Re: Getting rid of echo for callers.

2008-08-29 Thread Mike Baroukh
If I understand correctly, it's not so easy : the problems are for 
others personns.
- you have to give the phone to somebody,
- ask him to go away
- call him
- ssh remotely into your phone.
- ask him to speak while you use alsamixer don't forget to give him a book).

and this, if you can ssh remotely.
Else, you have to ssh from another computer to the computer on wich the 
phone is plugged via usb.
So Easy ...

What I don't understand is why the settings have to be phone dependant.
If I'm not wrong, this settings depends not of the phone but of the gsm 
If it's true, maybe we may add a wiki page depending on the operator, 
isn't it ?
And if it's true, why not add gsm event that, on connect will choose the 
appropriate .state file depending on wich operator is currently in use ?


Daniel Selinger a écrit :
 Sry, but saying alsamixer is unuseable was a damn ugly lie ^^

 In fact it is extremely helpfull to experiment with the settings while a
 phone call is active and the other person can tell you if it get's

 1. SSH into the Phone (Info about that on the wiki)
 2. start alsamixer.
 Make a call to someone (you notice all controls change, thats when
 the gsmhandset.state file is loaded) - fiddle around with the mentioned
 settings until you have what you want.
 3. exit alsamixer
 4. call 'alsactl store -f gsmhandsetnew.state'
 5. you can now diff the files and do whatever you want ^^
 6. If you want to apply them for every call just rename
 gsmhandsetnew.state to gsmhandset.state and backup the old file.

 The controls have the same names within alsamixer, just without the
 Volume if a recall correctly. The only thing i couldn't find in
 alsamixer was Mic2 Capture Volume, but i'm quite sure i just didn't
 look for it enough.

 rgds Daniel

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Re: Qtopia and GPRS

2008-08-26 Thread Mike Baroukh

is name resolution working ?

Eventually, try
wget -O -

I putted informations for bouygues telecom on this page but I finally 
found that  we don't need the proxy : It seems that there is a 
transparent proxy ...

Do you have a browser on qtopia ?
I didn't use it for now because of browser lack ...


julien cubizolles a écrit :
 I think I got GPRS working with my operator (bouyguestelecom) on Qtopia
 through the gui

 I get the online message on the gui, but I can't ping any address, not
 even the default gateway ( set by the pppd it seems.

 ifconfig gives :

 inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
 RX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
 TX packets:5 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 collisions:0 txqueuelen:3 
 RX bytes:52 (52.0 B)  TX bytes:70 (70.0 B)

 route gives :
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
 Iface * UH0  00
 ppp0 *   U 0  00
 default UG0  00

  Using the gui I configured :

 APN :
 username :wap (I think you can put whatever you want but there has to be
 password : wapwap

 Proxy : tried (according to and

 I can provide logreads if needed but they seem to only log pppd messages
 which are fine I think.

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Re: GSM interference / buzzing sound Update

2008-08-26 Thread Mike Baroukh
thanks a lot.
I hope they will provide an how-to we can do ourselves to remove this 
sound problem ...
I'm tired to have to shout when using my Neo ...

Yorick Moko a écrit :
 Read all about it on
 (for people that don't read the hardware list)

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Re: 2008.8 update

2008-08-26 Thread Mike Baroukh

I agree.
But may be we could do a wizard on wich every body could contribute to 
add plugins that configure ASU according to user preferences ?
It could configure keyboard, gsm multiplexer, sound, gesture ... install 
browser, terminal, ...
it could be like easybuntu ...

For each problem there is an aswer on the wiki.
But having to repeat after each upgrade all the customisation process is 
Have sombeody already done something like this ?

William Kenworthy a écrit :
 The problem is OM are not responding in a way that reassures us that
 2008.8 is being shaped to our concerns.  I raised a bug that the default
 2008.8 keyboard was almost impossible to use in anything but an english
 sms mode.  The bug was closed  with what to an English speaker means
 its working, so go away.  This certainly teed me right off.  In
 postings since, its been explained that this was actually because of the
 way the bug reporting system works with engineering, and it doesnt work
 like we are used to in most opensource projects where you can raise a
 bug about ANY concern and it will be attended to/allocated as required,
 not closed because it doesnt neatly fit some engineers idea of a bug.

