Windows 2000 Save plaintext passwords and encryption keys to disk facility

2000-03-03 Thread Peter Gutmann

Windows 2000 includes a very dangerous feature as part of its power management
interface which saves the current system state to disk before putting the
system into hibernate mode.  Unlike the (already considerable) problems with a
swapfile, which creates the risk that encryption keys, passwords, and other
sensitive data will be written to disk, the hibernate feature *guarantees* that
this data will be written to disk since the entire RAM contents are written to
the hibernat.sys file before the machine switches to low-power mode.  Exact
details on this are very sketchy (, but
it appears that this is a fixed file like a swapfile.

Result: Anything which can read this file (insert any one of dozens of "...
remote users can read files on the machine" security holes here) can grab your
passwords, PGP keys, and anything else which is sitting there in plain view.

Although this feature has been present on various laptops for awhile (eg
Thinkpads, Toshiba's), the fact that it's now built into the OS (firmware-
based hibernation which saves to files doesn't work with NTFS or HPFS
partitions) and that your keys get saved as a standard file (as opposed to
being squirrelled away on some hidden partition or whatever) makes it somewhat
more serious.  The only real fix for this would be to encrypt the data as it's
being saved.


[RRE]I-Gear list cracked; privacy violations and error rate

2000-03-03 Thread eugene.leitl


[See also
Reformatted to 70 columns.]

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Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 15:05:04 -0600
Subject: I-Gear list cracked; privacy violations and error rate

One week after our report on the decryption of X-Stop's blocked site
list, Peacefire has released a program that can decrypt the list of
437,000 sites blocked by I-Gear, another "censorware" program now
owned by Symantec.  The codebreaker program can be downloaded from:

(This page also has instructions on how to obtain I-Gear's encrypted
list without having to download and install I-Gear.)

We performed an experiment similar to our X-Stop test: we extracted
student pages in the ".edu" domain that were blocked in the "Sex/Acts"
category, looked at the first 50 URL's that were still working,
and found that 76% of the blocked pages were obviously errors!
This sounds ridiculously high, but I saw the blocked pages myself,
otherwise I wouldn't believe it.  The list of 50 examined sites is at:

We also discovered that when you install I-Gear, it scans in your real
name and company name from your computer and uploads this information
to Symantec.  Not the "real name" that you give the program during
the registration process -- your actual real name that you used to
register your copy of Windows.  (This is the name that shows up on
the "General" tab of the System applet in Control Panel.)  Symantec's
privacy policy, on the other hand, states:

 "The choice of how much personally identifiable information
 you disclose to Symantec is completely at your discretion."

Again, we believe these discoveries will bear on the ongoing
debate over the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, UCITA (the law
strengthening the force of draconian "license agreements" that
prohibit users from examining products by reverse engineering) and
the DVD codebreaking court cases.  Reverse engineering I-Gear and
decrypting the list was the *only* way to obtain a reliable figure
for the error rate of their product, rather than just coming up with
a list of blocked sites.  Even the discovery that I-Gear retrieves
and uploads your real name to the manufacturer, was discovered through
reverse engineering.  If such reverse engineering becomes illegal,
it will become very difficult for third parties to criticize software
in general, other than the user interface and other aspects that are
visible without "looking under the hood".


(425) 649 9024

zarro boogs (was Re: NTK now, 2000-03-03)

2000-03-03 Thread R. A. Hettinga

At 8:01 PM + on 3/3/00, Danny O'Brien wrote:

   zarro boogs

  get its second reading in the Commons. Then it goes to
  committee, then it becomes law, and then you'll never hear
  from it again, because talking about most of its powers will
  get you five years in prison. So, when the police ask your
  ISP to put a tap on your mail, you won't hear about it. When
  your local trades and standards officer decides to take a
  look at your browser log for the last month, you won't hear
  about it. And when they come and get your private encryption
  key so that can read your friend's mails, you won't be able
  to tell your friend - or us - that it happened. Hell, you
  won't even be able to change your key if that might give us
  a clue. Given that it's all going to get so quiet so soon,
  STAND thought it might be an idea to let our MPs know that
  we're still here. So, with mild and belated fanfare, please
  welcome - STAND's Open Web to MP fax gateway. Peruse the
  bloody-long-but-not-as-long-as-the-bill STAND Guide to RIP,
  then send your comments on the Bill direct to your
  constituency MP's office with just a few clicks. But please
  be quick - MPs have only ten days from Monday to
  propose their amendments. At the very least, we should get
  an anti-spam statute out of it.
 - may be a few bugs. but, hey, there's bugs everywhere these days
   - liberty requires eternal vigilance (and magnifying glass)

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

No Subject

2000-03-03 Thread Wibowo Arrianto Mukti

Hi... I need help. 

