controllers, delegates, retain, release ...

2008-02-22 Thread Jack Repenning
I have some code inherited from someone else (so I have no answers to  
why it's the way it presently is) that's handling retention in a way I  
find confusing, and think is not in accordance with the spirit of the  
law.  But I can't quite figure out how to do it right.  Is there a  
pattern I should be following, and at what point am I diverging from it?

The quandary involves two classes, call them Controller and UI.   
Controller is created when the NIB is loaded, and lives effectively  
forever.  From time to time, Controller needs to create an instance of  
UI, to manage some user interaction (take some parameters, do some  
work, show status, you know the drill).  It's possible for there to be  
several UI objects alive and on-screen at once.  My problem concerns  
the retention of the UI objects.

In the current structure, Controller performs
  UI *ui = [[UI alloc] initWithContext: context];
  [ui run: @selector(doSomething) title: @Title];

That is: the UI object is alloc'ed (creating a release obligation),  
but is not (auto)released here, nor is any reference to it saved  
anywhere so it may be (auto)released later.  Controller has nothing to  
do with releasing this object, which is the bit that sticks in my craw.

Rather, over in UI we have:

-(void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)aNotification
[self autorelease];

That is: after UI has done all it needs to do, and the user clicks the  
final button (connected here), it autoreleases itself, completes, and  
the pool finishes it off.

This is all working; nothing leaks, nothing is prematurely  
dealloc'ed.  But having the alloc and (auto)release in separate  
classes seems unsound.

I found an earlier thread in this list,

which is darned close to my situation (almost, but not quite, totally  
like).  This thread solves its very similar problem by having  
Controller keep a ref to UI, and release it during Controller's  
dealloc.  I can't quite see how to handle that in my case.  A minor  
problem is that I may have an unpredictable number of these UI objects  
about, so I'd need an NSMutableArray of them or something, not just a  
scalar field.  But a bigger problem is that Controller isn't  
dealloc'ed until the end of the program, which is far too late: it's a  
long-lived, server-like program, I'd be accumulating these UI objects  

 - Is my eternal, shared Controller bogus, and I should be finding  
some way to create multiple Controllers, and destroy them more often?

 - Is there some way to get the windowWillClose event passed back to  
Controller, rather than to UI, so the autorelease can happen there?

 - Is there some other rotation I should consider?

 - Or, is this actually The Way It's Done?

The code, if you're curious, may be found via Subversion at 
.  The players are actually:

Controller: SCUIDaemonController+SubversionSupport

UI: several, but most illustratively NewGenericUI

Jack Repenning
Chief Technology Officer
CollabNet, Inc.
8000 Marina Boulevard, Suite 600
Brisbane, California 94005
office: +1 650.228.2562
mobile: +1 408.835.8090
raindance: +1 877.326.2337, x844.7461
aim: jackrepenning
skype: jrepenning


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Re: controllers, delegates, retain, release ...

2008-02-22 Thread Quincey Morris

On Feb 22, 2008, at 10:39, Jack Repenning wrote:

In the current structure, Controller performs
 UI *ui = [[UI alloc] initWithContext: context];
 [ui run: @selector(doSomething) title: @Title];

That is: the UI object is alloc'ed (creating a release obligation),  
but is not (auto)released here, nor is any reference to it saved  
anywhere so it may be (auto)released later.  Controller has nothing  
to do with releasing this object, which is the bit that sticks in my  

Rather, over in UI we have:

-(void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)aNotification
   [self autorelease];

FWIW, I wouldn't call it wrong for an object to manage its own  
lifetime. You'll leak UIs if the notification never appears, but this  
is apparently not a problem.

You could clarify the code a little bit perhaps by removing the  
appearance of leaking from Controller:

 UI *ui = [[[UI alloc] initWithContext: context] autorelease];
 [ui run: @selector(doSomething) title: @Title];

and putting full control of retention into UI:

-(id) initWithContext: ...
 return [self retain];
-(void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)aNotification
   [self autorelease];


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Re: controllers, delegates, retain, release ...

2008-02-22 Thread Jack Repenning

On Feb 22, 2008, at 1:13 PM, Keith Duncan wrote:
This would be a problem should the code base ever be compiled with  
GC support.

Interesting point, that retain/release supports a lifecycle model  
(free-floating, self-managed object) that can't be supported by GC

Jack Repenning
Chief Technology Officer
CollabNet, Inc.
8000 Marina Boulevard, Suite 600
Brisbane, California 94005
office: +1 650.228.2562
mobile: +1 408.835.8090
raindance: +1 877.326.2337, x844.7461
aim: jackrepenning
skype: jrepenning


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