
2004-11-30 Thread Udhay Shankar N
found at http://webpages.charter.net/allanms/2004/07/instant-immortality.html
Amateurs study cryptography; professionals study economics.
(Bob Hettinga, this is your cue. :)
((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ pobox.com)) ((www.digeratus.com))
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Hacking tool 'draws FBI subpoenas'

2004-11-30 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The Register

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Hacking tool 'draws FBI subpoenas'
By Kevin Poulsen, SecurityFocus (klp at securityfocus.com)
Published Thursday 25th November 2004 10:42 GMT

The author of the popular freeware hacking tool Nmap warned users this week
that FBI agents are increasingly seeking access to information from the
server logs of his download site, insecure.org.

I may be forced by law to comply with legal, properly served subpoenas,
wrote Fyodor, the 27-year-old Silicon Valley coder responsible for the
post scanning tool, in a mailing list message. At the same time, I'll try
to fight anything too broad... Protecting your privacy is important to me,
but Nmap users should be savvy enough to know that all of your network
activity leave traces.

Probably the most widely-used freeware hacking tool, Nmap is a
sophisticated port scanner that sends packets to a machine, or a network of
machines, in an attempt to discern what services are running and to make an
educated guess about the operating system. An Nmap port scan is a common
prelude to an intrusion attempt, and the tool is popular both with security
professionals performing penetration tests, and genuine intruders with
mischief in their hearts.

Last year Nmap crept into popular culture when the movie the Matrix
Reloaded depicted Carrie-Anne Moss's leather-clad superhacker Trinity
performing an Nmap portscan
(http://www.theregister.co.uk/2003/05/16/matrix_sequel_has_hacker_cred/) on
a power grid computer prior to hacking in.

But success comes with a price, and on Tuesday Fyodor felt the need to
broach the sobering topic of FBI subpoenas with his users. He advised his
most privacy conscious users to use proxy servers or other techniques when
downloading the latest version of Nmap if they want to ensure their

In a telephone interview, Fyodor said the disclaimer wasn't prompted by any
particular incident, and that he'd received less than half-a-dozen
subpoenas this year. It's not a huge number, but I hadn't received any
before 2004, and so it's a striking new issue, he said.

None of the subpoenas produced anything, Fyodor says, either because they
sought old information that had already been deleted from his logs, or
because the subpoenas were improperly served. In every case the request has
been narrowly crafted, usually directed at finding out who visited the site
(http://www.insecure.org/) in a very short window of time, such as a five
minute period. They have not made any broad requests like, 'Give me anyone
who's visited insecure.org for a certain day,' he says.

Fyodor theorizes the FBI is investigating cases in which an intruder
downloaded Nmap directly onto a compromised machine. They assume that she
might have obtained that URL by visiting the Nmap download page from her
home computer, he wrote.

He confesses mixed feelings over the issue. The side of me that questions
authority is skeptical of these subpoenas, he told SecurityFocus. The
other side says, this may be a very serious crime committed ... and if I
were the victim of such a crime I would probably want people to cooperate

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Proving the correctness of a network encryption system test system

2004-11-30 Thread Fredrik Henbjork
Alice has:
1. A system which does processing of encrypted network streams.
Alice wants the following from Bob:
2. A test system for the processing system in 1. This system is going to
be used to decide if the processing system in 1 is working (processing)
as it should.
3. A test system for the test system in 2. This system is going to be 
to decide if the test system in 2 is working (testing) as it should.

4. A specification for the test system in 3. This specification shall 
explicit and well defined critera for how to decide that the test 
system in 2
is working (testing) as it should.

So the question really is; how does Bob convince Alice that the test 
system in
2 works (tests) as it should? Alice does not need strict formal 
proofs for the correctness of 2, but neither is she going to be 
satisfied by
hearing Bob (in his best Snake Oil voice) say: Trust me, I know what 
doing... Does anyone have any good pointers to information about 
problems like

Thanks in advance,
Fredrik Henbjork
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MyKad too hi-tech to forge

2004-11-30 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The Star Online  News
Saturday November 27, 2004

MyKad too hi-tech to forge


KUALA LUMPUR: The National Registration Department has detected about 10
cases of forged MyKad issued to illegal immigrants in the country since it
was introduced in 2001. 

 However, the chips in the cards were not forged ones. 

 Its director-general Datuk Wan Ibrahim Wan Ahmad said those caught with
the fake cards were Indonesians and Bangladeshis, who claimed they had paid
about RM200 for the card.  

 The fake cards looked like genuine ones except that the forgers could not
duplicate the smart chip imbedded in MyKad.  

 The physical appearance of the card looks real but the chip, a vital
component of the card, is functionless and cannot be used for transactions.

