib

 Thanks for that summary, that's great.

 Do we need a custom generator to recreate this process with cmake?

 I started creating Symbian cmake files so that cmake can generate Makefiles
 for Symbian, and got so far that I was able to compile and link a hello world
 The patch is from January and attached here:
 It's the one called Symbian.patch.

 You can start and have a look at it.
 It currently supports only one version of Symbian (the one I have), for
 compiling for Symbian under Linux.
 The detection of the version happens in Symbian-GNU-Common.cmake. If you
 follow from there on, you should be able to figure out what needs to be done
 for other versions of symbian.

 The main 

Re: [CMake] providing library information, what's the cmake way

2010-11-29 Thread Johannes Zarl
Sorry for the late response, but your mail was simply to long for a
swift response...

On 11/26/2010 at 05:47, Michael Hertling mhertl...@online.de wrote: 
 On 11/24/2010 04:51 PM, Johannes Zarl wrote:
 About the components question again: I played around a bit, and I think I 
 now more or less have comprehended this. I guess for a package XXX with 
 components YYY and ZZZ, one could set variables XXX_HAS_YYY and XXX_HAS_ZZZ
 and then use a loop like this one in the XXXConfig.cmake file:
 foreach( component ${XXX_FIND_COMPONENTS} )
 if ( XXX_HAS_${component})
 set ( XXX_${component}_FOUND TRUE )
 else( XXX_HAS_${component})
 message(FATAL_ERROR Required component ${component} not 
 message(STATUS Component ${component} not found!)
 endif ( ${XXX_FIND_REQUIRED})
 endif ( XXX_HAS_${component})
 endforeach( component )
 While that's a possible approach it lacks the invocation-specific
 some cases, these can't be assembled in a simple component-wise
 manner, see below. Moreover, there are further questions w.r.t.
 multi-component packages and their config files:

Does this mean that XXX_LIBRARIES etc. should normally incorporate the
settings for the components as well? IMO this can't work if you call
find_package several times with different components. Also, this would 
make it impossible to link to the base library alone, i.e. without
the components...

 - Does the config file provide the component-specific variables like
 XXX_YYY_FOUND for each available component or for the requested ones
 only, i.e. can you rely on XXX_ZZZ_FOUND to have a definite value if
 you just said FIND_PACKAGE(XXX COMPONENTS YYY)? With your foregoing
 approach, you can't. That's alright, but should be mentioned in the
 package's documentation. Imagine the following scenario: There's one
 installation of XXX for the native system and another one for cross
 compiling purposes. The latter has YYY and ZZZ while the former has
 YYY only. Due to FIND_PACKAGE()'s ability to search for config files
 in various locations, such a coexistence is easily possible. Now, a
 FIND_PACKAGE(XXX COMPONENTS YYY ZZZ) for the cross compilation XXX
 returns with XXX_ZZZ_FOUND=TRUE, but does a subsequent invocation of
 FIND_PACKAGE(XXX COMPONENTS YYY) within the same scope for the native
 XXX return with XXX_ZZZ_FOUND=FALSE, or does XXX_ZZZ_FOUND=TRUE still
 hold from the previous invocation? Both alternatives are fine, but the
 user should know the score. 

Thanks, I hadn't thought of this. So the code-snippet above should 
contain a set ( XXX_${component}_FOUND ${component}-NOTFOUND ).

 Besides, it's a good style to refer to any
 component-related variables only if the particular component has been
 requested explicitly.

Ok, so a better style would be to only set the XXX_HAS_* variables at 
first (maybe unsetting them at the end of the config file?), and then
to conditionally set the XXX_YYY_INCLUDE_DIRS etc. if XXX_YYY_FOUND
is true.

 - Handling of inter-component dependencies: Imagine the user just says
 enabled automatically the config file must know about the dependency
 and cannot simply add the ZZZ-specific variables to the invocation-
 specific ones; the YYY-specific variables must be mentioned, too.

