Re: [Cooker] Where did /usr/X11R6/lib/ go?

2003-11-18 Thread Leon Brooks
On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 06:49, Salane King wrote:
 On Tuesday 18 November 2003 11:55 am, Per Lindström wrote:
 When I try to compile themes for KDE I'm being told
 that /usr/X11R6/lib/ is missing.

 I have been fighting this one for a while. Reinstall the RPMS. Reason
 is that you probably run NVIDIA drivers. NVIDIA install moves them
 out of the way for some reason.

You probably want to link against NVidia's GLX library, in that case.

I really wish they would open the code for this monster. I'm currently 
back to the nv.o driver on my main box because the nvidia.o driver 
crashes several times a day (nForce2-based MSI mobo).

At least we have an alternative, and it looks like we're having a real 
(Open) alternative for their LAN driver as well.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] User says MDK 9.2 is a backward step and requests features

2003-11-17 Thread Leon Brooks
On Mon, 17 Nov 2003 07:12, Alberto Ridolfi wrote:
 Finally, can you go back to the old x-windows signon
 window. With the new one, you can only login for users
 that are on the list. The old one also allowed you to
 enter the user's name.

Translation: I prefer real KDM to MdkKDM.

I agree with him. MdkKDM looks like a false trail.

Cheers; Leon

[Cooker] [PROPOSAL] Add QA link to all front pages

2003-11-17 Thread Leon Brooks
Quite a common report I get from users is I don't know where to report 
bugs. An easy way to fix this would be a report bugs link to in the banner which adorns all Mandrake sites, and 
on the local welcome-to-mandrake page.

Cheers; Leon

[Cooker] 9.2 installer slackness

2003-11-13 Thread Leon Brooks
I upgraded a 9.1 system (which had been powered off while running, so 
had partitions marked as unclean) to 9.2 but the installer did not see 
the 9.1 system at all until I created the device nodes by hand and 
e2fsck'ed the / partition.

The installer *should* (IMESHO) offer to check existing partitions 
before deciding about upgrades if it finds any partitions flagged as 
having errors, and *should* have another checkbox offering to do same 
and try again from the upgrade screen even if an existing system is 
discovered (there might be more) but there are unclean partitions 

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Orphan files ?

2003-11-12 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thu, 13 Nov 2003 07:24, Frank Griffin wrote:
 The latest example is /usr/bin/update-menus.

$ rpm -qf /usr/bin/update-menus

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Orphan files ?

2003-11-12 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thu, 13 Nov 2003 08:13, Frank Griffin wrote:
 It appears that I have a /usr/bin/update-menus without having the
 menus package installed.  I've also got the man page.

Try this:

rm -vf /var/lib/rpm/__db.00*
rpm --rebuilddb

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Orphan files ?

2003-11-12 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thu, 13 Nov 2003 08:49, Frank Griffin wrote:
 Leon Brooks wrote:
Try this:

rm -vf /var/lib/rpm/__db.00*
rpm --rebuilddb

 I'll be happy to, but one of the reasons to post this was to see if
 anybody wanted a snapshot of the existing files that seem to cause
 urpmi to recognize that the package is installed but neither urpmf
 nor rpmdrake to recognize the files included in it, or in the case of
 rpmdrake, that the package even exists (since it isn't recognized as
 being either installed or not).

 If somebody can tell me which files to copy off to the side for
 inclusion with a bug report, I'll be happy to move on.  If the
 responsible parties aren't interested, then please just say so, and
 I'll abandon trying to preserve evidence

Since RPM itself seems to be happy, the contents of /var/lib/urpmi would 
seem to be what's required (about 20MB on my machine). If you wanted to 
be safe, put aside /var/lib/rpm as well (about 23MB here).

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] VESA drivers (was: Danger)

2003-11-10 Thread Leon Brooks
On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 20:25, Bruno Prior wrote:
 For some reason, this guy says the Vesa driver doesn't work for him.
 He hasn't provided enough info to be able to figure out what's going
 on, and probably won't now. Could very likely be user error (I
 suspect it may be configuration of his monitor rather than his card
 that is failing), but we will probably never know now

One thing which has seriously peeved me is that some of the newer cards 
come with a single VESA graphic mode, 800x600xI-think-24 at 60Hz, and 
if this doesn't suit your display (e.g. you have an inflexible 1024x768 
flatscreen), tough bikkies.

There are no combinations which work, you *must* have a native driver of 
some sort. Hurrah for the nv driver, for example, and hurrah for the 
crew who did/are doing a GPLed driver for their nForce LAN card.

On similar lines, I polled XGI yesterday WRT data for building an Open 
driver for their new video cards. If they can bring themselves to do 
that, they'll get more of a leg-up in the market than they anticipated. 
Each manufacturer that does this is one we can use as a wedge against 
the others to worry them into keeping up with the pack.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] ln cannot be forced?

2003-11-10 Thread Leon Brooks
On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 10:37, Quel Qun wrote:
 This is weird:

 # ls -l linux
 linux - linux-2.4.22-21mdk
 # ln -sf linux-2.6.0-0.test9.4mdk linux
 # ls -l linux
 linux - linux-2.4.22-21mdk

At this point, an ls -l linux/ or ls -l linux-2.4.22-21mdk would 
have shown you a symlink named linux-2.6.0-0.test9.4mdk within that 

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Re: No more fpons

2003-11-09 Thread Leon Brooks
On Fri, 7 Nov 2003 18:08, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
 Brad Felmey [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 IIRC for GC it would be handsome guys delivering refreshments
 between bouts of perfect coding. :)

 How rumours can spread..

They're probably just jealous because nobody's offered _them_ pretty 
girls to help with their coding.

I know a few, and they're all too busy being geniuses (wunderkind) to 
want to move somewhere where a computer becomes an ordinateur for no 
good reason. (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Re: No more fpons

2003-11-09 Thread Leon Brooks
On Fri, 7 Nov 2003 22:08, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
 Kind of things that are dangerous to believe when they come
 second-hand, especially from a male/childish set of coworkers :).

Agree. After what I was once accused of by allegedly sober mature 
adults, being declared gay would be fairly mild. Besides, any accuser'd 
be struggling to find anyone who (a) knew me and (b) believed them. (-:

I've suffered three rounds of serious conviction by rumour so far in 
my life, perhaps the funniest was being accused of sleeping with a 
cousin (although nobody would ever actually come out and say it) who 
subsequently fell pregnant* by another completely different cousin 
who, it later turned out, had been shafting her for many years. Very 
pretty girl, great friend too, would make an outstanding programmer if 
she ever decided to do that. The rumours continued even after both the 
cousin concerned *and* my wife had roundly abused the principal rumour 
mongers, but they stopped fairly smartly not long before the delivery.

Cheers; Leon

* French is bizarre, English is much worse. What do we say, Oops,
I tripped and fell pregnant? (-:

Re: [Cooker] protecting LG drives (was: Danger)

2003-11-09 Thread Leon Brooks
On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 07:01, Harijs Buss wrote:
 I have LG drives on several machines and do not want them to
 be killed. 

Then flash them to the latest firmware.

This won't help people who don't know about it, but even if you have a 
kernel with a workaround, you really should repair the LG drives' 
broken firmware anyway.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] kernel-2.6.0-0.test5.1mdk-1-1mdk

2003-11-09 Thread Leon Brooks
On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 07:19, Olivier Blin wrote:
 On Sun, 9 Nov 2003 23:50:41 +0100
 I said test9.5mdk ;)
 I'm tweaking the config files right now, it will be built next

Oden could try setting his clock ahead... (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Danger: Magazine with 9.2 with problematic kernel

2003-11-09 Thread Leon Brooks
On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 10:09, Bruno Prior wrote:
 I just wanted people to see that the faults in the initial 9.2 release
 were causing real-life damage amongst less sophisticated linux users
 than Cooker subscribers. And that this damage hurts more than
 Mandrake - it hurts linux.