 So basicly yes, Yorick is speaking for very many of us.  There is a
 severe usability issue with 2008.8 and its being ignored.  Saying its up
 to the community to fix is laughable - we have fixed it, so why is OM
 not listening?

 Yes, I am still peeved by the way the bug was closed - why bother
 raising bugs when it results in actions like this?  Its all very well
 saying its open, give them a chance etc, but eventually, something will
 have to change here.


 On Tue, 2008-08-26 at 14:06 +0200, Michele Renda wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 Nishit, I realy hope that Yorick don't speak for a lot of US.

 There are way and way to make a comment of something is not right: a
 person can:

 A. make in a proposive way, opening tickets, and specificating the
 points that can be done in a different way, or, a person can just say:
 B. It doesn't run, It doesn't run, It doesn't run - It is a f**king
 phone - It is a f**king firm.

 You have the fredom of arbitry, we can do all that we want with our
 phone: this is not necessarily a nice thing: the software is far to be
 mature, and a lot of things must to be done. It the price of the freedom.

 But if you choose the freedom, please don't use B. There are a lot of
 better thing to do.

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Re: Testing and Unstable feeds for the FSO distribution are now available

2008-08-20 Thread Mike Baroukh
Yes ! I was able tu build my own images ! ...
Thanks a lot.

sys 72m2.178s

Just a note : when compiling, it says that it should be faster with
psyco jit.
I don't know if it's really faster but I just installed package
python-psyco and it doesn't complain anymore.
It's not in you package list.
If it really speed process, maybe you can add it to your server ...

Thanks again.


Rod Whitby a écrit :
 I have created an unofficial auto-builder for the FSO
 distribution at (hosting of the
 server is provided by Bearstech - I have no relationship
 with Bearstech other than managing the auto-builder that
 runs on the server they have provided for this purpose).

 The server currently contains continuous builds of the
 fso-testing and fso-unstable distributions for the
 OpenMoko GTA01 (Neo 1973) and GTA02 (Neo FreeRunner).
 In the future it will also contain continuous builds of the
 shr-testing and shr-unstable distributions.

 The fso-testing and fso-unstable distributions are built
 from the branch of the
 git:// repository.
 Both are built with DISTRO set to 'openmoko' and MACHINE set
 to sequentially to 'om-gta01' and 'om-gta02'.

 The fso-testing distribution builds the versions of packages
 specified in the file and the file.  A key feature of the fso-testing
 distribution is that the package versions do not change unless
 by direct action of developers to update those files.  The
 intention is that this results in a recent set of packages that
 have undergone some rudimentary testing by the developers.

 The fso-unstable distribution allows a certain set of packages
 (defined in the and files) to
 'float', and therefore is more likely to have the absolute latest
 version of any package, but also more likely to include versions
 of packages that do not not work and sometimes do not even build.

 The set of packages built is determined by contents of the
 task-openmoko-feed recipe in the OpenEmbedded repository.

 Build results are reported continuously to the oestats server at

 All source tarballs used can be found in the sources directory
 on the server.

 Note that images that are rebuilt multiples times on the same day
 are overwritten.  The server operates in the CEST timezone.

 To replicate the configuration of this server, you should use a
 Debian Lenny host operating system, with the host package
 configuration as specified in the sources.list and dpkg-list.txt
 files in the server-config directory.

 Then copy the Makefile and 'common' directory to your build area.
 Read the Makefile for further documentation and instructions.

 -- Rod Whitby
 -- MokoMakefile and FsoMakefile author

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Re: OpenMoko apps website ?

2008-08-19 Thread Mike Baroukh

couldn't all informations on applications be extracted from ipks ?
Like what is done on

Valerio Valerio a écrit :

 besides projects.openmoko, I think OpenMoko should have a new website 
 more oriented to the users, it all the OpenMoko applications organized 
 by categories, with screenshots, small descriptions and also the 
 direct link to the packages. Something like this:

 Sometimes I go to the  screenshots area of linuxtogo and I see very 
 cool app running on the FR there, but a lot of times I don't know what 
 app is, this new site will resolve this lack for sure.

