Re: sponsor logo on home of CPAN mirror

2017-12-30 Thread Zefram
Henk P. Penning wrote:
>  -- add a javascript function "hostedby()"
>  -- add an empty  in the "footer_mirror" section

I certainly approve of only showing the logo to people who run JavaScript.


Re: Open source archives hosting malicious software packages

2017-09-20 Thread Zefram
James E Keenan wrote:
>Would anyone know of any prior art for detection of "short edit distances"?
>(Perhaps even already on CPAN?)



Re: When cpanm fails to find any of the files in a kit

2016-09-09 Thread Zefram
James E Keenan wrote:
>That's what puzzling to me:  The fact that cpanm (or perhaps 'make'
>underneath cpanm) is missing the kit in its entirety.

How does it know which files are missing?  It must have at least access
to the MANIFEST.  The preceding cpanm trace shows that it read META.json,
and since the manifest check comes from Makefile.PL obviously it managed
to run that too.  So those files are definitely actually present.
The test phase also refers to actual files in the t/ subdirectory,
so those are present too.  Most likely all the files are actually present.

Interestingly, the MANIFEST check isn't failing to find *all* files.
Files listed in the MANIFEST that it doesn't complain about are
Makefile.PL, README, and dist.ini.  The difference, apparently, is that
it finds all the files in the top-level directory, but can't find any
files in subdirectories.

When it comes to the test phase, things get weirder.  The test harness
can find the test scripts in the t/ subdirectory, but perl can't find
the module which should have been installed into blib/lib.  My guess is
that the module has actually not been installed into blib/lib, with the
build step being broken by the same thing that broke the MANIFEST check.

>Do you know what could have caused this?

I'm mystified as to how that could happen.  Need to poke around an
example of it to debug further.


Re: Need dependency-free way of capturing verbose function output in a variable

2015-07-19 Thread Zefram
James E Keenan wrote:
 That leaves only the problem of capturing STDOUT

open(STDOUT, , \$captured_stdout);


Re: Need dependency-free way of capturing verbose function output in a variable

2015-07-19 Thread Zefram
Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
The code never explicitly prints to a particular handle and doesn't call
out, so playing the dup/reopen game seems unnecessary to me.

If the requirement then is capture whatever's written to the ambient
selected file handle, that's easier to achieve than capture whatever's
written to STDOUT.  But an awful lot of code doesn't distinguish between
those two destinations, so for code to switch between the two in a later
edit is quite likely.  Especially if writing to the selected file handle
rather than STDOUT was later deemed a bug.  The test would backfire
quite confusingly if it only captured half the output as a consequence.

Out of all these lines, only the last two actually have an effect.

Actually the first close has an effect too.  It is necessary to close
STDOUT before it can be reopened as a string buffer.

Hm, even better catch. There is no way I can think of doing this with
the select-based approach, nor with dup/reopen without involving XS;

The End module uses a pure Perl mechanism (DESTROY on a blessed object)
to indirectly cause arbitrary Perl code to execute during unwinding.
For a dependency-free approach, its mechanism can be duplicated in just
a handful of lines of code.  Actually there's good reason to duplicate it
anyway, so that you can modify it to localise the magic status variables
($., $@, $!, $^E, $?) in the destructor.

Your local *STDOUT is a valid approach where applicable.  Preferable to
any End-like mechanism in those cases.  It incidentally leaves *STDOUT{IO}
empty, so that an explicit close is no longer required before the reopen.


Re: namespaces that differ only in case

2012-04-03 Thread Zefram
Ricardo Signes wrote:
   resolving conflicts, then about fixing PAUSE to
treat permissions case insensitively.

Eeek!  That would not be fixing anything, that would be breaking it!

Perl package and module names are case-sensitive.  That Perl doesn't
adequately encode (mangle) these names for case-incapable filesystems
is a bug.  We should not pander to that bug; we should fix it.


Re: namespaces that differ only in case

2012-03-31 Thread Zefram
Alexandr Ciornii wrote:
CPAN shell
finds them as upgrades to corresponding core modules.

