Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-19 Thread Henri Gomez
Sam Ruby wrote:
Ovidiu Predescu wrote:
I'm glad this actually didn't happen, since it took a long time for 
the 4.0 branch to become stable and usable. If it weren't for the 
legacy codebase being continually developed, we would have been 
stuck with a slow 3.2 and a buggy 4.0. I've used Tomcat 3.3 for more 
than a year before switching to 4.1, and I liked 3.3 a lot for its 
speed and features.

What would have been more likely to happen is that Tomcat 3.3 would have 
continued on SourceForge, been known by a different name, had a fully 
supported servlet 2.3 facade, and would have been known as the 
production quality servlet engine.
Of course, it could had been a funny thing :)
You should also remember that our friend Pier make many remarks
about stability on tomcat 4.x and proposed sometimes ago on tomcat-dev
to start a fork to make a minimal but more stable TC 4.X
In retrospect, I think the decision to continue the development on 
both Tomcat versions was a good one. It let the time solve the 
frictions. The result is that now we have a very mature Tomcat 
community, and little of the past problems are reflected today on the 
mailing list.
I agree, if at anytime, TC 3.3.x was said as obsolete or to be 
discontinued, I'll had to choose an alternate servlet engine since TC 
3.2 was too slow and memory consuming and TC 4.x still not production ready.

But the good thing in making TC 3.3 and 4.x teams continuing their own
works was that Tomcat 5 get the best of both part, and was really 
quickly launched using jakarta-tomcat-connectors as a common sandbox.

Sometimes, when you let 2 teams works in parallel on similar project but 
different implementation, you avoid that one team fly to another 
umbrella (ie and sus save the community and also you could help 
making the next revolution by merging good ideas from both projects.

Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-19 Thread Henri Gomez
Costin Manolache wrote:
If you don't need or care about something - it doesn't mean you should
vote -1 on it. If 3 fellow commiters are voting +1 - then probably there
is a real need or issue. 

I don't think anyone voted -1 on a 4.0 release, and nobody voted -1
on the 3.3 release ( if I remember correctly ). 
No TC 3.3 team members voted +0 for 4.0 release and 4.0 members voted
+0 for 3.3 release, and if you remember each team congratulated the 
other one for their release ;)

BTW, keeping the both team working on each project has saved the 
tomcat-dev commiters community which should be the goal of Apache isn't it ?

Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-19 Thread Henri Gomez
Jeff Turner wrote:
On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 04:05:24AM +0100, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

I still disagree. The rules of revolutionaries *MUST* (I repeat *MUST*!!!)
protect the identity of the project more than they protect the freedom of
innovation of the single developers. 

More than anything else, the fact that two different codebases were *released*
with the same name at the same time, pissed many people off (myself included)
and created a lot of problems in the users.

Like?  How many users do you see complaining because they have a choice?
Personally, I find Tomcat 4's startup time is too slow for Forrest/Cocoon
development, so if it wasn't for 3.3.x, I'd be using Resin or Jetty.
You could speed up TC 4 startup time by :
1) comments mbeans support in top of server.xml :
  Listener className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener

2) Remove the admin and manager webapps which also take some time
   to initialize.

Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-16 Thread Sam Ruby
Daniel Rall wrote:
Do you really think that Tomcat 4's startup time would've remained
significantly worse than 3.3.x if those working on 3.3.x had migrated
to working on 4?
They wouldn't have.  They would have migrated to SourceForge.
That's the problem with an all volunteer army.  The can't be trusted to 
do as they are told.

- Sam Ruby

Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-16 Thread Andrew C. Oliver
They wouldn't have.  They would have migrated to SourceForge.
That's the problem with an all volunteer army.  The can't be trusted 
to do as they are told.

so don't tell them.
- Sam Ruby

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Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-13 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size
Joe Schaefer wrote:
 Stefano Mazzocchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I believe it was a mistake to allow two different
  codebases to share the same name.
 I'm not convinced that having two codebases is
 necessarily a mistake.

it's not the multiple codebases that's the issue; it's
that they both had the same name and both continued
active development.

as a counterexample, both httpd 1.3 and 2.0 were in
concurrent active development for a long time.  1.3
development slowed down, and when 2.0 was finally
released, 1.3 went into a sort of maintenance mode --
meaning that bugfixes and minor backported features
can show up in it, but nothing that doesn't also
appear in 2.0 at the same time.

i'm not familiar with the data around the tomcat issue,
just the metadata, but i'm getting the feeling that
major divergent feature enhancement was occurring
in both branches.  (e.g., something might be added to
tomcat 3 that wasn't (and won't be) in tomcat 4).  is
that correct, or a misunderstanding on my part?

Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-13 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size
Costin Manolache wrote:
 What you would have liked is your problem. As I repeated quite a few
 times and you don't seem to hear is that the decision about a release
 is a majority vote and can't be vetoed - even if it pisses off some

not strictly true, although mostly.  a product release may be effectively
vetoed by the asf officer with oversight of the project, if it appears
in that person's judgement that releasing it would be the Wrong Thing
for the foundation.  in that case, it doesn't matter what the majority
think, since the product is an *asf* product and not just theirs, although
they certainly have the privilege of and responsibility to try to convince
the officer (pmc chair) of the Rightness of the view to release.

in a healthy and smoothly-communicating community that should never
happen; any such horribly blocking issue should have been raised
and a reasonable solution or compromise developed.  in fact, this
hasn't happened afaik, and i hope it never does -- but everyone should
be aware that this is one of the aspects of people working on code
owned in common by the foundation proper: the foundation has the
final say about it.  the interests of the foundation are represented
by the asf officer overseeing the project, who is almost certainly
going to support the majority -- except when doing so would damage
the foundation's interests.

this is all imo, and certainly others may disagree with me.

Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-13 Thread Stephen McConnell

Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
Jeff Turner wrote:

On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 04:05:24AM +0100, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

More than anything else, the fact that two different codebases were *released*
with the same name at the same time, pissed many people off (myself included)
and created a lot of problems in the users.

Like?  How many users do you see complaining because they have a choice?

How many users have downloaded the latest stable release?
Oh, bye the way - what is that the product version number I should 
recommend ?

Cheers, Steve.

i have seen a few -- a very few, but greater than zero -- messages sent
to the main apache address that indicated some confusion about this.
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Stephen J. McConnell
digital products for a global economy

Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-12 Thread Ovidiu Predescu
On Monday, Nov 11, 2002, at 19:05 US/Pacific, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Quoting Costin Manolache [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Thanks for answering this, it is really helpful.
On Sat, 2002-11-09 at 04:25, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
3) is it true that Tomcat 3.3 was released *after* tomcat 4.0 was
release and that was *not* a bugfix release but an alternative
development branch?
True ( released after, not a bugfix - it wasn't a branch but the trunk
for 3.x ).
Tomcat 3.3 release also had a majority of the tomcat-dev community.
Most people working on 4.0 voted +-0 or abstained - and the same
happened when 4.0 was released, with people working on 3.3 abstaining.
As I said - the majority controls the name and the release. A majority
of tomcat committers can vote to make a release called 
and the release can't be vetoed.
There is something wrong here and I hope you get to see it: the 
majority can't vote for a revolution *and* vote for new release of the 
branch. It doesn't make any difference whatsoever.

When a revolution is voted and accepted, no new release which is not a 
can be accepted.

Why? because there can't be *two* different projects using the same 
This is a bit too strong.
Given the alternative, an irreversible split of the two communities, I 
think the solution was the only acceptable one at that time for 
everybody involved. There is no way you can convince people they should 
drop whatever they've been working on for years. And enforcing a strict 
rules is a bit out of place in an open-source community, where we 
usually have no regard to authority, but to common-sense and respect.

Some thing were very different ( target VM, hooks, size/features
trade-off ). Other things started different but become identical
( facades for example ).
That's the whole point of a revolution - to improve the community
and the code. One thing is very sure - we learned a lot from each
other, and that wouldn't have been true if one set moved out.
Acknowleged. This is why I think the rules for revolutionaries just 

But this doesn't mean that they can't be improved and this is 
*exactly* what I'm
doing right now: trying to find a way to avoid the problems and 
friction that that tomcat revolution created.
I'm not sure we can avoid this type of situations since each time 
they'll have something unique. There is a reason why history repeats 
itself: people never learn from other's experience, they have to 
experience it themselves. I don't think we should spend our time 
thinking of ways to fix this, just let thing happen and we'll deal with 
them at that time. AFAIK there's no situation like this right now, so 
what are trying to fix?

