Author: mseidel
Date: Sun Apr 23 18:01:43 2017
New Revision: 1792378

Polish translation (download page)


Modified: openoffice/ooo-site/trunk/content/pl/download/index.html
--- openoffice/ooo-site/trunk/content/pl/download/index.html (original)
+++ openoffice/ooo-site/trunk/content/pl/download/index.html Sun Apr 23 
18:01:43 2017
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
   <meta property="og:description" content="Join the OpenOffice revolution, the 
free office productivity suite with over 215 million trusted downloads." />
   <meta property="og:image" 
content=""; />
   <meta name="description" content="Official Apache OpenOffice download page. 
Join the OpenOffice revolution, the free office productivity suite with over 
215 million trusted downloads." />
-  <title>Apache OpenOffice Downloads - Official Site</title>
+  <title>Apache OpenOffice Pobieranie - Oficjalna strona</title>
   <script type="text/javascript" src="/download/globalvars.js"></script>
   <script type="text/javascript" src="./msg_prop_l10n_pl.js"></script>
   <script type="text/javascript" src="/download/languages.js"></script>

Modified: openoffice/ooo-site/trunk/content/pl/download/msg_prop_l10n_pl.js
--- openoffice/ooo-site/trunk/content/pl/download/msg_prop_l10n_pl.js (original)
+++ openoffice/ooo-site/trunk/content/pl/download/msg_prop_l10n_pl.js Sun Apr 
23 18:01:43 2017
@@ -144,103 +144,103 @@ l10n.dl_tlp_blue_box_text_href                  = "http
 // Strings in the navigation bar (used in "index.html").
 // Release Information
-l10n.dl_nav_headline_1_text                    = "Release Information";
-l10n.dl_nav_sysreq_text                                = "System Requirements";
-l10n.dl_nav_sysreq_title                       = "HDD: ~300MB free - Memory: 
&gt;128MB - Processor: &gt;500MHz - OS: Windows, macOS (OS&nbsp;X), Linux, 
Solaris, FreeBSD...";
+l10n.dl_nav_headline_1_text                    = "Informacje o wydaniu";
+l10n.dl_nav_sysreq_text                                = "Wymagania 
+l10n.dl_nav_sysreq_title                       = "HDD: ~300MB wolnej 
przestrzeni - Memory: &gt;128MB - Procesor: &gt;500MHz - System operacyjny: 
Windows, macOS (OS&nbsp;X), Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD...";
 l10n.dl_nav_sysreq_href                                = 
-l10n.dl_nav_license_text                       = "License";
-l10n.dl_nav_license_title                      = "Apache OpenOffice License";
+l10n.dl_nav_license_text                       = "Licencja";
+l10n.dl_nav_license_title                      = "Apache OpenOffice Licencja";
 l10n.dl_nav_license_href                       = 
-l10n.dl_nav_source_text                                = "Source";
-l10n.dl_nav_source_title                       = "For developers and power 
users: Get the source to build Apache OpenOffice from scratch.";
+l10n.dl_nav_source_text                                = "Źródło";
+l10n.dl_nav_source_title                       = "Dla developerów i 
zaawansowanych użytkowników: Zdobądź źródło do zbudowania Apache 
OpenOffice od podstaw";
 l10n.dl_nav_source_href                                = 
-l10n.dl_nav_build_text                         = "Building Guide";
-l10n.dl_nav_build_title                                = "For developers and 
power users: HowTo guide to build Apache OpenOffice from scratch.";
+l10n.dl_nav_build_text                         = "Instrukcja budowy";
+l10n.dl_nav_build_title                                = "Dla developerów i 
zaawansowanych użytkowników: Jak zbudować Apache OpenOffice od podstaw";
 l10n.dl_nav_build_href                         = 
-l10n.dl_nav_sdk_text                           = "Software Development Kit 
-l10n.dl_nav_sdk_title                          = "For developers: Software 
Development Kit.";
+l10n.dl_nav_sdk_text                           = "zestaw narzędzi dla 
programistów (SDK)";
+l10n.dl_nav_sdk_title                          = "Dla developerów: zestaw 
narzędzi dla deweloperów";
 l10n.dl_nav_sdk_href                           = 
-l10n.dl_nav_devbuilds_text                     = "Development Builds";
-l10n.dl_nav_devbuilds_title                    = "For QA volunteers: 
Development Builds";
+l10n.dl_nav_devbuilds_text                     = "Rozwój budowy";
+l10n.dl_nav_devbuilds_title                    = "Dla wolontariuszy z zakresy 
QA: Rozwój budowy";
 l10n.dl_nav_devbuilds_href                     = 
 // Documentation
-l10n.dl_nav_headline_2_text                    = "Documentation";
-l10n.dl_nav_schedule_text                      = "Release Schedules";
-l10n.dl_nav_schedule_title                     = "When are new releases 
+l10n.dl_nav_headline_2_text                    = "Dokumentacja";
+l10n.dl_nav_schedule_text                      = "Lista Wydań";
+l10n.dl_nav_schedule_title                     = "Kiedy planowane jest nowe 
 l10n.dl_nav_schedule_href                      = 
-l10n.dl_nav_hist_schedule_text                 = "Historic Release Schedule";
