A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part II

2010-07-25 Thread Peter Gutmann
Have you ever wondered what would happen if malware started appearing that was
authenticated by signing keys belonging to major hardware or software vendors?
Over the last week or two we've had a chance to find out:

One of the scariest scenarios for code signing is when the malware authors
manage to get their hands on a legitimate developer's code-signing key.  Since
many development shops see the signing process as nothing more than an
annoying speedbump that stands in the way of application deployment, not
helped by the fact that code-signing tools like Windows SignTool and Unix' GPG
are hard to use and poorly integrated into the development process, developers
have generally used the most expedient means possible to sign their code, with
signing keys left unprotected or with easy-to-guess passwords (password is a
favourite in web advice columns that give examples of how to do code signing),
or passwords hard-coded into the scripts that are needed in order to integrate
the signing into the build process.  Combine this with the existence of entire
families of malware such as Adrenalin, Nuklus/Apophis, Ursnif, and Zeus, with
key-stealing functionality and it's inevitable that legitimate code-signing
keys will end up in the hands of malware authors.

The most serious case of this occurred in mid-2010 when malware signed with a
key belonging to the major semiconductor manufacturer Realtek started to
appear [Rootkit.TmpHider, discussion thread, 12 July 2010,
http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?p=1712134.][Signed Malware Used
Valid Realtek Certificate, Lucian Constantin, 16 July 2010,
Certificate-147942.shtml.].  Although PKI dogma states that a certificate
belonging to such a key should be immediately revoked, the fact that vast
numbers of Realtek drivers had already been signed by it and could now no
longer be installed without unsigned-driver warnings or, in the case of 64-bit
Windows, used at all, would no doubt have given both Realtek and the issuing
CA cause for concern.  After several days the certificate was revoked
[VeriSign working to mitigate Stuxnet digital signature theft, Steve Ragan,
21 July 2010,
mitigate-Stuxnet-digital-signature-theft.], although the CA had to wait until
the story started to appear in news reports before they became aware of the
need for the revocation.  The decision to revoke the certificate was probably
influenced by a combination of the fact that the majority of users will simply
click through a driver install warning and that the hit-and-miss nature of
revocation checking meant that many systems would keep on using the
certificate regardless (if the certificate had only been used to sign 32-bit
code so that the worst that could happen was a warning dialog on install for
users to click past then this would have made the decision to revoke even
easier).  In any case since antivirus vendors had added the malware signature
to their scanners as soon as it was discovered, the revocation likely had
little actual effect in protecting users from harm.

A few days later a new version of the malware appeared, this time signed with
a key from another semiconductor manufacturer, JMicron [Win32/Stuxnet Signed
Binaries, Pierre-Marc Bureau, 19 July 2010,
http://blog.eset.com/2010/07/19/win32stuxnet-signed-binaries.][Another Signed
Stuxnet Binary, Sean Sullivan, 20 July 2010,
http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/1993.html.][New Stuxnet-Related
Malware Signed Using Certificate from JMicron, Lucian Constantin, 20 July
Certificate-from-JMicron-148213.shtml.].  Making the debacle even more
entertaining was the fact that one of the principal systems targeted by the
malware is a Siemens SCADA (industrial control) system that uses a hardcoded
password 2WSXcder that can't be changed because doing so causes the system
to stop working [Siemens warns users: Don't change passwords after worm
attack, Robert McMillan, 20 July 2010,
passwords-after-worm-attack-915.] and that had been circulating on the
Internet for years, including being posted to a Siemens online forum in Russia
[SCADA System.s Hard-Coded Password Circulated Online for Years, Kim Zetter,
19 July 2010, http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/07/siemens-scada/.] and
online lists of default passwords [default password list,
http://www.defaultpassword.com/?action=dplchar=s.] (the reason for this poor
level of security is that SCADA systems rate availability above everything
else, so that anything that affects, or potentially affects, security is
strongly avoided.  In addition SCADA systems often use thoroughly out-of-date
hardware and software that no-one wants to change for fear of breaking things
and for which there's no way to 

Re: Encryption and authentication modes

2010-07-25 Thread Justin Troutman
Florian Weimer wrote:

 I just want to create a generic API which takes a key (most of the
 time, a randomly generated session key) and can encrypt and decrypt
 small blobs.  Application code should not need to worry about details
 (except getting key management right, which is difficult enough).
 More popular modes such as CBC lack this property, it's too easy to
 misuse them.