I think if Bill Gates really *understood* how much similar pain his own 
users go through with MS-Windows bugs, in *every* release, it'd be 
wrist-slitting time for him.

The Mandrake people are a lot less subject to unreasonable denial than 
Bill is, but still they're human and imperfect. With 9.2, there's very 
little that they can do, and they're doing all of it.

The LG issue really is an LG problem: their firmware is not ATAPI 
compliant, their drives are broken. However, I do think that wider 
testing before release is a fine idea, and I do think Mandrake could do 
with an extra Alpha release about a week or two before they would 
normally start the Betas, specifically to get any changes crammed in 
early so that they have time to be exposed to lots of machines.

About all else Mandrake could do would be spend money they don't have on 
a wide range of cruddy bottom-of-the-range hardware they don't really 
want and then spend time they don't have installing to it to see if it 

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Re: No more fpons: sexy tea ladies

2003-11-06 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 23:52, Götz Waschk wrote:
 Am Donnerstag,  6. November 2003, 16:47:28 Uhr MET, schrieb Pascal 
 Maybe he plans to provide you with nice girls bringing coffee or
 tea to your desk :-)

 What a typical macho opinion. I rather prefer the nice girls who can
 write good code.

When I started Engineering at the University of Western Australia in 
1980, there were four very popular girls out of about 600 engineering 
students. Now I think the enrolments are closer to 60/40%.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Re: No more fpons: keeping the Drakes happy

2003-11-06 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 23:29, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
 Leon Brooks [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 As of now, there is no room for hiring or paying more.

 What else would make Mandrake a more attractive workplace for you?

 I don't understand.

Is there anything that either Mandrake or we could do to make your job 
noticeably more survivable?

I live on the other side of the planet, so I have no idea what would 
make your day, or the collective day of the crew at your office. 
Messages of encouragement? Photos of Pascal's nice girls with offers 
of hospitality for your next holiday? Surprise free pizza (or French 
equivalent? Crepes? Give us a head count and preferences, invite fpons 
along too) for lunch? Free food and accommodation for any Drake that 
attends LCA2004?

Each time we *don't* install MS-Windows and MS-Office, we save ourselves 
roughly USD$400 in licence fees (MS SQL Server? I don't have that much 
money). If we put aside just 10% of that each time into a keep the 
Drakes happy fund and 2% towards club membership then we still save 
88% and just the crew reading this list (call it 100 people installing 
an average of one system a month and you get USD$48,000 a year in the 
slush fund plus USD$9600 a year to the Club) ought to be able to employ 
a Drake or two by themselves - or keep the existing Drakes swamped in 
luxuries. (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Want to do a magazine CD with 9.2 plus LG-proof kernel

2003-11-06 Thread Leon Brooks
On Fri, 7 Nov 2003 04:48, Pascal Terjan wrote:
 Francisco Alcaraz wrote:
 I just have bought a linux magazine (Todo Linux) that comes with
 the two first Mandrake 9.2 and, of course, with the old kernel.
 Nothing in the magazine warn about the possible problem with LG
 cdrom drivers.

 It could be problematic have lot of people having their LG
 cdrom-drivers broken. At least a note about the danger should be


 Mandrake should be more carefull with this, shouldn't it?

 I'm pretty sure the magazine didn't even bother to tell Mandrakesoft
 they'll distibute the 9.2...

OK... I'm planning to include a slightly-less-than-single-ISO version of 
9.2 plus the updates and an LG-proof kernel on the cover of an 
Australian magazine. It will be aimed at a single purpose: installing a 
secure, database-backed Mandrake Linux webserver/mailserver/gateway 
machine for developers to use either for real or as a staging area or 
an intranet server/testbed.

What are the rules Mandrake would like me to follow?

For example, if I include a PLF package or the NVidia/ATI drivers, what 
must I change? The distro's name? Licence terms?

What can I do with the advertising screens? Are Mandrake happy for me to 
add extra images to the sequence, one to loudly remind the audience 
that this is not an official Mandrake distribution - it's been built 
for the magazine - one to advertise Linux contacts in Australia, and so 

What else?

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Want to do a magazine CD

2003-11-06 Thread Leon Brooks
On Fri, 7 Nov 2003 07:14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You might want to consider a live CD version ... (if it's prime
 purpose isn't for installation, but more for demo).

This one will be intended for installation.

I am also considering a live CD as a later project, one with most of the 
above plus a web browser and the like, aimed at being a plug this in 
and try it template that developers can use to ship an active site 
(databases etc copied to a RAMdisk) to a customer.

It would be even better with a script named i_like_it which installs 
to the running machine's hard disk if the end customer does in fact 
like it.

 Well, if we get an answer on this, can we get it on the Wiki.

Yes, please!

A Knoppix-alike-Mandrake-HOWTO page would also be wonderful, if anyone 
reading this has ever made one.

Cheers; Leon

[Cooker] Mandrake mini-conf 2004 take two: speak now or forever hold your peace!

2003-11-06 Thread Leon Brooks
Not sure whether the first post made it to the list, but I can organise 
a one-day Mandrake mini-conference and/or a desktop mini-conf at the 
next LCA2004 in January 2004 (

In order to do so, I need expressions of interest from you *now* if 
you'd like to either attend or present at same.

Please forward/crosspost this to any other Mandrake lists you're on.

Cheers; Leon

[Cooker] Re: No more fpons

2003-11-05 Thread Leon Brooks
On Wed, 5 Nov 2003 21:21, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
 Francois has stopped working for Mandrake. He's not anymore a
 MandrakeSoft employee since Mon 3 Nov.

How long before Mandrake can afford to pay enough wages to make the 
stress worthwhile?

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] FHS 2.3 (fwd)

2003-11-05 Thread Leon Brooks
On Wed, 5 Nov 2003 22:50, Stew Benedict wrote:
 FHS 2.3 is currently stuggling with a couple of
 controversial proposals.

 Addition of /srv:

 Addition of /media: resolves to which back-resolves to but still won't allow me to connect on port 80. 
I tried https just for the fun of it and no go. Nmap shows FTP, SSH, 
SMTP, (TCP) DNS, IMAP[23] and SMux, whatever that is, on port 199.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Re: No more fpons

2003-11-05 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 07:26, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
 Leon Brooks [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Wed, 5 Nov 2003 21:21, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
 Francois has stopped working for Mandrake. He's not anymore a
 MandrakeSoft employee since Mon 3 Nov.

 How long before Mandrake can afford to pay enough wages to make the
 stress worthwhile?

 The company is fully commited to building the necessary
 environment to get out of the current observation and protection
 period from the French Commercial Court. January 2004 should be
 the climax.

Three months. Oh, well, hopefully the rest of you can hold fast.

 As of now, there is no room for hiring or paying more.

What else would make Mandrake a more attractive workplace for you?

 But you know that most employees at technical department 
 are almost as concerned with Linux stuff as the many contributors
 out there, which allows for not only considering wages in the job


Cheers; Leon

[Cooker] The GIMP and CMYK

2003-11-04 Thread Leon Brooks
WRT recent discussions about PhotoShop and Mandrake:

Sven Neuman says (apparently either on 05 Sep 2001 or 09 May 2001 
depending on how you interpret the date 05-09-01):

Yes, the Gimp-2.0 core will have support for multiple color
spaces and CMYK will most probably be one of the color spaces
supported by default. Of course color management is partly
protected by patents. While I must admit that I do not believe
in intellectual property at all and living in Europe makes it
easy to ignore those software patents, we will probably have
to respect some of those patent issues. On the other hand,
only professional users need professional color management
systems like Pantone, so our goal is to provide the
architecture for color management and to provide at least one
free implementation. This will give color management to
everyone and will allow third-party vendors to offer color
management modules which are based on systems that need to be
licensed. Professional Gimp users will then have a chance to
spend their money on licensing fees in order to get the
color-management systems with well-known names on it as their
customers demand.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Re: TUX?