 This is because the features of the MyKad chip are so high-tech that they
cannot be duplicated. Even if they could make a forged chip it has no data
that is linked to our database, he said.  

 Wan Ibrahim also said the chip in the fake MyKad was not readable.  

 We don't believe the chip can ever be forged. The information in our chip
has data and biometric features, he said.  

 The MyKad chip stores information of the cardholders including their
identity cards, driving licences, passports and health data. 

 Wan Ibrahim said there were also those caught with fake MyKad which had
their laminated sheet tampered with to alter the physical details and

 When these cards are read, the identity of the bearer is that of someone
else. These included those who were checked at the Immigration checkpoints
at the airport. At a glance the cards looked real, he added.  

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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I'm sorry, I haven't a clue

2004-11-30 Thread R.A. Hettinga

  Guardian |

I'm sorry, I haven't a clue

However cracked they may be, our fascination for codes remains
Mark Lawson
Saturday November 27, 2004

The Guardian
The discovery of a code at Shugborough Hall, in Staffordshire -
O.U.O.S.V.A.V.V - that may disclose the location of the holy grail has
been widely compared to Dan Brown's super-selling novel The Da Vinci Code.

This Shugborough cryptograph - on which old Bletchley Park codebreakers
have been working - is seen as life imitating art, but the relationship
between popular fiction and reality is more often the reverse. Novels sell
well because they reflect our times: art imitating life, if often in heavy

The biggest-selling novels of the 70s - Jaws and The Godfather - concerned
shadowy forces, fish and criminal, beneath the surface of society. We can
now see that these tales reflected the menaces to the American way from the
cold war, Vietnam and Watergate. Similarly, the millions drawn in Britain
at the same period to the animal epic Watership Down were drawn by a
sentimental regret that our traditional way of life was being swamped by

So, if bestselling books contain hidden messages about our times, then The
Da Vinci Code, having cryptography as both content and method, may be the
ultimate popular fiction. We can guess that the reason Brown's book has
sold in such quantities is that we live surrounded by codes and puzzles
that we fear may be broken (such as our computer and digital
communications), or that we fear will not be (Osama bin Laden's
instructions to his followers, the big wedding in America that turned out
to be 9/11).

It's the same instinct - of fear and fascination with encryption - that
leads people to read both The Da Vinci Code and the newspaper stories about
a supposed clue to the holy grail. And, coincidentally, a new non-fiction
book reveals that one of the world's most famous figures believes that a
secret code gives meaning to his life. The Pope in Winter, by John
Cornwell, discusses John Paul II's conviction that his attempted
assassination in 1981 had been predicted by an apparition of Christ's
mother speaking to Portuguese children in 1917.

But the lesson of both the Shugborough puzzle and the Pope's divine code is
that predictive cryptography - as distinct from practical code-breaking,
such as the Enigma work at Bletchley - works better in fiction than fact.

The problem for code-breakers is that they are often forced to assume that
a setter sophisticated with letters or numbers would be sloppy with grammar
and spelling. Hence, notoriously, Nostradamus, credited by some fans with
predicting the rise of a German tyrant called Hister, must be assumed to
have had massive predictive powers but limited dictionary skills.

So it is with Shugborough's O.U.O.S.V.A.V.V sequence. Cryptologists suggest
that the letters can be made to say the Hebrew phrase Why Feather Curve
or, in Latin, Best wife, best sister, widower most loving vows
virtuously. But both interpretations feel like the kind of sentence you
end up with after failing to solve a puzzle, rather than what you would
begin with in setting one - a code consists of language to be broken, but
it's not clear why it would be rooted in broken English.

A similar application of linguistic imprecision to an art that should be
precise is the Pope's assumption of the Third Secret of Fatima. This final
dictation given to the Portuguese children by their shimmering vision was
sealed by the Vatican for many decades, leading to much prediction that it
contained the date of the end of the world. There were rumours of popes
fainting when they took the envelope out of their library.

At the turn of the millennium, John Paul II decided to break the code. He
revealed that the long-suppressed message foresaw that a man in white
would fall to the ground. He was convinced that these words anticipated
his shooting in Rome.

In fact, as Cornwell's book points out, you have to arm-lock the prophecy
to get this reading. The seer in Portugal predicted that the white-clad man
would be killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at
him. Numerous civilians would also die in the attack. This raises the
Nostradamus problem: why would someone with the ability to tell the story
of the future be shown such a corrupted narrative?

The need for codebreakers to ignore the bits that don't fit is why such
puzzles are most satisfying in novels where, unusually, both the cipher and
the solution are provided by the same mind and therefore must match. The
prophecies of Nostradamus have always sold well, but The Da Vinci Code is
Nostradamus without the bits that have proved to be embarrassingly wrong.