As David [McGrew] mentioned -- thanks, David -- I've been working
towards drafting a proposal for standardizing encrypt-then-authenticate
generic composition, and David [McGrew, again] has been quite generous
in sharing his work in this area.  Working towards this is one aspect of
our work (Vincent Rijmen and I) in making cryptography easier to get
right at the implementation level, so that its true potential can be
realized in practice.  Developers shouldn't be making cryptographic
decisions, which is one of the driving forces behind our push for
standardizing encrypt-then-authenticate generic composition; they
needn't be burdened with addressing the subtleties that go along with
composite authenticated encryption schemes.

The desire to push for this was born out of green cryptography, which
Vincent and I introduced in IEEE Security  Privacy last year.  The
premise behind green cryptography was to recycle cryptographic
primitives whenever and wherever possible, and do so in a way that not
only minimizes implementation complexity, but maximizes cryptographic
security.  What we ended up with is AES-based encrypt-then-authenticate
(e.g., AES-CBC-then-AES-CMAC); this achieves the strongest notions of
confidentiality and integrity per Bellare and Namprempre (i.e., IND-CCA2
/\ INT-CTXT) and -- here's the best part -- it's the easiest for
developers to get right, since it is secure for all possible secure
instantiations of its constituent primitives.

If we are to standardize encrypt-then-authenticate generic composition,
we would most likely have to include support for SHA-1, SHA-2, and
SHA-3; this isn't exactly in line with the recycling paradigm, but a
necessary compromise in regards to support across the board.  You can
get the same security out of AES-CMAC and SHA-*-HMAC, either way.
Still, it's important to limit the number of options available, since
the more options you have, the more complexity you introduce to the
implementation.  Perhaps having a standard that supports
AES-CBC/AES-CTR-then-AES-CMAC/SHA-*-HMAC would work; this is where
community feedback is really useful, since such a standard needs to be
as flexible as it is secure.  Any thoughts?

I've recently spoke with Steve Weis and Ben Laurie at Google, who put
together the open-source Keyczar (keyczar.org) cryptographic toolkit,
aimed at making cryptography safe and simple for developers to use;
they did say, however, that oftentimes, they found themselves backed
into a corner with allowing configurations that may be secure, and
reasonable, for niche applications, but insecure elsewhere -- in other
words, no good for standards.  I mention Keyczar because it may be
something of interest to you, and I think it serves as a progressive
model for the direction we need to be going in -- making cryptography
easier to get right.  You're absolutely right that you shouldn't have to
worry about the details, and that it is easy to misuse.  That needs to

In closing, I'll mention that green cryptography's design paradigm of
do a lot with a little; less is more has found its way into a
conceptual framework we're working on, dubbed Mackerel, which looks at
abstracting away as much of the cryptography as possible and, instead,
focus on the higher level concepts of confidentiality and integrity, and
why they're mutually necessary.  Just as green cryptography is concerned
with the assurance of cryptographic implementations, Mackerel is
concerned with the tightness of the interface between cryptography and
cryptographers, developers, and users.  We're drawing a lot from the
field of HCIsec, or Human Computer Interaction Security --  of which
another Googler, Alma Whitten, is a pioneer*.

So, that's a snapshot of what we -- Vincent Rijmen and I -- have been up
to over the past couple of years, and I look forward to sharing more as
it develops and evolves.  I had hoped to have a draft together earlier,
but it just wasn't in line with the workload and pace over the past few
months; it does appear that I'll have something together by the end of
August, which is a plus.  We're wide open to thoughts on this.

* http://gaudior.net/alma/johnny.pdf

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Re: Intel to also add RNG

2010-07-25 Thread Sandy Harris
On 7/13/10, Perry E. Metzger pe...@piermont.com wrote:

 It is disturbing to me that people oppose this so much.

