Unfortunately, the article that Bob Hettinga excerpted from the
South China Morning Post is a pay-only article.

http://www.es.jamstec.go.jp/ <- Japanese government site.
http://www.es.jamstec.go.jp/esc/eng/ <- Good page
http://www.es.jamstec.go.jp/esrdc/eng/menu.html <- The ES center
http://www.es.jamstec.go.jp/esc/gallary/index_e.html <- Pictures.
        (This sucker appears to be *big*.  Some pictures want Flash.)

Here are a couple of articles from 2000 about how cool the machine will be:
http://www.nec.co.jp/press/en/0005/3001.html  <- NEC press release
http://www.ess.nec.de/hpc/HPCwire/17830.htm   <- Some technical detail

Cool lecture by Jack Dongarra (a name you should know)
overview of high-performance computing.  Spring 2002 CS594 UTenn.
"Most Important Slide" is the pointer to http://www.netlib.org

The other reference site for this stuff:  http://www.top500.org

Article about Google doing work on parallel projects

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