Re: Ten Risks of PKI

1999-12-14 Thread Jaap-Henk Hoepman

On 13 Dec 1999 18:40:02 - lcs Mixmaster Remailer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   While this is true, keep in mind that there is more to mounting
   a successful cryptographic attack than adding root keys and fake
   certificates.  It is also necessary to intercept the messages which
   might have gone to the legitimate recipient, and possibly decrypt and
   re-encrypt them.  All this implies an attacker who has at least temporary
   write access to the victim's computer, and long term read/write control
   over the communication channels he will use.
  I do not believe this attack requires "long term read/write" access to
  the victim's computer.  If I want to get a forged certificate into a
  clients Browser all I have to do is convince the user to browse my
  secure server with Netscape (or another browser) that will prompt the 
  user to install my unrecognized root certificate.  
 That's a good point, most browsers are configured to make it easy to
 install root certificates.
 However this is just the first step in an effective compromise.  Now you
 need to get him to use a bogus certificate when he thinks he is using
 a good one.  He tries to connect to a secure site, and you need to step
 in and play man in the middle.  You must hijack his connection to, say,, and direct it to your own site.  Then you can offer your
 bogus cert for and get it accepted.

Alternatively, the attacker could just register the domain (if only
amazon.con were possible :-) or ("Look, Amazon's just started a
Belgian branch!"), issue a certificate for that site, and start spreading
banner ads and URL's for this domain.

Jaap-Henk Hoepman | Come sail your ships around me
Dept. of Computer Science | And burn these bridges down
University of Twente  |   Nick Cave - "Ship Song"
Phone: +31 53 4893795 === Secr: +31 53 4893770 === Fax: +31 53 4894590
PGP ID: 0xF52E26DD  Fingerprint: 1AED DDEB C7F1 DBB3  0556 4732 4217 ABEF

Re: Ten Risks of PKI

1999-12-13 Thread BPM Mixmaster Remailer

Carl Ellison and Bruce Schneier write:
 Certificate verification does not use a secret key, only public keys.

 Therefore, there are no secrets to protect.  However, it does use one
 or more "root" public keys.  If the attacker can add his own public
 key to that list, then he can issue his own certificates, which will
 be treated exactly like the legitimate certificates.  They can even
 match legitimate certificates in every other field except that they
 would contain a public key of the attacker instead of the correct one.

While this is true, keep in mind that there is more to mounting
a successful cryptographic attack than adding root keys and fake
certificates.  It is also necessary to intercept the messages which
might have gone to the legitimate recipient, and possibly decrypt and
re-encrypt them.  All this implies an attacker who has at least temporary
write access to the victim's computer, and long term read/write control
over the communication channels he will use.

This is a very powerful attack model.  Virtually no cryptographic system,
whether public key, secret key, or even a one time pad, could be secure
against such an attacker.  If the attacker can get in and modify the
set of trusted certs, he can probably also modify the software that
checks them.  He can weaken the generator of session keys, or arrange
to log messages and access them later.  He has many ways of getting
access to the data beyond adding certs.  This is not a threat for which
is reasonable to expect a cryptographic defense, and it is not an issue
specifically related to PKIs.

The lack of clear analysis of the threat model in the "risks" being
discussed makes it hard to evaluate how seriously to take them.  If the
goal is simply to raise fear, uncertainty and doubt about using public key
cryptography, the authors have succeeded.  But if they want to enlighten
potential users about concerns which are serious and specific to the
use of PKIs, they do not make that distinction clear.

In fact the entire thrust of the article is against a poorly defined
bogeyman, the PKI.  What is this beast which is being critiqued?  All we
really learn is that it is being sold by security companies in a slick
"sales pitch" which purports to guarantee security.  There is no technical
description of what the PKI is and how its weaknesses are manifest.

In fact, a PKI is fundamentally any system which allows you to determine
whether a public key is suitable for a given purpose.  It can be as simple
as a personal collection of public keys you know are good for specific
purposes, or as complex as a full set of certification hierarchies with
cross certification and automated policy translation.  Carl Ellison
himself is the chief designer of the Simple PKI.  Presumably he does
not mean to say that he has misled potential users into taking on ten
new risks by his work on this protocol.

By using this generic term "PKI" the authors leave a great deal of
confusion about which systems they are criticizing.  Some of their
"risks", such as the one quoted above, would apply to all of these
PKIs, including SPKI.  Others are more specific to current X.509 based
hierarchical certification systems.  Some don't address the PKI at all,
but worry about things like user interfaces, criticisms that can be
directed at virtually any form of security software.