 When OpenMoko goes to prime time, and non technical people get in 
 touch it the phone this application site will give a lot of help to 
 those people that don't know all the free apps that can install in the 

 what do you think ?


 Valério Valério

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Re: Gestures now working on fso-testing

2008-08-18 Thread Mike Baroukh

 Especially the screen orientation change works fine and is really useful. 
What do you mean with especially ?
For me, it works as for OM2008.8 : there is always a problem with screen 
calibration when horizontal ...
Not with your's ?

Marcel a écrit :
 Especially the screen orientation change works fine and is really useful. 
 Great work!


 Am Montag 18 August 2008 10:51:18 schrieb Paul-Valentin Borza:
 I'm happy now... Thanks Denis.
 I'll try the new FSO image today :)


 On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 8:26 AM, Denis Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Those who may be interested in the gestures project
 After some assist today kudos to rwhitby to get some prerequisite
 packages built into the feeds, I have successfully installed the gestures
 package on latest fso-testing image. Gesture training, recognition and
 screen orientation flipping works and so far I have not encountered any

 images and feeds used:

 gesture package:

 Followed basic instruction on wiki:

 Enjoy, Denis

 irc: hipitihop on #openmoko

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Re: next Qtopia

2008-08-14 Thread Mike Baroukh

Webkit is a good news.
For GPRS, i couldn't make it works with 4.3 but I'll try again.
And with GPS ...
I hope it will really be  real soon now(tm)  ;) ...

thanks a lot.


Lorn Potter a écrit :
 Mike Baroukh wrote:
 Does somebody knows when will next Qtopia version be relased (4.4) ?
 And do you know what will be inside ?
 (my hope : webbrowser and working gprs ...)

 All I can really say is that it will most likely be released real soon 

 Webkit is in 4.4. gps/mapping demo app, among other things.

 I haven't had time yet to look into gprs in any version. It is a script that 
 should be in 
 /opt/Qtopia/bin called ppp-network which gets run by Qtopia.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: What could be done to improve the OM development process?

2008-08-13 Thread Mike Baroukh

 Trust me, to avoid it, 
 for a while I really considered shipping a console-image for the framework 
 image, forcing people to ssh into to start getting familiar with the dbus 
hum ...
personnaly, I use it.
I couldn't get my GPRS work on ASU.
It works immediatly with FSO and I could phone while GPRS is on.

So please, if you do this, build also the wm and allowing us to install 
it ...

Or do I have to give another try to 2008.8 ?
My previous one wasn't successful ...


Michael 'Mickey' Lauer a écrit :
 Am Mittwoch 13 August 2008 09:24:46 schrieb Olivier Migeot:
 On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 12:05 AM, Jeffery Davis

 1. Instead of working on multiple concurrent software distributions, why
 not try to rally everyone under one banner for a while?
 Just my cheap comment on this : I feel less and less like there's
 multiple concurrent software distributions. There was the gsmd-based
 stack, but it doesn't look like OM is working on it. ASU and FSO looks
 more and more like two parts of the same thing to me : ASU has some
 very interesting EFL apps (beside phone apps), and FSO's phone app
 (zhone) is based on EFL too. So the future merge of the two branches
 (or half-branches, if I'm right) shouldn't be that hard nor

 FSO is about the framework. It's _not_ a second distribution worked on by the 
 Openmoko team. It rather exposes the framework-level work with some example 
 code. Here are the only reasons FSO exists as an image and not just as a 
 couple of ipks:

 a) Middleware is invisible.
 b) Defining APIs without working on an API consumer seldomly lead to 

 I was afraid all this confusion would arise, that's why I (thought I) made it 
 clear enough on the framework wiki page and the blogs. Trust me, to avoid it, 
 for a while I really considered shipping a console-image for the framework 
 image, forcing people to ssh into to start getting familiar with the dbus 


Openmoko community mailing list

next Qtopia

2008-08-13 Thread Mike Baroukh

Does somebody knows when will next Qtopia version be relased (4.4) ?
And do you know what will be inside ?
(my hope : webbrowser and working gprs ...)



