Re: Password hashing

2007-10-12 Thread james hughes

I forgot to add the links...

On Oct 11, 2007, at 10:19 PM, james hughes wrote:

A proposal for a new password hashing based on SHA-256 or SHA-512  
has been proposed by RedHat but to my knowledge has not had any  
rigorous analysis. The motivation for this is to replace MD-5 based  
password hashing at banks where MD-5 is on the list of do not use  
algorithms. I would prefer not to have the discussion MD-5 is good  
enough for this algorithm since it is not an argument that the  
customers requesting these changes are going to accept.


Avoiding certicom patents.

2007-10-12 Thread James A. Donald

Avoiding certicom patents.

The two patents that are actually useful are point
compression and ECMQV

Bodo Moeller, quoted by Bernstein, points out that one
can do point compression following the method of page
171 of the Harper-Menezes-Vanstone paper Public-key
cryptosystems with very small key lengths at Eurocrypt
'92, published more than a year before the filing of the
point compression patent.

::  The key length can be shortened to n+1 bits as
::  follows. Observe first that the change of
::  variables (x,y) - (x,xz) transforms equation
::  y^2 + x*y = x^3 + a*x^2 + b, (1)
::  to
::  z^2 + z = x + a + b*x^(-2),  (3)
::  Given the x-coordinate of a point P = (x,y),
::  we can compute the right hand side of (3).
::  Then (3) has precisely 2 solutions, namely z'
::  and z'+1, and these solutions can be easily
::  found. We can then select the correct solution
::  z (and hence reconstruct y as y = xz) if we
::  know the least significant bit of z. Thus to
::  transmit P it is sufficient to transmit x and
::  the least significant bit of y/x.

I am not a lawyer, but if one follows the method as
given in the paper, and place direct quotes from the
paper in the source code comments and product
documentation, that should cover one's ass.

What ECMQV does is get forward secrecy *and*
authentication without additional cost.

If, however, we don't need the point compression patent,
neither do we need ECMQV.

Let capital letters represent elliptic curve points,
lower case letters represent integers modulo the order
of the generator.  Multiplication of an elliptic curve
point by an integer to give another elliptic curve point
takes polynomial time, division by an integer takes
exponential time, takes time 2^(n^2) where n is the bit
size of the field.

Simpe DH is as follows:

Bob has a secret key b, the integer b, and a well known
public key B = b*G, where G is the generator.

Carol has a secret key c, the integer c, and a well
known public key C = c*G, where G is the generator.

Bob constructs the shared secret b*C, Carol constructs
the shared secret c*B, b*C=c*B

This, however, means they use the same secret each time,
which can cause problems.  Best to use a secret that
randomly changes from time to time.

So to fix this:

Bob generates a random and frequently changing secret
number x, and transmits the point compressed value of X,
X=x*G to Carol.

Carol generates a random and frequently changing secret
number y, and and transmits the point compressed value
of Y, Y=y*G to Bob.

Bob computes (x+b)*(Y+C), Carol computes (c+y)*(X+B).
(x+b)*(Y+C) =(c+y)*(X+B)

Now if we were transmitting uncompressed points, there
would be some attacks which ECMQV prevents, but since we
are transmitting compressed points, these attacks cease
to work.

I repeat, I am not a lawyer, but then neither are the
judge or jury mathematicians.  If you simply don't have
the additional steps listed in ECMQV, how are they going
to justify the claim that it somehow really is ECMQV?

Note that that point compression avoids the attacks that
motivate ECMQV has not been examined in the literature,
nor have patent lawyers looked at any of the information
I present here.

 James A. Donald

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Re: 307 digit number factored

2007-10-12 Thread James A. Donald

A 307 digit number is 1024 bits, near enough.  1024 bits
was scheduled to fail in 2013.  It has failed early, due
to modest advances in factorization.

Thus past comparisons of the strength of encryption key
sizes are no longer entirely accurate.  Further, they
never were that accurate to start with - one needs
actual run times for breaks run on the same machine.
None of the past comparisons have started from such
concrete data.