Yes. A hardware RNG seems an obvious Good Thing. Not
a complete solution, but a very useful component.

  For a lot of applications -- servers run in isolation, networking
  equipment, etc. -- having hardware RNGs available is a really big win,
  because there is no good local source of randomness. (We had a long
  discussion of ways to mitigate this some time ago.) Plugging in an
  external unit is not going to happen in practice. If it isn't nearly
  free and built in, it won't be used.

IPsec gateways and web servers doing a lot of SSL are obvious
cases. Neither has much mouse or keyboard activity, they may
have solid state drives or smart RAID so disk timings are not
random. Packet timings might be somewhat random, but they
may also be knowable by an enemy.

  I would suggest that in most cases, you are better off with a very
  very mildly untrusted but ubiquitous hardware RNG than with the kinds
  of kludges to get random numbers on unattended hardware we end up with
  in the real world.

In some cases, a non-kludge alternative is Turbid:
That uses a sound card or on-board equivalent. Some boards
will have this, or it is cheap  easy to stick in a slot.

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MITM attack against WPA2-Enterprise?

2010-07-25 Thread Steven Bellovin
There is a claim of a flaw in WPA2-Enterprise -- see 

--Steve Bellovin, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb

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Re: A Fault Attack Construction Based On Rijmen's Chosen-Text Relations Attack

2010-07-25 Thread Bill Frantz

Alfonso De Gregorio wrote:
The last Thursday, Vincent Rijmen announced a new clever attack 
on   AES (and KASUMI) in a report posted to the Cryptology 
ePrint   Archive: Practical-Titled Attack on AES-128 Using 
Chosen-Text   Relations, http://eprint.iacr.org/2010/337

On 7/21/10 at 11:49 AM, d...@cs.berkeley.edu (David Wagner) 
wrote, with some drastic editing which I hope doesn't change 
David's meaning:

For what it's worth, I read Vincent Rijmen's paper ... as written with
tongue embedded firmly in cheek: I took it as
a serious argument, hidden behind some gentle humor.


Personally, I found it an effective communication style.  I thought the
point came across very clearly.  And, I have to admit I enjoyed seeing
someone having a spot of fun with what can otherwise be a somewhat dry
topic.  I thought it was brilliantly done.

My favorite paper in this style is one which has not (yet) been 
published. It turns out that at one time there were at least 
three Mark Millers active in computer science. One of them, cced 
above, wanted to publish a paper:

  Global Names Considered Harmful
  by Mark Miller, Mark Miller, and Mark Miller

And the paper really doesn't need to go any further than this.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| I like the farmers' market   | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | because I can get fruits and | 16345 
Englewood Ave
www.pwpconsult.com | vegetables without stickers. | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

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Re: MITM attack against WPA2-Enterprise?

2010-07-25 Thread Perry E. Metzger
On Sat, 24 Jul 2010 20:38:07 -0400 Steven Bellovin
s...@cs.columbia.edu wrote:
 There is a claim of a flaw in WPA2-Enterprise -- see

Not quite a MITM attack. It is quite clever, though as with most such
things, it seems in retrospect to be obvious. If only we always had
hindsight. Quoting from another article:

   The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) derivative on which WPA2 is
   based has not been cracked and no brute force is required to
   exploit the vulnerability, Ahmad says. Rather, a stipulation in
   the standard that allows all clients to receive broadcast traffic
   from an access point (AP) using a common shared key creates the
   vulnerability when an authorized user uses the common key in
   reverse and sends spoofed packets encrypted using the shared group


All in all, this looks bad for anyone depending on WPA2 for high

Perry E. Metzgerpe...@piermont.com

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Re: MITM attack against WPA2-Enterprise?

2010-07-25 Thread Chris Palmer
Perry E. Metzger writes:

 All in all, this looks bad for anyone depending on WPA2 for high security.

Luckily, that describes nobody, right?


I used to think that non-end-to-end security mechanisms were wastefully
pointless, but adorably harmless. However, in my experience people keep
using link-layer garbage (and network-layer trash, and support protocol
junk) as a way to put off the hard work of real (i.e. E2E) security.
Non-E2E stuff hurts usability, availability, and security (by creating a
false sense).

