Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-12 Thread Ovidiu Predescu
 at the same time, pissed many people off (myself 
and created a lot of problems in the users.
I'm not sure about this. I've noticed that for a long time people 
unfamiliar with the details were thinking of 3.3 as the production 
version, and of 4.0.x as the development version. People had a choice 
of what to use, and I think this is always a good thing to have.

The rules for revolutionaries had a bug since they didn't specify what 
was going
to happen to the project that was overruled by the revolution.

We have to fix this in the future.
But the way I want this to be fixed is to avoid the fragmentation of a 
identity and Tomcat did exactly that.

How do you feel about this?
In retrospect, I think the decision to continue the development on both 
Tomcat versions was a good one. It let the time solve the frictions. 
The result is that now we have a very mature Tomcat community, and 
little of the past problems are reflected today on the mailing list.

Ovidiu Predescu [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [VOTE] Openness

2002-11-01 Thread Ovidiu Predescu
I agree with Stefan here. I think we need the transparency, but we want 
to avoid the noise of too many people exposing their ideas. There are 
better forums for them to express this. We need to keep this list 
focused on what matters to us.

On Thursday, Oct 31, 2002, at 02:51 US/Pacific, Stefan Bodewig wrote:
VOTE 1:  would you like to make it possible for non-committers to read
this mail list thru a web archive?
  [X] +1 yes, let's make it readable
  [ ]  0 don't know/don't care
  [ ] -1 no, let's keep it private
VOTE 2:  would you like to make it possible for non-committers to
fully subscribe to this mail list?
  [ ] +1 yes, let's open it to everyone
  [ ]  0 don't know/don't care
  [X] -1 no, let's keep it for committers only
Ovidiu Predescu [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [important proposal] Cocoon as official Apache project

2002-10-31 Thread Ovidiu Predescu
This is a bold step for Cocoon! Here's my enthusiastic +1 for this 

My only concern is that Cocoon will have a lot more pressure on it when 
this happens, but in the long run this pressure should help us polarize 
in the right direction.

Ovidiu Predescu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Wednesday, Oct 30, 2002, at 05:29 US/Pacific, Stefano Mazzocchi 

Ladies and gentlemen,
it is with *great* pleasure that I'm finally feel confident enough to 
ask you about something that is been in the back of my mind for more 
than a year now.

The proposal of making cocoon an official top-level Apache project.
 - o -
Before I state the proposal and its implications, allow me to 
introduce the context.

Currently, Cocoon is not officially considered a 'project' under the 
ASF bylaws. Cocoon is, in fact, part of the Apache XML Project just 
like Xalan Xerces Fop Batik and the others.

The ASF was designed round the concept of having one big legal 
umbrella (the foundation) and several focused development communities 
(the projects).

The original idea was, in fact, modeled after how the Apache Group 
managed the Apache HTTPD project.

Unfortunately, the ASF members thought that the same model could well 
apply to projects which did not release software directly (unlike 
HTTPD did) and decided to use the same model for jakarta and xml 
(which don't release software directly, but add another level of 
indirection with subprojects).

The concept and the term subproject was, in fact, invented to 
separate the development community from the container.

Over the years, it became clear that project containment yields 
several drawbacks:

 1) container PMCs don't do anything since they are too detached from 
the actual code (it's impossible they know all about all the code 
hosted by the single containers!)

 2) the subproject committers never have a way to interact directly 
with the foundation, thus they perceive it as a distant and 
bureaucratic thing

 3) the ASF doesn't have proper legal oversight on the code contained 
in all sub-projects

 4) the trend of sub-projecting created sub-containers (avalon and 
turbine, for example), thus making all this even worse.

 5) the creation of sub-brands and the confusion this created. 
Example: is Apache Tomcat? or Jakarta Tomcat? or Apache Jakarta  Tomcat?

Over the last 18 months, several members tried to convince the ASF 
board that this situation was potentially very dangerous since, in 
fact, the container projects started to behave more and more as 
sub-foundations, but without the proper legal understanding. This 
situation was potentially inflammable in the case of a legal action 
against a committer since the foundation might not have been able to 
properly legally shield that committer since it operated outside the 
bylaws and without proper PMC oversight.

Over the same period, several very influential members and board 
officials were against this notion, stating that it was just a human 
problem with the people elected on the PMC and *not* a problem in the 
design of the foundation.

After a few new PMC elections, and after finally having a jakarta/xml 
member elected on the board (Sam Ruby), things are finally starting to 

The ASF board agrees on an open policy on the creation of new 
top-level Apache projects in the spirit of HTTPD: that is 'one PMC one 

So, in the light of this, I would like to hear your comments on the 
idea of moving out of into our own project.

- o -
Before you start asking a bunch of questions, let me answer a few of 
them that I might consider FAQs.

1) what are the contract changes that the proposal implies? [note, all 
these are not carved in stone, but just here to give you an idea]

Cocoon will be moved on, all pages on 

The [EMAIL PROTECTED] mail lists will be moved to 

The xml-cocoon2 module will be renamed 'cocoon'. The xml-cocoon1 
module moved into hybernation state and stored for historical reasons 

NOTE: cocoon namespaces all start with so no 
need to change anything there. [I planned this in advance at least two 
years ago, so that's why the namespace was already clean]

2) what does it mean for the developers?
An official Cocoon project will have an official PMC which is what is 
legally reponsible for the code and reports directly to the board. The 
PMC officer becomes a vice-president of the ASF.

In order to avoid stupid PMC elections, I'll be in favor of having the 
PMC composed by *all* committers that ask to be part of it. This to 
imply that committers and legal protector share the same duties and 

In short, it means that if any of us screws legally, the foundation 
will protect us. Today, this is not the case.

3) what does it mean for Cocoon?
Being a project