-l10n.dl_nav_hist_schedule_title                        = "When were old 
releases planned?";
+l10n.dl_nav_hist_schedule_text                 = "Historyczny harmonogram 
+l10n.dl_nav_hist_schedule_title                        = "Kiedy były 
planowane stare wydania?";
 l10n.dl_nav_hist_schedule_href                 = 
-l10n.dl_nav_inst_guide_text                    = "Installation Guides";
-l10n.dl_nav_inst_guide_title                   = "Instructions for installing 
Apache OpenOffice on Windows, macOS (OS&nbsp;X) and Linux machines";
+l10n.dl_nav_inst_guide_text                    = "Instrukcja Instalacji";
+l10n.dl_nav_inst_guide_title                   = "Instrukcje instalacji Apache 
OpenOffice na Windows, macOS (OS&nbsp;X) i maszyny Linux";
 l10n.dl_nav_inst_guide_href                    = 
-l10n.dl_nav_user_guide_text                    = "User Guides";
-l10n.dl_nav_user_guide_title                   = "Extensive user manuals for 
every day use";
+l10n.dl_nav_user_guide_text                    = "Instrukcja Obsługi";
+l10n.dl_nav_user_guide_title                   = "Rozwinięte instrukcje 
obsługi do codziennego użytku";
 l10n.dl_nav_user_guide_href                    = 
-l10n.dl_nav_why_java_text                      = "Java and Apache OpenOffice";
-l10n.dl_nav_why_java_title                     = "Explains why to use Java and 
what it is";
+l10n.dl_nav_why_java_text                      = "Java i Apache OpenOffice";
+l10n.dl_nav_why_java_title                     = "Wyjaśnienia dlaczego 
należy używać Javy i co to jest";
 l10n.dl_nav_why_java_href                      = 
-l10n.dl_nav_eol_text                           = "End-Of-Life Information";
-l10n.dl_nav_eol_title                          = "Information about releases 
that have reached End-Of-Life status";
+l10n.dl_nav_eol_text                           = "Informacja End-Of-Life";
+l10n.dl_nav_eol_title                          = "Informacja o wydaniach 
które zdobyły status End-Of-Life";
 l10n.dl_nav_eol_href                           = 
 // Additional Resources
-l10n.dl_nav_headline_3_text                    = "Additional Resources";
-l10n.dl_nav_support_text                       = "Support";
-l10n.dl_nav_support_title                      = "If the information above did 
not answer your question: Free and paid support!";
+l10n.dl_nav_headline_3_text                    = "Dodatkowe zasoby";
+l10n.dl_nav_support_text                       = "Pomoc";
+l10n.dl_nav_support_title                      = "Jeśli te informacje nie 
odpowiedzą na Twoje pytanie: Bezpłatne i opłacone wsparcie!";
 l10n.dl_nav_support_href                       = 
-l10n.dl_nav_local_text                         = "Localizations";
-l10n.dl_nav_local_title                                = "Information and 
support in your favorite language";
+l10n.dl_nav_local_text                         = "Lokalizacje";
+l10n.dl_nav_local_title                                = "Informacje i pomoc w 
twoim ulubionym języku";
 l10n.dl_nav_local_href                         = 
-l10n.dl_nav_stat_text                          = "Download Statistics";
-l10n.dl_nav_stat_title                         = "Download and other 
+l10n.dl_nav_stat_text                          = "Statystyki pobrań";
+l10n.dl_nav_stat_title                         = "Pobieranie i inne 
 l10n.dl_nav_stat_href                          = 
-l10n.dl_nav_mirrors1_text                      = "Alternative download mirrors 
-l10n.dl_nav_mirrors1_title                     = "Use Sourceforge mirrors to 
download Apache OpenOffice";
+l10n.dl_nav_mirrors1_text                      = "Alternatywny link do 
pobrania #1";
+l10n.dl_nav_mirrors1_title                     = "Użyj łącza Sourceforge 
aby pobrać  Apache OpenOffice";
 l10n.dl_nav_mirrors1_href                      = 
-l10n.dl_nav_mirrors2_text                      = "Alternative download mirrors 
-l10n.dl_nav_mirrors2_title                     = "Use Apache mirrors to 
download Apache OpenOffice";
+l10n.dl_nav_mirrors2_text                      = "Alternatywny link do 
pobrania #2";
+l10n.dl_nav_mirrors2_title                     = "Użyj łącza Apache aby 
pobrać Apache OpenOffice";
 l10n.dl_nav_mirrors2_href                      = 
-l10n.dl_nav_porting_text                       = "3rd party ports and 
-l10n.dl_nav_porting_title                      = "Ports and distributions from 
3rd party vendors";
+l10n.dl_nav_porting_text                       = "inne porty i dystrybucje 
innych firm";
+l10n.dl_nav_porting_title                      = "Porty i dystrybucje od firm 
 l10n.dl_nav_porting_href                       = 
-l10n.dl_nav_archive_text                       = "Archived and legacy 
-l10n.dl_nav_archive_title                      = "Download legacy and archived 
+l10n.dl_nav_archive_text                       = "Archiwalne i starsze 
+l10n.dl_nav_archive_title                      = "Pobierz starsze i 
zarchiwizowane wydania";
 l10n.dl_nav_archive_href                       = 
 // List items in the navigation bar that are not used for now.