Doesn't seem to for me:

cpan[2] m integer
Module id = integer
DESCRIPTION  Controls float vs. integer arithmetic
CPAN_USERID  P5P (The Perl5 Porters Mailing List
UPLOAD_DATE  2011-10-20
DSLIP_STATUS Supf? (standard,comp.lang.perl.*,perl,functions,)
MANPAGE  integer - Perl pragma to use integer arithmetic instead of 
floating point

cpan[3] m INTEGER
Module id = INTEGER
UPLOAD_DATE  2005-02-20
INST_FILE(not installed)

Perfectly distinct.  Get similar results for attribute vs Attribute.


Re: Proposed CPAN::Meta patch: Version comparison, conversion, 999 problems

2010-04-21 Thread Zefram
Michael G Schwern wrote:
* Downgraded the 999 dotted version limit to a should.

That's a pretty substantial change that shouldn't be made without the
kind of detailed discussion that went into 2.0.

* Reduced the minimum number of integers in a dotted version to one.
  Rationale: Neither v1 nor v1.2 are ambiguous.

Dotted v1.2 is very different from fractional 1.2.  Historically the v
is not sufficient to distinguish them.  The minimum of three segments
in a dotted version has been devised precisely to avoid this ambiguity.

On both of these points, spec version 2.0 is conforming to the strict
syntax that has been carefully worked out for  The meta
spec should continue to conform to the strict syntax unless there's an
overwhelmingly good reason to deviate from it.


Re: optional_features key names

2009-12-15 Thread Zefram
David Golden wrote:
Right now, the draft says an identifier and that
term could be defined further.

I take identifier, without further explanation, to mean
/[A-Za-z_][0-9A-Za-z_]*/.  Not anything involving \w, note.


Re: CMSP 17. Better formalization of license field

2009-11-03 Thread Zefram
Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:
If your need is to list the licenses a package contains, in a way there is
no need to list the public domain bits because there are no strings, err,
licenses attached.  It is in the public domain.

Null licensing is not the same as not saying anything about licensing.

  I know for a fact that in Finnish law an author cannot
give away his rights, and the same applies in other European countries.

So public domain isn't necessarily even a null license.


Re: CMSP 21. Formalize optional_features

2009-10-11 Thread Zefram
David Golden wrote:
Optional features: is supported in META.yml, but it requires a lot of
manual intervention and trickery to make it work. And it is very poorly
documented. (Tux)

Get rid of it.  I think each such feature should be reified as a module,
which one can declare as a dependency of another distro in the normal


Re: CMSP 17. Better formalization of license field

2009-10-11 Thread Zefram
David Golden wrote:
17.01) Enumerate a list of license strings explicitly in the spec,

Yes, that's good.

17.02) Make the license field an arrayref rather than a scalar.

Bad idea as it stands.  There are at least two ways that different
licenses can be combined in one distro: (a) you may redistribute under any
of the licenses; (b) different parts of the distro are under different
licenses, so you can only redistribute if you obey all the licenses at
once.  More complex license combinations can occur by mixing these two.
The nature of the license combinations should be made explicit.

Could make the field a string expression, with the defined keywords as
atomic expressions, | and  operators for license combination, and
parens for precedence.  A distro with some files Perl-licensed and some
pure-GPLed could then  be expressed as gpl  perl.  perl itself is
defined as gpl | artistic.


Re: CMSP 26. Specify a DLSIP resource

2009-10-11 Thread Zefram
David Golden wrote:
DLSIP codes should be specified in META.* as a resource.

No.  DLSIP was an early attempt at metadata, and should be superseded
by META.  It is not a single piece of information, but an abbreviated
representation of five separate items.  The P item is already covered
by META.  Possibly the DLSI items also should be, as individual items
encoded in the META style.  (D has already been proposed.)  Then one
could generate the DLSIP code from the META file, if really desired.