To answer one unasked question - a majority vote on a revolution
branch doesn't mean everyone is required to abandon other revolutions
or the main trunk and work on the new codebase.
I *strongly* disagree. After the majority of the community expressed a 
vote on a
revolution, the old codebase *lost* the status of being actively 
maintained and,
in order to continue, should have been filed for *another* proposal, 
*another* codename and *without* the ability to make releases.
I'm glad this actually didn't happen, since it took a long time for the 
4.0 branch to become stable and usable. If it weren't for the legacy 
codebase being continually developed, we would have been stuck with a 
slow 3.2 and a buggy 4.0. I've used Tomcat 3.3 for more than a year 
before switching to 4.1, and I liked 3.3 a lot for its speed and 

It would have solved *much* of the negative feelings that the tomcat 
was spreading around the ASF at that time.
Not so, that would have been an example of how Apache should not work. 
Whatever we do is for fun and peer acknoledgement, not because some 
authority tells us what and how to do it. Probably we would have had 
people leaving the community. Look at what happened in the not so 
distant past in the Emacs community, where Stallman imposed his points 
of view regarding how Emacs should look. People were pissed of and 
forked off XEmacs. Both are still in use today, and although they share 
very little in the underlying C code, higher level Lisp programs still 
work on both versions.

It just means the
revolution is accepted and can move out of proposal state and be
released using the project name. Other revolutions can happen at any
I still disagree. The rules of revolutionaries *MUST* (I repeat 
protect the identity of the project more than they protect the freedom 
innovation of the single developers.
So how would you have decided which version to be named Tomcat? The old 
one which was named like that since the beginning, or the new  one, 
which had nothing to do with the old source code base? Either way you 
chose, you'd have ended up pissing off the other camp.

More than anything else, the fact that two different codebases were 
with the same name

Re: Rules for Rule-making (Re: Rules for Revolutionaries)

2002-11-12 Thread Jeff Turner
On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 10:18:43AM -0500, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
 Then we can all get back to coding, instead of worrying that some
 busybodies on this list are hatching a top-down Apache Bureaucracy for us
 to live in.
 +0  --  that is not the ONLY reason for being on this list.  That was A 
 reason for being on the REORG list but hopefully you're hear also to 
 build stronger cross-apache ties and get to know your fellow committers 
 and whats going on elsewhere for the good of creating a stronger community.

:) Sorry, it was an unfairly harsh comment..


Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-12 Thread Joe Schaefer
Stefano Mazzocchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 I believe it was a mistake to allow two different 
 codebases to share the same name. 

I'm not convinced that having two codebases is 
necessarily a mistake.  So far the discussion here 
seems to have centered around the concerns of the 
existing tomcat developers.  I'd like to know what 
the tomcat users (ie. the future tomcat developers) 
think of the 3.x/4.x division.

Joe Schaefer

Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-12 Thread Costin Manolache
On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 07:25, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

 Here is what I would have liked to see happening in Tomcat:

What you would have liked is your problem. As I repeated quite a few
times and you don't seem to hear is that the decision about a release
is a majority vote and can't be vetoed - even if it pisses off some

A vote on a feature or revolution doesn't mean the end of other
features or codebases. As long as each codebase can gather
a majority vote - things are going well.

There are people who can vote +1 on more than one release and codebase.
What's important is that most of the people who vote +1 on a codebase
don't automatically vote -1 on the other codebase - which is the real

If you don't need or care about something - it doesn't mean you should
vote -1 on it. If 3 fellow commiters are voting +1 - then probably there
is a real need or issue. 

I don't think anyone voted -1 on a 4.0 release, and nobody voted -1
on the 3.3 release ( if I remember correctly ). 

And I think the same should apply to other apache projects, even
older ones.


Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-09 Thread Craig R. McClanahan
On Fri, 8 Nov 2002, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

 Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2002 23:48:39 +
 From: Stefano Mazzocchi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

 Costin Manolache wrote:
  In my personal opinion they are just redundant :-)
  The rule that matter is that the community control the code and the name
  - a majority vote in the community can decide ultimately what happens.