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPRS / Wifi

2008-08-11 Thread Mike Baroukh
Thanks for your reply.
But I still not agree.

 which means of communications hould the fr chose?
configuration will say it.
the user ordered is preferences.
Maybe depending on price.
Maybe depending on performance.

so it's not really automatic (and had nothing to do with the keyboard
problem ;) ) : I choosed before.

If I take a concrete example : my ~/.wgetrc.
i wan't to connect to internet
- from home, with wifi, I have direct access to internet.
- from work, with wifi, I must use a proxy.
- from outside, I must use GPRS with another proxy.

It's easy to make a script that will update .wgetrc.
But there will be configuration
- in wpa_supplicant ( If I understood well).
- in post-up operations of pppd.

Those scripts are not specifics to users.
Everyone will have do the same.

Anyway, I'll try to do something for me and see if it can be shared.

arne anka a écrit :
 you can do that in wpa_supplicant.conf.
 just add your different wifi-aps to the conf (it does wep and no enc,  
 and let wpa_supplicant handle it.
 I'll take a look.
 But there must be something I don't understand.
 Because if wpa_supplicant handle only wifi, what about usb, gprs or
 other connections ?
 Is there a way to federate all network connections ?

 i am not sure if understand you issue at all.
 - you can handle all you known wifi networks in wpa_supplicant.conf. it's  
 not the user firenliest solution, but anyway
 - usb networking is a rather static way (since ip and probably dns are  
 more or less hardcoded on the fr)
 - gprs is subject to limitations beyound your reach -- ususally your  
 provider puts you in some kind of vpn, not available from the inet by othe  
 means then a proxy of your provider.
 - bt networking seem snot to be a widely used option

 so, imo the only means of networking subject to intelligent settings are  
 wfi and gprs.
 wifi is, as said before, configurable in wpa_supplicant.conf (ar any othe  
 way, like networkmanager).
 gprs does not need more than one setting since you usually use only the  
 entry point your provider offers.

 all connections use their own devices: eth0 for wifi, bnetX for bt (i  
 guess), ubs0 for usb and finally ppp0 (i think)  for gprs.
 the scripts below /etc/network/if-up.d/ and /etc/network/if-down.d/ have  
 acces to the name of the interface used for networking ($IFACE on my  
 debian box) -- thus you can easily distinguish the means of networking and  
 execute actions appropriately.

 something like internet [on|of] would be impractical imo not at least  
 because you very easy might find yourself in situations where both wifi  
 and gprs is available, you have tehterd you rf via usb to the notebook in  
 an attempt to use the fr as modem and there might even be one or more  
 people around you with enabled bluetooth.
 which means of communications hould the fr chose?

 while it might be decidable most of the time (have a rule basically  
 saying: if one of the wifi networks a, b, c or d is available, use it),  
 i'd rather have an app allowing me to check the means of communication i  
 want and that does not automatically connect, in the worst case to gprs  
 while i am out of area and causing heavy charges -- then we are basically  
 where the discussion on the asu keyboard switcher took off: what good is  
 automatism and who wants is?

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Re: GPRS / Wifi

2008-08-11 Thread Mike Baroukh

 for the proxy: as someone mentioned before -- there is a global variable  
 defining the proxy .

Does this mean that I have to re-start my applications when I connect ?
Not optimal ...

Anyway do you know who put this variable ?
And where to configure it's value ?


arne anka a écrit :
 If I take a concrete example : my ~/.wgetrc.
 i wan't to connect to internet
 - from home, with wifi, I have direct access to internet.
 - from work, with wifi, I must use a proxy.
 - from outside, I must use GPRS with another proxy.