I don't really see this as a problem. Although the code at hand lacks 
support for this kind of dependencies, in most cases you won't need it.
And if you as the config file writer need it, you obviously know you
have dependencies and that you have to write code supporting those

Update/FYI: I just tried tried to write generic code to deal with 
dependencies, and its not as straightforward as I thought it is. Assuming
that there are no circular dependencies, you could recursively add the 
dependencies to the XXX_FIND_COMPONENTS variable and remove the duplicates
afterwards. Then you can use the above code to set XXX_*_FOUND, and
afterwards, you have to recursively add the libraries/defines/include_dirs
of the depended upon components to each component's includes (this
is the tricky part IMO). I guess it is far easier to write this in a
non-generic way...

 - Do multiple consecutive FIND_PACKAGE(XXX ...) invocations act in an
 accumulative manner on the invocation-specific variables? 

Generally speaking, I would say: yes. At least this is the way of the
least surprise for the user, as in sufficiently complex projects a
package may be included at different places with different arguments.


Ah, this is how it's done. I was wondering why a call like



 When turning towards find modules, the 

Re: [CMake] Error using CMake 2.8.x, Visual Studio 2010, and multiple platform SDKs.

2010-11-29 Thread Ted Berg
On 11/28/2010 10:59 PM, Bill Hoffman wrote:
 On 11/24/2010 5:02 PM, Ted Berg wrote:
 I'm seeing a reproducible failure generating Visual Studio 10 output
 on a system with the following installed:

 CMake 2.8.2
 CMake 2.8.3

 Visual Studio 2005
 Visual Studio 2010

 Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows

 To keep everything sane I use command files to set environment variables
 as needed, beyond the compiler specific command windows.

 In a VS 2010 command window, with an environment set to point at the
 V7.0A platform SDK, I can reliably create and build NMake projects.  In
 that same window CMake errors out at Checking for working C compiler
 using: Visual Studio 10, claiming a broken compiler.

 Checking the CMakeFiles\CMakeErrors.log shows that while it's using the
 correct CL.exe, the rc.exe from the v6.1 platform sdk is being used.
 This rc.exe objects to the command line option /nologo somehow
 interpreting it as -ologo and terminating with a fatal error.

 If I move/rename the v6.1 platform sdk directory, CMake completes
 without issue.

 Is this a known issue, am I insane, or should I start assembling a
 sample project and logs?

 I am pretty sure CMake just used the rc.exe that is in the PATH.  So, it
 sounds like your environment is not quite right.

You are correct.

It turns out that the problem was caused by having the v6.1
include/lib/bin paths prefixed to their respective Visual Studio 2005
Tools | Options | Projects and Solutions | VC++ Directories entries.
Those directories are prefixed to the VS 2010 search directories, and
I've not found a way to remove them in VS 2010.  I cleared them out of
VS 2005 and all was well.

Thank you.

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[CMake] New blog post: Constraining Values with ComboBoxes in CMake (cmake-gui)

2010-11-29 Thread David Cole
Read all about it:



David Cole
Kitware, Inc.
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Re: [CMake] providing library information, what's the cmake way

2010-11-29 Thread Johannes Zarl

On 11/29/2010 at 14:28, Johannes Zarl johannes.z...@jku.at wrote:
 On 11/26/2010 at 05:47, Michael Hertling mhertl...@online.de wrote:
 See [1] for a former discussion of
 several aspects regarding multi-component packages.
 [1] http://www.mail-archive.com/cmake@cmake.org/msg28431.html
 Looks interesting. I will have to read that discussion...

Ok. Now I that I have read that whole thread, I think I more or less 
agree with you, Michael. Also, I've found this mail from Brad King
quite informative:

Have a nice evening,

Johannes Zarl
Virtual Reality Services

Johannes Kepler University

Altenbergerstrasze 69
4040 Linz, Austria
Phone: +43 732 2468-8321

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[CMake] Trouble with non standard Qt installation.

2010-11-29 Thread tibur


Our team uses the same Windows (VS) Qt build, but all the developers 
don't store it at the same place on their hard drive. So qmake.exe 
doesn't contain the good include, library, ... directories.

On the FindQt4.cmake script of version 2.8.2 (line 770), the 
find_library call was using QT_LIBRARY_DIR variable to find the possible 
location of QtCore.lib, ...

But on version 2.8.3, this module now queries qmake.exe to retrieve the 
library and includes path. This stuck us to the 2.8.2 version of CMake, 
since qmake doesn't return the good directories.

How can we fix that?

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Re: [CMake] Trouble with non standard Qt installation.