-l10n.dl_nav_release_notes_text                 = "Release Notes";
-l10n.dl_nav_release_notes_title                        = "What is new, what 
has been improved in Apache OpenOffice?";
+l10n.dl_nav_release_notes_text                 = "Notatki Wydania";
+l10n.dl_nav_release_notes_title                        = "Co nowego, co 
zostało poprawione w Apache OpenOffice?";
 l10n.dl_nav_release_notes_href                 = 
-l10n.dl_nav_checksum_text                      = "Verify the downloaded file";
-l10n.dl_nav_checksum_title                     = "How to verify the downloaded 
file with signatures and hashes?";
+l10n.dl_nav_checksum_text                      = "Zweryfikuj pobrany plik";
+l10n.dl_nav_checksum_title                     = "Jak sprawdzić pobrany plik 
z podpisami i hasłami?";
 l10n.dl_nav_checksum_href                      = 
 // Strings for the logo graphics.
-l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_title                  = "Sourceforge - Download, 
Develop and Publish Free Open Source Software";
+l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_title                  = "Sourceforge - Pobierz, 
Opracowany i Opublikowany Darmowy Zestaw Produktów";
 l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_href                   = 
 l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_src                    = 
 l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_alt                    = "Sourceforge";
-l10n.dl_img_w3c_title                          = "W3C Markup Validation 
Service - Check the markup (HTML, XHTML, ...) of Web documents";
+l10n.dl_img_w3c_title                          = "Usługa weryfikacji W3C - 
sprawdź znaczniki (HTML, XHTML, ...) lub dokument sieci";
 l10n.dl_img_w3c_href                           = 
 l10n.dl_img_w3c_src                            = 
-l10n.dl_img_w3c_alt                            = "W3C Validator";
+l10n.dl_img_w3c_alt                            = "Weryfikator W3C";
 // The following variables are used in the "download.js" file:
 // Download: Strings in the green box (used in "download.js").
-l10n.dl_full_link_text                         = "Download full installation";
-l10n.dl_full_link_title                                = "Click to download: ";
-l10n.dl_langpack_link_text                     = "Download language pack";
-l10n.dl_langpack_link_title                    = "Click to download: ";
-l10n.dl_full_link_porting_text                 = "Porting: Click to choose 
from 3rd party vendors";
-l10n.dl_full_link_porting_title                        = "Click to browse to 
the porting webpage and download from 3rd party vendors";
-l10n.dl_full_link_archive_text                 = "Archive: Click to choose 
from legacy releases";
-l10n.dl_full_link_archive_title                        = "Click to browse to 
the archive and download legacy releases";
+l10n.dl_full_link_text                         = "Pobierz pełną wersję 
+l10n.dl_full_link_title                                = "Kliknij aby pobrać: 
+l10n.dl_langpack_link_text                     = "Pobierz pakiet językowy";
+l10n.dl_langpack_link_title                    = "Kliknij aby pobrać: ";
+l10n.dl_full_link_porting_text                 = "Portowanie: Kliknij aby 
wybrać dostawców firm trzecich";
+l10n.dl_full_link_porting_title                        = "Kliknij aby 
przejść na stronę i pobrać od zewnętrznych stron";
+l10n.dl_full_link_archive_text                 = "Archiwum: kliknij, aby 
wybrać starsze wersje";
+l10n.dl_full_link_archive_title                        = "Kliknij aby 
przejść do archiwum i pobrać starszą wersję";
 // Download: Strings in the sub-green box (used in "download.js").
 l10n.dl_rel_info_headline_text                 = "Release: ";

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