2003-11-03 Thread Leon Brooks
On Mon, 3 Nov 2003 09:45, Levi Ramsey wrote:
 I've seen the proof is in the pudding in various locations, even
 reputable British English publications (e.g. the Guardian).

I've also seen alot in reputable Yankee publications. Wrong is wrong, 
no matter how many times you repeat it. (-:

Another common misunderstanding is the exception which proves the 
rule. Proves used to mean breaks as in destroys. To prove your 
case was to break your opponent's case.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Re: TUX?

2003-11-03 Thread Leon Brooks
On Mon, 3 Nov 2003 18:36, Juan Quintela wrote:
 /me returns to his English lessons.

 As you can expect my Engilsh lessons show me how to talk about aunt's
 cats and gardens, not really _colloquial_ English at all :(

Don't sweat it, your English is far, far better than my French, Spanish 
or anything else. (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Internal Server Error []

2003-11-03 Thread Leon Brooks
On Mon, 3 Nov 2003 23:23, Stefan van der Eijk wrote:
 I'm getting these errors regularly on

 Internal Server Error

Seems to be fixed now. Time to vote for the Konqueror bug:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Re: Mandrake uses Photoshop... What a pity!

2003-11-02 Thread Leon Brooks
On Sun, 2 Nov 2003 04:37, Rob wrote:
 (c) to know that Pan originally stood for Pimp-Ass
 Newsreader you'd have to google a little bit (they even let lapse), whereas gimp is the name of the

So switch to Film Gimp, now known as CinePaint. I'm sure it's in contrib 
or one of the satellite repositories.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Re: Konqueror bug

2003-11-02 Thread Leon Brooks
On Sun, 2 Nov 2003 06:01, Duncan wrote:
 Jan Ciger posted [EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below,  on
 Sat, 25 Oct 2003 19:19:40 +0200:
 Upon opening a bookmark from Konqueror ( in this
 case, but it happened with other addresses too), I am getting this
 message :

 There appears to be a configuration error. You have associated
 Konqueror with text/html, but it can't handle this file type.

 When I restart Konqueror, it goes away only to appear again after
 some time.

Ditto here, but not predictably. Athlon 1800+ on MSI GeForce2-based 

 I took a break from Cooker and am just getting back to the list, so I
 can't say I'm updated, but yes, I'm seeing the same, at times. 
 Konqueror will only want to do local file browsing, not work as a web

Mine breaks totally arbitrarily, http: or file: or fish: makes no 
difference. Always seems to be text/html. Konqueror also dies 
silently (ie, no bomb message) a lot more often than under 9.1.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] TUX?

2003-11-02 Thread Leon Brooks
On Mon, 3 Nov 2003 00:03, Oden Eriksson wrote:
 I asked to have TUX included before but it was decided not to use the
 patch because security considerations.

Now Tux is considered deprecated (but maybe not by Mandrake, who knows?) 
because a lot of what it did to provide extreme responsiveness has been 
exposed through the kernel call API, so now Apache can perform at 
similar levels in userspace (without being welded to the kernel at the 

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Re: Konqueror bug

2003-11-02 Thread Leon Brooks
On Mon, 3 Nov 2003 00:35, Jan Ciger wrote:
 Leon Brooks wrote:
 | Mine breaks totally arbitrarily, http: or file: or fish: makes no
 | difference. Always seems to be text/html. Konqueror also dies
 | silently (ie, no bomb message) a lot more often than under 9.1.

 I filled a bug for this, please vote:

Click vote for this bug, get:

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was 
unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and inform 
them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done 
that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error 

Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/2.0.47 (Mandrake Linux/4mdk) 
mod_perl/1.99_09 Perl/v5.8.1 mod_ssl/2.0.47 OpenSSL/0.9.7b Server at Port 80

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Re: Konqueror bug: Internal Server Error on bug page

2003-11-02 Thread Leon Brooks
On Mon, 3 Nov 2003 07:21, Jan Ciger wrote:
 Click vote for this bug, get:

 Internal Server Error

 Try to reload the page, Mandrake bugzilla is very quirky. It usually
 works on the second, third attempt.

No amount of reloading, including shift key, using either Konqueror or 
Mozilla produces any other result.

Also tried from a machine connected via a different ISP in case it was a 
stubborn cacheing issue, but still the same result.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] New ISO with updates

2003-11-01 Thread Leon Brooks
On Sat, 1 Nov 2003 11:19, Robert L Martin wrote:
 i would be very upset if i PAID for an OS and had this kind of

Robert, I would be very upset if I paid for an ATAPI-compliant CD-ROM 
drive and somebody sold me a non-compliant LG motorised coffee-cup 
holder instead.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Re: Mandrake uses Photoshop... What a pity!

2003-11-01 Thread Leon Brooks
On Sun, 2 Nov 2003 04:10, Duncan wrote:
 If I don't miss my guess, The Gimp, was a DELIBERATE play on the
 above meaning, in the same finger to the man anti-corporate
 poking-fun-at-society deliberate way the Linux community has such
 applications as Scrotum [...], BitchX, and Pimp-Ass Newsreader

And Pathetic Writer, part of SIAG Office.

My personal favourite is this descriptively named Eight-Instruction 
Turing-Complete Programming Language from Muppet Labs (not your 
grandfather's Muppets, it seems):

...and here's an interpreter for it written in itself (plus links to a 
translator-to-C for it)...

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Re: 9.2 - manpages in Russian completely screwed up

2003-10-30 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 21:01, Thierry Vignaud wrote:
 Andrey Borzenkov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  please, fix.

 i'll[message ends here]

Er... is that a good omen? )-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] ADSL + postfix default config = open relay?

2003-10-30 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 20:22, Luca Berra wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 30, 2003 at 12:54:05PM +0100, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
 However, why is it using subnet by default?

 but probably the reason is that postfix target is real mail
 servers on a lan, not standalone system.

No, reason is that on almost all broadband and dialup links that opens 
you to traffic from no more than your own lan, and your private 
point-to-point link to the ISP.

With the arrangement previously described, most Windows machines would 
be completely legs-in-air and beckoning to the entire ISP (or at least 
that subnet) by default. Unwise.

Cheers; Leon

[Cooker] [OT] Uniquely Vietnamese solution to software piracy

2003-10-30 Thread Leon Brooks
No software, so no piracy, so no problem, now we can join WTO and avoid 
US trade sanctions.

Vietnam implemented a trade agreement with the United States in 2001
that requires the government to bring down the piracy rate. And the
government also needs to do that to meet its goal of joining the
World Trade Organization by 2005.

Microsoft Windows and Office cost at least $140 in Vietnam -- way
out of reach for most people, where the per capita annual income is
roughly $420. a lot of it got stolen. How do we solve this problem? We take the 
vulnerable software out of the loop, no worries?

``We are trying step by step to eliminate Microsoft,'' said Nguyen
Trung Quynh of Vietnam's Ministry of Science and Technology.

Laugh? I dang near fell off my chair! (-:

Quick, send them a fixed 9.2 ISO set!

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] LG again (was: rant ahead)

2003-10-28 Thread Leon Brooks
On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 14:29, Rob wrote:
 Worse still would be if this got
 into the channel and someone with an axe to grind decided to sue
 Mandrake for knowingly selling something that would destroy
 equipment, however cheap the equipment may be... in some
 jurisdictions this would probably be legal no matter what the
 EULA or the GPL says.

It's unequivocally the equipment's fault.

The Mandrake-shipped kernel hews to the ATAPI spec, which requires the 
device to ignore or return an error for standards commands that it does 
not implement. Instead, the device dies when it receives a well-defined 
ATAPI command.