Those who believe that the road to the holy grail leads from a stone at
Lord Lichfield's family home should crack this code: T1BEM. The M, if it
helps, is minute.

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL 

ACLU concerned that microchip passports won't be encrypted

2004-11-30 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The Indianapolis Star

ACLU concerned that microchip passports won't be encrypted

Associated Press
November 27, 2004

WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration opposes security measures for new
microchip-equipped passports that privacy advocates contend are needed to
prevent identity theft, government snooping or a terrorist attack,
according to State Department documents released Friday.

The passports would emit radio waves that could be read electronically from
as far away as 30 feet, according to the American Civil Liberties Union,
which obtained the documents under a Freedom of Information Act request.

The ability to remotely read personal data raises the possibility that
passport holders would be vulnerable to identity theft, the ACLU said. It
also would allow government agents to find out covertly who was attending a
political meeting or make it easier for terrorists to target Americans
traveling abroad, the ACLU said.

Frank Moss of the State Department said the United States wants to ensure
the safety and security of Americans traveling abroad. But encrypting the
data might make it more difficult for other countries to read the
passports, Moss said.

All new U.S. passports issued by the end of 2005 are expected to have a
chip containing the owner's name, birth date, issuing office and a
biometric identifier -- a photo of the owner's face.
R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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RSA Implementation in C language

2004-11-30 Thread Sandeep N

Can anybody tell me where I can get an implementation of RSA
algorithm in C language? I searched for it, but could not locate one.
I would be grateful to you if you could give me the location of the
source code.

Thanks and Regards,

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Some Secret: Open House, Open Bar

2004-11-30 Thread R.A. Hettinga
Must have passed some kinda big supplemental.



The Washington Post

Round-Trip or One-Way Tickets?

By Al Kamen

 Wednesday, November 24, 2004; Page A19

Some Secret: Open House, Open Bar

Remember a while back when it came out that intelligence agencies such as
the National Security Agency -- the supersecret spy crowd -- did not have
the resources to keep up with the flood of intercepts to be able to
translate terrorists' chatter on a timely basis?

This naturally caused a big fuss, and Congress pledged big bucks to get the
spooks up to speed. Seems to have worked out fine, judging from an invite
we got to attend an open house Dec. 7 at the National Cryptologic Museum
behind the Shell station at Fort Meade.

Lots of fine finger food to be had, including a brie encrote with brown
sugar and pecans, some Swiss cheese and chablis stuffed mushroom caps, a
bit of roast turkey with cranberry mayo and mini pumpkin cheesecakes.

Our very fine invite with the NSA gold-embossed seal notes Open bar.

Must have passed some kinda big supplemental.

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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SSL/TLS passive sniffing

2004-11-30 Thread Ben Nagy
Hi all,

I'm a bumbling crypto enthusiast as a sideline to my other, real, areas of
security expertise. Recently a discussion came up on firewall-wizards about
passively sniffing SSL traffic by a third party, using a copy of the server
cert (for, eg, IDS purposes).

There was some question about whether this is possible for connections that
use client-certs, since it looks to me from the spec that those connections
should be using one of the Diffie Hellman cipher suites, which is obviously
not vulnerable to a passive sniffing 'attack'. Active 'attacks' will
obviously still work. Bear in mind that we're talking about deliberate
undermining of the SSL connection by organisations, usually against their
website users (without talking about the goodness, badness or legality of
that), so how do they get the private keys isn't relevant.

However, I was wondering why the implementors chose the construction used
with the RSA suites, where the client PMS is encrypted with the server's
public key and sent along - it seems to make this kind of escrowed passive
sniffing very easy. I can't think why they didn't use something based on DH
- sure you only authenticate one side of the connection, but who cares? Was
it simply to save one setup packet?

Anyone know?



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Re: RSA Implementation in C language

2004-11-30 Thread Adam Shostack

On Mon, Nov 29, 2004 at 01:47:05PM +0530, Sandeep N wrote:
| Hi,
| Can anybody tell me where I can get an implementation of RSA
| algorithm in C language? I searched for it, but could not locate one.
| I would be grateful to you if you could give me the location of the
| source code.
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Re: SSL/TLS passive sniffing

2004-11-30 Thread Ian Grigg
Ben raises an interesting thought:

 There was some question about whether this is possible for connections that
 use client-certs, since it looks to me from the spec that those connections
 should be using one of the Diffie Hellman cipher suites, which is obviously
 not vulnerable to a passive sniffing 'attack'. Active 'attacks' will
 obviously still work. Bear in mind that we're talking about deliberate
 undermining of the SSL connection by organisations, usually against their
 website users (without talking about the goodness, badness or legality of
 that), so how do they get the private keys isn't relevant.