2010-11-29 Thread John Drescher
On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 1:35 PM, tibur tiburti...@gmail.com wrote:

 Our team uses the same Windows (VS) Qt build, but all the developers don't
 store it at the same place on their hard drive. So qmake.exe doesn't contain
 the good include, library, ... directories.

 On the FindQt4.cmake script of version 2.8.2 (line 770), the find_library
 call was using QT_LIBRARY_DIR variable to find the possible location of
 QtCore.lib, ...

 But on version 2.8.3, this module now queries qmake.exe to retrieve the
 library and includes path. This stuck us to the 2.8.2 version of CMake,
 since qmake doesn't return the good directories.

 How can we fix that?

I am confused on what you are trying to fix. I mean on windows CMake
rarely finds anything (since there is no standard path for libraries
or development) unless it was one of the recent applications you built
with CMake. However when it does not find a library, package ... just
setting a variable to appropriate directory in CMakeGUI fixes the

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Re: [CMake] Trouble with non standard Qt installation.

2010-11-29 Thread John Drescher
On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 1:42 PM, John Drescher dresche...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 1:35 PM, tibur tiburti...@gmail.com wrote:

 Our team uses the same Windows (VS) Qt build, but all the developers don't
 store it at the same place on their hard drive. So qmake.exe doesn't contain
 the good include, library, ... directories.

 On the FindQt4.cmake script of version 2.8.2 (line 770), the find_library
 call was using QT_LIBRARY_DIR variable to find the possible location of
 QtCore.lib, ...

 But on version 2.8.3, this module now queries qmake.exe to retrieve the
 library and includes path. This stuck us to the 2.8.2 version of CMake,
 since qmake doesn't return the good directories.

 How can we fix that?

 I am confused on what you are trying to fix.

Oh. I see now. I think you need to have each developer build Qt on
their system.

John M. Drescher
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[CMake] CPack: Different directory layout depending on generator

2010-11-29 Thread Johan Björk
Hi everyone,

This is basically a repeat question from what was asked in 2008 [1]. Is this
possible now?

To reiterate, I have a project to which I want to give my users an option to
either install as a .deb file, or as a .tgz.

in my tgz, I would like a layout such as

And in the deb, I want to install it like

[1]: http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2008-September/024117.html

Thanks in advance
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[CMake] Makefile to CMakeLists.txt (GTEST)

2010-11-29 Thread Kevyn-Alexandre Paré

/// - What I trying to do is to compile my unit test with google test
with cmake from a working Makefile.

/// - Here the Makefile

RRThread.o : $(USER_DIR)/RRThread.c $(USER_DIR)/RRThread.h

UT_RRThread.o : $(UNITTEST_DIR)/UT_RRThread.cc \

UT_RRThread : RRThread.o UT_RRThread.o gtest_main.a
$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -lpthread $^ -o $@

/// - Here how I thought of doing it with CMakeLists.txt:::




/// - My result:

Linking CXX executable UT
/usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/UT.dir/link.txt
/usr/bin/c++  CMakeFiles/UT.dir/common/RRThread.c.o
CMakeFiles/UT.dir/UnitTests/common/UT_RRThread.cc.o  -o UT -rdynamic
CMakeFiles/UT.dir/UnitTests/common/UT_RRThread.cc.o: In function
UT_RRThread.cc:(.text+0x28): undefined reference to `exitThread()'

/// - My question and my problem is:
Since I'm including the USER_DIR with INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES why is it
complaining about not finding reference that is in that header file?

Best Regards,

Kevyn-Alexandre Paré

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Re: [CMake] Makefile to CMakeLists.txt (GTEST)

2010-11-29 Thread Philip Lowman
Try adding the gtest.a library as well.  Also, order does matter when you
are linking static libraries so you might need to play with the ordering.

Also, when you get some time, have a look at FindGTest.cmake.  It may help
you simplify adding your tests.

On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 5:55 PM, Kevyn-Alexandre Paré 
kap...@rogue-research.com wrote:


 /// - What I trying to do is to compile my unit test with google test
 with cmake from a working Makefile.