 It's easy to make a script that will update .wgetrc.

 why would you do that?
 every attempt to connect to the net is directed to the currently defined  
 gateway -- no matter if there's wifi or gprs in use. all programs  
 connecting to the net should be absolutely agnostic to the kind of  
 connection you use.
 for the proxy: as someone mentioned before -- there is a global variable  
 defining the proxy and this variable is checked for automatically.

 in your up-/down-scripts you simply can set/unset the proxy variablke  
 depending of the interface used.

 none of your apps, be it wget or a browser, should care for that kind of  

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Re: GPRS / Wifi

2008-08-11 Thread Mike Baroukh

 i don't think so -- checking the proxy variable should be transparent to  
 the apps and done by which layer is responsible for managing th connection.
indeed, if the variable is only in environnement, you must restart.
Also, I'm still not sure that there is a variable.
Who can set it ? Only pam is able to do it.

In anyway, I'll try to make something.
I'd be happy if it's useful.
If not, I will be it's only user ...


arne anka a écrit :
 for the proxy: as someone mentioned before -- there is a global variable
 defining the proxy .
 Does this mean that I have to re-start my applications when I connect ?
 Not optimal ...

 i don't think so -- checking the proxy variable should be transparent to  
 the apps and done by which layer is responsible for managing th connection.

 Anyway do you know who put this variable ?
 And where to configure it's value ?

 someone in this thread said it is called

 and you can set it in one of your if-up.d/ scripts in a way like

 if [ $IFACE -eq ppp0 ] ; then
   export $http_proxy=yourproxyforgprs

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Re: Using freerunner as a telephone

2008-08-10 Thread Mike Baroukh
Qtopia is great and make FR usable.
But the great thing that is missing is a WebBrowser.
Also :
- can't make gprs work
- no gps

but can we expect this to change with 4.4  ?

For me, the greater is actually FSO...

JW a écrit :
 go to the DISTRIBUTIONS page on the wiki

 follow the link to the QTOPIA / Trolltech image


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Re: GPRS / Wifi

2008-08-10 Thread Mike Baroukh

 Putting scripts into /etc/network/if-up.d would probably work.

Not so easy :
- you may have 2 places where the same interface has different
parameters (wifi at home and wifi at work ...). So you can't just add
[pre|post]-up parameters in /etc/network/interface.
- Not so easy to configure tangogps, maemo, wget, mail client, ...

Thats why I think that place parameters should be part of the framework
and not just scripting.
Application then could be compiled for the framework and using shared
informations on how to connect.

Finally, connection parameters should not be part of the system.
They are part of my profiles = they don't ahve to be in
Personnaly, to connect wifi, I prefer to use a script like

ifconfig $INTERFACE up
iwconfig $INTERFACE essid myessid
iwconfig $INTERFACE mode managed
iwconfig $INTERFACE channel 7
iwconfig $INTERFACE key open my wep key
udhcpc -i eth0

Roland Mas a écrit :
 Mike Baroukh, 2008-08-10 00:52:11 +0200 :

 But I'm asking this : When using wifi or usb, I don't need a proxy.
 When using GPRS, I need a proxy.
 I will not re-configure anything each time.

 Does somebody know if there is a solution ?

   Putting scripts into /etc/network/if-up.d would probably work.

 for each connection, there would be parameters :
 - ip (static or dhcp)

   This should be configured in /etc/network/interfaces

 - nameserver
 - gateway

   This info can come from the DHCP server, the PPP remote end, or
 static in /etc/network/interfaces again.

 - proxy (http / https / ftp  ...)
 - proxy type (transparent or not)
 - user/password for proxy
 - may be max upload/download bandwith
 - may be firewall rules

   Scripts are your friends there :-)

 Last : may be it could connect to internet transparently if needed by an

   At least on Debian, there's a diald package that does exactly
 this.  I guess it could be ported to Openmoko.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPRS / Wifi

2008-08-10 Thread Mike Baroukh

 you can do that in wpa_supplicant.conf.
 just add your different wifi-aps to the conf (it does wep and no enc, too)  
 and let wpa_supplicant handle it.
I'll take a look.
But there must be something I don't understand.
Because if wpa_supplicant handle only wifi, what about usb, gprs or
other connections ?
Is there a way to federate all network connections ?

arne anka a écrit :
 Not so easy :
 - you may have 2 places where the same interface has different
 parameters (wifi at home and wifi at work ...). So you can't just add

 you can do that in wpa_supplicant.conf.
 just add your different wifi-aps to the conf (it does wep and no enc, too)  
 and let wpa_supplicant handle it.