Re: CMSP 29. Language

2009-10-11 Thread Zefram
David Golden wrote:
Perl 6 is coming. Some code in Perl 6 is already being uploaded to the
CPAN.  A new language field is an important part of the structure we need
to allow Perl 6 to reuse the existing CPAN

We certainly need something in this direction.  We should be clear
that each language has its own namespace for modules.  We should also
have a way to specify language as part of a dependency name, to manage
cross-language dependencies.  Doing those suggests that language could
be consistently stated in META as part of the module name, rather than
needing a separate field.


Re: CMSP 06. Data structures, not YAML

2009-10-10 Thread Zefram
Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:
I really don't think we should have Perl data structures in files
(that means Perl code, right?), because that indicates doing an eval,

Not necessarily.  Working in *a defined subset of* Perl syntax would mean
that readers have both options.  Evaling would probably be acceptable
in situations where you're installing the module described by the META
file, so this could be a convenient option in some small installations.
Stats gatherers, who don't want to run code from the module, can use a
safe parser as they do now.

It so happens that I have a suitable subset of Perl syntax already
defined.  I needed to implement it a while ago for work purposes, and now
it's on CPAN, as Data::Pond.  It's similar in spirit to JSON, which of
course gives the same kind of parsing choice for the JavaScript language.


Re: CMSP 07. Enhance granularity of prerequisites

2009-10-10 Thread Zefram
David Golden wrote:
* Should we go all the way towards making prerequisites phase-specific and
  have configure_requires, build_requires, test_requires, and

Yes please.  Currently I put things required for testing into
build_requires, but I feel bad about doing it, because testing really is
a distinct job from building.  Consumers of META information should be
expected to merge phase-specific requirements in whatever way is suitable
for their workflow; we can't reliably predict what that workflow will be.


Re: CMSP 09. Clarify intent of 'recommends' and add 'suggests'

2009-10-10 Thread Zefram
David Golden wrote:
The 'recommends' flag is not equivalent to Debian recommends.  The intent
should be made clear for authors and the toolchain.  If the Debian
definitions are adopted to better match usage by packagers, a 'suggests'
field should be added as well. (Adam Kennedy)

There's too little that we can meaningfully do with optional dependencies,
so introducing another flavour of them wouldn't help.  The only
consistently meaningful way to handle recommendations of non-prerequisite
modules is to describe them, and the intended interaction, in the current
module's documentation.  The META file is completely the wrong place
for this sort of information.


Re: CMSP 10. Add a free-text prerequisite field

2009-10-10 Thread Zefram
David Golden wrote:
Add free-text entries that *describe* prerequisites that cannot be
described right now,

No thanks.  Let's work on ways to machine-readably describe more kinds
of prerequisite.  C library dependencies are currently a pain to deal
with, but their names are reasonably invariant, so we could sensibly list
them in META in a formal manner.  CPAN installation tools should learn to
track this sort of dependency and plug into the OS's packaging mechanism.


Re: CMSP 13. Add a post_depends set

2009-10-10 Thread Zefram
David Golden wrote:
  especially handy for case of circular dependencies, where the A requires
  B at runtime, but B requires A at build time. (kentnl)

Isn't this just the difference between build_requires and (runtime_)requires?
I'm not seeing a difference between the latter and post_requires.


Re: CMSP 14. Prerequisites should be mutually exclusive

2009-10-10 Thread Zefram
David Golden wrote:
Modules should only be listed once across all prerequisite categories.

Strongly opposed.  It's possible for a single module to be required in
more than one phase, possibly for independent reasons and possibly with
different minimum versions.  If the module must be listed only once then
the dependencies that an install tool must gather for one of the phases
would have to implicitly include all the dependencies listed for the
other phase.  It would grossly compromise the separation of phases.


Re: CMSP 17. Better formalization of license field

2009-10-10 Thread Zefram
David Golden wrote:
Replace the list of strings for the license field with something
extensible and unambiguous. (RicardoSignes)

The existing strings *are* unambiguous, and extensible to new
widely-used licenses.  It seems convenient for this information to be
fully machine-understandable, in those cases that are adequately described
by a widely-used license.  In the unusual cases where no defined keyword
suffices, machine readability (beyond recognising that this is the case)
is a lot less important.
