RE: Microsoft .NET PRNG (fwd)

2004-08-10 Thread Anton Stiglic
There is some detail in the FIPS 140 security policy of Microsoft's
cryptographic provider, for Windows XP and Windows 2000.  See for example

where they say the RNG is based on FIPS 186 RNG using SHS.  The seed is
based on the collection of allot of data, enumerated in the security policy.

I would guess that what is written is true, less NIST would look very bad if
someone reversed engineered the code and showed that what they certified was

So based on that it would seem that the PRNG in recent Microsoft
cryptographic providers is o.k.


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Re: Cryptography and the Open Source Security Debate

2004-08-10 Thread John Kelsey
 Sent: Aug 6, 2004 1:04 PM
 To: R. A. Hettinga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Cryptography and the Open Source Security Debate

 More dangerous is a key generator which deliberately produces keys which
 are easy to factor by someone knowing a secret. These should be found
 in open source but I suggest many reviewers could miss this and again the
 group think would probably cause most not to even look.

So, how many people on this list have actually looked at the PGP key generation code 
in any depth?  Open source makes it possible for people to look for security holes, 
but it sure doesn't guarantee that anyone will do so, especially anyone who's at all 
good at it.


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How a Digital Signature Works

2004-08-10 Thread R. A. Hettinga

Business Week

 AUGUST 10, 2004

 By Stephen H. Wildstrom

How a Digital Signature Works

Microsoft's new Service Pack makes life tough for programs lacking the
proper electronic credentials. Here's why
 A technology called public key cryptography makes it possible for you to
make sure that the publisher of any piece of software that claims to be
from Microsoft (MSFT ) or any other publisher really came from there. It
has the added benefit of insuring that the contents weren't maliciously
altered or damaged in transmission. Here's how it works:

 The publisher first has to obtain a digital certificate from a recognized
certificate authority or CA (VeriSign (VRSN ) is the largest and best
known CA in the U.S.). The publisher receives a private and a public key,
each of which is a long number of about 300 digits. These are used to
create a digital signature for each program (see BW Online, 8/10/04,
Windows of Vulnerability No More?).

 When the software is ready to be posted for download, the publisher runs
it through a mathematical process called a one-way hash which reduces it to
a long number called the message digest. The message digest is then
encrypted using the publisher's private key, and the result, which looks
like a string of gibberish when displayed, is appended to the program when
it's downloaded.

HASH SLINGING.  The trick of public key encryption -- the best known
approach is called RSA for the initials of its inventors -- is that one key
can be used to scramble the data while a different, mathematically related,
key is used to unscramble it. When you download a digitally signed program,
the first thing your computer does is check the Web site's digital
certificate. It then queries the CA that issues the certificate to make
sure it's still valid and to obtain the public key.

 When the download is complete, your computer uses the public key to
decrypt the message digest. It also runs the same one-way hash procedure on
the downloaded software. If everything is as it should be, the decrypted
message digest and the one just created should be identical. If they differ
by a single bit, something is wrong and the downloaded software will be

 For the curious, here's the message digest of the five paragraphs above
(as plain text), created using the MD5 algorithm from RSA Data Security
Inc: c21196eb8e026d47a67883d746c72c8d.

 Wildstrom is Technology  You columnist for BusinessWeek. Follow his Flash
Product Reviews, only at BusinessWeek Online

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Re: How a Digital Signature Works

2004-08-10 Thread Matt Crawford
 By Stephen H. Wildstrom
How a Digital Signature Works
Is this a count the errors contest?  I count six.
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Re: Microsoft .NET PRNG (fwd)

2004-08-10 Thread Ed Gerck
The PRNG should be the least concern when using MSFT's cryptographic
provider. The MSFT report 140sp238.pdf says:
RSAENH stores keys in the file system, but relies upon Microsoft
Windows XP for the encryption of the keys prior to storage.
Not only RSAENH writes keys to a lower-security file system... it also does
not provide the encryption security to protect those keys. Because RSAENH
trusts Windows XP to provide that critical link in the security, RSAENH cannot
be trusted to provide the security. In addition, there is a third problem in
securing the keys, namely the security gap between RSAENH and Windows XP.
The most troubling aspect, however, is that RSAENH makes it easy to provide
a covert channel for key access. FIPS 140-1 Level 1 compliant.
Ed Gerck
Anton Stiglic wrote:
There is some detail in the FIPS 140 security policy of Microsoft's
cryptographic provider, for Windows XP and Windows 2000.  See for example
where they say the RNG is based on FIPS 186 RNG using SHS.  The seed is
based on the collection of allot of data, enumerated in the security policy.
I would guess that what is written is true, less NIST would look very bad if
someone reversed engineered the code and showed that what they certified was
So based on that it would seem that the PRNG in recent Microsoft
cryptographic providers is o.k.
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