 Openmoko community mailing list

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2008-08-09 Thread Mike Baroukh
hi all.

I'm not a system programmer.
I've got system administration skills and Java developpement skills.

I will certainly say lots of absurdities.
Please correct me ...

I'd love to make system developpement.
But start point is not easy.

I was thinking of following the LinuxFromScratch from start to create my
own learning distribution on my Neo.

But instead I wondered If I could not try to make Android running ?
I saw that like for OpenMoko, there is and android git repository
available (

As I understood, Android is similar to FSO : One framework and
applications that rely on it.
There is already lots of applications.
And the SDK is really easy to use within Eclipse.
(could'nt it be possible to make a SDK for OpenMoko under Eclipse to
ease application developpement ?)

If a group already exists that try to make Android running, please, let
me know.
Also, does somebody have informations on Android ?
Maybe it's have already been checked and it's just a dream that is
actually not possible ?

I don't speak about making a full working android distribution, but if
It could just start It would be great.
then we could make things working step by step.
The framework already exists, we just have to wire it to the hardware.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Android

2008-08-09 Thread Mike Baroukh

 Somebody already had a look into this:

Ok. I gave up.
I would need at least 10 years to make the samething.

 We have two options: either wait for Dalvik to be open-sourced and
 recompiled on ARM4, or wait for android.jar to be open-sourced and
 modified to run on top of Cocoa+SWT. Either way, we just have to wait  :) 
Isn't it possible to make an adapter with may be Jalimo to enable
Android applications to run on OpenMoko ?

Thanks for your replies.


Markus Binsteiner a écrit :
 Somebody already had a look into this:

 Basically the problem is that android is compiled for 
 ARMv5 whereas the neos have got an ARMv4 processor.


 On Sat, 2008-08-09 at 10:08 +0200, Mike Baroukh wrote: 
 hi all.

 I'm not a system programmer.
 I've got system administration skills and Java developpement skills.

 I will certainly say lots of absurdities.
 Please correct me ...

 I'd love to make system developpement.
 But start point is not easy.

 I was thinking of following the LinuxFromScratch from start to create my
 own learning distribution on my Neo.

 But instead I wondered If I could not try to make Android running ?
 I saw that like for OpenMoko, there is and android git repository
 available (

 As I understood, Android is similar to FSO : One framework and
 applications that rely on it.
 There is already lots of applications.
 And the SDK is really easy to use within Eclipse.
 (could'nt it be possible to make a SDK for OpenMoko under Eclipse to
 ease application developpement ?)

 If a group already exists that try to make Android running, please, let
 me know.
 Also, does somebody have informations on Android ?
 Maybe it's have already been checked and it's just a dream that is
 actually not possible ?

 I don't speak about making a full working android distribution, but if
 It could just start It would be great.
 then we could make things working step by step.
 The framework already exists, we just have to wire it to the hardware.


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 Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm. Hier gelangen Sie zum neuen Yahoo! Mail:


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Re: 2008 WTF??

2008-08-09 Thread Mike Baroukh

 Well the problem is that the toolchain has such a huge ramp-up to just  
 get started that there really isn't much contribution to the mainline  
 base packages from the community.
I'm not an expert, but I agree.
I think it would be possible to make a SDK with Eclipse.
It would come with arm gcc and wizards.
It could be used to create/build/package/deploy/share projects ...

 Also I don't see real dedication and vision to get rid of bugs and produce
 something stable and usable.

Couldn't it be, like on Debian, 3 repositories : stable, testing and
unstable ?
This way, users could choose if they wan't something stable or something
And package could graduate according to bug reports.

That's actually what heart me.
It seem that when upgrading, you don't know if it will continue to work ...

Jay Vaughan a écrit :
 Well, that's just mean. It's not like they don't listen to the  
 or communicate with it, on ALL levels. But it's not like all community
 ideas can be implemented immideately, and that everyone can be made
 happy. Anarchy doesn't work even in open source.


 Well the problem is that the toolchain has such a huge ramp-up to just  
 get started that there really isn't much contribution to the mainline  
 base packages from the community.

