Re: [COOT] Linking two sidechains with a double bond and refining

2023-08-11 Thread David Dranow
Hi David Briggs,

Thank you for the suggestion of AceDrg.  I gave it a try, using the Coot way 
and the Jligand way for AceDrg. For some reason the Coot method didn't make a 
cif, only jligand did.  But the cif didn't have any effect on refinement.  What 
did work for Phenix was to define the planarity in a phil file:

planarity {

  action = *add

  atom_selection = \

chain A and resname LIG and resid 3 and name C1 or \

chain A and resname LIG and resid 3 and name C2 or \

chain A and resname IGL and resid 6 and name C3 or \

chain A and resname IGL and resid 6 and name C4 

  sigma = 0.02


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Re: [COOT] Linking two sidechains with a double bond and refining

2023-08-01 Thread David Dranow
Hi Joel,

That's a great idea! I've considerd it, and technically it would work as you 
suggest to refine correctly.  However, that would look like more carbons come 
from one of the two precursor molecules than the other, which chemically would 
be wrong. I really want to avoid giving the impression that different chemistry 
happened to form this covalent bond. It's just unfortunate that the created 
bond isn't more easily defined for these programs. 


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Re: [COOT] Linking two sidechains with a double bond and refining

2023-07-31 Thread David Dranow
Message was attached instead of in the body for some reason. Here it is" 

Hi Learned Friends,

I'm trying to refine a structure that has a very similar staple to the one in 
8GJS.  In that structure, there's a double bond between residue 5 and 12 in 
chain B.  I've tried to define a link using jligand and I get a cif that looks 
like it would define the double bond.  But when I load that into Coot and try 
to refine the link, the bond blows up, bonded atoms seperate.  Has anyone had 
any luck with this?  What should I use to define a double bond link such that 
Coot (and Phenix) doesn't blow it up, but also keeps the appropriate atoms in 
plane (either trans or cis, NOT something in between).  


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[COOT] Linking two sidechains with a double bond and refining

2023-07-31 Thread David Dranow
Hi Learned Friends,

I'm trying to refine a structure that has a very similar staple to the one in 
8GJS.  In that structure, there's a double bond between residue 5 and 12 in 
chain B.  I've tried to define a link using jligand and I get a cif that looks 
like it would define the double bond.  But when I load that into Coot and try 
to refine the link, the bond blows up, bonded atoms seperate.  Has anyone had 
any luck with this?  What should I use to define a double bond link such that 
Coot (and Phenix) doesn't blow it up, but also keeps the appropriate atoms in 
plane (either trans or cis, NOT something in between).  


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[COOT] WinCoot preferences

2023-05-19 Thread David Dranow
Hi Friends,

I have sucessfully used preference files for WinCoot for that last 8 years 
across 3 laptops, but with this new laptop it's not working. It looks like the 
files are read, but I don't see the output in the terminal to indicate that it 
has any effect. And the preferences are not updated. I've always put 
and into C:\WinCoot\.coot-preferences.  I've attached my 
preferences files and the terminal output. Any ideas what changed?  I'm using 

These are the commands I'm most interested in having run on each startup:
set_show_symmetry_master (1)
set_show_environment_distances (1)
set_environment_distances_label_atom (1)
set_refine_ramachandran_angles (1)
set_default_initial_contour_level_for_map (1) 
set_nomenclature_errors_on_read ("ignore")


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Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data

C:\WinCoot>title WinCoot

C:\WinCoot>set COOT_PREFIX=C:\WinCoot\

C:\WinCoot>set COOT_GUILE_PREFIX=C:/WinCoot/

C:\WinCoot>set COOT_HOME=C:\WinCoot\

C:\WinCoot>set COOT_BACKUP_DIR=C:\WinCoot\\coot-backup

C:\WinCoot>set COOT_SHARE=C:\WinCoot\\share

C:\WinCoot>if not exist "" (
echo no $CLIBD_MON found trying to setup CCP4
 Call :setup_ccp4
 no $CLIBD_MON found trying to setup CCP4

