Cocoa Help Menu

2010-03-31 Thread Poonam Virupaxi Shigihalli
In our application we have a help menu and we are not using help viewer instead 
we are just loading the help files to a browser.

As it is a help file,Appkit is adding a default search option.

If something is searched from this field,it is searching in all the system 
files but i want restrict the search to search in only our custom help files.

Please can anyone tell me how to limit the searching to search only our help 



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Previous ShutDown Message : 3 received

2010-03-26 Thread Poonam Virupaxi Shigihalli

Hi All,

Running our application(Soft Phone) on iMac, 2.66 GHz, core 2 duo.
making calls from other end to iMac continuously, the system shuts down when 
about to sleep.

After the system is restarted we get these messages in our console.

26/03/10 10:12:44 AMkernel  Sleep failure code 0x 0x1100
26/03/10 10:12:44 AMkernel  mbinit: done (64 MB memory set for mbuf pool)
26/03/10 10:12:44 AMkernel  rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: 
26/03/10 10:12:44 AMkernel  Waiting on dict 
26/03/10 10:12:44 AMkernel load 
26/03/10 10:12:44 AMkernel  AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient: ready
26/03/10 10:12:44 AMkernel  Got boot device = 
26/03/10 10:12:44 AMkernel  BSD root: disk0s2, major 14, minor 2
26/03/10 10:12:44 AMkernel  jnl: unknown-dev: replay_journal: from: 
69142016 to: 80729600 (joffset 0x1721c000)
26/03/10 10:12:44 AMkernel  FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in now active, 
GUID 0026bbfffe50bdc6; max speed s800.
26/03/10 10:12:44 AMkernel  USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 9833 
0x5ac 0x8403 0x9833
26/03/10 10:12:44 AMkernel  jnl: unknown-dev: journal replay done.
26/03/10 10:12:44 AMkernel  hfs: Removed 2 orphaned / unlinked files and 0 
26/03/10 10:12:44 AMkernel  AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: initialization 
26/03/10 10:12:41[1]*** launchd[1] has started up. 
26/03/10 10:12:44 AMDirectoryService[15]Improper shutdown detected
26/03/10 10:12:45 AMkernel  NVEthernet: Ethernet address 00:26:bb:50:bd:c6
26/03/10 10:12:45 AMkernel  systemShutdown false
26/03/10 10:12:49 AMfseventsd[33]   event logs in /.fseventsd out of sync 
with volume.  destroying old logs. (325 11 384)
26/03/10 10:12:49 AMfseventsd[33]   log dir: /.fseventsd getting new uuid: 
26/03/10 10:12:49 AMbootlog[40] BOOT_TIME: 1269578558 0
26/03/10 10:12:51 AMblued[41]   Apple Bluetooth daemon started
26/03/10 10:12:52 AMkernel  Waiting for DSMOS...
26/03/10 10:12:53[24]Session 0x5fbff962 
26/03/10 10:12:54[24]Entering service
26/03/10 10:12:54 AMmDNSResponder[28]   mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-214 
(Oct  4 2009 23:10:54) starting
26/03/10 10:12:54[20]   usbmuxd-176 built for 
iTunesNine on Jul 20 2009 at 13:06:53, running 32 bit
26/03/10 10:12:55 AM
Login Window Application Started
26/03/10 10:12:55 AMconfigd[13] network configuration changed.
26/03/10 10:12:55 AMkernel  Previous Shutdown Cause: 3
26/03/10 10:12:55 AMkernel  ** Device in slot: SLOT--1 **
26/03/10 10:12:55 AMkernel  DSMOS has arrived
26/03/10 10:12:55 AMkernel  Warning - 
declares no kernel dependencies; using
26/03/10 10:12:55 AMkernel  NVEthernet::setLinkStatus - Valid but not Active
26/03/10 10:12:55 AMkernel  Atheros: mac 128.2 phy 13.0 radio 12.0

Thanks  Regards 


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Unable to receive keyDown Event in NSBorderlesswindow

2010-03-11 Thread Poonam Virupaxi Shigihalli


I am using NSBorderless style mask  for window  and I am unable to receive the 
NSKeyDown event for that window.But if I make the window style as titled then I 
am able to receive the keyDown events.

I am using below function for Keydown event:

- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *) event



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Determine if only single instance is running.

2010-02-21 Thread Poonam Virupaxi Shigihalli

Hi list,

Is there a way to check an application instance is running. I tried enabling 
application prohibits multiple instance in info.plist.
Still i am able to launch multiple instance of the same application.



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RE: Outlineview ParentObject

2010-02-04 Thread Poonam Virupaxi Shigihalli
Dear All,

NSOutlineView displays as follows:


Cocoa is a duplicate entry present in two groups also.
I have rightmousedown action for outlineview. when the user right clicks on any 
of the group items. i has the following operations:
Add into group.
Remove from group and soon.

Suppose i have to delete the string COCOA when user selects remove option 
from rightmousedown event
I use the following piece of code to access the item:
row = [outlineview rowAtPoint:eventPoint];
item = [outlineview itemAtRow:row];

parentObject = [outlineview parentObject:item]; //Here it always returns 
Groups2 even though i want to remove from Group1 one, since cocoa is a 
duplicate entry(Same memory location).