Even if it did abuse the opcode for something else, it comes under the 
category blood stupid to accept a firmware upload on the wrong opcode 
with no checksums or data integrity checking of any sort. What happens 
if the power fails midway through an update? What happens when Windows 
begins to crash and spew garbage down the IDE buss?

If you want corroborating evidence to show that it's not Mandrake's 
fault, do the search that Juan suggested. You'll find Windows users 
blowing up LG drives in the same way. Good luck suing Microsoft or the 
writers of the Windows burner software in question for that one.

LG's claim untested with Linux is bogus, both because Linux ain't the 
problem, and because as another poster noted, their retail box says 
it's supported under Slackware.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Fwd: [plug] Mandrake Bug announce warning rant ahead

2003-10-28 Thread Leon Brooks
On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 14:47, James Sparenberg wrote:
 Note that Slashdot pclinuxonline and others found out about it by
 point to this page.

You can't quite say that much. You can say that they found out about it 
*and* pointed at this page, not that they found out about it *through* 
this page. Which is Scott's point.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] What is an LG CD-ROM?

2003-10-28 Thread Leon Brooks
On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 15:12, Felix Miata wrote:

A cheap CD-ROM drive made by LG. LG used to be called GoldStar. They 
advertise using the catch-phrase life's good, but don't put much 
faith in that slogan, probably coined by a shareholder, not by a user 
of their equipment. )-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] ADSL + postfix default config = open relay?

2003-10-28 Thread Leon Brooks
On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 21:34, Florin wrote:
 This is FALSE. The default postfix configuration is binded to

He's obviously bound postfix to all local interfaces instead, and the 
nature of the DSL connection is such that the entire ISP (probably a 
single Class C within the ISP's collection of addresses) is considered 

In Australia, it is normal for the link to the ISP to be P-t-P, so this 
would not happen, but perhaps an extra note in warning of this 
possibility is apropos? I would be more inclined to ask Wietse to do 
this than to make it a Mandrake-specific patch.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] [9.2] The Windows widow shows wrongly 9.1 !

2003-10-28 Thread Leon Brooks
On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 22:27, Teletchéa Stéphane wrote:
 I'm contributing also to translation in French and i found many tiny
 bugs ... not very important in reality, but annoying, like
 milsleading translations in urpmi manual page, ...

This is good, not because they were there, but because they are no 

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Fwd: [plug] Mandrake Bug announce warning rant ahead

2003-10-28 Thread Leon Brooks
On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 22:45, Rolf Pedersen wrote:
 Perhaps, at least in the current economic environment, it
 would be unwise to commit further, limited resources in the
 uncompensated service of those who merely just don't want to pay for
 software and (...) don't want to steal it either.

I understand your point, but that's not Scott's issue.

Scott's issue is that he _is_ a fully subscribed Club member and is on 
the appropriate announce lists but still found out about LG's faux pas 
first from other sources.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] OT: My $firewall is bigger than yours! g

2003-10-28 Thread Leon Brooks
On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 23:43, Buchan Milne wrote:
 We run our production firewall (with about 60 machines behind it, a
 bit of a DMZ etc) on a P133/32MB.

Huh, well! (-:

_My_ firewall is exactly twice as big as yours! (-:

P2-266, 64MB, 6GB.

Cheers; Leon

[Cooker] Fwd: [plug] Mandrake Bug announce warning rant ahead

2003-10-27 Thread Leon Brooks
FYI; Scott runs a local Linux retail business and consultancy

--  Forward; originally to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --

Subject: [plug] Mandrake Bug announce warning rant ahead
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 09:58
From: Scott Middleton DESPAMMED

I am pissed off..
Has anyone seen an official announcement to the Mandrake users that
using their latest and greatest will completely stuff their CDROM?
I don't care that it is not their fault. I don't care that Suse has the
same problem nor do i care if they have found a fix. I was told because
i subscribe to PLUG. I am on the announcements list at Mandrake but it
is usually 2 weeks behind. Maybe i will receive an official notice in
two weeks!

I meet people everyday who run Mandrake but are not on any Mailing
 List. They are not activists, they just don't want to pay for software
 and they don't want to steal it either. How are they supposed to know
 when it is not even on the Mandrake Club front page?

I think this is a very important piece of information that should be
well publicised by them at least in an effort to have some credibility.
This just seems typical of M$ worrying about bottom line rather than
 the users of the product. I expect a  big blazon across their homepage
 saying Please be aware that Mandrake 9.2 can destroy your CDROM. Or
 at least; some official notice.

I suppose what really pisses me off is i have now lost one of my major
Linux selling points. Linux is good because it doesn't hide its
 faults, it acknowledges them and then fixes it.

I didn't lose any CDROMs only because i didn't (fortunately) upgrade
 all the machines that are running Mandrake. My home machine luckily
 doesn't have LG CDROM and is working wonderfully. So for me it wasn't
 the cost of membership + 1 or more CDROMs but for many others it was.

Even worse for Mandrake it only affects the financial contributors. The
people who are starting to make Mandrake profitable, this really can't
be good business decision for them. I can live with bugs and mistakes
but i can't live with irresponsible behaviour and not informing users
 is plainly irresponsible. I will have to reconsider being a financial
 member next year.

Maybe i am overreacting about people having to buy a new CDROM, forget
the warranty, who wants to wait weeks/months for a replacement one. I
 am just a bit disappointed in Mandrake and their lack of urgency in
 informing the public.



Scott Middleton
Linux Information Technology
scott AT
(08) 9331 8051

plug mailing list
plug AT


Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Error buildin Openoffice.org1.1 0.rc4.2mdk

2003-10-26 Thread Leon Brooks
On Sun, 26 Oct 2003 11:41, AAW wrote:
 Sun's j2sdk-1.4.2-fcs installed (same results if not installed).

try this before building (might need to tweak the path):

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/jave/j2re1.4.0_02

if you still get the GIJ message, try

export OVERRIDE_JAVA_HOME=/usr/jave/j2re1.4.0_02

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] [origin found] 9.2 and fried LG cdroms - what's the solution?

2003-10-25 Thread Leon Brooks
On Sat, 25 Oct 2003 05:12, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
 Ok, here's status: Nicolas Planel found the origin of the
 problem. It's the packet writing support for cd/dvd burners
 that was introduced on 15th of August

I'm astounded that anyone would ship a drive that can be fried in 

What's the solution? Is a fried drive truly fried, or can they be 
re-flashed or something to resuscitate it?

Cheers; Leon

[Cooker] Remastering-with-updates HOWTO?

2003-10-25 Thread Leon Brooks
Is there a simple HOWTO somewhere with the steps I need to walk through 
to produce new Download Edition ISOs but with the updated RPMs in place 
of the originals?

Yes, I know it's slack to ask first and search afterwards but it's late 
here and I'm tired and would want to fetch the RPMs ASAP and get this 
done tomorrow.

Cheers; Leon

[Cooker] Anyone else having trouble fetching MandrakeClub RPMs?

2003-10-25 Thread Leon Brooks
Every time I go to download an RPM I get asked to log in. When I log in, 
the site sends me back to the welcome screen. When I work my way back 
down to the download, it asks me to log in again.

Immediately before this, Konqueror was throwing Malformed URL at me in 
return for a perfectly happy-looking HTTPS download URL. Here is an 
example of a URL which is currently asking me to log in but was at one 
stage considered Malformed:

Mozilla just does the login loop for me, has never complained about 
malformation. System is 9.2-ish made from Cooker while it was frozen.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Remastering-with-updates HOWTO? LG-proof kernel.

2003-10-25 Thread Leon Brooks
On Sat, 25 Oct 2003 22:06, Warly wrote:
 2nd solution, remaster the CD. Use the config files into the misc dir
 into repositories. Replace the list line with

 list -k cooker_key_file -k update_key_file 1
 cooker_path/misc/download cooker_path_/misc/main rpmlist -b
 rpmlist -b 9.2_RPMS/

Thanks, Warly!

