Re: ApacheCon at ASIA

2009-10-22 Thread Bill Stoddard

Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:



If China would be impossible, Tokyo would be also nice.
And Bali (near Jakarta) would be attractive. 10th anniversary
and Jakarta's 10th anniversary --- BACK to the FUTURE!

CN has proven easier than JP.  Again, this is a list to discuss communities of
coders.  Not to first propose moneymaking schemes or new conference sites.

About Bali (Near Java, Jakarta) issue, I know intertnational conductors who are
managing the big events at Bali island. 

About the fact of STRONG YEN (against EUR, USD - every!) issue, maybe you are
right, Bill. (In this sense, now Seoul is a good place ... M)

Korea, the Republic of (Seoul)
China (including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau)

would be better than Japan maybe and Japanese Companies
can be the sponsors if held there.


Where is this discussion happening? This is the first and only email I 
have on this thread... would like to follow the original discussion.



If anyone has a fund raising idea which benefits the ASF, email
If anyone has an tangible conference idea (location/site/hotel/sponsors) please
contact - thank you all for helping us brainstorm these!

Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc. - President - 

Apache News Online
FAX: +1-4083512810 (USA) / +81-345209534 (Japan) / +44-2033182683 (UK)
Tel: +1 408-549-1471 (San Jose, California, USA)
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Re: Open Source, Cold Shoulder (fwd): One woman's comments

2004-10-19 Thread Bill Stoddard
Henri Yandell wrote:

On Tue, 19 Oct 2004, Julie MacNaught wrote:
I am a big corporation's employee (IBM), not an individual contributor.

My current pet theory is that due to quotas, 
Dang, so much for sensitivity and respect...
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Re: Open Source, Cold Shoulder (fwd): One woman's comments

2004-10-19 Thread Bill Stoddard
Bill Stoddard wrote:
Henri Yandell wrote:

On Tue, 19 Oct 2004, Julie MacNaught wrote:
I am a big corporation's employee (IBM), not an individual contributor.

My current pet theory is that due to quotas, 

Dang, so much for sensitivity and respect...

Henri, your email could be interpreted in an unfavorable way but I know you had no ill intent and I should 
have added a :-) to my comment. :-)

soap box:
No one wants to be thought of as 'a quota'.  The US policy of Affirmative Action is often called a quota 
system by people who are against it. AA would be a quota system only if one assumes that there are no members 
of a so called protected class (women, some racial minorities, etc) that are capable of doing the job. The 
fact is, there are lots of really talented folks that are members of 'protected classes' and companies like 
IBM aggressively recruit strong talent wherever they find it. Rightly so imho. My personal opinion (based 
solely on my experiences inside a big US multinational company) is that AA has about outlived its usefulness. 
No sane recruiter ignores talent based on gender, sexual preference or race and those that do deserve what's 
coming to them (failure in the marketplace).

Julie, Thanks for your post. I think your observation is spot on. Women are, on average, not as assertive as 
men in mixed company. Communicating via a mailing list 'hangs you out there' so to speak on the assertiveness 
scale.  I know in my early days in the Apache HTTP Server community, I had my head handed to me on a platter 
on a couple of occasions (by someone whose opinion I trust and respect, fwiw). That's a pretty typical 
experience I expect. Those types of experiences tend to filter communities for a certain set of personality 
traits; being averse to confrontation is not one of the traits folks in the Apache HTTP Server community tend 
to have, for better or worse. :-)

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Re: ASF Board Summary for January 21, 2004

2004-01-23 Thread Bill Stoddard
Greg Stein wrote:
Happy New Year!
The Board met last Wednesday for its regular, monthly meeting. Since the
official board minutes will still need to be drafted, approved, and posted
to the web site, I am writing this email to give a brief summary of the
actions we took. Since this has an affect on all committers at the ASF,
you are receiving this email. 

In summary:
  * The Board has approved the new Apache License 2.0. For a copy of that
license, please see

The Board has also mandated that all ASF software must be switched to
the new license by March 1st, 2004. Please watch this space for
further instructions on how to use the new license.
  * Last November, Roy Fielding resigned his position as a Director of the
ASF in order to have more time to get real work done. Thus, we had a
vacancy on the Board which needed to be filled. The Board appointed
Sander Striker to fill that seat until the next ASF Members Meeting to
be held sometime around June; the Members will elect a new Board at
that time.

Thanks for all your efforts Roy, and welcome to the Board, Sander!

Congrats Sander!
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Re: Transition of the subscribers to announce MLs

2003-12-01 Thread Bill Stoddard
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
At 07:00 AM 12/1/2003, Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:

*Maybe* resulted from good marketing effort :-)

BTW - realize that Apache is not only not-for-profit, but is a charitable
organization.  Some folks might not be comfortable with the phrase
'marketing' although it certainly applies.
If you want to avoid offense, a much better term for your efforts (and
more recognizable in the western open-source world) is evangelism.
How 'bout 'advocacy'? 'Evangelism' carries some baggage of its own here in 
the U.S of A.
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Re: [Apache Newsletter Draft] News from YOUR PROJECTS in July, 2003

2003-08-06 Thread Bill Stoddard
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
On Friday, Aug 1, 2003, at 15:01 Europe/Rome, David Reid wrote:
Can we move discussions about newsletters to another mailing list?
I know I'm not alone in finding that while some here will be interested,
many aren't interested in assisting though will happily read the finished
results. Regrettable? Certainly.
Why not add a newsletter@ mailing list and those that feel they have
literary bones can join there and contribute towards the newsletters
production, then once it's ready and available it can be announced on
announce@ (and possibly here as well).
Life is too full of emails that can be considered spam already and I'd
rather not add to that pile with messages (however well intentioned) 
newsletters and the administration thereof.

what happend to the tune please not yet another mail list?
And the recommendation is coming from none other than David no more 
mailing lists Reid ;-)

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Re: Java + Scripting languages

2003-06-27 Thread Bill Stoddard
Noel J. Bergman wrote:


At the end, I will not be surprised if this turns out to be yet another
JSP-like political compromise between vendors, with no technological
value associated to it.

I am a priori discouraged because I don't see IBM represented.  To have this
JSR without participation from the BSF folks seems wrong.  I don't know if
this is payback for Eclipse and the WS-I, an oversight, or what.
--- Noel
Lack of warm bodies with the right skills who are not already booked 
110%.  I am twisting Chuck Murcko and Victor Orlikowski's arm to 
represent IBM.

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RE: always conduct link verfication on Apache docs

2002-12-09 Thread Bill Stoddard
Heh,heh... (scrambling to make sure that no links in IBM's 'powered by Apache'
product are broken :-)


 Wow, i just re-confirmed the value of link verification
 on all generated Apache docs.

 If you are prepared for a shock, then make a simple
 speling mistake on one of your URLs ... =
 You have been warned.

 I almost sent people there to get downloads of Apache
 tools from the homepage.


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RE: ASF Membership Nomination

2002-10-29 Thread Bill Stoddard
 Sorry, but nominations for membership, commit status, or PMC membership
 really should be private. 