Rather than a hodgepodge of "risks" which pertain to many aspects of
cryptographic systems beyond the public key infrastructure, it would be
more useful to see a clear description of the kind of PKI the authors
want to criticize, followed by a discussion of the issues which arise in
the practical use of such systems.  This would provide useful information
to the potential purchaser or user of a PKI system.  As presented, the
article is likely to raise confusion and concern, but not to lead users
to ask enlightened questions.

Ten Risks of PKI

1999-12-13 Thread R. A. Hettinga

Ten Risks of PKI: What You're not Being Told about Public Key

Infrastructure By Carl Ellison and Bruce Schneier

Computer security has been victim of the "year of the..." syndrome.

First it was firewalls, then intrusion detection systems, then VPNs,

and now certification authorities (CAs) and public-key infrastructure

(PKI).  "If you only buy X," the sales pitch goes, "then you will be

secure."  But reality is never that simple, and that is especially

true with PKI.

Certificates provide an attractive business model.  They cost almost

nothing to make, and if you can convince someone to buy a certificate

each year for $5, that times the population of the Internet is a big

yearly income.  If you can convince someone to purchase a private CA

and pay you afee for every certificate he issues, you're also in good

shape.  It's no wonder so many companies are trying to cash in on this

potential market.With that much money at stake, it is also no wonder

that almost all the literature and lobbying on the subject is produced

by PKI vendors.  And this literature leaves some pretty basic

questions unanswered: What good are certificates anyway?  Are they

secure?  For what?  In this essay, we hope to explore some of those


Security is a chain; it's only as strong as the weakest link.  The

security of any CA-based system is based on many links and they're not

all cryptographic.  People are involved.

Does the system aid those people, confuse them or just ignore them?

Does it rely inappropriately on the honesty or thoroughness of people?

Computer systems are involved.  Are those systems secure?  These all

work together in an overall process.  Is the process designed to

maximize security or just profit?

Each of these questions can indicate security risks that need to be


Before we start: "Do we even need a PKI for e-commerce?" Open any

article on PKI in the popular or technical press and you're likely to

find the statement that a PKI is desperately needed for e-commerce to

flourish.  This statement is patently false.  E-commerce is already

flourishing, and there is no such PKI.  Web sites are happy to take

your order, whether or not you have a certificate.  Still, as with

many other false statements, there is a related true statement:

commercial PKI desperately needs e-commerce in order to flourish.  In

other words, PKI startups need the claim of being essential to e-

commerce in order to get investors.

There are risks in believing this popular falsehood.  The immediate

risk is on the part of investors. The security risks are borne by

anyone who decides to actually use the product of a commercial PKI.

Risk #1:  "Who do we trust, and for what?" There's a risk from an

imprecise use of the word "trust."  A CA is often defined as


In the cryptographic literature, this only means that it handles its

own private keys well.  This doesn't mean you can necessarily trust a

certificate from that CA for a particular purpose: making a

micropayment or signing a million-dollar purchase order.

Who gave the CA the authority to grant such authorizations?  Who made

it trusted?

A CA can do a superb job of writing a detailed Certificate Practice

Statement, or CPS ó all the ones we've read disclaim all liability and

any meaning to the certificate ó and then do a great job following

that CPS, but that doesn't mean you can trust a certificate for your

application.  Many CAs sidestep the question of having no authority to

delegate authorizations by issuing ID certificates.  Anyone can assign

names.  We each do that all the time.  This leaves the risk in the

hands of the verifier of the certificate, if he uses an ID certificate

as if it implied some kind of authorization.

There are those who even try to induce a PKI customer to do just that.

Their logic goes: (1) you have an ID certificate, (2) that gives you

the keyholder's name, (3) that means you know who the keyholder is,

(4) that's what you needed to know.  Of course, that's not what you

needed to know.  In addition, the logical links from 1 to 2, 2 to 3

and 3 to 4 are individually flawed.  [We leave finding those as an

exercise for the reader.]

Risk #2:  "Who is using my key?"