Do the updates include an LG-proof (LG == Lame Goldstar) kernel yet? 
If so, what's an exact release number so I can check that my local 
mirror is up to speed?

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Anyone else having trouble fetching MandrakeClub RPMs?

2003-10-25 Thread Leon Brooks
On Sat, 25 Oct 2003 23:21, Pascal wrote:
 Le Samedi 25 Octobre 2003 15:39, Leon Brooks a écrit :
 Every time I go to download an RPM I get asked to log in. When I
 log in, the site sends me back to the welcome screen. When I work
 my way back down to the download, it asks me to log in again.

 Immediately before this, Konqueror was throwing Malformed URL at
 me in return for a perfectly happy-looking HTTPS download URL. Here
 is an example of a URL which is currently asking me to log in but
 was at one stage considered Malformed:
X-4496-2 .1.92mdk.i586.rpm

 Mozilla just does the login loop for me, has never complained about
 malformation. System is 9.2-ish made from Cooker while it was

 Yes I have the exactly same problem with kget integrated into
 konqueror when downloading mandrakeclub rpms ! Might be wise to open
 a bug report Leon !

Note that the same process works on an adjacent machine using an updated 
9.1. I'm about to do a fresh 9.2 install on a different machine, so 
I'll try the same process with that one. If it breaks, I'll make a bug 
report, else I'll put it down to an incompletely upgraded installation.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Error buildin Openoffice.org1.1 0.rc4.2mdk

2003-10-25 Thread Leon Brooks
On Sun, 26 Oct 2003 06:01, AAW wrote:
 On Friday, October 24, 2003 07:52 am, R N dev wrote:
 Can anyone help me?

 FIXME: Emulate java runtime with gij here
 dmake:  Error code 1, while making
 ---* TG_SLO.MK *---

 I can't help, but I'd be extremely interested in the solution. I
 posted this problem last month in Mandrake Expert (because I was
 building for 9.1 rather than cooker). The only responses were two
 off-list emails asking if I'd figured it out.

I cured this by installing real Java from Sun. The build then 
succeeded on a Mandrake 9.0 system (which doesn't touch the Internet, 
and I wanted some later software on it - OOo 1.1, FireBird and a few 
other bits - but didn't want to disturb the Win4Lin stuff on it).

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Re: LG Drives - please send official statements

2003-10-25 Thread Leon Brooks
On Sun, 26 Oct 2003 08:22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Saturday 25 October 2003 07:20 pm, Juan Quintela wrote:
 Yep, whoeved decided at LG that reusing for UPLOAD_FIRMAWARE
 command FLUSH_CACHE comand should be shoot.  Twice.

 SO it turns out to be a firmware bug after all that.  I really hope
 you guys  don't take the heat for this in the court of public

 /. posted a really badly researched post on this (with a bad title
 too), but it seems public opinion is that hardware shouldn't be

 It wouldn't hurt though to have an official position sent to /., I
 think they should reasonably update the summary to indicate that this
 is a hardware issue that would also affect other users, and hopefully
 push the availability of updates and how to use them.

I'd say send a release to all of the usual suspects (starting with /. 
LinuxToday LWN and working outwards). Might want to see if LG have 
anything they want to add. Like Oops, sorry!

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] LG-proof kernel == -21mdk?

2003-10-25 Thread Leon Brooks
On Sun, 26 Oct 2003 09:18, Leon Brooks wrote:
 Do the updates include an LG-proof (LG == Lame Goldstar) kernel
 yet? If so, what's an exact release number so I can check that my
 local mirror is up to speed?

OK, Juan implies -21mdk should be happy, correct me if I'm wrong.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake uses Photoshop... What a pity!

2003-10-23 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 01:17, Guy McArthur wrote:
 Can Gimp 1.3 do these?

 * rotate by arbitrary # of degrees
 * free rotate
 * perspective transform
 * other warping transforms

 Apologies for the off-topic. I tried looking for a gimp-1.3 features

Even old GIMP does these. Or to put it another way, I have done these 
using GIMP 1.2, possibly earlier.

Having just installed GIMP 1.3 to see what all of the noise was about: 
Oooh! Shiny! (-:

Cheers; Leon

[Cooker] Mandrake mini-conf at LCA2004?

2003-10-23 Thread Leon Brooks
[ sorry if a dupe appears, not sure if the machine I originally posted
  from has an SMTP server up; I'm only subscribed to Cooker, so... ]


I have an opportunity to do a one-day Mandrake mini-conference at the 
Australian Linux Conference in Adelaide in January 2004.

For this to happen, I need two ingredients: people to be there and 
people to present stuff.

Please email me off-list to leon 0 cyberknights . com . au (since the 
FDNS box gets roughly 250 spam a day and you might drown in that) if 
you have any intention of being at the Southern Hemisphere's premier 
Linux conference (

I'd be most impressed if any of the key ex-officio developers like 
Texstar, Ranger etc could present, and/or any Mandrake employees (Warly 
or anyone else?), and/or if Mandrake could show willing by kicking in 
some merchandise for attendees, maybe a boxed powerpack for a speaker 
prize and a cap or something for other attendees?

If you can come, please consider doing a paper on something like 
Mandrake RPM tricks, Mandrake clusters, the future of the Control 
Center, whatever takes your fancy.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] not enough CDs?

2003-10-22 Thread Leon Brooks
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 22:05, Svetoslav Slavtchev wrote:
 time for 3 DVD's (not CD's) ?

FlightGear, F-117, the full versions of some of the RPGs... and more 
software being added daily... I give it two years tops before we debate 
the 4th DVD. (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] I just installed Mandarke 9.2 Download edition on a IMP PC 300 PL, and it FRIED the CDROM drive

2003-10-22 Thread Leon Brooks
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 17:26, Teletchéa Stéphane wrote:
 Did it really died, or can you use it with hdc=nodma as i'm obliged
 to do for years with my LG model HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8240B ? (from mdk
 8.1 to 9.1)

Had to do the same here with two different drives, one a JustLink-badged 
AOpen CRW4852, one an acient 32x brand-x horror. I suspect complicity 
by the onboard IDE controller (MSI nForce2 mobo) because the JustLink 
did an install OK on a different machine.

BTW, it's nice to have the nForce LAN and video drivers from the 
PowerPack CDs, NVidia's drivers don't play nicely with the default 
combination of kernel and compiler. Must be time to petition NVidia to 
Open those again.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Idea for future iso's

2003-10-22 Thread Leon Brooks
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 17:22, Warly wrote:
 A compromise would be to give those 2 base ISOs for free and let club
 members have access to 3 more specific complementary ISOs.

Only 3? (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] [IMPORTANT] 9.2 install potentially frying some LG cdrom drives

2003-10-22 Thread Leon Brooks
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 19:59, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
 Several people are reporting that installing the 9.2 totally
 fried their LG cdrom drive. Luis Alves on cooker is reporting
 that problem on an IBM PC 300 PL machine, with a LG CRD-8400B. On
 MandrakeClub an article[1] reports that this happens on a Dell
 Optiplex GX1 machine, with CRD-8482B and CRD-8400B models.

 I've had confirmations that with another LG model, the HL-DT-ST
 CD-ROM GCR-8520B, 9.2 worked nice (e.g. did NOT do any damage to
 the cdrom drive). Also, with the HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8522B,
 9.2rc2 worked nice (it's then -probable- 9.2 will work nice).

Might help to also report the breed of IDE controller involved, and/or 
the CPU brand and speed since it sounds like a combination of factors 
is necessary to fry a drive.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] not enough CDs? (was: 9.2 disasters)

2003-10-19 Thread Leon Brooks
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 14:36, Warly wrote:
 The 3 ISOs provided to the club are only the 3 out of the 7 provided
 into the boxed version.

 [...] but yes there are some binaries on the first source CD
 as I prefer removing some source than removing binary rpm).