 Agreed. At the same time, I would love to see something written down
 about 'how the ASF guidelines are'. They might not be binding, just
 recommendations, but I think this will help a lot communities becaue
 these guidelines are distilled after years of try/fail cycles (and lot
 of pain!)

A slightly more formal way to do this would be to explicitly canonicalize
Apache Way policies like this at the level, and these
automatically become the default policies for any Apache project unless
that project deliberately (perhaps within some limits TBD) chooses to
operate differently.  The requirement for following these (or specializing
them) would be an explicit part of a new project's charter.

Essentially, this would be a generlization of the way Jakarta projects
deal with coding style conventions -- there's a default (from the original
Sun coding standards) that is the assumed standard unless a different
choice is explicitly made and documented for a particular subproject.

The same principle can be applied recursively -- instead of subclasses
formally inheriting methods and instance variables (with the option to
override), projects and subprojects formally inherit culture and standards
unless they explicitly choose to override :-).

I'd bet many people perceive that Apache actually works this way; let's
just make that perception into reality.


DOH! Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-09 Thread Andrew C. Oliver
Well this makes my second mail faux pax this week.  I actually didn't 
mean to send this.  I sometimes type a mail and then
discard it or send it to my self..  U/F in mozilla mail (which I'm not 
accustomed to) send is right below the file menu and I missed.
(new laptop).  My sincere appologies to Craig and the rest of y'all.  I 
meant to send a way less snide/sarcastic version of this...  

Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

A slightly more formal way to do this would be to explicitly 
Apache Way policies like this at the level, and these
automatically become the default policies for any Apache project unless
that project deliberately (perhaps within some limits TBD) chooses to
operate differently.  The requirement for following these (or 
them) would be an explicit part of a new project's charter.

yes.  Canons are way more efficient than trust and community building. 
I mean a tight nit group of people
whom respect each other and want to work together is NO match for a 
group of people who don't
respect each other and barely want to work together with a set of 
canon laws.  (or should their be three n's in that)

Essentially, this would be a generlization of the way Jakarta projects
deal with coding style conventions -- there's a default (from the 
Sun coding standards) that is the assumed standard unless a different
choice is explicitly made and documented for a particular subproject.

Yes, bracket placement is the most important issue in a community.  If 
you don't use KR style
bracketing I just can't read your code and the project is a total 
wash. ;-)   Fortunately Eclipse lets
me reformat it going in and reformat it going out.

The same principle can be applied recursively -- instead of subclasses
formally inheriting methods and instance variables (with the option to
override), projects and subprojects formally inherit culture and 
unless they explicitly choose to override :-).

Yes standards have worked so nicely in the software industry.  Why 
we have several standards for
any one thing.  Its certainly better than mutual respect..  For as 
long as one follows one of the standards, it
must be good. 

I'd bet many people perceive that Apache actually works this way; let's
just make that perception into reality.

In order to do this, lets set at least 6 months aside each to draft a 
large legal document, assign penalties for
breaking any of the rules.  We'll create a new subproject for Those 
who have not joined the shining path to
enlightenment for projects choosing not to ratify the canon.  Next we 
can create a interperator subproject,
in the event of a disagreement among parties in a project the 
interperator (think of them as lawyers) can be assigned
to help interperate the canon and apply penalities to whomever is 
judged to be in the wrong. 
The alternative is to get back the the, mutual 
respect, dare I say friendship, working for the best
ideas, etc.   Rigid guidelines are much easier than that. 
Thats why XP is such crap, a metaphor instead of a BUFD.  Same 
prinicipal.  Long live the SDLC!


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RE: DOH! Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-09 Thread Martin van den Bemt
Start, run, notepad enter
Copy  Paste from the mail
Save it
Sleep on it
make the real reply.


If you reply to me, just make the reply :). I like sarcasme and I don't have
to read between the lines to figure out what the hell you really meant..


 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew C. Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 02:03
 Subject: DOH! Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

 Well this makes my second mail faux pax this week.  I actually didn't
 mean to send this.  I sometimes type a mail and then
 discard it or send it to my self..  U/F in mozilla mail (which I'm not
 accustomed to) send is right below the file menu and I missed.
 (new laptop).  My sincere appologies to Craig and the rest of y'all.  I
 meant to send a way less snide/sarcastic version of this...

 Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

  A slightly more formal way to do this would be to explicitly
  Apache Way policies like this at the level, and these
  automatically become the default policies for any Apache project unless
  that project deliberately (perhaps within some limits TBD) chooses to
  operate differently.  The requirement for following these (or
  them) would be an explicit part of a new project's charter.
  yes.  Canons are way more efficient than trust and community building.
  I mean a tight nit group of people
  whom respect each other and want to work together is NO match for a
  group of people who don't
  respect each other and barely want to work together with a set of
  canon laws.  (or should their be three n's in that)
  Essentially, this would be a generlization of the way Jakarta projects
  deal with coding style conventions -- there's a default (from the
  Sun coding standards) that is the assumed standard unless a different
  choice is explicitly made and documented for a particular subproject.
  Yes, bracket placement is the most important issue in a community.  If
  you don't use KR style
  bracketing I just can't read your code and the project is a total
  wash. ;-)   Fortunately Eclipse lets
  me reformat it going in and reformat it going out.
  The same principle can be applied recursively -- instead of subclasses
  formally inheriting methods and instance variables (with the option to
  override), projects and subprojects formally inherit culture and
  unless they explicitly choose to override :-).
  Yes standards have worked so nicely in the software industry.  Why
  we have several standards for
  any one thing.  Its certainly better than mutual respect..  For as
  long as one follows one of the standards, it
  must be good.
  I'd bet many people perceive that Apache actually works this way; let's
  just make that perception into reality.
  In order to do this, lets set at least 6 months aside each to draft a
  large legal document, assign penalties for
  breaking any of the rules.  We'll create a new subproject for Those
  who have not joined the shining path to
  enlightenment for projects choosing not to ratify the canon.  Next we
  can create a interperator subproject,
  in the event of a disagreement among parties in a project the
  interperator (think of them as lawyers) can be assigned
  to help interperate the canon and apply penalities to whomever is
  judged to be in the wrong.
  The alternative is to get back the the, mutual
  respect, dare I say friendship, working for the best
  ideas, etc.   Rigid guidelines are much easier than that.
  Thats why XP is such crap, a metaphor instead of a BUFD.  Same
  prinicipal.  Long live the SDLC!
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Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-09 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size
Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
  Agreed. At the same time, I would love to see something written down
  about 'how the ASF guidelines are'. They might not be binding, just
  recommendations, but I think this will help a lot communities becaue
  these guidelines are distilled after years of try/fail cycles (and lot
  of pain!)
 A slightly more formal way to do this would be to explicitly canonicalize
 Apache Way policies like this at the level, and these
 automatically become the default policies for any Apache project unless
 that project deliberately (perhaps within some limits TBD) chooses to
 operate differently.  The requirement for following these (or specializing
 them) would be an explicit part of a new project's charter.

i'm working on it; there's too much good stuff and too many good ideas
coming too quickly for me to keep up easily. :-)

Re: DOH! Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-09 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Fri, 8 Nov 2002, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

 Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2002 20:03:07 -0500
 From: Andrew C. Oliver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: DOH! Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

 Well this makes my second mail faux pax this week.  I actually didn't
 mean to send this.  I sometimes type a mail and then
 discard it or send it to my self..  U/F in mozilla mail (which I'm not
 accustomed to) send is right below the file menu and I missed.
 (new laptop).  My sincere appologies to Craig and the rest of y'all.  I
 meant to send a way less snide/sarcastic version of this...

Actually, I quite enjoyed the reply :-).  And the cautions you raise are
definitely relevant.

You can over-engineer anything, including a community.  But you can also
under-engineer, and I get the impression that's sort of where we are right


Re: DOH! Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-09 Thread James Taylor
The scary part is that all of us who have been flamed by Andy now need
to wonder what the first version of those messages looked like! Yikes!


-- jt

On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 20:03, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
 Well this makes my second mail faux pax this week.  I actually didn't 
 mean to send this.  I sometimes type a mail and then
 discard it or send it to my self..  U/F in mozilla mail (which I'm not 
 accustomed to) send is right below the file menu and I missed.
 (new laptop).  My sincere appologies to Craig and the rest of y'all.  I 
 meant to send a way less snide/sarcastic version of this...  

