Re: should you trust CAs? (Re: dual-use digital signature vulnerability)

2004-08-01 Thread Adam Back
On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 10:00:01PM -0700, Aram Perez wrote:
 As far as I know, there is nothing in any standard or good security
 practice that says you can't multiple certificate for the same email
 address. If I'm willing to pay each time, Verisign will gladly issue me a
 certificate with my email, I can revoke it, and then pay for another
 certificate with the same email. I can repeat this until I'm bankrupt and
 Verisign will gladly accept my money.

Yes but if you compare this with the CA having the private key, you
are going to notice that you revoked and issued a new key; also the CA
will have your revocation log to use in their defense.

At minimum it is detectable by savy users who may notice that eg the
fingerprint for the key they have doesn't match with what someone else
had thought was their key.

 I agree with Michael H. If you trust the CA to issue a cert, it's
 not that much more to trust them with generating the key pair.

Its a big deal to let the CA generate your key pair.  Key pairs should
be generated by the user.


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Re: should you trust CAs? (Re: dual-use digital signature vulnerability)

2004-08-01 Thread David Honig
At 02:09 PM 7/28/04 -0400, Adam Back wrote:
The difference is if the CA does not generate private keys, there
should be only one certificate per email address, so if two are
discovered in the wild the user has a transferable proof that the CA
is up-to-no-good.  Ie the difference is it is detectable and provable.

Who cares?  A CA is not legally liable for anything they
sign.  A govt is not liable for a false ID they issue
a protected witness.  The emperor has no clothes, just
a reputation, unchallenged, ergo vapor.

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Tommy Lee Jones, MIB

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RE: dual-use digital signature [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2004-08-01 Thread Peter Gutmann

Your certificate definition says additionalRecipients, mine says
additionalSubjects, Fred-over-there's says coKeyOwners. The OIDs for
these extensions end up all different. A human may be able to parse the
intent from the ASN.1 it but email programs will have difficulty.

What I meant was that if there was any demand for this, someone would define a
standard place to store the info, which apps would (eventually) display.  At
the moment there's neither a additionalRecipients, a additionalSubjects, a
coKeyOwners, or anything else, because no-one's ever asked for it.

Given the complete lack of demand for this to date I suspect that even if you
did do an RFC for it it'd be relegated to Experimental status and everyone
would ignore it... what exactly is the intent of adding this information?
Under what circumstances would it be used?  What's the UI for it?  Do you
throw up a warning?  Warning of what?  If it's Others are listening in then
the alternative is to not use the cert at all, in which case the choice given
to the users will be Allow one or two others to listen in vs. Allow anyone
to listen in, since everyone will choose the former there's not much point in
putting it there in the first place.  etc etc etc.

(There have been similar suggestions made about other warn-the-user type
 features on the S/MIME list, which tend to get shot down with some variant of
 I wouldn't even know how to begin to do a UI for this, with a backup of
 This amounts to giving the user a choice of communicate or don't
 communicate, guess which one they'll choose?).


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Re: should you trust CAs? (Re: dual-use digital signature vulnerability)

2004-08-01 Thread Peter Gutmann
Aram Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I agree with Michael H. If you trust the CA to issue a cert, it's not that
much more to trust them with generating the key pair.

Trusting them to safely communicate the key pair to you once they've generated
it is left as an exercise for the reader :-).


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RE: Microsoft .NET PRNG (fwd)

2004-08-01 Thread J.A. Terranson

Forwarded here as the original forum is having no success.  IIRC, Matt
Blaze examined the early CrptoAPI and associated PRNG, but I can't seem to
find the post/article that I am thinking of.


J.A. Terranson

  ...justice is a duty towards those whom you love and those whom you do
  not.  And people's rights will not be harmed if the opponent speaks out
  about them.  Osama Bin Laden
- - -

  There aught to be limits to freedom!George Bush
- - -

Which one scares you more?

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2004 10:52:12 -0300
From: Pablo Milano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Yvan Boily' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Microsoft .NET PRNG

I'm looking for the same information. I want to know which method does MS
Crypto API use in order to obtain strong random seeds. The most in-deep
information about this I could find was
ecurity/cpgenrandom.asp. Anyway, I'm still not sure if what is explained
there is what the function SHOULD do, or what the function ACTUALLY DOES.
Any help would be appreciated.