So... reading between the lines, where this list was complaining about 3 
CDs not being enough, you're telling us that 7 CDs is not enough? (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Fw: [expert] Shockwave Player for Linux Campaign

2003-10-18 Thread Leon Brooks
On Fri, 17 Oct 2003 19:05, Jan Ciger wrote:
 |I think every cooker should join in ...,
 |I already did...

 Me too. Definitelly post this to Slashdot, they will get more
 requests that they bargained for :-)

I asked for DreamWeaver for Linux while I was there. (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Torrent ha ha ha.

2003-10-18 Thread Leon Brooks
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 10:26, Brook Humphrey wrote:
 Thanks to all of you leaving your torrents turned on.

My PowerPack torrent is till pushing out a steady 8KiB/s on a 512/128Kib 
(not lowercase b) ADSL link. It took nearly 3 days to arrive. The 
download edition is arriving at 16KiB/s* and departing at 1, has taken 
roughly 14 hours to get that far.

My plan is to leave each torrent up until at least twice as much has 
been sent as was fetched.

Cheers; Leon

* Evidently someone else has just come on line (cue Twilight Zone theme)
  since it roared up to 40KiB/s immediately after I typed that. (-:

[Cooker] Odd blip during upgrade 9.1 - 9.2

2003-10-18 Thread Leon Brooks
I've got one customer machine which slowly went crazy as salt-laden air 
infected the accumulated dust on the MoBo. When they finally called me 
about it (as in, when it no longer booted - thwack!) there were bits 
missing all over the FS, so I decided that the simplest way to repair 
it would be an upgrade, and since I'd recently finished sucking the 
PowerPack down (torrentially).

The first CD came out a bit wonky (cheap media, full-speed burn, and a 
dodgy second-hand reader), and one of the symptoms is that it didn't 
offer to upgrade, just went straight through to install without 
mentioning upgrades at all. I'd been burning my backup set slower, so I 
used the first CD from that and it did offer to upgrade.

Athlon 2000+ on an MSI K7N2G (nForce2) motherboard, 256MBxPC133-DDR and 
seagate 40GB IDE drive if that makes any difference. The slowest CPU I 
can buy runs as fast as the klystron in my microwave oven.

The 9.1 is a download edition, the 9.2 is PowerPack.

During this upgrade, kdemultimedia-midi and -kscd are whining (on 
console 3) about conflicts, and about kdetoys being too old. After a 
dozen or so batches of packages (wasn't watching) they quit whining. 
I'll post again if anything related is broken.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Another niggle for 9.2 (not t obad though)

2003-10-18 Thread Leon Brooks
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 09:36, Brook Humphrey wrote:
 For 9.2 when installed and using a logitech mouse it finds it fine
 during install but after reboot it looses the wheel on the wheel

No problems here with AOpen O35 or a GoTech nameless baby mouse (both 
optical wheel mice).

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] [OT] Sabbatarian torrents.

2003-10-18 Thread Leon Brooks
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 12:12, Brook Humphrey wrote:
 I shut it off for sabbath.

This is something I've wondered about occasionally: by having your 
torrent up, do you become responsible for work that other people might 
be doing because of it? Are they conceptually a part of your household?

If so, and they are in different timezones, are you responsible only 
during sabbath-for-you, or sabbath-for-them, or both?

Is your computer counted as a kind of an animal or servant for purposes 
of deciding what it can or can't do on sabbath, or as an inert object 
like a stream (which continues to work throughout sabbath)?

If your own computer is a kind of a servant, where do you stand WRT 
leaving your email and/or web domains up during sabbath? Does it make a 
difference whether your computer or your ISP's is doing the work?

I've met sabbatarians, and computer people, but never someone who was 
both and also willing to satisfy my curiosity. Happy to see a reply on 
or off list.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Re: Demo site OLD

2003-10-15 Thread Leon Brooks
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 09:28, David Walser wrote:
 I agree that would be nice, but that would require MDK to re-hire the
 guy that made the Demo section, which would require money...

Cooker list crew have already worked one site, what's so hard about 
another? (-: Eventually, management will have to ask list's permission 
to change stuff on Mandrake pages :-)

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] [Mandrake 10] automated testing (was: Replacing proftpd)

2003-10-02 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thu, 2 Oct 2003 13:38, Vincent Danen wrote:
 Build output is great, but if an app doesn't work and no one tries
 it, what good is it?  Ie. on Corp 2.1/x86_64 apparently no one tried
 to do a search in joe... it segfaults every time.  Now, granted, not
 too many people were able to test that (from my understanding) but a
 simple rebuild wouldn't have shown that as being a problem.  rpmlint
 could be happier than sin, slbd could tell you nothing, but unless
 someone has written a program to fire up a program and fiddle with it
 automatically and then notify you if there is a problem or something
 doesn't operate properly *before* making it publically available,
 there isn't much point to an automatic rebuild.

 Auto rebuilds are great for cross-platform *current* development but
 trust me... they will absolutely cause nightmares for backporting to
 older releases.

It shouldn't be hard to bodgy up something to test command-line and 
curses apps, as in, you walk through a series of tests and record what 
happened, the framework then feeds in the same events and whinges if 
the output (and maybe changes to files) isn't the same. That wouldn't 
guarantee that everything was good, but it would show up obvious 
problems a lot sooner.

To some extent you could do the same with X stuff, although there would 
be a disadvantage in that things like widgets might change with theming 
or different versions of the window manager or widget libraries, but 
you couldn't draw a line around the widgets and tell the test framework 
to ignore them 'coz the app might break the widgets too. You could 
semi-automate the tests so that the framework highlighted differences 
and the operator could say yea or nay (or for something like a clock, 
draw a line around it and say ignore this).

None of this would replace manual testing, but it would whoosh through a 
lot of the boring stuff, saving the, er, interesting bugs for real 
eyeballs and brains.

Cheers; Leon

[Cooker] BTW, fixed WINE complaints

2003-10-02 Thread Leon Brooks
Context: updated from 9.1 by aiming urpmi at cooker on PlanetMirror and 
asking for urpmi, then --auto-select.

Uninstalled WINE stuff completely and there were still libraries in 
/usr/lib/wine so I splatted those, reinstalled and all was well. 
Presumably this will work if people have trouble upgrading from 9.1 to 
the real 9.2.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] urpmi and 9.2 updates curious (and WINE)

2003-10-01 Thread Leon Brooks
On Wed, 1 Oct 2003 17:15, François Pons wrote:
 Vincent Danen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Have you tried adding the media and downloading the updates?  It
 should work regardless of what's in the list file.

 My bad.  You're right, it doesn't work.

Did for me. Posting from a 9.1 system upped to currently-frozen Cooker.

The only problem I have is WINE, which says:

wine client error:9: version mismatch 118/105.
Your wine binary was not upgraded correctly,
or you have an older one somewhere in your PATH.
Or maybe the wrong wineserver is still running?

 It's fixed now.  The way urpmi handles this changed, so now all the
 old distribs do it one way and 9.2+ do it another way.

 No, urpmi didn't change on this, but DrakX has changed the way the
 update media are defined, I check to see if I made something wrong on

I didn't use DrakX, if that makes any difference.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] font license question

2003-10-01 Thread Leon Brooks
On Wed, 1 Oct 2003 17:20, Oden Eriksson wrote:
 This particular font is named times.ttf and I believe it is pretty
 standard in windoze. Is there a version somewhere that I can use?
 What ttf fonts if any ships with 9.2 and where is it located, which

Every Linux that I know of ships with a Times font.

Cheers; Leon


2003-09-30 Thread Leon Brooks
On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 12:29, Tuomo Stauffer wrote:
 On Monday 29 September 2003 21:13, Sascha Noyes wrote:
 On Monday 29 September 2003 07:09 pm, Jason M. Randle wrote:
 Great minds discuss ideas.
  Average minds discuss events.
  Ignorant minds discuss people.