Of course, we E2E fans have to get our usable security ducks in a row first.

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Re: MITM attack against WPA2-Enterprise?

2010-07-25 Thread Donald Eastlake
It's always possible to make protocols more secure at higher cost. Should
802.11i have required one-time pads to be couriered to all mobile stations
involved? Probably not, since it would kind of negate some of the benefits
of Wi-Fi. For group keys, should it have added another layer of security
where, say, a public was transmitted by the AP to each station using
pairwise security and the AP signed and all stations verified every
multicast/broadcast frame? Possible, but public key cryptography is a pretty
big burden if you are, for example, streaming video to multiple stations
using multicast. Seems like it would need significant hardware support.

Anyway, if these people have found some clever way to use the fact that the
group key is a shared secret key, that might be interesting. I don't see how
it is clever or particularly interesting that they are able to read the
standards document and understand one of the deliberate engineering
compromises in 802.11i. (Actually, there 802 standards documents can be
somewhat arcane... Maybe you do have to be clever to be able to understand
them... :-)

If you don't like Wi-Fi security, then also use IPSec or something for all
the data you send through it.


On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 6:08 PM, Perry E. Metzger pe...@piermont.comwrote:

 On Sat, 24 Jul 2010 20:38:07 -0400 Steven Bellovin
 s...@cs.columbia.edu wrote:
  There is a claim of a flaw in WPA2-Enterprise -- see

 Not quite a MITM attack. It is quite clever, though as with most such
 things, it seems in retrospect to be obvious. If only we always had
 hindsight. Quoting from another article:

   The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) derivative on which WPA2 is
   based has not been cracked and no brute force is required to
   exploit the vulnerability, Ahmad says. Rather, a stipulation in
   the standard that allows all clients to receive broadcast traffic
   from an access point (AP) using a common shared key creates the
   vulnerability when an authorized user uses the common key in
   reverse and sends spoofed packets encrypted using the shared group


 All in all, this looks bad for anyone depending on WPA2 for high

 Perry E. Metzgerpe...@piermont.com

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Re: A mighty fortress is our PKI

2010-07-25 Thread Paul Tiemann
Hi Peter,

I like your humorous subject line.  After reading your email, I thought of my 
own humorous twist on a phrase from the same tradition:

Doth our crypto community judge any CA, before it hear him, and know what he 

 Readers are cordially invited to go to https://edgecastcdn.net and have a look
 at the subjectAltName extension in the certificate that it presents.  An
 extract is shown at the end of this message, this is just one example of many
 like it.  I'm not picking on Edgecast specifically, I just used this one
 because it's the most Sybilly certificate I've ever seen.

I challenge your Sybil characterization.  Wikipedia's definition:

   The Sybil attack in computer security is an attack wherein a reputation 
system is subverted by forging identities in peer-to-peer networks.  It is 
named after the subject of the book Sybil, a case study of a woman with 
multiple personality disorder.
   A Sybil attack is one in which an attacker subverts the reputation 
system of a peer-to-peer network by creating a large number of pseudonymous 
entities, using them to gain a disproportionately large influence...

In this context (SSL cert with many SAN entries for hosted CDN clients) I see 
these differences:

a) Identities are not being forged.  Each FQDN in the certificate is 
specifically authorized by the entity owning the domain in question.
b) The entities are *not* pseudonymous -- nobody is using sound-alike or 
look-alike domain names in there.
c) There is no attempt to gain large influence.  Just to serve content over 

The only part that seems to fit is that this kind of certificate presents 
multiple personalities, however there is no intention  to fool end-users.

 You'll find that
 this one Sybil certificate, among its hundred-and-seven hostnames, includes
 everything from Mozilla, Experian, the French postal service, TRUSTe, and the
 Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), through to
 Chainlove, Bonktown, and Dickies Girl (which aren't nearly as titillating as
 they sound, and QuiteSFW).