One of the biggest risks in any CA-based system is with your own

private signing key.  How do you protect it?  You almost certainly

don't own a secure computing system with physical access controls,

TEMPEST shielding, "air wall" network security, and other protections;

you store your private key on a conventional computer.  There, it's

subject to attack by viruses and other malicious programs.  Even if

your private key is safe on your computer, is your computer in a

locked room, with video surveillance, so that you know no one but you

ever uses it?  If it's protected by a password, how hard is

Ten Risks of PKI

1999-12-13 Thread R. A. Hettinga

[One more time, for the non-linefeed impaired. Musta been a great christmas
party, that... :-)]

Ten Risks of PKI: What You're not Being Told about Public Key
Infrastructure By Carl Ellison and Bruce Schneier

Computer security has been victim of the "year of the..." syndrome.
First it was firewalls, then intrusion detection systems, then VPNs,
and now certification authorities (CAs) and public-key infrastructure
(PKI). "If you only buy X," the sales pitch goes, "then you will be
secure." But reality is never that simple, and that is especially
true with PKI.

Certificates provide an attractive business model. They cost almost
nothing to make, and if you can convince someone to buy a certificate
each year for $5, that times the population of the Internet is a big
yearly income. If you can convince someone to purchase a private CA
and pay you afee for every certificate he issues, you're also in good
shape. It's no wonder so many companies are trying to cash in on this
potential market.With that much money at stake, it is also no wonder
that almost all the literature and lobbying on the subject is produced
by PKI vendors. And this literature leaves some pretty basic
questions unanswered: What good are certificates anyway? Are they
secure? For what? In this essay, we hope to explore some of those

Security is a chain; it's only as strong as the weakest link. The
security of any CA-based system is based on many links and they're not
all cryptographic. People are involved.

Does the system aid those people, confuse them or just ignore them?
Does it rely inappropriately on the honesty or thoroughness of people?
Computer systems are involved. Are those systems secure? These all
work together in an overall process. Is the process designed to
maximize security or just profit?

Each of these questions can indicate security risks that need to be

Before we start: "Do we even need a PKI for e-commerce?" Open any
article on PKI in the popular or technical press and you're likely to
find the statement that a PKI is desperately needed for e-commerce to
flourish. This statement is patently false. E-commerce is already
flourishing, and there is no such PKI. Web sites are happy to take
your order, whether or not you have a certificate. Still, as with
many other false statements, there is a related true statement:
commercial PKI desperately needs e-commerce in order to flourish. In
other words, PKI startups need the claim of being essential to e-
commerce in order to get investors.

There are risks in believing this popular falsehood. The immediate
risk is on the part of investors. The security risks are borne by
anyone who decides to actually use the product of a commercial PKI.

Risk #1: "Who do we trust, and for what?" There's a risk from an
imprecise use of the word "trust." A CA is often defined as

In the cryptographic literature, this only means that it handles its
own private keys well. This doesn't mean you can necessarily trust a
certificate from that CA for a particular purpose: making a
micropayment or signing a million-dollar purchase order.

Who gave the CA the authority to grant such authorizations? Who made
it trusted?

A CA can do a superb job of writing a detailed Certificate Practice
Statement, or CPS ó all the ones we've read disclaim all liability and
any meaning to the certificate ó and then do a great job following
that CPS, but that doesn't mean you can trust a certificate for your
application. Many CAs sidestep the question of having no authority to
delegate authorizations by issuing ID certificates. Anyone can assign
names. We each do that all the time. This leaves the risk in the
hands of the verifier of the certificate, if he uses an ID certificate
as if it implied some kind of authorization.

There are those who even try to induce a PKI customer to do just that.
Their logic goes: (1) you have an ID certificate, (2) that gives you
the keyholder's name, (3) that means you know who the keyholder is,
(4) that's what you needed to know. Of course, that's not what you
needed to know. In addition, the logical links from 1 to 2, 2 to 3
and 3 to 4 are individually flawed. [We leave finding those as an
exercise for the reader.]

Risk #2: "Who is using my key?"

One of the biggest risks in any CA-based system is with your own
private signing key. How do you protect it? You almost certainly
don't own a secure computing system with physical access controls,
TEMPEST shielding, "air wall" network security, and other protections;
you store your private key on a conventional computer. There, it's
subject to attack by viruses and other malicious programs. Even if
your private key is safe on your computer, is your computer in a
locked room, with video surveillance, so that you know no one but you
ever uses it? If it's protected by a password, how hard is it to
guess that password? If

Re: Ten Risks of PKI

1999-12-13 Thread Ben Laurie

BPM Mixmaster Remailer wrote:
 By using this generic term "PKI" the authors leave a great deal of
 confusion about which systems they are criticizing.  Some of their
 "risks", such as the one quoted above, would apply to all of these
 PKIs, including SPKI.  Others are more specific to current X.509 based
 hierarchical certification systems.  Some don't address the PKI at all,
 but worry about things like user interfaces, criticisms that can be
 directed at virtually any form of security software.