 /// - Here the Makefile

 RRThread.o : $(USER_DIR)/RRThread.c $(USER_DIR)/RRThread.h

 UT_RRThread.o : $(UNITTEST_DIR)/UT_RRThread.cc \

 UT_RRThread : RRThread.o UT_RRThread.o gtest_main.a
$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -lpthread $^ -o $@

 /// - Here how I thought of doing it with CMakeLists.txt:::




 /// - My result:

 Linking CXX executable UT
 /usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/UT.dir/link.txt
 /usr/bin/c++  CMakeFiles/UT.dir/common/RRThread.c.o
 CMakeFiles/UT.dir/UnitTests/common/UT_RRThread.cc.o  -o UT -rdynamic
 CMakeFiles/UT.dir/UnitTests/common/UT_RRThread.cc.o: In function
 UT_RRThread.cc:(.text+0x28): undefined reference to `exitThread()'

 /// - My question and my problem is:
 Since I'm including the USER_DIR with INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES why is it
 complaining about not finding reference that is in that header file?

 Best Regards,

 Kevyn-Alexandre Paré

 Powered by www.kitware.com

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 Please keep messages on-topic and check the CMake FAQ at:

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Philip Lowman
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[CMake] Problems to find xmlrpc_server_abyss++.so on FreeBSD

2010-11-29 Thread Renato Botelho

It's the first project i'm migrating from autotools to cmake,
and it's going really well, in 4 days it's almost done. \o/

The only issue I have now is following, i have this code
on my CMakeLists.txt:

find_package (XMLRPC REQUIRED abyss-server c++2)
message(STATUS xmlrpc-libs: ${XMLRPC_LIBRARIES})

When I run it on CentOS 5.5 with cmake 2.6.4 i got:

xmlrpc-libs: /usr/lib64/libxmlrpc_server_abyss++.so

and my binary is linked without problems, but, when I run
the same code on my FreeBSD 9.0-current amd64 with
cmake 2.8.3 I got:


and my binary is not linked because xmlrpc_server_abyss++.so
is not on the list.

What am I missing here?

Ah, since i'm talking about FindXMLRPC, I used REQUIRED
param, like i showed above, but if it doesn't find xmlrpc
it shows an error message but don't stop, i needed to add

  message (FATAL_ERROR XMLRPC-C not found)

Is it the expected behavior?

Thank you in advance
Renato Botelho
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Re: [CMake] Problems to find xmlrpc_server_abyss++.so on FreeBSD

2010-11-29 Thread Renato Botelho
On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 9:20 PM, Renato Botelho rbga...@gmail.com wrote:

 It's the first project i'm migrating from autotools to cmake,
 and it's going really well, in 4 days it's almost done. \o/

 The only issue I have now is following, i have this code
 on my CMakeLists.txt:

 find_package (XMLRPC REQUIRED abyss-server c++2)

It's always the same, one entire day trying to figure it out and
5 seconds after sending this email i found, i just changed the
order of components (c++2 abyss-server) and it detected my
xmlrpc fine. It's fixed now. The other problem below still persists.

 Ah, since i'm talking about FindXMLRPC, I used REQUIRED
 param, like i showed above, but if it doesn't find xmlrpc
 it shows an error message but don't stop, i needed to add

  message (FATAL_ERROR XMLRPC-C not found)

 Is it the expected behavior?

It persists

Renato Botelho
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Re: [CMake] providing library information, what's the cmake way

2010-11-29 Thread Kishore
On Tuesday 23 Nov 2010 5:27:56 pm Johannes Zarl wrote:
 Another somehow related topic seems to be import/export of targets. Should
 a LibraryConfig.cmake or FindLibrary.cmake file create imported targets
 for the library?

Thanks for this thread. It has helped. However, i am still not clear about the 
use of the export/import feature. I thought that libraries built with cmake 
would not need to write their Find*.cmake or *Config.cmake modules as they 
could simply use the EXPORT feature.