 -Mensaje original-
 De: Yvan Boily [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: MiƩrcoles, 28 de Julio de 2004 04:40 p.m.
 Asunto: Microsoft .NET PRNG

 I have read both FoundStone's and @Stakes reviews of the PRNG
 included with
 the Microsoft .NET 1.1 framework (also the Win32 CryptoAPI) ,
 however there
 is little information available (that I have been able to locate) that
 discusses the actual method used, or an analysis of how
 reliable it is from
 a cryptographic perspective.

 I don't profess to be expert enough on random number generation and
 cryptography to criticize the implementation, however I would
 like to know
 more about it as most code samples I have seen and now an
 application I am
 auditing is relying extensively on the CryptoAPI to provide
 facilities for
 random key generation.

 Does anyone have any technical resources which discuss concerns or
 commendations of the implementation?


 Yvan Boily

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Stepping on Big Brother's Toes

2004-08-01 Thread R. A. Hettinga,1294,64379,00.html

Wired News

Stepping on Big Brother's Toes 
By Michelle Delio?

Story location:,1848,64379,00.html

01:30 PM Jul. 28, 2004 PT

Cars that report your every false move to local law authorities. Huge
databases with detailed information on every citizen. Companies that only
honor privacy guidelines when it's profitable for them to do so.

 These were some of the winners of Privacy International's sixth annual
U.K. Big Brother Awards, announced Wednesday. The awards are an annual
attempt to publicly name and shame the government and private-sector
organizations that have done the most to invade personal privacy in Britain.

 The winners of Worst Public Servant, Most Invasive Company, Most Appalling
Project, Most Heinous Government Organization and Lifetime Menace were
selected by a panel of experts consisting of lawyers, academics,
consultants, journalists and civil rights activists.

 Winners were chosen from roughly 300 people and organizations nominated by
the public. They receive a lovely gold statue of a boot stamping on a human
head, which is usually mailed to the winners, as none has never shown up to
collect its award.

 Big Brother Awards are now held as an annual event in 17 countries. Each
event typically focuses on privacy violations in the host country.

 But Privacy International opted to make an exception this year by
including in the U.K. awards a U.S. initiative, US-Visit. This security
program requires that most foreign visitors traveling to the United States
on a visa have their index fingers digitally scanned and a digital
photograph taken, so that immigration officers can verify their identity
before the visitors are allowed entry into the United States.

 The scheme is offensive and invasive, and has been undertaken with little
or no debate or scrutiny, said Simon Davies, director of Privacy
International. Nor has the requirement taken any account of the 'special
relationship' between the U.K. and the U.S. The U.K. government has been
silent about the program and has capitulated every step of the way.

 Margaret Hodge, U.K. minister of state for children, won Worst Public
Servant because of her support for a controversial tracking system that
would share information collected on minors by Britain's National Health
program with other government agencies.

 While the ministry believes that such tracking would prevent child abuse,
others have fought it on the basis that sharing such information is a
breach of doctor-patient confidentiality.

 British Gas was cited as the Most Invasive Company, after it declared that
U.K. privacy rules prevented it from helping an elderly couple who were
found dead of hypothermia in their home last winter, weeks after their gas
service was cut off due to nonpayment of a 140-pound ($255) bill.

 British Gas said the Data Protection Act, intended to ensure that personal
information is protected, prohibited it from reporting the situation to
social services agencies that could have helped the couple restore heating

 Runner-up in this category was banking firm Lloyds TSB, which has been
demanding that customers present themselves at their local branch office
with proper photo ID or face having their bank accounts frozen. Lloyds
describes the project as a way to stop terrorism and international money

 FollowUs, a company that uses GPS chips embedded in mobile phones to
locate the phones' users for peace of mind, security or fun was also a

 Most Appalling Project was awarded to Britain's National Health Service
electronic medical records program, which aims to computerize patient
records in a way that some have protested is insecure and will compromise
patient privacy.

 Runner-up in this category was mobile-phone company Vodafone, which blocks
customers from logging onto adult websites through their phone handsets in
order, the company says, to protect mobile-phone-toting, porn-seeking

 Customers can access adult websites by proving their age by providing
their credit card details to the company online, over the phone or in
person, and specifically requesting that adult-access blocks be dropped.

 Most Heinous Government Organization was won by The Office of National
Statistics for its development of the Citizen Information Project, which
will collect, collate and share U.K. citizens' data with other government

 The Department for Transport won runner-up for its electronic
vehicle-identification program, currently under development. Known as the
Spy in the Dashboard, the program will embed microprocessor chips into
cars. The chips would automatically report any instances of speeding,
illegal parking and other grievous offenses to authorities, who would
follow up with a summons.