Slightly tangentially, but worth observing, I think: current X.509 based
PKI is only nominally hierarchical. That is, X.509 would _like_ the DN
to be allocated hierarchically, but in practice this does not happen.
Each CA has its own namespace, there is no-one above CAs in the
hierarchy, and only one layer below (the entity for whom the CA provides
a certificate). This is pretty flat for a "heirarchy" by anyone's

SPKI's main beefs with X.509 (AFAIK) are that:

a) X.509 tends to want to be identity-based, which is a poorly defined
concept at best (SPKI leans towards roles or capabilities)

b) X.509 is based on a lot of difficult-to-get-right stuff that just
gets in the way of the real meat: signing public keys and attaching some
attributes to them. The fact that every X.509 package of any breadth is
peppered with exceptions to cater for every other package's cockups is
definitely evidence is SPKI's favour, IMO.

The downside of SPKI, of course, is the usual one that seems to dog good
ideas: no-one uses it.




"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
 - Indira Gandhi

Re: Ten Risks of PKI

1999-12-13 Thread Carl Ellison

Hash: SHA1

At 06:40 PM 12/13/99 -, lcs Mixmaster Remailer wrote:
However this is just the first step in an effective compromise.  Now you
need to get him to use a bogus certificate when he thinks he is using
a good one.  He tries to connect to a secure site, and you need to step
in and play man in the middle.  You must hijack his connection to, say,, and direct it to your own site.  Then you can offer your
bogus cert for and get it accepted.

The Bloomberg attack didn't require connection hijacking.  All that attacker 
did was post a newsgroup message with a URL in it.

If you're depending on that little lock in the corner of the browser window 
to mean you're connected to the page you seem to be connected to, and the 
"seem to be" is derived only from the page contents, you're in trouble.  
That's more what we were talking about than connection hijacking -- although 
if you want to go to that trouble, feel free. :)

This shows up more clearly with e-mail.  Here again, you don't have to 
hijack a connection if the attacker initiates the exchange (sends the first 
message) and the victim uses the "reply to" button in his mailer.  [E.g.,
the attacker asks for a copy of the victim's latest draft -- and the 
victim sends it.]

Version: PGP 6.5.2fc7


|Carl M. Ellison [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|PGP: 08FF BA05 599B 49D2  23C6 6FFD 36BA D342 |
+--Officer, officer, arrest that man. He's whistling a dirty song.-+

Re: Ten Risks of PKI

1999-12-13 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer

Carl Ellison writes:
 The Bloomberg attack didn't require connection hijacking.  All that attacker 
 did was post a newsgroup message with a URL in it.

This is presumably a reference to the incident described in, where a PairGain
employee apparently created a fake web page which resembled that
of trusted financial news source Bloomberg, reporting an impending
acquisition of PairGain.  He then posted to Yahoo discussion groups a
reference to his page's URL, using its IP address to disguise the actual
point of origin and claiming it to be a genuine Bloomberg news story.
The result was a 30% rise in PairGain's stock.

This kind of attack is one of the things that PKIs are intended to
address, but in this case no cryptography was used.  Perhaps it would
make good fodder for your upcoming companion article, "Ten Risks of NOT
Using PKI".

 If you're depending on that little lock in the corner of the browser window 
 to mean you're connected to the page you seem to be connected to, and the 
 "seem to be" is derived only from the page contents, you're in trouble.  
 That's more what we were talking about than connection hijacking -- although 
 if you want to go to that trouble, feel free. :)

Okay, but in the context of the risk you identified with PKIs, that is
in fact what we are talking about: ways to get that little lock to appear
when it shouldn't.  They aren't as easy as the Bloomberg attack.

 This shows up more clearly with e-mail.  Here again, you don't have to 
 hijack a connection if the attacker initiates the exchange (sends the first 
 message) and the victim uses the "reply to" button in his mailer.  [E.g.,
 the attacker asks for a copy of the victim's latest draft -- and the 
 victim sends it.]

Again, isn't this a case where a PKI helps rather than harms security?
Getting a cert accepted with the identity of the person the victim
thinks he is responding to will be more difficult than simply sending
an unsigned message which claims to be from that person.

Many of the issues you raised in your article are legitimate (although
not necessarily specific to PKIs), but there seems to be a danger that
you will just end up sowing confusion and doubt.  The result will be
that people will continue to use the old ways and fall into the traps
you have described here.  It's fair to criticize PKIs with an eye towards
improving them, but your article seems more directed at questioning the
value of cryptography itself.