Re: DOH! Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-09 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On 8 Nov 2002, James Taylor wrote:

 Date: 08 Nov 2002 20:56:50 -0500
 From: James Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: DOH! Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

 The scary part is that all of us who have been flamed by Andy now need
 to wonder what the first version of those messages looked like! Yikes!

It's funny ... I started reading his reply without noticing who the author
was, but I immediately figured it out ... yep, that's Andy!  :-)


 -- jt


 On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 20:03, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
  Well this makes my second mail faux pax this week.  I actually didn't
  mean to send this.  I sometimes type a mail and then
  discard it or send it to my self..  U/F in mozilla mail (which I'm not
  accustomed to) send is right below the file menu and I missed.
  (new laptop).  My sincere appologies to Craig and the rest of y'all.  I
  meant to send a way less snide/sarcastic version of this...

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Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-09 Thread Sam Ruby
Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
no, not if the revolutionary code is never accepted back into the
main branch.  if it isn't merged back in, it *isn't* part of
the product and release; it remains a branch, or maybe gets forked
into a completely separate product.
Revolutionary code can become the main branch.  Catalina became Tomcat 4.
vetoed never makes it into a release.  at least it had better not.
it might end up in a branch or fork where it hasn't been vetoed,
but that would be a different product with its own release.
The key question here - if there truly is a fork, not just of the 
codebase but of the community, which one gets to keep the name?

no again.  vetoed code never makes it into a release.  what you are
describing is a pathological situation.  solutions to it include
the majority 'routing around' by forking a revolutionary branch
and taking the name with it, and executive decision by some
authority (for which there are currently no guidelines).
Pathological?  It happens.  More frequently than you might expect.  I'll 
be more than glad to share specifics, but some people seem squeamish 
about discussing such things in public.

again, pathological.  if things get to this point, the pmc/chair
should take corrective/punitive action.  commit access is a
privilege, not a right; such behaviour as you describe is an
abuse of that privilege.
Forks happen.  Two people with different visions, neither provably 
wrong, wishing to explore the consequences of a given set of design 
choices.  Generally what occurs is one dies of natural causes.  In other 
cases, a merge occurs as the ultimately it becomes possible to 
objectively determine if some of the promised benefits are fact or fantasy.

- Sam Ruby

Re: DOH! Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-09 Thread Andrew C. Oliver

Actually, I quite enjoyed the reply :-).  And the cautions you raise are
definitely relevant.

Well I meant every word of it  I just meant to state 
it...differently ;-)

You can over-engineer anything, including a community.  But you can also
under-engineer, and I get the impression that's sort of where we are right

The way you describe it sounds like this parable that was told at my 
kid's cubscout meeting.  Where everyone
was having fun and doing cubscout things... then the trust was gone and 
all these strict rules were given and no
one shared or helped each other and etc etc... till one day someone just 
started doing the old things again and
it affected everyone and soon everyone was sharing and doing cubscout 

Coming from a corporate background, trust me.  Engineering communities 
doesn't work.  Nor does regulation, and
beurocracy.  I promise to drive this point to death ;-)

Next year if anyone is interested in camping in the middle of the Dorton 
Arena in Raleigh, you're invited -- its quite a touching
speech.  Theoretically our tent sleeps 6.  

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Re: DOH! Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-09 Thread Andrew C. Oliver
Often the uncensored version requires a dictionary and a book called 
Why we say it at hand to
get the undertones and coloquialisms.  ;-)
James Taylor wrote:
The scary part is that all of us who have been flamed by Andy now need
to wonder what the first version of those messages looked like! Yikes!
-- jt
On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 20:03, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

Well this makes my second mail faux pax this week.  I actually didn't 
mean to send this.  I sometimes type a mail and then
discard it or send it to my self..  U/F in mozilla mail (which I'm not 
accustomed to) send is right below the file menu and I missed.
(new laptop).  My sincere appologies to Craig and the rest of y'all.  I 
meant to send a way less snide/sarcastic version of this...  