 If we look at the major contributions in the form of apps and new  
 things coming to the platform lately, we do *not* see a lot of them  
 being built using the main OM body of tools - mostly are compiled  
 separately, not packaged into .ipk files, or even better: just plain  
 ol' python based projects that you hand-install.

 There really is *no* momentum behind the OM build system that I see  
 right now, in terms of 3rd party developers picking it up and getting  
 started with it.  You have to sit through a few days of compiling just  
 to catch up with the factory image, and even then there are so many  
 forks on the other side of the fence that you'd be lucky to produce a  
 md5-compatible image using the current build tools.

 I think 2008.08 is in most ways a step forward. And in the things that
 aren't like that.. sometimes you have to take a half step back to get
 two steps forward. Constructive criticism is the best help one can  
 but bitching is just stupid.


 Jay Vaughan

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GPRS / Wifi

2008-08-09 Thread Mike Baroukh

I succeded to connect to GRPS with FSO.
I never succedeed under OM2007 or ASU.
If somebody is interested, I'm in France and my provider is Bouyges Telecom.
I completed with my APN.

But I'm asking this : When using wifi or usb, I don't need a proxy.
When using GPRS, I need a proxy.
I will not re-configure anything each time.

Does somebody know if there is a solution ?
(I will try to put an iptable rule to use my provider's proxy - wich is
a transparent proxy - but this will not work for https.)

To connect to internet, what would be nice is an application that just
make internet on or internet off.
And for this, it would
- check if usb is plugged and works - use usb
- check if a known wifi (whom I have password) network is usable - use it
- check if an open wifi network is usable - use it
[ add any way to connect here (bluetooth?) ]
- else connect to gprs

order should be configurable.
for each connection, there would be parameters :
- ip (static or dhcp)
- nameserver
- gateway
- proxy (http / https / ftp  ...)
- proxy type (transparent or not)
- user/password for proxy
- may be max upload/download bandwith
- may be firewall rules
- ...

an applet would just say :
internet : off
internet : on

if you click on it, it would display connection information and a
[dis]connect button.

and, finally, it would
- add an iptable to use the proxy transparently if supported - but
https wouldn't work.
- put proxy information somewhere in a file so applications use it and
use the correct way to connect to internet (instead of the proxy). This
way, https would work also.

Last : may be it could connect to internet transparently if needed by an
An alert box then appear uring connection and disappear wen don,
returning to the application.
Of course, each connection profile can say if it can be used
automatically : I don't necessarely need that my gprs connection is used
if I don't have an ulimited plan.


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sim contacts format on OM

2008-07-30 Thread Mike Baroukh
Hi all.

My contacts are all in my sim card.
I can't use them on OM (with the image 20080722 but I couldn't with the
release too) because they are in international format and they all miss
the '+' at the beginning.
When I boot with Qtopia, the '+' is present and contacts can be used.

does somebody know how I can do ?

thanks in advance.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: numptyphysics ipk

2008-07-30 Thread Mike Baroukh

Thanks a lot, it works !

I just did not found how to go to next/previous level ...


Michael Kluge a écrit :
 Hi all,

 the first build for the ipk for numptyphysics can be grabbed here:

 For usage etc. see the project home page:


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Re: Has anyone tried the invisibleSHIELD on the freerunner?

2008-07-28 Thread Mike Baroukh

I received my FR on friday.
I bought a screen protector for DS.
I just had to cut it a little ...


Stroller a écrit :
 Hi there,

 Did you ever hear any more of this?

 I also happened to order on the 4th, and have had no sign of my  
 invisibleSHIELD, either.

 I'll drop them an email - sod's law says it'll arrive immediately  
 afterwards - but it would be nice to read that you have now found  
 them helpful.


 On 23 Jul 2008, at 16:02, Bryan DeLuca wrote:

 I cannot comment on the product.  I placed my order on July 4th and  
 aside from the charge to my card and the confirmation of sale email  
 I haven't heard a thing from ZAGG.  I sent their customer service  
 an email on Monday, no reply.  I called them today and their phone  
 line says they are having a company holiday and will be out all day  
 and half of tomorrow.