It would be really helpful if someone could explain the proper use of these 

 And is there any documentation on how to create a LibraryConfig.cmake file
 with support for components?
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[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, next, updated. v2.8.3-712-g2703aa2

2010-11-29 Thread Eric Noulard
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, next has been updated
   via  2703aa2f6c2fea451e0d98915f02014ff6b86f4c (commit)
   via  d0eb89c17b86dd583d315b15b8ca71e32561f49a (commit)
   via  bd44b2cc5bc4c0152e38474fd549f6b495d3b1b7 (commit)
   via  7ce06dcc906ea3c6d39e663910df8c835f278ec6 (commit)
   via  7a85200249b80b492753299b5ae423b233d38d7b (commit)
   via  500711129ba286f07b10711fe9410fa52f3ef40c (commit)
   via  537180ab19f2f50a57e3ea1c8bb94d61d186d9b0 (commit)
   via  8bafdeb60edcb2c1f7b1fd8e18213129ccdf085a (commit)
  from  e7f6e52aace65c84499c49a59d370b5069cca70d (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit 2703aa2f6c2fea451e0d98915f02014ff6b86f4c
Merge: e7f6e52 d0eb89c
Author: Eric Noulard eric.noul...@gmail.com
AuthorDate: Mon Nov 29 13:01:16 2010 -0500
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Nov 29 13:01:16 2010 -0500

Merge topic 'CPack-Bug11452-ComponentBreakage-v2' into next

d0eb89c CPack backward compatibility fix 2.8.3-2.8.2 (bug 11452)
bd44b2c KWSys Nightly Date Stamp
7ce06dc KWSys Nightly Date Stamp
7a85200 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp
5007111 KWSys Nightly Date Stamp
537180a KWSys Nightly Date Stamp
8bafdeb KWSys Nightly Date Stamp

commit d0eb89c17b86dd583d315b15b8ca71e32561f49a
Author: Eric NOULARD eric.noul...@gmail.com
AuthorDate: Mon Nov 29 18:57:24 2010 +0100
Commit: Eric NOULARD eric.noul...@gmail.com
CommitDate: Mon Nov 29 18:57:24 2010 +0100

CPack backward compatibility fix 2.8.3-2.8.2 (bug 11452)

One should set CPACK_ARCHIVE_COMPONENT_INSTALL=1 in order to
trigger component install for ARCHIVE generators

diff --git a/Source/CPack/cmCPackArchiveGenerator.cxx 
index 424c1a0..8bbf699 100644
--- a/Source/CPack/cmCPackArchiveGenerator.cxx
+++ b/Source/CPack/cmCPackArchiveGenerator.cxx
@@ -228,21 +228,23 @@ int cmCPackArchiveGenerator::PackageFiles()
-  // CASE 1 : COMPONENT ALL-IN-ONE package
-  // If ALL GROUPS or ALL COMPONENTS in ONE package has been requested
-  // then the package file is unique and should be open here.
-  if (allComponentInOne || (allGroupInOne  (!this-ComponentGroups.empty(
-return PackageComponentsAllInOne(allComponentInOne);
-  // CASE 2 : COMPONENT CLASSICAL package(s) (i.e. not all-in-one)
-  // There will be 1 package for each component group
-  // however one may require to ignore component group and
-  // in this case you'll get 1 package for each component.
-  else if ((!this-ComponentGroups.empty()) || (ignoreComponentGroup))
-return PackageComponents(ignoreComponentGroup);
+  if (SupportsComponentInstallation()) {
+// If ALL GROUPS or ALL COMPONENTS in ONE package has been requested
+// then the package file is unique and should be open here.
+if (allComponentInOne || (allGroupInOne  
+  {
+  return PackageComponentsAllInOne(allComponentInOne);
+  }
+// CASE 2 : COMPONENT CLASSICAL package(s) (i.e. not all-in-one)
+// There will be 1 package for each component group
+// however one may require to ignore component group and
+// in this case you'll get 1 package for each component.
+else if ((!this-ComponentGroups.empty()) || (ignoreComponentGroup))
+  {
+  return PackageComponents(ignoreComponentGroup);
+  }
+  }
   // CASE 3 : NON COMPONENT package.
@@ -278,5 +280,15 @@ int cmCPackArchiveGenerator::GenerateHeader(std::ostream*)
 bool cmCPackArchiveGenerator::SupportsComponentInstallation() const {
-  return true;
+  // The Component installation support should only
+  // be activated if explicitly requested by the user
+  // (for backward compatibility reason)
+return true;
+  else
+return false;


Summary of changes:
 Source/CPack/cmCPackArchiveGenerator.cxx |   44 +++---
 Source/kwsys/kwsysDateStamp.cmake|2 +-
 2 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

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