RE: EU Software Patents

2003-08-26 Thread Giacomo Pati
On Tue, 26 Aug 2003, Danny Angus wrote:

 If anyone's counting a show of hands here I'm a European and +1 to opposing
 software patents in Europe and +1 to the ASF supporting the demo.

+1 for me

Giacomo Pati
Otego AG, Switzerland -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -

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Re: fyi wiki statistics

2003-01-07 Thread Giacomo Pati
On Tue, 7 Jan 2003, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

 It can hardly be simpler than what it already is. Introducing an
 explicit version control cycle (because commits are exactly that) might
 seem relatively simple (or even totally natural) for somebody (all of us
 if we are committers) that is used to it but might not be for users that
 simply want to give some help.

 As Jeff brilliantly put it on the forrest-dev list: users don't rant,
 they quietly leave.

 Here, you could say: users don't complain about how hard the
 documentation system is, simply they don't use it to contribute.

 Between having a smarter diff-sending algorithm transparently do the job
 on the users behalf and an explicit commit cycle, I'd go for the first
 even if it removes only *one* step, it might be a difference between 100
   people using the wiki and 150, 50 of which are scared by the concept
 of 'committing'.

 Paint me PITA, but I think it's worth playing devil's advocate on this
 muddy ground.

We use JSPWiki in our company together with the Hula server (can't
remember the URL but Google will know it) which checks a Wikipage
(NotificationList in our case) that users can put their address and
notification time into it and get a mail with the diffs of the last 24
hours (if there are any).  That's IMO the Wiki way of notification for
interested users.


Re: [VOTE] Openness

2002-10-31 Thread Giacomo Pati
On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

 VOTE 1:  would you like to make it possible for non-committers to read
 this mail list thru a web archive?

   [ ] +1 yes, let's make it readable
   [ ]  0 don't know/don't care
   [X] -1 no, let's keep it private

 - o -

 VOTE 2:  would you like to make it possible for non-committers to fully
 subscribe to this mail list?

   [ ] +1 yes, let's open it to everyone
   [ ]  0 don't know/don't care
   [X] -1 no, let's keep it for committers only

plus invited ones.