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Password hashing

2007-10-12 Thread james hughes
A proposal for a new password hashing based on SHA-256 or SHA-512 has  
been proposed by RedHat but to my knowledge has not had any rigorous  
analysis. The motivation for this is to replace MD-5 based password  
hashing at banks where MD-5 is on the list of do not use algorithms.  
I would prefer not to have the discussion MD-5 is good enough for  
this algorithm since it is not an argument that the customers  
requesting these changes are going to accept.


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Re: 307 digit number factored

2007-10-12 Thread James A. Donald


AFAIK, the only advantage of ECC is that the keys are shorter.
The disadvantage is that it isn't as well studied.

Nate Lawson wrote:

Again, this is well covered.  The reason is the fundamental difference
in the performance of the best-known attacks (GNFS vs. Pollard's rho).

At the timpe that was published, 
1024 bit asymmetric encryption over integers was comparable in strength 
to 80 bit symmetric encryption, and elliptic curve encryption over a 160 
bit fields.

At that time integers based asymmetric encryption took about four times 
as long to compute as the comparable strength elliptic curve asymmetric 

Since then, integer encryption has weakened further relative to elliptic 
curve encryption, due to advances in factorization and the discrete log 
problem, increasing the advantage of elliptic curves.

With widespread failure to use encryption due to the computational costs 
a factor of more than four is not to be sneezed at.

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Re: 307 digit number factored

2007-10-12 Thread James A. Donald

 AFAIK, the only advantage of ECC is that the keys are
 shorter. The disadvantage is that it isn't as well

On past performance, elliptic curves are safer than
integers.  From time to time, integer based asymmetric
encryption is abruptly and surprisingly weakened by
advances in discrete log algorithms.  This is just not
happening with elliptic curves.

The cost of computing power is going down faster than
the cost of communication.  The size of sufficiently
safe asymmetric encryption based on integers is growing
considerably faster than the size of sufficiently safe
asymmetric encryption based on elliptic curves.

Thus the advantage of elliptic curve encryption
continually increases, will become overwhelming in the
near future - and a large part of that continually
increasing advantage comes from unpredictable
improvements in factoring and discrete log over the

My intuition is that because elliptic curves are
considerably less orderly than the integers, there is
less scope for discovering fast discrete log methods. We
are continually discovering improvements to finding
discrete logs over the integers.  It has been a long
time since any such has been discovered for elliptic
curves, long enough to give a plausible hope that no
further such will ever be discovered.

 James A. Donald

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RE: Trillian Secure IM

2007-10-12 Thread Bill Stewart

 | Which is by the way exactly the case with SecureIM. How
 | hard is it to brute-force 128-bit DH ? My guesstimate
 | is it's an order of minutes or even seconds, depending
 | on CPU resources.

Sun's Secure NFS product from the 1980s had 192-bit Diffie-Hellman,
and a comment in one of the O'Reilly NFS books says that
However, by 1990, advances in RISC processors produced
workstation machines that could, by brute force,
derive the private key from any public key in under a day.
but that in 1987 there were still a lot of Motorola 68010 machines
that took several minutes to generate keys so they didn't want it longer.
I'm guessing that a 1990 RISC machine was around 50 MIPS,
so it's maybe 1/100 the speed of a modern single-core CPU.

128-bit DH sounds like as good a decision as using 40-bit RC4 keys would be 

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Yahoo! follies.

2007-10-12 Thread Perry E. Metzger

Today's hall of shame entrant is, oddly, not a bank, but Yahoo!.

 Yahoo! Wallet. Because shopping is more fun than typing.

 o Store all your credit card, shipping and billing information.
   (Never type it in again!)
 o Easy check out at 1000s of merchants.
 o Use Wallet for purchases all around Yahoo!
 o Safe, Simple, and Secure.

 Sign up now.


Earlier today, I discovered that someone had stolen my credit card

These days, it is important to test out the credit card you've stolen
somehow before using it for a big purchase. If you have physical
possession of the card, the usual means these days is to do a small
charge at a gas station. If you don't have physical possession, you
need other means. Apparently, the means by which my particular thieves
tested out their new acquisition was with the use of Yahoo!'s Yahoo!
Wallet facility, and this is apparently a spreading practice.
It is with no small irony that Yahoo! Wallet advertises itself as
Safe, Simple and Secure.