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Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-09 Thread Ceki Gülcü
I keep wondering why you keep bringing up Duncan's Whoa
Bessie... mail. I mean this one:
Is it just for historical purposes? Is it because Duncan expresses
interesting ideas with eloquence? Sure, Duncan may have been wrong in
the Ant context but that should not discredit his ideas altogether.
The liberal ideas expressed by Stefano, Sam and to some extent Costin
are very inspiring and definitely please a wider audience than Duncan's
ideas defending the actions of a selfish pig as he puts hit. (No, I
don't think that Duncan is a selfish pig and you shouldn't either.)
However, liberal ideologies are just that, ideologies. While Duncan's
theory of benevolent dictators might not find favor in the eyes of
this public, we should not discard it as being contrary to the Apache
way. We should instead recognize it as being a legitimate way of
development. It may even be the dominant way of development at Apache
under disguise.
In addition, it is much easier to stand up and talk about the interest
of the community than the interests of individuals less you come off
as supporting selfish pigs or being a selfish pig yourself.
On a wider scale, it was very hard for the West to fight Communism
because the communist ideology sells much better to the
unprivileged. Yet 75 years later, the West won, not because of its
persuasiveness but because it had much more to show on the store
shelves than the communists. Communism is a great idea but it doesn't
work. Capitalism is hard to sell but it ends up having better results
on the long run.
Coming back to Jakarta, I am not suggesting that anyone is at
fault. All I am suggesting is that we to stop trashing the work
achieved by individuals acting as clear leaders. Leadership is not bad
per se.
I may be stating the obvious here. So be it.
At 11:01 07.11.2002 -0500, Sam Ruby wrote:
I differ with that rendition, and believe that it is harmful to the 
community for it to be propogated.

Duncan rejoined Ant and was immediately accepted as a committer.  He 
started work on an internal fork named AntEater.  This went on for a 
short while, until another fork came along named AntFarm.  At that 
point, Duncan said Whoa Bessie and started to put forward a case that he 
had a unique right to determine what codebase bore the Ant name.

This lead up to a PMC meeeting with Brian and Roy in attendance where it 
was affirmed that the name of a project went with the expressed wishes of 
a majority of commmitters to that project.  This has been the policy that 
we have followed in Jakarta ever since.

- Sam Ruby
P.S.  It is my understanding that what is now Apache HTTPD 2.0 is also the 
result of a number of forks, one of which ultimately emerged as being the 
one accepted by the community.

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TCP implementations will follow a general principle of robustness: be
conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from
others. -- Jon Postel, RFC 793

Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-09 Thread Andrew C. Oliver
Leadership is best achieved and recognized through informal means.  Stefano
often exerts quite a bit of leadership over Cocoon because the committers
respect him.  Creating formal owners is a great way to fork a community, but
it fails as a social experiment.  Certain members in a community through 
skill and tact (I obviously am generally difficient in the latter) will 
be heard more
loudly than others.

Creating ownership or annointing code leaders is frowned upon by even 
some of
today's more formal software methodologies.  Everything is everyone's 

I think guarding and guiding the door to committership on a project 
until the person
demonstrates cohesion to the group is a more effective method.  

As evidence that the control idea doesn't work, please look at the 
state of modern software
developent within most Corporations.  It sucks.  

Linus, etc exhert a lot less control than you think.  

Ceki Gülcü wrote:
I keep wondering why you keep bringing up Duncan's Whoa
Bessie... mail. I mean this one:
Is it just for historical purposes? Is it because Duncan expresses
interesting ideas with eloquence? Sure, Duncan may have been wrong in
the Ant context but that should not discredit his ideas altogether.
The liberal ideas expressed by Stefano, Sam and to some extent Costin
are very inspiring and definitely please a wider audience than Duncan's
ideas defending the actions of a selfish pig as he puts hit. (No, I
don't think that Duncan is a selfish pig and you shouldn't either.)
However, liberal ideologies are just that, ideologies. While Duncan's
theory of benevolent dictators might not find favor in the eyes of
this public, we should not discard it as being contrary to the Apache
way. We should instead recognize it as being a legitimate way of
development. It may even be the dominant way of development at Apache
under disguise.
In addition, it is much easier to stand up and talk about the interest
of the community than the interests of individuals less you come off
as supporting selfish pigs or being a selfish pig yourself.
On a wider scale, it was very hard for the West to fight Communism
because the communist ideology sells much better to the
unprivileged. Yet 75 years later, the West won, not because of its
persuasiveness but because it had much more to show on the store
shelves than the communists. Communism is a great idea but it doesn't
work. Capitalism is hard to sell but it ends up having better results
on the long run.
Coming back to Jakarta, I am not suggesting that anyone is at
fault. All I am suggesting is that we to stop trashing the work
achieved by individuals acting as clear leaders. Leadership is not bad
per se.
I may be stating the obvious here. So be it.
At 11:01 07.11.2002 -0500, Sam Ruby wrote:
I differ with that rendition, and believe that it is harmful to the 
community for it to be propogated.