Since this is a certificate we (DigiCert) have issued, I'm trying to understand 
if there is a vulnerability here that's more apparent to others than to me, or 
if we're looking at something that is more an issue of taste.  If there is a 
vulnerability, I hope to understand its precise nature first, instead of taking 
a shoot first, ask questions later approach.

The bulk of the FQDNs included in the certificate are for subdomains like 
media., www-cdn., static., and the like.  Apply a different test: Is it bad for 
various organizations to use the same CDN for services over http?  Is it bad 
for all those different FQDNs to CNAME to the same DNS entry and point to the 
same IP address?  Is it bad for a CDN to host multiple individual SSL 
certificates for its customers on the same set of hardware?   If not, then what 
is so abhorrent about their various FQDNs being included in a single SSL 
certificate?  If it is considered safe to pass HTTP through your CDN, and it is 
considered safe to pass your HTTPS through a unique SSL certificate on your 
CDN, why does it cross the line when you put more than one FQDN into one 

 Still, who needs to compromise a CA when you have
 these things floating around on multihomed hosts and CDNs.

If you have 100 SSL sites to host, and they're going to live on a shared 
platform, is it safer to use an individual certificate for each site?  If a 
hacker were to compromise your servers and have root access to your filesystem, 
would individual certificates present a hurdle versus a single certificate with 
100 SAN entries?  (Side note: It is a fair amount easier to manage the whole 
list in one certificate, and if needed to revoke one certificate in the event 
of a compromise than to hunt down and revoke all affected serials of individual 

Considering the vulnerability landscape, is it safe to assume that there will 
be more opportunities for exploiting vulnerabilities in web applications and 
3rd party packages at the origin level where the actual web application code is 
executed than at the CDN level where no PHP/ASP/Java/etc is allowed to run?  
There is a security maxim that says Complexity is the enemy of security.  If 
you turn that around, into Simplicity is the friend of security, can it be 
argued that a CDN will generally be less likely to contain things like file 
disclosure vulnerabilities simply by virtue of running less application code?

Considering the business incentives landscape, is it safe to assume a strong 
incentive for a CDN running all those sites to be vigilant about their own 
server security?  Are there any inherently skewed incentives that I'm just not 
seeing which would lead a CDN to be negligent in its management of its network 
security and the SSL certificates it manages?

I've spoken with my contacts at Edgecast, and they expressed that they're very 
willing to 

Re: MITM attack against WPA2-Enterprise?

2010-07-25 Thread Perry E. Metzger
On Sun, 25 Jul 2010 18:48:56 -0400 Donald Eastlake d3e...@gmail.com
 It's always possible to make protocols more secure at higher cost.
 Should 802.11i have required one-time pads to be couriered to all
 mobile stations involved? Probably not, since it would kind of
 negate some of the benefits of Wi-Fi. For group keys, should it
 have added another layer of security where, say, a public was
 transmitted by the AP to each station using pairwise security and
 the AP signed and all stations verified every multicast/broadcast
 frame? Possible, but public key cryptography is a pretty big burden
 if you are, for example, streaming video to multiple stations using
 multicast. Seems like it would need significant hardware support.

I think the fact that the protocol appears to allow people to
impersonate the base station, order clients to use new keys, and then
man in the middle all subsequent communications with little effort
makes the per-endpoint keying largely moot. This does not seem like a
minor defect.

There is no need to use public key crypto to solve this, of course. A
Needham-Schroeder protocol would seem to be sufficient, and would not
require public key.

 Anyway, if these people have found some clever way to use the fact
 that the group key is a shared secret key, that might be
 interesting. I don't see how it is clever or particularly
 interesting that they are able to read the standards document and
 understand one of the deliberate engineering compromises in

I don't know, if it is truly only a ten line change to a common WPA2
driver to read, intercept and alter practically any traffic on the
network even in enterprise mode, that would seem like a serious issue
to me. Setting up the enterprise mode stuff to work is a lot of time
and effort. If it provides essentially no security over WPA2 in shared
key mode, one wonders what the point of doing that work is. This
doesn't seem like a mere engineering compromise.

Perry E. Metzgerpe...@piermont.com

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