 You must admit that the sig is somewhat amusing in this email.

Agree. (-:

 For a long time I have to agree this is the best ! And something
 we should do with Mandrake - discuss ideas. We have a lot of
 very intelligent people here developing Mandrake and ideas are
 what we need - not Average minds discuss events or Ignorant
 minds discuss people - ( IMHO ) and have a nice day.

 ps. where / who did this anecdote originate ?

Jason What Headers? Randle misquoted Admiral Hyman G. Rickover:

   Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.

I can't find a reference for the last line, but I did stumble across an 
interesting editorial...

We get most of our server consolidation with Exchange 2000,
Devenuti says. But he expects to be able to push the number
of users per server from about 3,000 on Exchange 2000 to
5,000 on Titanium. [/ME notes that Linux can handle at least
2,000,000 per box using dear old klunky SendMail as per and that tests
show PostFix delivering typically twice as much as SendMail]

...with this breathtakingly bold reader comment while I was looking:

Microsoft has done a great job of putting powerful tools in
the hands of clueless morons. [...] Keep in mind people,
Windows is the Etch-A-Sketch of the computer world.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] And next ? (SaMBa and CUPS)

2003-09-30 Thread Leon Brooks
On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 14:11, Randy Welch wrote:
 (why do I need cups when installing samba...)

Because if SaMBa is ever to use some of the special features of CUPS 
(e.g. print to PDF), it needs to access CUPS through the library. You 
shouldn't need all of CUPS, just the library.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] And next ? Release cycle.

2003-09-29 Thread Leon Brooks
On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 08:44, Greg Meyer wrote:
 On Sunday 28 September 2003 04:19, Warly wrote:
 - What could we do to improve 9.3/10.0 development.

 Use the commonly held definitions of beta and rc for labeling
 releases.  Too often, rc's are still full of major bugs, including
 with the installer, that most reasonable people think should be gone
 by the time you start using the term rc.

Hokay... how about a definition of terms?

Mandrake should have an Alpha release two weeks prior to their first 
planned Beta. To put it another way, we should begin the wind-up 
process two weeks earlier with an Alpha pulled straight out of cooker. 
Alpha-1 should be a signal that no new packages will be added without a 
damn fine reason, and if you want existing packages updated, you'd 
better hurry and get them and their dependencies sorted now. Anyone 
installing Alpha-1 on a production machine needs their head read.

Alpha-1 should include the installer as she are shipped except for 
fixes (ie, no major design changes to the installer between Alpha-1 and 
Final, just bug-fixes and refinements).

If Alpha-1 is abysmal, there should be an Alpha-2 crowded in there 
somewhere. BitTorrent is your friend, if you don't want to upset the 

Beta-1 should signify no new packages at all, no new versions except 
for showstoppers and security fixes. Beta-1 should inspire the 
braver/more foolhardy souls to install it on production systems.

If we do this, the first RC may well be a genuine RC and should 
certainly be fit enough to routinely run a production system on. This 
should make Final shine, be a beacon of robustness for other 
distributors to envy. (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] And next ? - cooperation with major disk vendor?

2003-09-29 Thread Leon Brooks
On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 19:35, FACORAT Fabrice wrote:
 You don't know where the disk will be installed, and so if you don't
 support well the hardware you will just panic ... Bad reputation for

 This kind of alliance should be made with computers suppliers ( HP,
 Dell, IBM, Acer, Shuttle ) or with supermaket. The support is well
 defined and tested and so you don't have problem and you can have


Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Re: And next ?

2003-09-29 Thread Leon Brooks
On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 18:02, David Walser wrote:
 Can Mailman be configured to correctly set the reply-to to the list?

Correctly is a matter of opinion (one I happen to agree with) but it's 
a simple option for each list and can be made the default for new 

 What about majordomo?

Bug/vulnerability city, harder to install, cumbersome, limited. Stick 
with MailMan.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] And next ?

2003-09-29 Thread Leon Brooks
On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 20:55, Buchan Milne wrote:
 This has no bearing on the matter, since we build against libcups. If
 we didn't, you wouldn't require any printing-related software

If libcups2 isn't exclusive of any of the other printing systems, is it 
such a big problem to install it? All it requires is some 
near-universal graphics, crypto and compression libraries.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] And next ?

2003-09-29 Thread Leon Brooks
On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 04:50, Michael Scherer wrote:
 On Sunday 28 September 2003 10:19, Warly wrote:
 - How to have more contributors?

 And, even if this sound a little childish, having a mail address for contributer could do some
 subliminal advertisement, showing that people can contribute without
 having to be employed by mdk.

Good idea. And a simple way to determine who gets early ISO access?

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] How to write a Mandrake HOWTO ?

2003-09-28 Thread Leon Brooks
On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 18:09, Austin wrote:
 Old corporate style is official and looks nice (use XML-related
 format or whatever), and can be edited with your favorite editor, but
 can't be transferred easily to the wiki, where most docs should
 reside IMHO.  At the very least, it draws people to the wiki.

 New community style is to write the doc on the wiki.  Problem is
 editing a large document in a web browser, no syntax highlighting,
 etc.  Does anyone know of an editor for wiki markup?  Also, the
 document is then not easily published elsewhere.  Is there an easy
 way to convert wiki markup to pure HTML, or PDF, or some other
 publishing format?

 This is something that should be sorted out, as doc writing is an
 amazing source of free labour, and allows not-so-technical people to
 help out too.

The alternative is to regularly update the formal doc from the Wiki, and 
occasionally browse the Wiki for new formal-doc candidates. Some effort 
required, but cut-and-paste isn't as hard as thinking up and typing the 
text in the first place.

A first-pass Wiki-to-corporate translator script would probably be 

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Some apps for next mandrake

2003-09-28 Thread Leon Brooks
On Sun, 28 Sep 2003 21:39, Steffen Barszus wrote:
 I just want propose two apps for next mandrake.


 _XFCE4 _

KDE 3.2 ('tis gunna be _awesome_ :-)

Move NeverBall in from Contrib. Very addictive!

I'd personally like to shovel at least half of Contrib into the main 
distro, but I can't see the 'Drakes being too happy about the extra 
maintenance burden. (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] 9.2 ISOs has been sent - who are contributors

2003-09-25 Thread Leon Brooks
On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 18:39, _ cosmicflo wrote:
 Who are contributors ?
 For exemple, am I a contributor (send bugs report, discuss here) ?

My purpose here seems to be frightening Warly. Does that count? (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] 9.2 ISOs has been sent

2003-09-25 Thread Leon Brooks
On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 20:29, Adam Williamson wrote:
 Or are you just wondering exactly when this will
 happen, given the delayed release of the 9.1 ISOs?

Old habits die hard, don't they? (-:


Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] 9.2 ISOs has been sent

2003-09-25 Thread Leon Brooks
On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 23:37, Serge Pluess wrote:
 One day one lonely box of
 8.2 was sitting at Fry's next to lots and lots of boxes of Redhat 9,
 Suse 8.2, and current versions of Lycoris, Lindows, FreeBSD and
 NetBSD. Redhat and Suse boxes are usually at the store the day of the
 official release. And the store said that it doesn't have any
 preferences, just that they never received any 9.0 nor 9.1 retail
 boxes, otherwise they would put them on the shelves immediately.

Red Hat have just eliminated themselves from this race. They've figured 
out that the money lies in enterprise and corporate installation and 
support. No more Red Hat boxes on the shelf.

Cheers; Leon

Re: showstoper? Re: [Cooker] Re: [Bug 4316] [console-tools] /sbin/setsysfont segfaults on boot

2003-09-25 Thread Leon Brooks
On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 22:07, Warly wrote:
 Tibor Pittich [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 damn! f*ck!

 arg, same!

Translation: the show has been stopped, 9.2 won't have this bug?