My issuing bank shut off my card after a charge was made with Yahoo!
Wallet. The charge was for $1. There was also a much larger
suspicious charge, but the test was apparently via Yahoo!  Wallet.

I suggested to the guy at my issuing bank's fraud department that we
call up the Yahoo! Wallet people up, just to make sure the attempted
$1 charge (which Yahoo! makes and afterwards reverses to test the card
numbers they are given -- kind of them to automate that step for
fraudsters) wasn't somehow triggered by something I had done without
realizing it, and to see if we could find out anything about who had
made the charge.

The fellow at my issuing bank's fraud department thought it would do
no good, but he called up Yahoo! with me on the phone anyway, with a
sound of resignation in his voice as he did it. I later learned why he
sounded so unenthusiastic. He'd been down this route before.  Yahoo!
Wallet's customer service is run out of the Philippines, and has the
same keen sense of organization, training and fraud prevention that
one might find among kindergarteners with lifelong iodine deficiency.

We were quickly informed of about four or five things by the customer
service representative, all of them mutually contradictory and some of
them frankly incomprehensible because of the mangled grammar. However,
one thing he did say consistently was that he could not release
information on the account that had been created with my credit card
-- not even if I, the lawful owner of the account, requested it, and
not even if the issuing bank requested it. They would only release
such information if they got a legal order to do so, although there is
no right to financial privacy in US law on the part of people using
another person's account fraudulently.

It was explained to us, by the fairly confused and not entirely well
trained representative, that he could only release the information to
us if the credit card number that had been entered in was incorrect
and had not been successfully charged -- a policy that made just about
as close to no sense as one can imagine.

I asked to speak to a supervisor, and my bank's rep and I were
transferred after some time to an equally clueless individual.

So let me get this straight. You are not allowed to give the fraud
investigation department at the issuing bank information about a
fraudulent account opened using a credit card from the issuing bank
even if both the issuing bank and the legitimate owner of the card
request it.

Yes sir.

But if the credit card number had been incorrect and we had somehow
gave it you, you could give us the account information.

Yes sir.

You do realize that not only does this make absolutely no sense, it
also makes ``Yahoo! Wallet'' the ideal way for people to check cards
before committing credit card fraud, right?

And the rep went on to explain that wasn't their intent -- but their
intent clearly doesn't matter, only the results matter.

After the Yahoo! people (well, not really Yahoo! but almost certainly
the low bid contractor) got off the phone with us, the guy from my
bank noted to me that he had suspected the whole thing would be a
waste of time, as it was. I asked him how it was that Yahoo! could
operate with policies like this without getting their merchant account
pulled, and he opined that he didn't know, but he was no more pleased
with it than me.

So, let me note to all of you out there trying to commit financial
fraud, that Yahoo! Wallet is an especially Safe, Simple and Secure
way for you to verify that an account you have stolen is good. It is
especially Safe and Secure because Yahoo! will do their utmost to
block legitimate investigation into fraudulent use of credit

One wonders what exactly the people who came up with these policies
were thinking, since doubtless this costs them money and will
eventually result in serious trouble for them, but my experience in
such matters is that, 

Quantum Crytography to be used for Swiss elections

2007-10-12 Thread Leichter, Jerry

No comment from me on the appropriateness.  From Computerworld.

-- Jerry

Quantum cryptography to secure ballots in Swiss election

Ellen Messmer

October 11, 2007 (Network World) Swiss officials are using quantum
cryptography technology to protect voting ballots cast in the Geneva
region of Switzerland during parliamentary elections to be held Oct. 21,
marking the first time this type of advanced encryption will be used for
election protection purposes.

Still considered an area of advanced research, quantum cryptography uses
photons to carry encryption keys to secure communications over
fiber-optic lines and can automatically detect if anyone is trying to
eavesdrop on a communications stream. For the Swiss ballot-collection
process, the quantum cryptography system made by id Quantique will be
used to secure the link between the central ballot-counting station in
downtown Geneva and a government data center in the suburbs.