 C:\WinCoot>For /F "Skip=1 Tokens=2*" %A In ('Reg Query 
"HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\CCP4-7"  /V "InstallDir" 2>Nul') Do Set "CCP4Dir=%~B"

 C:\WinCoot>REM find latest dir

 C:\WinCoot>FOR /F " tokens=*" %i IN ('dir "\7.*" /b /ad-h /t:c /od') DO SET 
 File Not Found

 C:\WinCoot>REM setup ccp4

 C:\WinCoot>call "\\ccp4.setup.bat"
 The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

 C:\WinCoot>Exit /B 0

 C:\WinCoot>if not exist "" (
 echo no $CLIBD_MON found setting COOT_REFMAC_LIB_DIR
  set COOT_REFMAC_LIB_DIR=C:\WinCoot\\share\coot\lib
  no $CLIBD_MON found setting COOT_REFMAC_LIB_DIR

  C:\WinCoot>set COOT_SCHEME_DIR=C:\WinCoot\\share/coot/scheme


  C:\WinCoot>set COOT_PIXMAPS_DIR=C:\WinCoot\\share\coot\pixmaps

  C:\WinCoot>set COOT_RESOURCES_FILE=C:\WinCoot\\share\coot\cootrc

  C:\WinCoot>set COOT_DATA_DIR=C:\WinCoot\\share\coot

  C:\WinCoot>set COOT_REF_STRUCTS=C:\WinCoot\\share\coot\reference-structures

  C:\WinCoot>set COOT_PYTHON_DIR=C:\WinCoot\\lib\python2.7\site-packages\coot

  C:\WinCoot>REM set 

  C:\WinCoot>REM set PYTHONHOME=C:\WinCoot\\python27


  C:\WinCoot>set SYMINFO=C:\WinCoot\\share\coot\syminfo.lib


  There are 143 data in 
  There are 2 data in C:/WinCoot//share/coot/lib/data/monomers/a/ALA.cif
  There are 2 data in C:/WinCoot//share/coot/lib/data/monomers/a/ASP.cif
  There are 2 data in C:/WinCoot//share/coot/lib/data/monomers/a/ASN.cif
  There are 2 data in C:/WinCoot//share/coot/lib/data/monomers/c/CYS.cif
  There are 2 data in C:/WinCoot//share/coot/lib/data/monomers/g/GLN.cif
  There are 2 data in C:/WinCoot//share/coot/lib/data/monomers/g/GLY.cif
  There are 2 data in C:/WinCoot//share/coot/lib/data/monomers/g/GLU.cif
  There are 2 data in C:/WinCoot//share/coot/lib/data/monomers/p/PHE.cif
  There are 2 data in C:/WinCoot//share/coot/lib/data/monomers/h/HIS.cif
  There are 2 data in C:/WinCoot//share/coot/lib/data/monomers/i/ILE.cif
  There are 2 data in C:/WinCoot//share/coot/lib/data/monomers/l/LYS.cif
  There are 2 data in C:/WinCoot//share/coot/lib/data/monomers/l/LEU.cif
  There are 2 data in C:/WinCoot//share/coot/lib/data/monomers/m/MET.cif
  There are 2 data in C:/WinCoot//share/coot/lib/data/monomers/m/MSE.cif
  There are 2 data in C:/WinCoot//share/coot/lib/data/monomers/p/PRO.cif
  There are 2 data in C:/WinCoot//share/coot/lib/data/monomers/a/ARG.cif
  There are 2 data in C:/WinCoot//share/coot/lib/data/monomers/s/SER.cif
  There are 2 data in C:/WinCoot//share/coot/lib/data/monomers/t/THR.cif
  There are 2 data in C:/WinCoot//share/coot/lib/data/monomers/v/VAL.cif
  There are 2 data