Duncan rejoined Ant and was immediately accepted as a committer.  He 
started work on an internal fork named AntEater.  This went on for 
a short while, until another fork came along named AntFarm.  At 
that point, Duncan said Whoa Bessie and started to put forward a 
case that he had a unique right to determine what codebase bore the 
Ant name.

This lead up to a PMC meeeting with Brian and Roy in attendance where 
it was affirmed that the name of a project went with the expressed 
wishes of a majority of commmitters to that project.  This has been 
the policy that we have followed in Jakarta ever since.

- Sam Ruby
P.S.  It is my understanding that what is now Apache HTTPD 2.0 is 
also the result of a number of forks, one of which ultimately emerged 
as being the one accepted by the community.

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TCP implementations will follow a general principle of robustness: be
conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from
others. -- Jon Postel, RFC 793

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RE: DOH! Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-09 Thread Danny Angus
Craig wrote:

 You can over-engineer anything, including a community.  But you can also
 under-engineer, and I get the impression that's sort of where we are right

I get the impression that, although many of us feel as if our community is 
indeed under engineered that infact the feeling is caused by inadequate 
communication amongst ourselves. Particularly the tangetial, off-topic and good 
old gossip that we would get without effort if we were in a shared physical 
location. It seems to me that in many ways we simply need a forum (this one) to 
air our gripes and wishes and see what the reaction is. 
Prrof it seems is that the incubator project and this list were set up, as far 
as I can see, simply because the people who thought they were good ideas got 
positive feedback from the rest of us, and they are more like organic 
expressions of the community's view of itself than engineered solutions.

The problem with anything else is, as Andy pointed out, enforcement.


Re: Rules for Revolutionaries

2002-11-08 Thread Costin Manolache
In my personal opinion they are just redundant :-)

The rule that matter is that the community control the code and the name
- a majority vote in the community can decide ultimately what happens.

This is a particular case ( again IMO ) of the releases are majority
votes and can't be vetoed. 
A side effect of the 'revolution' rules is that a veto can be overriden
- nobody can veto a revolution ( or a release ), and if you change
the entire code base or a part of it you obviously can make changes that
were vetoed.

There are few important consequences: 

1. No person ( or group ) can control a codebase by using veto. It is 
quite easy to find technical reasons against anything. 

2. It removes some personal conflicts. A veto or someone blocking an
idea can be painful. It's a big difference between a majority voting
against a particular idea and one person vetoing it.

3. To take tomcat as an example - it allows diverging groups or opinions
to find the common ground. And that's the really great part IMO.

4. Some good ideas that may otherwise be rejected can eventually 


On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 13:50, Sam Ruby wrote:
 Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
  my curiousity has been set off again.  there have been numerous
  mentions of the revolution concept as used in jakarta, and its
  widespread acceptance as policy.  however, i don't see it
  mentioned in the jakarta guidelines; in fact, only in ted's
  proposal for new guidelines.
  is jakarta's semi-formal acceptance of it as an operating principle
  actually recorded anywhere, or is it actually just an 'everybody
  knows that' informal general acceptance?
 general acceptance is probably too strong a word.  There are some, 
 including apparently the original author, who now have doubts.  But 
 there can be no doubt that this document has strongly influenced the 
 evolution of a number of Jakarta projects.
 For further reading, I'd recommend taking a look at topics 3 and 4 in
 In my mind, the concepts of vetoes, revolutions, and releases being a 
 majority decision are linked.  Note: when Roy made the statement about 
 releases, it sure sounded to me like he was stating it as if it were ASF 
 policy.  In any case, I would recommend that it be so.
 Taken together, provisions are made for individuals to get attention to 
 be focused on issues that they feel are important, individuals or even 
 small groups can flesh out concepts that may initially be controversial, 
 and a safety valve is provided so that forward progress can still be made.
 - Sam Ruby
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