 We are seeing a race to the bottom, where government and private sector
alike compete to provide the most intrusive services in the most 

How They Could Steal the Election This Time

2004-08-01 Thread R. A. Hettinga

Click here to return to the browser-optimized version of this page.

This article can be found on the web at

How They Could Steal the Election This Time


[from the August 16, 2004 issue]

On November 2 millions of Americans will cast their votes for President in
computerized voting systems that can be rigged by corporate or
local-election insiders. Some 98 million citizens, five out of every six of
the roughly 115 million who will go to the polls, will consign their votes
into computers that unidentified computer programmers, working in the main
for four private corporations and the officials of 10,500 election
jurisdictions, could program to invisibly falsify the outcomes.

 The result could be the failure of an American presidential election and
its collapse into suspicions, accusations and a civic fury that will make
Florida 2000 seem like a family spat in the kitchen. Robert Reich, Bill
Clinton's Labor Secretary, has written, Automated voting machines will be
easily rigged, with no paper trails to document abuses. Senator John Kerry
told Florida Democrats last March, I don't think we ought to have any vote
cast in America that cannot be traced and properly recounted. Pointing out
in a recent speech at the NAACP convention that a million
African-Americans were disenfranchised in the last election, Kerry says
his campaign is readying 2,000 lawyers to challenge any place in America
where you cannot trace the vote and count the votes [see Greg Palast,
Vanishing Votes, May 17].

 The potential for fraud and error is daunting. About 61 million of the
votes in November, more than half the total, will be counted in the
computers of one company, the privately held Election Systems and Software
(ESS) of Omaha, Nebraska. Altogether, nearly 100 million votes will be
counted in computers provided and programmed by ESS and three other
private corporations: British-owned Sequoia Voting Systems of Oakland,
California, whose touch-screen voting equipment was rejected as insecure
against fraud by New York City in the 1990s; the Republican-identified
company Diebold Election Systems of McKinney, Texas, whose machines
malfunctioned this year in a California election; and Hart InterCivic of
Austin, one of whose principal investors is Tom Hicks, who helped make
George W. Bush a millionaire.

 About a third of the votes, 36 million, will be tabulated completely
inside the new paperless, direct-recording-electronic (DRE) voting systems,
on which you vote directly on a touch-screen. Unlike receipted transactions
at the neighborhood ATM, however, you get no paper record of your vote.
Since, as a government expert says, the ballot is embedded in the voting
equipment, there is no voter-marked paper ballot to be counted or
recounted. Voting on the DRE, you never know, despite what the touch-screen
says, whether the computer is counting your vote as you think you are
casting it or, either by error or fraud, it is giving it to another
candidate. No one can tell what a computer does inside itself by looking at
it; an election official can't watch the bits inside, says Dr. Peter
Neumann, the principal scientist at the Computer Science Laboratory of SRI
International and a world authority on computer-based risks.

 The four major election corporations count votes with voting-system source
codes. These are kept strictly secret by contract with the local
jurisdictions and states using the machines. That secrecy makes it next to
impossible for a candidate to examine the source code used to tabulate his
or her own contest. In computer jargon a trapdoor is an opening in the
code through which the program can be corrupted. David Stutsman, an Indiana
lawyer whose suits in the 1980s exposed a trapdoor that was being used by
the nation's largest election company at that time, puts it well: The
secrecy of the ballot has been turned into the secrecy of the vote count.

 According to Dr. David Dill, professor of computer science at Stanford,
all elections conducted on DREs are open to question. Challenging those
who belittle the danger of fraud, Dill says that with trillions of dollars
at stake in the battle for control of Congress and the presidency,
potential attackers who might seek to fix elections include hackers,
candidates, zealots, foreign governments and criminal organizations, and
local officials can't stop it.

 Last fall during a public talk on The Voting Machine War for advanced
computer-science students at Stanford, Dill asked, Why am I always being
asked to prove these systems aren't secure? The burden of proof ought to be
on the vendor. You ask about the hardware. 'Secret.' The software?
'Secret.' What's the cryptography? 'Can't tell you because that'll
compromise the secrecy of the machines.'... Federal testing procedures?
'Secret'! Results of the tests? 'Secret'! Basically we are required to have