[parentObject removeObject:item];

Suppose if i have to delete, i have to delete it from all groups, hence i am 
using same pointer.

Please let me know if there is any solution to return exact parent item.



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RE: NSOutlineView parentobject

2010-02-04 Thread Poonam Virupaxi Shigihalli
Hi all,

My team member banupriya, working with me in the same project ,  she had posted 
the query since she got a reply from the list  saying the query is on hold .
so i posted it on her behalf.

sorry for inconvenience.

-Original Message-
From: on 
behalf of Jens Alfke
Sent: Fri 2/5/2010 11:25 AM
To: Kyle Sluder
Cc: Banupriya K;
Subject: Re: NSOutlineView parentobject

On Feb 4, 2010, at 9:24 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

 I can't find another message in my archives from anyone named
 Banupriya. But I had the exact same reaction at first, and now I'm
 starting to get suspicious.

You're right, the original message (on the 2nd) was from Poonam Virupaxi 
Shigihalli - same domain. But the two 
messages are word-for-word identical, including the exact source code. Weird.


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NSOutlineView parentobject

2010-02-02 Thread Poonam Virupaxi Shigihalli

Hi all,

I have an outlineview to display n number of groups(Example: Grp1, Grp2 etc), 
each can have n number of items, same item can be present in many groups.
Suppose item1 is present in Grp1 and Grp2, if i have to delete item1 in Grp1, i 
have to access the parent object i.e Grp1.
But when i return parent object  it always returns recent parent object i.e 

Can anyone please help me out to return the appropriate parent object?

Following is my implementation:

- (id)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView 
objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn byItem:(id)item

if ([[[tableColumn headerCell] stringValue] compare:@Key] == 

if ([item isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]  [outlineview 
isExpandable:item] == NO)
return item;

else if (([item isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]))
if((item == [dictionary objectForKey:@All]))
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@ All];
else if ((item == [dictionary 
objectForKey:@RecentCalls])   (flag == YES))
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@Recent 
unsigned count = 0;
unsigned keyCount = [[dictionary allKeys] 
while (count = keyCount) {
if ((item == [dictionary 
objectForKey:[[groupList allKeys] objectAtIndex:count]]))
return [NSString 
stringWithFormat:@%@,[[groupList allKeys] objectAtIndex:count]];
else {

[outlineview reloadData];
return nil;

Thanks and Regards,
Banupriya K


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Notification to wake the screen?

2010-01-25 Thread Poonam Virupaxi Shigihalli


I am using NSWorkspaceScreensDidSleepNotification and 
NSWorkspaceScreensDidWakeNotification  notifications to detect screen sleep and 
awake in idle sleep mode.
But on some event (eg. on timer fire) I want to the  wake screen . Is there any 
notification I can post for screen to wake?



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NSAlert query

2010-01-24 Thread Poonam Virupaxi Shigihalli

hi all,

When alert messages are displayed using runModal, it blocks the thread until 
the user clicks on the button. Is there anyway to avoid blocking of the thread 
when alert is displayed?



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RE: Unable to recieve mouse moved events on NSBorderless window

2010-01-21 Thread Poonam Virupaxi Shigihalli
I  added the NSTracking area for view it works. Thanks

From: on 
behalf of Andy Lee
Sent: Thu 1/21/2010 11:54 AM
To: Quincey Morris
Cc: cocoa-dev
Subject: Re: Unable to recieve mouse moved events on NSBorderless window

On Jan 20, 2010, at 5:05 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:

 On Jan 20, 2010, at 05:33, Poonam Virupaxi Shigihalli wrote:

 I am using NSBorderless window style mask for window to set in full screen 
 mode. I am unable to recieve the mouse moved event on borderless window.
 If I set the window style mask to titled I am able to recieve  mouse moved 

 I have set in awake from nib 
 [window  setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES];

 And using mousemoved: function to detect the event.

 This is not an answer to your actual question (apart from noting that window 
 behavior is famous for being different in non-standard window 
 configurations), but you might be able to bypass your problem by using 
 NSTrackingArea (Leopard and later) instead.

 The side benefit of this is that tracking mouse movements with tracking areas 
 is (likely) somewhat more efficient overall than using the older 
 almost-deprecated 'setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES' technique.

I dealt with a similar problem recently (though not so recently that I remember 
the details), and going with NSTrackingArea was the solution.  I discovered 
that the setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: technique only works with the key window 
or with views that are first responder, or something like that.  I'm pretty 
sure something in the list archives got me on the right track, possibly this:



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Unable to recieve mouse moved events on NSBorderless window

2010-01-20 Thread Poonam Virupaxi Shigihalli


I am using NSBorderless window style mask for window to set in full screen 
mode. I am unable to recieve the mouse moved event on borderless window.
If I set the window style mask to titled I am able to recieve  mouse moved 

I have set in awake from nib  
[window  setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES];

And using mousemoved: function to detect the event.



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Need help regarding sleep notification

2010-01-04 Thread Poonam Virupaxi Shigihalli


I am listening to the notifications NSWorkspaceWillSleepNotification and 
NSWorkspaceDidWakeNotification in my code. I am getting these notifications, 
when user selects sleep from system menu. But when system goes to sleep, after 
being idle for some duration, I am not getting these notifications.

I have faced the same problem on both leopard and snow leopard.



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