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] 9.2 ISOs has been sent

2003-09-25 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thu, 25 Sep 2003 00:02, Rob wrote:
 In my experience,
 torrents are faster than the fastest mirror once they get going.

*IF* there are thousands of people participating. If not, the mirror 
works out faster.

Cheers; LEon

Re: [Cooker] Yet another too late, but . . .

2003-09-24 Thread Leon Brooks
On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 15:47, Robert Fox wrote:
 Can I download the standard Webmin RPM from the webmin site
 (currently version 1.110) and update the Cooker installed version

 Is it just a simple rpm -Uvh procedure or are there Mandrake
 specific changes to the standard Webmin package?

Diff them and see. Start with .src.rpm filesets and compare the .specs 
and patches against each other. Some of the patches might still be 
applicable, and the Mandrake specs are generally more flexible but 

Cheers; Leon

[Cooker] Argh! Third round of patches for OpenSSH (3.7.1p2)!

2003-09-23 Thread Leon Brooks

Hope we've not sent the 9.2 masters to press yet!

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Argh! Third round of patches for OpenSSH (3.7.1p2)!

2003-09-23 Thread Leon Brooks
On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 07:58, Han Boetes wrote:
 Adam Williamson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-09-24 at 00:34, Leon Brooks wrote:
 Hope we've not sent the 9.2 masters to press yet!
 Would these affect us, necessarily? We didn't update to 3.7, and I
 wouldn't be surprised if these vulnerabilities were in code
 different to that for which patches were backported. Maybe we're
 still okay.

 We're fine.

Whew! (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Argh! Third round of patches for OpenSSH (3.7.1p2)!

2003-09-23 Thread Leon Brooks
On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 09:08, Vincent Danen wrote:
 On Wed Sep 24, 2003 at 07:34:14AM +0800, Leon Brooks wrote:

 Hope we've not sent the 9.2 masters to press yet!

 Why?  3.7 isn't in cooker.

Having gone back and read the announcement carefully, you're right, it 
doesn't mention versions other than 3.7*, and Han assures us that the 
backported patches didn't include the breakage. So score one for 
Mandrake caution. (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Dept of redundant redundance (kernel RPM versions)

2003-09-21 Thread Leon Brooks
On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 13:34, Curtis Hildebrand wrote:
 The explanation of kernel naming given in the spec file:

Thanks for that, it made interesting if mind-bogglingly confusing 
reading. (-:

Would it be simpler to give -pre kernels a kind of negative version 
number? E.g. 2.4.21-2mdk then 2.4.22-+3mdk for 2.4.22pre3 then 
2.4.22-1mdk for the first real 2.4.22?

Since '+' collates before '0' I'm kind of hoping this will have the 
right effect, sorting preX after the previous kernel but befor ethe 
real one - having not read the code. Using '-' (so 2.4.22--3mdk for 
.22pre3) would confuse the parsing and make my eyes cross.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] silent failures are a Bad Thing (tm)

2003-09-21 Thread Leon Brooks
On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 16:27, Simon Oosthoek wrote:
 During install, a lot of problems happen unnoticed, because the
 results of install actions aren't always checked and considered
 blocking of failed. So if the next release cycle would include checks
 that block on significant errors, like network configuration
 finished, but no ip address is assigned to a device.

Perhaps a debug flag or version of the installer?

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] RC3 or not? - no VeriSign

2003-09-18 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 16:03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If this all can be fixed, I would be very happy:)
 Perhaps add:
 10) Verisign/Bind issue

The official word is: no time to test, and VeriSign might change what 
they do. However, VeriSign-proofed BINDs (and presumably the 
VeriSign-allergic PostFix as well) will be available elsewhere (PLF, 
Texstar, Ranger, Thac, who knows?)

A safe plan, methinks.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] RC3 or not?

2003-09-18 Thread Leon Brooks
On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 01:39, Pierre Jarillon wrote:
 I am sure that Mdk9.2 will be a success, but a RC3 (IMHO the first
 true RC) can make a great success, even a very great success.
 Don't waste this chance for a week! We need a RC3.

If we're gunna have one, it'll have to be today (else no time for any 
feedback before 22Sep, let alone rebuilding stuff), but that would take 
a Drak away from fixing other bugs... a dilemma.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Squid Proxy

2003-09-18 Thread Leon Brooks
On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 02:08, Norman Zhang wrote:
 I noticed in 9.2RC2 the version for Squid is
 squid-2.5.STABLE3-2mdk.i586.rpm. However, the latest STABLE from is squid-2.5STABLE4. It fixes many bugs (includes
 a better implementation of NTLM with Samba). I was wondering if it's
 possible for the version to make it into 9.2 at this stage?

If you need it, you can always pull the RPM from Cooker in a week or two 
(or .src.rpm if too much else has changed).

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] RC3 or not?

2003-09-18 Thread Leon Brooks
On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 07:14, Adam Williamson wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-09-18 at 22:34, Luis Vicente Castillo Corbella wrote:
 I totally agree 9.2 solid, stable, innovative, easi for newies ok?

 Can we arrange for it to make tea and create world peace too?

Herb tea. And world peace only by consent. Plus I'd like an X10 
interface and irDA autodetection.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] RC3 or not?

2003-09-18 Thread Leon Brooks
On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 04:00, Austin wrote:
 Sure, but you see the reason it will never make it big North
 America... it can't make coffee!

As long as it make beautiful music, we can bring the coffee. (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] 9.2 download CD size

2003-09-17 Thread Leon Brooks
On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 21:40, Svetoslav Slavtchev wrote:
 but tell me which bleeding edge PC has a 300W PSU ?-)
 and dual SMP commonly needs = 400-450 :-)

...and count the monitor...

Cheers; Leon

[Cooker] Fwd: [CS-FSLUG] USB flash card reader SLOW in Mandrake 9.2 RC2

2003-09-17 Thread Leon Brooks
Please CC the original poster in on any replies.

--  Forward  --

Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 05:02
From: K Montgomery [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello All,

I just bought a KTI 6-in-1 USB flash card reader from 
It claims to be compatible with Linux, which I've found to be true...
in the strictest sense of the word compatible.

I am able to access the drive (the CompactFlash slot) on /dev/sda1, but
mounting and viewing file contents is absurdly SLOW.  I tried to copy
several files off the card and the operation seemed to take minutes per

I am seeing this pair of messages in /var/log/syslog:
Sep 17 16:35:24 KmacG4 kernel: sr0: mmc-3 profile: 0h
Sep 17 16:35:24 KmacG4 kernel: cdrom: open failed.

Here's the pertinent line from /etc/fstab (may wrap):
/dev/sda1 /mnt/removable auto
users,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,noauto 0 0

(That line was automatically added by something, don't know what.)

Anyone have any ideas on why this reader is behaving so sluggishly in
Linux?  (Works just fine on Mac OS.)



Cheers; Leon

[Cooker] Possible OpenSSH showstopper

2003-09-17 Thread Leon Brooks
Perhaps the local mirror (PlanetMirror) is just lagged but it's showing  
openssh-3.6.1p2-7mdk rather than 3.7.*. Even if this is a patched 
3.6.1, it would be considerably more reassuring if it said 3.7.1* for 
the 9.2 release, seeing that even 3.7.0 has security issues with, 
apparently, wild exploits for same.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Possible OpenSSH showstopper

2003-09-17 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 08:46, Vincent Danen wrote:
 In short, 8mdk is up, it has the appropriate fixes.

Great, thanks.

PlanetMirror is now showing 3.6.1p2-1.2.91mdk, which I presume equals 
Cooker's 3.6.1p2-8mdk?

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Possible OpenSSH showstopper

2003-09-17 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 08:47, Vox wrote:
 There's more problems with 3.7.x than you can shake a stick at.

So I see, thanks VD for the hint:

Cheers; Leon

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