We would like to provide optimal security conditions for the work of
counting the ballots, said Robert Hensler, the Geneva State Chancellor,
in a statement issued today. In this context, the value added by
quantum cryptography concerns not so much protection from outside
attempts to interfere as the ability to verify that the data have not
been corrupted in transit between entry and storage.

The use of quantum cryptography in the voting process will showcase
technology developed in Switzerland. The firm id Quantique, based in
Carouge, grew out of research done at the University of Geneva by
Professor Nicolas Gisin and his team back in the mid-1990s.

According to id Quantique's CEO Gregoire Ribordy, the firm's Cerberis
product, developed in collaboration with Australian company Senetas,
will be used for the point-to-point encryption of ballot information
sent over a telecommunications line from the central ballot-counting
station to the government data center.

Ribordy said the Swiss canton of Geneva -- there are 26 cantons
throughout all Switzerland -- has about 200,000 registered voters who
will either go to the polls on Oct. 21 and cast their vote, or vote by
mail. The votes cast by mail are all collected in the days before the
election and all brought to the central counting station on Oct. 21,
Ribordy said.

Once the election is closed -- at noon on Sunday, Oct. 21 -- the sealed
ballot boxes of all the polling stations are brought to the central
counting station, where they are opened and where the votes are mixed
with the mail votes. Counting them is then manually done at the central
counting station. People counting the votes at this central station use
computers to transfer the counts to the data center of the canton of
Geneva, Ribordy explained.

He said the quantum cryptography system is ready to be put into
action. Ribordy doesn't think the high-speed link has been encrypted by
any means in the past, but he added that the IT department of the Swiss
government is not sharing a lot of information on certain details for
security reasons.

The use of quantum cryptography in the Swiss election marks the start of
the SwissQuantum project managed by Professor Gisin, with support from
the National Center of Competence in Quantum Photonics Research in

Protection of the federal elections is of historical importance in the
sense that, after several years of development and experimentation, this
will be the first use of the 1GHz quantum encrypter, which is
transparent for the user, and an ordinary fiber-optic line to send data
endowed with relevance and purpose, said Professor Gisin in a prepared
statement. So this occasion marks quantum technology's real debut.

The SwissQuantum project aims to set up a pilot communications network
throughout Geneva. Supporters compare it with that of the first Internet
links in the United States in the 1970s. The Swiss are also expected to
showcase the quantum cryptography project during the ITU Telecom World
event being held in Geneva this week.

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Re: Password hashing

2007-10-12 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 22:19:18 -0700
james hughes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A proposal for a new password hashing based on SHA-256 or SHA-512 has
 been proposed by RedHat but to my knowledge has not had any rigorous
 analysis. The motivation for this is to replace MD-5 based password
 hashing at banks where MD-5 is on the list of do not use
 algorithms. I would prefer not to have the discussion MD-5 is good
 enough for this algorithm since it is not an argument that the
 customers requesting these changes are going to accept.
NetBSD uses iterated HMAC-SHA1, where the password is the key and the
salt is the initial plaintext.  (This is my design but not my

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: Password hashing

2007-10-12 Thread Adam Back
I would have thought PBKDF2 would be the obvious, standardized (PKCS
#5 / RFC 2898) and designed for purpose method to derive a key from a
password.  PBKDF2 would typically be based on HMAC-SHA1.

Should be straight-forward to use PBKDF2 with HMAC-SHA-256 instead for
larger key sizes, or for avoidance of SHA1 since the partial attacks
on it.


On Thu, Oct 11, 2007 at 10:19:18PM -0700, james hughes wrote:
 A proposal for a new password hashing based on SHA-256 or SHA-512 has  
 been proposed by RedHat but to my knowledge has not had any rigorous  
 analysis. The motivation for this is to replace MD-5 based password  
 hashing at banks where MD-5 is on the list of do not use algorithms.  
 I would prefer not to have the discussion MD-5 is good enough for  
 this algorithm since it is not an argument that the customers  
 requesting these changes are going to accept.

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