We have the dichotomy that DH protects against all passive
attacks, and a signed cert protects against most active attacks,
and most passive attacks, but not passive attacks where the
key is leaked, and not active attacks where the key is
forged (as a cert).

But we do not use both DH and certificates at the same time,
we generally pick one or the other.

Could we however do both?

In the act of a public key protected key exchange, Alice
generally creates a random key and encrypts that to Bob's
public key.  That random then gets used for further traffic.

However could one do a Diffie Hellman key exchange and do this
under the protection of the public key?  In which case we are
now protected from Bob aggressively leaking the public key.
(Or, to put it more precisely, Bob would now have to record
and leak all his traffic as well, which is a substantially
more expensive thing to engage in.)

(This still leaves us with the active attack of a forged
key, but that is dealt with by public key (fingerprint)

Does that make sense?  The reason I ask is that I've just
written a new key exchange protocol element, and I thought
I was being clever by having both Bob and Alice provide
half the key each, so as to protect against either party
being non-robust with secret key generation.  (As a programmer
I'm more worried about the RNG clagging than the key leaking,
but let's leave that aside for now...)

Now I'm wondering whether the key exchange should do a DH
within the standard public key protected key exchange?
Hmmm, this sounds like I am trying to do PFS  (perfect
forward secrecy).  Any thoughts?


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RE: RSA Implementation in C language

2004-11-30 Thread Trei, Peter
Admittedly somewhat old and creaky, but try Googling 
RSAREF. I don't know where that stands for IP rights
(presumably we still have copyright), bout for
research it's a startin point.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Sandeep N
 Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 3:17 AM
 Subject: RSA Implementation in C language
 Can anybody tell me where I can get an implementation of RSA
 algorithm in C language? I searched for it, but could not locate one.
 I would be grateful to you if you could give me the location of the
 source code.
 Thanks and Regards,
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SSL/TLS passive sniffing

2004-11-30 Thread David Wagner
Ian Grigg writes:
I note that disctinction well!  Certificate based systems
are totally vulnerable to a passive sniffing attack if the
attacker can get the key.  Whereas Diffie Hellman is not,
on the face of it.  Very curious...

No, that is not accurate.  Diffie-Hellman is also insecure if the private
key is revealed to the adversary.  The private key for Diffie-Hellman
is the private exponent.  If you learn the private exponent that one
endpoint used for a given connection, and if you have intercepted that
connection, you can derive the session key and decrypt the intercepted

Perhaps the distinction you had in mind is forward secrecy.  If you use
a different private key for every connection, then compromise of one
connection's private key won't affect other connections.  This is
true whether you use RSA or Diffie-Hellman.  The main difference is
that in Diffie-Hellman, key generation is cheap and easy (just an
exponentiation), while in RSA key generation is more expensive.

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Re: SSL/TLS passive sniffing

2004-11-30 Thread Ian Grigg
 Ian Grigg writes:
I note that disctinction well!  Certificate based systems
are totally vulnerable to a passive sniffing attack if the
attacker can get the key.  Whereas Diffie Hellman is not,
on the face of it.  Very curious...

 No, that is not accurate.  Diffie-Hellman is also insecure if the private
 key is revealed to the adversary.  The private key for Diffie-Hellman
 is the private exponent.  If you learn the private exponent that one
 endpoint used for a given connection, and if you have intercepted that
 connection, you can derive the session key and decrypt the intercepted

I wasn't familiar that one could think in those terms.  Reading
here:  http://www.rsasecurity.com/rsalabs/node.asp?id=2248 it

In recent years, the original Diffie-Hellman protocol
has been understood to be an example of a much more
general cryptographic technique, the common element
being the derivation of a shared secret value (that
is, key) from one party's public key and another
party's private key. The parties' key pairs may be
generated anew at each run of the protocol, as in
the original Diffie-Hellman protocol.

It seems the compromise of *either* exponent would lead to

 Perhaps the distinction you had in mind is forward secrecy.  If you use
 a different private key for every connection, then compromise of one
 connection's private key won't affect other connections.  This is
 true whether you use RSA or Diffie-Hellman.  The main difference is
 that in Diffie-Hellman, key generation is cheap and easy (just an
 exponentiation), while in RSA key generation is more expensive.

Yes.  So if a crypto system used the technique of using
Diffie-Hellman key exchange (with unique exponents for each
session), there would be no lazy passive attack, where I
am defining the lazy attack as a once-off compromise of a
private key.  That is, the attacker would still have to
learn the individual exponent for that session, which
(assuming the attacker has to ask for it of one party)
would be equivalent in difficulty to learning the secret
key that resulted and was used for the secret key cipher.


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