 Some of the people in my OM buyers group ordered just the screen  
 protectors (I ordered the whole device protection) and received  
 them within a week.  So, my experience hs not been very good thus far.

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Re: WIKI still a POS

2008-07-28 Thread Mike Baroukh

I had a FR on friday and I can configure that finding informations on 
the wiki is hard.
May I suggest to replace the internal search with a search on google ?
(something like what-i-search).

 Well, it *is* a wiki... feel free to fix it
I personaly think that this is the problem ...

Hugo Mills a écrit :
 On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 07:11:01AM -0600, Scott wrote:
 The OM Wiki is still a prime example of 'How not to do a Wiki.

 a few easy example on the main page.

Well, it *is* a wiki... feel free to fix it.



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Re: Freerunner @ Shop

2008-06-27 Thread Mike Baroukh

 with bag and headphones
Where do you saw a bag ?
Is there any options ? I didn't see where ...

I also ordered mine but without the debug board I did not found ...



Bumbl a écrit :
 Christoph Pulster schrieb:
 what about the german distributors subscribed to this list
 any news on freerunners received?
 We start sales 07/05/2008 (5.July) and accept orders now.
 Price 299 eur incl. VAT. A cheap price means more owners.
 That's what the community needs.


 Openmoko community mailing list

 Ordered mine too
 with bag and headphones

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Re: Software

2008-05-06 Thread Mike Baroukh

About this, I was wondering if there was possibility to have cron like
tasks even if the phone is suspended ?

If no, there is no way to make anything like this  bithdays remeber.
If yes, what will happend ? The phone will wkae up then suspend again ?
The tasks have to suspend it after completion ?

Sorry if this is a dumb question : I'm actually not an openmoko
developper (I will try  when I'll receive mine ...)


Clinton Ebadi a écrit :
 David Murrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 A thought.

 My current phone has birthday notifications for contact list members.

 This is fine, but a better extension would be to alert, and offer to
 send happy birthday text message around a pseudo random time (one
 wouldn't want to be seen to send the same message every year at exactly
 the same time)
 Alternatively, a prompt saying Its $persons birthday. With a button
 saying Send a message :)

 Ok, I'm a guy, and I forget birthdays, and don't really understand the
 thing about getting a text message saying happy birthday, but evidently
 others do...

 Ok then write it.

 It would probably take about two hours if you were jumping into the
 framework from scratch. So just do it.

 You're looking at one attribute in the contacts database, a simple
 alarm, a single dialog to prompt to send a message, and a very short
 function to build and send the message. You've even speced out the
 implementation in high level pseudocode!

 The nice part about the Openmoko platform is that you can now apply
 the Emacs mentality to a phone: if it is a simple feature you can hack
 it together in an afternoon yourself.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Who is who ?

2008-04-10 Thread Mike Baroukh
 For example, I live in France, and I have questions about the
 freerunner delivery in my country

So maybe we may make one page by country and add informations specific
to this country ?

(En France egalement ...)

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
 You're right.

 I added it, so as the nationality field.

 What's the purpose of the nationality field ? It seem's misplaced for
 I would like something like speaked language and location because
 can speak german and live in china.

 You're still right ;)

 I just thought it could be useful to have the information about the
 For example, I live in France, and I have questions about the
 freerunner delivery in my country (taxes, local resellers ...), or
 will it work on the nationals networks ... I could know if there is
 other people in the same case.

 I don't know if this information will be really useful.
 People who don't want, don't have to specify this information.

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Re: Loosing your moko

2008-04-03 Thread Mike Baroukh

Very good Idea !
just :  if it has been stolen, the sim card will be changed. So may be,
each time the sim card is changed, an sms could automatically be send to
another number (so you have the new phone number and can continue to
communicate with it ...). Or, if gprs works, maybe a post can be made to
a server ...


Sebastian Billaudelle a écrit :
 Hi there!

 I thought about the risk of loosing the moko or of getting it stolen...

 I got the following idea:
 If you can't find you moko, you only have to send an SMS with a
 special keyword/passphrase to your moko.
 It recognises the special text and sends the current coordinates to a
 server. So you can see it's position.


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