I am a student studying crypto protocols (newbies). I have a problem
pertaining group signatures, which has many use in electronic commerce too.

My problem 
Actually, right now, I want to create a group signature, which upon group
signature verification by the group manager, the 'private signing key' of
the signer will remain hidden. Of course, the group manager will still know
who sign the signature by recovering proofs/traces of signer's public 'key'
or public 'identity' in the signature. 
If this can be accomplished, it means that the signer can use the same
'private signing key' for an unlimited number of times, even if his identity
is revealed upon signature opening by the group manager (but only his public
'identity' / 'key').

Related paper:
I've studied a paper titled "Efficient Group Signature Scheme for Large
Group" (Crypto 97) by Jan L. Camenisch and Markus Stadler. Their solution is
nice and really efficient.
However, I think, in the paper, the group manager can impersonate the
member, after the group manager opens a group signature. The reason is
because the signer's 'private signing key is compromised' by the group
manager. Is this true? 
I do not want this property. 

If anyone can give me some directions what should I have to do (to let the
group manager know only the public 'identity' of the signer upon signature
opening), I really appreciate it. Or, if somebody you know has already
published the solution to this problem (at least as efficient as your basic
group signature protocol), please let me know.

Thank you very much.



How to avoid those pesky crypto security measures

2000-03-03 Thread Peter Gutmann

An except from Microsoft Knowledge Base Article Q228786:

-- Snip --

Sometimes it is convenient to export/import plain text session keys. However, 
the Microsoft Cryptographic Providers (Base and Enhanced) do not support this 
feature, for which both CryptExportKey() and CryptImportKey()require a valid 
key handle to encrypt and decrypt the session key, respectively. But, by using
an "exponent-of-one" private key the same effect can be achieved to "encrypt" 
and "decrypt" the session key. 

Since the exponent of the key is one, both the encryption and decryption do 
nothing to the plain text, and thus essentially leave the session key 

Sample code below illustrates how to implement this feature:

-- Snip --

I don't know what's more scary, the fact that their CSP will accept an 
obviously invalid RSA key, or that they have an article telling you how to 
bypass the CSP's (ahem) "security".  I love the creative way that "gaping 
security hole" has been redefined as "feature" too :-).


Re: hiding plaintext

2000-03-03 Thread Russell Nelson

Bill Stewart writes:
  At 02:54 PM 03/01/2000 -0500, Russell Nelson wrote:
  The essence of the above algorithm (let's call it BP1, for Buried
  Plaintext 1) is to force the decryption trial to be iterated until the
  buried plaintext is found.  It means that the decryption engine needs
  to have the full crypttext available to it.  If you can decrypt a
  message in N steps, then using BP1 with half random data forces you to
  do N*2 steps, where the steps themselves are more complicated.  The
  storage requirements are higher, as are the data transfer pathways.
  I'm not convinced that this is a big win compared to CBC with a random IV,
  which also forces the cracker to crank the crypto step an extra time.
  For many popular crypto algorithms, such as N-DES, Blowfish, even RC4,
  the key scheduling takes more time than cranking the algorithm
  (though there are ways to avoid that with 1-DES),
  and you know that once you find a SOT, that's the starting point,
  though if you've got the wrong key, 1/256 bytes will be SOT.

Yes, but you're tying up a decryptor for that much more time.
Cryptography is more about economics than anything else.  You want to
do things which cost the cryptanalyst more than they cost you,
preferably as many multiples more as you can manage.

But now I'm agreeing with you that there are probably other algorithms
which are more profitable to you.  That is, they have a higher
multiplier -- for a given amount of effort spent, they generate more
work for the cryptanalyst than anything else.  And realistically, that
translates into key length more than anything else.

Perhaps HP1 is best used to pad messages while creating the least
possible known plaintext.

-russ nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | "Ask not what your country
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | can force other people to
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | do for you..."  -Perry M.

Re: please help FreeNet by becoming a node

2000-03-03 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steve Schear writes:
 At 09:56 AM 3/2/00 -0500, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
 It is worth noting that some bans on running servers are based on technology
 not the business model of the provider.  In IP over cable systems, there is
 much less bandwidth available upstream than downstream, and it's much more
 expensive to add more upstream bandwidth than it is to add downstream
 bandwidth.  If you run a server, you're chewing up a lot of capacity, and
 affecting your neighbors.
 But you're right, it's a real concern for users of Freenet (btw, isn't that 
 trademarked term?) -- I have the same problem as you do.
 Seems the firewall restriction is more of a concern.  Anyone who cares 
 about their PC's integrity and communication privacy should have a firewall 
 for always-on connections.  In the next year or so look for many/most cable 
 modems and DSL boxes to provide a firewall function or have it as an option.

There are a lot of responses to that; the real issue is who controls the 
security policy.

--Steve Bellovin